  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • #ラミィ一問一答
    雪花ラミィ ラミィとほろ酔い♡お酒グッズ発売中!
    / nabe_otome
    感想は #らみらいぶ #雪花ラミィ で呟いて頂けたら嬉しいです!
    Notices From COVER Corporation
    We have been made aware of a number of attempts to incite controversy against our talents by causing them to utter sensitive statements using the live stream chat.
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    Please understand that even if such statements were to be said by the talents, these are in no way politically or ideologically motivated.
    / yukihanalamy
    / @yukihanalamy
    / @yukihanalamy
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    カバー株式会社 ホロライブ プレゼント係分
    みなり 様
    / minari_studio
    / hololivetv
    / @hololive
    [カバー 未成年者の方々へ]で検索してお読みいただくか、下記リンクをご確認の上、お楽しみください。

Комментарии • 88

  • @雪カワウソ
    @雪カワウソ 6 месяцев назад +51

    個人用Time Stamp
    03:32 start
    04:23 配信概要
    06:08 愛包ダンスホール歌って踊ってみた!のプレミア公開
     06:40 Q1.今後やりたい企画とかありますか?
     06:59 Q2.最近お姉様やお父様とはどんな感じ?
     07:52 Q3.好きなお菓子は?
     08:48 Q4.おすすめの洗濯用洗剤は?
     10:17 Q5.肉じゃがは豚肉派?牛肉派?
     10:25 Q6.好きなニオイは?
     11:17 Q7.簡単に作れるおススメおつまみは?
     11:29 Q8.ここで雪民さんに一言
     11:45 Q9.ラミィちゃんのおデコが見たいです
     12:18 Q10.確定申告した?
     12:23 Q11.春に食べたいものは?
     12:50 Q12.好きな水族館の生き物Top3
     13:36 Q13.最近壊したものある?
     15:13 Q14.質問(この一問一答)の〆切時間は?
     15:23 Q15.語尾のイントネーションが上がり気味なのは癖?
     16:30 Q16.目玉焼きには何をかけるの?
     17:04 Q17.昔間違えて覚えてた漢字の読み方ある?
     17:47 Q18.ラミィちゃん大好きって言ったら照れてくれますか? &圧助かる
     18:19 Q19.水以外で飲む健康的な飲み物&R-1グランプリについて
     18:56 Q20.KALAZ結成のきっかけ
     19:16 Q21. ホラーやグロが好きな理由は?
     20:00 Q22. 女子高生時代はリュック派?スクバ派?
     21:02 Q23.みるく(飼い猫)の匂いは?
     21:26 Q24.最近のショート動画で一番のお気に入り& パパッパッパッパパ パイ! ♥ ?
     22:25 Q25.好きな観葉植物は?
     23:40 Q26.好きなラーメンのトッピングは?
     23:43 Q27.一番ツッコみやすいホロメンは?
     23:58 Q28.去年EXPOのホロライブSPステージの言質の様子や感想は?
     24:25 Q29.夜眠れない時はどうするの?
     25:05 Q30.僕(リスナー)の明日の朝食は食パン?
     25:13 Q31.好きな筋肉は?
     25:20 Q32.ダンスをするときに心がけていること
     25:32 Q33.愛包ダンスホールを踊ったきっかけは?
     26:15 Q34.回転寿司で一皿目は何を食べるの?
     26:19 Q35.最近はまってる飲み物は?
     26:32 Q36.ウォッチパーティー終わるけど今後Twitchどうするの&衝撃を受けるラミィ
     28:00 Q37.イチ押しトークをまたやる予定あるか?
     29:45 Q38.もやしの刺身とおつくりどっちが好き?
     29:57 Q39.5thFesでエアギターする?
     30:12 Q40.ラミィちゃん声可愛い&可愛い声でしばらく質問を読むラミィ
     30:25 Q41.次の新衣装出すならどんなコンセプト
     31:00 Q42.おすすめのシナモロールグッズ教えて?
     33:15 Q43.理想の旦那はどんな人
      35:02 雑談:ドラマ「不適切にもほどがある」
     37:57 Q44.スキンケア用品のおススメ&使い方を語るラミィ
     39:40 Q45.今の推しグミBest3
     40:58 Q46.雪民にしてほしくないことは?
     41:28 Q47.好きなラーメンは?
     41:43 Q48.使っているシャンプーを教えてください
     42:27 Q49.一番脳筋な武器は?
     42:34 Q50.ハイボール好き?
     42:38 Q51.言われて一番嬉しい言葉は?
     43:08 Q52.好きな映画は?
     43:15 Q53.今年始めてみたい趣味は?
     43:30 Q54.最近聞いたASMRは?
     44:28 Q55.この春のトレンドは?
     45:56 Q56.一生食べるならパンと米どっち?
     46:14 Q57.最近Amazonで買った革命的な商品は?
     46:46 Q58.ホロメンに野菜料理作るなら何?
     47:16 Q59.雪民の美味しいおすすめ部位は?
     47:50 Q60.語学に興味ある?
     48:04 Q61.今週の配信予定は?  
     48:15 Q62.使ってるヘアオイルは?
     48:43 Q63.来世は何になりたい
     48:50 Q64.カレー味の雪民VS雪民味のカレー
     49:02 Q65..今使っているヘッドフォンの機種は?
     49:21 Q66.雪民の新衣装はきますか?
     49:27 Q67.雪民にしてほしい行為は?
     49:39 Q68.すき家のマグロたたき丼がなくなるが何を糧とすればいいか?
     49:57 Q69.ヘアミルクは使ってる?
     50:00 Q70.乳液は何使ってる?
     50:21 Q71.リスナーがイチコロになる一言下さい 50:27
     50:38 Q72.フリーレンで好きなシーンは?
     51:10 Q73.ステーキの焼き加減は何が好き?
     51:22 Q74.芋焼酎飲まないの?
     51:48 Q75.今年のライブで雪民に合図してくれますか? 合図何にするか相談
     54:05 Q76.ラミィちゃんは何を倒したの?
     54:56 Q77.ワミィって言われるのイヤ?
     55:27 Q78.ヘアオイル何使ってるの(2回目)
     57:00 Q79.最近覚えた言葉は?
     57:11 Q80.雪民証明書の再販ある? 57:36
     57:18 Q81.ハッピーセット特典のカービィ―手に入れた?
     57:56 Q82.明日の朝食は?
     58:08 Q83.フリーレンに勝てるとしたらどんな勝負?
     58:13 Q84.部屋のニオイは?
     58:49 Q85.雪民ぬいぐるみの再販ありますか?
     58:55 Q86.かなたん・みこち・ラミィの不遇御三家のコラボ はありますか
     59:21 Q87.和菓子好き?
     59:24 Q88.Amazonで一番いいものは?
     59:34 Q89.あたしきれい?
     59:40 Q90.カービィのぬいぐるみ送っていい?
     59:45 Q91.これですね? (ヘアオイル等の特定)
     59:54 Q92.みこちとのコラボは何時?
    1:00:08 終了挨拶&カウントダウンによる鼓膜破壊
    1:01:17 Cパート

  • @simlazio
    @simlazio 6 месяцев назад +36

    3:32 スタート

  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 6 месяцев назад +3

    [Verbatim Timestamps Part 1] Q&A stream with Lamy-chan!❓
    Today we'll spend a leisure chat with our princess as she answers some questions that were asked through her hashtag!
    Just what kind of things will we find out about today? Let's see!
    3:32 Start!
    3:38 _"Guitar Come-on! Alrighty, today we also cancelled the guitar!"_ 🎸🚫
    3:56 _"Did you want to listen to the guitar solo? About that, next week, maaaayyyybe I'll let you listen to the solo, there's perhaps plans for it, probably!"_

    4:22 _"So today, it'll be Yukihana Lamy's [1 question 1 answer] _*_repeat with echo_*_ wooo!"_ *Claps + Bleep*
    4:46 _"So, today i'll answer everyone's questions, one at a time"_
    4:59 _"Also my body's been freezing a bit every time, while preparing today it froze about 5 times, if it happens and i freeze please ignore it... Please! _*_Cute jumps_*_ i'd like to move while i can! The other day i froze too right? I haven't known why..."_
    5:27 _"So please use the hashtag [ラミィ一問一答] to ask questions, i'm accepting questions even now, it doesn't have a time"_
    5:41 _"Though I messed it up, since i put the tag in the title, there's tweets that say [Watching now!] (Instead of asking question)"_
    6:00 _"Now, as for how many questions i answer, please count for me? Since i can't do it myself, i'll be talking fast"_
    6:09 _"And then, also at __23:00__ there's a short from a cover for [愛包ダンスホール/Aipao Dance Hall], so it's a short video for a cover both in dance and song"_ ❤
    6:18 _"If you can't go, don't worry, i'll make you jump there right over there, it's adjusted so you can watch it, so please do... I'll be under your care, and so, first answer"_

    6:37 _"[Q: Do you have projects you'd like to try in the future?]/L: This... With all Holomems, and by this i mean, changing the members at a time, i'd like to have the [Fitness King] with them"_
    6:58 _"[Q: Recently how is your sister and dad been?] I haven't said it but i've seen sister frequently, the other day too, there was that one fancy [Afternoon Tea]! She said, so we looked into it, and it's this kind of fancy hotel thingy"_
    7:31 _"We went there but it was really a stylish setting that i got nervous and didn't know how should i even properly eat there, and then they were like [All the tea you can drink in this hour] and they gave a fancy black tea too, that i couldn't even tell the flavor of, it was very stylish like that"_ 🍵
    7:48 _"[Q: Favorite snacks?]/L: Gummies and Yogurt, i even have some right now, i don't think those two will change, by the way for gummies i like them both soft and hard"_
    8:12 _"Right now there's... Maybe if i say it you'll take them but... There's some muscat bonbons that are super viral in TikTok. A lot! But i haven't been able to buy them no matter where i searched, leave some for me! They're viral in TikTok, i want to have them so if you find them don't buy them, please!"_
    8:47 _"[Q: do you have any recommended laundry detergent?]/L: Well, hear this, recently i bought some, if i say why it's because that one square thingy right? I've been using that one all this time, but since there's the stick-like one, i thought i'd try changing to it, because it works like the gel balls, yesterday and the day before i did, so this is real time... But listen"_
    9:26 _"It REALLY smells like apricots! Really want you to buy it, it has such a similar smell!"_

    10:14 _"[Q: What faction of favorite meat are you, pork, beef?]/L: For meat i'm either kind, i'm not particular"_ 🥩​
    10:24 _"[Q: What is your favorite fragrance?]/L: I have this SHIRO and Dior here, so that smell? Either one for these two... I even have the hand cream by hand's reach _*_shake_*_ this is miss Dior's hand cream, i really like this smell, i also have miss Dior parfume, as for SHIRO, it's... I forgot... White Lily"_

    11:13 _"[Q: Are there any easily-made snacks you recommend?]/L: Cabbage with sesame oil i'd say? I can eat them forever at least, so i recommend"_
    11:27 _"[Q: Few words for Yukimin here?]/L: Thank you for everything so far, Yukimin"_ *sings: [Snowflakes], since you've supported me, [Snowflakes]~ I could work hard*
    11:48 _"[Q: i want to see your forehead, any chance for you to show it?]/L: There's some times when in shorts my forelock is al fluttering, on stream it's all hardened with spray so you can't see it... But i wonder, maybe my forehead is big so i'm embarrassed to show you"_
    12:23 _"[Q: What's something yummy to eat in spring?]/L: Spring... Sakura mochi? For about a month now i've wanted to eat peaches... But i don't have any"_ 🌸
    12:38 _"Though i think i want to eat peaches no matter when, not only spring"_
    12:47 _"[Q: Please tell us Your top 3 favorite animals in the aquarium?]/L: First that'd be jellyfish, second is dolphins and then third penguins... But when you look up close into the Dolphin's eyes they're quite scary, how to say, they have the kind of eyes that have seen everything... If you look them from up close it looks like they've been hurt plenty, like they have [Experienced being hurt]"_
    13:22 _"C: the mouths are crazy too right?/L: Yeah, but the ey- Yeah, experienced! Is what i wanted to say! I messed up"_
    13:32 _"[Q: You call yourself a god of destruction, but did you break anything recently?]/L: Actually today, i purchased something and this is actually a timely topic. I got this one pocket-talk, since there's the Fes and for the sake of me being able to talk to the overseas parties, i purchased it. It's the kind that works with a charger, through USB, so i thought i'd charge it... And stuck it into the USB port! But then i couldn't get it out and thought it was weird"_
    14:16 _"So i pulled but as i did it popped up, like a srange metal came out of it... And i went [Eh?] But as i looked into the USB part, there was like a yellow something all twisted, though i had a 4 port USB, one of them is now broken..."_
    14:39 _"That's what i broke today, real time... I may have used too much strong.. I thought i put it in the wrong side and since it didn't go in i force jammed it in... So i broke it..."_
    14:53 _"And what's more, it was a Cinnamoroll one! I had just bought it, so i'm quite shocked... It's no longer 4 ports, it's only 3 now, it's so inconvenient"_ 🐕
    15:15 _"[Q: Is it safe to ask questions now? Are there any deadlines?]/L: You can ask even now, it's safe, i'm even taking them Real time"_

    15:24 _"[Q: The way you intonate the last part of a sentence by kind of raising the volume and stretching words, is that a habit?]/L: It's a habit, if not that'd be crazy... Like [For the sake of getting into character i'd speak like this] would be amazing right? It'd be so thorough! _*_giggles_*_ it's a speaking habit! If it was my branding it'd be amazing"_
    15:47 _"I'm often told [Lamy-chan intonates her last syllabes], even in the comment section! When i look into the comments in clips some even say [I'm really vexed on Lamy's way to increase the tone on the last syllabe], but yeah, i tend to both voice out and extend them! Like [Kanata Senpaaai!] or [Marine senpaaai!] It's strange, i want to fix it but... I can't seem too..."_ ↗​
    16:28 _"[Q: What faction of sunnyside-egg are you?]/L: Well there's a lot right? I'd like to value each of them! For me, i think everything's fine! Though honestly i'm salt and pepper soy sauce _*_giggles_*_ I don't put sauce on it... Wait no, it's difficult to not intonate the last syllabe!"_
    17:19 _"The other day i went to do voice recording, ah wait, let me redo the intonation... That time i went to do a recording, and i had to use a different intonation!"_
    17:46 _"[Q: Do you get flustered being told you're loved?]/L: I am! But would you say it? Go on, say [I love Lamy-chan!] Say it! Because i'll get flustered for you~"_
    18:07 BK tskr. 🙏
    18:22 _"[Q: Any healthy drinks besides water?]/L: Recently i've gotten soy milk and Vegetable Juice, also R1, speaking of which, do you know about the [R-1 Grand Prix]? The sponsor is R-1, it's so fun though! The joke that [Since it's an All one, the sponsor is R-1]"_ *giggles*

    18:53 _"[Q: The other day when you collabed with Kanatan and AZ-chan, for KALAZ, was there anything that led to you being together?]/L: Those are the members that sang [Dokuzu], we wanted to invite Ayame senpai too since it's 4 of us, but she couldn't come due to work"_ 👹
    19:17 _"[Q: what's the reason Lamy-chan likes horror or gore?]/L: Well, that'd invite to misunderstandings though, though horror and gore aren't my favorite, i like Zombie movies, the last reason why i like them is actually the gore"_ 🧟
    19:37 _"So if i say why i like them, it's because it makes me go [Humans are strong...] and i can feel that strength!"_
    20:00 _"[Q: In your HJK (Half elf JK) years, where you backpack or bag side?]/L: Half and half, at the beginning i wore a school bag, but towards the latter half it was tough so i thought for making it easier i went with backpack, it was bothersome i mean! You can tell but my shoulders are pretty lean, so if i hung it by my shoulder it'd slip over and over so that was bothersome"_ 🎒
    20:46 _"SO i went with a backpack, though backpacks may also slip and fall, there's those who sometimes have a strap to hang by the middle of your chest! So that would help hold them, not so much about looks, but that!"_ -I now want to be a backpack-
    (Continuing in other comments)

  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 6 месяцев назад +5


  • @わにわに-m7c
    @わにわに-m7c 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @政諺-j7j
    @政諺-j7j 6 месяцев назад +2

  • @zyuz
    @zyuz 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @3zd556
    @3zd556 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @らぴす5303
    @らぴす5303 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @ズオウかける
    @ズオウかける 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @Tenebre_Zwei
    @Tenebre_Zwei 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @Vtenco_ch
    @Vtenco_ch 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @kururugi_yukima
    @kururugi_yukima 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @user-rei_sakuraduki
    @user-rei_sakuraduki 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @Clip_bell
    @Clip_bell 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @暗黒盆踊りおじさん
    @暗黒盆踊りおじさん 6 месяцев назад +5


  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 6 месяцев назад +2

    [Verbatim Timestamps Part 3]
    39:30 _"[Q: Best three from your favorite gummies?]/L: HARD! it's difficult! It really is, my favorites right now right? It's hard gummies, fruit juice gummies, i've been switching between them, also Sharimoni too! Those are chewy and gummy"_
    40:06 _"And mandarin orange from the fruit juice gummies as well, i also eat plenty of hard gummies... Today was... I forgot, but there were super hard gummies flavored after energy drinks, they even had a toughness level of 5!"_
    40:24 _"There were also the hard-type fruit juice gummies i tried time ago, I wonder how they were, maybe i forgot how they were, but i did eat them... They were seriously hard! Like about 5 times harder than i thought! Like on the level of a tough gummy, i couldn't bite them off it surprised me!"_ 🦷

    41:28 _"C: What's your favorite Ramen Lamy?/L: Homemade"_ 🍜
    41:42 _"[Q: I'm not drinking it for sure, so please tell me your shampoo!]/L: I'm using 2 varieties of them, but can't remember either's name, one of them showed up in youtube as [Number 1 from the best 10 shampoo and treatments by hairdressers in 2023], the other one i got when i saw the ranking in amazon who had the highest, so i'm not too particular about one! I think that if people say it may be good then it could as well be so i buy to try"_

    42:25 _"[Q: Favorite weapon for meatheads?]/L: Greatsword of course"_ ⚔
    42:33 _"[Q: Do you like high-ball Lamy-chan?]/L: Yes"_
    42:36 _"[Q: tell us what makes you the happiest when told!]/L: That i'm cute maybe? I wonder... Like things like [There's n amount of Holomems but i like Lamy-chan the most] or such is fine, or things like [As expected i can only love Lamy-chan] or [Lamy-chan is cute/her voice is cute], there's a lot!"_
    43:04 _"C: Do you have low self esteem?/L: I don't!"_
    43:07 _"[Q: Favorite movie?]/L: Zombie-plot"_ 🧟
    43:15 _"[Q: Any hobbie you'd like to get into this year?]/L: Bonzai maybe? But it seems difficult to do it, so that's why i want to try"_
    43:33 _"[Q: Have you listened to ASMR recently?]/L: Yes, yes, in TikTok (I've really become a TikTok person lately...) but when watching it happens that ASMR plays by itself, what i thought was interesting lately was that since TikTok's time is limited, they focus on doing things like embracing, ear stuff or such, and then very different from the beginning they'd eat loudy instead of kindly as at the start. That was amusing i thought"_
    44:13 _"Also i like ear-picking ASMR videos, i see them when they play in TikTok"_
    44:26 _"[Q: What is the Trend for this spring?]/L: Short tops and long skirts maybe? Also though i'm not too much into it, it seems that tulle fabric tops and skirts are too"_
    44:45 _"Like with laces, tulle or something to decorate with... Also ribbons seem are very popular! I'm not that much into getting Ribbons, but like this one in the cardigan"_ *giggles*
    45:14 _"Tulle fabric is very popular huh... I like long skirts, the kind that only let you see a short part of the legs, if you wear that with a top it'll look very western-line kind, so personally i like that getup"_ 🙏
    45:37 _"Also i've bought plenty of sandals for this spring, i want to wear them"_

    45:54 _"[Q: If you had to choose between eating rice or bread and could only have one for next life, which would you choose?]/L: I'd choose rice!"_ 🍚

    46:15 _"[Q: What was something you thought was revolutionary from you from all things you've bought recently at Amazon?]/L: The Pocket-talk, i tried it by myself by talking a bit today... It can even translate pretty detailed lingo as well! It's amazing i thought!"_ 💬
    47:06 _"[Q: What part from the yukimin is the tastiest you think?]/L: What an outrageous message... _*_giggles_*_ But that depends on the Yukimin right? Yukimin have the same shape though, so, for the fluffy Yukimin who are always by my side, the belly?... Do you even have thighs? I don't know, i don't know about the paws either, i don't know, you'd have to _*_remove all their fur to know_*_ or else you won't"_ 😱

    47:49 _"[Q: Lamy-chan, are you interested in language?]/L: I am! I think i want to learn but i can't reach that far..."_
    47:59 _"I'd like to talk english for sure..."_

    48:02 _"[Q: Tell us your stream plans for this week?]/L: It's undecided _*_giggles_*_ it's unplanned, up to the live that is!"_
    48:14 _"[Q: Tell us the hair Oil you use?]/L: I use about 3 types, SHIRO hair oil and... What was the other? It was a red bottle they sell at beauty salons, it's not so much an Oil, one of them i mean, but SHIRO's is an oil"_

    48:39 _"[Q: Who do you want to become next week?]/L: Yukihana Lamy"_ ☃
    48:49 _"[Q: Curry Flavored Yukimin or Yukimin flavored curry, which shall you sacrifice?]/L: Yukimin flavored curry no matter how you think about it _*_laughs_*_ Is there any other pattern?"_
    48:50 _"[Q: Please tell us what headphones are you using?]/L: This is... Sony's MDR1am2 is what it has written, i don't know, but it's this"_
    49:20 _"[Q: isn't it about time Yukimin get a new outfit?]/L: You won't get one... _*_laughs_*_ is there an outfit you want to wear? Eh? Of course not! There's a lot of Yukimin so it's hard!"_
    (Continuing in other comments)

  • @ichika___1229
    @ichika___1229 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @Bonji-Re
    @Bonji-Re 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @readryy31
    @readryy31 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @クロニクルアッキー
    @クロニクルアッキー 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @IHN_
    @IHN_ 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @mutsukinarugami2822
    @mutsukinarugami2822 6 месяцев назад +5


  • @junyaasa
    @junyaasa 6 месяцев назад +3

    うまく見られるか分かりませんが、5th fesでの雪民へのアピールも楽しみにしていますね

  • @syara-
    @syara- 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @sisiou_nyafu
    @sisiou_nyafu 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @ネレウス-e8r
    @ネレウス-e8r 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 2 месяца назад

    何時だって、その声に癒されてます。 2024.7.19

  • @anyanokotokawaii
    @anyanokotokawaii 6 месяцев назад +2

    さすがの一問一答スピード感でした〜さすがのおしゃべりっぷり! 質問ものすごい数来てたしまた見てみたいなぁ

  • @user-rs0jack65and29frahaty
    @user-rs0jack65and29frahaty 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @三毛プロ
    @三毛プロ 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @プロコン
    @プロコン 6 месяцев назад


  • @うめめ1115
    @うめめ1115 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人
    @矢車ゴルベーザ四天王の5人 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @writedraw8655
    @writedraw8655 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @tougenkyou1203
    @tougenkyou1203 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @雪花たまごドッグ
    @雪花たまごドッグ 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @taratara0627
    @taratara0627 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @365nichi-insyumam
    @365nichi-insyumam 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎
    @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @hasanii8321
    @hasanii8321 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @byakkou0427
    @byakkou0427 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @iintyo21
    @iintyo21 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @りっけ-s8y
    @りっけ-s8y 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @homikun0319
    @homikun0319 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @りっか-z6r
    @りっか-z6r 6 месяцев назад


  • @wrathkal7675
    @wrathkal7675 6 месяцев назад +3

    Otsulamy! Thanks for all the answers to the Yukimins' questions! It was really nice to listen to! The Pie Dancehall video was great too!

  • @kino2937
    @kino2937 6 месяцев назад


  • @智貴-u9i
    @智貴-u9i 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ
    @ぱぱぱぱぱにぃ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @Asaya_est
    @Asaya_est 6 месяцев назад


  • @稲島しんじ
    @稲島しんじ 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @sakura_debubu
    @sakura_debubu 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @user-sinamonsugar
    @user-sinamonsugar 6 месяцев назад


  • @setio_personal
    @setio_personal 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @まゆ-v9e9r
    @まゆ-v9e9r 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @LimeAde_Lamy-chansuki_1115
    @LimeAde_Lamy-chansuki_1115 6 месяцев назад


  • @darkness_dragon_kira_
    @darkness_dragon_kira_ 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @ルナティック鬼島
    @ルナティック鬼島 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @白河さやか-z9u
    @白河さやか-z9u 6 месяцев назад


  • @横山昌人-w7z
    @横山昌人-w7z 6 месяцев назад


  • @ex-3719
    @ex-3719 6 месяцев назад


  • @Grauzan雪民
    @Grauzan雪民 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @kakiyan_snow
    @kakiyan_snow 6 месяцев назад


  • @Aaron-555
    @Aaron-555 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the stream goodnight Lamy!

  • @rgell8324
    @rgell8324 6 месяцев назад

    ラミーはとてもかわいい。 ラミーが大好き。

  • @yukimin_shiro
    @yukimin_shiro 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @user-hom5hom7hom03
    @user-hom5hom7hom03 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @youcanfly1049
    @youcanfly1049 6 месяцев назад

    15:23 出来れば語尾のイントネーション上がるの直さずそのままにしてほしいです!とってもキュートで大好きなので!!!!

  • @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou
    @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou 6 месяцев назад


  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 6 месяцев назад

    [Verbatim Timestamps Part 4 & Afterword]
    49:52 _"[Q: Do you use hair milk?]/L: Yes i do"_ 🥛
    50:00 _"[Q: Please tell jus the milky lotion too!]/L: I wonder, i bought that on LINE so i don't know... Sorry! I forgot what it was!"_

    50:17 _"[Q: One word for listeners that would make them easily fall for you?]/L: Can't be helped if you want~"_ *Yukimin... I love you kiss*
    50:37 _"[Q: What favorite scene from Frieren would you say if asked for one?]/L: At the newest... Ah, maybe i shouldn't say it... That even though she's smart she sometimes does PONs too"_
    51:19 _"[Q: Won't you drink Imojouchuu? (Shochu made from sweet potato)]/L: It's not like i can't, but i won't, if i say why is because when i drink i just won't drink many of them, so once i go [This is what i'll have today] i'll only drink that, so it's just that, a day when i say [I'll drink Imojouchuu today] won't come"_ 🍠
    51:46 _"[Q: Would you like to have any signal with Yukimin for this year?]/L: I'd like to have that! But... I'd like to!... What should i do?... Can i do a big confession mid-Live?"_
    52:04 _"L: Though if i don't do a heart pose i may forget doing something more detailed... Girl Peace?/C: Crab pose!/L: www Should i do it? Doing the crab pose in a live is awkward no matter how you think about it! Big heart? So a heart after all? Banzai to circle then cross? Depends on the mood, if it's too hard to i wouldn't be able to, reason being that the time is limited so... It's not like at NePoLaBo's live, i can't do something weird in front of everyone can i?"_
    52:59 _"If i did a crab pose in there my Manager would scold me later _*_laughs_*_ Generally i'm sparkly, doing a crab pose wouldn't have a meaning! People would think (Is she alright in her head?) But if possible i'd like to draw a big heart/C: Then shrimp is fine/L: That's bad no matter how you use it..."_ 🦀
    53:42 _"C: A shrimp jump/L: www at what moment would i even? Like when i go [Hai!]? When you say [Ah Lamy's solo was so good!] i'd do the Shrip jump? I DON'T WANNA! That's not cute!"_
    54:07 _"[Q: Frieren defeats monsters, what does Lamy-chan defeat?]/L: Why does being and elf mean you have to defeat something? I haven't defeated anything though! And don't have plans to do from here on! So sorry, also Frieren has lived for long, far longer than me!"_
    54:31 _"C: You can do it at HoloxHoneyworks/L: That's bad for sure... Me doing a shrimp jump while i'm singing with my senpais an emotional song? Dummy! It's 2 senpais with me! And also rude to Honeyworks!"_ 🦐
    54:50 _"[Q: Do you dislike being called Wamy?]/L: Not really, though i don't egosurf with the word so it doesn't show up! That's why I can't react as Wamy"_
    55:15 _"[Q: I want a Yukimin plush toy of about 1 to 2metres tall, is there anything you can do about it?]/L: I think you'd have a way to do it faster than i could"_

    55:30 _"I don't know the name of the Hair oil! A lot of people are asking me... There's SHIRO's... Maybe it's this one? [Mirubon] but it's not the one i'm using now, but before... I really have no fixation so i just buy what i think may do well, so... What is it that i'm using right now? I used Mirubon before so it's likely it still is, as for the treatment i'm using *Fino*, it smells so good!"_
    56:57 _"[Q: Word you've learned the most recently?]/L: I don't know"_
    57:10 _"[Q: Will you have a resale of the Yukimin Certificate?]/L: Probably not... Ah yeah, i did get the Kirby Happy set but it wasn't there... It's in the Teriyaki or Teritama... Ah true, today i learned [歴戦 = Long battle experience]"_
    57:37 _"I think i've only done a resale once but i don't think i'll do it again... That's why, i don't think i'll re-release the Yukimin proof certificate, nor any other merch so far..."_
    57:52 _"[Q: What are you having tomorrow for breakfast?]/L: That... It's undecided, maybe i won't have it tomorrow"_

    58:13 _"[Q: If you were to beat Frieren, what would it be at?]/L: Maybe at Rock Paper scissors"_ ​✌​

    58:46 _"[Q: Will there be a resale of the Yukimin Plush?]/L: Same as before, no plans to do"_
    58:54 _"[Q: Will you have a collab between Kanatan, Mikochi, Lamy as the {Big Three of bad luck}?]/L: Wait, don't forcefully make us the three unfortunate! I'm not unfortunate..."_
    59:16 _"C: It's almost time/L: True! Let's answer the last questions/[Q: Do you like traditional japanese sweets?]/L: I do!"_
    59:22 _"[Q: Best item in Amazon?]/L: The one at the topmost in the list, is what i think is best"_
    59:32 _"[Q: Am i beautiful?/L: You're a [Kuchisake onna] (Yokai with an abnormally gaping mouth) so please change that..."_
    59:39 _"[Q: i got a lot of Kirby plushies from the crane game, can i send them?]/L: Please don't send them... Ehh _*_pffft!_*_ True, there's this..."_
    59:53 _"[Q: i'd like to see a collab with Lamy and Miko, isn't it about time to?]/L: Well there was the live... Sorry, i spat there because i was biting my hair since i was talking, SO!"_ 🌸
    1:00:06 _"It's __23:00__! So the premier is playing! Can you hear?"_
    1:00:18 ⚠*Loud premiere sounds! Volume warning*⚠
    1:01:01 Will be redirecting us.
    1:01:16 _"There, let's meet later at the countdown, OtsuLamy! Lucky item is _*_Papapapa Pie_*_ (Cutely sung)!"_
    Without anything else to add, thank you so much for the Q&A stream Lamy-chan! It was a lot to cover, so forgive me everyone, it took me a good while 🙇‍♂
    But other than that, they were very amusing facts to know about you, princess 💌
    I know you'll be the best version of yourself at the Live, you always are!
    I love you, a LOT! ❤

  • @kau2480
    @kau2480 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @murasame_setsura
    @murasame_setsura 6 месяцев назад


  • @-hakuou-77
    @-hakuou-77 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @39teru
    @39teru 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @栗山正憲-l3m
    @栗山正憲-l3m 4 месяца назад


  • @fenrir...
    @fenrir... 6 месяцев назад


  • @Lostblackbeans
    @Lostblackbeans 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill 6 месяцев назад

    [Verbatim Timestamps Part 2]
    21:00 _"[Q: If you smell Mi-chan, what does she smell like? Like Milk?]/L: Like a brand new rug _*_giggles_*_ for real!"_ 🐱
    21:23 _"[Q: What's your favorite short you've done?]/L: The dandelions one, recently at least? But right now i haven't released it, but there's a short i value a lo-"_
    21:50 _"Actually, let me correct that, let's go with today's short from 11 P.M for [愛包ダンスホール!]"_ *Cute sings* _"I say that, so please listen!"_
    22:08 _"It was surprisingly difficult actually, i had to retake it a lot! The [Papapapapa PIE!] part!"_ 🎶

    22:26 _"[Q: There seems to be a big trend for ornament plants, do you have a favorite?]/L: I don't know about them, there's some that's like bamboo, not even Takenoko (Bamboo shoots), mushrooms, not even Bamboo groves, it's like that, i like bamboo since they're easy to take care of, so much i even had one back at the residence"_
    22:47 _"C: Mini bamboo?/L: Yeah! It's really not Takenoko, just the Take/Bamboo part of it, it's pretty thin, even if they start having rotten roots you only need to cut it and they can keep on living!"_
    23:22 _"And even if you only take care of a single one it'll grow like a tall bamboo... But there's those that grow twirled look like a totally different plant! I thought"_
    23:41 _"[Q: Your favorite ramen topping?]/L: Ajitama (Seasoned boiled egg with soy sauce)"_
    23:43 _"[Q: Easiest Holomen to go Tsukkomi?]/L: hard to say, Marine or Kanatan"_
    24:24 _"[Q: What do you do when you can't sleep at night?]/L: Since i can't sleep then... I do my best to sleep, but sometimes if i really can't I give up and just watch videos, since i'd think it better to just give up, i think for people who work in the morning it's too hard but... That's why, i don't really have an early morning job, unfortunately"_
    25:04 _"[Q: Should i eat loaf of bread for breakfast tomorrow?]/L: No, go with Melon Pan!"_ 🍈
    25:12 _"[Q: is your favorite muscle the Pectoralis Major?]/L: Ehh, it's bicep... Next"_ 💪
    25:22 _"[Q: I love the way Lamy-chan stretches her limbs so cleanly when dancing, but is there any thing you keep in mind?]/L: Stretching my arms and legs cleanly when dancing!"_ *giggles*
    25:32 _"[Q: What made you want to try to dance and sing 愛包ダンスホール/Aipao Dance Hall?]/L: My Manager is very aware of trends! So she's always early like [Lamy-san, Aipao Dance Hall is popular!] and truth be told i made it a while ago, but due to several things it could only be released today, yeah... But My manager is always telling and recommending things to sing, like [How about this Lamy-san?!]"_

    26:13 _"[Q: What do you tend to choose first in the rotating Sushi?]/L: Maguro=Tuna"_ 🐟
    26:22 _"[Q: I'd like to ask what your recent on-stream or at company drink is?]/L: Water i think"_
    26:36 _"[Q: The watch party is ending so what will you do now for watch-alongs?]/L: EH?! The Watch Party is ending?! THIS MONTH you say?! EHHHHH?! NO WAY!"_
    27:07 _"Even though i said we'd watch Home Alone every year! No way! Now i don't know how i'll use it, i'm too shocked about the watch party"_

    27:57 _"[Q: I'd like if you would participate again in Ichi-oshi talk but if there's the chance, would you like to do it even if a standalone?]/L: Well i always asked my Manager about me wanting to do it, but i thought about it so try to do to, there's many Yukimin right? From there those who made it to the 1-oshi talk are VERY few! I'm very happy about those who came, i remember them all! But they're just too few, those who get the raffle are too little. So even if i did it solo for N or 10 hours, or like, no matter for how long we open for it, that'd be about 100 or 200 at most i think! If so... It's complicated again..."_
    29:51 _"I'd like to participate with Yukimin for as long as possible, but... The reality isn't quite like that... And there's also the overseas bros who can't come as much... So i think that if i do it now many people would be sad. That's why in Lives i can talk to people in the same distance, so... Kind of like a fan meeting of sorts? So like [Lamy + Many Yukimin] at a time!"_
    29:26 _"I thought that'd be a good way... Because you can't otherwise talk well with people if you have a fixed time... Though it made me so happy to talk directly with people"_ 💬

    29:55 _"[Q: Since i think you may sing that song in 5th fes, will you play an actual guitar?]/L: Well it'd be an air guitar though? Look forward to it!"_
    30:09 _"[Q?: Lamy-chan's vocie is cute]/L: Thank you (Changing to cute voice)"_
    30:26 _"[Q: If you were to release a new outfit, what concept would you hope to have?]/L: Right now what i think i'd like to have a 3D outfit, i'm of course happy to use a 2D, but i'd like to be able to use a 3D, something i can move my body freely at, i only have the Idol outfits and casual clothes so... How to say, i'd like something like a live version original 3D outfit~"_
    31:01 Recommended Cinnamoroll goods. _"March the 6th is Cinnamo-kun's birthday so, for its birthday there were commemorative goods released!"_
    31:17 _"L: Right now there's the YKK, or was it WKK? Do you know it? Oh, i got it wrong? then YKK/C: Oh, you returned!(Her normal voice)/L: Did i go anywhere? I'm back!"_
    31:43 _"Right now, fashion things from the 2000's are popular, i spoke about this before but... People are wearing those things that used to be popular long ago, around the 2000's, they're in a boom again. Like loose socks, boots, bags, Sanrio is releasing lots of those merch from back then, once again. Like Kitty's merch from the 2000's is released once again, like so much that it's ricocheting everywhere and i can't follow up with everything!"_
    32:36 _"L: Right now they're selling that [Letter] merch for Cinnamoroll too, i recommend that too, also Cinnamoroll Nekoneko series, it's so cute, also the Chupa Chups collab right now, it's cute so i recommend it/C: 2000's is retro?/L: Well, more like the Heisei Era (1989 to 2019) so lots of toys or such are very popular right now"_

    33:14 _"[Q: What kind of person would your ideal husband be?]/L: Ehh... Someone who could keep up with my anxiety at its prime"_ *Laughs* _"That's very important right? Like, when my mentality is all broken, if we both get like that that'd be very bad i think... It depends on my temperament"_ 🫂
    33:40 _"There's days like today for instance where i'm very energic, but for real, there's also times when i feel like the world's about to end _*_giggles_*_ For those times i'd like if they could support me in those times, and do so reciprocally. Though with family you may have that kind of unconditional love"_
    34:01 _"L: But a Husband is like an outside person right? Like [If they do that much for me, how much more would they do?] Kind of thing... Someone i could rely like that"_
    34:14 _"But If i have someone who tells me [Lamy-san, You can't do anything can you?] or like [You're an idiot everyday...] at those times when i'm hurt and feel like the world would end, i'd really despair... My eyes would go like this and i'd say [Sorry for being born... Sorry... It's not good to touch my eyes, so let me return home...] or such"_ (Q_Q)
    34:45 _"That's important, so i think my ideal husband would be someone who can keep up with my mental break~ also someone who could drink with me~! It's fine if they can't drink though, but it'd be great if they could come with me"_
    35:00 _"Ah true, there's an unrelated topic but, there's this one drama... The name was [You ▅▅ too much of that ▅▅]"_
    35:24 _"L: It's a story about a father from the Showa's 1961 who gets warped to this era/C: [​​不適切にも程がある/Extremely Inappropriate!]/L: Yeah, that one! They're playing that one, it's a Showa story! That person was warped from Showa to Reiwa era, i watched it until the end it was so fun!"_
    36:12 _"And because that drama does illustrate that age very well, there's so much Power Hara/Sekuhara! It's crazy! Like professors smoking in the living room, and there's this one girl named Junko, she also smokes and has 2 boyfriends, even her parents call her bi-"_ 🚫
    37:14 _"I was really shocked by the generational gap! It's very fun so i hope you watch this drama!"_
    37:43 _"C: Do you know much about the Showa era?/L: Oi, how long do you think i've lived for already? Don't underestimate, i'm over 200 years old here! From both Showa and Reiwa, i've always been here!"_
    37:57 _"[Q: Please teach me some good skincare goods!]/L: Wait this... Sorry, it should be one question one answer though but... Recently my skin's gotten dry, so i've been applying some Vaseline, after the lotion i put vaseline, and then there's that one powder-like thing that i put at night _*_puff puff_*_ and that's good, it's very important to do so!"_
    38:24 _"At the beginning i applied Vaseline, since it has a moisturizing effect; it doesn't allow the moisture in the skin to go away, but it doesn't really produce any humectation by itself, so first it'd be the lotion (Would be fine even if not though), i put the lotion then the vaseline/propet"_
    38:50 _"That way the dryness went away, and for the lips too, when you apply it on your face if you rub it in the lips too it does the job of a lip balm. It's very good in cost/performance since it won't run out like ever!"_ 👄
    39:10 _"It's just that it has after all plenty of oils, so since you're applying oil it may actually make worse skin with acne, so it may be better used with caution by people with that!"_
    (Continuing in other comments)

  • @俊之入江
    @俊之入江 6 месяцев назад


  • @栗山正憲-l3m
    @栗山正憲-l3m 4 месяца назад


  • @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur
    @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur 6 месяцев назад


  • @cjlee981
    @cjlee981 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @はっこうさん
    @はっこうさん 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @5210702
    @5210702 6 месяцев назад


  • @sim.ulationkoyo
    @sim.ulationkoyo 6 месяцев назад


  • @はとおじさん
    @はとおじさん 6 месяцев назад +1