Maks Valenčič: Umetnost vkodiranja
- Опубликовано: 2 янв 2025
- Umetnost vkodiranja
Maks Valenčič v pogovoru z Martinom Hergouthom
Cukrarna, Ljubljana
17. april 2024
V predavanju se Maks Valenčič ukvarja z umetniško gesto, tj. analizo umetniške predispozicije v antropološkem smislu. Kaj je torej ta gesta ter kakšne implikacije ima tudi v sociološkem ter političnem smislu? Kako ta določa horizont umetniškega delovanja ter kakšne so posledice tega dejstva? Izhodiščna točka predavanja bo trditev Josche Bacha, da so “umetniki ljudje, ki se zaljubijo v funkcijo izgube (loss function)”, da je torej specifičnost umetnikov v tem, da se zanimajo za vse možne načine vzorčenja. Umetnike, kot se to izkaže tekom predavanja, krasi ravno to dejstvo, tj. specifičen odnos do vkodiranja vzorcev, ta pa vsebuje tudi spekulativni potencial ter umetniško gesto veže z raznimi spekulativnimi diskurzi, saj alternativna zmožnost vzorčenja vodi v zmožnost alternativne gradnje svetov.
Preberite esej:
In his lecture, Maks Valenčič deals with artistic gesture, that is, analyse the artistic predisposition in the anthropological sense. What is an artistic gesture and what are its implications in the sociological and political sense? How does it determine the horizon of artistic endeavour and what are the consequences of this fact? The starting point of the lecture will be Joscha Bach’s claim that “artists are people who fall in love with the loss function”, which is to say that the specificity of artists lies in them being interested in all possible ways of encoding. As it turns out during the lecture, artists are characterised precisely by that fact, that is, a specific relation to encoding patterns, which also includes a speculative potential and relates the artistic gesture to various speculative discourses, for the alternative ability of reco(r)ding patterns leads to the ability of a generative world building.
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