My Two Witnesses - Revelation 11:3-14

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @patientlywaitingforjesusb5498
    @patientlywaitingforjesusb5498 3 месяца назад

    Praise God for this beautiful teaching. God bless you.🙏😊

  • @brandymckee-qb9th
    @brandymckee-qb9th 9 месяцев назад

    In the mighty name of Jesus, AMEN 🙏 🙌 ❤

  • @tonicasillas8356
    @tonicasillas8356 Год назад +1

    Amen good preaching

  • @carolyn43855
    @carolyn43855 Год назад +1

    Great teachings

  • @daviddeleon6345
    @daviddeleon6345 Год назад +4

    They are not Elijah and Moses because they have glorified bodies and could not see death.

  • @ANAXES_zTo
    @ANAXES_zTo Год назад

    Was the temple, the pyramids?

  • @kensmith5810
    @kensmith5810 Год назад

    At the end of the first half of the Tribulation, the two witnesses of God, yield the power he has granted them and are killed by the anarchist, then the anarchist takes his seat in the temple and now goes after everyone who clings to God because of the mark system, and kills everyone who refuses his name

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Год назад

    At this time, we're gathering together to confirm the identity of the 2 witnesses, which could be the Apostle John and Daniel- Royalty and the Priesthood.
    Joseph, the husband of Mary, was both of the seed of David Matthew 1:1, 16; Luke 3:23-24, and of Levi.
    Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, who was of the daughters of Aaron, is the cousin of Mary - the woman who bore Jesus, Luke 1:36,5, and also Mary, the mother of John, Matthew 27:56. They were all of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage.
    Thus, the Apostle John is also of the Aaronic Priesthood lineage - Joshua the Son of Josedech Zechariah 3.
    Daniel was one of the Princes- descendants of King David, and Zerubbabel, Zechariah 4, taken captive into Babylon. They both meet the criteria for the Candlestick and Lampstand prophecy, as the two witnesses of God, they Anointed Ones standing before the presence of God.
    Their mission overlap as both represent the Church and Israel, respectively.
    Revelation 1:1-2, equally applies to both of them- Daniel was referred to as "Greatly beloved " 10:111, 19, as well as John referred to himself as "the desciple whom Jesus loved " John 21:7; 13:23; 20:2.
    They both received direct revelation from the risen Jesus Christ. John 16:25; Daniel 8:17; 20:1, 8-9; Revelation 1:17 (Daniel chapters 8-12. (Daniel chapter 10=Revelation 1, Jesus Christ came to give them the vision, from the Father).
    Revelation 10:11 signified the end of all written prophecies, and now they must be orally proclaimed, which continues into chapter 11, about the mission of the two witnesses.
    Daniel once "rested" until the manifestation and completion of the prophecy, which he couldn't understand - about the suffering and killed Messiah. John was called up in Revelation 4, and I believe the same goes for Daniel, called up from his rest.
    Thus, it's highly probable that they both were the ones prophesying for 1,260 days- for both the remnants of Israel and the left behind Christians, and as witnesses to the whole world as the "mystery of iniquity" is being concluded Revelation 11:2, and the world system is being prepared for final judgement.
    They had to do to fulfill the word that says, "It's is appointed to man, once to die, and then judgment." They died, but according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; death's sting had no effect on them, and the grave couldn't be victorious over them!
    They were finally called back up, and they ascended into heaven Revelation 11:7-12 to be in the presence of the Lord
    as "The Two Anointed Ones, The Church and Israel, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth " - The two Candlesticks and two Olive Trees!!!
    Fulfilling Zechariah 4:14!
    Revelation 11:6 shows the authority given to man being displayed by the 2 representatives of the fallen, but ransomed, redeemed, regenerated, restored and reconciled man- the Church, and Israel, back to his original state and God's will for him in Genesis 1:26-28- having all authority Matthew 28:18, over all creations, until the redemption of the purchased possession, and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father!
    Man gets a representative in heavenly places, but no more place is found for Lucifer and his angels!
    Let the Lord shed light on His mystery in Jesus' name!

  • @calledisrael434
    @calledisrael434 Год назад

    I rejoice your passion for our Lord but find it hard to understand you do not recognise who is the man of sin [2nd Beast - 11th king -Dan7;24] or the Nation who controls All of the World [ 1st Beast 'out of the sea' -10kings of one kingdom -Dan7;24].... Maranatha Shalom.....old Messianic Jew.

  • @nathanaellavoie147
    @nathanaellavoie147 Год назад

    John 1:43-51 Revelation 11. I’m here

  • @mistahraldz2940
    @mistahraldz2940 Год назад

    Prophets and witnesses is are two different kind

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Год назад

    Olive Tree- Priesthood Anointing (Produces Oil, Religious)
    Candlesticks, (Uses Oil) or Lamp- Royalty (Political, Royalty)
    1 Kings 15:4
    Joshua, the high priest (Religious), from the tribe of Levi, descendant of Kohath and Zadok- 1 Chronicles 6:12-15; End-time Ministers of God: Ezekiel 44:15-16...Zechariah 3:1; Jeremiah 33:21; Revelation 11:4; Numbers 25-7-13
    Zerubbabel, the governor (not king, though the descendant of king David, but the promises to David will be fulfilled in the end, to always have a Seed in the throne. 2:Samuel 7:16; Jeremiah 30:9), the last seed of David, born in babylonian captivity, Ezra:3:2; Matthew1:12; 1 Chronicles 3:17; Nehemiah12:1; Hagai 12:1; 1 Chronicles3:17-19; (Political) Zechariah 4; given power over the religious and political powers during the tribulation to show the supremacy of God in heaven and in the earth, thus no physical power can hurt them, they are the anointed of God, for the end time!. Zechariah chapters 3 and 4. They signifed the end of law and the beginning of the promise of coming grace, through faith, in the coming Messiah, and also heralded the advent of the Messiah, Zechariah 14, and the conclusion of the world system, and the establishment of the Millennium reign and the final judgment, and the new heaven and earth- Isaiah 65, Revelation chapters 19-21; Isaiah 66:24; Lastly- the rewards Revelation 22.
    The Lord never leaves any thing hanging. The two books of Ezra and Nehemiah were the only ones not concluded, as the 70th week year will continue from where they stopped and the book was shut in Daniel 12:4. God always performs and perfects His purposes and promises. He is Faithful and True, He has exalted His word above all His name, so none of His word will go back to Him void! He is God All by Himself, as some would say! All glory and praises to His Holy name! Amen!
    Galatians 4:29-30! It's always been like this right from the beginning, right from the garden, then Genesis chapters 6,14:17-24; 21:9-10- Jacob and Esau; Pharez and Zerah; Pharaoh/Moses; David/Absalom; Jezebel, Athaliah, Haman, Herod, Hitler, Antichrist/false prophet.
    This has to play out till the end for all to know, without a shadow of doubt, that God rules in the midst of the heathen, the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell in them, and that He is Lord of all!

  • @tonuiben4136
    @tonuiben4136 Год назад +1

    There is more compelling reasons to believe they will minister in the 2nd half. Very important to note that they are killed just before the seventh trumpet sound and their is no way you can place the trumpets( and particularly the last three trumpet known as woes) in the first half. Those definitely belongs to the great tribulation not the first half which will be relatively peaceful as the antichrist go conquering and consolidating power.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Год назад

    Jesus Christ is the high priest of our profession. Hebrews 3:1; 4:4.
    He is also the King of Israel, the Son of David.
    He is the Lampstand, the Two Olive Trees. He pours from Himself into the two branches. Everything comes from Him, because the last king and priest of Israel both came short: Joshua, the son of Josedech - the high priest, was clothed in filthy garments Zechariah 3, because the sin of the people hadn't been dealt with in all the 69 week year in captivity, thus, according to the laws of cleansing, he shouldn't be ministering, but instead, he should die, for his sins and those of the people Leviticus chapters 5, 14, 14 and 17, and Zerubbabel, the seed of David, and the governor of Israel Zechariah 4. Revelation 1:12-13.
    So, the accuser came to make sure that he dies, to show the righteousness of God.
    God had to now take it upon Himself to bear these sins, and got him a change of robes, thereby imputting His own righteousness to him, and consequently the people- unworthy though they were, as a "brand plucked out of fire". Zechariah 3:2; Malachi 3:6.
    God had to send His angels because He wasn't dealing directly with Israel until the prophesy of the advent of the Messiah was fulfilled, then the Holy Spirit would come. God will only return to them at the start of the 70th week year, as their God, to complete the mystery of iniquity and usher in the millennium.
    Therefore, the two witnesses are Joshua the high priest, and Zerubbabel, the governor Jeremiah 30:21, until the fallen tabernacle of David is raised up again, and the King returns Amos 9:11; Jeremiah 30:9.
    Thus, they can only rule and minister by the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus Christ at baptism to make Him the Son of God after being the Son of man for 30 years of His life. When the Holy Spirit returns with the saints, He goes back to the Father, in the Son, to make the Godhead complete, until the whole world is reconciled, back to God and He makes all things new again.
    The angel ignored Zechariah's query about the two olive Tree's, because he should know who they were since the whole prophecy given to him was solely about these two. Moreover, the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zechariah were not concluded. Like the book of Daniel was shut, they would be continuing when the time comes. Israel will continue from where they left off to enter the 70th week year that completes the end of the occupation of the Amorites, when their cup is full to be judged. Luke 21:24; Genesis 15:16 (Still to be fulfilled).

  • @calledisrael434
    @calledisrael434 Год назад

    Isaiah 44; 1-8 only one place Two are , Chosen , Named & called MY WITNESSES......they are Messianic Jews , WHY ? - All the Hebrew signs minus wearing Ashes for forgiveness of sins as they already have this through Yeshu ha Moshiach God's beloved son.... they will come to measure the New Temple in Jerusalem with their reed probably I believe about or just after 30th June 2026[2nd half of Last Week] when the son of perditions Authority Ends!...Baruch Hashem ....old Messianic Jew.

  • @ScriptureConsolidated
    @ScriptureConsolidated 2 года назад

    i have the majority itinerated for you if youre interested. its on my channel under the malichia video.

  • @jvlp2046
    @jvlp2046 Год назад

    Revelation 11: The TWO WITNESSES are the 2 Prophets, also called the 2 Olive Trees and the 2 Candlestand... they will Preach in Jerusalem, Israel for 42 months = 3.5 years (1260 days)...
    Q?... What Gospel TRUTH will the 2 Prophets will Preach?... If the 2 Prophets will be Moses and Elijah, then both are Jews/Israel, definitely, most likely both will Preach the "Law of Moses" and not the Gospel of Christ Jesus...
    Q?... Can one Prophet preach the Gospel of the Law of Moses and the other Prophet will preach the Gospel of the Law of Christ?...
    Q?... Will there be a conflict between Old Laws and New Laws?... One Prophet will preach, "An Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth" while the other Prophet preach, "Vengence is not yours, it is MINE (God) says the Lord"...
    One prophet will preach, "Hate your Enemies," while the other Prophet preaches, "Love your Enemies as you love yourself."... One will Preach, it is ok to DIVORCE your wife, but the other one is not... One will preach we need to be CIRCUMCIZED, and the other will say, we do not necessarily need that... One will preach meat restrictions, while the other has no meat restrictions... One will preach about animals burnt-offering sacrifices for the atonement of their Sin, while the other is by FAITH in Christ thru God's Grace that bears fruits (Charity of Love)...
    In conclusion, Hebrews 7:12/paraphrased... "For when the PRIESTHOOD was changed/replaced, the LAW must also be changed/replaced as well."... Amen.
    Mark 2:22/Luke 5:37/paraphrased... "No one pours a NEW wine into the OLD wineskin, for it will burst and ruin the Old wineskins, but to pour NEW wine into NEW wineskins."... Amen.
    Matt. 9:16/paraphrased... "No one sews a patch of Unshrink (New) garment on an OLD garment, for the patch will pull away, making the tear worse."... Amen.

    • @stanleyjanicke3656
      @stanleyjanicke3656 Год назад

      Both will teach repentance!
      Antichrist and the whole world will hate them and want them dead.
      Why repentance? Because the Antichrist will be playing a Savior with so much conviction and deceptions mixed in with supernatural tricks. Game over for most

    • @jvlp2046
      @jvlp2046 Год назад

      @@stanleyjanicke3656 Thank God, after 6 months, at last, someone answered my inquiries... thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts... however, the WAY of REPENTANCE with the Israelite Jews is based on the Law of Moses & Mosaic which is far way different from the Christian WAY of REPENTANCE based on the Law of Christ... The Law of Moses/Mosaic is for the BODY/FLESH while the Law of Christ is for the SPIRIT... just like the Jewish Sabbath is for the REST of man's Body/Flesh... while the Sabbath of Man/Christ is for the REST of man's Spirit...
      Christ said, "Come to me all of you who are tired/weary of carrying heavy loads/burdens, for my YOKE (task) is easy, and my BURDENS (trials/hardships) is light, come I will give you REST"... not of the Flesh/Body but of Spiritual REST... We can not compromise one Law with the other Law...
      So, how do the 2 Different Ways of REPENTANCE work?... How can 2 Israelite Jews, Prophet Elijah, and Moses both preach the Law of Christ and Moses/Mosaic at the same time?... The Pre-Trib-Rapture believers (which I am not one of them), will argue and will reason out that the CHURCH of God in Christ will no longer be on Earth when the 2 Witnesses of God come along... so they both will teach/preach solely the Law of Moses/Mosaic...
      God will definitely for sure send back Prophet Elijah's return on the Last Days/End Times based on the Prophecy of Malachi 3:1 to Preach the Law of Moses/Mosaic and their own Way of Repentance to God through burnt animal sacrifices for the atonement of the Israelite's Sins... unless some argued, that the other one, will NOT be Prophet Moses, but APOSTLE JOHN who will preach the Law of Christ and the Way of Repentance thru Faith in Christ Jesus by God's Grace with Water Baptism to be Born Again in Spirit...
      Why Apostle John? ... because he was the only Apostle of Christ who did not see/taste MARTYRDOM, for he died of old age... perhaps, this could be his Martyrdom in the hands of the AntiChrist and after 3.5 years of teaching/preaching, they will be murdered by the AntiChrist in public and after 3.5 days, God will resurrect them both?...
      But then again, perhaps your assumption (guess) is better than mine... Glory, Praise, and Thanks be to God in Christ... Amen...