so did everyone shocked because kimpoong put peanut on his sauce and nobody expect that? in my country we usually use peanut as the sauce for fried tho, and it's so good
lala by But in korea, peanut sause is a little bit unfamiliar. So they are surprised. They say that eastern asia and japan used to use peanut sause but sometimes they feel it is not satisfied. they think kim poong supplement something and make a perfect peanut sause
his character in the show is that he's an amateur since he's the only one who's not a real chef so expectations are usually low even though he can cook at an above average level (I think) more of the fact that he can measure up to the pros rather than using the peanut butter for his sauce.
요즘 풍고리즘 타서 영상 엄청보는중 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
돌고돌아 김풍...
이번이 3번째.... 1시간연속...
야 나두
ㄹㅇ 김풍이랑 최현석은 찐 앙숙이다ㅋㅋ 그래서 그런지 김풍은 상대가 최현석일 때 한정 카운터버프가 붙는듯ㅋㅋㅋ
근데 저거 짐 ㅠ
샘킴에게는 카운터기 아니지.그냥 김풍이 샘킴슬레이어지
아니 몇시간째 끝없이 보고있다 끝은어딜까
진짜 최현석과 김풍은 톰과 제리같아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
설현 너무이쁘다 와
저거 쌈은 안어울릴거같은데 튀김은 진짜 맛있어보인다
상추튀김 좋아하시는분이면 이해할 수 있을것 같아여!
생각 외로 튀김이랑 쌈 잘 어울립니다. 그래서 튀김 싸먹는 요리가 이미 있기도 하고요
5년지났는데 풍고리즘 아직 타는중이요 ㅋㅋ
이때는 몰랐지 방관자 였을줄은...
so did everyone shocked because kimpoong put peanut on his sauce and nobody expect that? in my country we usually use peanut as the sauce for fried tho, and it's so good
lala by But in korea, peanut sause is a little bit unfamiliar. So they are surprised. They say that eastern asia and japan used to use peanut sause but sometimes they feel it is not satisfied. they think kim poong supplement something and make a perfect peanut sause
his character in the show is that he's an amateur since he's the only one who's not a real chef
so expectations are usually low even though he can cook at an above average level (I think)
more of the fact that he can measure up to the pros rather than using the peanut butter for his sauce.
누가 이겻나요??
최현석 셰프님이 이겼습니다.
선택이유: 냉볶이의 떡이 맛있었다
@@Half_Darling 감사합니다
My bae Seolhyun ♡♡
설 혀언..... ㅋ
동네 바보 형이라니 ㅋㅋ 너무 건방지고