Hi Marla I enjoyed your haul today as always. I liked the bowl and the baskets… that would be my favourites. I can’t wait to see your tour. You are such a blessing and joy to watch. You always make me chuckle. God bless you sister and see you next time.
We went camping this past weekend so I am just now getting a chance to watch this. I just love your thrift hauls. They are always so eclectic and your commentary explaining the reasoning why you purchased each item is just homespun goodness! I really know the feeling when you talk about how much joy it brings you to see a group of items together on display. I used to downplay my carefully arranged vignettes because no one really appreciated them but me ( kinda like your son with the empty mantle). But now, I have allowed myself to believe that this is my way to express artistic creativity. I can't sing, or play an instrument, or paint....but I can decorate around a theme that delights my senses. I will no longer be apologetic about my maximalism! If it only pleases me, then that's enough and I will smile every time I go by and look at the display. I just love watching your channel. You give me a sort of freedom to feel good about who I am and what I enjoy doing. You fill my heart with goodness and warmth. Thank you for sharing your sweet and sometimes feisty self with us. ❤
Well now I'm bawling! 😭 ❤️ Yes, you have permission to enjoy looking at the items which bring so many good memories and feelings! It's why we collect old things: the nostalgia it stirs, the triggers for recalling a smell or a taste or a hug... this is what matters, not the item itself. We are looking for a way to say "This time mattered! These memories bring me joy!" and that's ok. I feel that as long as we are good stewards of what is in our possession, it is fine to have those things. I have lent out countless items of decor for special occasions to my friends and family. I have gladly given away things to those who have found themselves with nothing. As long as we are a river of blessing and not a pond where things just come to be piled up and never seen nor enjoyed, we are doing good in this world. I've only had a few comments on my channel that hurt my heart, and the worst was when I was called a reckless materialist. But that person did not know me. I can accept that the decor esthetic of collections is not for everyone. But don't declare something over me that isn't true. I thrift to be careful with my resources. I thrift to support my local ministry based shops. I thrift to find the oldest things and rescue them from a landfill. I thrift for the joy of it! And that's ok 💕 🙌 😌
Hi, I'm 76 and when I was a small child, we would get our mom to punch a hole in a soda cap so we could drink the soda with the top on, sounds silly now. But I tell you this because I had forgotten the bottle caps were cork lined, and we would get bits of cork in our mouth as we drank the soda. My grandmother would use the bottle caps and make crochet grape bunches from purple thread and add green leaves with green thread. She crocheted her whole life. When she could not see well she started using yarn to make Afghans, then even king sized ones. Sorry I ran on so, it just brought back fond memories to see the red and white trivet . Yes the cork was inside the tops already. 😊❤
I'm so glad you told me this! What a fun thing to do, drink though the hole punched in the cap! I bet it came out slower and lasted longer, even though you got some cork as a bonus 😄 My sister Leisa told me she had seen the trivet style of grapes 🍇 but I've never seen any kind of trivet made of bottle caps. The crocheting is tiny and so neat on this one. I love it! Your grandmother could probably crochet mostly by feeling of the stitches by the time she used thick yarn to do afghans. I can do simple crocheting but I don't do it often enough to be good at it. My other sister Lana is amazing at crocheting! She makes one for every baby born in our family ❤️
I love your white basket and pottery bowl! The bottle caps with crochet is most likely a hot pad. I have one designed like grapes. I’m not absolutely sure about Grandma’s flatware, but it does seem the same or similar. How sweet to have them 🩵 You are nine years younger than me so you’re 57! Looks like a Crisco bottle to me. I agree about the nickel but you’re right, not worth a fuss. Your blue eyes look beautiful in the sunshine!
Blue eyes like our daddy! All four of us kids have them, don't we? I love yellow ware bowls and wish I had some big ones, but it's fun to have something like that on my bucket list to look for. I feel like the forks are the same pattern but I can't be sure. I'm just gonna say it's the actual pattern anyway 😄 I'm 57 and 5 months as of the 6th. My brain can't do air math so I'll probably still just be guessing my age from now on. I'm going to Google lens the brown bottle now that lots of best guesses have been made. I do think it's Crisco. Someone commented here that the bottle caps CAME WITH cork in them from the soda bottles! So weird! Never knew it.
Hi Marla, that jumper dress looks really cute on you, and all your finds were so good. The white wicker magazine holder with flowers will be too cute, great ideal. I love that old bowl too. It's nice hearing the children play in the backround. Your flowers are beautiful, and I would have never guessed some were not real. Your front porch is adorable. I hope you enjoyed your lunch. You have a good night, and God Bless you and God willing see you next time❤🤗Brenda
Thanks! 😃 So many encouraging things to say, Brenda! 💕 $2 thrifted dress, $1 thrifted shirt. Some outfits just feel like "me"! I wish I had more of the old yellow ware bowls. They're soooo lovely! I am trying hard to help my flowers bloom, and the extra faux flowers make them look better instantly 😄 I'm working on a front porch video (coming later this summer). We did have a good lunch at Cracker Barrel, where I walked around and studied their antiques while I waited on our food. 😊 ✨️
We are having a beautiful day in Tennessee, a breeze and the sun is shining AND no humidity! You found so great items as always, can’t wait to see how you transform the teddy bear cheese box. Oh, and the basket you draped the towels in would be a great display for your grandma’s silverware. Blessings to you and your family.
It was pretty today in Alabama, too! 🌞 Getting my next set of Americana thrift flips ready to share, and I'm having so much fun doing them! The round box will be included. The silverware would be pretty against those white tea towels in a basket, yes! 😍
You definitely don’t ask the customer to replace money that you dropped. 🤷🏻♂️ Kids these days lol. They’ll learn. 😊 Thanks for the video. Always enjoy your content. 🧡 We’re from near Cleveland Tennessee.
I love Cleveland! You have a lot of good thrift stores. When we come to kayak the Hiwassee, I drive to Cleveland for thrifting 😊 Thanks for your kind words! ✨️
Watching again. I crack up at you not knowing how old you are, I am the same. I can relate to the young girl and the nickel 🙄, and you act just like me. We would be fast friends. I may have made this comment the first time I watched. Lol
I seriously can't remember. I got mixed up the year I was 21 when I got married in September but was about to be 22 in January. I told everyone I was 22 before I was actually 22, and I've been mixed up my whole life ever since. True story! ✋️ 😄 🤣 😂
Marla! I'm starting to decorate for 4th of July (or Flag Day first off) and the first book I pulled out was Norman Rockwell's America! I squealed. Love you to pieces.
Isn't that the BEST BOOK?? I've had my copy nearly 30 years and I love looking through it. Having a copy I can use for framing will be so fun! 🇺🇸 ✨️ ❤️
I agree with you about the nickel.... I thrift a lot at Goodwill and they always ask you if you want to "round up" your purchase so it will help with "programs. If you ask what programs they can't seem to explain, so maybe I am cheap but I am on a fixed income so I am spending money for items from your store that were totally donated and you have employees begging money for mysterious programs, no I do NOT want to round up...Your mother in love wants to bless you with the purchases. a dear Christian friend told us shortly after my husband became a pastor at a small country church, he mentioned to me that sometimes when folks would shake his hand after the service they would slip him a 5, 10 or even a 20 or sometimes a 50 dollar bill. he told an older gentleman friend of the church that, and the man took mu husbands hand in a firm handshake and said don;t feel awkward, these flks don;t have a lot but if they want to bless you with a gift, if you don;t take it you are squelching their blessing so let them bless you and your family, son"
I suspect Goodwill is not the charity they appear to be. I have heard they're more of a business to make money and less of a ministry. Which is why I am glad to voluntarily round up to my local ministry thrift stores without them asking me to. If they can't tell you what programs your money is going to, that's kind of a red flag. I'm not interested in helping pay for a CEO's vacation home. My mother-in-love is entirely generous to me and to others. I accept her thrift blessings humbly, and like you said, not accepting a gift given in love is robbing the giver of their moment to bless! ❤️
@@bobbipetty7411If it’s a few cents, I’ll round up, but most of the time I don’t. They’ve raised their prices, I’m there to save money, AND I’ve heard sketchy stuff about them. I know one day I saw a lady ask if they’d mark a pair of pants down, because she only had $3, (pants were $4.49) and she obviously needed them. They treated her bad. Told her she needed to go to the local welfare department and/or get a voucher with which she could buy ONE half priced item, but that the vouchers were incredibly hard to get! The lady started to put the pants back, and said “thank you” to that rude woman. The man in front of me got the pants, paid for them, gave them to the grateful lady, and put his stuff on the counter, and said “There you go. I’m done with Goodwill, after that exchange.” So I put my things beside his, and said “Ditto.” I guess we thought we really got her, but she just swooshed that stuff off to the side, and said “Next!” I’m telling ya, we were mad! I called to tell the manager, but got a recording. They probably never even listened. I like my church thrifts, and Restore, better anyway. I pop in occasionally, because they’re not all as rude as that woman, but their policies are cruddy. ☹️
That Is an old Crisco Bottle from the 1960's. The Fruit Cake Tin is also from the 60's. I don't care for fruit cake, but I have a new love for Vintage Fruit Cake Tins. Please tell me you're Lisa with (Crepe Myrtle Row) Sister. Ya'll sound just alike, and favor. First time here. Love your channel New Sub.
I am friends with Lisa of Crepe Myrtle Row! She is a sweet lady!! My blood sister is Leisa here in Alabama 💕 and she is my buddy in all things thrifting, vintage, dinnerware, etc.! My two sisters, Leisa and Lana, are both my dearest friends and amazing women! 😊 💕
I recently found a bottle like yours with a metal cap, on my grandmother’s property. It is a Crisco bottle. Mine is 1960s. Love watching your hauls and DIYs.
Oh, so maybe your Grandmother actually used the Crisco in that bottle! SO COOL! 1960's sounds right to me. Thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you're enjoying my videos! 😊 💕
I completely agree over the nickel I am that bitter woman that would have told her to find one on the floor somewhere 😂 these kids at these stores don't wanna take change because at the end of their shift they have to count it and they have to use their phones to add just breaks my heart. I have had them refuse to take change from me it's awful like I have done something wrong. I love you so much and your finds were beautiful I love the matchbox.
I think if I had felt more sparky that day, I'd have kindly and gently explained it was her mistake, and the store allows for that, to never ask a customer to pay again! She hasn't been taught 😔 but can learn!
Hi Marla! I need to be a flowing river and not a stagnant pond. I will be the first to admit l have a hard time letting go of items but l'm getting better. You found a lot of nice things while thrifting this time. ✌❤🙏
Sandra, one trick I have learned is to keep a nice sturdy cardboard box in a handy spot. Then any time you come across an item that you're not thrilled about any more, go straight to the box. It becomes kind of fun filling the box! 📦 And it keeps the river flowing 🌊
I laughed so hard at the face you made after you told about your son saying your mantle looked the best with the one item. 😂 My boys tell me that too when I clear out getting ready for my next holiday decor. They say “Leave it like that!” When everything is bare. I make the faces you make too. Lol
Marla, I enjoyed another nice visit with you. Love the geraniums! (fake and real). And so happy you found silverware that reminds you of your grandmother. The crocheted bottle cap trivet brought back childhood memories for me. When I was about 9 years old, I remember my mamaw's friends making those. I thought they were pretty neat back then. Nice to see them again. I don't know when you passed through Chattanooga, but I hope it wasn't the day I was there. (a couple of weekends ago). I would have loved to have "bumped into you". :) We also went to McKays and America's thrift store! Was in Murphy last summer and found a wonderful aluminum pitcher. I use it as a flower vase. Can't wait to see your next Americana thrift flip.
JulieAnna, we were in Murphy on May 25, and in Chattanooga on May 27! It would have tickled me to see you and get a hug! 😃 So, you remember the trivets when ladies were still making them?! The crochet work on this one I found is very neat. I love all the thrift shops in Murphy, but next time we go to NC we will be staying in Tuckasegee and the nearest thrifting will be Sylva. I've found good stuff in Sylva before. I've got super cute ideas for the next Americana flips video! Hope I can get it done soon! 🇺🇸
It's a different treasure hunt every time and I never get tired of it! That's why I have to really be purposeful about also donating the excess so I can enjoy what I do have. 😊 ✨️
Hello Marla, I’ve recently started a Collection of the small little Bibles called the Old or New Testaments! I only have One so far! But I Love them & Old Books The Older the Better!❤❤🐶🐶
They're precious! The Gideons have given away thousands of little new testaments, for many decades. Bonus points if you find one with a handwritten name in front 🏆 😍
❤ your haul of treasures! I am starting to collect wooden utensils and ❤that pasta serving size utensil! I inherited my mom's plastic one and my hubby had no idea what it was lol. Also ❤ your hydrangea idea for white basket. I have a similar magazine one that currently holds TP but that sounds pretty!
My favorite old wooden utensils are the old mixing spoons with one side worn down from stirring in the same direction for years and years ❤️ I love the pasta measurer too. Quirky odd pieces are so fun! My challenge now is to find hydrangea stems that I can afford. It will be an investment and I may have to buy a few at a time to get a full look. 🤔 💭 Fun problems 😄
the bottle is a vintage Crisco Oil bottle. There will be Patent number on the bottom of it. and if you type that in your search bar it will more than likely refer to a Crisco bottle. I think this one would have been a special addition because it had the stars.
I would LOVE to dig for bottles in an old dump! I have watched a few RUclips channels of diggers and it is so exciting to see what they find! So cool! 😃 ✨️
You think so too too? I refrained from Googling this bottle just so I could hear an unbiased poll from everyone. I wanted to know if anyone else had the same hunch as I did 😊 💕
Ben confuses cashiers regularly by handing them a $20 bill PLUS a quarter so he doesn't end up with a lot of coins in return. They sometimes stare like a deer in the headlights 😳 hahaha
It's hard to let things go! But it helps if you have someone to share with. My three grown married daughters get the benefit of my treasure hunts, and occasionally we will know of someone in an especially urgent place of need, and donate straight to that person. Last year we gave a single mom several pieces of furniture and I gathered a box of pretty things for her to decorate with. She had left a bad situation with nearly nothing and it was a joy to help her! That makes giving easy 😊
When I typed in Lilian Vernon egg separator into Google, and selected "Shopping" under the main search bar, it showed a few listings for that same one, including eBay. But I just checked the eBay listing and it has already sold, boo!! 😔 Hopefully you'll find one soon! 🙏
I kept looking and didn't see another Lilian Vernon one, but I discovered that YELLOW WARE ones exist and they are adorable! Look: www.ebay.com/itm/115911649116?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=S9Pu02pxRZy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ywSjSgyRTQW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
And this one at a better price www.ebay.com/itm/225999196686?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7zigXM0uQMa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ywSjSgyRTQW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Thanks Marla. I like the yellow ware too! But the Lillian Vernon one matches some of my grandmother's bowls almost exactly. Oh well, the hunt is part of the fun!
She shouldn't have expected another nickel but I am glad you chose to show grace and not embarrass her. Undoubtedly, one day she will ask the wrong person and be cussed out. There is enough anger and irritation in this world over trivial matters. Being the bigger person is noble. My husband was born in 1967. You are 57 😂.
I don't recall that situation ever happening to me before, and I couldn't come up with the words to explain it to her! But yes, being kind is what I try to be (Christlike!) and I know she was young and maybe has never paid bills or had to dig coins out of the couch to buy a loaf of bread (I have!) 🍞 🪙 🙌
I don’t know what month your birthday is but you are or will be 57 this year. I only know that because I was born in 57 and I will be 67 this year. Yikes! How did that happen? 😂 Love your videos.
I'm happy with my age! I have worked really hard all my life, and I'm grateful to have been given 57 years on this earth to enjoy my family! I am, however, not enjoying my neck getting tired and loose 👵 so I now use really good moisturizer cream, for the first time so far in my life. I got by with neglect for 56 years but it is now time for skin care 😄
I don’t know what month your birthday is but you are or will be 57 this year. I only know that because I was born in 57 and I will be 67 this year. Yikes! How did that happen? 😂 Love your videos.
I'm a January baby! Ever since I was about 22, it has been SUPER HARD for me to remember exactly how old I am! One year in my thirties,I told people I was a year older than I was for a whole year!! My brain is deficient in "air math" skills 😅 😆 🤣 😂
Hi Marla I enjoyed your haul today as always. I liked the bowl and the baskets… that would be my favourites. I can’t wait to see your tour. You are such a blessing and joy to watch. You always make me chuckle. God bless you sister and see you next time.
It's looking like Yankee Doodle lives at my house! 🇺🇸 😄 Thank you for saying such sweet things! 💕
We went camping this past weekend so I am just now getting a chance to watch this. I just love your thrift hauls. They are always so eclectic and your commentary explaining the reasoning why you purchased each item is just homespun goodness! I really know the feeling when you talk about how much joy it brings you to see a group of items together on display. I used to downplay my carefully arranged vignettes because no one really appreciated them but me ( kinda like your son with the empty mantle). But now, I have allowed myself to believe that this is my way to express artistic creativity. I can't sing, or play an instrument, or paint....but I can decorate around a theme that delights my senses. I will no longer be apologetic about my maximalism! If it only pleases me, then that's enough and I will smile every time I go by and look at the display. I just love watching your channel. You give me a sort of freedom to feel good about who I am and what I enjoy doing. You fill my heart with goodness and warmth. Thank you for sharing your sweet and sometimes feisty self with us. ❤
Well now I'm bawling! 😭 ❤️
Yes, you have permission to enjoy looking at the items which bring so many good memories and feelings! It's why we collect old things: the nostalgia it stirs, the triggers for recalling a smell or a taste or a hug... this is what matters, not the item itself. We are looking for a way to say "This time mattered! These memories bring me joy!" and that's ok. I feel that as long as we are good stewards of what is in our possession, it is fine to have those things. I have lent out countless items of decor for special occasions to my friends and family. I have gladly given away things to those who have found themselves with nothing. As long as we are a river of blessing and not a pond where things just come to be piled up and never seen nor enjoyed, we are doing good in this world.
I've only had a few comments on my channel that hurt my heart, and the worst was when I was called a reckless materialist. But that person did not know me. I can accept that the decor esthetic of collections is not for everyone. But don't declare something over me that isn't true. I thrift to be careful with my resources. I thrift to support my local ministry based shops. I thrift to find the oldest things and rescue them from a landfill. I thrift for the joy of it! And that's ok 💕 🙌 😌
Hi, I'm 76 and when I was a small child, we would get our mom to punch a hole in a soda cap so we could drink the soda with the top on, sounds silly now. But I tell you this because I had forgotten the bottle caps were cork lined, and we would get bits of cork in our mouth as we drank the soda. My grandmother would use the bottle caps and make crochet grape bunches from purple thread and add green leaves with green thread. She crocheted her whole life. When she could not see well she started using yarn to make Afghans, then even king sized ones. Sorry I ran on so, it just brought back fond memories to see the red and white trivet . Yes the cork was inside the tops already. 😊❤
I'm so glad you told me this! What a fun thing to do, drink though the hole punched in the cap! I bet it came out slower and lasted longer, even though you got some cork as a bonus 😄
My sister Leisa told me she had seen the trivet style of grapes 🍇 but I've never seen any kind of trivet made of bottle caps. The crocheting is tiny and so neat on this one. I love it!
Your grandmother could probably crochet mostly by feeling of the stitches by the time she used thick yarn to do afghans. I can do simple crocheting but I don't do it often enough to be good at it. My other sister Lana is amazing at crocheting! She makes one for every baby born in our family ❤️
I agree with you about the nickel. I'm so glad you were on here today... I miss you when you're not.
Aw, I'm glad too! We are a busy family this summer. Kayaking season is here and my guys must go! You know I'm going too! But to thrift! 🚣♂️ 😅 ❤
I love your white basket and pottery bowl! The bottle caps with crochet is most likely a hot pad. I have one designed like grapes. I’m not absolutely sure about Grandma’s flatware, but it does seem the same or similar. How sweet to have them 🩵 You are nine years younger than me so you’re 57! Looks like a Crisco bottle to me. I agree about the nickel but you’re right, not worth a fuss. Your blue eyes look beautiful in the sunshine!
Blue eyes like our daddy! All four of us kids have them, don't we?
I love yellow ware bowls and wish I had some big ones, but it's fun to have something like that on my bucket list to look for.
I feel like the forks are the same pattern but I can't be sure. I'm just gonna say it's the actual pattern anyway 😄
I'm 57 and 5 months as of the 6th. My brain can't do air math so I'll probably still just be guessing my age from now on.
I'm going to Google lens the brown bottle now that lots of best guesses have been made. I do think it's Crisco.
Someone commented here that the bottle caps CAME WITH cork in them from the soda bottles! So weird! Never knew it.
Hi Marla, that jumper dress looks really cute on you, and all your finds were so good. The white wicker magazine holder with flowers will be too cute, great ideal. I love that old bowl too. It's nice hearing the children play in the backround. Your flowers are beautiful, and I would have never guessed some were not real. Your front porch is adorable. I hope you enjoyed your lunch. You have a good night, and God Bless you and God willing see you next time❤🤗Brenda
Thanks! 😃 So many encouraging things to say, Brenda! 💕
$2 thrifted dress, $1 thrifted shirt. Some outfits just feel like "me"!
I wish I had more of the old yellow ware bowls. They're soooo lovely!
I am trying hard to help my flowers bloom, and the extra faux flowers make them look better instantly 😄
I'm working on a front porch video (coming later this summer).
We did have a good lunch at Cracker Barrel, where I walked around and studied their antiques while I waited on our food. 😊 ✨️
We are having a beautiful day in Tennessee, a breeze and the sun is shining AND no humidity!
You found so great items as always, can’t wait to see how you transform the teddy bear cheese box. Oh, and the basket you draped the towels in would be a great display for your grandma’s silverware. Blessings to you and your family.
It was pretty today in Alabama, too! 🌞
Getting my next set of Americana thrift flips ready to share, and I'm having so much fun doing them! The round box will be included.
The silverware would be pretty against those white tea towels in a basket, yes! 😍
❤❤❤ I so needed your story telling today your hug was so comforting bless you
😄 well I'm glad my rabbit trail storytelling was what you needed to hear! 💕
Here they did away with the 1cent and 2cent. So now they round yor total to the nearest 5cent, up or down!!
Wow, that would be easier! But I'd miss seeing the pennies 😄
I've got the 2 beautiful old books you sent me center stage on my piano for now 😍
You definitely don’t ask the customer to replace money that you dropped. 🤷🏻♂️ Kids these days lol. They’ll learn. 😊 Thanks for the video. Always enjoy your content. 🧡 We’re from near Cleveland Tennessee.
I love Cleveland! You have a lot of good thrift stores. When we come to kayak the Hiwassee, I drive to Cleveland for thrifting 😊
Thanks for your kind words! ✨️
Old bottle caps used to have cork in them
Oh, they had cork in them for use on a soda bottle?? I had no idea! I love interesting facts like that 😃
You look adorable in your outfit. You are so pretty! I love hearing the children in the background❤
Thanks! It's a $2 thrifted dress! And I always hear children laughing and playing outside. I'm near a lovely park 🌳🌞
Watching again. I crack up at you not knowing how old you are, I am the same. I can relate to the young girl and the nickel 🙄, and you act just like me. We would be fast friends. I may have made this comment the first time I watched. Lol
I seriously can't remember. I got mixed up the year I was 21 when I got married in September but was about to be 22 in January. I told everyone I was 22 before I was actually 22, and I've been mixed up my whole life ever since. True story! ✋️ 😄 🤣 😂
Marla you found some awesome things. I love the vintage bowl and the copper cinnamon or nutmeg grater. Love and blessings ❤️❤️❤️
I just realized I said grinder instead of GRATER when I first picked it up 😅😂
It is so very sweet ❤ and I love that it's copper!
My grandmother and mother used to make the bottlecap trivets in the shape of a bunch of grapes with crotchet leaves. Wish I had at least one of them.
Oh I bet they were lovely! I had never even seen any kind before. I am fascinated with it! Reminds me of a yo-yo coverlet 😍
Loved your finds! Thanks for sharing it’s great seeing others thrift shop things. Terri
Marla! I'm starting to decorate for 4th of July (or Flag Day first off) and the first book I pulled out was Norman Rockwell's America! I squealed. Love you to pieces.
Isn't that the BEST BOOK?? I've had my copy nearly 30 years and I love looking through it. Having a copy I can use for framing will be so fun! 🇺🇸 ✨️ ❤️
I agree with you about the nickel.... I thrift a lot at Goodwill and they always ask you if you want to "round up" your purchase so it will help with "programs. If you ask what programs they can't seem to explain, so maybe I am cheap but I am on a fixed income so I am spending money for items from your store that were totally donated and you have employees begging money for mysterious programs, no I do NOT want to round up...Your mother in love wants to bless you with the purchases. a dear Christian friend told us shortly after my husband became a pastor at a small country church, he mentioned to me that sometimes when folks would shake his hand after the service they would slip him a 5, 10 or even a 20 or sometimes a 50 dollar bill. he told an older gentleman friend of the church that, and the man took mu husbands hand in a firm handshake and said
don;t feel awkward, these flks don;t have a lot but if they want to bless you with a gift, if you don;t take it you are squelching their blessing so let them bless you and your family, son"
I suspect Goodwill is not the charity they appear to be. I have heard they're more of a business to make money and less of a ministry. Which is why I am glad to voluntarily round up to my local ministry thrift stores without them asking me to. If they can't tell you what programs your money is going to, that's kind of a red flag. I'm not interested in helping pay for a CEO's vacation home.
My mother-in-love is entirely generous to me and to others. I accept her thrift blessings humbly, and like you said, not accepting a gift given in love is robbing the giver of their moment to bless! ❤️
I don't round up at GW either, already paying high prices for there stuff!
@@bobbipetty7411If it’s a few cents, I’ll round up, but most of the time I don’t. They’ve raised their prices, I’m there to save money, AND I’ve heard sketchy stuff about them. I know one day I saw a lady ask if they’d mark a pair of pants down, because she only had $3, (pants were $4.49) and she obviously needed them. They treated her bad. Told her she needed to go to the local welfare department and/or get a voucher with which she could buy ONE half priced item, but that the vouchers were incredibly hard to get! The lady started to put the pants back, and said “thank you” to that rude woman. The man in front of me got the pants, paid for them, gave them to the grateful lady, and put his stuff on the counter, and said “There you go. I’m done with Goodwill, after that exchange.” So I put my things beside his, and said “Ditto.” I guess we thought we really got her, but she just swooshed that stuff off to the side, and said “Next!” I’m telling ya, we were mad! I called to tell the manager, but got a recording. They probably never even listened. I like my church thrifts, and Restore, better anyway. I pop in occasionally, because they’re not all as rude as that woman, but their policies are cruddy. ☹️
That Is an old Crisco Bottle from the 1960's. The Fruit Cake Tin is also from the 60's.
I don't care for fruit cake, but I have a new love for Vintage Fruit Cake Tins.
Please tell me you're Lisa with (Crepe Myrtle Row) Sister. Ya'll sound just alike, and favor.
First time here. Love your channel
New Sub.
I am friends with Lisa of Crepe Myrtle Row! She is a sweet lady!!
My blood sister is Leisa here in Alabama 💕 and she is my buddy in all things thrifting, vintage, dinnerware, etc.! My two sisters, Leisa and Lana, are both my dearest friends and amazing women! 😊 💕
Thanks for subscribing!! I am so glad to meet you! 👋😃
Thanks for sharing your unique and fun goodies!! I’m a fairly new sub and I am enjoying getting to know you and your style!!
So nice to meet you, Jessie! 👋😃
I'm glad you're enjoying my channel and seeing my eclectic ideas! 💕
I recently found a bottle like yours with a metal cap, on my grandmother’s property. It is a Crisco bottle. Mine is 1960s. Love watching your hauls and DIYs.
Oh, so maybe your Grandmother actually used the Crisco in that bottle! SO COOL! 1960's sounds right to me.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you're enjoying my videos! 😊 💕
Crisco oil in brown bottle
I think you're right! ✅️
I completely agree over the nickel I am that bitter woman that would have told her to find one on the floor somewhere 😂 these kids at these stores don't wanna take change because at the end of their shift they have to count it and they have to use their phones to add just breaks my heart. I have had them refuse to take change from me it's awful like I have done something wrong. I love you so much and your finds were beautiful I love the matchbox.
I think if I had felt more sparky that day, I'd have kindly and gently explained it was her mistake, and the store allows for that, to never ask a customer to pay again! She hasn't been taught 😔 but can learn!
God Bless You and enjoy your summer .Enjoyed your Video.😊
Thank you! 🌞 🚣♂️ 🌳 It's shaping up to be a busy summer!
Hi Marla! I need to be a flowing river and not a stagnant pond. I will be the first to admit l have a hard time letting go of items but l'm getting better. You found a lot of nice things while thrifting this time. ✌❤🙏
Sandra, one trick I have learned is to keep a nice sturdy cardboard box in a handy spot. Then any time you come across an item that you're not thrilled about any more, go straight to the box. It becomes kind of fun filling the box! 📦 And it keeps the river flowing 🌊
I laughed so hard at the face you made after you told about your son saying your mantle looked the best with the one item. 😂
My boys tell me that too when I clear out getting ready for my next holiday decor. They say “Leave it like that!” When everything is bare. I make the faces you make too. Lol
They do not appreciate us!! 😄
Our creative design is to be applauded 👏 💕
Marla, I enjoyed another nice visit with you. Love the geraniums! (fake and real). And so happy you found silverware that reminds you of your grandmother. The crocheted bottle cap trivet brought back childhood memories for me. When I was about 9 years old, I remember my mamaw's friends making those. I thought they were pretty neat back then. Nice to see them again. I don't know when you passed through Chattanooga, but I hope it wasn't the day I was there. (a couple of weekends ago). I would have loved to have "bumped into you". :) We also went to McKays and America's thrift store! Was in Murphy last summer and found a wonderful aluminum pitcher. I use it as a flower vase. Can't wait to see your next Americana thrift flip.
JulieAnna, we were in Murphy on May 25, and in Chattanooga on May 27! It would have tickled me to see you and get a hug! 😃
So, you remember the trivets when ladies were still making them?! The crochet work on this one I found is very neat.
I love all the thrift shops in Murphy, but next time we go to NC we will be staying in Tuckasegee and the nearest thrifting will be Sylva. I've found good stuff in Sylva before.
I've got super cute ideas for the next Americana flips video! Hope I can get it done soon! 🇺🇸
I love watching all of your treasures being found.
It's a different treasure hunt every time and I never get tired of it! That's why I have to really be purposeful about also donating the excess so I can enjoy what I do have. 😊 ✨️
The story at hobby lobby, is what I experience everywhere I go these days. Its pitiful. They have no common sense. I worry for them..
I feel like I wasn't so clueless at that age, but maybe I have forgotten 😄
Hello Marla, I’ve recently started a Collection of the small little Bibles called the Old or New Testaments! I only have One so far! But I Love them & Old Books The Older the Better!❤❤🐶🐶
They're precious! The Gideons have given away thousands of little new testaments, for many decades. Bonus points if you find one with a handwritten name in front 🏆 😍
Used to get our medicine from Bennetts for years!
That's amazing! 😃 💕
Hey Marla, Enjoyed your finds. That is a spaghetti measure. So cool to find a wooden one. Are you wearing a jumper dress or overalls? It's too cute.
It's a thrifted dress that was too small at the bust, so I made the side openings deeper and now it's just right! $2 well spent! 😊 💃
He about knocked the bowl ovef. Close
I didn't know it at the time, but saw how close the dog was to my bowl when I watched the video afterward. Whew!! 🙀
❤ your haul of treasures! I am starting to collect wooden utensils and ❤that pasta serving size utensil! I inherited my mom's plastic one and my hubby had no idea what it was lol. Also ❤ your hydrangea idea for white basket. I have a similar magazine one that currently holds TP but that sounds pretty!
My favorite old wooden utensils are the old mixing spoons with one side worn down from stirring in the same direction for years and years ❤️
I love the pasta measurer too. Quirky odd pieces are so fun!
My challenge now is to find hydrangea stems that I can afford. It will be an investment and I may have to buy a few at a time to get a full look. 🤔 💭 Fun problems 😄
Nice !! I am from Waynesville, just a tiny bit away ! These mountains are home home ❤
I dearly love the Appalachian mountains! My ancestors must surely have lived there. I feel it in my bones ❤️
We called that round vessel a pansy bowel. I think it is a spaghetti sizer and a oil container.
I think the pansy bowl is so sweet! And yes, most people commenting say spaghetti sizer and Crisco bottle ✅️ 😊
God bless 10000x 👍🕊🐑
The round thing is called a pansy ring
I had never seen one or heard of it! I want to put some little blossoms in mine now! 😊 💕
I think it is a Crisco bottle. Great video.
It's got to be a crisco bottle! Thanks for watching! 😃
Good finds
Thanks! 😊 ✨️
Nice sliverware
I thought so too! 😃 🍴
the bottle is a vintage Crisco Oil bottle. There will be Patent number on the bottom of it. and if you type that in your search bar it will more than likely refer to a Crisco bottle. I think this one would have been a special addition because it had the stars.
Oh, super interesting! 😃 I can't wait to go look for a number on mine!
Amber bottle? I found several similar at an old family dump that were Wesson and Crisco oil bottles.
I would LOVE to dig for bottles in an old dump! I have watched a few RUclips channels of diggers and it is so exciting to see what they find! So cool! 😃 ✨️
Bottle looks like the old Crisco bottles.
You think so too too? I refrained from Googling this bottle just so I could hear an unbiased poll from everyone. I wanted to know if anyone else had the same hunch as I did 😊 💕
Kids what do they know about our decor. Yes that's to measure spaghetti
I told Joel he can have bare walls when he moves into his own home 😄
I'm surprised the cashier at HL even knew what to do with cash 😆
Ben confuses cashiers regularly by handing them a $20 bill PLUS a quarter so he doesn't end up with a lot of coins in return. They sometimes stare like a deer in the headlights 😳 hahaha
I'm not a stagnant pond I'm a stagnant lake but I'm trying 😂😂😂
It's hard to let things go! But it helps if you have someone to share with. My three grown married daughters get the benefit of my treasure hunts, and occasionally we will know of someone in an especially urgent place of need, and donate straight to that person. Last year we gave a single mom several pieces of furniture and I gathered a box of pretty things for her to decorate with. She had left a bad situation with nearly nothing and it was a joy to help her! That makes giving easy 😊
Bless you my children have ask me to to send anything else their homes are full 😂 they don't enjoy a stuffed house like I do 😂😂.
I have searched and searched for that exact egg separator. Any idea where you found the listing you referenced?
When I typed in Lilian Vernon egg separator into Google, and selected "Shopping" under the main search bar, it showed a few listings for that same one, including eBay. But I just checked the eBay listing and it has already sold, boo!! 😔 Hopefully you'll find one soon! 🙏
I kept looking and didn't see another Lilian Vernon one, but I discovered that YELLOW WARE ones exist and they are adorable! Look:
And this one at a better price
Thanks Marla. I like the yellow ware too! But the Lillian Vernon one matches some of my grandmother's bowls almost exactly. Oh well, the hunt is part of the fun!
Anita, email me:
She shouldn't have expected another nickel but I am glad you chose to show grace and not embarrass her. Undoubtedly, one day she will ask the wrong person and be cussed out.
There is enough anger and irritation in this world over trivial matters. Being the bigger person is noble.
My husband was born in 1967. You are 57 😂.
I don't recall that situation ever happening to me before, and I couldn't come up with the words to explain it to her! But yes, being kind is what I try to be (Christlike!) and I know she was young and maybe has never paid bills or had to dig coins out of the couch to buy a loaf of bread (I have!) 🍞 🪙 🙌
@marlacainraisingcain1031 So true. She will learn, no doubt.
Much to be said for wisdom gained with age 👵 ✔️
Where did you get your outfit???
100% thrifted 😄 The jumper dress was too small in the bust so I made the side openings lower.
I think it is to.
I don’t know what month your birthday is but you are or will be 57 this year. I only know that because I was born in 57 and I will be 67 this year. Yikes! How did that happen? 😂 Love your videos.
I’m with you on the 67!
I'm happy with my age! I have worked really hard all my life, and I'm grateful to have been given 57 years on this earth to enjoy my family! I am, however, not enjoying my neck getting tired and loose 👵 so I now use really good moisturizer cream, for the first time so far in my life. I got by with neglect for 56 years but it is now time for skin care 😄
I think you always look beautiful. And you have a beautiful spirit to match.
Maybe a syrup bottle
Kids these days are not taught.
I taught mine, but evidently that's a small minority 😔
I don’t know what month your birthday is but you are or will be 57 this year. I only know that because I was born in 57 and I will be 67 this year. Yikes! How did that happen? 😂 Love your videos.
I'm a January baby! Ever since I was about 22, it has been SUPER HARD for me to remember exactly how old I am! One year in my thirties,I told people I was a year older than I was for a whole year!! My brain is deficient in "air math" skills 😅 😆 🤣 😂