I’m 14 and am considering joining the church and I’m extremely nervous considering non of my family are religious let alone catholic, I’m getting help from my friend and her family and this helped me understand how confession works, thank you.
Koiiz congratulations! welcome home! continue to study and learn about the Church, don’t let alone tell you what to believe. Let the truth of Gods word and His Church guide you on the narrow path.
Koiiz You need to look up vaticancatholic.com to see the true Catholic faith. There is a lot of heresy in modern day “Catholic” Churches. You can also see the vaticancatholic.com RUclips channel, which goes by the same name of the website.
It's been a while since you posted this but I'm glad you found this video helpful. I made it for my First Communion children who sometimes cry because they are so scared! There is no reason to let fear or nervousness stop you from confession. It is normal. The best part is that the priest is only standing in for our loving, merciful Lord -Jesus. He makes it all worthwhile and you truly feel forgiven.
The prayer is different. All We say here in New Zealand is: Oh my God, I am sorry I have sinned against you, with your help, I will not sin again. Amen . This is a very good way to explain to children.
I’m doing my first confession next Sunday and I think this really helped calm my nerves and made me understand how to do confession. Thank you for this video 🙏❤️
I needed to see this video. My faith in God has been severely damaged and I feel like this is my last chance to be able to get back in. As a child, I was really catholic, though I never got the chance to confess. Now I'm 13-14 and I want to start learning this asap because of corona, everything was canceled so no classes to teach me. Thank God my mom told me it was today, so I reviewed this video just to prepare me Thank you
hey are you down to join a christian/catholic group chat? We’re also into tryna come into christ and know him and his true church better. If you want to join just dm @love_stealth on instagram 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Your conscience is God speaking to you. Never ignore it. Stay on the straight and narrow path Jesus has trodden for you to follow in His footsteps. Godspeed.
My Mom was interested how things went after my first confession when I was 12 back in the 1980's, and the reality was that I had no idea what to confess. I explained that the priest prompted me by asking "what about lies?" My mother asked "what did you do?" to which I replied, "I told him some." I wasn't trying to do anything wrong, I just didn't want to screw it up and so confessed to some well crafted, but fake sins. When I later confessed that my first confession was all lies, the priest laughed and gave me one One Our Father to say.
This is actually my confession before my first communion and I forgot how to do a confession and I have to do it today. This is my 4th year doing catholic school because my 3rd and final year got corrupted by covid and I decided to take the year again to help me learn more stuff I did not learn in my 3rd year. At first I thought it was not worth it. I don’t regret re-doing the year. Anyone who is doing there first confession just know Ik how scared you must be because I was too but one thing that I have to tell you is you can do it! Its not as hard as it seems. YOU GOT THIS!!
I received my First Confession in the Spring of 1989. I received my First Holy Communion in April of 1990. However, I am terrified of going to Confession ever again, because a priest asked me: "why are you here?", when I tried confessing my sins. I tried confessing my sins, but the very same priest snapped at me, and said: "stop that!!!!! Now continue with your Confession!!!!!" After that, I burst out of Confession in tears, sobbing my eyes out, and on occasion, friends have tried taking me to Confession, but every time I approach Confession, I stop stock still, turn around, and leave as fast as I can. I understand this sounds unbelievable, but this priest was rude to me in Confession. Aren't priests supposed to be like Jesus? And would Jesus ask why anyone is at Confession? Absolutely NOT.
I am sorry that the priest spoke to you like that. Yes, they are supposed to be like Jesus -- in fact, aren't we all supposed to be like Jesus? --yet we fail. I suggest that now, 30+ years later, you no longer allow that one flawed, human priest (or the memory of it) to get in the way of the merciful and forgiving Jesus who is waiting to meet you in the Sacrament of Confession. You can choose any priest you want for Confession but it is Jesus himself who forgives in that Sacrament. Go to the Sacrament for a loving encounter with Jesus (the priest is only his stand in) and don't fixate on that awful experience. Perhaps before you go, pray for that priest who gave you a hard time and ask God to help you to forgive him in your heart and heal your heart. In fact, you may want to share that awful experience with the priest during confession so you may let go of it. I will pray that you have the courage to approach the Sacrament again and truly experience the forgiveness of sins and the healing and peace of that this Sacrament gives.
That's difficult. Some priests are harder in the confessional than others. No matter what happens in the confessional, if you get through it with true sorrow, receive absolution, and do your penance, you've received one of the greatest gifts available to mankind, and you gain the ability to take communion. Remember that if we take communion in a state of grave sin we commit blasphemy which is itself a grievous sin that must be confessed. Also remember that a good confession isn't just about what we've done wrong (or failed to do) but the frequency of those sins. Both the offense and the frequency should be confessed. In your case I would try confessing to a different priest, and after you make the introduction and tell the priest it's been however long since your last confession, tell him you're nervous. It's ok to be nervous, it suggests that you feel true shame and true sorrow for your sins, which is necessary for the sacrament. The more nervous you are the better, actually, because it means that if you succeed in making a full examination of conscience and don't intentionally leave any sins out, you are likely to have a very good confession which is a most profitable blessing.
Msgr. Ed!!! I was looking for videos for my second graders and stumbled upon this video. I immediately knew it was my old Pastor Msgr. Ed . Thank you so much for making this! It is going to be so helpful as I introduce my students to this sacrament. God Bless!
Thank you so much for this video. I am twelve and recently started going to a Catholic school, I have not been to confession in five years and have forgotten how to go so this really helps me. Thank you
BUT WHEN YOUR VIETNAMESE YOU SAY THE Art of Contrition LIKE THIS: My God, I am sorry for my sins, with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong, and failing to do good. I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Amen
Very helpful video, since confession is a private sacrament we rarely get to see a full example of how it actually works, so sometimes I get the feeling I'm not doing it right
Im going to do my first confession in my communion at Nov 21st and im scared that the priest will tell people my sins but after this im not scared anymore Thank you so much 😀💜
He will. He's been waiting to meet in the Confessional so I am sure he is looking forward to it. His Sacramental Grace , Mercy and Forgiveness will help you, too.
Nothing more like this than that was. But that doesn't matter what the point in this thread was about it was about how many of those guys are going through this game for some time and got the best thing ever done before you start playing.
First of all, welcome to the Catholic Church! Before you convert, your confession will include the whole of your life. But don't let that scare you. It is not all the details of your sins that you need to confess but the kind of sin and an approximation of the number or how often you commit that sin -- once? three or four times in your life? or in a year? now and then? daily? etc. See if you can pick up on patterns of sin in your life that have lead you away from God. Before confession, give yourself a good amount of time to make an examination of conscience and review your life. You can use the Ten Commandments as a guide and be sure to pray/ask the Holy Spirit to help you shine a light on the dark areas that need to be brought forward for Confessions. There are many Examination of Conscience guides out there to help you like www.ncregister.com/info/confession_guide_for_adults . Be sure to tell the priest that this is your first Confession and he will certainly help you out as needed. Give yourself plenty of time to confess. For this reason, It may be helpful to make an appointment with the priest this first time. Knowing this, the priest may ask you questions here and there to prompt you and guide you in making a good confession. Remember, by confessing to a priest, you are confessing directly to Jesus -- and Jesus very much wants to reconcile you and give you his peace and forgiveness! Even if you are sincere and forget something, God will forgive you. (It is still good to bring that sin up the next time.) In the end, you will find, as so many have in RCIA, that the experience of confession is so healing and will bring you closer to God. This is also true of all Catholics, especially those who have returned to confession after many years. Peace to you in this endeavor. Confession is a wonderful sacrament!
IM DOING IT TMR AND I AM SO SCARED when ever I speak to anybody I literally cry I can’t even memorize anything do the priest help you when you can’t memorize it???
No Mimi. The priest very definitely will NOT flog you, or tell you to flog yourself. That is a punishment usually only for Nuns of a very particular order, but NEVER people who go to confession on a regular basis, and CERTAINLY NOT one who's doing their 1st confession. It won't be scary at all, and the priest will be very kind to you. He will know that you're a bit scared, as it's your first time, and if you forget something, he will help you to do everything just right. God bless you for your 1st confession. I think you'll find you' quite enjoy it. Good luck.
@@mimim7026 Well mimi, Let mr put it this way. Just supposing that you accidentally broke a favourite toy of your best friend. If you confess honestly, and straightaway, as you are both best friends, don't you think, that altho sh'd br very sad that her favourite toy is broken, just because she IS a good friend, she WILL forgive you, because you told her what you'd done, and didn't say it wasn't me and so give someone else the blame unfairly. Well! When you confess to the priest, you are actually telling Jesus your sins and tbe priest is acting on Jesus's behalf. Now remember, that Jesus is your friend He loves you, and he isn't going to tutn mean and nasty to you and so you wouldn't be scared of your best friend would you. You're doing a very good thing when you go to confession, and Jesus loves it when we do good things, and wouldn't tell you to go and flog yourself or anything nasty and scary like that. Otherwise NOBODY would ever go to confession at all. So that's why confession should not be scary or mean, because it is an act of love, telling Jesus that you are very sorry for what you have done, and that with his help, you won't sin again. I Hope that explains it a bit.
You might want to consider joining the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church recently established the Anglican Rite Catholic Church. It is for those who want to embrace the tenets of the Catholic Church and still maintain the Anglican rite -- especially its liturgy.
With science continuing to prove God exists even they don’t realize that is what they are doing, hence the God particle and the Eve gene. The Big Bang ok, but what started the “bang”? There is plenty of history and archeological findings of the events in the Bible, I hope you find Jesus loves you and wants you too for His kingdom. The Catholic Church was passed down from Jesus Christ Himself, the pope is the seat of St. Peter. Our Lady of Fatima upwards of 70,000 people witnessed and most of it so far has came true, but time is running short. All over the world they are finding more and more proof of the events in the Bible and Jesus walking this earth. I hope you find Him, and peace be with you in this evil world, for God is calling you.
i love you god i will never sin again lust was the sin i am really sorry i will never do it i used to do it but i will never ever do it again i am gonna a be a honest nice person who will go to hevan
@@elizabeth4861 sorry that I didn’t respond! It went well. I told my sins to the priest and he told me to go pray some hail marys outside in front of the Hail Mary Shrine. It isn’t so scary. Just try to remember your sins and what you are going to tell the priest and remember your prayers.
Upon ordination as a Catholic priest. You don't get things piecemeal, once ordained you you can do everything. I am not sure what year they are TAUGHT how to, but I am sure they are at some point. Thank a priest, they give up lots for us!
Once again, Jesus said to the Apostles, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." John 20: 22-23 He delegated his role of forgiveness to the Apostles and their successor. Why not take him at his word?
🎯 Confession in that style with saying "sorry God and people" and "I hurted God" should be Banned! 😤 Confession in that style is the fruit of Devil This is the Real Mark of The Beast!-- -- That "confession" with humbling yourself and saying sorry and feeling bad! ❤ The Real Confession should be Just Talking with Priest or Somebody and sayning everything you was shame of for example ❤ but its for create new better self vision and not feeling guilty and shame again. 👑 With no Sorry and humbling yourself- thats evil for Us.
Why does this child keep her eyes open and direct them at the priest while doing her confession. Is that the way it is done - with open eyes? Then it looks like she is praying to the priest and not to God.
Because at least in the USA that's how most conversations work. The idea of confession is we are not confessing to a priest "instead of" to God but it's to God by the authority of the priest
Reconciliation and Holy Mass are examples of #InPersonaChristi. This is why only a priest (or bishop; all bishops remain priests) can perform acts in the person of Christ Himself!
*How illogical, bogus, and hypocritical to use a man to give the verdict of God Almighty? This gives me shivers down the spine. This is paganism. Jesus NEVER said to confess to a HUMAN (SINNER)*
Have you not read in the Bible what Jesus said to the Disciples (human sinners) gathered in the Upper Room at Pentecost, " 'As the Father has sent me, so I send you.' And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.' " ? John 20:21-23 These are the words of the priest (sinner) in confession “I absolve you from your sins IN THE NAME OF the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Sinners that they are, God has still given them the authority to forgive sins in HIS/God's NAME. Where is the Paganism?
@@SrDonnaD *I have not only read the messed up (several versions) of Bible, but even the Torah (not translated for years and kept hidden from English), Hibdu Vedas, Bhuddist Tripataka, Goodman & Gilman (Bible of Pharmacopeia), Quran, and much more. EDUCATE before quote STUPIDITY on RUclips. It is time we the really educated, degreed, and social workers took over this mad comments and tell the truth. You are STUPID as a door nail, or mentally needy to believe a lie. But, never try to lie to LEARNED ppl. We are not going to be "Mr. Nice Guy" anymore for Satanists. God is SERIOUS and Hell is REAL. You will end in Hell if do not wake-up before trip into in the dark. Ask your own reverted priests. If lucky, then you will be guided by God. But only 1% will avoid Hell. Good luck.
@@SrDonnaD *Crazy Paul, Mark, Luke (all unknown writers = ask a priest) are liars and changed what Jesus preached. It is pure stupidity to not do a CRIMINAL CROSS EXAMINATION into how the Preachings of Jesus was chsnged by immoral Roman Royalty. (Same as done today. Nothing new). Study DEEPLY.. do not "quote" liars. If I take the Bible and rewrite (as an immoral Roman Pagan with POLITICAL goals to get VOTERS) ... yeah after KILL Jesus (Murder), will you keep "quoting" the lies I wrote? Don't you have a SOUL that can see God? What sin have you done that your soul is locked in with Satanic Verses of The Bible. Paul was possesed by SATAN and he CHANGED the preaching of Jesus. Wake up before thrown into Hell. (If you care..). Humans are a dumb animal 99% of the time. Established by hiw Adam commited sin in Heaven (for God's Sake, in Heaven).
I’m 14 and am considering joining the church and I’m extremely nervous considering non of my family are religious let alone catholic, I’m getting help from my friend and her family and this helped me understand how confession works, thank you.
God loves you...
Koiiz congratulations! welcome home! continue to study and learn about the Church, don’t let alone tell you what to believe. Let the truth of Gods word and His Church guide you on the narrow path.
You need to look up vaticancatholic.com to see the true Catholic faith. There is a lot of heresy in modern day “Catholic” Churches. You can also see the vaticancatholic.com RUclips channel, which goes by the same name of the website.
It's been a while since you posted this but I'm glad you found this video helpful. I made it for my First Communion children who sometimes cry because they are so scared! There is no reason to let fear or nervousness stop you from confession. It is normal. The best part is that the priest is only standing in for our loving, merciful Lord -Jesus. He makes it all worthwhile and you truly feel forgiven.
Welcome home dear and may God guide, protect, and, bless you.
I love my catholic faith so much I feel like crying! Thank you Jesus for these sacraments ❤️
I made my first confession at 29. I’m a convert from Southern Baptist Protestantism.
:0 its okay. I understand
I’m a covert from nondenominational charismatic church. 😂
You now belong to the church which was founded by the Good Lord Jesus Christ in the year 33 A.D.
I'm going to make my 1st confession I'm 54 coming from many Protestant faiths
@@r93-g6c lies
The prayer is different. All We say here in New Zealand is: Oh my God, I am sorry I have sinned against you, with your help, I will not sin again. Amen . This is a very good way to explain to children.
Thank You the original is very long and idk if I could memorize it in time!
As a new Catholic, this video is a big help to me to go to confession for the first time
I’m doing my first confession next Sunday and I think this really helped calm my nerves and made me understand how to do confession. Thank you for this video 🙏❤️
Patricia Puckett hope u stay safe
Same it's tommorow
@@uigoku2647 mine to
@@faithmusundi6510 that was 10 months ago but I hope you have great day
everyone stay safe.
Im a religious education teacher and this video will help me so much with my young students ❤
I needed to see this video. My faith in God has been severely damaged and I feel like this is my last chance to be able to get back in. As a child, I was really catholic, though I never got the chance to confess. Now I'm 13-14 and I want to start learning this asap because of corona, everything was canceled so no classes to teach me. Thank God my mom told me it was today, so I reviewed this video just to prepare me
Thank you
hey are you down to join a christian/catholic group chat? We’re also into tryna come into christ and know him and his true church better. If you want to join just dm @love_stealth on instagram 🙏🏾🙏🏾
same 🙏
life is long do not worry
Your conscience is God speaking to you. Never ignore it. Stay on the straight and narrow path Jesus has trodden for you to follow in His footsteps. Godspeed.
My Mom was interested how things went after my first confession when I was 12 back in the 1980's, and the reality was that I had no idea what to confess. I explained that the priest prompted me by asking "what about lies?" My mother asked "what did you do?" to which I replied, "I told him some." I wasn't trying to do anything wrong, I just didn't want to screw it up and so confessed to some well crafted, but fake sins. When I later confessed that my first confession was all lies, the priest laughed and gave me one One Our Father to say.
I’m doing my first confession Saturday . This really helped .Thank you .🙂🙃
Abby R?
Thank you
Same but I just saw that were supposed to say the contrition but I don’t know it so I’m wondering if u know what happens if u don’t know it?
I’m doing it next week🙂
I'm doing my confession this Saturday ( 2/20/2021 )
Amen! Amen! Amen!🙏🙏🙏
Confession must always with reverence and a humble heart. Confession is a sign that you are loving God more that your sins.😇
This is actually my confession before my first communion and I forgot how to do a confession and I have to do it today. This is my 4th year doing catholic school because my 3rd and final year got corrupted by covid and I decided to take the year again to help me learn more stuff I did not learn in my 3rd year. At first I thought it was not worth it. I don’t regret re-doing the year. Anyone who is doing there first confession just know Ik how scared you must be because I was too but one thing that I have to tell you is you can do it! Its not as hard as it seems. YOU GOT THIS!!
Today I have my first confession and im so nervous cause I’m still studying my prayers
i am doing my second confession. I forgot all of the steps so i am very nervous, but thanks for the help!
Same 😭😭
I love Jesus
I received my First Confession in the Spring of 1989.
I received my First Holy Communion in April of 1990.
However, I am terrified of going to Confession ever again, because a priest asked me: "why are you here?", when I tried confessing my sins.
I tried confessing my sins, but the very same priest snapped at me, and said: "stop that!!!!! Now continue with your Confession!!!!!"
After that, I burst out of Confession in tears, sobbing my eyes out, and on occasion, friends have tried taking me to Confession, but every time I approach Confession, I stop stock still, turn around, and leave as fast as I can.
I understand this sounds unbelievable, but this priest was rude to me in Confession.
Aren't priests supposed to be like Jesus? And would Jesus ask why anyone is at Confession? Absolutely NOT.
I am sorry that the priest spoke to you like that. Yes, they are supposed to be like Jesus -- in fact, aren't we all supposed to be like Jesus? --yet we fail. I suggest that now, 30+ years later, you no longer allow that one flawed, human priest (or the memory of it) to get in the way of the merciful and forgiving Jesus who is waiting to meet you in the Sacrament of Confession. You can choose any priest you want for Confession but it is Jesus himself who forgives in that Sacrament. Go to the Sacrament for a loving encounter with Jesus (the priest is only his stand in) and don't fixate on that awful experience. Perhaps before you go, pray for that priest who gave you a hard time and ask God to help you to forgive him in your heart and heal your heart. In fact, you may want to share that awful experience with the priest during confession so you may let go of it.
I will pray that you have the courage to approach the Sacrament again and truly experience the forgiveness of sins and the healing and peace of that this Sacrament gives.
That's difficult. Some priests are harder in the confessional than others. No matter what happens in the confessional, if you get through it with true sorrow, receive absolution, and do your penance, you've received one of the greatest gifts available to mankind, and you gain the ability to take communion. Remember that if we take communion in a state of grave sin we commit blasphemy which is itself a grievous sin that must be confessed. Also remember that a good confession isn't just about what we've done wrong (or failed to do) but the frequency of those sins. Both the offense and the frequency should be confessed. In your case I would try confessing to a different priest, and after you make the introduction and tell the priest it's been however long since your last confession, tell him you're nervous. It's ok to be nervous, it suggests that you feel true shame and true sorrow for your sins, which is necessary for the sacrament. The more nervous you are the better, actually, because it means that if you succeed in making a full examination of conscience and don't intentionally leave any sins out, you are likely to have a very good confession which is a most profitable blessing.
Msgr. Ed!!! I was looking for videos for my second graders and stumbled upon this video. I immediately knew it was my old Pastor Msgr. Ed . Thank you so much for making this! It is going to be so helpful as I introduce my students to this sacrament. God Bless!
Hello Lauren. !Thank you for your comments Lauren and it was good to hear from a former parishioner of Holy Cross! Blessings, Father Ed
My parish priest growing up would along with prayer do a kindness for my parents and siblings.
I am going to have my first confession soon and this was very helpful.
Thank you so much for this video. I am twelve and recently started going to a Catholic school, I have not been to confession in five years and have forgotten how to go so this really helps me. Thank you
My God, I am sorry for my sins, with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong, and failing to do good. I have sinned against you, whom I should love
above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Amen
It is Act of contrition not art of contrition
Yeah that’s true I’m Vietnamese and my church says it like that
Their are three versions of it this is one of them
Ohk I don't know
Very helpful video, since confession is a private sacrament we rarely get to see a full example of how it actually works, so sometimes I get the feeling I'm not doing it right
Wonderful video thank you so much
Im going to do my first confession in my communion at Nov 21st and im scared that the priest will tell people my sins but after this im not scared anymore
Thank you so much 😀💜
I am doing my confession tomorrow I’m very nervous it’s Been 3 years since I last done my confession I hope God helps me
He will. He's been waiting to meet in the Confessional so I am sure he is looking forward to it. His Sacramental Grace , Mercy and Forgiveness will help you, too.
I’m doing it today.... AHH IM SCARED
Abby C me too
@@gachawolfieomg9059 I’m so nervous rn I have to go today and I’m so scared
Who isn’t
I haven't been able to confess because of COVID-19 my last confession was in 2019. And I so BADLY needed to go in Confession.
I am really nervous whenever I do a confession, thinking I'm going to mess or something.
I am doing a confession today, and I am really nervous/
Why didn't the priest ask if she had returned the item that she stole? If she took something that didn't belong to her (1:56), she has to return it.
since this is not a real confession and just a video, he probably forgot and didn’t really take it that seriously
actually my act of contrition in Qatar only says "dread the lost of heaven and pains of hell" instead of saying "Because of your just punishment.
I was in my late twenties when I joined the Church. The first confession took a while...
I'm 9 years old I'm going to confession next month February 8 2023
I’m doing my confession tomorrow I feel a lot better
Ella Walzer same for me
Tommorow is my confession and this helped me a lot thanks 😊
I am 9 and about to receive holy communion
thank you for the example, now i know what to do when i go to my first confession
Nothing more like this than that was. But that doesn't matter what the point in this thread was about it was about how many of those guys are going through this game for some time and got the best thing ever done before you start playing.
Thank you I’m doing my first confessions tomorrow
I'll start my confession tomorrow hope it go well
My first confession in april
Thank you very much for this.
I loved the act of contrition 😍
I did my confession today it wasent scary
thats not how you spell wasn't
@@soeperjoen ok so what
You you sureeee
@@Sigmaquandaleskibidi what the heck
Great video . Thank you Father.
I really need to start being nice, this video makes me want to be nice to everyone
I'm really nervous because I'm gonna join first communion soon and I will practice this all the time now it's a habit 😂
Pray an act of perfect contrition everyday
3:09 3:09 3:09 3:09 3:09 3:09
3:09 3:10
I'm 25 years old I went to my first confession for the first time ever it went great ❤
Bishops should never allow face to face Confession in private with anybody, least of all a young person.
That practice confession was done out in the open on the altar as all our children's confessions are.
I'm an adult and will convert soon. Wondering how far back I will have to go for my first confession?
First of all, welcome to the Catholic Church! Before you convert, your confession will include the whole of your life. But don't let that scare you. It is not all the details of your sins that you need to confess but the kind of sin and an approximation of the number or how often you commit that sin -- once? three or four times in your life? or in a year? now and then? daily? etc. See if you can pick up on patterns of sin in your life that have lead you away from God.
Before confession, give yourself a good amount of time to make an examination of conscience and review your life. You can use the Ten Commandments as a guide and be sure to pray/ask the Holy Spirit to help you shine a light on the dark areas that need to be brought forward for Confessions. There are many Examination of Conscience guides out there to help you like www.ncregister.com/info/confession_guide_for_adults .
Be sure to tell the priest that this is your first Confession and he will certainly help you out as needed. Give yourself plenty of time to confess. For this reason, It may be helpful to make an appointment with the priest this first time. Knowing this, the priest may ask you questions here and there to prompt you and guide you in making a good confession. Remember, by confessing to a priest, you are confessing directly to Jesus -- and Jesus very much wants to reconcile you and give you his peace and forgiveness! Even if you are sincere and forget something, God will forgive you. (It is still good to bring that sin up the next time.) In the end, you will find, as so many have in RCIA, that the experience of confession is so healing and will bring you closer to God. This is also true of all Catholics, especially those who have returned to confession after many years. Peace to you in this endeavor. Confession is a wonderful sacrament!
Who is gonna have a party when yall do first communion?
I'm doing my confession in May
Even me
@@Anishia_needs_Therapy_lol. Bro I'm so scared😭✋
I am scared too but pls sub to me hahahah I am 9 years old now in 6 months I will become 10
@@Anishia_needs_Therapy_lol. dont expose your age
@@sushi7910 OK I will keep it in mind
This was really helpful thank you
Do you need to know the nicenes creed for first confession or communion?
IM DOING IT TMR AND I AM SO SCARED when ever I speak to anybody I literally cry I can’t even memorize anything do the priest help you when you can’t memorize it???
I felt the same way i just did it today with a priest that didnt really care- 😞
The Priests always help you. If you wish, you can go in with the simple instructions and read it all from a paper.
Will the priest flog me? Or instruct me to flog myself?
@Anakin Skywalker Bummer. I'm out.
No Mimi.
The priest very definitely will NOT flog you, or tell you to flog yourself. That is a punishment usually only for Nuns of a very particular order, but NEVER people who go to confession on a regular basis, and CERTAINLY NOT one who's doing their 1st confession.
It won't be scary at all, and the priest will be very kind to you.
He will know that you're a bit scared, as it's your first time, and if you forget something, he will help you to do everything just right.
God bless you for your 1st confession. I think you'll find you' quite enjoy it.
Good luck.
@SIN WILL KILL YOU Hriech zabíja You totally said a lot of stuff and didn't answer my very simple question at all.
@@lizb853 If it's not scary, what's the point, exactly?
Well mimi,
Let mr put it this way. Just supposing that you accidentally broke a favourite toy of your best friend. If you confess honestly, and straightaway, as you are both best friends, don't you think, that altho sh'd br very sad that her favourite toy is broken, just because she IS a good friend, she WILL forgive you, because you told her what you'd done, and didn't say it wasn't me and so give someone else the blame unfairly.
Well! When you confess to the priest, you are actually telling Jesus your sins and tbe priest is acting on Jesus's behalf. Now remember, that Jesus is your friend
He loves you, and he isn't going to tutn mean and nasty to you and so you wouldn't be scared of your best friend would you.
You're doing a very good thing when you go to confession, and Jesus loves it when we do good things, and wouldn't tell you to go and flog yourself or anything nasty and scary like that. Otherwise NOBODY would ever go to confession at all. So that's why confession should not be scary or mean, because it is an act of love, telling Jesus that you are very sorry for what you have done, and that with his help, you won't sin again. I
Hope that explains it a bit.
I'm getting my confession tomorrow
I have to confess tomorrow and I have never done it I’m scared 😮😮
I’m Episcopalian and I like everything but I wish there was confession in it.
You might want to consider joining the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church recently established the Anglican Rite Catholic Church. It is for those who want to embrace the tenets of the Catholic Church and still maintain the Anglican rite -- especially its liturgy.
Even though I am an Atheist but Churches are some of the most beautiful buildings ever made
With science continuing to prove God exists even they don’t realize that is what they are doing, hence the God particle and the Eve gene. The Big Bang ok, but what started the “bang”? There is plenty of history and archeological findings of the events in the Bible, I hope you find Jesus loves you and wants you too for His kingdom. The Catholic Church was passed down from Jesus Christ Himself, the pope is the seat of St. Peter. Our Lady of Fatima upwards of 70,000 people witnessed and most of it so far has came true, but time is running short. All over the world they are finding more and more proof of the events in the Bible and Jesus walking this earth. I hope you find Him, and peace be with you in this evil world, for God is calling you.
This is what I really wanted,,,,,,thank you
i love you god i will never sin again lust was the sin i am really sorry i will never do it i used to do it but i will never ever do it again i am gonna a be a honest nice person who will go to hevan
I'm 10 years old and tomorrow will be my first confession!!!
How did it go? Did you need to memorize anything? I have mine tomorrow and I’m panicking-
@@notsocool8613 pls i have to go this week. How did it go?
sorry that I didn’t respond! It went well. I told my sins to the priest and he told me to go pray some hail marys outside in front of the Hail Mary Shrine. It isn’t so scary. Just try to remember your sins and what you are going to tell the priest and remember your prayers.
@@notsocool8613 okay thank you!!
Not nervous beacause I want to be a preist
Question , what year in seminary does a man receive the power to forgive sins ?
Upon ordination as a Catholic priest. You don't get things piecemeal, once ordained you you can do everything. I am not sure what year they are TAUGHT how to, but I am sure they are at some point. Thank a priest, they give up lots for us!
im getting my first communion at may 30
Demonic oppression close all the doors bring the Holy Spirit
Is this not seem right now come there is one kid and where her family and other family there only 2 people
This the Sanctuary of the Church. The rest of her family is sitting in the pew behind the videographer.
Thank you for the video
I'm doing my confession today saturday
I am so happy for you. I hope this video helped!
Lord Jesus, Son of God,
have mercy on me, a sinner.
I’m 15 and I just had a connfetion and I heard the voice of God
I am doing my confession on Saturday 😥Thanks for help
do not confess your sins to another human being to believe that God forgives you through your father priest
Once again, Jesus said to the Apostles, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." John 20: 22-23 He delegated his role of forgiveness to the Apostles and their successor. Why not take him at his word?
🎯 Confession in that style with saying "sorry God and people" and "I hurted God" should be Banned!
😤 Confession in that style is the fruit of Devil
This is the Real Mark of The Beast!--
-- That "confession" with humbling yourself and saying sorry and feeling bad!
❤ The Real Confession should be Just Talking with Priest or Somebody and sayning everything you was shame of for example
❤ but its for create new better self vision and not feeling guilty and shame again.
👑 With no Sorry and humbling yourself- thats evil for Us.
Why does this child keep her eyes open and direct them at the priest while doing her confession. Is that the way it is done - with open eyes? Then it looks like she is praying to the priest and not to God.
Because at least in the USA that's how most conversations work. The idea of confession is we are not confessing to a priest "instead of" to God but it's to God by the authority of the priest
Hi 🎉 plus new subscriber🎉
Reconciliation and Holy Mass are examples of #InPersonaChristi. This is why only a priest (or bishop; all bishops remain priests) can perform acts in the person of Christ Himself!
I did my confession yesterday
@SIN WILL KILL YOU Hriech zabíja that was a long reply
@SIN WILL KILL YOU Hriech zabíja not a really kind name...
I’m doing my on the 11th
What is the name of the book she uses?
Going to Confession by Rev. L. Lovasik, SVD -- Catholic Book Publishing Corp., NJ
Thank you for this ♡
Im doing it in a few days
I have mine today at 5:30 and I’m so scaredddddddd 😱
If you’ve already done it what happened? Do I need to memorize anything? I have mine tomorrow so I’m a bit nervous
Omg I’m so sorry but I hope you did good!
im doing my first confamation today at 1 pm
I am doing my confession today
How did it go?
This is my second time I’m very worried.
Thank you!
I am Protestant Christian but I like catholic but one thing priest unmarried I don't like
I made my confession today
I have sin and my first confession is tomorrow I m sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Jesus will forgive all ur sins , don’t be scared , god says fear not!!!
I’ve done my first comunion
Me and my brother are going to confession
It's amazing
Some things like that I do.
I'm ready
*How illogical, bogus, and hypocritical to use a man to give the verdict of God Almighty? This gives me shivers down the spine. This is paganism. Jesus NEVER said to confess to a HUMAN (SINNER)*
Have you not read in the Bible what Jesus said to the Disciples (human sinners) gathered in the Upper Room at Pentecost, " 'As the Father has sent me, so I send you.' And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.' " ? John 20:21-23 These are the words of the priest (sinner) in confession
“I absolve you from your sins IN THE NAME OF the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Sinners that they are, God has still given them the authority to forgive sins in HIS/God's NAME. Where is the Paganism?
*I have not only read the messed up (several versions) of Bible, but even the Torah (not translated for years and kept hidden from English), Hibdu Vedas, Bhuddist Tripataka, Goodman & Gilman (Bible of Pharmacopeia), Quran, and much more.
EDUCATE before quote STUPIDITY on RUclips.
It is time we the really educated, degreed, and social workers took over this mad comments and tell the truth.
You are STUPID as a door nail, or mentally needy to believe a lie.
But, never try to lie to LEARNED ppl.
We are not going to be "Mr. Nice Guy" anymore for Satanists.
God is SERIOUS and Hell is REAL.
You will end in Hell if do not wake-up before trip into in the dark.
Ask your own reverted priests.
If lucky, then you will be guided by God.
But only 1% will avoid Hell.
Good luck.
*Crazy Paul, Mark, Luke (all unknown writers = ask a priest) are liars and changed what Jesus preached.
It is pure stupidity to not do a CRIMINAL CROSS EXAMINATION into how the Preachings of Jesus was chsnged by immoral Roman Royalty. (Same as done today. Nothing new).
Study DEEPLY.. do not "quote" liars.
If I take the Bible and rewrite (as an immoral Roman Pagan with POLITICAL goals to get VOTERS) ... yeah after KILL Jesus (Murder), will you keep "quoting" the lies I wrote?
Don't you have a SOUL that can see God?
What sin have you done that your soul is locked in with Satanic Verses of The Bible. Paul was possesed by SATAN and he CHANGED the preaching of Jesus.
Wake up before thrown into Hell. (If you care..). Humans are a dumb animal 99% of the time. Established by hiw Adam commited sin in Heaven (for God's Sake, in Heaven).
My confession is today