Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - The Recitation of the Quran

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2018
  • Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri
    The Recitation of the Quran
    Saturday 27th January 2018
    Peterborough, UK

Комментарии • 31

  • @gezimgezim2387
    @gezimgezim2387 3 года назад +3

    Allahu te shperbleft per zerin kaq te bukur qe po reciton Kuranin famlart.EBU BEKER El SHATRI.Selam.alejkum nga Kosova

  • @hawadilloo5387
    @hawadilloo5387 2 года назад +2

    Masaallah depuis 15 ans je a pris le couran avec vous Allah vous reconprence tous votres famille. Douñia est arirat

  • @abusamer4819
    @abusamer4819 6 лет назад +5

    اللهُمّ إحْفَظهُ أَيْنَما حَلَّ وَارتَحل

  • @ahmedaltahan4461
    @ahmedaltahan4461 4 года назад +2

    شفاك الله يا شيخ شيخ ابو بكر

  • @ayoubayoub7968
    @ayoubayoub7968 4 года назад +5

    تلاوه رائعه.جزاك الله خيرا

  • @alassanesogodogo6798
    @alassanesogodogo6798 4 года назад +7

    Al-Shatri vous avez don d'Allah . ta voix fait pleuré

  • @ahmedzakaria7179
    @ahmedzakaria7179 3 года назад +3

    بسم الله ماشاء الله

  • @mouhamadoujallow9965
    @mouhamadoujallow9965 4 года назад +4

    Super voice

  • @dennyden8466
    @dennyden8466 4 года назад +3


  • @syedkaiser
    @syedkaiser 5 лет назад +6

    Surah Qaf (The Letter Qaf) Verses 16-45
    50.16 We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. Wa Laqad Khalaqnā Al-'Insāna Wa Na`lamu Mā Tuwaswisu Bihi Nafsuhu Wa Naĥnu 'Aqrabu 'Ilayhi Min Ĥabli Al-Warīdi
    50.17 When the two Receivers receive (him), seated on the right hand and on the left, 'Idh Yatalaqqá Al-Mutalaqqiyāni `Ani Al-Yamīni Wa `Ani Ash-Shimāli Qa`īdun
    50.18 He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready. Mā Yalfižu Min Qawlin 'Illā Ladayhi Raqībun `Atīdun
    50.19 And the agony of death cometh in truth. (And it is said unto him): This is that which thou wast wont to shun. Wa Jā'at Sakratu Al-Mawti Bil-Ĥaqqi Dhālika Mā Kunta Minhu Taĥīdu
    50.20 And the trumpet is blown. This is the threatened Day. Wa Nufikha Fī Aş-Şūri Dhālika Yawmu Al-Wa`īdi
    50.21 And every soul cometh, along with it a driver and a witness. Wa Jā'at Kullu Nafsin Ma`ahā Sā'iqun Wa Shahīdun
    50.22 (And unto the evil-doer it is said): Thou wast in heedlessness of this. Now We have removed from thee thy covering, and piercing is thy sight this day. Laqad Kunta Fī Ghaflatin Min Hādhā Fakashafnā `Anka Ghiţā'aka Fabaşaruka Al-Yawma Ĥadīdun
    50.23 And (unto the evil-doer) his comrade saith: This is that which I have ready (as testimony). Wa Qāla Qarīnuhu Hādhā Mā Ladayya `Atīdun
    50.24 (And it is said): Do ye twain hurl to hell each rebel ingrate, 'Alqiyā Fī Jahannama Kulla Kaffārin `Anīdin
    50.25 Hinderer of good, transgressor, doubter, Mannā`in Lilkhayri Mu`tadin Murībin
    50.26 Who setteth up another god along with Allah. Do ye twain hurl him to the dreadful doom. Al-Ladhī Ja`ala Ma`a Allāhi 'Ilahāan 'Ākhara Fa'alqiyāhu Fī Al-`Adhābi Ash-Shadīdi
    50.27 His comrade saith: Our Lord! I did not cause him to rebel, but he was (himself) far gone in
    error. Qāla Qarīnuhu Rabbanā Mā 'Aţghaytuhu Wa Lakin Kāna Fī Đalālin Ba`īdin
    50.28 He saith: Contend not in My presence, when I had already proffered unto you the warning. Qāla Lā Takhtaşimū Ladayya Wa Qad Qaddamtu 'Ilaykum Bil-Wa`īdi
    50.29 The sentence that cometh from Me cannot be changed, and I am in no wise a tyrant unto the slaves.
    Mā Yubaddalu Al-Qawlu Ladayya Wa Mā 'Anā Bižallāmin Lil`abīdi
    50.30 On the day when We say unto hell: Art thou filled? and it saith: Can there be more to come? Yawma Naqūlu Lijahannama Hal Amtala'ti Wa Taqūlu Hal Min Mazīdin
    50.31 And the Garden is brought nigh for those who kept from evil, no longer distant. Wa 'Uzlifati Al-Jannatu
    Lilmuttaqīna Ghayra Ba`īdin
    50.32 (And it is said): This is that which ye were promised. (It is) for every penitent and heedful one,
    Hādhā Mā Tū`adūna Likulli 'Awwābin Ĥafīžin
    50.33 Who feareth the Beneficent in secret and cometh with a contrite heart. Man Khashiya
    Ar-Raĥmana Bil-Ghaybi Wa Jā'a Biqalbin Munībin
    50.34 Enter it in peace. This is the day of immortality. Adkhulūhā Bisalāmin Dhālika Yawmu Al-Khulūdi
    50.35 There they have all that they desire, and there is more with Us. Lahum Mā Yashā'ūna Fīhā Wa Ladaynā Mazīdun
    50.36 And how many a generation We destroyed before them, who were mightier than these in prowess so that they overran the lands! Had they any place of refuge (when the judgment came)? Wa Kam 'Ahlaknā Qablahum Min Qarnin Hum 'Ashaddu Minhum Baţshāan Fanaqqabū Fī Al-Bilādi Hal Min Maĥīşin
    50.37 Lo! therein verily is a reminder for him who hath a heart, or giveth ear with full intelligence. 'Inna Fī Dhālika Ladhikrá
    Liman Kāna Lahu Qalbun 'Aw 'Alqá As-Sam`a Wa Huwa Shahīdun
    50.38 And verily We created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six Days, and naught of weariness touched Us. Wa Laqad Khalaqnā As-Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđa Wa Mā Baynahumā Fī Sittati 'Ayyāmin Wa Mā Massanā Min Lughūbin
    50.39 Therefor (O Muhammad) bear with what they say, and hymn the praise of thy Lord before the rising and before the setting of the sun; Fāşbir `Alá Mā Yaqūlūna Wa Sabbiĥ Biĥamdi Rabbika Qabla Ţulū`i Ash-Shamsi Wa Qabla Al-Ghurūbi
    50.40 And in the night-time hymn His praise, and after the (prescribed) prostrations. Wa Mina Al-Layli Fasabbiĥhu Wa 'Adbāra As-Sujūdi
    50.41 And listen on the day when the crier crieth from a near place, Wa Astami` Yawma Yunādi Al-Munādi Min Makānin Qarībin
    50.42 The day when they will hear the (Awful) Cry in truth. That is the day of coming forth (from the graves). Yawma Yasma`ūna Aş-Şayĥata Bil-Ĥaqqi Dhālika Yawmu Al-Khurūji
    50.43 Lo! We it is Who quicken and give death, and unto Us is the journeying. 'Innā Naĥnu Nuĥyī Wa Numītu Wa 'Ilaynā Al-Maşīru
    50.44 On the day when the earth splitteth asunder from them, hastening forth (they come). That is a gathering easy for Us (to make). Yawma Tashaqqaqu Al-'Arđu `Anhum Sirā`āan Dhālika Ĥashrun `Alaynā Yasīrun
    50.45 We are Best Aware of what they say, and thou (O Muhammad) art in no wise a compeller over them. But warn by the Qur´an him who feareth My threat. Naĥnu 'A`lamu Bimā Yaqūlūna Wa Mā 'Anta `Alayhim Bijabbārin Fadhakkir Bil-Qur'āni Man Yakhāfu Wa`īdi
    Surah Al-'Asr (Time)From 8:35
    103.1 By the declining day, Wa Al-`Aşri
    103.2 Lo! man is a state of loss, 'Inna Al-'Insāna Lafī Khusrin
    103.3 Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance. 'Illā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Wa Tawāşaw Bil-Ĥaqqi Wa Tawāşaw Biş-Şabri

    • @lh8474
      @lh8474 2 года назад

      Jazakullah khair

    • @syedkaiser
      @syedkaiser 2 года назад

      @@lh8474 "Wa iyyakum"

  • @abubacarrcamara4018
    @abubacarrcamara4018 2 года назад

    Heart touching 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @imrantaraz
    @imrantaraz 4 года назад +4

    ما شاء الله ما شاء الله😇🙏👼

  • @medangsolution9300
    @medangsolution9300 3 года назад +2

    MashaAllah very nice tone n recitation. May Allah give u a good health always succes.

  • @cr7bigband687
    @cr7bigband687 3 года назад +2

    Masha allah

  • @tawficklarry5606
    @tawficklarry5606 5 лет назад +4

    ماشاء ألله

  • @halmionsity3587
    @halmionsity3587 6 лет назад +6


  • @kasadhaismael2367
    @kasadhaismael2367 4 года назад +2

    Allahamudullah iasialla Allah mithiri haaza

  • @nusulanamatovu2220
    @nusulanamatovu2220 4 года назад +2

    Wallah l love the voice.

  • @mewichigo279
    @mewichigo279 4 года назад +2

    I love his voice

  • @IbraOm
    @IbraOm 4 года назад +2

    LGalb ❤️🌺💚🌹

  • @azireternis7572
    @azireternis7572 5 лет назад +3

    ما شاء الله. صوته جميل...

  • @moussacamara9206
    @moussacamara9206 5 лет назад +5

    Allahou akbar

    • @babagambo7095
      @babagambo7095 5 лет назад +1

      I want to be like u abubakar alshatri insha allah

  • @khaledmohammed3029
    @khaledmohammed3029 4 года назад +2


  • @esraakpnar2222
    @esraakpnar2222 4 года назад +2


  • @mbarakadadi5206
    @mbarakadadi5206 4 года назад +3

    مس ءللة

  • @hagenimanaabdul-aziz6574
    @hagenimanaabdul-aziz6574 6 лет назад +10

    mashallah wich ayats (verses) are those ?