How I Met Your Father: The Essence of HIMYM


Комментарии • 565

  • @OscarStinson
    @OscarStinson Год назад +2958

    You know that feeling when you’ve been trying to explain something but you can’t quite find the right words to explain it, but then someone comes around and does it for you perfectly and you’re finally at peace.. That was this video

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +300

      no way THE Oscar Stinson just commented on my video!!!
      this is LEGEN wait for it...

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +273


    • @saiprasad.a
      @saiprasad.a Год назад +53

      You know that feeling when you’ve been trying to comment something but you can’t quite find the right words to explain it, but then someone comes around and does it for you perfectly and you’re finally at peace.. That was this comment

    • @omkarbarve1974
      @omkarbarve1974 Год назад +31

      It's ineffable.
      "I'm ineffable?"

    • @DGramusset
      @DGramusset Год назад

      @@omkarbarve1974 *proceeds to kick him in the chest*

  • @ChrisTheAppleOne
    @ChrisTheAppleOne Год назад +1063

    HIMYM told stories like how people do, jumping all over, remembering more details as you’re telling the story, forgetting details and saying “oh yah, I forgot about…” at the end of the story, etc.

    • @Beefcream
      @Beefcream Месяц назад +44

      The episode where Ted started telling the kids about the goat only to realize at the end that it was a different birthday was a funny little joke but also so real lmao. Telling your friend a “remember when…” story only to realize they weren’t actually there

    • @jorantheamazing
      @jorantheamazing Месяц назад +4

      ​@@Beefcream its always fun when I see a recent comment on a video years old lol

    • @Beefcream
      @Beefcream Месяц назад +4

      @@jorantheamazingsometimes I forget to look at the date 😭 im just excited to talk about it lol

    • @grey_f98
      @grey_f98 День назад

      @@jorantheamazing why is that funny? this is not social media, it's an entertainment platform

  • @s.p4de
    @s.p4de Год назад +1703

    the segments being broken up into pages of the playbook complete with the music,,, man this was such a fun watch. i love everything about the editing of this video. 10/10

  • @taylorgayhart9497
    @taylorgayhart9497 Год назад +1974

    For me what’s missing is a core group of friends, who feel like they’ve actually been friends for a long time. I don’t know if it’s because a lot of these characters are newly meeting, or if the actors just don’t have a great chemistry, but it just didn’t feel like I was watching a group of real friends the way HIMYM did.

    • @deejay5788
      @deejay5788 Год назад +154

      this is what i thought too. HIMYM felt like they cared deeply for eachother while still poking fun and you could tell that they did love eachother. HIMYF just felt hollow

    • @mugatu2601
      @mugatu2601 Год назад +112

      cos the premise of how they all met is kinda shit, to me at least. like do u really expect me to believe u can suddenly be "close" friends with ur uber driver AND his bestfriend? at this point i can't even rmmbr how charlie was brought in on the fold. And ellen? she's not even close to her own brother.
      compared to how i met, u could really feel that ted, marshall and lily has been through a lot before. Robin's closeness to the group was at least explored for a while and built up throughout the show's run.

    • @thebandboy
      @thebandboy Год назад +56

      almost every hit sitcom i've liked has this....himym, the office, brooklyn 99, that 70 shows, friends, 2 and a half men, seinfeld has started with a group of people who are already established best friends or in the case of the office have at least known each other for a significant amount of time.....this is a very good troupe in sitcoms that i really like!

    • @laurajimenez4383
      @laurajimenez4383 Год назад +32

      HIMYM hung out a lot, in HIMYF they're trying to make everyone have their own thing and rarely hang out so its tougher to see them as a group.

    • @alatielinara
      @alatielinara Год назад +25

      yeah, chemistry was close to none in 1st season. In 2nd there are some good points. I think they don't have any established relationship from the start that viewer can pick up on, and also they are kinda on the same level of energy, which blends them. Traits aren't that noticeable, which maybe makes friend group more real but boring

  • @Fern.Randall
    @Fern.Randall Год назад +244

    I'm in the UK and am a MASSIVE himym fan. I'm studying Media also, but one of the most interesting things about How I Met Your Mother (in my opinion) is the characters. Ted Mosby is incredibly philosophical and smart. Everything he likes makes us as an audience BELIEVE he would tell us a story like this in as greater detail as he did. I've only watched one season of How I Met Your Father but nothing about Sophie presents her as a character that would tell this kind of story in great detail.

    • @london8615
      @london8615 Год назад +2

      she’s into the art & a photographer so she’s definitely into the finer detail

    • @TiredMoonRabbit
      @TiredMoonRabbit 11 месяцев назад +17

      I feel like if they had future Sophie present her story like she does her photos, so a snapshot of the past, then people would have been more on board.

    • @zyaicob
      @zyaicob 3 месяца назад +1

      you must not know a lot of that kind of woman then because they will tell you the most detailed and drawn out stories lol

  • @ronitdesai6988
    @ronitdesai6988 Год назад +325

    That's the thing with HIMYM, it's not just a sitcom for me, its essence for me is that it is kind of a way of life. It has taught me so much about life in general and has been like a comfortable friend for me. In many ways, it has helped shape my perspective on love too. I don't think anything else, no matter how good it is will ever be able to have the same effect on me. Definitely not a sitcom.

    • @AM-bj7yo
      @AM-bj7yo Год назад +8

      Another big glaring issue with HIMYF is that it feels like you are being lectured on being woke, and progressive, when you go home after a long day you want to watch something that makes you feel warm and feel good, and give you a few laughs, that’s the essence of sitcoms, but this show and most modern sitcoms completely miss the mark on this one,
      1, like instead of focusing on getting a group of actors who have chemistry and fit together, they are trying to tick diversity boxes, or lecture on women’s rights.
      2, or how for example all the men on the show are weak mumbling idiots, say what you will about how pathological Barney’s relationship to women was, he was damn cool, charismatic, and confident, and that’s an interesting character to watch.
      There are many other reasons why this show was as bad as it is, but more succinct people have pointed them out, I just feel like no one touches on this one cause it can get political.

    • @onlinetoday840
      @onlinetoday840 Месяц назад

      @@AM-bj7yoyea sadly this same thing just happened with the new Dragon Age game, mentally ill writers forcing their cultish thinking on our media

    • @huricanethreeonesix
      @huricanethreeonesix Месяц назад

      ​@@onlinetoday840it's just truly unforgivable how horrible the writing in that game is

    • @sofiarodriguesgomes8957
      @sofiarodriguesgomes8957 17 дней назад

      i literally use so much stuff i learned in this series FOR LIFE

  • @imfreakingthefout5925
    @imfreakingthefout5925 Год назад +141

    When you were explaining the olive theory 14:48 I know it doesn’t rlly matter but it was Marshall that apparently didn’t like olives, but later the episode reveals that he actually does like olives, and he was just looking for a way to talk to lily on their first date

    • @andrealiee
      @andrealiee Год назад +67

      it's a REALLY important part of the olive theory that so many people often overlook. its not that they "balance" but its the sacrifice of one persons delight for the other's favor which makes the theory even better. its out of love, not just an "opposites attract!" type of thing. super important and glad you brought it up

    • @zyaicob
      @zyaicob 3 месяца назад +4

      @@andrealiee Yes but this isn't the Olive Theory, the whole point of the Olive Theory is that Lily doesn't know the truth about it. The Olive Theory isn't an accurate description of the dynamic, it's what Lily thinks the Olive Theory is. That's the essence of the Olive Theory

  • @alphabetaomega265
    @alphabetaomega265 Год назад +81

    6:10 Ted got a unanimous “WHAT?!” simultaneously in 3 different universes lol

  • @migorvortis
    @migorvortis 3 месяца назад +50

    Have to disagree with the example in 0:55: The question for this example wouldn't be if it is still *a* knife, but whether it is *the same* knife. The ship of Theseus was without a doubt still a ship after all the parts had been replaced. The philosophical question is whether it is still the same ship. The question is more akin to "does identity persist even if everything that makes up the identity has been replaced"

    • @TheIrish978
      @TheIrish978 3 месяца назад +1

      I would say when you replace the last part then it a different ship

    • @RossYates-ge6su
      @RossYates-ge6su 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@TheIrish978what if with each bit you takeaway you use to build a new ship?

    • @TheIrish978
      @TheIrish978 2 месяца назад

      @@RossYates-ge6su the maybe the new ship would be the old one since it got all the parts

    • @RossYates-ge6su
      @RossYates-ge6su 2 месяца назад +1

      @@TheIrish978 what if there was a gap of time or distances between the end of one ship and the beginning of the other ?

    • @TheIrish978
      @TheIrish978 2 месяца назад

      @@RossYates-ge6su I would say it still the same boat

  • @Blu._.99
    @Blu._.99 Год назад +234

    I feel like the new season of himyf feels more like himym than the first one. There’s way more storytelling and the way the jokes are being delivered feels more like the original show. I’m a huge fan of the original and sitcoms in general, so just to watch a modern sitcom I think the show’s worth it. Also I feel like I can relate more and understand the cultural reference better because it’s made for another generation ish.

    • @andrealiee
      @andrealiee Год назад +7


    • @theplanetarymagic
      @theplanetarymagic Год назад +8

      agreed! I think it’s a great reboot without being just another version of the original. It gives the same feelings as himym (especially the new season) but it feels like it’s made for a different generation in the perfect way

    • @bhagaskevin4231
      @bhagaskevin4231 Год назад +7

      The 2nd season is better than the first one. I didnt really enjoy the 1st one

    • @Aaaa-wm2tt
      @Aaaa-wm2tt Год назад +7

      i felt the exact same, the epiosde where they all played a role for when a new partner meets the gang for the first time was really fun

  • @RalucaBojor
    @RalucaBojor Год назад +14

    THANK YOU for using Barney's playbook model at 5:20!!! You have my respect, sir!

  • @gabriellepriest5007
    @gabriellepriest5007 Год назад +273

    I think if I had watched this video a month ago, I would’ve agreed wholeheartedly, but I am genuinely impressed with how much they have improved the show within the last few episodes. Elements from HIMYM have been more present than in the last season (ie the Deirdre storyline, though admittedly, not as flawlessly executed) but the jokes are also actually landing. I would be very curious for an update of this analysis following the second season!

    • @CharzBall
      @CharzBall Год назад +35

      completely agree, the show feels like it’s finding it’s footing and i’m curious to see it’s future

    • @dia.96
      @dia.96 Год назад +28

      I agree! They've started playing with the format and adding the type of jokes that can become running jokes. I am actually really interested in seeing where it goes now

    • @tredorre6590
      @tredorre6590 Год назад +4

      Same! I wasn't sold on the first season but it's becoming better, I especially liked the episode where they all try to overcome their challenge it was so fun and well done ^^

    • @alatielinara
      @alatielinara Год назад +2

      Yeah I think they are growing and I am kinda ready to forgive their mistakes and watch along because there is so little fun sitcom-y shows now.

    • @rizzzzzzzzzzzz
      @rizzzzzzzzzzzz Год назад +6

      i know!!! i actually wanna rewatch season 2 from the beginning while waiting for the new eps. I think they are leaning on the strengths like ellen and charlie's adorable awkwardness. and sophie's learning process. they're building up jesse's character more and so they're not fully forcing sophie and jesse right now... which is good because I don't think they have chemistry on screen.....
      meanwhile they're also building up sid and jesse's friendship more. which i need!! i miss that marshall and ted dynamic

  • @SoulSonder26
    @SoulSonder26 Год назад +7

    I will never not love Colby Smulders acting in that Lily "are you sure it wasn't" example 😂 its SO hilariously awkward and strange i love it so much. I know the character gets flack sometimes, and rightly so, but Smulders is so fantastic

  • @sonak78
    @sonak78 Год назад +77

    I would really like to point out the scenes in which adult sophie talks about the captain, who is a cameo from HIMYM, because she tells his story bit by bit saying it will become important later, only to hit the main story in a way you wouldn't expect, which is something that really gives me those HIMYM vibes

    • @LiovaElise
      @LiovaElise Год назад +4

      Comments like these makes me reconsider HIMYF. I didn't like the first couple of episodes but according to your (and other) comment(s), it has potential in the future

  • @LiovaElise
    @LiovaElise Год назад +18

    What I missed whas the absurdism. It's not the main thing in HIMYM, but it's there enough to make it part of the identity. Think about Marshall wanting to cut meat at Thanksgiving with a light saber, and later seeing him actually do that. Or the people in suits Robin runs around with in season 9 with the 'no questions asked', or Ted begin stuck in a postal thing the same episode. It's stuff like that, littered around the series, that makes it just a little bit better than tipical sitcoms.

  • @DenisseLindsay
    @DenisseLindsay Год назад +110

    How I met your mother is just so good with the acting, writing and directing. I always go back to watch it, to put it in the background and I get blown away.
    However, I like how I met your father.
    I was upset the first time I watched the first season because it was far away from the original show. It just wasn’t funny the way that the original was. When the second season came out, I rewatched the first season. And I loved it, because I wasn’t expecting it to meet my very high speciations.
    I see it as it’s own thing, with occasional nostalgia thrown in. It’s not perfect, but for a mindless funny 20 minutes it’s great.

    • @andrealiee
      @andrealiee Год назад +10

      definitely improving, especially with the new season. these characters are really starting to feel like they're coming off the page

    • @jillian7055
      @jillian7055 3 месяца назад +1

      I’m really bummed it got cancelled because the second season was pretty good and I was growing to really enjoy the cast

  • @oswaldosanchez8938
    @oswaldosanchez8938 Год назад +87

    I hate to be that guy... but it is Marshal who (suposedly) doesn't like olives.

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +39

      i was just testing you, and you passed

    • @somebody7070
      @somebody7070 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @Triggermappy
    @Triggermappy 4 месяца назад +39

    the problem with HIMYF is simply the main cast don't feel like they're actually friends, you'd feel that each of their lines are simply lines and the characters don't seem realistic. but personally not really sure if that's the actors' fault, or the script was just bad.

    • @fleetwoodmak777
      @fleetwoodmak777 3 месяца назад +9

      the original cast was composed of creative geniuses with untouchable chemistry, in my humble opinion. take barney for example: I’m convinced no one else would be able to play such an awful character so hilariously and charismatically other than NPH. even Ted doesn’t seem to like barney all that much, while simultaneously loving him and constantly referring to him as (one of) his best friends, behind marshall of course.

  • @kronox7928
    @kronox7928 Год назад +76

    Cant believe you told the olive theory wrong,
    Marshal pretended to hate olives and lily loves olives

    • @Diaianz
      @Diaianz 4 месяца назад +3

      the moment i heard, i stopped watching lol

  • @jennabrewer363
    @jennabrewer363 Год назад +31

    Right Place at the Right Time is one of my favorite ep of HIMYM of all time and its that kind of episodic storytelling that “I swear all ties up” is my favorite thing about the show

  • @reporterkermit3728
    @reporterkermit3728 Год назад +85

    lmao we were just talking about the ship of theseus in my philosophy class, I would never have thought to apply it to hollywood reboot fever but the comparison is super insightful!! Another awesome video!!

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +6

      hahah thank you! always great to hear from you reporter kermit, hope all is well!!

  • @DarkNorthEmperor
    @DarkNorthEmperor Год назад +75

    11:48 the premier example I always think of, in this case is from the *Ted Mosby: Architect* episode in season 2.
    The entire story changes when retold from the new perspective of who really was "Ted Mosby: Architect." (Spoiler: He's a visionary)
    And what made it one of my favourite episodes is how they made Marshall say the same line, _"This isn't you, Ted."_ and make it mean two completely different things altogether. 😂

  • @chuckpatterson7006
    @chuckpatterson7006 Год назад +7

    You straight up fixed an episode in 2 minutes flat and it kinda broke my heart. The show has so much potential but it falls short.

  • @polo_du_6965
    @polo_du_6965 Год назад +380

    Feel like the writers of HIMYF need to see this video, hopefully season two will bring what it lacks. I think they captured the essence of HIMYM in last episode when (warning spoiler s02e05)
    The discussion between Sid and Jesse felt a lot like an HIMYM gag.

    • @NeroMattsss
      @NeroMattsss Год назад +28

      In my opinion, Season 2 is way better than Season 1.
      The first one was kind of lackluster, feeling as if I was watching a completely disconnected Seinfield episode of some sort. Season 2 is still not what we're looking for, but it's getting closer.
      I really hope they don't cancel this show. HIMYM didn't have a "strong af" first season either but it really blew up over time! Maybe that could happen here too?
      One thing, though: I don't really enjoy the mother's role in this. Grown Sophie kind of breaks the immersion, the same way a joke in Marvel movies cut the tension instantly...

    • @CarbonComs
      @CarbonComs Год назад +29

      Just watched the Rewardishments episode, and that definitely feels the most like a classic HIMYM episode to me. Not sure what it was but they captured the feeling right there, hopefully more of it to come.

    • @nuvjoti
      @nuvjoti Год назад +10

      @@CarbonComs I feel like this latest episode addressed the exact stuff in this video. The last 3 episodes have been very solid and give me himym vibes

    • @beepboop9268
      @beepboop9268 Год назад +6

      ​@@nuvjoti they're definitely addressing many of the problems they've had so I'm being cautiously optimistic but lets see where we go

    • @miguelcmr54
      @miguelcmr54 Год назад

      Still think the show is bad... mainly because every character is bad

  • @mistermistery4097
    @mistermistery4097 Год назад +31

    Another banger! I hadn't been able to quite put into words why I liked the narrative structure of HIMYM compared to friends, or new girl etc. but you said it perfectly, especially the first two, perspective and playing with chronology. Great analysis

  • @harrisonkane5313
    @harrisonkane5313 Год назад +5

    This is such a well made video that clearly shows a lot of care into the subject matter! As someone who loves HIMYM, you really grew a deeper appreciation for the show that has meant so much to me!

  • @Lennard222
    @Lennard222 Год назад +4

    Thank you for making me realize what I value in sitcoms: Creative Storytelling.
    That what connects "How I met your Mother", "Community", "Seinfield", and even "Bojack Horseman" and makes them special to me.

  • @ferrm1992
    @ferrm1992 Год назад +121

    One correction, this is not a reboot, it is not discarding anything from the past to be re-established. It’s a sequel

    • @closeben
      @closeben Год назад +5

      It’s kinda both in the sense that it exists in the same world but it’s function is to recapture the same idea of the first series, not follow up on it. It’s a Requel.

    • @onizukasorimachi9755
      @onizukasorimachi9755 Год назад +19

      Its a spin off

    • @weeds1336
      @weeds1336 3 месяца назад

      its a spin off ya donkeys

    • @violentgravy01
      @violentgravy01 2 месяца назад

      This video is just dumb

  • @TrumbullComic
    @TrumbullComic 2 месяца назад +3

    Great points! I think the big problem with HIMYF was that the characters just weren't especially memorable. I had a good sense of Ted, Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin by the end of HIMYM's pilot. It's been a year or two since I watched the first season of HIMYF, and at this point I couldn't even name any of the characters on the show outside of Sophie.

  • @jakeA0903
    @jakeA0903 Год назад +8

    FINALLY a video that reflects what I’ve been feeling about the two series 🙌🏼

  • @vicseldemi
    @vicseldemi Год назад +4

    This video captures everything so perfectly! Storytelling is huge to the show! I will say s2 so far has been way better and I think is getting close to the nature of himym. I’d love an update to this after s2 is all out!

  • @jakethecarrot
    @jakethecarrot Год назад +78

    Since there has only been one and a bit seasons of himyf and seasons being longer now, hopefully the show runners are able to add those things and make it feel like a proper reboot of himym instead of just being in the same universe.
    Overall I want himyf to retain what himym did really well but still have its own identity and not just making call backs or references just for the sake of it.
    Great video as always really appreciated some of the little things you did like the himym text font and play book pages, just shows the effort you put into these videos.

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +14

      thank you so much, and i agree 100%! it's cool to see Robin again and stuff like that, but i really wish could see more of what made me fall in love with himym in the first place

  • @alphabetaomega265
    @alphabetaomega265 Год назад +8

    It would be funny to have the HIMYF group be in McLarence and have a scene from HIMYM take place in the background. Just in the background, without any focus on it or interactions with it, but as sort of an easter egg.

  • @priyeahnka
    @priyeahnka Год назад +33

    I subscribed you INSTANTLY when you rearranged the part and did it himym style. Fucking awesome man!! (This is the very first video im seeing of yours)

  • @priyeahnka
    @priyeahnka Год назад +37

    I teeny tiny mistake that I wont let go off... in The Olive Theory, Lily 'loves' the olives and Marshall 'hates' them (although that's not true) But yeah, slight error😬

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +20

      this mistake is going to keep me up at night lol. thank you for watching though!!

    • @LORDDANISHchannel
      @LORDDANISHchannel Год назад +3

      I was looking for this exact comment.

    • @reneecoons5057
      @reneecoons5057 Год назад +1

      Yes, this bothered me as well.

  • @vivekkrishnam4861
    @vivekkrishnam4861 Год назад +4

    this is so well done! would love a video on the tick tick tick episode, literally was one of the most heart wrenching moments on tv for me !

  • @zacarysimonoff8544
    @zacarysimonoff8544 Год назад +8

    The similarity of the cinematography/color palette definitely works in HIMYF’s favor

  • @picklenik9658
    @picklenik9658 Год назад +2

    I’m a fellow avid himym fan who’s watched it start to end way more times than I’d like to admit, and think you really hit the nail on the head for one thing I absolutely love in the show, the life lessons.
    From my point of view, the best part of himym is how applicable it is to real life and real world scenarios. While the characters are all exaggerated cartoon depictions, the scenarios they get into on a lot of levels are so applicable. One way I always see this, is I’ll just be living my life and swim thing happens or I hear about something, and the first thing I think of is “oh yeah, this is like like that episode of himym where…” it’s actually fuckin uncanny how much this happens.
    Me and my griflreind at this point just have a running joke that himym has a lesson and example of basically any scenario you can find yourself in as a young adult living in a big city, be it the crazy in-group relationships and conflicts that happen, the friends we have all being reflections of the characters and the different realities around dating in the 21st century. It’s just so god damn good

  • @keenanmoore264
    @keenanmoore264 Год назад +5

    On the actual ending on HIMYM.. I know it's a stretch but all we really see/know is that Ted asked out "aunt Robin" again. HE shows up, shows the Blue French horn and she smiles. This doesn't necessarily mean that they end up together, does it? All we sort of know is that they went on a date most likely. Anything after that is left to our imagination.

  • @sanjanashenai8325
    @sanjanashenai8325 Год назад +6

    What a great video!!!! The details, the edit, the comparison. Himym such a well written show, telling simple stories in such an engaging way. Like why would anyone be interested in a ducky tie???? But himym did that to you. I was so damn excited for himyf, because umm Hillary Duff! And more of the himym universe... well kind of. But it never felt right. We all were expecting something different from the orginal but this just didn't hit. And this video just articulates everything so perfectly! Love your attention to detail 🧡

  • @fabioladiana
    @fabioladiana Год назад +5

    Great video! Something that I also miss from the new himyf is the fantasy part of the series, the parts where the gang are telling a story and exaggerated it to the point of making it something magical and funny. Or the mysteries arcs like the pineapple? Where is a pineapple something-like in this new version? I will watch it though for the cameos and the hope of seeing glimpses of himym.

  • @fabriziozagonel5720
    @fabriziozagonel5720 Год назад +74

    When i went to watch HIMYF my fear was that the jokes wouldn't lend, but i actually got my fair share of laugh so it was ok. I think usually people are too critical with this series because it's carry a way too great of a legacy, even if it's not bad on it's own but, of course, have room to improve.

    • @andrealiee
      @andrealiee Год назад +2

      absolutely! especially since its only just begun.

    • @papayasmith
      @papayasmith Год назад +2

      yeah I wish the jokes hit harder and were more clever. the chemistry also doesn’t seem as tight

    • @mintyhippo8125
      @mintyhippo8125 Год назад +2

      I love how I met your mother, but I can separate how I met your father from it since they are very different structures. The characters don’t really even seem like they know or like each other in how I met your father. But I watch it because I like sitcoms, and I’m curious.
      Plus, they keep saying that Sophie is an optimist but disprove that every episode. And that’s just a basic thing. Sophie is just a normal old person. I would never describe her as chipper or an optimist. She seems more like a desperate person who grasps anything that comes along.

  • @goldenwaffles8697
    @goldenwaffles8697 Год назад +4

    Love your HIMYM content! Keep up the good work 👍

  • @ThatPancakeCat
    @ThatPancakeCat 6 месяцев назад +5

    I feel like the characters themselves are an essence of HIMYM too.
    Ted is (mostly) a single man and a hopeless romantic.
    Robin is (mostly) a single woman and a total cynic.
    Lily and Marshall are the couple.
    Barney is... Well... Barney, yknow? He's immature and views sex as a game. He's also incredibly zany.
    They all have different perspectives on love, life and relationships which lends themselves to the story and the lessons they each have. The characters themselves aren't really important, it's their roles.

  • @pequodexpress
    @pequodexpress 26 дней назад +2

    Where did you get the knife-sharpening clips at 1:10 ? I need to learn more about this technique.

  • @ankyfire
    @ankyfire Год назад +49

    HIMYF feels more like Two Broke Girls than HIMYM. And it's NOT a good thing.

  • @lyndseymurray2066
    @lyndseymurray2066 Год назад +22

    I loved HIMYM and I also am loving HIMYF too! I Hope HIMYF has many more seasons. I don’t care about how it compares with HIMYM. I want to know who the father is, so it better not get canceled!

  • @TheAndrewJohnBennett
    @TheAndrewJohnBennett Год назад +1

    Great video! Definitely a lot of things i have been thinking about too!
    However, i think the main issue with Father is that it has to many characters 8-10 in any given episode all needing their own stories. There is sometimes an A, B, and C story all of which is usually not flushed out enough for 22 minutes. The most important 6th HIMYM character McClarens, feels missing; Now it doesn't need to be that bar specifically but it could have been some place that felt more like a bar. Sid's bar seems more like a weird mix between a man cave basement and a coffee shop. Just recently they did the bit where they buy really bad wine so they market it as a famous celebrities wine but then get caught. I think that bit was great and brought life to the bar.

  • @reneecoons5057
    @reneecoons5057 Год назад +6

    I understand that you were going off of season 1, but season 2 has started implementing these things and it is great. I love Barney's character, but I am glad we don't have another Barney in this group. He is one of a kind. Also the closest to his character would be Charlie.

  • @razbuten
    @razbuten Год назад +12

    This is a very good look at why How I Met Your Father doesn't really feel like How I Met Your Mother aside from sharing a few sets. For me, the shift in storytelling is the biggest reason it feels so off. HIMYM had a ton of fascinating setups for episodes, but HIMYF feels like a step back creatively. I do get that while many of the people from HIMYM's creative team are still working on it, the show is being helmed by new people, but even then, the creators of this show were showrunners on This is Us which does a fair amount of interesting storytelling that jumps all around time so I am unsure why this show seems so resistant to trying anything interesting. You'd think that the team would take the lessons learned from HIMYM and This is Us to flex all the cool framing devices they can instead of doing a pretty paint by numbers sitcom. I have not watched season 2, but I hope that it evolves a bit more.

    • @never.nothing
      @never.nothing  Год назад +2

      thanks for the comment, i'm a big fan of your channel so it means a lot!!

    • @perfectfeet734
      @perfectfeet734 Год назад +1

      Season 2 does seem to be evolving, thanks in part I’m sure to the greater amount of episodes they have available to play around with. Would be interested to see you give your take on this show too!

  • @penguwave4025
    @penguwave4025 Год назад +7

    From my point of view, HIMYF feels way more like a drama than a sitcom. It seems far more interested with full plot lines rather than one that builds slowly in the background like HIMYM was oft to do.

  • @AFNacapella
    @AFNacapella Год назад +3

    one thing I'll always remember himym for:
    how hot Alisson and Cobie are in
    wait for it...

  • @oliveira7860
    @oliveira7860 Год назад +6

    Bro, if you continue making content like this, you'll fucking rise. It felt like watching someone explaining a Westworld episode. Top notch!

  • @jgeybp
    @jgeybp Год назад

    I have a feeling i’d be a good friend with this guy. The videos you make are literally the ones i like and watch.

  • @mckallevans526
    @mckallevans526 Год назад +1

    Hit the nail on the head. Every episode of himyf I am waiting for something to happened that just never happens! Yet I still watch and will continue to watch 🤣 nothing can compare to the original. Great video!

  • @varungupta6246
    @varungupta6246 22 дня назад

    Oh, you know that episode of -"The Ashtray"? It’s such a good example of how people see the same thing completely differently. Like, Ted, Robin, The Captain, and even Barney all tell their version of what happened that night, but their stories are so different. Each of them remembers stuff based on how they felt or what they thought was important at the time. It’s hilarious

  • @mariacolmenarez3134
    @mariacolmenarez3134 Год назад +2

    I love love this video. The greek philosophy and HIMYM crossover I didn't know I need it.

  • @huntingwaterfalls
    @huntingwaterfalls Год назад +2

    When that Summoning Salt music starts playing in the middle and I start thinking about speed running

  • @Dossrighton
    @Dossrighton Месяц назад

    In my eyes, if you replace a little from the ship, with time it eventually becomes the ship. If you replace a lot of the ship quickly, it's not the same ship.

  • @maxxel_
    @maxxel_ 2 месяца назад

    damn just the story telling example of episode 1 you gave was so simple and so good

  • @gabo6907
    @gabo6907 Год назад +2

    Not only it makes me notice why i felt so much distance between HIMYF and HIMYM, but what makes the original series so goood.
    Also, I just started watching season 2 of HIMYF, and I think they took your advice, because it has more essences of the original, especially the reset button episode, (sometimes is like they're trying really hard, almost copying, like they got a blah blah equivalent)
    I would love to know what you think about season 2

  • @micha-fc8lg
    @micha-fc8lg 2 месяца назад

    i love the different perspectives in himym. there are so many funny examples of this in the show.

  • @vidraul
    @vidraul Год назад +2

    I've been so distracted by trying to focus on the characters that I completely gave HIMYF on this type of storytelling we all loves so much. Awesome video!

  • @taylorgayhart9497
    @taylorgayhart9497 Год назад +7

    Every time I re-watch the show I like Barney less. It’s just getting harder and harder to overlook all of the things that are blatantly, sexual harassment, assault, or just outright rape. NPH is super charismatic and it makes Barney very lovable, but he also belongs in jail.

  • @never.nothing
    @never.nothing  Год назад +6

    i''ve noticed a lot of people asking for the songs used in my videos lately (you all have great taste in music) so i'm gonna try to include a song list for each video from here on out! you'll find the names of all the songs used in this video at the bottom of the description :)

  • @heitordelpupo
    @heitordelpupo Год назад

    I wasn't expecting this to be so good! You made some very good points about why the original show is so good and unique! thank you my friend

  • @somebody7070
    @somebody7070 8 месяцев назад

    Its like this :
    - REAL TRUE 4EVER friends will insult each other at any given occasion without hurting the other, and when they're mad , they are harsh and brutal in their honesty
    - GOOD friends will be kind to each other and polite and may keep to themselves whatever they dislike about the other
    HIMYM is about true friendship that lasts a lifetime

  • @pablosonic892
    @pablosonic892 Год назад +8

    Every single successful comedy television show needs a Barney. Whatever gender, size, color that comes in. Barney is an essential archetype component that works as an exaggerated eccentric comedic counter point to the grounded lead and gives balance to every series premise and tone dynamic. Ted Mosby was the show's audience surrogate and insert relatable character we follow and identify with. But, good lord almighty, Ted is a lot and needs a character to off-set his over the top heightened reality viewpoint through Ted-colored glasses of the world and love. Barney is also the audience insert, the cynical side of the audience that wants to eye roll some of the cringer aspects of Ted's too much emo proclamations of all things love. Barney is almost a meta commentary on the events we're seeing only he's an actual character inside the machinations of the show. Barney is a fourth wall break in not actually talking directly to the audience, but his direct rejection of anything Ted stands for or value system is immediately outrageously funny and we feel like we're co-conspirators heckling Ted's love life and heart felt vulnerability. Barney is the show's comic relief in a comedy show where everyone is supposed to be funny. But Barney is the thing that is a sitcom tradition mainstay: he is the inciting incident, the provocateur, he gets the characters and plot going in motion to places the other cast members wouldn't on their own.
    So, the fact this new spin off show doesn't even have one in place seems like amateur hour and a rookie mistake. It's the golden rule of situational comedy. You need the outrageous supporting role that says and does controversial things to the point of hilarity character for the main cast to bounce off of. Remove that essential element and your show can never level up and reach any comedic heights of notability or worth.

  • @puebloblau
    @puebloblau 3 месяца назад

    This video breaks it down perfectly: the problem most, if not all reboots today have is that they fail to reproduce the core essence of the original. And I think there is two reasons for it:
    1. ignorance. It often feels like the new show runners actively decide to make changes to essential parts, just to make it "their own". But that just doesn't work.
    2. Incompetence. As shown in this video HIMYM is a great example that some essential things are really hard to pull of. Like the creative ways of telling a story need a lot of work from creating the idea to showing it on screen. And same goes for other franchises too. There are certain ideas, vibes, acting etc. that are done so well that they are the reason people like the show/film, where it makes total sense that they are hard if not impossible to reproduce in a reboot.

  • @pintavodki
    @pintavodki Год назад

    Spot on, man. Really great video. As you said, they tried to do their own thing and replaced the best parts of HIMYM with their own... nothing. Season 2 kinda starts to flirt with storytelling/flashbacks, but that's really not enough.
    And you know, I would add the fourth essential part of HIMYM: characters. Having watched the whole of season 1 of How I Met Your Father and some of Season 2, I still have no idea who those people are. HIMYM did a great job of establishing the characters straight away, and so they were able to do a lot of jokes around the characters. In HIMYF the characters are still super bland after one and a half seasons, so they have to rely on situational comedy, which in not nearly enough.
    P.S. I love you. I agree basically with everything you said about what made HIMYM great. The storytelling, the perspectives... All the things i've been trying to explain to my friends to get them to watch the series. xD

  • @BroBastii
    @BroBastii 2 месяца назад

    I was so in love with HIMYF, for me it really worked and the found it's footing in season 2. Of course this would have not been a 9 season series. But this could have made a nice 4 season story, that would have evolved with each season. Really sad that they cut it short and that's probably the nail in the coffin for this franchise

  • @Maurovers
    @Maurovers Год назад +1

    Great vid
    You did switch Marshall and Lily in the olive theory explanation haha

  • @germancamilo3872
    @germancamilo3872 Год назад

    It was such a relief to see someone speak about this show the same I do to friends. Man do I love all the storytelling quirks, rules and theories, joke delivery, and life lessons littered throughout every episode. But some jokes are a bit dated and weird to watch play out, so seeing HIMYF was coming out, I thought as long as it keeps the essence of the show (bc the weird and offensive jokes aren't what makes the OG special) this could be an amazing reboot. I haven't watched it yet as I want to let it run a little longer before joining in, but man am I excited to see if it could capture that OG feeling and not just another modern sitcom

  • @wawztzta8296
    @wawztzta8296 Год назад

    5:23 i thought he was gonna start dropping some speedrunning techniques

  • @icetina117
    @icetina117 Год назад +1

    I like that you used Assassin's Creed Odyssey Footage for the ship of Theseus concept :)

  • @rottensquid
    @rottensquid 3 месяца назад

    Neil Gaiman said something interesting about this concept of core essentials. “The fan base are fans. And they like the source material because it’s the source material they like. So if you do something else, you risk alienating the fans on a monumental scale.” He added, “It’s not Batman if he’s now a news reporter in a yellow trenchcoat with a pet bat.”
    So the question is, at what point have you departed from the essentials that make the source material what it is.
    I haven't seen How I Met Your Father, and I haven't heard anything about it that makes it sound particularly intriguing. Though honestly, much as I adore HIMYM (and I mean all of it, ending included) I don't think I need more of it. Nine seasons is plenty. So it seems to me that shaking up the format, swapping ideas, genders, and leaving some of the more risky content in the past (seriously, Barney only worked because Neil Patrick Harris was a master of threading that needle) isn't just a good idea, but an essential one. But from what you describe, it sounds like they replaced the quirks of the original series with, well, nothing.
    Take Barney, for example. Obviously, you don't want to just repeat the character, or gender-swap him, because the effect wouldn't be the same. Barney worked because of his context, as the antithesis to Ted, and as a comic parody of the way men see sexual conquest as a principle means of self-worth and social credit. You can't just gender-swap that, because the same behavior in a woman wouldn't carry the same social commentary in a patriarchal society. And if you don't gender swap, the character wouldn't be an antithesis for the female Ted.
    So what do you do? It seems obvious to me that what you DON'T do is just take the character out of the mix and replace him with nothing. Because the result is a hole where eccentricity should be. That's the core of what Barney provided the show. He was the freak of the group, interpreting society in his own specific way, which vacillated between inspired to unhinged to so far behind, he thought he was first. Without that kind of left-field perspective, you just have a show of conventional thinkers stuck in their ruts. Characters like this need a weirdo's perspective to judge against their own. It doesn't have to be Barney's breed of weird, but if none of the characters are particularly eccentric, then the entire show's formula falls apart.
    The same goes for the show's take on time. Life is lived linearly, but it's understood in a much more Christopher Nolan/HIMYM fashion. When we piece memories together into a narrative, it's never in order. That was the genius of the show, to fully embrace that truth. Life isn't about what happened. It's about how we make sense of it. And that's anything but a linear process.
    So to skip that part effectively eliminates the very premise of reflection and narrative. HIMYM is all about reflection. It's looking back on life and trying to find objectivity through the subjective lens of memory. Without the subjective, non-linear view, that piece of the show is gone two, again replaced with, well, nothing. So what's left of the original premise, with those things gone? Just the set-up of an older woman telling her children her life's story? That's not enough of a reason to name it after this other show. In fact, that's not really an interesting enough reason for a show at all. The only reason for HIMYM's set-up was to tell a story through an unreliable narrator. And the only purpose of that was to comment on self-reflection, the subjectivity of memory, and the fickle nature of identity. Ted's whole character was built on the painful process of disillusioning himself of the person he thought he was meant to be, so he could figure out who he was. That was the point of the show, beginning to end. Barney was a funhouse mirror persona designed up to accentuate that. The non-linear stories, inaccurate or dishonest remembrances, and interplay between fatalism and coincidence were all a part of it. I don't know what the new show is about, but it doesn't sound like it has any of that. As you said, it sounds like Friends with the set-up of HIMYM stuck on for no particular reason.

  • @ailemasvega
    @ailemasvega 28 дней назад

    That himyf pilot rewrite is genius.

  • @whatthesus7
    @whatthesus7 Год назад

    Loved your last video on HIMYM, loved this one as well. You've earned a sub

  • @yukikid2195
    @yukikid2195 22 дня назад

    Never did I think I’d see assassin creeds clips in a video titled for the topic of HIMYM. Jolly good show sir.

  • @neivilde.1242
    @neivilde.1242 Год назад +5

    maybe this is just due to hilary duff playing the lead, but this show feels less like a himym reboot and more like the lizzie mcguire reboot that got canned. even more so now that they literally used a lizzie clip in the actual show lmao. it's like hilary was already set up to do a sitcom about a group of friends dating, and they snatched her up

  • @chichae_
    @chichae_ 3 месяца назад

    this so so good 😭 u put into words why i love himym so much

  • @miggydelosreyes7644
    @miggydelosreyes7644 2 месяца назад

    I think it also has to do a lot with how Ted is himself. The story makes sense when you realize its being told by a jump the gun, indecisive, wannabe articulate, romantic guy. It feels like the show is being told by Ted himself ,and not just some TV show, that makes it really special to me.

  • @theamazingwebb
    @theamazingwebb Год назад

    You nailed it fam. I still have hope it will get better. It definitely has its moments here and there. Hopefully it finds its footing soon so they can keep going.

  • @AlvinOnsongo
    @AlvinOnsongo Месяц назад

    You just made me love HIMYM more.

  • @GalayethZen
    @GalayethZen 11 месяцев назад

    You have Really well done videos! As someone mentioned i love the playbook cutaways on this one. And some of the similar things in other videos.
    I love all these shows. Disagree on most of your prospectives but still enjoy them and the shared fandom of the himym and community, etc series.

  • @victorangeles655
    @victorangeles655 3 месяца назад

    my by far favorite episode of himym is when Lily takes Robin and Ted to go see an Art Show where the Captain shows up.
    So Ted tells the story that the captain hates him and is constantly being aggressive, but then Robing reveals that Ted was just high
    Then Robin tells the story and she thinks the Captain is hitting on her, but it turns out that she was just Drunk as revealed by Lily.
    Meanwhile Barney keeps butting in and making up stories about him being there with two models.
    Just the tension between the 4 different stories going on at the same time is hilarious to me and very innovative form of story telling, also hilarious

  • @dearcierra3
    @dearcierra3 2 месяца назад

    I personally really enjoyed HIMYF, as someone who HIMYM had to grow on and never really fully loved but considered it good enough for background tv. However, I could still greatly appreciate this video & must say points were definitely made.

  • @waves5072
    @waves5072 Год назад +1

    Fantastic video man

  • @erankan2518
    @erankan2518 Год назад +2

    The summoning salt theme caught me off guard

  • @sevval7415
    @sevval7415 3 месяца назад +1

    As a film student; this video felt like a class. Awesome!!
    +++ HIMYF wasn't a bad show especially in 2nd season. Well compared to HIMYM it wasn't good as it but i think it shouldn't be cancelled. I got truly sad.

  • @zyaicob
    @zyaicob 3 месяца назад

    Your boy used the Summoning Salt OST and this video absolutely met the high standard that song has become associated with

  • @leviackerman2371
    @leviackerman2371 Год назад +1

    Finally found someone who loves HIMYM as much as I do.

  • @BiggestBirdonMars
    @BiggestBirdonMars 3 месяца назад

    Id never forget the episode in HIMYM on how they squeezed like 5 minutes of a house warming party into a full episode
    It was wild😂😂😂

  • @aliciabeem9236
    @aliciabeem9236 Год назад +2

    I think the biggest thing missing from HIMYF so far is just... I don't care about the characters. Maybe that would change if I continue watching, but as of now the connections between the characters don't feel as fleshed out or interesting as the original show. I feel like I'm watching them from afar as opposed to in HIMYM I actually knew them as people. For example, you instantly love Marshall and Lily as a couple but so far I haven't been interested in Sid and Hannah, who have kind of a similar storyline getting engaged at the beginning of the show.

  • @abelendecody1
    @abelendecody1 Месяц назад

    Without watching this reboot I knew it wouldn't hold a candle to the original. HIMYM is the best tv series to ever be.

  • @kalebnelson5439
    @kalebnelson5439 Год назад +7

    Fine, I'll go rewatch all of HIMYM for the 5th time. Great video I completely agree that HIMYF doesn't live up to expectations.

  • @lightning8253
    @lightning8253 3 месяца назад

    The ship of thesus is actually really simple thought expirment our teacher wanted us to answer, and the correct answer that it doesn't represent an actual ship anymore it represents the idea of theseus and what it stood for. The fact that it's a new ship in it entirety is just a byproduct of keeping the idea alive.

  • @trailmixvids
    @trailmixvids Год назад +2

    Good stuff!

  • @rice_frying_shrimp
    @rice_frying_shrimp Год назад

    I think there's a good chance that how I met your father eventually finds its footing, if given another season to work with (mind you, one very important distinction between the two is that himym has the classic 20+ episodes per season cable TV format, whereas himyf has to work with much fewer episodes per season because of the streaming exclusive format they went with). The sample size so far has been extremely small and there were sparks of something I liked. One of my favorite moments from that "season" of TV was the episode where Charlie tries to change his personality in order to fit in with the boys and they set up pieces of a punch line really early in the episode only for one of the last scenes to finally pay it off "nice cuff links", "thank you, did I mention how nice and crisp the white of your walls is". That genuinely felt different from the typical low-effort sitcom writing that I expected and gave me hope that this wasn't just a cashgrab but that people had made this with intent and that there was indeed a larger idea that just hadn't taken form yet. Like I said, I think there is a chance that they might do this, however in a sense, they are working against time. Arguably with himym the first season was by and large the strongest one, that there is a consensus on everyone liking it, whereas the other seasons are more hit or miss and everyone's favorites differ, again for the sake of the argument, we can kind of accept that most people agree the show got weaker over time with the final season (while different and interesting in its own right) being least like what was originally intriguing about season 1. So if season 1 in this style of show is meant to be your best one, then himyf has already lost that race against time, unless the following seasons are somehow worse and we look back at season 1 saying "well it wasn't that bad" which isn't what I would like to see either. I honestly prefer the idea of himyf being it's own thing, having it's own stylistic choices and only being set in the same continued timeline and universe as himym, purely because the expectations for it to be anything more than that are impossible to live up to and they already proved they aren't capable of doing that. I had a good time (much better than expected) watching through himyf season 1 and I really hope they can improve on the sparks of quality that were already there, while changing some things that didn't hit well (like valentina's whole 'catty latina personality' that was really more annoying than fun to watch and proved to be the main thing that actively bothered me while watching).

  • @pratyushrajsingh
    @pratyushrajsingh Год назад +1

    this video just makes me appreciate himym more