This was great to watch, and having all of the other western stars of the day make an appearance made this a super fun movie to watch. Got a real kick out of the gun battle capture scene between the crooks and the good guys. It made me laugh when one says to the other, " your gonna do a lot of dammage with those blanks." That was too funny.
This was great to watch, and having all of the other western stars of the day make an appearance made this a super fun movie to watch. Got a real kick out of the gun battle capture scene between the crooks and the good guys. It made me laugh when one says to the other, " your gonna do a lot of dammage with those blanks." That was too funny.
Thanks for sharing it! I always enjoy watching Old Western Movies though. 👍👌👏
An of course, I'm a subscriber!
Thanks Again Though.
I was in love with Dale Evans ... even when I was 8 years old.