President Trump outlines new Military Strategy in Afghanistan

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • President Trump "I am here tonight to lay out our plan going forward in Afghanistan and South Asia. But before I provide the details of our new strategy, I want to say a few words to the service members here with us tonight, to those watching from their posts and to all Americans listening at home. Since the founding of our Republic our country has produced a special class of heroes whose selflessness, courage and resolve is unmatched in human history. American patriots of every generation have given their last breath on the battlefield for our nation and for our freedom."
    "Through their lives and though their lives were cut short, in their deeds they achieved total immortality. By following their heroic example of those who fought for their republic, we can find the inspiration our country needs to unify, to heal, and to remain one nation under god."
    "The men and women of our military operate as one team with one shared mission and one shared sense of purpose. They transcend every line of race, ethnicity, creed and color to serve together and sacrifice together in absolutely perfect cohesion. That is because all service members are brothers and sisters."
    "They're all part of the same family. It's called the American family, they take the same oath, fight for the same flag and live according to the same law. They're bound together by common purpose, mutual trust and selfless devotion to our nation and to each other."
    "The soldier understands what we as a nation too often forget. That a wound inflicted upon a single member of our community is a wound inflicted upon us all. When one part of America hurts, we all hurt. And when one citizen suffers an injustice, we all suffer together. Loyalty to our nation demands loyalty to one another. Love for our nation demands love for all of its people. When we open our hearts to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice, no place for bigotry, no tolerance for hate."
    President Trump gave no timeline for U.S. Troops to return home. American troops will remain in Afghanistan to fight Taliban, al-Qaeda, and new ISIS militants entering Afghanistan from Syria and Iraq.
    Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Tillerson, members of the cabinet, General Dunford, Deputy Secretary and Colonel Duggan. Most especially thank you to the members of the U.S. military at home and abroad. We send our thoughts and prayers to the families of our brave sailors who were injured and lost after a tragic collision at sea as well as to those conducting the search and recovery efforts in the USS John S. McCain Navy destroyer collision with a cargo ship at sea.

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