Amy & Monty with Nadia on the BBC

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @carolfrueh
    @carolfrueh 3 года назад +14

    OMG Monty is the cutest! And what a great meal idea!

  • @cindykaye3152
    @cindykaye3152 3 года назад +10

    For those not liking the canned spaghetti, make a double batch of spaghetti & marinara sauce. Have half for a simple, meatless dinner, then freeze the rest (spaghetti & sauce together). It's great to use for basic baked spaghetti casserole & would be great with this, too. The idea is quick, so canned spaghetti makes sense-convenient, shelf stable, cost effective. But frozen, planned leftovers are great, too!

    • @antmagor
      @antmagor 2 года назад

      So I live in the states and some thing that has been sort of a trend is pasta in these microwavable packs similar to the ones you can get for rice. I suspect you’ve got them in Britain too. My question is do you think that would work as a good substitute? Even without the tomato sauce?

  • @16december
    @16december 4 года назад +9

    One of my fav episodes🥰

  • @syedamunirakhatoon1478
    @syedamunirakhatoon1478 3 года назад +9

    Thank you Nadia 😇👍👍👏🏻. From Bangladesh🇧🇩

  • @lifeandliteraturewithsadia
    @lifeandliteraturewithsadia Год назад +1

    She's so pretty and lovely

  • @c-light7624
    @c-light7624 3 года назад +5

    And Monty’s still a darling ☺️

  • @marshyburrows1094
    @marshyburrows1094 3 года назад +2

    What an inventive recipe

  • @ParkavaramanS
    @ParkavaramanS 4 года назад +8

    could you upload nadiya tv shows fully

    • @ParkavaramanS
      @ParkavaramanS 4 года назад +6

      @@soha204 i know i dont have money for subscription

  • @OurGodReigns
    @OurGodReigns Год назад

    looks like a great meal but why were they using the sieve for the spaghetti hoops?

  • @ruwaydamathee1258
    @ruwaydamathee1258 2 года назад

    Nadiya, you're a star ⭐❤️⭐

  • @Eyagsf
    @Eyagsf 3 года назад +9

    So sad they didn’t spell her name correctly

  • @lynpip3097
    @lynpip3097 3 года назад +5

    One pot wonders, my go to

  • @aramatoulayedabo3438
    @aramatoulayedabo3438 4 года назад +5

    I love the recipe i wanna try it

  • @dannsherstone1037
    @dannsherstone1037 Год назад

    You lost me at 2:48 with the canned spaghetti.

  • @nu1961
    @nu1961 2 года назад

    Cara Nadiya ti ringraziamo per la ricetta del Crunchy Fish Bake, utilissima in ufficio !

  • @coreydunlap6778
    @coreydunlap6778 3 года назад +4

    I love Nadiya but sorry, this looks so gross. hahaha

  • @fannabegum2892
    @fannabegum2892 3 года назад +9

    Canned spaghetti 🙄😐

  • @gaynorprice-jones1826
    @gaynorprice-jones1826 2 года назад

    Why do people need to say 'I can't cook eggs'? That's just feeble.

  • @riazhoque8312
    @riazhoque8312 3 года назад +3

    Yuk ... canned spaghetti

    • @miriamh2551
      @miriamh2551 3 года назад +3

      The rest of the dish is wonderful & looks healthy (minus canned spaghetti)... Still love Nadiya though ❤️

  • @susandavis3544
    @susandavis3544 3 года назад +6

    I haven't seen Nadia for a while. I'm surprised to see her without her native/ Muslim dress. She looks wonderful.

    • @damienferz2086
      @damienferz2086 3 года назад +26

      #patronising #racist

    • @leila_t
      @leila_t 2 года назад +2

      So she looks wonderful because she doesn’t wear the same headscarf that she used to?