So true. I can't remember which primary school it was, but a friend's daughter went for an interview, and the teacher asked my friend if she was working. She said, yes, to which the teacher said that they preferred children with a stay at home mum so that she could help the kids with homework, projects etc. What a hellish life.
Ultimately, we’re teaching our kids about the importance of having a “good start”, but that’s not the case in life. We can improve, we have potentials, we learn, and everyone’s trajectory is different, so essentially I’m not sure what are we competing for at a young age. Our education system focuses too much on early successes and undermines the potential of those may not have done “well enough” during their first few years of life. To HK parents out there, if your child did not get into a “top” school, please encourage them that they are definitely able to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Help them find the best way to learn, learn with them, and be aware of the limitations in our system. Please don’t let the system judge your child based on their “experience”. Think about whether these tests given by the schools are valid and reliable measures of your child’s ability to perform and learn. And yes, the learning curve is never linear.
Hello, Mr Reynolds, may I know whether every child must go for an interview in order to get a place in an elementary school in Hongkong? What if the child fails in every school interview? I am from Singapore. Thank you.
Interviews are required for private schools in HK, but not necessary for government or subsidized schools. There must be a place in school for every pupil, although some schools may be less welcome by parents.
As someone who grew up in the States, this video was very insightful. We never had to do interviews to get into elementary, middle or high school. If you wanted to get into the best schools, it all depended on where you lived. If your address was in a better school district, you had a higher chance of going into a better school. BUT this caused some parents or families to lie and use the address of a particular family member who lived in a better school district or neighborhood...Although this interview process may cause some stress for the parents and children, this seems like a better, more just way of allowing student's to get into a better school. This process is based on the student's performance, not on their residence.
Great comment! 😁 Yes there are definitely loopholes with the catchment area system in different places! Performance based entry has benefits. The competition is fierce and it sometimes depends on resources you have available to spend on preparation classes etc The best practice is early, everyday practice with parents in our opinion. Hope the tips help everyone! 🥰
In Hong Kong, there is the catchment area system managed by the governement which was not mentioned in the video. There are families purposely move to better school districts. However, this system, so called "lucky draw" is done after all the interviews are done.
Sadly, even for my students who absolutely don't have ADHD or any other attention deficit syndrome , they can't stay focused for even the simplest question just like what Galdys asks Finley . After I've asked the question, they were just keeping asking me to repeat again ... Sigh... really don't think any kid should go to tutorial class when they don't want to.... I mean, what's the point?
Finley 好可愛,英文讀得好好聽。
我係香港時都係做老師, 由大學時幫小朋友補習到出黎學校教, 我眼見香港做家長無1個開心,日日都煩點為小朋友加分, 洗禮信教,報無數興趣班,不停燒$$$,大人就要好努力PAY BILLS...家境好就可讀INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL..小朋友讀書生涯就開心點...所有野都好TWIST..正因為咁, 我2X歲決定出國留學拎PR..希望我小朋友有日後頂唔順香港教育或香港讀唔成書,佢都有權DOMESTIC學費出國讀。作為移民第1代,又唔係靠結婚留低真係付出好大。
兄弟情深,Noah 教弟弟面試技巧,給他三個面試錦囊,果然犀利 👍
不過作為一個05後,唔係好明白有D留言講到乜嘢做家長壓力大過細路、又講到要報十幾個面試班補習班乜乜咁 ... 我細個媽咪係無幫我報過任何面試班,亦無報十幾個興趣班。所以我小學係入一間好普通嘅local小學,不過亦都係因為咁功課壓力係完全無。每日放學做半粒鐘功課就可以去公園玩,完全唔洗做補充/補習,週末就玩學校課外活動睇卡通睇電影。然後升中我依然係入到一間傳統top band 1名校 (女校),而升中之後我都係繼續無補習,所以反而多左好多時間,除左考DSE 之外我都考埋ACT 同SAT,兩邊都考到好好嘅成績,而家我係一間world rank top 20嘅大學讀緊double degree ... 而呢一切一切,我屋企人都唔需要幫我報n個唔知乜嘢班,更加從無壓力大過我🤣
所以其實做家長嘅可以放輕鬆D吧 ...?入到邊間小學同將來根本就無關係。。。
Can't agree more. But....every child is different. Some learners might need some help.
So true. I can't remember which primary school it was, but a friend's daughter went for an interview, and the teacher asked my friend if she was working. She said, yes, to which the teacher said that they preferred children with a stay at home mum so that she could help the kids with homework, projects etc. What a hellish life.
Yes, soft skill is so important, not only just for interviews, but also for studying, career and interpersonal relationships for a lifetime.
仔仔活潑聰明 ,老公超靚仔 。
兩個小朋友好乖,在U K考學校可能好D,無嚴厲,祝你一家人平安🎄🎄❄️☃️🎄🍷🍾工作順利🎉🎄今年聖誕🎄好光👏👏聖誕快樂🎅🎉
下次搵婆婆做中文老師,同Fin Fin 做多次中文interview
Merry Christmas to this lovely family!
Even though my kids are now in secondary, watching this video is still stressful. 😩
Ultimately, we’re teaching our kids about the importance of having a “good start”, but that’s not the case in life. We can improve, we have potentials, we learn, and everyone’s trajectory is different, so essentially I’m not sure what are we competing for at a young age. Our education system focuses too much on early successes and undermines the potential of those may not have done “well enough” during their first few years of life.
To HK parents out there, if your child did not get into a “top” school, please encourage them that they are definitely able to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Help them find the best way to learn, learn with them, and be aware of the limitations in our system. Please don’t let the system judge your child based on their “experience”. Think about whether these tests given by the schools are valid and reliable measures of your child’s ability to perform and learn. And yes, the learning curve is never linear.
十間好基本, 多個D係廿間
每間都係4-6千人報, 大部分同一班人
一間有150-200個位, 十間就有1500-2000個位
如果報一間得 150/6000, 機會, 報十間就係有1500/6000 機會, 機會大好多
Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year 🎉
Thankyou for your sharing 🙏
Very professional ❤
Reynolds Family 🇬🇧🇭🇰 Happy Learning for Chid 🫶🏻🙏🏼
Good content 😊
有得揀 我唔想小朋友係4-5歲 被大人強加
看似長大後必須要遵守既禮儀 規矩
Merry Christmas
Great episode, lots of fun! 👍👏💪💯
🩷🩷 we all had so much fun in this “interview”🤣
First ❤
Hello, Mr Reynolds, may I know whether every child must go for an interview in order to get a place in an elementary school in Hongkong? What if the child fails in every school interview? I am from Singapore. Thank you.
Interviews are required for private schools in HK, but not necessary for government or subsidized schools. There must be a place in school for every pupil, although some schools may be less welcome by parents.
As someone who grew up in the States, this video was very insightful. We never had to do interviews to get into elementary, middle or high school. If you wanted to get into the best schools, it all depended on where you lived. If your address was in a better school district, you had a higher chance of going into a better school. BUT this caused some parents or families to lie and use the address of a particular family member who lived in a better school district or neighborhood...Although this interview process may cause some stress for the parents and children, this seems like a better, more just way of allowing student's to get into a better school. This process is based on the student's performance, not on their residence.
Great comment! 😁
Yes there are definitely loopholes with the catchment area system in different places!
Performance based entry has benefits. The competition is fierce and it sometimes depends on resources you have available to spend on preparation classes etc
The best practice is early, everyday practice with parents in our opinion. Hope the tips help everyone! 🥰
In Hong Kong, there is the catchment area system managed by the governement which was not mentioned in the video. There are families purposely move to better school districts. However, this system, so called "lucky draw" is done after all the interviews are done.
講真 種難搞嘅陸續有嚟呀小朋友仲細😅
Sadly, even for my students who absolutely don't have ADHD or any other attention deficit syndrome , they can't stay focused for even the simplest question just like what Galdys asks Finley . After I've asked the question, they were just keeping asking me to repeat again ... Sigh... really don't think any kid should go to tutorial class when they don't want to.... I mean, what's the point?
Second ❤️
LOL … CKY interview ?
我以前喺Reynolds 工作嘅學校返學😂😂 不過我讀嗰陣佢 佢未喺嗰度😂😂
我啲細路就唔使去Top School嘅,但係我個女已經係醫生啦,從來都係去普通學校我個仔有個Master degree in computer Engineering都係去普通學校,你咪喺度講得咁巴閉啦