芊妤:百萬負債婚姻低谷,108公里徒步讓我轉念【完整版上】Qianyu: Millions of debts and marriage trough...

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • 芊妤,一位益陽的徒步從業者。 面對百萬負債和情感低谷,她毅然決定凈身出戶,實現經濟獨立。 偶然的機會她接觸到徒步,108公里的戈壁徒步讓她轉念。 她和敦煌這座城市一樣堅毅、勇敢、樸實。 在這片土地上,她見證了數不清的故事,影響更多的人來徒步,讓他們也熱愛上走路這件事。 現在的她,提到敦煌和徒步,眼睛里總閃著光,她說:“人生就是不斷在做選擇,不管是否願意,都要為自己每個選擇買單”。
    Qianyu is a hiking practitioner in Yiyang. Faced with millions of debts and emotional troughs, she resolutely decided to leave her home and achieve financial independence. By chance, she came into contact with hiking, and the 108-kilometer Gobi trek made her change her mind. She is as resolute, brave and simple as the city of Dunhuang. In this land, she has witnessed countless stories that have influenced more people to come to hiking and make them love walking. Now, when she mentions Dunhuang and hiking, her eyes always shine, she said: "Life is constantly making choices, whether you want to or not, you have to pay for every choice you make."
    "Dilemmas and Solutions" series
    The 737th respondent, Qianyu, is a hiking practitioner

Комментарии • 17