DeVos is racist and anti gay/lesbian. She believes in separate schools for Whites and Blacks and she wants to do away with Forced Busing which the GOP has been against since Reagan. That's why they favor charter schools which is nothing but school segregation. What makes racist like DeVos and Trump so dangerous is that they sit in positions of power to harm non Whites. She can deny Black kids loans for colleges and he can load the SC with justices who are racist.
+Michael Alexander If segregation is voluntary what is it your problem? I only have an issue if the law says "none of this race here". But it doesn't and won't. As for being denied student loans, that could be the best thing to happen to you. Then you won't have massive amounts of student loan debt like every other sucker. Betsy Devos is a good woman, quit hating
Des Troya Betsy DeVos is a "good woman", the same way her brother, Eric "the prince of darkness" Prince is a good man. As education secretary she is inept, unqualified, a fraud and an abomination.
devos is just one example of many where trump put "the best people" in federal government positions in which they have no experience, background or vested interest in. Many of them just undermined the agencies they ran. trump's policy of tear everything down and chaos within our government worked well.
This has nothing to do with the military and everything to do with controlling what people know Now that voters let them in to do the damage on a global scale the US military budget will have to expand because NOW we are in danger on purpose to isolate us That's who Federalist are
I have spent my whole life in public schools. Public schools worked out just fine for me. I know that not everyone can afford private education.This 9 billion dollar cut would be absolutely devastating. It's not fair that her and the extremely wealthy are getting to make these decisions for us. It just makes no sense.
People with this much money look down on regulars. They only care about making more. It’s just the way it is and it’s sad. Money is the root of all evil.
The Clinton foundation has defrauded countless poor and middle class people around the world with Bill and Hillary lining their own pockets with donation funds
President Donald Trump yes she's educated in very fine school & colleges, Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon but that doesn't make them qualified or experts in the agencies they're like putting the best & bright qualified Fire Dept Chief in charge of the Police Dept.
Chris Wittekind WOW love here for those two LOL Bottom line most cabinet members on this administration are unqualified for the agencies they're in charge of...specially Carson, Devos & our dance master Rick Perry
This woman is totally unprepared for this cabinet position. Her only agenda is to encourage private for profit education. Continue with the money or corporations and the elite. Forget about public education and our youth.
devos wasn't put in tha position to guide it and make it function well; trump put her there to gut the DoE and destroy it from within. The orange taint did that with all federal government agencies.
@@subhabratadas4087 cuz she doesnt know at all whats shes doing and what she does know she simply spats the same few lines out without actually expressing her opinion. She acts on behalf of the 1% rather than the health of public and private educational systems by constantly taxing or trying to cut funding for it or cutting federal dollars on the basis of not following federal ideologies like people not getting federal funding for their kids public education becuade they havent payed their lunch bills or declining federal fafds money for college students on the basis of preference rather than necessity. She even tried to get funding cut for schools who supported gay and majority ethnic communities on the basis that they were better off goimg to expensive private schools.
i think what sub was trying to say is, why? when shes doing exactly what they want her to do. Shes cutting funding for the public sector so they can later say "see guys, the public sector just isnt getting it done. why dont we let the private sector take over."
what needs to be said is american tax payers shouldnt be paying for libtard babysitting,also known as education for you idiots that think youre smart lol
triggernutsy1 So kids going to school is only for liberals that need a baby sitter? Well now I know that public schools are for liberals only. If you can't afford private education you shouldn't have kids right. if the feds don't help States with anything what do the state's need them for except the military for protection? should federal money be spent primarily on the military and not much else. tax money should be spent on the country and its people or why bother having it if it doesn't benefit us.
triggernutsy1 Hahaha😂😂😂😂 oh God your stupid ... she cutting funding for public schooling, THAT you clearly need. 😂😂😂😂 I can't ... REALLY!!!! It's not about Republicans or Democrats you dumb-ass.
Unless we elect Bernie or another progressive who really values education, an entire generation of kids, especially those in poor areas will be setback for life.
She got the job because her family paid for it. $200M worth of contributions over the years to the Republican party. You think she would have been confirmed based on her confirmation hearing alone? "Grizzly" Devos was an absolute disaster during her hearing, she could not answer any basic education questions. Yet the entire GOP blindly confirmed her, except a couple Republicans that grew a conscience. So "Puppet" Pence had to come in to sway the stalemate in her favor. Her anti-public school agenda including promoting/protecting shady 'for profit' schools makes even less sense than hiring pro-pollution Pruitt to head the EPA.
Did she really just make Shatz's point at the very end by saying schools want flexibility, when he literally just said cutting funding to schools by $9 billion decreases their flexibility. This is pathetic.
It's literally word soup and just another means of extortion just like the tariffs and social security. Because even though taxpayers pay into the system , the system is controlled by the wealthy , so your literally funding their pocketbooks , because of those tax cuts and the feds playing games with the interest rates they will cut most forms of socialist concept like Medicare and Medicaid, social security to pay for military spending and to try and prevent the deficit from exploding and try to increase taxes on the high upper middle class to ride again inflation which ultimately is flawed. They theoretically could raise taxes to 50% on anyone who makes less than 100k just to pay for all of this and it would be a bipartisan effort on both sides because a high sum of Congress is rich ASF and they control certain key position in Congress .
And her bro Eric would be happy to be the hired militia for any autocrat who wants to rule this country...we cannot be "the good Germans" and let this happen in slow motion....
With all the educated people that they have living in the United State of America they choose this woman to be the head of the Educational Department... Shame on you Donald Trump
Terryankev Miller Didn't you hear how much money the family invested in the republicans. Not to mention her brothers private army, mercenaries for republican American black ops.
What will students do should this cut happen, just go to school to sit on mats while reading 2 page pamphlets? Teachers are paid like they work at Mc Donald's.
Robert Leabo How does anyone in AZ learn when they go to school? It seems that states like yours is where this $9 Billion proposed plan for cuts is coming from unfortunately.
Is this comment a joke? That's what public education already is which is why I support these cuts, I could have taught myself but instead I spent 7 hours a day twiddling my thumbs waiting to go home. Most teachers don't do shit but read straight out of a book
Robert Leabo You seem very misinformed. Most modern approaches to teaching encourages grouping together learners of different levels of academic strength and create a diverse classroom. Grouping them by their academic performance would result in the weak learners falling behind much more drastically. A good teacher should be able to simultaneously provide proper scaffolding to the weak learners and encourage the strong learners to go beyond the confines of the curriculum.
MusicLounge I guess I must be. I never said less funding will solve the problem, but no matter how much money we have already pumped into schools (I didn't even go to a horrible school either) it was just tedious. Like Corey said, practically sitting on mats while reading 2 page pamphlets. There isn't much "teaching" going on nowadays, kinda just babysitting. I had *VERY FEW* teachers that actually gave a shit/actually taught more than just chaperoning a class. Guess I'm stupid.
Every successful nation or country has spent more over tome on education not less In many circumstances it’s the difference between being a first world country and a third world country. Corrupt third world countries like my mother nation love privatization of schools so they can manipulate the situation to make money at the expense of the children. I am sad as an American because she is the exact kind of politician that ruined my own mother nation.
Cuz on the inside she's thinking "I have no degree, no experience, no reason to be secretary of education, yet here I am cutting 6 billion from it and being questioned about my corruptness, and there's not a fucking thing anyone can do about it. Our rich corrupt selves have won."
Robert Greenhouse she's just leather over an experimental exoskeleton. A precursor to the T1000 group... And the Ben wah balls you may have seen her use are merely battery packs.
Have you ever wondered why super villains laugh? It's because it feels good to be on the verge of completing a dark and sinister plot. She probably looks at the decline in graduations and gets butterflies in her stomach. Increasing student debt? Not high enough. Teachers getting underpaid, that's her aphrodisiac. It's all coming as planned. Aha...aha...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
no one should suffer that imaginary scenario. This stepford wife, this automaton is a creepy skin sack of reanimated dead mice who feeds on the souls of orphans she keeps trapped in her many mansion basements to remain undead.
Ever seen Trump read a book? Or show his ability to comprehend anything he reads? The guy needs a briefing on 4 page memos of bulletpoints. I'm not convinced Trump can read.
StraightUpChill Saul Guddmein trump can read! He read a book last week about a guy named Jack who went up a hill with his girlfriend Jill! The book had some very bigly words but with the help of some W.H staff he read from the cover page to the last page! Next week he intends to try to read every page in between those two that he read last week!
What almost got cited, (I think), but was opportunity lost for lack of time (Betsy timing him out), was that $10 thousand to a school district often makes the difference to close a salary gap. It isn't..."HEY, look at what $10 Thousand got us!" It's $4-500 to $1-2K in a number of buckets (known as salaries). This small potato difference could make the difference of a goodly number of teachers, PLUS, make the difference of qualified teachers. If this sounds like an informed opinion, it is. Betsy is notably lacking in areas.
Pointless cut and a waist of time enacting it. This will just force local, State and private donors to pay the difference. The poorer communities will be hit the hardest economically.
You wanted this America. You're already ranked something like 30th in the world in education - what number are you aiming for now? What made America great was public money and programs after the Great Depression and more after WWII. America was great when education and other infrastructure was well funded and more money was in the hands of a booming middle class and SMALL business. Aren't you in despair?
@elijah mikle This is actually not true. I am teaching in Kuwait and they actually believe America is great and is a country that should be patterned. Many also believe Trump is doing a great job as president. You would have to have a broader network of people to know this.
Nice, this woman never went to school. She did go to college but knows nothing about public education. She is so privileged I'd like to know if she has even been in a grocery store. She has no idea how regular people live.
That Senator is being very rude, asking that poor woman all kinds of complicated education finance questions. They should have found the actual Secretary of Education, who would have had no difficulty answering such questions…….. What she IS the Secretary of Education? That’s depressing.
She is trying to have schools funded by religious groups (fundamentalists) so they will allow their teachings in a secular environment. Blatantly clear, and it's for money cause those will fail sending kinds to private schools which she is supported by. She is no way qualified to be in that position.
It's not even constitutional for the Federal Government to be involved in education at all... "You people" are not qualified to be in that position seeing as you don't even know the basics. You're fear of religion is silly, it's as if you have no grasp of reality and how the world works, probably due to your public education lol.
just imagine how much flexibility you have in your life when you don't have to be a burden with teaching young children math and reading skills. you will have no money but you'll be super flexible.
cody cox ...What is so alarming, and quite frankly comical, about your comment is the absence of any introspection or critical thinking. Since you apparently live in a tiny, Faux Fox News, bubble you would have no way of knowing that every single thing your just described is NOT how the vast majority of Americans or the world for that matter see Liberals. Ironically, what you wrote describes how the world views the RepubliCON party and Trump supporters in general. The amount of stupidity that is evident in your comment is stunning.
cody cox ...Why are you calling Trumps department of education pick a dumb bitch? Trump is the one who appointed this "dumb bitch" to oversee our children's education. I agree with your analogy of Betsy Devos by the way, it's the only coherent thing you wrote. Trumps cabinet picks highlight how unqualified this man child is to be president. It also shows off his blatant stupidity and the fact that he doesn't give a shit about regular Americans. His cabinet picks were chosen specifically to hinder or out right destroy the very department they lead, which WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT hurt the working class that depend on these departments and programs to work for them. Welcome to Trumps America. Where Americans and dived and hate each other along party lines, where our longtime allies can't trust us, where ruthless dictators like Putin and the Saudis finally see cracks in our democracy and a weak, dumb president they can exploit. In Trumps America the most wealthy among us get TRILLIONS IN TAX CUTS, while important programs for the working class are slashed. An America where the richest among us get a 600 BILLION DOLLAR tax cut and in return 24 million, working class, poor and elderly Americans get kicked off of their insurance. MAGA is a slogan for dunces.
A large part of defense funding is overcharges on contracts to third party contractors. That could very well be cut or better regulated without losing anything, but there is no political will to make defense more efficient as any reduction in spending will be seen as a cut. In addition to this the US already spends more than the next 7 countries combined, and spends 36% of all money the world spends on defense. It does not need any expansion. In fact if one were to take an America First attitude as Trump espouses, allowing other countries to largely defend themselves, then military spending could easily be cut 10 or 15% without affecting domestic defense at all. Overspending on something doesnt necessarily make it better. Spending triple China's military budget is actually wasteful. When you spend double what Canada does per capita on healthcare and get nothing for it, that doesnt mean your healthcare is twice as good. It means your spending practices are less than half as effective.
Meta tron So you would like it so there incompetent or illiterate. Not all parents have the time to self educate there children and we have enough giving up. Personally I say less people should have kids but to many people keep trying to encourage kids from a ton of people without enough resources just saying, you'll figure it out.
This is an excellent example of why education is so important, as it allows one to better themselves and become financially successful, then contribute millions to the Republican coffers and finally rewarded with a secretary position. Skills, knowledge and experience are not necessary criteria for the position.
if you want to reduce costs, create hybrid public school/ online programs. Create a few satellite annexes for supervised study in open format in unused storefronts office spaces or libraries around town where kids can check in and quietly study, use the bathroom, and be in a safe environment, recieve tutoring etc. If they have good grades they get privileges to study at home if parents are OK with that. If they have bad grades, require they check in and study rather than do it from home. Kids would gradually learn to manage time and responsibilities like college students do. Public schools are filled with anxieties stresses boredoms and distractions that take away from kid's ability to learn optimally.
Anything related to education is usually the first thing to suffer lack of government funding. Meanwhile, the politicians who are cutting those funds grant themselves massive salary increases!
Devos is so inspiring..I'm sure there are young children out there looking up to her so they to can rise up to the top so they take monies from those who need it so their really rich buddies can get a tax break and sip wine over the best military stocks to buy
Out of all the ridiculous people in office in the American Empire (since i have been following their shitty politics - roughly around the Clinton administration), Devos is the most shocking to me... how come both republicans and democrats don't do something about this? This goes beyond party politics does it not? When someone is unqualified beyond belief, shouldn't Americans just put their differences aside and realize what kind of a shitty person they've hired as Secretary of Education? Any American here can chime in on why no one's doing anything? (beyond protests i mean, that does nothing). Are republicans doing anything about this? No smart republican can sit back and watch this unfold and be really proud of this person... wtf is going on in the States!?
Of course republicans will support her. The wealthy ones because they will benefit; their tax cuts need to be paid for, so cut public school funding. The poor republicans will support her because they think she’s sticking it to black kids, Mexican kids, Muslim kids, you know all those icky people.
Too tribal. We've gone past the point of judging efficiency and reality itself.. now we simply judge based on your party. Trump picked this sack of stupid... Therefore if you go against her, you go against Trump. To go against the tribe is to alienate yourself... We get the representatives we deserve.... And that could not be more true when dealing with Trump and his sycophant losers.
My mother is a teacher, a great one. She has dedicated 41 years of her life teaching and educating youth and continues to do so today. She’s presided over so many clubs, planned field trips, and chaperoned countless events. She took her kids overseas to Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico and sometimes even paid her own way there if there wasn’t enough funding just so they weren’t disappointed. Even when she broke her shoulder during one of those trips, my 61 year old mom climbed Machu Picchu and hiked the rainforest like a champ with nothing more than Tylenol for pain. She puts so much time, energy, and her own money into her job at the tune of about a couple thousand a year now due to budget cuts. She does it because she loves it. However, I made more money as a first year nurse than she did after 36-37 years of teaching. I only had a Bachelors degree while she has a Masters. We pay teachers so little yet they are the ones responsible for the foundation of our society. Isn’t that a little skewed? Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox. Betsy DeVos makes me sick. She isn’t qualified for her position and doesn’t have any respect for educators or any insight on how to shape the future of America. She can only see as far as the tip of her nose and the lining of her pocket.
Running a government is not the same as running a corporation or business. You are there to serve the needs of the public by allocating financial resources to the sectors that need it in order for the system to run effectively. You do not cut back on education and health care. Those are the two pillars that matter most to the public and there needs.
This is part of the reason why I'm a Democrat. Republicans have been cutting education since Reagan. It's the reason why college is so freaking expensive.
@@FEV369 - I think government should be OUT of the education business with what it is managing to produce. Let's not even get into the pay of the administrators ....... Private schooling has always been much better. A lady at our church that is on a committee with me is a house cleaner, yet she lives modestly so that she can help support her two grandchildren that have always be enrolled in private school. From my view, this is commendable. I tell her how fortunate her grandchildren are because of their grandmother and parents' dedication to their education. Priorities. In spite of my mother being a single mother and a teacher in public schools, I went to private school for only two years because I begged my mother to let me go to "normal" school. This was a very bad move concerning my education. After I transferred, it was clear that my previous educators had me at least a year and a half ahead of the normal school and I almost lost my study habits. Oh, it was much more fun at "normal" school, you bet! The "dumbing down" of America lies in public education, no doubt. That is not even debatable per the produce.
She heard from a lot of local and state leaders say that they want a lot of flexibility. Be as it may, these are not the people teaching the children. This is not what the educaters want. The teachers need resources.
Ugh. Really?!?!?! Really?!?!!!! How in her tiny mind did she think this would ever be supported in a country where the school systems are criminally underfunded is COMMON KNOWLEDGE.
How else are you going to find one and a half trillion dollars for tax cuts for the billionaires. And you have to ensure that money is available for any unforeseen war that could crop up tomorrow. Which of course it will be because there is always some social programme that can be cut.
4 месяца назад+1
Look at all the teachers she has destroyed. Shamfull!!!
She's smiling as she speaks about cutting funding from schools. Despicable.
DeVos is racist and anti gay/lesbian. She believes in separate schools for Whites and Blacks and she wants to do away with Forced Busing which the GOP has been against since Reagan. That's why they favor charter schools which is nothing but school segregation.
What makes racist like DeVos and Trump so dangerous is that they sit in positions of power to harm non Whites. She can deny Black kids loans for colleges and he can load the SC with justices who are racist.
I'm smiling too. Let's cut the federal government out of education completely, they just get in the way.
+Michael Alexander If segregation is voluntary what is it your problem? I only have an issue if the law says "none of this race here". But it doesn't and won't.
As for being denied student loans, that could be the best thing to happen to you. Then you won't have massive amounts of student loan debt like every other sucker.
Betsy Devos is a good woman, quit hating
Des Troya
Betsy DeVos is a "good woman", the same way her brother, Eric "the prince of darkness" Prince is a good man. As education secretary she is inept, unqualified, a fraud and an abomination.
Not (c)hristian charter schools.
Let's take away Betsy DeVos's wealth and watch her bask in flexibility.
If we where in the old days the people would drag her from her house and take care of her.
Let's just get 9 billion plus her tax money.
Ofcourse.. let's take away what others have to bring them down to your level rather than put in effort to build up.
She would just use a life line and get it all back in a couple of years.
Devos knows nothing about education.
@WinslowSly1 She needs to complete her own education. She’s a dumbass of the highest calibre!
Betsy Devos knows jack shit!
devos is just one example of many where trump put "the best people" in federal government positions in which they have no experience, background or vested interest in. Many of them just undermined the agencies they ran.
trump's policy of tear everything down and chaos within our government worked well.
Yet our military is over a trillion... I've never wanted to slap anyone so much in my life....
Yes, & her brother Eric Owens the mercenary army Academi, formerly Black Water.
Take a number
That's another story, trillion in military defense, not really going towards military personnel care and benefits. Smh.
This has nothing to do with the military and everything to do with controlling what people know
Now that voters let them in to do the damage on a global scale the US military budget will have to expand
because NOW we are in danger
on purpose
to isolate us
That's who Federalist are
And the military can't even spend it all.. lol!
I have spent my whole life in public schools. Public schools worked out just fine for me. I know that not everyone can afford private education.This 9 billion dollar cut would be absolutely devastating. It's not fair that her and the extremely wealthy are getting to make these decisions for us. It just makes no sense.
Danny A you right about this bitch
Danny A welcome to America
People with this much money look down on regulars. They only care about making more. It’s just the way it is and it’s sad. Money is the root of all evil.
And yet people still do not come out and vote...
The Clinton foundation has defrauded countless poor and middle class people around the world with Bill and Hillary lining their own pockets with donation funds
Take everything from the poor and middle class and give it to the super rich. That’s America.
This woman hasn't got a clue what this Bill is about. Betsey devos should be the posterchild on why you should stay in school.
Chiqita Luna another fine graduate Trump University
President Donald Trump she is uneducated fool. She has no idea what the hell she is doing and should not be involved in education.
President Donald Trump yes she's educated in very fine school & colleges, Ben Carson was a brilliant neurosurgeon but that doesn't make them qualified or experts in the agencies they're like putting the best & bright qualified Fire Dept Chief in charge of the Police Dept.
Chris Wittekind WOW love here for those two LOL
Bottom line most cabinet members on this administration are unqualified for the agencies they're in charge of...specially Carson, Devos & our dance master Rick Perry
Yep, Peter Principle Personified.
Here's a tough decision. Cut the supremely bloated military budget.
Then how will murica export murica to non muricans
Then how will they control us and other countries!?!?!?! They are the world leaders, leading us into a black hole.
She has a problem with comprehension and articulation. So much for private education.
MsTrish627 doesn't have the comprehensive skills to use she's a coward
MsTrish627 Of course. She's not the smartest person in the room!!!!!
don't trip over her IQ.
She probably paid for her degrees the same way she paid for her office 🤷♀️
jerry slater, she already tripped over it!!!!
She thinks when she smiles we will believe her
She smiles like a demon
Ivanka's style ... bcoz she thought she can get away by acting cute
This woman is totally unprepared for this cabinet position. Her only agenda is to encourage private for profit education. Continue with the money or corporations and the elite. Forget about public education and our youth.
Guess what: the system we have right now is already a total failure.
devos wasn't put in tha position to guide it and make it function well; trump put her there to gut the DoE and destroy it from within. The orange taint did that with all federal government agencies.
@@subhabratadas4087 cuz she doesnt know at all whats shes doing and what she does know she simply spats the same few lines out without actually expressing her opinion. She acts on behalf of the 1% rather than the health of public and private educational systems by constantly taxing or trying to cut funding for it or cutting federal dollars on the basis of not following federal ideologies like people not getting federal funding for their kids public education becuade they havent payed their lunch bills or declining federal fafds money for college students on the basis of preference rather than necessity. She even tried to get funding cut for schools who supported gay and majority ethnic communities on the basis that they were better off goimg to expensive private schools.
@@subhabratadas4087 why ? Just listen to her .she doesnt know shit and shes in charge of education .you fucking smuck
i think what sub was trying to say is, why? when shes doing exactly what they want her to do. Shes cutting funding for the public sector so they can later say "see guys, the public sector just isnt getting it done. why dont we let the private sector take over."
@@subhabratadas4087 Why? Because she's not there to help students. She's there to help the for-profit schools scam more students.
She has no idea what the hell to say!! Another Trump's idea.
what needs to be said is american tax payers shouldnt be paying for libtard babysitting,also known as education for you idiots that think youre smart lol
triggernutsy1 So kids going to school is only for liberals that need a baby sitter? Well now I know that public schools are for liberals only. If you can't afford private education you shouldn't have kids right. if the feds don't help States with anything what do the state's need them for except the military for protection? should federal money be spent primarily on the military and not much else. tax money should be spent on the country and its people or why bother having it if it doesn't benefit us.
triggernutsy1 Hahaha😂😂😂😂 oh God your stupid ... she cutting funding for public schooling, THAT you clearly need. 😂😂😂😂 I can't ... REALLY!!!! It's not about Republicans or Democrats you dumb-ass.
go back and learn to write you pos libtard lol
Obviously children learn what they live. Murica.
Unless we elect Bernie or another progressive who really values education, an entire generation of kids, especially those in poor areas will be setback for life.
Questioner: Please define 'Flexibility"
DeVos: Flexibility is the right to be able to discriminate, at will.
This woman is completely incompetent
Well just like her master Trump. The apple can't fall far from the tree.
Sadly, I think that's why she got the job.
She got the job because her family paid for it. $200M worth of contributions over the years to the Republican party.
You think she would have been confirmed based on her confirmation hearing alone? "Grizzly" Devos was an absolute disaster during her hearing, she could not answer any basic education questions. Yet the entire GOP blindly confirmed her, except a couple Republicans that grew a conscience. So "Puppet" Pence had to come in to sway the stalemate in her favor. Her anti-public school agenda including promoting/protecting shady 'for profit' schools makes even less sense than hiring pro-pollution Pruitt to head the EPA.
Incompetent? I would think she knows exactly what she's doing. Greedy, that's what she is.
Great argument! Public education?
She and her BFFs need more cash. That's her justification.
Did she really just make Shatz's point at the very end by saying schools want flexibility, when he literally just said cutting funding to schools by $9 billion decreases their flexibility. This is pathetic.
It's literally word soup and just another means of extortion just like the tariffs and social security. Because even though taxpayers pay into the system , the system is controlled by the wealthy , so your literally funding their pocketbooks , because of those tax cuts and the feds playing games with the interest rates they will cut most forms of socialist concept like Medicare and Medicaid, social security to pay for military spending and to try and prevent the deficit from exploding and try to increase taxes on the high upper middle class to ride again inflation which ultimately is flawed. They theoretically could raise taxes to 50% on anyone who makes less than 100k just to pay for all of this and it would be a bipartisan effort on both sides because a high sum of Congress is rich ASF and they control certain key position in Congress .
And her bro Eric would be happy to be the hired militia for any autocrat who wants to rule this country...we cannot be "the good Germans" and let this happen in slow motion....
With all the educated people that they have living in the United State of America they choose this woman to be the head of the Educational Department... Shame on you Donald Trump
Terryankev Miller
Didn't you hear how much money the family invested in the republicans.
Not to mention her brothers private army, mercenaries for republican American black ops.
What will students do should this cut happen, just go to school to sit on mats while reading 2 page pamphlets? Teachers are paid like they work at Mc Donald's.
Robert Leabo How does anyone in AZ learn when they go to school? It seems that states like yours is where this $9 Billion proposed plan for cuts is coming from unfortunately.
Is this comment a joke? That's what public education already is which is why I support these cuts, I could have taught myself but instead I spent 7 hours a day twiddling my thumbs waiting to go home. Most teachers don't do shit but read straight out of a book
Robert Leabo You seem very misinformed. Most modern approaches to teaching encourages grouping together learners of different levels of academic strength and create a diverse classroom. Grouping them by their academic performance would result in the weak learners falling behind much more drastically. A good teacher should be able to simultaneously provide proper scaffolding to the weak learners and encourage the strong learners to go beyond the confines of the curriculum.
MusicLounge I guess I must be. I never said less funding will solve the problem, but no matter how much money we have already pumped into schools (I didn't even go to a horrible school either) it was just tedious. Like Corey said, practically sitting on mats while reading 2 page pamphlets. There isn't much "teaching" going on nowadays, kinda just babysitting. I had *VERY FEW* teachers that actually gave a shit/actually taught more than just chaperoning a class. Guess I'm stupid.
MusicLounge don't group all of us millenials in with that dumb shit
Here is the thing the evidence and history shows that you don't cut funding for education you increase it if you want to be successful in the future
What evidence and history?
Every successful nation or country has spent more over tome on education not less
In many circumstances it’s the difference between being a first world country and a third world country. Corrupt third world countries like my mother nation love privatization of schools so they can manipulate the situation to make money at the expense of the children. I am sad as an American because she is the exact kind of politician that ruined my own mother nation.
why does she constantly have that smirk on her face?
Cuz on the inside she's thinking "I have no degree, no experience, no reason to be secretary of education, yet here I am cutting 6 billion from it and being questioned about my corruptness, and there's not a fucking thing anyone can do about it. Our rich corrupt selves have won."
It's the benwah balls
Robert Greenhouse she's just leather over an experimental exoskeleton. A precursor to the T1000 group...
And the Ben wah balls you may have seen her use are merely battery packs.
formattester6 it's called a shit eating grin
Have you ever wondered why super villains laugh? It's because it feels good to be on the verge of completing a dark and sinister plot. She probably looks at the decline in graduations and gets butterflies in her stomach. Increasing student debt? Not high enough. Teachers getting underpaid, that's her aphrodisiac. It's all coming as planned. Aha...aha...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
That smile is weird and creepy. Imagine being married to her
no one should suffer that imaginary scenario. This stepford wife, this automaton is a creepy skin sack of reanimated dead mice who feeds on the souls of orphans she keeps trapped in her many mansion basements to remain undead.
@@blackbird5634 That is the best description of her I've ever heard!! An automaton! Yes!! That is exactly what she's like! Great observation.
This is the future of American education it's really sad tbh
Michael Reyes - seems to be the only way for the clown to get reelected...
The current state is sad. Throwing money at the problem won't fix anything.
The warning signs of fascism are unnoticed by the public?
I wonder why that is.. is education failing Americans?
Ever seen Trump read a book? Or show his ability to comprehend anything he reads? The guy needs a briefing on 4 page memos of bulletpoints. I'm not convinced Trump can read.
StraightUpChill Saul Guddmein
trump can read!
He read a book last week about a guy named Jack who went up a hill with his girlfriend Jill!
The book had some very bigly words but with the help of some W.H staff he read from the cover page to the last page!
Next week he intends to try to read every page in between those two that he read last week!
She has no idea what title 2 is. She paid for her job with campaign contributions
what else did we expect from a Trump appointee?
What almost got cited, (I think), but was opportunity lost for lack of time (Betsy timing him out), was that $10 thousand to a school district often makes the difference to close a salary gap. It isn't..."HEY, look at what $10 Thousand got us!" It's $4-500 to $1-2K in a number of buckets (known as salaries). This small potato difference could make the difference of a goodly number of teachers, PLUS, make the difference of qualified teachers. If this sounds like an informed opinion, it is. Betsy is notably lacking in areas.
Pointless cut and a waist of time enacting it. This will just force local, State and private donors to pay the difference. The poorer communities will be hit the hardest economically.
The way she smiles her way through her empty answers... sick
SHe sounds like trump.
exactly why he picked her
trump university graduate suma cume stupid
I get SICK when I see the "Honorable Betsy DeVos" in front of her. Blech! THANK YOU, SENATOR SCHATZ!!!
*Tough decisions:* cutting programs that help the poor and middle class. Those "tough decisions" never hurt the rich, naturally. What a crock.
Public school should be the last department for cuts....
You wanted this America. You're already ranked something like 30th in the world in education - what number are you aiming for now?
What made America great was public money and programs after the Great Depression and more after WWII. America was great when education and other infrastructure was well funded and more money was in the hands of a booming middle class and SMALL business. Aren't you in despair?
Exactly! Just how are we considered the number one country in the world, yet ranked number 38 out of 70?? Smh
@M A Yes! I can say that I totally agree.
@elijah mikle This is actually not true. I am teaching in Kuwait and they actually believe America is great and is a country that should be patterned. Many also believe Trump is doing a great job as president. You would have to have a broader network of people to know this.
Nice, this woman never went to school. She did go to college but knows nothing about public education. She is so privileged I'd like to know if she has even been in a grocery store. She has no idea how regular people live.
That Senator is being very rude, asking that poor woman all kinds of complicated education finance questions. They should have found the actual Secretary of Education, who would have had no difficulty answering such questions…….. What she IS the Secretary of Education? That’s depressing.
Timon Myside poor woman!? tha fuck you mean! incompetent bitch!
I'm affraid you have misunderstood my comment. Read it again and you will see.
Timon Myside i stand corrected sir😕
Timon Myside 😂😂😂😂
Timon Myside LMAO
I erased four times my comment...I can not express my rejection to this poor example of human being....
She is trying to have schools funded by religious groups (fundamentalists) so they will allow their teachings in a secular environment. Blatantly clear, and it's for money cause those will fail sending kinds to private schools which she is supported by. She is no way qualified to be in that position.
So true James!
It's not even constitutional for the Federal Government to be involved in education at all... "You people" are not qualified to be in that position seeing as you don't even know the basics. You're fear of religion is silly, it's as if you have no grasp of reality and how the world works, probably due to your public education lol.
just imagine how much flexibility you have in your life when you don't have to be a burden with teaching young children math and reading skills. you will have no money but you'll be super flexible.
cut defense and tax breaks for the rich,not education and healthcare
cody cox do they really need 600 billion dollars a year
cody cox ...What is so alarming, and quite frankly comical, about your comment is the absence of any introspection or critical thinking. Since you apparently live in a tiny, Faux Fox News, bubble you would have no way of knowing that every single thing your just described is NOT how the vast majority of Americans or the world for that matter see Liberals. Ironically, what you wrote describes how the world views the RepubliCON party and Trump supporters in general. The amount of stupidity that is evident in your comment is stunning.
cody cox ...Why are you calling Trumps department of education pick a dumb bitch? Trump is the one who appointed this "dumb bitch" to oversee our children's education. I agree with your analogy of Betsy Devos by the way, it's the only coherent thing you wrote. Trumps cabinet picks highlight how unqualified this man child is to be president. It also shows off his blatant stupidity and the fact that he doesn't give a shit about regular Americans. His cabinet picks were chosen specifically to hinder or out right destroy the very department they lead, which WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT hurt the working class that depend on these departments and programs to work for them. Welcome to Trumps America. Where Americans and dived and hate each other along party lines, where our longtime allies can't trust us, where ruthless dictators like Putin and the Saudis finally see cracks in our democracy and a weak, dumb president they can exploit. In Trumps America the most wealthy among us get TRILLIONS IN TAX CUTS, while important programs for the working class are slashed. An America where the richest among us get a 600 BILLION DOLLAR tax cut and in return 24 million, working class, poor and elderly Americans get kicked off of their insurance. MAGA is a slogan for dunces.
A large part of defense funding is overcharges on contracts to third party contractors. That could very well be cut or better regulated without losing anything, but there is no political will to make defense more efficient as any reduction in spending will be seen as a cut. In addition to this the US already spends more than the next 7 countries combined, and spends 36% of all money the world spends on defense. It does not need any expansion. In fact if one were to take an America First attitude as Trump espouses, allowing other countries to largely defend themselves, then military spending could easily be cut 10 or 15% without affecting domestic defense at all.
Overspending on something doesnt necessarily make it better. Spending triple China's military budget is actually wasteful. When you spend double what Canada does per capita on healthcare and get nothing for it, that doesnt mean your healthcare is twice as good. It means your spending practices are less than half as effective.
How quickly the repubes forget pizza-gate right?
$9m - It's only a couple of yachts to her
Incompetent evil shielded by money.
After watching a couple of videos of this lady I want to know how the f# she got her job.
She and her family "donated" 200 million + to guess who...
Were the rich are educated, middle and lower class are becoming less educated
Ramon Villafane Yeah... because the average high school grad-who is 18 btw- is so wise and should vote.
Meta tron So you would like it so there incompetent or illiterate. Not all parents have the time to self educate there children and we have enough giving up. Personally I say less people should have kids but to many people keep trying to encourage kids from a ton of people without enough resources just saying, you'll figure it out.
Ramon Villafane that is the only way Trump could win the next election... Supports must stay stupid.
Ramon Villafane Middle class and poor, the disabled, minority children, immigrant, 🏳️🌈LGBT community ect...
This is insane. We all know she's full of it, but she gets to keep her job.
look at betsy devoss changing the subject
"I don't ...don't know exactly what 40,000 teachers you are talking about....I uh uh....don't know....." Big Smile.
This is an excellent example of why education is so important, as it allows one to better themselves and become financially successful, then contribute millions to the Republican coffers and finally rewarded with a secretary position. Skills, knowledge and experience are not necessary criteria for the position.
Next step take the vote away from the poor.
Already done. Electoral college doesn’t work
Can’t wait for the next administration regardless of who wins president I hope Betsy goes bye bye
private sector school? kids elementary brought to you by mcdonalds.
if you want to reduce costs, create hybrid public school/ online programs. Create a few satellite annexes for supervised study in open format in unused storefronts office spaces or libraries around town where kids can check in and quietly study, use the bathroom, and be in a safe environment, recieve tutoring etc. If they have good grades they get privileges to study at home if parents are OK with that.
If they have bad grades, require they check in and study rather than do it from home. Kids would gradually learn to manage time and responsibilities like college students do. Public schools are filled with anxieties stresses boredoms and distractions that take away from kid's ability to learn optimally.
That "I'll have the last snarky word" attitude is telling.
Anything related to education is usually the first thing to suffer lack of government funding. Meanwhile, the politicians who are cutting those funds grant themselves massive salary increases!
You shouldn't be able to BUY a cabinet position in the executive branch of our federal government.
i have never heard state & local leaders say they need $9 billion cut from their budget .
Interesting that DeVos owns 9-10 yachts and the Republican tax cut gave specific cuts for people with yachts...
So who is going to get that $9 billion???? Who gets paid off with that money????Hummm?????
She has never had to worry about money and education for her family, this is disgusting!!!!!
Devos is so inspiring..I'm sure there are young children out there looking up to her so they to can rise up to the top so they take monies from those who need it so their really rich buddies can get a tax break and sip wine over the best military stocks to buy
There's no way she should have the word honorable anywhere near her name
People like Betsy DeVos hold back HUMANITY.
Out of all the ridiculous people in office in the American Empire (since i have been following their shitty politics - roughly around the Clinton administration), Devos is the most shocking to me... how come both republicans and democrats don't do something about this? This goes beyond party politics does it not? When someone is unqualified beyond belief, shouldn't Americans just put their differences aside and realize what kind of a shitty person they've hired as Secretary of Education? Any American here can chime in on why no one's doing anything? (beyond protests i mean, that does nothing). Are republicans doing anything about this? No smart republican can sit back and watch this unfold and be really proud of this person... wtf is going on in the States!?
Of course republicans will support her. The wealthy ones because they will benefit; their tax cuts need to be paid for, so cut public school funding. The poor republicans will support her because they think she’s sticking it to black kids, Mexican kids, Muslim kids, you know all those icky people.
Too tribal. We've gone past the point of judging efficiency and reality itself.. now we simply judge based on your party. Trump picked this sack of stupid... Therefore if you go against her, you go against Trump.
To go against the tribe is to alienate yourself...
We get the representatives we deserve.... And that could not be more true when dealing with Trump and his sycophant losers.
Does your country gave peace? You may want to point the finger back at yourself. I am sure your country isn't all roses.
This woman seems not to care about what she's doing
@Isaiah da Track Killa She hasn’t a clue. The most incompetent individual I have ever seen in government, apart from President Batshit himself.
Isaiah da Track Killa
Also doing with a smile.
She gives 0 fucks! Just all smiles and answering questions with lies!
My mother is a teacher, a great one. She has dedicated 41 years of her life teaching and educating youth and continues to do so today. She’s presided over so many clubs, planned field trips, and chaperoned countless events. She took her kids overseas to Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico and sometimes even paid her own way there if there wasn’t enough funding just so they weren’t disappointed. Even when she broke her shoulder during one of those trips, my 61 year old mom climbed Machu Picchu and hiked the rainforest like a champ with nothing more than Tylenol for pain. She puts so much time, energy, and her own money into her job at the tune of about a couple thousand a year now due to budget cuts. She does it because she loves it.
However, I made more money as a first year nurse than she did after 36-37 years of teaching. I only had a Bachelors degree while she has a Masters. We pay teachers so little yet they are the ones responsible for the foundation of our society. Isn’t that a little skewed?
Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox. Betsy DeVos makes me sick. She isn’t qualified for her position and doesn’t have any respect for educators or any insight on how to shape the future of America. She can only see as far as the tip of her nose and the lining of her pocket.
they want flexibility WITH FUNDING to not be restricted to what they can and can't do with the money.
Running a government is not the same as running a corporation or business. You are there to serve the needs of the public by allocating financial resources to the sectors that need it in order for the system to run effectively. You do not cut back on education and health care. Those are the two pillars that matter most to the public and there needs.
Go Oklahoma teachers. These are the Republicans you voted for.
Respecting the tax payers. Sure Betsy
Did she even read her own report??
So greed is still good then? These people forgot the second half of that movie. Their crony capitalist role model, Gordon Gecko, went to jail.
That’s weird how did Betsy Devos learn that money is not limitless.
lmao. since when has someone felt flexible in spending with less money.
She has NO IDEA what’s she’s doing. Don’t know any plan or have no idea what they are talking about when they ask her a question about her budget.
This is part of the reason why I'm a Democrat. Republicans have been cutting education since Reagan. It's the reason why college is so freaking expensive.
Nothing you said is true.
Yeah actually Reagan made a lot of cuts in education and domestic social programs
david abe get educated before you speak.
@@FEV369 - I think government should be OUT of the education business with what it is managing to produce.
Let's not even get into the pay of the administrators .......
Private schooling has always been much better. A lady at our church that is on a committee with me is a house cleaner, yet she lives modestly so that she can help support her two grandchildren that have always be enrolled in private school. From my view, this is commendable. I tell her how fortunate her grandchildren are because of their grandmother and parents' dedication to their education.
In spite of my mother being a single mother and a teacher in public schools, I went to private school for only two years because I begged my mother to let me go to "normal" school. This was a very bad move concerning my education. After I transferred, it was clear that my previous educators had me at least a year and a half ahead of the normal school and I almost lost my study habits. Oh, it was much more fun at "normal" school, you bet!
The "dumbing down" of America lies in public education, no doubt. That is not even debatable per the produce.
She heard from a lot of local and state leaders say that they want a lot of flexibility. Be as it may, these are not the people teaching the children. This is not what the educaters want. The teachers need resources.
It does not look good how she tries to burn the senators speak time with saying... whatever. I had stopped to consciously listen by then.
This woman is truly evil how you cut funding for education and she shows no remorse
She could give 9 billion herself if she had a heart instead of a thumping gizzard.
This is the same woman and family that had Scot Walker of Wi eliminate collective bargaining of unions. Her family does not like unions or taxes
We MUST educate our kids. That is the future. This is not negotiable.
Ugh. Really?!?!?! Really?!?!!!! How in her tiny mind did she think this would ever be supported in a country where the school systems are criminally underfunded is COMMON KNOWLEDGE.
greed running a muck
You can tell her goal is to run out the clock till he has no time left, so she doesn't have to actually answer the questions.
If you do not have the knowledge to the job you should not be allowed to make cuts in a budget which affects teachers and students lives.
My thought on this is we should award the head of education for America some "flexibility" in her income.
Ugh she’s completely vile.
If we didn't have a 2 trillion dollar tax cut we wouldn't be talking about 9 billion dollars
Go get 'em Senator Schatz!!! Mahalo.
You would hope that she feels bad about her position and actions... But, clinically speaking, psychopaths do not feel remorse.
Well said.
So DeVos is going to give more of HER money to close the gap? I dont think so pppffftt
Please, please , strip her of her duties . Enough is Enough..
How else are you going to find one and a half trillion dollars for tax cuts for the billionaires. And you have to ensure that money is available for any unforeseen war that could crop up tomorrow. Which of course it will be because there is always some social programme that can be cut.
Look at all the teachers she has destroyed.
And flexibility comes with proper funding.
What are the priorities of the USA ?