I remember being a ball kid for him in a game against Taylor Fritz, and late in the game he twisted his ankle, so all he relied on was his monster forehand, it was awesome
Let me just say this channel has made tennis so much more enjoyable that it already is and thx so much for highlighting these players in such a cool way
Sock has one of the best forehands in the game, period. It's unique in its combination of spin and speed. He never hits it totally flat yet achieves ridiculous pace on it. He has a good serve and great net game, he just needs a better backhand and mental game.
When Jack is fit and in form he's as good as the best. He's just not reached that consistency yet. I love watching him...there's so much potential there still.
@@davidrieger8816 Roddick in the later years went away from the big shots like Jack or himself in his early 2000s days. Some of his balls were too loopy and lack pace
notice that most if not all are these are inside out or down the line. I use a very similar grip as sock and can say that it is much harder to hit a forehand like that crosscourt
Yes definitly mine also went to this technique somehow and feel like down the line is the easiest but also I do too many errors even though some forehands are massive its hard to find a good balance when to hit it
He has the BEST and most POWERFUL forehand in tennis ... better than Federer, Delpo, Nadal, Djokovic !!!! Extremely talented, and has a great all around game including that mega forehand .... but why doesn’t he win matches against these top players ??
Guys sock has great forehand to watch but a very poor technique. Only Federer and djoko forehand has best technique for either flat or top spin heavy shot
Jack Sock best forehands video -- 8 minutes long
Jack Sock best backhands video -- 0.08 seconds long
Are his backhands that bad? They looked decent to me
Neil Sashti it’s not bad shot just not great
@@neilsashti5290 They are. He can get it back but Roddick had a better backhand than he does. He can't hit a forcing shot with it, just a rally ball.
Wait he has a backhand?
I liked the one when he hit the fast forehand
You mean the one with the ridiculous amount of spin that looked like it was all wrist?
I remember being a ball kid for him in a game against Taylor Fritz, and late in the game he twisted his ankle, so all he relied on was his monster forehand, it was awesome
Did he win?
Arturo Inda yes guy from area 69
We’ll never know whether this randoms comments are true or not
Hopefully you enjoyed this video!
It took a crap ton of editing.
FeatureTennis of course! I always enjoy your videos!
Nice job mah dude :)))
FeatureTennis well done. Socks forehand is art .
Can u do Thomas berdych forehands?
I love seeing Jack play when he's enjoying it.
This channel has the highest quality tennis content on RUclips
Let me just say this channel has made tennis so much more enjoyable that it already is and thx so much for highlighting these players in such a cool way
1:29 He hit a cold dead winner with Federer and Nadal on the other side of the court ...... let that sink in.
Sock has one of the best forehands in the game, period. It's unique in its combination of spin and speed. He never hits it totally flat yet achieves ridiculous pace on it. He has a good serve and great net game, he just needs a better backhand and mental game.
Irfan Khalis wins points on Nadal, but not games
@@wingedhussars5576 FUCK THE KING
None hits forehands totally flat
Every time he hits a forehand my wrist hurts.
Haha 69. Nice.
Sock is a professional ball swatter
Would love to see it live. Must be insane
When Jack is fit and in form he's as good as the best. He's just not reached that consistency yet. I love watching him...there's so much potential there still.
No consitency because his forehand is really technical so it can lead to more errors than winners.
And let's not talk about his backhand.
@@davidrieger8816 Roddick in the later years went away from the big shots like Jack or himself in his early 2000s days. Some of his balls were too loopy and lack pace
1:15 error error too much topspin
I always enjoy watching Jack play . . . and still hope for a grand slam win for him. He's got it in him.
Keep up the good work u do. #loveit
Love ur videos!!
Damn, that's really cool.
His jumping forehand is unstoppable and un-returnable .
Also, you have some great content, well done
love watching sock.
The spin rate of his Forehand is 3800 RPM more than Nadal or Thiem
Nadals max was 4700, wasnt it?
@@stuffles26 I remember some sources saying it was around 5400 RPM
@@valar_dohaeris7387 still massive then. Somewhat unbelievable in some cases
@@stuffles26 Yes definitely
This guy uses less strenght and hits harder then nadal.... techinque.
Good to see a video here for Jack Sockpuppet who's a fan of black holes.
so much wrist actions 😳
Solid Footwork...
Easily in the top 10 of best forehands on the tour
nice Video!
Pure aero is truly amazing
0:55 i fell in love
His strokes make it look like he’s going to frame the ball every time. Am I right?
His forehand motion is so awkward that it feels like it’s one shot away from injury
Great forehand, good backhand, great serve, great volley. So why cant this guy win a match.
Jody Whitelaw winning is about how to win. Skills, fitness, preparation,... are all important but not sufficient.
I think Sock has the best forehand in the world.
thanks for the 60fps
IMO Sock's like Courier, but unfortunately without the other GS winning traits
Nice video
When he is on that forehand is like a sledgehammer
His forehand is just incredible 😢
I think, only Jack Sock is able to forehand from the baseline, lead to the service line, and immediately bounce to the wall.
J'ai adore Jack
I like how at 1:18 you can see the Belgian coach move out of the way before Sock even hit the ball!
awesome video and editing, how you can get 60FPS clips?
1:42 thats one scary down-the-line
Jack Sock and Nick Kyrgios forehand are the most beautiful !
This is too fast looks like topspin almost as Nadal but much faster than Nadal's forehand
so much wiggle on the forehand
Damn that thing has eyes
notice that most if not all are these are inside out or down the line. I use a very similar grip as sock and can say that it is much harder to hit a forehand like that crosscourt
no its not, crosscourt is probably the easiest
Yes definitly mine also went to this technique somehow and feel like down the line is the easiest but also I do too many errors even though some forehands are massive its hard to find a good balance when to hit it
When you can hit a cold dead winner against Nadal/Ferrer and not hitting to the open court, you know you got a deadly shot
Where did you get all the background music for this video?
Random un copyrighted music on RUclips.
Because of his 35 string pound tension, this ball trampolines off the strings. And before anyone comment, yes it’s 35 POUNDS not kilograms.
Hey bro, was it really 35 pounds string tension? I wonder if Jack and Nick Kyrgios made down their racket tension.
Nice video and great clips. Next time you make a video, can you not speed up the footage? Otherwise everything is awesome
1:20 yeehaw lmao
Jack socks forehand.
Djockavich volly.
And Federer backhand.
Joshua Manjania You mean Federer volley and Djokovic backhand right?
Jack sock lol
Idk why but I feel like his forehand is spin>>>>>>>force
he has as much spin as nadal,furthurmore he had more speed than nadal.
his forehand is the strongest
He has the BEST and most POWERFUL forehand in tennis ... better than Federer, Delpo, Nadal, Djokovic !!!! Extremely talented, and has a great all around game including that mega forehand .... but why doesn’t he win matches against these top players ??
the rest of his game is weak- particularly bh
In the description
What grip he use?
I think extreme western grip
What an ugly forehand yet powerful
It’s funny how the last one wasn’t even a winner.
You should make a best backhand win... nevermind
Not Best. But lots of run of the mill Sock forehands, which are pretty big.
his wrist is made out of rubber
Guys sock has great forehand to watch but a very poor technique. Only Federer and djoko forehand has best technique for either flat or top spin heavy shot
he no backhand
he's a beast but I dont like the face he makes after the winner