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  • @CommanderBroShep
    @CommanderBroShep 3 месяца назад +645

    Story 1 TLDR;
    OP: Catches wife cheating
    Wife: Let's have an open marriage then.
    OP: Hooks up with a girl during open marriage
    Wife: Shocked Pikachu face

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 месяца назад +22

      Correction to the wife's request: let's call this separation an open marriage.

    • @nick-brothwood
      @nick-brothwood 3 месяца назад +17

      People like this woman are hypocrites.

    • @crazyazura7564
      @crazyazura7564 2 месяца назад +9

      if i was in his shoes, i wouldnt waste my time with her anymore and leave her, infidelity and ask for its permission wont be tolerated by me. When that person ask to open marriage, i respond she is free to be with everyone else, but not me, i boot up from this relationahip and serve her divorce papers as soon as possible. The prenap is madatory this age, dont let cunning hags use you and then stab your back.

    • @Blacklistwar
      @Blacklistwar 2 месяца назад +2


  • @crumblemuffin1257
    @crumblemuffin1257 3 месяца назад +937


    • @thatguyintheconments
      @thatguyintheconments 3 месяца назад +5

      Damn look like you got the hairy chest... Gotta be a little faster next time, or slower i guess.

    • @user-kh5pn8to5m
      @user-kh5pn8to5m 3 месяца назад +5

      How do you italicize on youtube

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 месяца назад +13

      Well, when you avoid accountability for 10 years, you settle with dillusion, so it is expected for her to react that way

    • @Afghanisstan
      @Afghanisstan 3 месяца назад +1

      That's a cheaters mindset it's everyone fault except them

    • @M.W.2
      @M.W.2 3 месяца назад +10

      I would be angry too if my backup plan, ATM and babysitter all quit on me on the same day, while I am not done enjoying myself with random partners after only 10 years

  • @lavonnewr
    @lavonnewr 3 месяца назад +724

    Why is this happening in front of your school aged children ?

    • @soullessenderlox239
      @soullessenderlox239 3 месяца назад +88

      Fr tho, and why does he have to choose between her and the children??

    • @GreyLeo
      @GreyLeo 3 месяца назад +104

      Why is the wife being dysfunctional, why is she acting like a child?

    • @valetineinc
      @valetineinc 3 месяца назад

      Because divorce laws are unfair in most states and treat women like their shit smells like cinnabunz.

    • @lavonnewr
      @lavonnewr 3 месяца назад +5

      @soullessenderlox239 ultimately he didn't

    • @soullessenderlox239
      @soullessenderlox239 3 месяца назад +7

      @@lavonnewr Well yeah, obviously. But the fact that it was even a thought

  • @ianmoritzplatapino3684
    @ianmoritzplatapino3684 3 месяца назад +508

    At least he divorced her. Thats a win isn't it?

    • @dokuganryu1565
      @dokuganryu1565 3 месяца назад +73

      After 10 effing years. Dude needs therapy.

    • @zakariyajama8004
      @zakariyajama8004 3 месяца назад

      It would have if he did it the moment she pretty much said "you're not enough for me i need more sausage" he pretty much was a cuck for most of the open marriage

    • @MumwaW
      @MumwaW 3 месяца назад +22

      Idk to me he dragged his feet hard

    • @_juju_jojo_
      @_juju_jojo_ 3 месяца назад +31

      After 10 years and dragging their kids through their bullsht? Nah. Doing the bare minimum isn’t a win

    • @ghafu4464
      @ghafu4464 3 месяца назад +8

      Just by the age of the kids there IS a high chance they are not his

  • @pollycipher
    @pollycipher 3 месяца назад +320

    Story 1: I hate gender double standards it's all BS. When a wife cheats its falling out of love with the husband and demand an open marriage so she can sleep whoever she wants, When a husband found a rebound woman its how could you get her out of the house now!! Lisa had slept with a college student and downplayed it as "wanting to fresh up her wellbeing" when OP found Cathy she's all jealous and mean about it.
    Story two: Sweet home Alabama

    • @Slicer122
      @Slicer122 3 месяца назад +7

      Sweet home Alabama LOLLLLL Hahahahahah

    • @madmarcy4202
      @madmarcy4202 3 месяца назад

      Sweet home Alabama!😂😂😂

    • @novlesbooks7560
      @novlesbooks7560 2 месяца назад

      You will be surprised that it's not a gender thing but a cheater thing. Months ago I read this kind of story but with opposite gender. Husband keep demanding open relationship unless he demand divorce. Since she had a small child she doesn't want a broken home. He keeps having multiple affairs to the point he wasn't even there for home. But then when finally OP found the guy for herself he keep trying to sabotage the relationship with him. Infact he got so pathetic he start showing love and affection with her and sleeping with OP while he never close this open relationship thing from marriage. But at the end when OP slept with the other guy he broken and cry that he thought as long as he kept sleeping with wife she won't need another man and he can continue affairs outside of marriage also. They got divorce at the end but in my opinion it's society who normalised this bullcrap.

    • @Nezumi_Yasu
      @Nezumi_Yasu 28 дней назад


    • @Tensa_Zangetsu1222
      @Tensa_Zangetsu1222 10 дней назад +1

      I have seen women getting forgiven for cheating by basically blaming the man

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar 3 месяца назад +453

    Ah, of course she did... she always intended for the open relationship to be only on her end, and of course she was already cheating before opening it.
    As always, "I want to open up the relationship" is code for "I'm already cheating on you and I want to do it without consequences... BUT DON'T YOU DARE DO THE SAME TO ME!!!"

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 месяца назад +12

      Yes, and the worse of it is that by accepting these terms, the victim comes out looking like a villain no matter what they do... no matter how degrading and humiliating. "She did that while rocking your baby to sleep? With 3 guys?... well, you accepted it, so take the L"

    • @GooberBugOFF
      @GooberBugOFF 3 месяца назад +1

      I believe open relationships are possible IF IT'S DECLARED BEFORE YOU EVEN START DATING. But when it's sudden or random then there's definitely something suspicious going on..

    • @dominikschmitt9660
      @dominikschmitt9660 2 месяца назад +3

      As a polyamorous person myself
      Yes and no
      Generally yes if you start years in a relationship or even a day after a marriage with that it's almost certainly they are cheating
      But I would say for the first 6-12 months it can really just be that the polyamorous person is just not comfortable to bring that point up because they don't wanna lose the person they love
      Also in any open relationship their has to be talking rules and a we stop right here for ever with that set in place before it
      After that its really no big deal if it's only open on one side (some ppl just wanna watch there spouse having a good time (not for me but no kink shaming Timmy! Don't do it!)
      But it's really important that both ppl are comfortable, talk and have no secrets, when someone wants to no every single detail and is not comfortable anymore you have to give them that and stop it
      You have to live with maybe breaking the relationship
      And because of all of that I live monogamous even though I'm poly and keep my distance from female friends when I'm in a relationship because I don't wanna catch feelings and only love that one person (and it payed of as of this week I'm happily engaged)
      Also yes polyamory is a real thing and no you don't love one more than the other you love them all for different things and if you truly love them everybody gets enough, ppl can love both there parents, all there grandparents, uncles , aunts, siblings and children
      Why not 2 partners?

    • @dominikschmitt9660
      @dominikschmitt9660 2 месяца назад

      @@borasora I agree but there are also poly persons that don't have a problem to live mono
      But most ppl don't understand that and that can end in a break up very fast, so some ppl don't
      I'll try to tell ppl when I date them but also that I live mono and I don't have a problem with living mono

    • @dominikschmitt9660
      @dominikschmitt9660 2 месяца назад

      @@borasora I just said that I myself make it clear at the start that I'm poly but I live mono and I don't have a problem living mono (I even tend to not make female friends so it stays that way) so what is your point and there is a lot of other things thaz can break up a relationship after months or years
      Also generally monogamy is relatively knew because it's something that the Christian church started so yeah it's pretty much a culture thing at this point because biological speaking were all poly, I mean who only had one relationship and died single after the dead of this one partner
      And you can love your parents and children. Why not another partner , like I said it's a culture thing
      If you fear just ask them if they are, if they then lie then there shit

  • @Olimar92
    @Olimar92 3 месяца назад +163

    "I'm just helping him get over the break-up!" That's a new one.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 месяца назад

      Honestly just as delusional as saying her snatch has god-given healing properties.

  • @MizzShortai
    @MizzShortai 3 месяца назад +47

    That's some audacity right there. She had some nerve to talk about choosing family over selfish desires while she's been sleeping with random men for 10 years.

  • @AliYlmaz-fm7vr
    @AliYlmaz-fm7vr 3 месяца назад +150

    This dude just spent ten years of his life allowing her to cheat so his kids could have a good childhood...that gains my respect

    • @Jesei1211
      @Jesei1211 2 месяца назад

      It shouldn’t. No way the kids didn’t notice men coming in out of the house to smash their mom. That’s a horrible way to grow up.

    • @Mai-lh3xc
      @Mai-lh3xc 2 месяца назад +19

      Idk man… kids see everything. She’s bringing men home and leaving with them to vacations, etc… and dad is ok with it, it must’ve been super confusing to them.

    • @kelupthegnome2871
      @kelupthegnome2871 2 месяца назад +19

      I doubt those kids had a good childhood, they definitely didn't see what a healthy relationship looks like.

    • @Notyourusual
      @Notyourusual Месяц назад +1

      As op mentioned they co parented so i assume they were there for the childrens. Like they were just not there with each other. I guess whenever the children wanted their parents, they were there. Need to make a mind map kinda thing to explain my opinion lol

    • @chickensandwich8808
      @chickensandwich8808 11 дней назад +1

      ​@Notyourusual that still doesn't mean it was a good childhood. They likely saw the conflict between the parents which will absolutely color their views about relationships and romance going forward. Yoy don't need romantically compatible parents to have a healthy view of relationships, but no one is that good at hiding their resentment or that they are getting a body count higher than covid. Kids see this stuff. It isn't that they don't know what they are seeing its that they don't know how to process it without proper guidance. That is hard to do because with this kind of situation the kids will absolutely ask tough questions. So... yeah. They may nkt have wanted for anything material but that doesn't mean their childhood was a healthy one.

  • @emily.letsendbslintheuk554
    @emily.letsendbslintheuk554 3 месяца назад +90

    Divorce, divorce, divorce your harming your kids by staying in a loveless marriage and allowing your kids to see you still together while you also date other people. Your wife will make your life harder and harder cos she wants her cake and wants to eat it too, yet as soon as you want some cake she has a fit and wishes to make your life hard.

  • @jjnix9517
    @jjnix9517 3 месяца назад +68

    Never live in a no fault state or don't get married.

    • @chickensandwich8808
      @chickensandwich8808 11 дней назад

      "No fault" isn't what was stated which js what makes me think the story is fake. No Fault means a couple can get a divorce without requiring to prove a party at fault. It allows for more amicable divorces or divorces that don't require you to game the system in order to have a peaceful break up. If OP had proof of his wife's cheating, then laws in pretty progressive areas state that the offending party does not have custody of children because it's proof that said individuals capability. That is a toxic environment for the child. There are definitely courts and states with laws that favor women unconditionally, but they are not as all-encompassing as people make them out to be. Of a man is having the book thrown at him and is genuinely able to show he isn't as bad as is being considered that ks then a judicial inconsistency and the impartiality of the judge should be called into question thus appeals.

  • @ThePawerStation
    @ThePawerStation 2 месяца назад +20

    Story 1: The effin audacity. This is "Taking for granted" to the next level. I'm glad in the last hug she knew she really effed up everything.
    Story 2: This. This is the one of the best way to deal with cheating. Gather evidence, file for divorce, expose them on social media (In order to avoid any chance of cheating SO to make any lies) and move on with your life.

  • @danblu2346
    @danblu2346 3 месяца назад +53

    “Sweet Home Alabama “😂🤣

  • @wesxd5292
    @wesxd5292 3 месяца назад +32

    So "rules for thee but not for me", huh????

  • @kamenballer
    @kamenballer 3 месяца назад +18

    Story 2 is just: 🤮
    Story 1: I think it's best that the cheating wife doing it in their house, the children saw everything and like the OP said they're mature for their own age(maybe they realize early that there's something wrong in their family) and because of that they immediately pin point the cause of the Family Problem and smartly choose their Father over the Mother.

    • @seussusamongoose2905
      @seussusamongoose2905 3 месяца назад +3

      I guarantee you all she’s done is normalise her behaviour to her kids, which doesn’t end well

  • @user-qz7rf4qt6g
    @user-qz7rf4qt6g 2 месяца назад +7

    Simp and 304 - the perfect couple. He should have left and got 50% custody

  • @TheIronwil
    @TheIronwil Месяц назад +4

    I’m aghast and horrified. This man was so spineless he allowed his cheating wife to continue cheating… even in their BEDROOM?!? Seriously? Words fail me for what a mess this is. What are the kids going to learn from this? Does OP think he’s modeling a healthy family for them? So divorce would have sucked. Boo hoo. It always sucks, and sometimes you’re really behind the 8-ball, but there are times you have to fight regardless of the risk. And I would absolutely come unglued if I’d been in this situation (never would happen), and my “wife” tried to break off things between me and a lover. As if the rest wasn’t bad enough, she throws hypocrisy into the mix as well. She doesn’t want OP and wants to F other men right in their bedroom, but she doesn’t want anyone else to have him either.
    Men, please understand that sometimes you lose, but you can still lose with dignity and self-respect. And you can rebuild yourself after coming out the other side. Life and time living is precious. Don’t squander it on sh*t deals like this travesty of a marriage.

    • @J4nnah.
      @J4nnah. Месяц назад +5

      exactly, what a waste of a decade. He was a doormat and now his kids are stuck in this drama that's been festering for 10 years. If I was Cathy id be *far* away from all of them 💀

  • @RavenDarkHeart1
    @RavenDarkHeart1 3 месяца назад +14

    She ruined her own life just because she wanted other men

  • @scpfoundation8376
    @scpfoundation8376 3 месяца назад +68

    Of course it’s a no fault state. Of course the woman can fxck everything up and still get rewarded.

    • @chickensandwich8808
      @chickensandwich8808 11 дней назад

      That's not what No Fault means. The issue is if it can't be proven she cheated aside from He said she said. If it can be proven she is at fault, then in most states the offending party does not have lead in the say of the children.

  • @DrFunkman
    @DrFunkman 3 месяца назад +21

    We finally found it boys. The craziest Reddit relationship

  • @Justin-A-Carter
    @Justin-A-Carter 2 месяца назад +8

    Will you look up doormat in the dictionary. You find this dude....
    As soon as she cheated. You leave

    • @kachi2000
      @kachi2000 2 месяца назад +3

      He didn't have enough money, at the time, you clearly do well in exams

    • @Justin-A-Carter
      @Justin-A-Carter 12 дней назад

      @@kachi2000 we clearly you do well being a cuckold. You leave. You don't let someone walk on you like a doormat. That's just further making it worse. You're not only allowing emotional abuse you're allowing Financial abuse.

  • @LFanimes333
    @LFanimes333 25 дней назад +2

    Separating which parent gets to help which kid is such an awful parenting idea holy shit
    Parents, please don’t do this shit
    It’s obvious why the eldest was firmer in his decision to move in

  • @kyleanuar9090
    @kyleanuar9090 3 месяца назад +8

    Lysa knows her time of fun is ending soon and will need OP to sponsor her life all the way, Cathy is risking her plan of retirement if OP dividing time and finances with the other woman.

  • @Heiura
    @Heiura Месяц назад +3

    At this point ... The children didn't have any parents at all bruh ... Mom with her lovers and then papa with his own lover ... I'm more concerned for the children than for OP himself ... I'm so sorry

  • @lifemocker85
    @lifemocker85 Месяц назад +3

    When woman suggests open relationship it should be automatic divorce

  • @TheBagaraga
    @TheBagaraga Месяц назад +1

    I always hear "it was devastating to me" but words cannot express the true horror and intensity of the emotions felt. I feel for everyone that has to use "devastating" to explain their situation

  • @dannysilva3210
    @dannysilva3210 3 месяца назад +9

    What she thought she can only enjoy her cake?? 😂

  • @StarrChasingComets
    @StarrChasingComets Месяц назад +2

    Would have left her and told her she can be as open as she wants because I'm done with her. You can't cheat, demand a Open Marriage and then get mad the second your husband finds someone... That's not how that works...

  • @Badruborg
    @Badruborg 2 месяца назад +4

    The second story was kinda sad. I can understand why the husband did what he did though =(

  • @gabrielwense3506
    @gabrielwense3506 2 месяца назад +2

    Op deserved. He should ended when caught her cheating. Instead he stayed. Now enjoy your drama

  • @he-man36
    @he-man36 2 месяца назад +3

    2nd Story, Paul?!

  • @jayblack854
    @jayblack854 3 месяца назад +13

    some state incset is a crime

  • @gibsy4843
    @gibsy4843 3 месяца назад +2

    At least in the end she acknowledged she was being narcissistic and delusional. First time ive seen something like that in one of these stories.

  • @onlittlecatfeet
    @onlittlecatfeet 3 месяца назад +3

    I just don't understand how people can hug their cheating spouse, i wouldn't even touch them even after i forgive them

  • @MysticMae21
    @MysticMae21 3 месяца назад +3

    Depending on how old they were, while cousins by marriage, they didnt grow up together as cousins.
    Kind of like step siblings who didnt grow up together till after their well in their teens.
    Not saying the cheating is right, but unless they grew up from young ages together they arent really "cousins".

  • @inmamata
    @inmamata 3 месяца назад +1

    Dude should have done a paternity test on both kids...he stayed so long in a marriage and never knew 100% that they were his kids...

  • @Halfcocked1222
    @Halfcocked1222 3 месяца назад +66

    Threatening to sue for damaging a legal document. Wow, that's some creative writing.
    Hint: both parties don't have to sign the same document. You can append multiple signature pages to the document. And you can always print out a new copy.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 месяца назад +14

      Not creative writing, but thinking. I actually heard such talk from a lawyer before, later admitting to me that it would be a frivolous lawsuit... but that would be up to the wife's lawyer to point that out.

  • @sparkeyjames
    @sparkeyjames 2 месяца назад +2

    Story 1: That wife is a hypocrite extreme.

  • @kr0gan105
    @kr0gan105 3 месяца назад +8

    Biggest doormat I’ve ever seen.
    10 years bruv ??

    • @datboy1628
      @datboy1628 3 месяца назад +10

      It's not like he had a choice, if he were to divorce her at that time she would have gained everything while he would have lost everything

  • @beaverfan14
    @beaverfan14 14 дней назад

    Ladies, as men we will never understand what post partum depression is like nor the insecurities that come with the changes to your body after pregnancy. That being said...that is NOT an excuse to cheat on your man! Women who use that excuse are scumbags. Hell, any excuse to cheat makes someone a scumbag. But to do so after you've given birth to TWO children?! That's a new level of low

  • @PaleBlueDoth
    @PaleBlueDoth 3 месяца назад +3

    The man who is posted the 1st strory is not intelligent he should have seen the true colours before marrying her

  • @Bori.1776
    @Bori.1776 Месяц назад

    Both of them sound like stellar parents and people you can admire deeply.

  • @fredahoward1447
    @fredahoward1447 3 месяца назад +8

    How do you know that she has been doing this long before your children was born how do you even know those kids that you call your children or even yours

  • @NightCourt1984
    @NightCourt1984 Месяц назад

    You don't sleep with someone to help them get over a break up. Then feeling guilt for a second then go back to doing it. And are only angry at everyone knowing.

  • @user-kd7hq8rh4c
    @user-kd7hq8rh4c Месяц назад

    I am only 14 years old and I have learned so much from this Chanel on divorces 1:if they are acting cold and distant and do not show you their phone get a tracking device2: don’t get upset when you find out your emotions will make you do something you will regret 3: if having children get therapy lined up for you and them 4: lurk form the distance collect evidence with a lawyer4: they do anything to guilt trip you when they find out that you know they are not sorry they are sorry they got caught 5: get housing and legal documents lined up 6: don’t let them know your personal life they will come back 7: move on as fast as 7
    Impossible that’s all I can remember op the top of my head if you have any advice please tell me I am young and need advice just in case

  • @noahnewcomer5180
    @noahnewcomer5180 11 дней назад

    Yea no, idc what situation I’m in NEVER allow this level of disrespect. It’s honestly better anyway because the kids will be more affected by growing up in a home where the parents just hate each other…..DONT stay together “for the kids” 🤦‍♂️

  • @user-mp8qg5tb5e
    @user-mp8qg5tb5e 2 месяца назад +1

    Every state should be an at fault state

  • @mshake7056
    @mshake7056 24 дня назад

    Took you 10 years to just get a hug. 10 years to find another woman while you lived miserable with your kids around. Some men are just so weak its crazy

  • @winkmink7709
    @winkmink7709 Месяц назад

    Story 1:Actually, he should have divorced the moment he found out. He had proof she cheated.
    Now, he's stooping as low as the wife. I can't respect a person who does that.

  • @persian.lion13
    @persian.lion13 3 месяца назад +2

    In the second story the first we can forgive but after that again and again? What a sl*t she was. Does these ppl have mind? Destroying there family, shattering there love and best childhood friend of life by cheating on them and deny with "it meant nothing to me, it was just s*x"? What is wrong with them?

  • @JustKaann
    @JustKaann Месяц назад +1

    open marriage=(im cheating you but tell you like this cause im afraid to lose you)

  • @SpectralDarkion
    @SpectralDarkion 3 месяца назад +4

    So.....story 2......what a story huh..?

  • @RavenDarkHeart1
    @RavenDarkHeart1 3 месяца назад +1

    She got some nerve trying to keep her husband when she wanted an open marriage saying that she didn't love him anymore

  • @jason-gf8dg
    @jason-gf8dg 3 месяца назад +12

    Wth is wrong with this guy.

  • @KyleD718
    @KyleD718 3 месяца назад +10

    What is wrong with this women. Oh my god

  • @Badruborg
    @Badruborg 2 месяца назад +1

    Yeah I really dislike the wife. I am glad he found Cathy

  • @juanvilas8509
    @juanvilas8509 28 дней назад

    Cheaters are trully anoher type of creature.
    "i cheated on you with multiple man but how dare you be romantic with another woman???!"

  • @quorthonsinferno5119
    @quorthonsinferno5119 6 дней назад

    A story of 3 exceptionally terrible and inconsiderate adults

  • @justaroodypoo
    @justaroodypoo 3 месяца назад +3

    Two interesting stories. Good vid.

  • @user-zp5cy9hf6p
    @user-zp5cy9hf6p 13 часов назад

    At least she didn't cheat on you with her blood cousin

  • @Beast900011
    @Beast900011 3 месяца назад +2

    what are you doing step cousins?

  • @desrayann
    @desrayann 24 дня назад

    Wow! So she cheated and he allowed her to open their marriage and also allowed her to bring men home to have sex in their bed while he and the children was home and he allowed this for 10 years what the hell is wrong with this man to remain with such a disgusting shameful and heartless woman! If for financial reason he could not leave he could have at least set ground rules like no men at the house ever but he just allowed her to humiliate and disrespect him for 10 years!

  • @The1Bread_Man
    @The1Bread_Man 13 дней назад

    it's crazy how women can just break all the vows they made infront of family and friends and if you dont like she also gets to take half of everything and the kids even tho she is clearly the worse parent by every single metric

  • @ethanb2981
    @ethanb2981 25 дней назад

    Are those kids even yours with how quickly she was cheating after giving birth they might not even be dudes and stayed unhappy for 10 years for kids that aint his

  • @domalom9476
    @domalom9476 3 месяца назад +1

    Narrator: 'Bringing Tom, Dick, and Harry to the house.'
    Me: Yeah mostly Dick

    @TRYGOOFEY 28 дней назад

    Would’ve gotten a divorce while the kids were still young

  • @iceiceiceification
    @iceiceiceification 3 месяца назад +1

    American Justice system....

  • @MountainMan-sc8xj
    @MountainMan-sc8xj Месяц назад

    This story is just sad and pathetic for everyone involved

  • @toria9799
    @toria9799 Месяц назад

    YA BOTH THE AH! Don't do all that in front of your kids.

  • @guillermoceballos2765
    @guillermoceballos2765 3 месяца назад +1

    Bro is nothing more than a doormat

  • @manoftherainshorts9075
    @manoftherainshorts9075 11 дней назад

    Lysa belongs to the streets.

  • @rightfulshadow3941
    @rightfulshadow3941 21 день назад

    I like how he says he's a man of no violence a minute later after saying he grabbed a guy by the neck and was going to punch him.😂
    Not trying to be mean but it was kind of funny

  • @trigggo54
    @trigggo54 2 месяца назад +1

    st1 op is one of the biggest spineless simp ever. I cant blame her for took him granted.

  • @user-ei1po2bv8r
    @user-ei1po2bv8r 28 дней назад

    Wtf those girls have has staple lives good partners overall good relationships Like why do people cheat 🤨

  • @supermanic3320
    @supermanic3320 Месяц назад

    The reason shes mad is because she couldn't find a replacement for him and eas just getting used by men but he found someone he can see a future with

  • @jeffrydunham1681
    @jeffrydunham1681 22 дня назад

    She wanted your cake and eat it to so just talk to a lawyer get options and then choose the one best for you bud it's %100 her fault so to hell with her

  • @DiamondBlock-kc8oz
    @DiamondBlock-kc8oz Месяц назад +1

    dude 2 lives in alabama

  • @sarrumac
    @sarrumac Месяц назад

    What a fool.

  • @yuki8310
    @yuki8310 23 дня назад

    Story 2: Sweet Home Alabama

  • @Bababooey887
    @Bababooey887 19 дней назад

    Women and accountability strikes and again, (they have ZERO accountability)

    @AQUIENLASALA Месяц назад +1

    Everyone in this story are awful people

  • @Solo-696
    @Solo-696 Месяц назад

    Sounds like my ex, except she didn’t cheat. She proposed opening and then had issues after i met my current life partner

  • @susioeandno1else
    @susioeandno1else Месяц назад

    Choose Cathy and get a divorce...

  • @Goofyloofy1
    @Goofyloofy1 3 месяца назад +4

    Story 2: seems fake ngl 😂

    • @notting2640
      @notting2640 3 месяца назад +4

      If the guy comes out of divorce winning you know it’s fake 😂 no way feminist society will allow that in 2024

  • @BloxTown1
    @BloxTown1 17 дней назад

    Story 2: All i can say is… SWEET HOME ALABAMA 😂

  • @bultar16ify
    @bultar16ify 2 месяца назад +4

    Ok I'm seeing a lot of messages about story 1, which was rough, I get it... but what in the sweet home Alabama was up with story 2!? Like can we please talk about how she slept with her cousin (even if it was step cousin) to apparently "Help him get over his breakup!?" Like wtf?

  • @supermanic3320
    @supermanic3320 Месяц назад

    You know its bad when thr kids are going dad You've done enough also can we live with you

  • @Ch-64Chinnok
    @Ch-64Chinnok 25 дней назад +1

    Out of topic but:
    What shader do u use in Minecraft?

  • @Qbaby_3
    @Qbaby_3 2 месяца назад +1

    Both of these parents suck. Y’all are just brining your extra martial partners home on a regular? While they are home? Trash parenting.

  • @wataer2974
    @wataer2974 3 месяца назад

    yo bro what texturepack and shaders do you use

  • @damoneboyd9945
    @damoneboyd9945 2 месяца назад +1

    Fool for sure

  • @BrightElk
    @BrightElk 3 месяца назад

    If you take what you have for granted you will end up alone in your old age. Love is worth fighting for. Don't fall for the lie that monogamy is old fashioned.

  • @DarkHeartTheEmo
    @DarkHeartTheEmo Месяц назад +1

    Open marriage is one way street only the one that ask for that can go and cheat (it is still cheating onky with extra steps) but the othe get nothing. Plus no fault states are dumb that help nobody, this keep happening because there is no consequences with this action.

  • @gary8077
    @gary8077 Месяц назад

    Murderous rage

  • @stardustdeath2497
    @stardustdeath2497 3 месяца назад +3

    Can’t say 10 years is long or anything especially when we just seen what was going on with Will and Jada

  • @captainebola2178
    @captainebola2178 3 месяца назад +1

    DNA test

  • @tjmarx
    @tjmarx 5 дней назад

    Story 2 didn't happen.

  • @oluwadamilareoke9237
    @oluwadamilareoke9237 Месяц назад

    Did OP sleep with Lisa at any point during those 10 yrs?

  • @tommyvercetti4687
    @tommyvercetti4687 3 месяца назад


  • @crazyhonk8736
    @crazyhonk8736 3 месяца назад

    Vid from yesterday ?