
  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 281

  • @azami123
    @azami123 День назад +44

    Irish people understand the meaning of oppression, hence their support for the Palestinians.

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад +5

      Bullseye 🎯👏.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +5

      Correct Anne ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @edward-xt9jb
      @edward-xt9jb День назад +1

      Absolutely no comparison with the oppression the Palestinians haven are suffering.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      @@edward-xt9jb oppression is oppression Edward. ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

    • @ajc5479
      @ajc5479 День назад +2

      @@edward-xt9jb Millions of people being oppressed v's millions of people that were oppressed.
      Seems like an easy comparison.

  • @Plumduff3303
    @Plumduff3303 День назад +39

    Morning dave Israel has behaved disgracefully...good old Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      @@Plumduff3303 morning PD, well said brother ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @Radchenister
    @Radchenister День назад +34

    Morning Dave, speaking the truth is a rare commodity these days.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      @@Radchenister good morning Rad, it sure is brother ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @MartinOrchard
      @MartinOrchard День назад

      @@Radchenister Aye, you’ll walk past piles of rocking horse shit before you’ll find any “truth!” 👍 🍻

  • @berniebranfield8124
    @berniebranfield8124 День назад +38

    I was lucky enough to meet the wife of a former Irish Ambassador to Israel, she had some incredible stories of Israel's appalling behaviour. She wrote a book about some of it, although allegorical, the characters were fairly easy to identify after my chat with her. Ireland's only crime is to say it how it is.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +4

      @@berniebranfield8124 great comment Bernie ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @derekmulready1523
      @derekmulready1523 День назад +9

      Being Critical of the Israeli government is not and Never has been Antisemitic.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      @ correct Derek ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @jamesflynn8318
      @jamesflynn8318 День назад +3

      The way things should have been in our little community of nations, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales is only represented in the rugby. Four equal nations, speaking in broad accents like a badge of identity. Speaking fearless truths. proud of the struggles of their ancestors to live as free men. God bless you. Jimmy

    • @Christina-or4hx
      @Christina-or4hx День назад

      ​@@jamesflynn8318great comment ❤

  • @johnmartin5064
    @johnmartin5064 День назад +25

    GOOD to see 👀 our prime minister stand up for our Ireland 🇮🇪 👍

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@johnmartin5064 fantastic Human John lad ✊🇮🇪

    • @timmy-t9m
      @timmy-t9m День назад +2

      Prime Minister?

  • @scoobysnax9787
    @scoobysnax9787 День назад +15

    I love the Irish too. My partner is a retired Catholic Priest & our next door neighbours are Irish too. They love their drink, intellectual conversations plus very deep ones too, but they have the biggest hearts on the planet. A bit like Yorkshire & Derbyshire people too.
    Have a great day.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@scoobysnax9787 good morning scooby, my mind of people brother ✊🇮🇪✊. Solidarity

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад

      Well said Scooby 👍👏

  • @vongreen6650
    @vongreen6650 День назад +10

    Thanks Dave for speaking out the truth all paid off for keeping silent, I'm absolutely disgusted with all of them. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      Evening Von, solidarity sister ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @SarahTheNearlyInSP
    @SarahTheNearlyInSP День назад +10

    Wish Starmer had the balls to speak out!! Perhaps the arms sales would decrease but that's a price I'm more than willing to pay!!

    • @rittherugger160
      @rittherugger160 День назад

      Arms sales?
      American here. Are you saying that Israel pays England for whatever arms they get?
      That would be nice. If Israel paid us things would be better over here. If they had to pay they probably wouldn't have the cash to buy our politicians.
      Maybe our people could get Universal Healthcare and subsidised housing like the people of Israel get.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      He hasn’t Sarah, and neither has anyone else 😬

  • @pic101
    @pic101 День назад +11

    Sorry you lost the shed Dave. Go get ‘em. Look forward to hearing more.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      Solidarity Lee ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @michaelmather7352
    @michaelmather7352 День назад +16

    Morning Dave ,well done the Irish it needed to be said ,looks drafty there.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@michaelmather7352 good morning Michael, it’s a warm wind ✊🇮🇪

  • @almafrith778
    @almafrith778 День назад +21

    Morning Dave.
    Simon Harris said what is needed to be said.
    Unlike our UK equivalent that has no backbone.
    Have a great Thursday everyone. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏼✊🏾🚩🎄☃️🎅🏼❄️✨

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад

      Good morning 🌅 Alma and Simon my warmest regards for the day ahead hoping you are both safe and warm on your side.Solidarity and Respect to you both daily ✊✊🎄🎄⛄⛄🦃🦃.

    • @almafrith778
      @almafrith778 День назад +1

      Morning Freddie.
      We wish you a good day. All is well! Solidarity! ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏼✊🏾🚩🎄☃️❄️✨

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад +1

      @@almafrith778 .Thanks 🙏 Alma . Solidarity daily Sister ✊✊🎄🎄⛄⛄🦃🦃

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@almafrith778 good morning Alma, its Wednesday 👍. But yes Simon Harris, what an incredible human ✊. Have a great day you two ✊🇮🇪

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      @@almafrith778 Morning Alma hope both of you are doing well Rainy day here today but much more preferable than those recent storms Love and peace xx ☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️✊🏿✊✊🏾🚩🚩

  • @Bromley68
    @Bromley68 День назад +12

    Morning Dave, respect to the Irish Government for not clapping like seals for genocide

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      Good morning Bromley, solidarity brother ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @barrywest2170
    @barrywest2170 День назад +9

    Respect to Simon Harris 🙏🙏🏿🙏🏽 compassion and principle personified ✊🏿✊✊🏾☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      Good morning Barry, a proper leader ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      @ Definitely Dave ✊✊🏿✊🏾☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @Christina-or4hx
    @Christina-or4hx День назад +7

    Good morning Dave. Thanks for the Simon Harris clip. He did say it wasn't known what was happening in Gaza but small steps...
    Good luck with the council. They won't know what's hit them. ❤❤

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@Christina-or4hx good afternoon Christina. Solidarity Sister ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @Gillmeister2465
    @Gillmeister2465 День назад +4

    Good morning Dave, great news report today, well done Ireland, have a great day brother solidarity forever 😊

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад +1

      Evening Daz. Solidarity brother ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @johnwilliams6900
    @johnwilliams6900 День назад +4

    Morning Dave yes Simon Harris was spot on -good luck with the Council

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@johnwilliams6900 solidarity John ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @subliminalart.1637
    @subliminalart.1637 День назад +5

    Well done Ireland yet again, showing the world, real leadership. 😎👍🇨🇮

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад

      Well said Simon ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @Levenstone132
    @Levenstone132 День назад +11

    Morning Dave. Poor old seagull's getting dizzy.🇮🇪

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@Levenstone132 hahaha yes it was a bit blowy Levenstone ✊🇮🇪

  • @andyoneill1503
    @andyoneill1503 День назад +4

    Morning dave my mother was Irish and I am proud of the way they have stood with the Palestinians if any nation knows about the horrors of colonial genocide it is surely ireland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️🇮🇪❤️🇵🇸solidarity

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@andyoneill1503 and so you should be Andy 👍. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿✊🇵🇸✊

  • @OliverKitkat
    @OliverKitkat День назад +9

    Morning Dave and mr seagal on these dark cold mornings why don’t you do it from home in the warmth with a nice mug of tea hot buttery toast and a nice bit of fish for mr seagal 😢 the government don’t speak out on Gaza because they haven’t a spine between them surprised they can stand being so spineless have a nice day Dave and all your followers 🎄👍stay safe

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      Good morning Oliver, it didn’t have the same effect brother. I like to kept it authentic and to overcome the obstacles placed in my way 👍have a good day brother ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @OliverKitkat
      @OliverKitkat День назад +2

      You too Dave take care stay safe 👍🎄

  • @roddykeenan3764
    @roddykeenan3764 23 часа назад +3

    And our president gave an even better response to the occupiers yesterday during an event where he received the new Palestinian ambassador to Ireland. Good to see!!

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад +1

      Great stuff Roddy ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @kevinmcalister84
    @kevinmcalister84 День назад +5

    Morning Dave, as always well said brother ... We are a small nation but we Irish expect and demand our politicians to be doing more on this issue

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@kevinmcalister84 small but great nation Kevin lad ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @Carlos12330
    @Carlos12330 День назад +9

    Morning Dave, Israel’s lose is Irelands gain in the morality department and that clip shows how bad our politicians have become, have a great day everyone ✊✊✊✌️✌️✌️🕊️🕊️🕊️☮️☮️☮️

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@Carlos12330 good afternoon Carlos, yes brother Ireland is on the right side of history as usual brother. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 22 часа назад

      @@Carlos12330 Evening Carlos hope your day has gone well ☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️✊🏿✊✊🏾

    • @Carlos12330
      @Carlos12330 22 часа назад +1

      @ Evening Barry alls good except for wall to wall rain all day, hope everything is good with you ✊✊✊✌️✌️✌️🕊️🕊️🕊️☮️☮️☮️

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 22 часа назад +1

      @ Some rain here Carlos but thankfully not all of the day ✊✊🏿✊🏾☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @geovanniali6060
    @geovanniali6060 День назад +11

    Saoirse don Phalaistin ☘️🍉🕊️
    Morning brother ☮️

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@geovanniali6060 solidarity Geovanni ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @mauricerevelle8451
    @mauricerevelle8451 День назад +9

    Alright my ole son. Bit of a George Raft in that shed mate. Well Windy Miller here as well.
    Good to hear a politician giving a true opinion there. All the Irish I’ve ever known have always been solid ,great families too. Have a good one. 👍

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@mauricerevelle8451 good morning Maurice, nice one brother. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪

  • @wendysimpson6395
    @wendysimpson6395 День назад +6

    Morning Dave and poor Mr Seagull. Am not impressed with the DUP MPs funnily enough.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      Good morning Wendy, no one is 😉. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @jackliv23
    @jackliv23 День назад +4

    morning Dave...Palestine for the Palestinians

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @jackliv23 solidarity Jack ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @jamesmcelhoney2057
    @jamesmcelhoney2057 День назад +8

    Good morning Dave lad, canny folk the Irish 🤗

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      Morning James, fingers on the pulse brother ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @jamesmcelhoney2057
      @jamesmcelhoney2057 День назад +1

      ​@@DonkeyDave269 shame about your 'broadcast office' I smell council skullduggery and censorship

  • @Brendan-q2j
    @Brendan-q2j День назад +5

    Hi Dave thanks you so much for your comments on the Irish. My father arrived in England in 1933 from Galway. He came over to work on Chat Moss, with his brother. He had to change trains at Warrington. Outside Warrington Station a group of British Blackshirts were waiting, telling them to fuck off back to where they come from. !n 1939 he has been conscripted. He was at Normandy on D day. He saw action across Europe, the last at the Battle of the Bulge. Early 1946 he was finally demobbed. After the War he got himself qualified as a welder (a skill that he had learnt in the Army). During the 60' and 70's there was a deliberate campaign that constantly ridiculed the Irish, an attempt to make the English population believe that the Irish were inferior in some way.- to the shame of Britian. I remember it well as it had quite an effect on my father, and us his family. Many apologies for my rant. Thanks again Dave.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@Brendan-q2j no dogs, no blacks, no Irish 🤔. Lest we forget Brendan lad. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @GerryPowell-r6s
    @GerryPowell-r6s День назад +1

    Morning Dave,looks windy,have a great day✊✊✊✊✊✊

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      @@GerryPowell-r6s evening Gerry ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @CloudhoundCoUk
    @CloudhoundCoUk День назад +4

    The Irish have clearly stated they condemn tourist acts on both sides.
    The Irish have behaved honourably.
    If other countries did the same this horrific situation may not exist.

  • @paulkielty3800
    @paulkielty3800 День назад +6

    Good morning Dave .

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@paulkielty3800 good morning Paul ✊🇮🇪

  • @billykershaw2781
    @billykershaw2781 День назад +3

    Morning man...

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@billykershaw2781 good afternoon Billy. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @JasonChinniansoulmod1
    @JasonChinniansoulmod1 День назад +3

    Ireland understands, only too well, what it is like to be oppressed and has always supported the plight of the oppressed. Respect 👊🏾✊🏾

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@JasonChinniansoulmod1 well said Jason ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @__globalcitizen__
    @__globalcitizen__ День назад +2

    Good morning Dave, I keep saying that the days of bold, rational and ethical leadership are long gone... We just have people who either are so afraid of upsetting voters or those who have mal intent.... Wakey Wakey

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@__globalcitizen__ well said josea, solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @Red-Revolution708
    @Red-Revolution708 День назад +1

    Hello Dave yes your absolutely right about Ireland, and we need to follow Ireland’s lead in this country.✊🏻

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@Red-Revolution708 solidarity Red ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @holymoly6829
    @holymoly6829 День назад +3

    Hi Dave I’m surprised that one is left standing

  • @mariabrabiner7491
    @mariabrabiner7491 День назад +6

    Morning Dave 😀 Thanks for video. Well said The Irish 👏 Be careful in the wind. Thought Seagull's string would be snapped, the way it was getting blown about, wind looked that strong

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@mariabrabiner7491 good morning Maria, what string 🤔. Have a great day ✊

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      @@mariabrabiner7491 Have a great day Maria bit of a rainy one here today ☔️☔️✊🏾✊🏿✊☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @mariabrabiner7491
      @mariabrabiner7491 День назад +1

      @barrywest2170 And here too Barry. Stay safe and warm x

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      @ Thanks Maria 👍🏿👍👍🏾

  • @vongreen6650
    @vongreen6650 День назад +4

    Have a good Christmas Dave ❤

  • @MIckDTN
    @MIckDTN День назад +4

    Well said Dave looking forward to your next video have a great day everyone

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@MIckDTN good morning Mick, have a great day

  • @karlkerr7348
    @karlkerr7348 День назад +5

    The irish know all about oppression 😢

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@karlkerr7348 they certainly do Karl ✊

  • @karlkerr7348
    @karlkerr7348 День назад +3

    The black and tans went out to Palestine in 1922 to supress the Palestinians. #BalfoursShadow by David Cronin

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      Solids Karl ✊

    • @ajc5479
      @ajc5479 День назад +1

      Funny enough, in 1922 they were all Palestinian, no matter what religion they were lol

  • @johnwillis7676
    @johnwillis7676 День назад +6

    Brilliant dave not to have a day we no mention of REFORM, bang on the money about gaza and all the innocent children women, and men getting killed 😢😢 my heart goes out to them❤ GOD SAVE THE KING GLAD I VOTED GREEN SOLIDARITY WE CARE WORKERS AND FARMERS ❤❤😊

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@johnwillis7676 good morning John, solidarity ✊🇮🇪

  • @keithlambe211
    @keithlambe211 День назад +3

    Hi Dave,the british colonial administration and military in ireland withdrew in 1948 to transfer to Israel,to admit Jewish settlers.

    • @ajc5479
      @ajc5479 День назад

      Na, the Brits left in 1922.
      And the British mandate in Palestine was there from WW1.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      Second reply Keith. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @perrylindsay6682
    @perrylindsay6682 День назад +1

    evening Dave ,well said that man ,ive heard him a couple of times and i like what i hear✊

  • @deborahcorey7562
    @deborahcorey7562 День назад +4

    Good morning Dave ❤ ha ha can't wait for it Dave! Love the Irish but then my ancestors hail from the Emerald Isle so I would wouldn't I 👍😆The truth hurts sometimes! Good luck Dave but I know you'll not need it 😉❤️🙏 xxxxx

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +3

      @@deborahcorey7562 Morning Deborah You’ve got some good blood flowing through your veins sister. Have a great day my friend Love and peace xx☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @deborahcorey7562
      @deborahcorey7562 День назад +2

      @barrywest2170 that's lovely thank you Barry 👍. Have a great day 💝

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +2

      @@deborahcorey7562 👍🏿👍👍🏾☘️☘️☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      Good evening Deborah, solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @Freddie66666
    @Freddie66666 День назад +7

    Good morning 🌄 Dave and Mr Seagull 🕊️ thanks for the video.Simon Harris is a humanitarian leader who refuses to bow down to the dictator Netanyahu .You are bang on the money 💰 about Labour,Tories and all other parties that refuse to condemn Israel.Enjoy your Wednesday stay safe and warm.Solidarity and Respect to all fellow brothers and sisters ✊✊⛄⛄🎄🎄🦃🦃.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@Freddie66666 good morning Freddie lad, Simon Harris shows the British politicians apart from a tiny minority exactly what they are. Complicit in genocide ✊🇮🇪 solidarity Freddie ✊

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад +1

      @DonkeyDave269 .Thanks 🙏 Dave.Solifarity Brother ✊✊.

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      Good morning Freddie and spot on with your comment Hope all of you enjoy a great day brother ✊✊🏿✊🏾☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

    • @Freddie66666
      @Freddie66666 День назад +1

      ​@@barrywest2170.Good morning 🌅 Barry , Wendy and entire family circle my warmest regards for the day ahead hoping all are safe and well on your side . Solidarity and Respect daily Brother ✊✊

    • @barrywest2170
      @barrywest2170 День назад +1

      @ Everything good thanks Freddie I’m taking one of our friends out for coffee later today he’s not to well at the moment and he’s not been able to get out very much so hopefully a change of scenery will cheer him up Hope yourself and family are all doing well brother ✊🏿✊✊🏾☮️☮️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️

  • @paulbird3235
    @paulbird3235 День назад +6

    Morning Dave, seems 'sea-gull' is a bit frisky. Is spring just around the corner?. As for our take on Gaza, five months in of this labour government and nothing!. Doesn't Starmer have an opinion or a voice on this subject!. 🤔🤫🤭😒.. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and don't even mention WASPI women they have also turned their backs on them!.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@paulbird3235 good morning Paul, it’s not just the Labour government who haven’t condemned it. Sunak never did, Badenoch hadn’t. And like I said no other party leader has condemned it. Condemn it and your out, that’s democracy for you 😉

  • @deekireland3682
    @deekireland3682 День назад +8


    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@deekireland3682 thanks Dave lad. Have a great day ✊🇮🇪

    • @deekireland3682
      @deekireland3682 День назад +1

      Thanks for the shout out this morning, I looked up the Councillors for the area. I suspect dodgy Dave’s Wakey Wakey shout probably woke the Councillor up early a few times as he lives nearby. Pass on our good wishes to them on Saturday morning 😂😂

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      @ nice one Dave lad. ✊

  • @MartinOrchard
    @MartinOrchard День назад +9

    It’s probably a Wasteminster plot to have you shut down.
    Never mind the owls 🦉- just so long as they get you, or make early morning broadcasts difficult, they don’t care.

    • @MartinOrchard
      @MartinOrchard День назад +2

      Has any explanation been given to try to justify the owl roost demolition? Or was it done as a way of getting at you?

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@MartinOrchard your not a million miles away brother ✊🇮🇪

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@MartinOrchard all will be revealed on Saturday morning Martin ✊🇮🇪

    • @MartinOrchard
      @MartinOrchard День назад +4

      @@DonkeyDave269 Dealing with council bureaucracy is like swimming in treacle while wearing boxing gloves. I know from personal experience…..

    • @MartinOrchard
      @MartinOrchard День назад +2

      @@DonkeyDave269 That’s a tease Dave. Can’t wait, the suspense is unbearable! 👍 🍻

  • @leekosmin8788
    @leekosmin8788 День назад +3

    Morning Dave. Keep telling us the truth from your new pad.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@leekosmin8788 good morning Lee, I’m on it brother ✊

  • @markbowers4241
    @markbowers4241 День назад +5

    A week until my birthday. Spare a thought for us. Christmas Day babies!!
    Have a fab day everybody.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@markbowers4241 nice one Mark, how unlucky is that brother. They you are that’s for Christmas and your birthday 😉. Have a great day ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @markbowers4241
      @markbowers4241 День назад +2

      @DonkeyDave269 cheers pal.

  • @Jake-jr2zh
    @Jake-jr2zh 4 часа назад +1

    Well said , from this Irish guy. 👏👏👏

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  4 часа назад

      @@Jake-jr2zh solidarity Jake ✊☘️✊

  • @richhowitt5080
    @richhowitt5080 День назад +5

    CONGRATULATIONS to donkey Dave who showed me his annual RUclips stats not bad for a lad from Thrybergh!

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      Good morning Rich, from little acorns brother ✊

    • @richhowitt5080
      @richhowitt5080 День назад +2

      @ I bet with approaching a million annual views RUclips would luv u to spoil it with adverts!

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @ of course they would brother 👍

  • @Victor-d8w5r
    @Victor-d8w5r День назад +2

    They have not condemned them because moss. So sad run the U.K 😮

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      @@Victor-d8w5r solidarity Victor ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @cheesepuff455
    @cheesepuff455 День назад +1

    Cheers Dave😁💚🤘

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      @cheesepuff455 solidarity Ben ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @IftyAhmed-c9c
    @IftyAhmed-c9c День назад +1

    Spot on Dave Nobody owns the Ireland 🇮🇪 empire so they speak and stand up for the oppressed people’s of Palestine 🇵🇸 where we the British citizens can’t even hold up a flag in support of the Palestinians in Palestine 🇵🇸

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад +1

      Solidarity ifty ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @christinavuyk2026
    @christinavuyk2026 День назад +3

    Good morning m’dear 😄

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@christinavuyk2026 good morning Christina ✊🇮🇪

  • @gan_dia
    @gan_dia День назад +1

    Thank you Dave. Legend. Saoirse don Phalaistín 🇮🇪🇵🇸

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      Solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @simonrangeley
    @simonrangeley День назад +1

    Morning Dave. The whole world can see the crimes which are being committed by Israel under Batshit Benji. This should be condemned by everyone.
    As should Rotherham council be codemned for crimes against bird hides. Love and solidarity to everyone here.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@simonrangeley afternoon Simon, correct brother. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @rambidee4184
    @rambidee4184 21 час назад +1

    This man is a Legend !

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  13 часов назад

      @@rambidee4184 solidarity Rambi ✊

  • @karlchapman7754
    @karlchapman7754 День назад +4

    Goodmorning dave, Jerry Adams

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@karlchapman7754 good morning Karl ✊🇮🇪

  • @kimblecheat
    @kimblecheat День назад +1

    Have a great day Dave

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@kimblecheat solidarity Kimble ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @tonysammut3799
    @tonysammut3799 День назад +2

    Dave, my guess is that they've not properly criticised Israel because we (unfortunately) sell them arms, not because they've been personally paid off. Ireland doesn't have business to lose by being forthright with the Israelis, so less internal opposition to speaking out.

    • @edward-xt9jb
      @edward-xt9jb День назад

      That makes sense. The Israelis were wronged in October but what they did was not defence. The punishment didn't fit the crime. They are killing kids. ALSO folks let's not compare what happened in 1969 onwards to what is still going on in Palestine.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад

      Your could be right Tony ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @alanadair4893
    @alanadair4893 День назад +2

    It’s a war crime being carried out by the IDF ,bombing and shooting children is shameful ,it’s beyond defence😢

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  22 часа назад

      Well said Alan ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @johnbroadley5191
    @johnbroadley5191 День назад +2

    It's not hard to buy an angerlandshire person unfortunately.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад +1

      @@johnbroadley5191 correct John ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

    • @johnbroadley5191
      @johnbroadley5191 12 часов назад

      @DonkeyDave269 keep up the good work DD. HH ma man.

  • @wuntbedruv3477
    @wuntbedruv3477 День назад +2

    Morning Dave, Good for Ireland. Israel needs more scrutiny, for many years settlers have been illegally encroaching on Palestinian land on the West Bank, why is that never reported, do the Palestinians have no human rights.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      Morning bruv, we all need to be like the Irish ✊🇮🇪✊

  • @richhowitt5080
    @richhowitt5080 День назад +4

    Morning again Dave, these Thrybergh resevoir big wigs who earn the mega bucks & sleep with most glamorous women, the res is my fav place in my small world & im grateful 4 it but can u stop locking the disabled toilet since I had my gas capped my family & I rely on it 4 a hot morning shower!

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      Good morning Richard, that will be locked to keep me out brother. But it just adds coal to my fire 🔥

    • @richhowitt5080
      @richhowitt5080 День назад

      @ them big wigs had no right to sniff that 3.9million (easily done)

  • @loxism72
    @loxism72 День назад +1

    Anyone know who Solomon De Medina is? They don't teach you this in School. Solomon De Medina 🍀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🍀

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +1

      @@loxism72 well said Jock lad ✊🇮🇪✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿✊

    • @loxism72
      @loxism72 День назад

      @DonkeyDave269 bet no one knows that we had a Jewish prime minister, 150 years before an actual baptised catholic took power. That was Boris Johnson. Blair converted after. We actually have had two, because David Cameron is a descendent of moses. Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister nearly 150 years before a catholic. And he is also one of the signatures on the corn repel laws which facilitiated the great hunger, starving 1.5 million people to death. Don't teach you this in history ✌️

  • @eileencorcoran3057
    @eileencorcoran3057 День назад +1

    Hi guys xxx

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      @@eileencorcoran3057 evening Eileen ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @brianmacc1934
    @brianmacc1934 День назад +1

    Watch out ireland , prelude to something this is

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +3

      @@brianmacc1934 do you think so Brian 🤔. Ireland standing up against genocide ✊. Solidarity ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

    • @brianmacc1934
      @brianmacc1934 День назад

      @DonkeyDave269 when one of the big three puts the black mark on y' ...... Erin go bragh

    • @brianmacc1934
      @brianmacc1934 8 часов назад

      @DonkeyDave269 if you disagree with one of the big three
      Britian.... the ordained
      USA ... the destained
      Israel ... chosen , something bad will happen .
      Erin go bragh

  • @roymillsjnr5172
    @roymillsjnr5172 День назад +8

    Yeah the Irish have always had a spine not like starmer the embalmer , hes now taking money away from waspy women , he doesnt like smelly old women , just auseoles 😂 🙌

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      @@roymillsjnr5172 good morning Roy, the Tories took it away from the WASPI women brother 👍

    • @Paul-eb4jp
      @Paul-eb4jp День назад +2

      He's took nothing away from them.

    • @edward-xt9jb
      @edward-xt9jb День назад

      @@DonkeyDave269 yes and winter fuel payment. Next budget will be the single persons discount and bus passes. Why? Because they want pensioners to die off.

  • @saskiamoni1417
    @saskiamoni1417 День назад +2

    Oh my god I'm so bored about calling every little criticism of Israel or netanyahu antisemitic we can criticise any other countries and their leaders and is fine we should not back down is to silence the world kemi badenoch lapdog said we should have Israel flag in the border of uk and every government office

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  23 часа назад

      Well said Saskia ✊🇮🇪🇵🇸✊

  • @atackio1316
    @atackio1316 День назад +1

    Vote reform

    • @ricardoortez9812
      @ricardoortez9812 День назад

      ....only if you want a Liz Truss economy and the destruction of the NHS.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +4

      @@atackio1316 for what, for private health care 🤔

    • @edward-xt9jb
      @edward-xt9jb День назад

      This is the way things are going. Many Labour voters, miners among them, voted Tory in the last couple of elections. Not me. I voted with my feet. Never went near a polling station this time. And im pleased I didn't.

  • @legionofswine
    @legionofswine День назад +3


    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад

      @@legionofswine acccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeed 😊

  •  День назад +1

    Tea-shock not sock.

    • @DonkeyDave269
      @DonkeyDave269  День назад +2

      Yes Sean, I used Liz Truss,s pronunciation for added comedy effect ✊🇮🇪✊

    • @ajc5479
      @ajc5479 День назад +1

      @@DonkeyDave269 No matter, it is still better than PM lol