
  • Опубликовано: 15 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @rollenbo15
    @rollenbo15 15 лет назад

    i like them :D greetings from Turkey

  • @marina6y
    @marina6y 15 лет назад

    We all love this music, we have a common heritage.
    Let us focus on that, love of life and music and dancing.
    Let us enjoy the things we can share, and stop fighting over WHO invented what.
    Most important part is to teach it to new generations to PRESERVE our culture ;-)ans heritage.
    Greeks, Turks, Kurds..We all prefer it in our own language.thats ok.Let us all enjoy it our own way.
    I prefer it in GREEK.PYRGIOTISA!!!!
    GIA SAS MANGES! Gia sas gomenares!!
    Filakia apo Norvigia..

  • @goodkady
    @goodkady 17 лет назад

    Zeybek is the dance of Dionysus. He is also called Bacchus, son of Zeus. Thus, Zeybek. (The use of "ypsilon" instead of "u" in Turkish is correct.) Dionysius was the god of wine and was famous for this drunken dance. One of the main centers of the Dionysus cult is Ephesus (Efes). There the men (Turks and others) still traditionally dance the Zeybek with a wreath of flowers in their hair. (Go to the museum in Izmir to see nice photo showing this.) The Zeybekiko is a very ancient dance indeed.

    @PONTIAZOZA 15 лет назад

    Zeympekikos , dance for god Zey Dias.
    In Vyzantine Empire we shared a lot of things !

  • @goodkady
    @goodkady 16 лет назад

    I give you one thumbs up. (kai ksereis ti mporeis na kaneis m'auto... xe xe.

  • @tuxedomoon
    @tuxedomoon 14 лет назад

    Zeybeks was a warrior tribe that include turks and Greeks as well, of course Turkish people like to tell only the half truth ,even greek zeybeks fought agains turks in 1922 and that is documented ,if we think the fact that these dances were existed before 1453 then byzantine greek roots are more close to the greek origin og this dance

  • @psyber84
    @psyber84 13 лет назад

    @tsaggarucci Μάγκα μου πολύ όμορφη η πληροφορία σχετικά με τις ρίζες του χορού αυτού. Ομολογώ ότι δεν το ήξερα. απλά να επισημάνω ότι στην περιγραφή γράφει στα τούρκικα τη φράση:'Ελληνικός χορός, Ζειμπέκικο". Αυτός που πόσταρε το video δεν δείχνει να έχει διαθεση να οικιοποιηθεί το χορό.

  • @oemroe
    @oemroe 16 лет назад

    and in greece we had no!!

  • @Carla72583
    @Carla72583 16 лет назад

    turkiskgirl, Arkadash,
    The zeybeks have no connexions with Zeimpekikos (Zeibekykos)!

  • @zaferkocoglu
    @zaferkocoglu 15 лет назад

    this dance likes srtake,greek traditional folk dance.not the same as zeybek

  • @mehmetlok
    @mehmetlok 10 лет назад

    like our zeybek :)

  • @izmirden1
    @izmirden1 16 лет назад

    zuhahahaha this is zeybek zuhahahaha palyachoss come look turkish zeybek dance harmandalı..........efemmmmmmmmmm

  • @Carla72583
    @Carla72583 16 лет назад

    The greek culture is ancient, like the mesopotamian, egiptian, roman, etc. culture! If the turkish people has been inspired from that cultures, is OK, but in no way the greeks are beiing inspired by turkish!

  • @Carla72583
    @Carla72583 16 лет назад

    Merhaba Arkadash,
    Let put the things in another points: Ottoman Empire (12991923) had stoled from another people a lot of things (without culture)! Anyway the Turkey's people in Constanta Romania is good tolerated and we don't have problems with them (now). 10 years ago the turkish people were criminals, pick-pockets, etc, now they are ok!

  • @Carla72583
    @Carla72583 16 лет назад

    Merhaba Kalimeraba,
    Actually, Ottoman Empire, stoled like every Empire, that's clear! We are not judging the actual Turkey, you are a people like everyone and you've been lucky that Kemal Ataturk had throw you up from the hole!

  • @Turqashgai
    @Turqashgai 14 лет назад

    Since when zeybek is grek ?
    Zeybek is from turkish-central-asian-oguzturk origin.
    Why do you always try to steal turkish culture ? Or what is your aim.

  • @Delyriumbandau
    @Delyriumbandau 14 лет назад

    look im greek and im pretty shore the f'n zembekiko is greek not f'n turkish
    any way how bout the greeks and turks stop fighting on the net im getting sick of it

  • @tuxedomoon
    @tuxedomoon 14 лет назад

    Zeybeks was a warrior tribe that include turks and Greeks as well, of course Turkish people like to tell only the half truth ,even greek zeybeks fought agains turks in 1922 and that is documented ,if we think the fact that these dances were existed before 1453 then byzantine greek roots are more close to the greek origin og this dance