Teacher: "...And remember kids, there's no such thing as a stupid question!" Me: *raises hand* Teacher: "Yes?" Me: "Uhm yeah sooo what's Obama's last name? When is the Fourth of July?"
I once got in trouble by a teacher because I was late. And you want to know why I was late! Because My other teacher wouldn’t let me leave the classroom because someone didn’t put THEIR ONE computer away! I then proceeded to explain kindly while I was late, and he told me that I should tell the other teacher that HIS class was more important and I need to be there on time!
Honestly, the more annoying part is that the guy made EVERYONE stay in just because ONE GUY wasn't putting computer away! It's not rest of the class' fault!!
@@selobee4831 Probably because they don't get on. I remember one of my favourite school teachers telling my mum at a parents evening when she mentioned how tough the job must be if kids don't want to learn - "Oh, no. The kids are fine. It's other teachers who usually prove to be the nightmare". In my adult life, being friends with a secondary school teacher, he echoes the same sentiment that the teaching the kids part is great, it's the stupid internal politics that can be hard to deal with.
I agree, some teachers are a bit of a hypocrite, my school has such a tight schedule and the students have 2 minutes till they are counted late but some teachers come in at 9:00am when they are suppose to be in class at 8:40. It's ridiculous and then they tell you the bs about how the bell doesn't dismiss he or she does. Guess what, the next time they come in early and we come in late, we get blamed? BS right there some BS I tell you. Anyways, I agree with you guys.
I love essays, but exams are super stressful and a really bad representation of students' real knowledge, as shown by statistics. I mean, I don't HATE them, but I just don't think they're helpful 😂
"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Sorry, but the bell kind of does. I have other classes to go to that are just as important, and probably more important, as the one you're teaching.
"Just ignore them - they'll soon get bored with it." They won't. They'll just keep doing it! "You can be anything you want to be if you just put your mind to it." You can't. You've just got to be prepared to do whatever job you can get because no one wants to give you a job unless you've got experience! How are you supposed to get experience in the first place?
In my scholl the teachers just tell us "Just hang on to it until your ICFES or else you'll have to catch up on 2 to 4 years of material in less tan 5 months"
I don't mind exams, they're easy to prepare for, and definitely easier that writing essays or (shudder) doing projects. I don't love exams or look forward to them, I just don't hate them as much as most people do.
Like when your teacher says, "If you have any questions, ask me RIGHT NOW. I would rather you ask a question than do it wrong." So you think, "I know she said this already, but I'll ask just to make sure." So you ask the stupid question, and she gets all mad at you. It's so confusing.
Gracie Martin yepppp I hate when they do that. You wanna get it down so it's not uncorked but it's not easy for all of us. And they expect you to remember math and concepts and vocabulary from years ago! Like how can you ever remember any of that stuff.
Things that you need to know b4 leaving school, when searching for a job. 1 - You need two professional references for job applications, Including a good cover letter. 2 - Read the job description carefully + Have an up to date CV, plus be ready to tailor it to the applications that your trying for. 3 - Try to get some experience & prepare to back it up with examples/solution to how you've solved the situation from that example. 4 - Be prepared to known how to fill in important forms, including confusing ones especially any application forms. 5 - Pay attention to what is being said, during an job interview + dress appropriately (it's self explanatory). Did I miss anything? 😮 If I did please add more under one condition, be polite about it. no arguments please. 📜
Babysitting counts as past experience! So does that short-lived stint at McDonalds! And a T-shirt and jeans are most likely not what an interviewee should wear!
1:47 your not alone Seamus. I agree. teachers saying that they don't have favourites is even funnier than this joke: Q: how did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker got for Christmas? A: he felt his presents 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg, I know right? That was every year in primary school for us.... Lol I am in my final year in highschool and my handwriting is still messy, unreadable and not cursive ahhaha
HUFFLEPUFF PRIDE I know we were told you have to write in cursive because you have to do that in secondary, less than half the people in my secondary class write in cursive
One time i took the entire class to take a test, and i took it VERY seriously. Unfortunately i only got a 29/100 and my teacher told me next time to take it more seriously....
i once had this teacher who everyone hated and she always kept on blabbing when lunch had long started and once she actually said "Come one, guys! It can't be lunch time all the time."
I am REALLY good at most lessons( sorry if im bragging) however when we do exams I get bad scores and they go to your grade which is sooooooo annoying when u are great in lessons but not in exams like if you think the same
Thats kinda funny. I sucked at regular school work but I'd get some of the highest scores in my state on exams. I knew the material, I just couldn't focus in a classroom setting or on homework.
Unicorn Jassy its just the pressure especially in maths like i know how to do it the equation but there is so many different rules and orders that its hard to remember what ti use for a certain question (i know im late in bing watching seamus’ old vids)
I am so happy for you. Honestly. For me, Math is horrible. I'm bad at it and my anxiety kicks like before every class. But that is probably bc of my scary teacher. Hope you don't have a subject, that is that horrrible to you. Btw. I just noticed your profile pic. Pumped for the second season? Dumb question, who isn't? Hope you make it out alive, Councilor Medarda
good example of a stupid question. A propper answer would be: Yes. But you can only play it on july 12th, in a zero-G inviroment, exactly 1mil miles away from atleast 4,5 shipping containers.
That question is a good question, yes, but its played in the town of Stupid, n the country of Questions, basically its in Stupid, Questions, your welcome XD
Stella Plays yes it is but you can only play it on June 90th and it's also illeagle in the US Canada Germany Iceland China Japan Asia and everywhere else. It's not illeagle in MU (actual lost country) And its played with a noodle
personally i do quite enjoy school, and I'm a freshman so i know the feeling of what most people call "stressful" and "boring". I however find it very enjoyable. i love to have my hand the first one up and i am probably the biggest teachers pet in existence. i just love to be the best and the brightest. I literally strive for perfect 24\7
Wow, this video read my mind. Like, what the hell am I supposed to do with knowledge of history, science, and math equations that I will never use for the rest of my life? I swear, the only class that teaches you something for the real world is language arts.
trash for mystic messenger History is useful, casual math skills are good in a pinch, and science is fun. Language Arts teaches Shakespeare and how to handwrite personal narratives that you'll never need to do outside of school.
TheMightyHuntedKelvin History is, well, history. Why do I have to know what happened to the world when it's not important to the career I want to pursue? I mean, if you want to learn history and do something that involves it, by all means go do it. but it shouldn't be a requirement because not everyone needs it. Basic math is useful, yes, but what am I supposed to do with algebra? who really needs it to be a fuckin lawyer or something? mainly the experiments are fun in science, but everything else is utterly boring and useless. language arts teaches grammar and spelling, something typically needed in many careers.
Song of Storms mah youre gonna use. Not everything in math but u will use math. History u will need for specific jobs. Sciene you need for specific jobs, and ofcourse ELA is used everywhere.
Everyone in my class says I'm the Hermione Granger of Queensland because whenever I put my hand up it shoots straight up like Hermione's and I absolutely LOVE exams which makes me even more like Hermione. My life is great since I always either get A's or B's or something in between. 😂❤
When I was in school, I did enjoy going to school and even taking the tests. I actually got mad when I was forced to miss school even if I was sick. Yep. It was because I had great friends and teachers who were kind (all but one). In fact, I don't ever remember not liking school. I like to learn new things.
so... I started out as a homeschooled child and often was the one administering tests to myself if my parents were busy. In grade 11 I went to highschool, and despite people trying to convince me that I'd hate it I honestly really enjoyed it. I tutored in almost every subject for each grade in highschool, and I actually really enjoyed assignments and learning everything. I admit, tests and exams have always stressed me out, but the best ones I really enjoyed. University has been another story entirely, although I probably enjoy it more than the average person.
I got 100% on all 3 of my exams as a freshman, and I was taking accelerated courses-Geometry, Acc. World History, and Acc. English to be specific. Exams week was my favorite week because only 3/8 of my teachers had exams, so I played on my phone and did some gentle studying for 2 days with no homework and a backpack filled with snacks.
School is supposed to prepare you to be a intellectually constructive member of society, not for a job. You work to live, not the opposite, and knowledge makes living much more enjoyable.
Teacher:"try your best I won't be mad if you get it wrong" Also my teacher after the quiz:"HOW DID TOU GET THAT WRONG THE ANSWER WAS RIGHT THERE!" Me:.. I tried tho :(
My Latin teacher does not care if you do awfully. He only cares that you do your best and he doesn't tell you off about it. He only gets really angry when you cheat to which he puts you in a Friday detention.
You remind me of my friend Sam at school. He is always super happy, super fun, and super hyped for anything! He is always willing to give everything a try.
That school isn't a jail. 1. Your locked inside all day. 2. You have to learn new stuff, or re-do what you did wrong. 3. Your not aloud to leave 4. ((SOME)) Schools have to wear the same stuff as everyone else. 5. IT JUST STINKS IN GENERAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :3
Actually, many things you think are useless are very useful. I'm writing a book, and I needed to use lots of physics stuff I never thought I would, so I could accurately create weapons and vehicles for my constructed culture. I never thought I'd have to think about kinetic energy while writing a book, but that's exactly what I did!
True, but if you get an average job, like a police officer, or doctor, or cook, or something of that sort, do you really need to know what the square route of the the cube route of __ is?
+R21ambro If you are a doctor, knowledge of math will help you a lot. You will want to be able to graph functions height vs age, if you are a paediatrician, for example. You will want to understand a bijective function between weight and the adequate dosage of a certain drug. And you will certainly use math for lots of things. Even if you wouldn't use math for virtually anything, math will help you. Not by making a task easier, but by changing the way you see the world. Math is about a perfect world that resembles this one, and it's only through math that we get to see a glimpse of this perfect world. Physics is just applied mathematics, chemistry is just applied physics, biology is just a special case of chemistry, and a branch of biology is psychology.
You really are so relatable!! I hate that parent rant so much!! All I do is work, so how is it the "best years of my life"? How?! And it's so true, we will never need it! Especially 90% of math!! I had NO IDEA that school was really like that in Britain too! (I live in the US)
we learn things here, well not me :P But my friend told me he had no clue what square routes were XD And yes, they should teach us more useful things, like mortgage, taxes, simple First Aid, and so much more, i could rant on this for hours, actua;;y, imma go do that XD
Dear Seamus. I'm a teacher. While you did make some good points in your video, you are wrong about many aspects of being a teacher. 1st thing: handwriting. You are actually 100% right about it being ineffiicient and inconvenient. However, cheaters often skip even the "so that the teacher doesn't know" steps in copying the essay assignments off the internet. When we force you to write by hand, we know at least that you read it and re-wrote it, even if the text wasn't yours originally. 2nd thing: "You should know this". Dude, we know very well that most students don't revise before their lessons (we were once your age). We don't consider this to be anything particularly bad. We say things like that because it's our desperate attempt to scare you into revising so that you become more attentive students and therefore people with more prospects in the future. After all we do this for you. We don't earn that much, you know... You are our future. 3rd thing: the bathroom. There are some students who take advantage of the "bathroom excuse" to get a few minutes break off the lesson. Because of them we can't allow everyone to go the bathroom whenever they want because eventually we would wind up with the whole class in the bathroom. Of course there are those teachers who don't allow anyone ever to go there. There's no excuse for that. They are just assholes. We aren't all perfect.
I had bad times in 5th grade because my teacher yelled at me for getting answers wrong and when I don't do my homework, she's like "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS WORK!"
Hated school, and exams and I never did my homework. I like learning, but hated the whole school experience (apart from hanging out with my friends in the library at break time and lunch time, it also meant I avoided the arseholes who bullied me.) Good things from my school years, discovering Harry Potter, Evanescence and the Goth subculture, bad things, being bullied, ending up severely depressed, and giving up on school. I've lost touch with most of my school friends as I've got older. (I left school over a decade ago now.)
One thing I really hate about schools, is that when someone in the class is causing disruption or making trouble, the teacher, instead of dealing with the kid that's actually CAUSING the problem, instead just punishes the whole class! Why do they do that? What's wrong with just punishing the one that's making trouble? Why should everyone suffer the consequences?
Yes teachers say “Oh, there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to ask ANYTHING!!!!” But then someone asks a simple question about the topic that they don’t understand and the teacher looks at u like “Thats a stupid question”
my AIG teacher, Mrs.Estrela had favorites. she made it clear and i was NOT one of them. she got mad at ME for only finishing 2/3 of my project (even though we had another week) and she said "oh that's fine take your time" when another girl hadnt even finished 1/3 of HER project.
When Seamus said the part where teachers say they don't have favorites I realized that I might be my Bio teachers favorite because I allways raise my hand!! I all so feel like Hermiony when I raise my hand in Bio because I am allways the only one who raise's my hand!!! 😐
I think the worst part about people bullying me (I don't have any) is that my parents would probably side with the bully. I told my parents about this kid who kept stealing my friends lunch, and then the kid who told on him got in trouble, so I went home and told my parents, and they said, "Maybe there's something wrong with him, or maybe your judging him to much. You're probably were just overreacting and the kid who told was lying." I'm looking at them so confused, but I know if I say something back, I'm just gonna get in trouble, so I say yes, but my brain is trying to understand how my EXTREMELY OVERPROTECTED MOTHER is saying to calm down and nothing is wrong EVEN THOUGH I JUST WITNESSED THESE KIDS GET ROBBED!
if the bell doesn't dismiss me, it doesn't decide when I get to class
Y E s
Teacher: "...And remember kids, there's no such thing as a stupid question!"
Me: *raises hand*
Teacher: "Yes?"
Me: "Uhm yeah sooo what's Obama's last name? When is the Fourth of July?"
It's not meant to be taken literally. It's a mindset so you don't end up being an ass hole.
@@ebthenerd6191 thats the joke
Cynthia Ditchfield the joke is making fun of the "there are no stupid questions" mentality. I didn't misunderstand it.
whos the president of ireland? (my teacher would kill me if i asked that)
I once got in trouble by a teacher because I was late. And you want to know why I was late! Because My other teacher wouldn’t let me leave the classroom because someone didn’t put THEIR ONE computer away! I then proceeded to explain kindly while I was late, and he told me that I should tell the other teacher that HIS class was more important and I need to be there on time!
Isabella Romero Ugh I used to HATE that about teachers! Like, can y'all get together and get on the same page so no one gets in trouble anymore?! Lmho
Honestly, the more annoying part is that the guy made EVERYONE stay in just because ONE GUY wasn't putting computer away! It's not rest of the class' fault!!
Isabella Romero ok thats rough body (who got that reference)
@@gachaworkshop7113 *class's
@@selobee4831 Probably because they don't get on. I remember one of my favourite school teachers telling my mum at a parents evening when she mentioned how tough the job must be if kids don't want to learn - "Oh, no. The kids are fine. It's other teachers who usually prove to be the nightmare".
In my adult life, being friends with a secondary school teacher, he echoes the same sentiment that the teaching the kids part is great, it's the stupid internal politics that can be hard to deal with.
Seamus 2016: Ranting about school
Seamus 2020: Making fun of the Disney sequels
How far he’s come
Natalie Z maybe lol
@Natalie Z Wrong, you 2, me, and the 14 others who liked the comment
I liked the school videos better
🎶 Seamus Complains About the Title🎶
@@Bisdis_ yep lol
Who else stayed after he said everyone clicked off
I did
I sincerely hate when my teacher says "The bell doesn't dismissed you I do" then they get mad when we're late to their class 😒😝
I'm like what's the bell for then if it doesn't dismiss me
I agree, some teachers are a bit of a hypocrite, my school has such a tight schedule and the students have 2 minutes till they are counted late but some teachers come in at 9:00am when they are suppose to be in class at 8:40. It's ridiculous and then they tell you the bs about how the bell doesn't dismiss he or she does. Guess what, the next time they come in early and we come in late, we get blamed? BS right there some BS I tell you.
Anyways, I agree with you guys.
More people should be subbed he's funny
My teacher always tells me to stop dreaming about Hogwarts, cuz "it's not real"..,. That, my fellow potterheads, is a lie....
DarthBrickEmpire Hogwarts is real!❤
Your teacher is clearly a muggle...
Definite muggle there .
True harry potter is like everything to me please like if your a potter head like me and inthe replies please put your hogwarts house!
Your teacher is a squib who’s pissed they didn’t get to go to Hogwarts
The bell doesn't dismiss you I do.
Then whats the bell for????
Eray Mete Exactly
"It's so that I know when to dismiss you" But u still have to be there before the next bell....
one time some people got up when the lunch bell went off and they all had to wait to go to lunch
That's what I thought.
It gives you instant notifications whenever he posts!
I enjoy tests. My really bad competitive side makes me want to 'win' exams and tests, so I get rly pumped up
Omg, yes! The feeling when the same bitch who tried to make you look stupid gets worse score than you
Like me
I love essays, but exams are super stressful and a really bad representation of students' real knowledge, as shown by statistics. I mean, I don't HATE them, but I just don't think they're helpful 😂
"Who enjoys taking exams?"
If I was a teacher I'd be like "I don't have favourites. I hate all of you," XD
Ella Lightwøød-Høwlter LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Ella Lightwøød-Høwlter Your profile picture...
Ella Lightwøød-Høwlter those symbols
Ella Lightwøød-Høwlter your propic 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍
Ella Lightwøød-Høwlter that's why you are not a teacher because you spelled favorite wrong 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Sorry, but the bell kind of does. I have other classes to go to that are just as important, and probably more important, as the one you're teaching.
LostGirl1231 what's the freaking point of the bell? 😂😂😂
My school doesn't have bells so I don't have any other thing to listen to besides my teachers.
LostGirl1231 we don’t have a bell in our school... we just have to rely on our anxious classmates
I don't like taking school tests, but I love to learn new things!
I agree 😊
"Just ignore them - they'll soon get bored with it."
They won't. They'll just keep doing it!
"You can be anything you want to be if you just put your mind to it."
You can't. You've just got to be prepared to do whatever job you can get because no one wants to give you a job unless you've got experience! How are you supposed to get experience in the first place?
It’s been so long since I’ve seen this. Ah the good old days, before the dark times
When we ask the question of when we'll need this in real life, my maths teacher simply says
'Past your exams, you probably won't'
They sound like an awesome teacher.
In my scholl the teachers just tell us "Just hang on to it until your ICFES or else you'll have to catch up on 2 to 4 years of material in less tan 5 months"
I don't mind exams, they're easy to prepare for, and definitely easier that writing essays or (shudder) doing projects. I don't love exams or look forward to them, I just don't hate them as much as most people do.
Are you me?
Like when your teacher says, "If you have any questions, ask me RIGHT NOW. I would rather you ask a question than do it wrong." So you think, "I know she said this already, but I'll ask just to make sure." So you ask the stupid question, and she gets all mad at you. It's so confusing.
Gracie Martin yepppp I hate when they do that. You wanna get it down so it's not uncorked but it's not easy for all of us. And they expect you to remember math and concepts and vocabulary from years ago! Like how can you ever remember any of that stuff.
Yep. And I love your profile pick :) eleven is my favorite
Gracie Martin ooh thankyou. I edited the picture myself.
Teacher: the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!
Me: if the bell you tell me when I leave, it doesn't tell me when I get here.
I hate when teachers say "periods almost up, you can go when it finishes" and then there's 30 minutes left of the lesson.
omg youre here too. hows qUaRaNtInE going??
Emily Richter alright. Thought this vid was to old for someone to reply lol
@@victreebeloverlord1185 same lol. this was just randomly in my recommended?? like i watched it when it first came out and then just-
Things that you need to know b4 leaving school, when searching for a job.
1 - You need two professional references for job applications, Including a good cover letter.
2 - Read the job description carefully + Have an up to date CV, plus be ready to tailor it to the applications that your trying for.
3 - Try to get some experience & prepare to back it up with examples/solution to how you've solved the situation from that example.
4 - Be prepared to known how to fill in important forms, including confusing ones especially any application forms.
5 - Pay attention to what is being said, during an job interview + dress appropriately (it's self explanatory).
Did I miss anything? 😮
If I did please add more under one condition, be polite about it. no arguments please. 📜
Babysitting counts as past experience! So does that short-lived stint at McDonalds! And a T-shirt and jeans are most likely not what an interviewee should wear!
6. No one will give you a job anyway because you don't have experience!
1:47 your not alone Seamus. I agree. teachers saying that they don't have favourites is even funnier than this joke:
Q: how did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker got for Christmas?
A: he felt his presents
*you're - didn't they teach you that at school?
Inkyminkyzizwoz And we're here again. I applaud your grammar policing.
my favourite-. what is the difference between a teacher and a train, one says "spit out your gum" and the other says "chew chew"
"you will use cursive writing the rest of your life. every teacher you will have will make you write in cursive using pen" *never use cursive*
Omg, I know right? That was every year in primary school for us.... Lol I am in my final year in highschool and my handwriting is still messy, unreadable and not cursive ahhaha
HUFFLEPUFF PRIDE I know we were told you have to write in cursive because you have to do that in secondary, less than half the people in my secondary class write in cursive
And no one uses pens in school
I use cursive but teachers tell me not to. Now, this is getting frustrating!
My best friend actually writes in cursive and her English teacher took off points because of it (so she learn calligraphy because she’s petty)
I love your fake laugh, it's so hysterical.
One time i took the entire class to take a test, and i took it VERY seriously. Unfortunately i only got a 29/100 and my teacher told me next time to take it more seriously....
Lol. Well your teacher sucks.
"What is an apple made of?" Stupid Question Accomplished 😏
Molly Grace 04 in eating an apple
Every single time he says seriously I think of Siriusly! 😂
Lucía Ulate i see what you did there
Lucía Ulate im thats seriously funny.
Im dead sirius.
Lucía Ulate same
Oh stop stop its getting too "sirius" in here
Super Carlin Brothers
How are you reading the thoughts in my mind, Seamus are you psychic ??
Shhhhh it's a secret!!!
Seamus I agree its so a lie when teachers say you can wait to go to the bathroom some kids get a UTI from holding it.
I like exams and stuff
me too
if u like exams it's the doctors office
Teacher: any questions?
Me: WhAt ColOuR Is tHe SkY?
I like exams and stuff. but I'm homeschooled so
I like exams. When there over.
*they're - didn't they teach you that?
Inkyminkyzizwoz Exactly, no one likes the person with bad grammar.
Hamilton Sherlotter たならは as long as they are not easy
Liam Bradley Lol same
i don't like exams but my frend dose
i enjoy school, exams, the pythagorean theorum, and all things academic.
Walks away
Live with it.
+Rhaena Reece I hate you
+Foxy Army Hate ia a very strong word.
haha jk dont believe the lies. but siriusly, i love school.
i once had this teacher who everyone hated and she always kept on blabbing when lunch had long started and once she actually said "Come one, guys! It can't be lunch time all the time."
I am REALLY good at most lessons( sorry if im bragging) however when we do exams I get bad scores and they go to your grade which is sooooooo annoying when u are great in lessons but not in exams like if you think the same
Thats kinda funny. I sucked at regular school work but I'd get some of the highest scores in my state on exams. I knew the material, I just couldn't focus in a classroom setting or on homework.
Unicorn Jassy stop bragging tho
Unicorn Jassy its just the pressure especially in maths like i know how to do it the equation but there is so many different rules and orders that its hard to remember what ti use for a certain question (i know im late in bing watching seamus’ old vids)
I like doing most Math exams, not all, but most even though I worry, I still enjoy it. We exist Seamus, we exist.
I am so happy for you. Honestly. For me, Math is horrible. I'm bad at it and my anxiety kicks like before every class. But that is probably bc of my scary teacher. Hope you don't have a subject, that is that horrrible to you.
Btw. I just noticed your profile pic. Pumped for the second season? Dumb question, who isn't? Hope you make it out alive, Councilor Medarda
@@athena8335 Oh my gosh I am so excited for the second season. And I hope so too.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
good example of a stupid question. A propper answer would be: Yes. But you can only play it on july 12th, in a zero-G inviroment, exactly 1mil miles away from atleast 4,5 shipping containers.
That question is a good question, yes, but its played in the town of Stupid, n the country of Questions, basically its in Stupid, Questions, your welcome XD
Stella Plays yes it is but you can only play it on June 90th and it's also illeagle in the US Canada Germany Iceland China Japan Asia and everywhere else. It's not illeagle in MU (actual lost country) And its played with a noodle
+R21ambro hahahaha
rapid fire im gonna try it
I enjoy making people do exams. if they fail i whip the Blood Quill out.
Dolores Umbridge lol 100 points for slytherin
NOOOO! I THR WORST AT maths please don't!!!
Evie Jackson maths is so easy
Dolores Umbridge you are real!!!
deltA Emreald simple not easy
personally i do quite enjoy school, and I'm a freshman so i know the feeling of what most people call "stressful" and "boring". I however find it very enjoyable. i love to have my hand the first one up and i am probably the biggest teachers pet in existence. i just love to be the best and the brightest. I literally strive for perfect 24\7
AMEN-*Sees the name* Oh...you might be joking.
This is such a throwback.
I don't enjoy exams… but I think that there are REALLY worse things than school. At least you always get new input.
0:38 are we gonna ignore that the cold war has nothing to do with napoleon lol
Yes, we exist. How to spot one? I've never had a boyfriend 😂😂
I need to show this to my teachers when school starts.
+Markanthony Boyd they'll know what not to say 😂😂
+Seamus Gorman please subscribe to me please!!!!!!!!! I only have 5 subscribers or tell your subscribers about my chanell or both
I watched this video a day before I saw Star Wars Last Jedi XD
#StarWarsFans X3
If the bell doesn't dismiss me...
Wow, this video read my mind.
Like, what the hell am I supposed to do with knowledge of history, science, and math equations that I will never use for the rest of my life?
I swear, the only class that teaches you something for the real world is language arts.
trash for mystic messenger History is useful, casual math skills are good in a pinch, and science is fun. Language Arts teaches Shakespeare and how to handwrite personal narratives that you'll never need to do outside of school.
TheMightyHuntedKelvin History is, well, history. Why do I have to know what happened to the world when it's not important to the career I want to pursue? I mean, if you want to learn history and do something that involves it, by all means go do it. but it shouldn't be a requirement because not everyone needs it. Basic math is useful, yes, but what am I supposed to do with algebra? who really needs it to be a fuckin lawyer or something? mainly the experiments are fun in science, but everything else is utterly boring and useless. language arts teaches grammar and spelling, something typically needed in many careers.
trash for mystic messenger Also Foreign Language is pretty useful for communication purposes.
Song of Storms mah youre gonna use. Not everything in math but u will use math. History u will need for specific jobs. Sciene you need for specific jobs, and ofcourse ELA is used everywhere.
I mean, exams help me know my position or where I stand in that class, so yes, I do like exams in a way. PSHHH....MIND BLOWN!!!!!
Everyone in my class says I'm the Hermione Granger of Queensland because whenever I put my hand up it shoots straight up like Hermione's and I absolutely LOVE exams which makes me even more like Hermione. My life is great since I always either get A's or B's or something in between. 😂❤
You take it so seriously that you made it your RUclips name
Are you like my doppelganger?
I used to get those grades, then my mom started homeschooling me and i now have a B- average
Hermione Granger even your youtube name is hermione
How can you get between an A and a B one ends when the other stars there is no in between
When I was in school, I did enjoy going to school and even taking the tests. I actually got mad when I was forced to miss school even if I was sick. Yep. It was because I had great friends and teachers who were kind (all but one). In fact, I don't ever remember not liking school. I like to learn new things.
I enjoy doing my math exams not because it was easy, but because I know that I'll never use the equation anymore at least until the end semester tests
My teacher once said
I will never say you can't get a drink
Then 2 days later
Can I get a drink?
In Britain, I think you should choose your choices during the summer after year 6, instead of year 8.
Watch the part at 2:05 it's 😂
My teacher! But she funny tho!
so... I started out as a homeschooled child and often was the one administering tests to myself if my parents were busy. In grade 11 I went to highschool, and despite people trying to convince me that I'd hate it I honestly really enjoyed it.
I tutored in almost every subject for each grade in highschool, and I actually really enjoyed assignments and learning everything. I admit, tests and exams have always stressed me out, but the best ones I really enjoyed.
University has been another story entirely, although I probably enjoy it more than the average person.
I got 100% on all 3 of my exams as a freshman, and I was taking accelerated courses-Geometry, Acc. World History, and Acc. English to be specific. Exams week was my favorite week because only 3/8 of my teachers had exams, so I played on my phone and did some gentle studying for 2 days with no homework and a backpack filled with snacks.
Unless you are going into engineering or another such field, trig is useless.
Oh...Well...Should I get..like, learning or something....?
TickedOff Priest you speak the truth about all math past like 7th grade
School is supposed to prepare you to be a intellectually constructive member of society, not for a job. You work to live, not the opposite, and knowledge makes living much more enjoyable.
I enjoy maths exams....
Please don't kill me.
Kaysha-Leigh McBurnie math is fun when you’re done with it
Kaysha-Leigh McBurnie I do too
Kaysha-Leigh McBurnie wannna do mine? Lol
Math, and social studies
As in, exams, not assessments?
Teacher:"try your best I won't be mad if you get it wrong"
Me:.. I tried tho :(
My Latin teacher does not care if you do awfully. He only cares that you do your best and he doesn't tell you off about it. He only gets really angry when you cheat to which he puts you in a Friday detention.
You remind me of my friend Sam at school. He is always super happy, super fun, and super hyped for anything! He is always willing to give everything a try.
Pythagorean theorem is used in Engineering and Architecture
Which is useful for the 5% of us who actually become engineers/architects, other than that, our math teachers are pretty much wasting a unit
i like exams
*background gasps*
yeah i know right
RoslynLee Nobody cares plus i didnt.gasp BITCH
I kinda like exams
AmazingBinChild I like school too!!!💖
Its not funny
AmazingBinChild same!
"oh I'll share this to musical.ly" Don't share this to musical.ly! "oh okay" (shit!)
Amy Thomson (Psst... share it anyways :)
That school isn't a jail.
1. Your locked inside all day.
2. You have to learn new stuff, or re-do what you did wrong.
3. Your not aloud to leave
4. ((SOME)) Schools have to wear the same stuff as everyone else.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :3
Whenever a teacher says "I don't have favourites" all the kids in my class glare at me.
I love exams I am a teacher pet
Donna Read Me too
If the bell dosnt dismis us then it shouldn't decide when i arrive
Actually, many things you think are useless are very useful. I'm writing a book, and I needed to use lots of physics stuff I never thought I would, so I could accurately create weapons and vehicles for my constructed culture. I never thought I'd have to think about kinetic energy while writing a book, but that's exactly what I did!
True, but if you get an average job, like a police officer, or doctor, or cook, or something of that sort, do you really need to know what the square route of the the cube route of __ is?
True but everyone's different and plenty of people do go in too jobs that require that stuff... like a doctor
+R21ambro If you are a doctor, knowledge of math will help you a lot. You will want to be able to graph functions height vs age, if you are a paediatrician, for example. You will want to understand a bijective function between weight and the adequate dosage of a certain drug. And you will certainly use math for lots of things.
Even if you wouldn't use math for virtually anything, math will help you. Not by making a task easier, but by changing the way you see the world. Math is about a perfect world that resembles this one, and it's only through math that we get to see a glimpse of this perfect world.
Physics is just applied mathematics, chemistry is just applied physics, biology is just a special case of chemistry, and a branch of biology is psychology.
you need to be a docter XD
R39ambro bitch you meat root? Lmfao
Seamus, id love to see more content like this
You really are so relatable!! I hate that parent rant so much!! All I do is work, so how is it the "best years of my life"? How?! And it's so true, we will never need it! Especially 90% of math!! I had NO IDEA that school was really like that in Britain too! (I live in the US)
we learn things here, well not me :P But my friend told me he had no clue what square routes were XD And yes, they should teach us more useful things, like mortgage, taxes, simple First Aid, and so much more, i could rant on this for hours, actua;;y, imma go do that XD
EXACTLY they need to teach us how to fricking live when we're older xD The basics of life idk just useful things.. xD
R39ambro Square roots are really fycking easy.
Boom shared it to musical.ly
Gunnar Langhus hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
I love exams but I'm a slytherin
So? That’s no big deal. Ravenclaws aren’t the only people who are smart. Slytherins and ravenclaws unite!! 💙🤎💙🤎 💚🖤💚🖤
The joke is that Snape helps his Slytherin students and raises their scores (I think)
"You'll need to know this for the real world" said EVERY TEACHER EVER!!!!
As for the first one... the other day my friend asked me,
‘Do they have _meat_ on cruises?’
Dear Seamus. I'm a teacher. While you did make some good points in your video, you are wrong about many aspects of being a teacher.
1st thing: handwriting. You are actually 100% right about it being ineffiicient and inconvenient. However, cheaters often skip even the "so that the teacher doesn't know" steps in copying the essay assignments off the internet. When we force you to write by hand, we know at least that you read it and re-wrote it, even if the text wasn't yours originally.
2nd thing: "You should know this". Dude, we know very well that most students don't revise before their lessons (we were once your age). We don't consider this to be anything particularly bad. We say things like that because it's our desperate attempt to scare you into revising so that you become more attentive students and therefore people with more prospects in the future. After all we do this for you. We don't earn that much, you know... You are our future.
3rd thing: the bathroom. There are some students who take advantage of the "bathroom excuse" to get a few minutes break off the lesson. Because of them we can't allow everyone to go the bathroom whenever they want because eventually we would wind up with the whole class in the bathroom. Of course there are those teachers who don't allow anyone ever to go there. There's no excuse for that. They are just assholes. We aren't all perfect.
😶😶😶 soooooo.......you are a teacher that just called other teachers ass holes. Right... .
Did you say, YOU SCARE YOUR PUPILS????????😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰😰😰
Who else didn't know the math he was speaking p?
HufflepuffAVPMCryBaby Fangirl i did understand it
Asma Happy I didn't because I'm crap at maths 😂
Me becuz in my class we didn't start yet in higher classes we'll start it xd
HufflepuffAVPMCryBaby Fangirl I knew all of it...
HufflepuffAVPMCryBaby Fangirl I don't think no one did
"I have a question about the Cold War. Why did Napoleon die??” I LOVED that one. History jokes always funny
I like your laugh 😂 teachers don't have favorites!😂
I had bad times in 5th grade because my teacher yelled at me for getting answers wrong and when I don't do my homework, she's like "DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS WORK!"
"the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" Sorry but I need to go to other classes, and if I'm late I'll probably get a Lunch DT
Hated school, and exams and I never did my homework. I like learning, but hated the whole school experience (apart from hanging out with my friends in the library at break time and lunch time, it also meant I avoided the arseholes who bullied me.) Good things from my school years, discovering Harry Potter, Evanescence and the Goth subculture, bad things, being bullied, ending up severely depressed, and giving up on school. I've lost touch with most of my school friends as I've got older. (I left school over a decade ago now.)
Teacher: *Teaches us why deforestation is bad*
Also Teacher: *Hans it in...on...paper*
A stupid question by Janelle: what are the ingredients in an apples brain 😂
Am I the only one who loves how he cant say 'Pythagorean Theorem' 😂😂 I love the way he tries tho!
I love Exams, you Can show much you actually listen in every class compared to everybody Else.
One thing I really hate about schools, is that when someone in the class is causing disruption or making trouble, the teacher, instead of dealing with the kid that's actually CAUSING the problem, instead just punishes the whole class! Why do they do that? What's wrong with just punishing the one that's making trouble? Why should everyone suffer the consequences?
Yes teachers say “Oh, there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to ask ANYTHING!!!!” But then someone asks a simple question about the topic that they don’t understand and the teacher looks at u like “Thats a stupid question”
Our science teacher doesn't let us leave on the bell because, and I quote, " we are not mice, we do not respond to bells" 😂☠️
Seamus, the whole favorites thing... you're not the only one I totally agree XD
I like pop quizzes, tests and exams, because they allow me to read my book afterwords and they allow me to show off my intelligence
my AIG teacher, Mrs.Estrela had favorites. she made it clear and i was NOT one of them. she got mad at ME for only finishing 2/3 of my project (even though we had another week) and she said "oh that's fine take your time" when another girl hadnt even finished 1/3 of HER project.
Anyone else stay to the end? I always do because I find Seamus's outros hilarious
When Seamus said the part where teachers say they don't have favorites I realized that I might be my Bio teachers favorite because I allways raise my hand!! I all so feel like Hermiony when I raise my hand in Bio because I am allways the only one who raise's my hand!!! 😐
About the ‘do your best thing’, my teacher is just super honest.
I like the end of year tests because its dark, on my computer, and they give us candy
I think the worst part about people bullying me (I don't have any) is that my parents would probably side with the bully. I told my parents about this kid who kept stealing my friends lunch, and then the kid who told on him got in trouble, so I went home and told my parents, and they said, "Maybe there's something wrong with him, or maybe your judging him to much. You're probably were just overreacting and the kid who told was lying." I'm looking at them so confused, but I know if I say something back, I'm just gonna get in trouble, so I say yes, but my brain is trying to understand how my EXTREMELY OVERPROTECTED MOTHER is saying to calm down and nothing is wrong EVEN THOUGH I JUST WITNESSED THESE KIDS GET ROBBED!
My teacher would be like " you guys don't get too leave if this classroom is clean" and I'm like dude really