What Was The Life Of A Ninja Really Like?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 961

  • @knowledgehusk
    @knowledgehusk  6 лет назад +1012

    Old style is back. It was just a phase Mom. Also if you want to stay notified click that bell cuz subscriptions are meaningless now.

    • @user-uj2mp3ee9v
      @user-uj2mp3ee9v 6 лет назад +14

      Justin Y. should be here...

    • @themk4982
      @themk4982 6 лет назад +8

      KnowledgeHub Now it's the ninja phase, all videos will be about ninjas

    • @user-uj2mp3ee9v
      @user-uj2mp3ee9v 6 лет назад +1

      The Lich King MK
      The dream of Justin Y.

    • @lupettoversilia
      @lupettoversilia 6 лет назад +1

      #MailRoyalCaneStaBene ?

    • @louisjefferies2733
      @louisjefferies2733 6 лет назад +3

      Cody please comeback

  • @AudraBurgess
    @AudraBurgess 6 лет назад +922

    I don't need to watch this video because it's common knowledge that ninjas spent their lives underground eating pizza.

    • @MustraOrdo
      @MustraOrdo 6 лет назад +63

      The Indigenous Atheist and using catchphrases like "Kawabanga, dudes"

    • @olliegoria
      @olliegoria 6 лет назад +53

      They also wore brightly-colored masks over their eyes.

    • @daver9645
      @daver9645 6 лет назад +37

      And live in New York, on the literal *OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET*

    • @MarloSoBalJr
      @MarloSoBalJr 6 лет назад +15

      Trained by a rat mutant named *Master Splinter*

    • @therealbaylee
      @therealbaylee 6 лет назад +23

      That's wrong they clearly ate instant ramen in a cup and they all had a desire to become hokage

  • @ReformedSooner24
    @ReformedSooner24 6 лет назад +329

    Ninja car salesman: [slaps roof of car] this bad boy can...look over there! Whats that?
    Customer: what? Where?
    Ninja car salesman: [stab stab stab]

    • @MrCjlauer49338
      @MrCjlauer49338 4 года назад +1

      "Kinda old school but effective... Hey look at that! *shink* EEEHHH!" - Achemed the Dead Terrorist

    • @thegamerator10
      @thegamerator10 Год назад

      A conniver wielding a kunai.

  • @JustinY.
    @JustinY. 6 лет назад +1713

    What if this info was intentionally left behind to fool our perception of how ninjas actually operated?

    • @WindowsNT_
      @WindowsNT_ 6 лет назад +43

      hello again

    • @aglassofmilk5779
      @aglassofmilk5779 6 лет назад +236

      Justin Y. This video was made for you

    • @lt.patterson6081
      @lt.patterson6081 6 лет назад +71

      Justin Y. You're a ninja yourself! You should know!

    • @saskcom2400
      @saskcom2400 6 лет назад +24

      Justin Y. So does that mean that there's a ninja mountain Rushmore of various hokages?

    • @nintendodbgaming5497
      @nintendodbgaming5497 6 лет назад +24

      Justin Y. Are you subscribed to every RUclipsr?

  • @Miimu5210
    @Miimu5210 6 лет назад +755

    Ninjas ran across meadows with their hands flowing behind them, and weaved complex signs using their hands when fighting enemy tribes

    • @lohfert86
      @lohfert86 6 лет назад +124

      And having headbands on saying "Hello I'm a ninja!".

    • @jacobwalther5171
      @jacobwalther5171 6 лет назад +119

      And would occasionally have special eyes that can see through walls and kill people.

    • @ricoanderson6626
      @ricoanderson6626 6 лет назад +123

      Skilled Ninja's could create energy bombs that leveled entire cities or portions of forests, because when you've already shouted "fuck you" to stealth, you might as well shout "fuck you" to everything in a 3 mile radius.

    • @obedchattergoon2780
      @obedchattergoon2780 6 лет назад +102

      And ironically for a type of people that are supposed to be the masters of stealth, they seem really enthusiastic on shouting the name of every technique they perform to the heavens while in battle.

    • @skybots1062
      @skybots1062 6 лет назад +47

      And were bright color suits

  • @WitchVulgar
    @WitchVulgar 6 лет назад +418

    Aah, General Shinobi…

  • @AmokCanuck
    @AmokCanuck 6 лет назад +300

    *who would win? An entire army*
    *or one sneky boi*

  • @lostbutfreesoul
    @lostbutfreesoul 6 лет назад +10

    I describe it to people like this:
    You are a soldier, spent most of your life being a soldier and good at it
    Your lord gives you peasant clothing and tells you to go live in a nearby village
    In a few months, you are to tell him what is going on
    Congrats ... you are a ninja.

  • @ProtoMario
    @ProtoMario 6 лет назад +102

    Amazingly enough, Japan is hiring Ninjas to live in a city for tourists.

    • @TylerDehan
      @TylerDehan 5 лет назад +16

      You mean they're hiring "regular people" to live in a city ;-)

  • @Figgy5119
    @Figgy5119 6 лет назад +7

    If you're visiting Japan and are interested in ninja sites, from what I've heard, Koga doesn't really have anything there any more, but I live near Iga and it's pretty cool to see. They have museums and a restored ninja house and lots of demonstration of weapons and skills. And although it's not advertised as such, the nearby Akame 48 waterfalls (gorgeous nature preserve) was one of their training places, where it's said they would practice balance, climbing up the waterfalls, and such.
    You maaaybe could do both sites in a day if you got an early start, but it would make a nice overnight trip from Nagoya, Kyoto/Osaka, Nara, or Ise. And while you're in the area, make sure to eat Matsusaka beef, the best beef in Japan (Kobe beef, while more famous abroad, is often only ranked 5th or 6th best).

  • @napoleonibonaparte7198
    @napoleonibonaparte7198 6 лет назад +191

    What it’s like to be a ninja?
    Justin Y.

  • @kristadisgumundsdottir3658
    @kristadisgumundsdottir3658 6 лет назад +8

    Much of this is covered in the Warriors of Medieval Japan by Stephen Turnbull published by Osprey. Good job Tyler and Cody.

  • @cartermiller853
    @cartermiller853 6 лет назад +137

    Sneaky ninja!
    So sneaky

    • @aydencorrea8788
      @aydencorrea8788 6 лет назад +1

      *sneak 100*

    • @VivaCristoRei9
      @VivaCristoRei9 5 лет назад

      Commander Appo you know when you’re scrolling in the comments as a video plays and then as that part of the video plays you see a comment talking about the part of the video you are on

  • @CocoHutzpah
    @CocoHutzpah 6 лет назад +6

    As I recall from wherever in my life I learned this (I believe it was from a man who explained how the left-handed can trick opponents in sword duels), most weapons used by shinobi were often tools or other items that could either serve a practical purpose or was easy to make. Swords can be hard to come by when they are (vaguely) regulated by a ruling class, so not every ninja had one.

  • @PcGamerHero
    @PcGamerHero 6 лет назад +130

    The Metatron did a while ago a much better sourced video on the subject. While, as far as I understand, there is a limitied knowledge about the subject, there are few things this video got wrong.
    1. There is no different between a ninja and a shinobi. Ninja is the kanji (Chinese writing) for shinobi, if you read them in Chinese.
    2. There are no ninja clans, only clans with more ninja. Ida's samurais were more likely to be shinobi then other clans.
    3. A shinobi can be a samuri. Being a spy, assassin and so forth is being hornable according to the code of boshido. Being hornable is doing what your lord asked.
    4. There's no such thing as traditional ninjutsu. The term is modern.

    • @pyrosianheir
      @pyrosianheir 6 лет назад +14

      Broken wizzard to 4 - yeah... there actually is such a thing as traditional ninjutsu as it just referred to some specific techniques that they would use. Go look at Gaijin Goombah's Which Ninja videos, as he brings those up all the time.

    • @theluckiestmagala3126
      @theluckiestmagala3126 6 лет назад +1

      Kanji is not Chinese only. It is also Japanese.

    • @theluckiestmagala3126
      @theluckiestmagala3126 6 лет назад +2

      Romano Coombs it was normal gunfire, not cannon fire.
      From a sniper, which when caught, was buried up to his neck and killed with dull bamboo

    • @user-iq3xc5gc1f
      @user-iq3xc5gc1f 6 лет назад

      Romano Coombs
      I'm not sure you can call literal whores warriors. Whores of course being what female shinobi were overwhelmingly you even say as much yourself what with the best ability a woman has over men in espionage being the ability to be fucked by men

    • @elevate07
      @elevate07 6 лет назад +1

      It's more of a use what you got scenario. Yeah sure the word "whore" hurts but probably not as much as a poisoned drink because the whore figured out she can take advantage of basic biology

  • @RoverStorm
    @RoverStorm 6 лет назад +5

    By the way, there is evidence the shurikens were used primarily AS caltrops. They used to be just two iron spikes making an X, and since wooden sandals were extremely common, they were something straight out of Home Alone to step on. Otherwise, if thrown on samurai armor it reportedly resembled the sound a katana makes bouncing off the armor, so in the dark that could be shocking to suddenly think you were just attacked by a samurai out of nowhere.

  • @raptorus7773
    @raptorus7773 6 лет назад +365

    Oh boy, where's Gaijin Goomba when you need him? ; -)

    • @porter5224
      @porter5224 6 лет назад +19


    • @fatfuck2384
      @fatfuck2384 6 лет назад +32

      He's too busy getting it on with some big booty goombas

    • @juanmanuelpenaloza9264
      @juanmanuelpenaloza9264 6 лет назад +35

      They wore navy blue! WREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

    • @XxMandoManxX
      @XxMandoManxX 6 лет назад +2

      I believe he's actually deceased

    • @BigVorst
      @BigVorst 6 лет назад +22

      No, you're thinking of Ronnie.
      He committed suicide.
      Goomba is still around.

  • @TheAlexDivision
    @TheAlexDivision 6 лет назад +34

    I remember LindyBeige going over exactly why fire arrows really didn't exist and why they were super impractical unless during a seige so I'm pretty skeptical about your claim of them using them for escape

    • @certs743
      @certs743 3 года назад +4

      Actually it is not that crazy. All you need to do is dip an arrow in something flammable like pitch. As for how it is useful for escape. Start a fire at the opposite end of a compound and get out during the chaos. Even in modern day people get really stupid and panicked when a fire breaks out regardless of planned evacuations . And if they were one servant short on a head count later I doubt anyone one would care initially since they were considered disposable people.

    • @danletko
      @danletko 2 года назад

      @@certs743 the trick isn’t setting an arrow on fire, it’s keeping an arrow on fire as it flies through the air

    • @hungryhedgehog4201
      @hungryhedgehog4201 2 года назад +2

      LindyBeige is a rube. He also calls every german gun a schmeisser. I have fired fire arrows, there are historical documents on how to craft them and a lot of documents of when they were used. You don't need a giant fireball to set a tatched roof on fire sometimes heating the metal was enough.

  • @napoleonibonaparte7198
    @napoleonibonaparte7198 6 лет назад +32

    0:27 Subtitle: “But what we’re in jizz actually like”

    • @fulcrum2951
      @fulcrum2951 6 лет назад +2

      RUclips captions be poking our inner 12 year olds

  • @josiahcain4176
    @josiahcain4176 5 лет назад +3

    Actually dark blue robes were used and caltrops were laid down before the ninjas were spotted in case they were found so they could plan an escape route that would take their enemies through the caltrops. Shuriken were used not incipacitate but rather to slow down the enemies. They used small sycthe like weapons they could hide as farm tools, the short ninja blade was rarely used also Kunai aren't used as weapons but rather as prying tools cause they are Japanese spades!

  • @daimyo3074
    @daimyo3074 6 лет назад +61

    Dont you watch boruto's dad anime ? Its a documentary of ninjas and their lifestyle and none of this video are true. Where are the sharingan, giant fox, deaf hand sign when fighting, snake lady man, and big tiddy blonde mayor ???

    • @houseofalbert8260
      @houseofalbert8260 6 лет назад +7

      No, his name is i have a retarded opinion so here it is, so i responded by his name that what ever he said was a retarded opinion, it was supposed to be a pun but i guess i executed it poorly.

    • @lukurd5923
      @lukurd5923 6 лет назад +7

      House Of Albert Nah, I should have seen that.
      >mfw I end up on those curb your meme compilations

  • @harrison2636
    @harrison2636 6 лет назад +130

    What was the life of a smuggler really like?

  • @discipleofsound4565
    @discipleofsound4565 6 лет назад +3

    Metatron did a video on ninjas that's pretty informative about the subject. I recommend watching that if you want something that's direct from someone who's well versed in the primary sources of ninja knowledge.

    • @klanders988
      @klanders988 Год назад

      he's a good source allright. so is antony cummins and the shogunate.

  • @Vaerenn
    @Vaerenn 6 лет назад +43


  • @mestre12
    @mestre12 6 лет назад +44

    If there is something Gaijin Goomba has always hammer when it come to ninja. Is that they dint use black color cloths, but, they used navy blue. Black would show up in the night sky.

    • @raptorus7773
      @raptorus7773 6 лет назад +1

      mestre12 well, that's one thing in a sea of MANY!

    • @eagle162
      @eagle162 6 лет назад

      Yes they actually did wear black,the shôninki a ninja manual mentions four colors to use such as brown, black, blue and type of rust color but it's not specifically talking about using just one color using one specific color is usually not good for stealth anyway I believe, also just a little advice stay away from that guy he gets up so much BS information about ninja, now and then giving out some good information but showering it with crap.

    • @mestre12
      @mestre12 6 лет назад

      wait, you mean Gaijin Goomba is not a reliable source?

    • @eagle162
      @eagle162 6 лет назад +2

      Well I do not want to be rude, his videos are pretty entertaining and I guess if you want to learn about Japanese culture aspects I guess give him a watch but on a historical side I have to say overwhelmingly No, if you want to watch his videos perfectly fine but taken with salt, he gets out so much wrong stuff, honestly English information on Japan's history is pretty poor, there are good sources but you got to search for it, I honestly don't believe he's a history buff just kind of like talking about it, examples:
      1.) He keep referring to Iga and Koga as ninja clans when there's no such thing as ninja clans,Iga and Koga are not even names of Clans,Iga is the name of a Providence, Koga is a town, there were multiple Clans in both those areas.
      2.) He keeps on treating ninja like it was own social class never once mentioning it was an occupation.
      3.) Keeps on saying Hattori Hanzo was a samurai not a ninja, not addressing Samurai could be ninja and the Clans In Iga were Samurai Clans.
      4.) Repeats the myth of ninja using Farming tools use as weapons,his ARMS Ninjara video was so poorly research I got angry well watching it.
      5.) He takes information from the Bujinkan who has not proven any real link to ninja and from the so-called ninja museums besides the Scrolls nothing in that place is authentic it's just a tourist trap, as well from Anthony Cummings books I used to be a fan of this man actually however after doing research I learn he's a fraud who harass people, does not speak Japanese himself and he uses people who are not professional in ancient Japanese some stuff he gets right but you know there's a whole lot of wrong information a lot of his theories do not make any sense as well.
      6.) In one, comment he reply to said that esoteric Buddhism was the origin of ninjutsu which that is just completely wrong.
      I'll ended here, remember I'm not saying don't watch his videos if you enjoy them.

    • @stevennguyen5771
      @stevennguyen5771 6 лет назад

      Kevin Gonzalez ninja using farming tool is true. The kusarigama was a sickle that had a chain at the end and could be able to disarm opponents. Ninja use the kusarigama because most of them were farmers.

  • @dylanbednarz4430
    @dylanbednarz4430 6 лет назад +88

    Omg you got one thing highly wrong ninjas wouldn’t wear black or brown they would wear blue to blend as a night sky without city lights is a dark not black so they would stand out greatly in black or brown

    • @davidlewis6728
      @davidlewis6728 6 лет назад +18

      once i got past all the fortnite retardation, i finally found the kind of comment i was looking for from someone who can't even English properly. it is a sad day for the internet. and here i thought knowledge hub had fewer moronic subscribers than most infographics channels, what with the people writing the videos having the unique distinction of not being morons themselves, but expecting the internet to surprise me positively is unrealistic at best.

    • @Newnawn
      @Newnawn 6 лет назад +2

      As I've understood it, they never even wore any robes at all. In infiltration robes like that will just draw more suspicion.

    • @davidlewis6728
      @davidlewis6728 6 лет назад +7

      there are two kinds of stealth, the kind that involves being in plain sight, and the kind that involves not being in sight at all, there are specific words for each, but idk what they are. in the events where personnel are well documented and identified, the ability for a stranger to enter something is difficult, so they instead sneak in by other means. wearing navy blue "robes" to blend in with the background is one way of doing that, however, they employed many variants of stealth. pretty much anything they could do, they would do if the situation called for it. whoever told you they never tried to be stealthy by being unseen is wrong, and whoever told you that wearing robes was never done was also plainly wrong, especially in Japan, where robe-like attire is very common.

    • @pleasekillyoursef
      @pleasekillyoursef 6 лет назад +2

      Golly David Lewis had a breakdown

    • @nemanja4758
      @nemanja4758 6 лет назад

      You only see one?

  • @mrshmrsh5073
    @mrshmrsh5073 6 лет назад +19

    Have you got a source on that flaming arrows thing? That seems very unlikely to me, due to the practical issues around their use, and their limited effectiveness.

    • @nemanja4758
      @nemanja4758 6 лет назад +1

      They got so many things wrong, just watch Metatron if you want to learn more

    • @mrshmrsh5073
      @mrshmrsh5073 6 лет назад

      This Gamer Guy Yeah, I do watch the HEMA channels, that's why I asked

    • @jonsnor4313
      @jonsnor4313 5 лет назад +1

      A lot of buildings were of wood, flaming arrows are super effective in older buildings. Even castles were made primary of wood.

    • @laskann
      @laskann 5 лет назад +6

      @@jonsnor4313 No they weren't. A bunch of historical channels and even MYTHbusters of all people busted idea of flaming arrows. They just DON'T work. 99% of them get instnatly put out the moment you shoot them from air resistance. And those that do reach their target somehow still on fire, just fizzle out without doing any damage. "Fire arrows" is basically a tell tale sign to see if any "historical" video is just Bullshit that did no research. If they believe fire arrows is an actual thing that existed and not invention by movies, they are wrong and you cannot trust the rest of their video.

  • @renaseric6201
    @renaseric6201 6 лет назад

    Love these videos, I even watch the whole ad before it :)

    • @renaseric6201
      @renaseric6201 6 лет назад

      It would be funny if you didn't monetize 'em, though.

  • @awesomemangoes8072
    @awesomemangoes8072 6 лет назад +194

    Keep the old style

  • @garfeldi8466
    @garfeldi8466 3 года назад +1

    4:54 probably a mix of both depending on the date and/or status, because metals were extremely scarce in the time period, and even for samurai, swords were more a last ditch effort if you absolutely had too.

  • @Joseph-yh8gn
    @Joseph-yh8gn 6 лет назад +4

    Although not 100% sure, I heard ninjas actually never used shurikens (ninja stars), since they were too heavy to carry around, expensive to make at the time, and not very practical in an actual combat.

  • @FourthDerivative
    @FourthDerivative 6 лет назад

    Don't forget the ancient ninja art of running while craned forward with your arms extended behind your back

  • @olliegoria
    @olliegoria 6 лет назад +15

    You forgot to cover the Sugondese ninjas. They were far more notable than the Japanese versions.

    • @itzlucaaa6789
      @itzlucaaa6789 6 лет назад +1

      They died of ligma tho in July 2018

    • @olliegoria
      @olliegoria 6 лет назад +2

      -dead joke-

  • @mochihammer5459
    @mochihammer5459 6 лет назад +2

    The ninja had their own special sword which was called the ninja-to. There were 7 important skills that only a ninja sword could do.

  • @mrshmrsh5073
    @mrshmrsh5073 6 лет назад +48

    It wasn't just Japan that had ninjas.
    Every country had ninjas. It's just that people only know about the Japanese ones because they were shit at their job.

    • @jonsnor4313
      @jonsnor4313 5 лет назад

      They were not just spies and assasins but mercendaries .Thats why they are known. And that they intentionally spread rumors that they were mystical worriors with magical secrets. Kinda like magicians.
      The easters assasins fall in a similar position.

    • @agentc7020
      @agentc7020 5 лет назад +1

      Not shit, they had extensive training and were pretty successful in that regard they beat most assassins as they couldn’t complete as much missions as they did

    • @blugaming6299
      @blugaming6299 5 лет назад +1

      This comment is so stupid😂"every one had ninjas" mercenaries maybe but shinobi were basically sneaky samurai. There ways and knowledge are lost they were unique warriors.

  • @jkerman5113
    @jkerman5113 4 года назад +2

    "A flaming arrow"
    *screams in Lindybeige*

  • @TacoRepublic
    @TacoRepublic 6 лет назад +3

    Ninja Car Salesman:**slaps japanese warlord 2** This Bad boy Can Fit so much deadly poison
    Japanese warlord 1: i think I'll take it

  • @nemanja4758
    @nemanja4758 6 лет назад +1

    I recommend watching some Metatron videos on ninjas, Ninjas weren't lower than the Samurai, a Samurai could be a ninja because it was an occupation and Samurai was a social staus

  • @Ey3contact
    @Ey3contact 6 лет назад +18

    You forgot to mention the most important thing : They didn't wear that freaking black robe!!!!!

    • @KonEl-BlackZero
      @KonEl-BlackZero 6 лет назад +2

      The video was pretty crappy

    • @bluewarbler9034
      @bluewarbler9034 4 года назад +1

      They did, on occasion. The reason that black getup existed was because in Japanese theater of the era, stagehands wore it. Because stagehands were largely ignored, ninja wore it too when necessary for the same reason they'd wear any other common disguise that would get them ignored. For some reason (presumably because people got confused about what a ninja's job was) this became the clothing most commonly associated with ninja.

    • @wisemankugelmemicus1701
      @wisemankugelmemicus1701 4 года назад

      @@bluewarbler9034 Yes. They actually wore navy blue robes.

  • @tubbdoose
    @tubbdoose 6 лет назад

    Ninjutsu was a study of espionage not combat. Thanks for making this video.

  • @perspectivedetective
    @perspectivedetective 6 лет назад +3

    You can't fool me! I know the true facts about ninjas:
    1. Ninjas are mammals.
    2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
    3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

  • @unjogratis936
    @unjogratis936 6 лет назад

    -buy cereal
    -be ninja
    Probably the best schedule ever

  • @christiani1561
    @christiani1561 6 лет назад +33

    boruto lied to me

    • @victoriahennessy6187
      @victoriahennessy6187 6 лет назад

      I know

    • @elevate07
      @elevate07 6 лет назад +3

      Man I miss those times. Remember when the ability to see through walls made you completely broken relative to everyone else since it was impossible to hide from that person?

    • @whathell6t
      @whathell6t 6 лет назад

      Chrizimon I Then you would love Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s Ninja Scroll. I highly recommend it.

  • @notnice94
    @notnice94 6 лет назад

    Ninjas were in constant danger of catching ligma

  • @TheNN
    @TheNN 6 лет назад +8

    What was the life of a ninja really like? I dunno, why don't you Ask A Ninja?

  • @luisphelipecarvalho5990
    @luisphelipecarvalho5990 6 лет назад +1

    3:22 Actually, throwing shrurikens were used to distract enemies

  • @cameronwiscovitch4186
    @cameronwiscovitch4186 6 лет назад +9

    CORRECTION: Ninjas wore blue instead of black because back then, the night sky wasn't obscured by light pollution, so the nights weren't pitch black like they are today.
    Also ninjas would use whatever they got their hands on, not just knives, bows or shurikens, but chains, kama sickles, black eggs filled with glass and sand, smoke bombs, arquebus guns imported from the Portuguese, and swords, be they katana, wakizashi, nodachi, tachi, etc.. If it helped them on a mission, they'll use it.
    I took Ninjutsu for 8 years and learned this, plus Gaijin Goomba talked about this in one of his videos regarding the ninja.

  • @Flyingclam
    @Flyingclam 6 лет назад

    When knowledge hub is beating cody's main channel in uploads

  • @AlejandroHernandez-bh7br
    @AlejandroHernandez-bh7br 6 лет назад +15

    There are some mistakes, I think Metatron did a better vid. Great vid though!

  • @mrshootinputin7251
    @mrshootinputin7251 6 лет назад +1

    Two important rhings you left out: 1. The black jumpsuit and balaclava is a Kabuki costume. There is no evidance that ninjas ever dressed liked that. It was given to stage hands known as kuroko who ment to invisible.
    2. Women ninjas a.k.a kunochi would often try to get noticed; becuse using sex appeal was great to get your target in a vulnerable position.

  • @nappythegreat667
    @nappythegreat667 6 лет назад +187

    Oh god... I remember it.. I remember the spread of Ligma. Ninjas were dying left and right, it was terrible.

    • @mateopugliese2774
      @mateopugliese2774 6 лет назад +10

      Drunk Napoleon what’s ligma?

    • @glorytotheaprdeathtotheufl7917
      @glorytotheaprdeathtotheufl7917 6 лет назад +33

      Jason Voorhees ligma balls

    • @whileyouwerereadingthis
      @whileyouwerereadingthis 6 лет назад +25

      And once ligma had slowed down, sugma took over and destroyed all that remained..

    • @bebooboobop2016
      @bebooboobop2016 6 лет назад +14

      While you were reading this I stole your memes Those damn sugondese people were behind ligma and sugma

    • @yeehawxcowboy
      @yeehawxcowboy 6 лет назад +7

      Let us pay our respects for our fallen solider, Jason Voorhees

  • @raph9584
    @raph9584 6 лет назад +1

    Ironically a fun fact is that in the sengoku Jidai (or however it is written) ninja were more loyal and honorable that samurai and the daymos

    • @eagle162
      @eagle162 6 лет назад

      Some Ninja were samurai examples: every pretty much famous Ones,fuma clan were mercenaries said to lack morals and called wicked by the very people that hire them.
      iga and koga Were recorded to have robbed and spied on each other for power which is one of the reasons why they were so good at ninjutsu, iga and Koga were allies not Rivals like in fiction but upon Oda second invasion of Iga,Koga betrayed them, some Samurai were treacherous and some were extremely loyal just like any other Warrior culture in history, there are many examples of extremely loyal Samurai.

  • @Brickiplier
    @Brickiplier 6 лет назад +3

    So you watch Lego ninjago that basically ninja's overpowered

  • @ThePyschicBuzz
    @ThePyschicBuzz 6 лет назад

    So you're telling me that my local car salesman is a ninja?!
    Man, this world get crazier and crazier.

  • @BDKing77
    @BDKing77 6 лет назад +5


  • @young50ny
    @young50ny 6 лет назад

    Top ten channels on RUclips u and bro keep up the good work

  • @stevenkoja5
    @stevenkoja5 6 лет назад +3

    Its basically how Naruto is portrayed

    • @whathell6t
      @whathell6t 6 лет назад

      Right but Nope. Basically how Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s Ninja Scroll is portrayed.

  • @bulletbill1104
    @bulletbill1104 6 лет назад +1

    Things that are EPIC:
    1. Zombies
    2. Ninjas
    3. My SWAG

  • @Jack-uk6sg
    @Jack-uk6sg 6 лет назад +31

    I thought they died of ligma

  • @Crawdithe98
    @Crawdithe98 6 лет назад

    The long await sequel to "What Was the Life of a Pirate Like?"

  • @RandomPerson-jo7cw
    @RandomPerson-jo7cw 5 лет назад +3

    Ninjas? More like KGB Beta

  • @xertris
    @xertris 6 лет назад +1

    Ninjas sometimes did assasination missions, but they mostly did information gathering. The whole sneaking around in black robes was often a last resort. Most ninja preferred to use other disguises and means of infiltration.

  • @dieptattho2337
    @dieptattho2337 6 лет назад +3

    Ah this remind of the legendary NARUTO many year ago. Itachi , pain, hanzo, minato, ino, shikamaru , sakura No She is UseFul and especially NARUTO and SASUKE

  • @garrettharriman6333
    @garrettharriman6333 6 лет назад +1

    I am curious to see your sources. From what I understand, "shinobi" just means scout, and there were samurai who were ninjas. Ninja is a job description, samurai is a social rank.

  • @nathancrutchfield7011
    @nathancrutchfield7011 6 лет назад +7


    • @benawesomebw1197
      @benawesomebw1197 6 лет назад +2

      naith a Weibo is someone who wants to be Japanese to the point they abandon there own culture. How does wanting to learn about Japanese history makes you a weeb?

  • @AnthonySforza
    @AnthonySforza 4 года назад

    "Scale the wall..." Funny story, there's an actual Ninja manual which states that the easiest way into a stronghold (Be it a castle or a residence), is through the front door.

  • @ArrowDog
    @ArrowDog 6 лет назад +8

    They played a lot of fortnite

  • @mojotheaverage
    @mojotheaverage 6 лет назад

    The one thing to note is that a shinobi no mono was not a rank in society like a samurai, it was a job. You could be a samurai and be a ninja, they weren't mutually exclusive. Heck, the most famous ninja in history, Hattori Hanzo, was a samurai as well as being a shinobi no mono.

  • @squared9462
    @squared9462 6 лет назад +4

    I can't believer these guys copied my favorite fortnite streamer! smh my head

  • @nikhilmukraj6968
    @nikhilmukraj6968 6 лет назад

    Awesome video! Do you mind covering the Gurkha?

  • @hardlineamerican8495
    @hardlineamerican8495 6 лет назад +2

    Caltrops were not dropped as a ninja was running but rather they were dropped by the ninja prior to any event. Shurikens were not used as weapons but rather, they were used as a distraction. Ninjas began as farmers that rebelled in secrecy against the samurai and shogun oppressors of the time, this changed during the warring states period but they were just farmers that made makeshift weapons from farm tools in their early years. Ninjas also were a very dark blue rather than a black because blue would mix in better with the night sky than the colour black.

  • @zane9464
    @zane9464 6 лет назад +1

    Car sales ninja: -slaps roof of Warlord- This bad boy can hold so many knives in it
    Other warlord: Hmnnn

  • @megalopath
    @megalopath 6 лет назад

    Much more interesting than Hollywood's interpretation. It's no wonder why they became the subject of many stories.

  • @spongekupo
    @spongekupo 6 лет назад

    Im glad that there isnt enough for a metraton debunk vid. But a quick reminder, honor is whatever your retainer asks of you and a ninja is a job while a samurai is a social class. The 2 can overlap

  • @battlecraftsteve8574
    @battlecraftsteve8574 6 лет назад

    Great video but here some fact that you missed or was wrong.
    A ninja would usually just burn the house down to assassinate someone (back then most house and castle are made from wood and paper-paper here are for the window and the inner wall.).
    B ninja don't wear black, they wear really dark blue because back then light pollution isn't a thing so wearing black kinda make you stick out as a shadow in the night sky when the moon is out.
    C Kunai is actually just a digging tool with sharp edge more resemble a gardening tool then a throwing knife, usually they throw hallow out egg that contain a powder that blind people.
    D Ninja most of the time use a chain weapon with either an edge or a heavy object at both end that call Manriki-gusari because of potability and it easy to make (ninja are just farmer so they couldn't afford sword only the most weallty and skilled ninja have a sword even then some of them choose not to get one because of the attention that they will attract in the early age.)
    E They also use gun more precisely a Musket for snipping in the later period.

  • @dokapin100
    @dokapin100 6 лет назад

    Correct interpretation.
    They are intelligence agents.
    Battle means failure of work.
    Work is getting information without knowing its existence.
    Even today, the grandmother sitting beside you has the possibility of a ninja.
    Of course ordinary clothes. They do not have black clothes that stand out in the daytime.
    By the way, the old Japan was divided into many countries.
    There were borders and passports, the current prefecture is that unit.
    Each prefecture has an old name. (Example: Shiga Prefecture = Ohmi-country)
    So, the dishes are also diverse It is a remnant of those days.

  • @Kokolitofora
    @Kokolitofora 2 года назад +1

    Kitana were actiually sacred bc they were incredibly hard to make, so they were mostly used for rituals or for decorative purpouses i.e. you get declared a samurai, so you have a kitana to signal importance. But they most likely had a similar sword that took less effort, but was close to an efficiency of the kitana, since the design of the sword is maticulously crafted for the samurai.

  • @jacobkaio-hanohano7951
    @jacobkaio-hanohano7951 6 лет назад +1

    I think the collab Mettatron and Shadaversity did with other historic weapons/ warriors channels did was a way better representation of what the ninja/shinobi were, plus I can take them more seriously cause they are pretty professional about being historically accurate.

  • @BlaneDaze
    @BlaneDaze 6 лет назад

    Considering all those backstabbing and internal conflicts happens between warlords and samurais during these times, I think ninja is ironically the most loyal of the bunch.

  • @eninja35gamer46
    @eninja35gamer46 5 лет назад +1

    So basically they were the special forces of their day

  • @maristolberg5151
    @maristolberg5151 6 лет назад

    Hm, at 2:49 you say the ninja put on black or brown robes for a night mission but didn't ninja wear navy robes since in pre-industrial Japan without the light pollution the night sky would be dark blue?

  • @TheWorldInsider
    @TheWorldInsider 6 лет назад

    Who wouldn’t wanna cosplay at night dressed in all black, jumping across roofs and having a backpack of pointy things

  • @JohnnyOTGS
    @JohnnyOTGS 6 лет назад

    On the contrary Tyler, the Ninja didn't wear jet black uniforms, it was a very *very* dark shade of red or blue. This was to not just conceal themselves but also hide the fact if they were bleeding.

  • @Spllyn
    @Spllyn 6 лет назад

    Being chased around by Samurai Pizza cats would be a rough life.

  • @choreboy988
    @choreboy988 6 лет назад

    Answering the tough questions as always.🗡㊙️🈹🇯🇵🏹🍙🍜🐲

  • @Peridox69420
    @Peridox69420 6 лет назад +1

    This was Justin Y.’s life before RUclips.

  • @akbrahma7739
    @akbrahma7739 6 лет назад +2

    Why does every kawasaki salesperson keep on asking the same question,
    "which one is your room?
    when do you go to bed?
    do you keep your windows unlocked?"
    What has this gotta do with a motor-bike?

    • @brucie8062
      @brucie8062 4 года назад

      the bikes have trackers so they find you n stab uou

  • @TacoRepublic
    @TacoRepublic 6 лет назад

    Car salesman:(slaps roof of Japanesse Warlord) This Bad boy can Fit so much deadly poison

  • @nikigoturspine7478
    @nikigoturspine7478 6 лет назад

    Gotta quote Gaijin Goomba on this one big mistake you made, "real ninja wear blue."

  • @gracel9873
    @gracel9873 6 лет назад

    The ninja that I knew got screwed up by ligma.

  • @qasimansari7540
    @qasimansari7540 5 лет назад

    Very good! Thank you.

  • @regirayquaza
    @regirayquaza 5 лет назад

    2:46 Technically, ninjas wore navy blue to not be outted by moonlight.

  • @xeji4348
    @xeji4348 6 лет назад

    Ninjas wore navy blue instead of black. As I am aware.

  • @brendanrisney2449
    @brendanrisney2449 6 лет назад

    Ninjas wore BLUE!
    The night sky was blue when they were around. Black would make them stand out against the night sky. They might choose other colors based on landscape, but blue was most common.
    Thank you Gaijin Goomba.

  • @andrerodney5586
    @andrerodney5586 6 лет назад

    This is my favorite video

  • @totalyhonest6580
    @totalyhonest6580 6 лет назад +1

    COOL vid bro 😉

  • @acex1138
    @acex1138 6 лет назад

    I normally like your videos but did you guys do any research on this?
    It's all legend and light on fact, shurikins aren't that effective & flaming arrows?....

  • @Jivetalkin13
    @Jivetalkin13 5 лет назад

    If Gijin Goomba has taught me anything, it's that "Real Ninja wear blue".

  • @theuniversedoesntcare
    @theuniversedoesntcare 6 лет назад

    Good job!

  • @Market_
    @Market_ 6 лет назад

    You should have since the look on my Italian Mom’s face when Car Salesman Ninja drove PASTA