Nikon S2 Overview

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @mlzplayer9243
    @mlzplayer9243 6 месяцев назад +3

    I picked up a cla'd s2 the other day and be happier. Its really beautifully built, on par with the F and is very practical. I think that while parallax correction is useful, I crop a lot of my photos, and in general, i dont think that the absence of parallax correction proves to be an issue in the field.

    • @andrewsmithphoto
      @andrewsmithphoto  6 месяцев назад +2

      With a 50mm parallax isn't bad, especially at a distance, but closeup work which I often do causes more issues. Now with any longer lens it can be a notable issue, but with the S2 an external finder has to be used anyway. I like wide-angle finders but telephoto ones are a lot less appealing.

    • @mlzplayer9243
      @mlzplayer9243 6 месяцев назад +1

      @andrewsmithphoto I feel that. I would personally opt for the sp, 3 or even 4 to use anything outside of a 50. As someone who does a lot of street and journalism adjacent photography, I don't really change lenses that much. The s2 for me is a dedicated 50 system, which I'd argue is also the case for the m3/2 with their respective viewfinder.

  • @bhop.builds
    @bhop.builds Год назад +2

    Wow. Your video's a few months old now, but was recommended since I've been watching some other Nikon S videos. My S2 has the exact same issue with the slow shutter speeds. I tried your method of kinda lifting it and moving it past the 30 mark slightly and it actually works now. So weird. I hope to get it fixed one day, but it's good to know i can actually use it

    • @andrewsmithphoto
      @andrewsmithphoto  Год назад +1

      This works but the knob slips every shutter action so if you use this method you need to reset after evert use. I don't use the slow speeds much so it isn't a big deal to me.

    • @bhop.builds
      @bhop.builds Год назад

      @@andrewsmithphoto Hmm.. Mine stays in place after each shot unless I accidentally knock it over, so I guess it's not the exact same issue. It was just unexpected to see another with the same problem and with a temporary solution.
      I also don't really use slow speeds that often besides 1/30, so it makes that one useful at least. I'll probably give it a go since I haven't used this camera in a few years, just for fun anyway, but probably just one roll. Cool video nevertheless.

  • @Spuzzmacher
    @Spuzzmacher 11 месяцев назад

    I like the viewfinder in the Nikonos V, bc is just huuuuge, it’s so nice it almost makes up for not having a rangefinder in it lol

  • @phil5347
    @phil5347 10 месяцев назад

    Hi Andrew. Is the S2 shutter sound noticeably louder than the S4/S3? Or is it just a different kind of sound? Cheers.

    • @andrewsmithphoto
      @andrewsmithphoto  10 месяцев назад

      I would say it is a little louder on the S2.

  • @lipmannwong7881
    @lipmannwong7881 Год назад +2

    Do you think it’s still worth it to get an S2 after already having the SP?

    • @andrewsmithphoto
      @andrewsmithphoto  Год назад +3

      Probably not. The S2 is a good camera, but doesn't have a lot of the SPs features. Even if you primarily shoot 50mm the SPs parallax correcting finder is going to be more useful. I personally prefer the unified dial with all speeds easily accessible.

    • @lipmannwong7881
      @lipmannwong7881 Год назад +1

      @@andrewsmithphoto thanks so much for your input!

    • @lipmannwong7881
      @lipmannwong7881 Год назад +2

      I did eventually buy a black dial S2 and I actually liked it better than the SP! The S2 had better ergonomics, the advance lever is smoother, rangefinder patch brighter. Overall, the S2 is just a more robust but elegant camera than the SP. I can now see why people claimed S2 as the best user Nikon rangefinder.