Syk also once said if he were to wake up and find out he was married he would immediately go get a divorce. He wouldn't know how it happened but he would end it as soon as he was aware that he was married. So you can take that bit about you'll never have to sing two ways, his old girls are into me way or that he straight up just never wants to get married in the first place.
I mean, about 50% of Millennials are probably never going to get married, just statistically, so flip a coin for any given person to see if they ever get married or not. Half the population just doesn't even want it, among both men and women. (Sort of like how half the population watched their parents get divorced as kids, and all the negativity that goes with that -- coincidence? You decide.) Marriage ain't what it used to be. A lot of the appeal is just gone (if it ever existed at all).
Hes going to want to be careful with what he says on stream. "I'll say anything you want off stream mouse" Is a good way to get in trouble. He doesn't even need to say anything now, mouse can just make shit up :)
Another day, another shift in the Sadge Farm for Sykkuno.
Dang it i would have love to hear syk shout puto! Thanks for the clip!
Gotta gift some subs with that name lol
wonderful clip
Syk also once said if he were to wake up and find out he was married he would immediately go get a divorce. He wouldn't know how it happened but he would end it as soon as he was aware that he was married. So you can take that bit about you'll never have to sing two ways, his old girls are into me way or that he straight up just never wants to get married in the first place.
I mean, about 50% of Millennials are probably never going to get married, just statistically, so flip a coin for any given person to see if they ever get married or not. Half the population just doesn't even want it, among both men and women. (Sort of like how half the population watched their parents get divorced as kids, and all the negativity that goes with that -- coincidence? You decide.)
Marriage ain't what it used to be. A lot of the appeal is just gone (if it ever existed at all).
Hes going to want to be careful with what he says on stream. "I'll say anything you want off stream mouse" Is a good way to get in trouble. He doesn't even need to say anything now, mouse can just make shit up :)