It's because the program accessed a memory address that has unexpected data because of the hack/glitch, and it doesn't have instruction of what to do next and ends up generating a mess.
This is very interesting, if you can play as enemies and bosses, then most likely you can do the opposite, so that the computer controls the game characters. But whether the computer can control them, because AI was not done for them.
I went farther with this & can use them perfectly fine once I mapped out controls, & used the right data. I can do this with any game, control AI if I want to, spawn in as them, not just 1V1 fighters. Also not sure where you got that they're objects from ehhhh, that unfortunately isn't the right answer. Judging by your videos it seems you mainly stick to just 1V1 fighting games which are the easiest to do granted character swapping isn't easy at all really regardless the game. But compared to other game genres like RPGS & those with only one playable character this is a cake walk. Least to me. Still interesting & cool videos though. I'm watching them all again.
3:33 Theyyy'rrre Heeeeeere.
Quite the collection of footage. May is in another time zone.
3:34 I always wonder what causes games to freak out so... aggressively.
It's because the program accessed a memory address that has unexpected data because of the hack/glitch, and it doesn't have instruction of what to do next and ends up generating a mess.
You should try out Streets of Rage 2 - Syndicate Wars. It's a Rom Hack that lets you play as every enemy and boss characters.
Thanks, I'm already aware of this version. Might go back and revisit one day...видео.html
This is very interesting, if you can play as enemies and bosses, then most likely you can do the opposite, so that the computer controls the game characters. But whether the computer can control them, because AI was not done for them.
How did you edit?
Isso é racker né?
They should be fighting too no losing
I went farther with this & can use them perfectly fine once I mapped out controls, & used the right data. I can do this with any game, control AI if I want to, spawn in as them, not just 1V1 fighters. Also not sure where you got that they're objects from ehhhh, that unfortunately isn't the right answer. Judging by your videos it seems you mainly stick to just 1V1 fighting games which are the easiest to do granted character swapping isn't easy at all really regardless the game. But compared to other game genres like RPGS & those with only one playable character this is a cake walk. Least to me. Still interesting & cool videos though. I'm watching them all again.
Excelente hack brother,dónde puedo descargar este hack
Alguien hizo el hack final fight 3видео.html
Hey, I often play Dean, what's your favorite FF3 character?
Sup, I like ┐|«↨├×■•▒ the most