Hey where did you get this? I used to have the cassette tape and have been looking for it for a long time. This is a mid to late 80's recording. I remember the cassette was red on one side and blue on the other. from Warwick, Rhode Island. The song after this one is a Chol Cnham Tmey song and the original Srey Chiss Lanh Celica is also on the tape. Do you have it? I'd like a copy and will gladly pay for it. Thanks.
Ce n'est pas l'originelle, le chanteur est mort en 1975 pendant la guerre. Il était dans la marine et sa femme était vivante à l'époque. Elle était dans la marine comme lui. Cette chanson était composée et dédicacée pour moi quand nous étions au lycée Sisowath, lui en 3ème et moi en 5ème.
Thank for this beautiful song i love it
បទនេះ បើជាគូរ ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់សម្លេងដើមខ្លាំងណាស់។ អរគុណដែលបានបង្ហោះក្នុងយូធូប 😍។ សម្លេងអ្នកនៅក្នុងដួងចិត្តខ្ញុំរហូត។
I love this song!!!
Sweet nas
Sweet guitar solo by mr. Toun.
Hey where did you get this? I used to have the cassette tape and have been looking for it for a long time. This is a mid to late 80's recording. I remember the cassette was red on one side and blue on the other. from Warwick, Rhode Island. The song after this one is a Chol Cnham Tmey song and the original Srey Chiss Lanh Celica is also on the tape. Do you have it? I'd like a copy and will gladly pay for it. Thanks.
The solo exit started to get real and the bass line picked up. Unfortunately the ballad ended too soon.
Nay Sieng
@supastarsam I have the Chnam Tmey song but not sure about the other one. I'll post it later.
Ce n'est pas l'originelle, le chanteur est mort en 1975 pendant la guerre. Il était dans la marine et sa femme était vivante à l'époque. Elle était dans la marine comme lui. Cette chanson était composée et dédicacée pour moi quand nous étions au lycée Sisowath, lui en 3ème et moi en 5ème.
I like the one solo by mr. Toun
I like it, thanks for sharing. Who's the vocalist?
មិនច្បាស់ទេ តែអាចលោក វ័រ សារុន។ ☺
@llHyRaXll It sounds weird to hear Sokun Nisa sing it because this version came out way before Nisa was born.
He’s pretty good though. 👍
@ksankool Thanks brother...check out our band videos if you haven't already lol
I like to know what this singers name please
Nai Sieng is the singer