Taoist Dharma protector Lord Ma has three eyes, but do you know his origin?

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • 這四位元帥, 馬元帥是靈官馬元帥, ”眉生三眼照天堂”, 也就是《南遊記》主角華光天王; 趙元帥乃是”竹節鋼鞭手內擎, 坐下斑斕一猛虎”的趙公明; 關元帥是關羽, 有詩為證: 鳳翅綠巾星火裂,三綹髭須腦後散。臥蠶一皺肝膽寒,鳳眼圓睜神鬼怯。青龍刀擺半天昏, 跨赤兔壇前謾謁”。溫元帥是溫瓊, 原系東嶽大帝部將, 因為英勇, 受到玉皇大帝特殊恩遇, 封為”亢金大神”, 賜予”無拘霄漢”金牌一面, 使他能自由出入天門, 此神長得”朱砂發梁遍通紅, 青臉獠牙形太毒”。爾後又被借來作為南天門元帥之一
    These four marshals, Marshal Ma is the spiritual official Marshal Ma, who has "eyebrows and three eyes shining on heaven", that is, the protagonist Huaguang Tianwang in "Journey to the South"; "Zhao Gongming; Marshal Guan is Guan Yu, as evidenced by a poem: The phoenix wings and green scarf are cracked, and the three mustaches are scattered behind the head. The lying silkworm wrinkled his liver and became terrified, and his phoenix eyes widened. The green dragon knife was placed in the dark for a long time, and it crossed the red rabbit altar to pay homage." Marshal Wen is Wen Qiong, who was originally a general of Emperor Dongyue. "Xiaohan" gold medal, so that he can freely enter and leave the Tianmen, this god looks "cinnabar hair and beams are red, blue face and fangs are too poisonous". Later, he was borrowed as one of the marshals of the Nantianmen

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