Clementine was right about calling him a Coward for abandoning Minnie and Sophie to save his own skin and convincing himself it was for the group but the truth is he’s just scared. However scared or not you don’t abandon your own people no matter what. Lily or abel must’ve scared him so much that he never rebelled against them.
Scared or not you dont give two of your friends away to be soldiers against their will to save your own ass and then lie about it and kill Brody when she finally tries to tell the truth, then leave Clem to DIE by undead Brody that he killed to once again save HIS ass from being exposed, and to add more salt to the wound he was planning to give Clem and AJ away next, the guy had no remorse until he was finally confronted and called out, otherwise if Clem never found out and Brody never wanted to talk he would have kept giving away his friends with no regard for what happened to them afterwards. Theres a huge difference between giving away your friends to ppl who wanna force them into war to save your own ass, and being honest like Clem and actually fight to save his danm friends, his so called 'safe zone' was more about protecting himself than his school, the way Lily talked about him to Clem sounded like they kept in contact and were making deals, basically who he'll be delivering next so like I said, zero remorse as long as he was getting away with it. I will say Louis had a good point that they all put way too much responsibility on Marlon, leaving their safety and protection up to him and not really shouldering the burden with him so ok fair point there I get that was alot for one person to manage, especially a teen whos still emotionally and mentally maturing so I do give him some slack, but the fact remains is he still knows right from wrong, he knew he was lying to his friends to cover his own ass, he knew he was selfishly giving his friends away to fight in a war and potentially getting killed, and he knew it was wrong to kill Brody and leave Clem to die, then lie and say SHE killed Brody when she survived. So yeah, Marlon had alot put on his plate at a young age and the others didnt help as much as they should've, but thats no excuse for the scumbag shit he did and never even trying to go save them, but instead still making backdoor deals with Lily for who else they were gonna give away next, he is indefensible.
@@RavenAveira They already said much of what you were clarifying. He also didn’t kill Brody on purpose. He has anger issues + probably stressed because of what he was carrying and then he snapped, and was clearly freaked out when he realized what he did. Him locking Clem in there with her was obviously wrong though.
Counterpoint: he's a troubled teen who is forced to be a leader and trying to protect the group over the few. I don't like him as much as the next guy, but realistic
Ur right but tbf it's "a school for troubled kids" if he wasn't all that well mentally to begin with imagine having to take a father role for +30 kids while you're still a kid and teen, plus an apocalypse, plus the thought of having a group of grown ass people who wouldn't mind killing all of your group if you don't exchange some of them at the back of your mind
nothing wrong??? yes he thought he was doing the best for the group but he gave up the twins and lied about it, killed brodie to silence her, planned on selling clem and aj next, threatened to kill clem for exposing the truth, then tried to blame clem for everything he did. he definitely did a lot wrong but he was a kid put in an adult situation. he made choices he shouldn’t have had to make. is marlon a bad person? not completely but he’s definitely wrong
You and clearly a bunch of other people need to go back and watch the scene where Brody died. He didn’t kill her on purpose. He lashed out out of anger and accidentally hit her. The framing of the incident was clearly an accident, and his reaction to it further proved that. Y’all are acting like he held her down and bashed her head in or something. Locking Clem in there with her was on purpose, but Brody’s death wasn’t.
@pathetic2399 so lashing out and killing someone out of fear and anger isn’t wrong to you??? and him hitting her wasn’t an accident. killing her was an accident but he was definitely trying to make her stop exposing him hence why he screams shut up and he swings a very heavy flashlight at her head🙂
The thing with Marlon in a way he was like Ben in a way with taking the easy way and safe choice he felt best since they're both teenagers and barely close to legal adults practically and both weren't exposed to the real life experiences us adults have to go through and the mistakes early adults make and experience through to grow through it and be better and learn from it Since Marlon and his friends were abandoned by the school by the teachers they thought would protect them It instilled a level of trust issues and ability to play smart and take the safe route So I can understand why he did what he did to keep the school safe but there were better ways to do so than sell off kids to the delta with Lilly and Abel's sector What he did was cowardly and also he lied to his friends and especially to Tenn And he murdered brody But at the same time didn't deserve to die tho in my opinion in that regard AJ crossed the line He probably should've been locked away and stripped from power
Exactly! People forget how young Ben and Marlon are. Marlon and the group also don't have enough experience outside to know if these people can be trusted.
Honestly he did deserve to die, Sophie is dead because of him, if they were never given to Lily then Minerva never would've been brainwashed to the point of killing her own sister, and depending on your decision, trying and successfully getting her own brother killed.
It's impossible to say that Marlon is completely innocent since he lied to the group, abandoned his friends and killed Brody. However, like Ben, he doesn't have enough experience to know what to do as a leader. There is a reason why he acts so aggressively since he was enrolled in that school, but that doesn't mean he is irredeemable and deserves death. He definitely regrets his action and just doesn't know what to do. The comparison of Marlon and Lily was really interesting. Makes me wonder what a Lily and David team up would look like.
Marlon, to me, seems more like the type to sabotage the group to keep himself safe he gave away the twins and claimed it was for the group. He'd keep doing that until he ran out of people
Marlon was kinda forced to be in that situation and he had all that pressure on him thus deciding to do what he did for the betterment of the group in his eyes giving away the twins is better than losing everyone in the process, and he would give away clem and AJ since they are new to the group and are a good leverage especially when they went out the safe zone, now he still did bad stuff giving away the twins and killing Brody whilst also trying to kill Clem but that was all the pressure he had bursting out you gotta remember he was shouldering the weight of the entire group on his shoulders and he's only a teenager like Ben, he's too afraid to start a war and fight he doesn't want to die or lose anyone which does happen at the end when Mitch dies, either way he should have been given a chance to redeem himself shame he went out the way that he did rather than go ballistic
Marlon is a bad dude for various reasons but people have such a black and white view of his character that they basically rewrite scenes in their heads to make him out to be more villanous than he was when he was just a coward more than anything. We even got people saying he murdered Brody on purpose when the framing of the scene clearly showed it was accidental and him lashing out because he couldn’t control his anger. Not to mention he did suggest a solution to try to save her but Clem knew it wouldn’t help considering how severe the injury was. Marlon is just another ben, a scared kid that made poor decisions, but he was probably the most realistic version of Ben considering we saw how dangerous and scary Lily’s group proved to be compared to the more cartoonish villains of the previous seasons. Lily, to me, felt more realistic, sadistic, and intimidating, as did Abel. Abel in particular still gives me the creeps when I play or watch the game, especially after he gets his arm cut off. I can’t say if I was in Marlon’s position that I wouldn’t make a rash decision considering what the group would be up against if I didn’t. He made a dumb and cowardly decision but he did buy them some time.
the issue was that unlike clem the other kids did not a parental figure/adult guide them through the apocolypse let alone adulthood. plus the fact that clem became a mother to aj for some time before finding the school made clem a lot smarter and more mature/wiser than the others as shown with tenn falling for lily talking about his sisters coaxing him out of cover during the raid. so marlon was never taught/learned how to lead let alone to lead in the zombie apocalypse and just hoped for the best and played his "best" hand despite how bad his hand was. it's not a surprise he cracked and gave up the twins and later crashed out with the gun when he was exposed. clem had already had to deal with raiders betrayal murderers infighting death ect and marlon and the others likely hadn't had to deal with it until however long before clem and aj arrived. marlon didn't have a lee javi kenny or anyone older to serve as a guiding force like clem is to aj or as lee was to her. so in the end he played what he had with his one good ace being inviting the experienced guiding force that was clem to the school. which despite later bad plays actually saved the school and the other kids minus brody and himself. who knows maybe no one would have died if marlon played the ace early instead of sacrificing it.
Now One thing I will say is Marlon was not in the right even though he was scared and thinking irrational in the heat of the moment should have been held accountable for Murdering Brody and Trying to Convince The Group that Clementine did it and that she was a spy even though It was him that saved both her and Aj from their possible deaths, if he really though she was a spy sent in by the delta than he wouldn't have saved her he just wanted a way out and a body to pin it on and that's the only think I stand with when debating that whole situation. But other than that Marlon was in a no win situation with keeping the Ericson's safe just seeing how cruel and sadistic the Delta is there was no way they were going to keep their word on only taking two of their people and just stopping at that and they knew it they were just trying to fuck with Marlon and then come back to take the rest but at least they they took a while before they came back wanting more which Marlon couldn't afford, plus it didn't seem like Minerva was too broken up about the trade seeing how she was probably in on the knowledge of the deal with Marlon and Sophie was the one who didn't want to go along with it seeing how the twins might have had different ideals when the situation came up. One More thing is no matter how much Marlon tried to keep things together it was bound to fall apart whether Clementine and aj came to the school or not, I really do not see Marlon as a coward who didn't want to risk the rest of his group to a bunch of high class skillful killers who would always never take no for an answer and plus it's not like The Delta wasn't twisting Marlon's arm so hard behind his back to the point where they would ask for more of his group plus they had no experience when it came to hardcore survival and fighting something that Marlon could have at least taught when they got big enough I mean hell look at how the new world effected children like Aj who only knew the hardships and dark side of the outside of a comfortable wall to hide behind, not to say the group was pampered its just that it was never required of them to induldge in such acts of survival. Overall Marlon was never a Villian or the problem in the first place that made the events in the season to transpire it was Lilly and her crew who pressed down on his neck to make a choice he knew would lead down a path of his group being put in danger, to me he was just a leader who finally had the weight of the world in his eyes finally start to break him down into that scared angry little boy he once was.
I’m not gonna say I don’t think he’s wrong, but I do think it’s unfair how he’s villainized for something that happened when he was a kid going up against adults.
He was a kid being a grown up that's it. I can't be mad at him and the situation he was in BUT if you can't do than don't be afraid to ask for help or get out of the way.
Bro I never realized how much lily and Marlon have a lot in common until u said they were similar. Anyway I think he never did anything wrong on purpose, but tried anything and everything to protect his group.
Marlon had no choice but to give up Sophie and Minerva. Those who are NOT defending his actions, although he lied about it, did he really have any other choice? It was probably that or get EVERYONE taken or possibly even killed. It was a difficult choice to make, and while I doubt anyone else in the group would have made the choice, he made the HARD choice that was most likely for the better of the group. I don't agree that he didn't do anything wrong though. Giving up Sophie and Minerva was indeed wrong, but it was the only plausible choice to make. What he should have done was consult the rest of the group, and not lie about what happened to them. I really wish we got some sort of redemption from him. It was one of the only deaths in the entire 4 seasons that frustrated me.
This is an atrocious take. No, Marlon did plenty of wrong. He had good intentions. Just like most nutjobs in the comic & TV universes. His actions however paint him as an objectively bad person.
they could never make hate Marlon on the behalf of minerva's whohe existence. Everything else is..cant expect much off of a kid from surprise school for troubled kids
Marlon had the coolest design and seemed like a great character, just wished he would of survived longer and wished we could one banish him or forgive him in a way and see him in later episodes, Marlon will go down with characters like Doug/carley, Pete, Mariana, Brody as characters we lost too soon and looked to be a interesting character, dame you telltale
I mean, i can't really blame him entirely. Sure, he got people hurt, intentionally or not, but at the end of the day, he's still a kid. He tried his best, given the circumstances. Ben's Also in the same boat because he's also still just a kid. I'm sure he meant well when he dealt with the bandits (after he found out they didn't have his friends) and instead just buying them off. Personally, i think the bandits would of attacked eventually, ben just sped it up by drawing attention. Nick is in his mid to late 20s, he's just an idiot. I get his little sob story about his mom and also losing his uncle, but he's a grown adult with a temper acting like a kid, kind of like Kenny (sorry boat king)
These comments are actually insufferable, showing Marlon no sympathy at all. Just goes to show how people are unable to put themselves in a characters shoes when the story intentionally tries to make you dislike that specific character. He gave up the twins but what other choice did he have? Calling him selfish or a coward is crazy and likely hypocritical because i know for a fact that if most of you were in the same situation, you'd do the same. He was a young teen, what did you expect him to do? Actually fight armed grown ups who likely have fighting experience? I know that you'd like to think that you'd act differently and you'd actually be the hero that fights back but that's very unlikely. Killing that girl with the flashlight was wrong but not intentional and him leaving Clementine there was bad but the situation had already gotten out of control. He was a genuine dude and actually nice but the story treats him like an irredeemable scumbag instead of a young boy who made a mistake. I could be wrong on some things because it's been a while since i played it but i don't remember Marlon being the evil selfish guy that the comments are painting him as. I know most of it has to be the audiences bias towards Clem, but still.
@@SerbianSpark19 that...wouldnt work... if your at the point of tearing up God's word to get high then you have already shown you dont care about what He says to begin with.
Clementine was right about calling him a Coward for abandoning Minnie and Sophie to save his own skin and convincing himself it was for the group but the truth is he’s just scared. However scared or not you don’t abandon your own people no matter what.
Lily or abel must’ve scared him so much that he never rebelled against them.
Scared or not you dont give two of your friends away to be soldiers against their will to save your own ass and then lie about it and kill Brody when she finally tries to tell the truth, then leave Clem to DIE by undead Brody that he killed to once again save HIS ass from being exposed, and to add more salt to the wound he was planning to give Clem and AJ away next, the guy had no remorse until he was finally confronted and called out, otherwise if Clem never found out and Brody never wanted to talk he would have kept giving away his friends with no regard for what happened to them afterwards.
Theres a huge difference between giving away your friends to ppl who wanna force them into war to save your own ass, and being honest like Clem and actually fight to save his danm friends, his so called 'safe zone' was more about protecting himself than his school, the way Lily talked about him to Clem sounded like they kept in contact and were making deals, basically who he'll be delivering next so like I said, zero remorse as long as he was getting away with it.
I will say Louis had a good point that they all put way too much responsibility on Marlon, leaving their safety and protection up to him and not really shouldering the burden with him so ok fair point there I get that was alot for one person to manage, especially a teen whos still emotionally and mentally maturing so I do give him some slack, but the fact remains is he still knows right from wrong, he knew he was lying to his friends to cover his own ass, he knew he was selfishly giving his friends away to fight in a war and potentially getting killed, and he knew it was wrong to kill Brody and leave Clem to die, then lie and say SHE killed Brody when she survived.
So yeah, Marlon had alot put on his plate at a young age and the others didnt help as much as they should've, but thats no excuse for the scumbag shit he did and never even trying to go save them, but instead still making backdoor deals with Lily for who else they were gonna give away next, he is indefensible.
@@RavenAveira They already said much of what you were clarifying. He also didn’t kill Brody on purpose. He has anger issues + probably stressed because of what he was carrying and then he snapped, and was clearly freaked out when he realized what he did. Him locking Clem in there with her was obviously wrong though.
I don’t understand why people are defending Marlon? He gave Sophie and Minerva away and he killed Brody and blamed Clementine.
Counterpoint: he's a troubled teen who is forced to be a leader and trying to protect the group over the few. I don't like him as much as the next guy, but realistic
@@notaskdtr9144 That doesn’t justify what he did
@@Lilothestitch24 Ofc not. However you can understand why he did it.
@@notaskdtr9144realistic or not, hes in the wrong completely
but overtime the delta would just take everyone from ericson so his deal would have failed anyways
wrong! he actually beat in the skull of one his friends and tried to frame clementine for it. hope this helps
Ur right but tbf it's "a school for troubled kids" if he wasn't all that well mentally to begin with imagine having to take a father role for +30 kids while you're still a kid and teen, plus an apocalypse, plus the thought of having a group of grown ass people who wouldn't mind killing all of your group if you don't exchange some of them at the back of your mind
ngl the video title could be better than "marlon didnt do anything wrong" its just because his character's realistic
Stay mad, womp womp hope that helps
nothing wrong??? yes he thought he was doing the best for the group but he gave up the twins and lied about it, killed brodie to silence her, planned on selling clem and aj next, threatened to kill clem for exposing the truth, then tried to blame clem for everything he did. he definitely did a lot wrong but he was a kid put in an adult situation. he made choices he shouldn’t have had to make. is marlon a bad person? not completely but he’s definitely wrong
I..I think you missed the point. 🤡
You and clearly a bunch of other people need to go back and watch the scene where Brody died. He didn’t kill her on purpose. He lashed out out of anger and accidentally hit her. The framing of the incident was clearly an accident, and his reaction to it further proved that. Y’all are acting like he held her down and bashed her head in or something. Locking Clem in there with her was on purpose, but Brody’s death wasn’t.
@pathetic2399 so lashing out and killing someone out of fear and anger isn’t wrong to you??? and him hitting her wasn’t an accident. killing her was an accident but he was definitely trying to make her stop exposing him hence why he screams shut up and he swings a very heavy flashlight at her head🙂
The thing with Marlon in a way he was like Ben in a way with taking the easy way and safe choice he felt best since they're both teenagers and barely close to legal adults practically and both weren't exposed to the real life experiences us adults have to go through and the mistakes early adults make and experience through to grow through it and be better and learn from it
Since Marlon and his friends were abandoned by the school by the teachers they thought would protect them
It instilled a level of trust issues and ability to play smart and take the safe route
So I can understand why he did what he did to keep the school safe but there were better ways to do so than sell off kids to the delta with Lilly and Abel's sector
What he did was cowardly and also he lied to his friends and especially to Tenn
And he murdered brody
But at the same time didn't deserve to die tho in my opinion in that regard AJ crossed the line
He probably should've been locked away and stripped from power
Exactly! People forget how young Ben and Marlon are. Marlon and the group also don't have enough experience outside to know if these people can be trusted.
Honestly he did deserve to die, Sophie is dead because of him, if they were never given to Lily then Minerva never would've been brainwashed to the point of killing her own sister, and depending on your decision, trying and successfully getting her own brother killed.
It's impossible to say that Marlon is completely innocent since he lied to the group, abandoned his friends and killed Brody. However, like Ben, he doesn't have enough experience to know what to do as a leader. There is a reason why he acts so aggressively since he was enrolled in that school, but that doesn't mean he is irredeemable and deserves death. He definitely regrets his action and just doesn't know what to do.
The comparison of Marlon and Lily was really interesting. Makes me wonder what a Lily and David team up would look like.
i knew from the beginning he was gonna die lol. leader always dies first
That's not true Clem you're still here and so is Rick
Marlon, to me, seems more like the type to sabotage the group to keep himself safe he gave away the twins and claimed it was for the group. He'd keep doing that until he ran out of people
Marlon was kinda forced to be in that situation and he had all that pressure on him thus deciding to do what he did for the betterment of the group in his eyes giving away the twins is better than losing everyone in the process, and he would give away clem and AJ since they are new to the group and are a good leverage especially when they went out the safe zone, now he still did bad stuff giving away the twins and killing Brody whilst also trying to kill Clem but that was all the pressure he had bursting out you gotta remember he was shouldering the weight of the entire group on his shoulders and he's only a teenager like Ben, he's too afraid to start a war and fight he doesn't want to die or lose anyone which does happen at the end when Mitch dies, either way he should have been given a chance to redeem himself shame he went out the way that he did rather than go ballistic
Marlon is a bad dude for various reasons but people have such a black and white view of his character that they basically rewrite scenes in their heads to make him out to be more villanous than he was when he was just a coward more than anything. We even got people saying he murdered Brody on purpose when the framing of the scene clearly showed it was accidental and him lashing out because he couldn’t control his anger. Not to mention he did suggest a solution to try to save her but Clem knew it wouldn’t help considering how severe the injury was.
Marlon is just another ben, a scared kid that made poor decisions, but he was probably the most realistic version of Ben considering we saw how dangerous and scary Lily’s group proved to be compared to the more cartoonish villains of the previous seasons. Lily, to me, felt more realistic, sadistic, and intimidating, as did Abel. Abel in particular still gives me the creeps when I play or watch the game, especially after he gets his arm cut off. I can’t say if I was in Marlon’s position that I wouldn’t make a rash decision considering what the group would be up against if I didn’t. He made a dumb and cowardly decision but he did buy them some time.
back to back bangers bro keep it up
No thanks, I can’t defend this guy, not to say he was irredeemable but nah he’s a bad person
the issue was that unlike clem the other kids did not a parental figure/adult guide them through the apocolypse let alone adulthood. plus the fact that clem became a mother to aj for some time before finding the school made clem a lot smarter and more mature/wiser than the others as shown with tenn falling for lily talking about his sisters coaxing him out of cover during the raid. so marlon was never taught/learned how to lead let alone to lead in the zombie apocalypse and just hoped for the best and played his "best" hand despite how bad his hand was.
it's not a surprise he cracked and gave up the twins and later crashed out with the gun when he was exposed. clem had already had to deal with raiders betrayal murderers infighting death ect and marlon and the others likely hadn't had to deal with it until however long before clem and aj arrived. marlon didn't have a lee javi kenny or anyone older to serve as a guiding force like clem is to aj or as lee was to her. so in the end he played what he had with his one good ace being inviting the experienced guiding force that was clem to the school. which despite later bad plays actually saved the school and the other kids minus brody and himself. who knows maybe no one would have died if marlon played the ace early instead of sacrificing it.
I loved the comparison between Marlon and Lily!
Now One thing I will say is Marlon was not in the right even though he was scared and thinking irrational in the heat of the moment should have been held accountable for Murdering Brody and Trying to Convince The Group that Clementine did it and that she was a spy even though It was him that saved both her and Aj from their possible deaths, if he really though she was a spy sent in by the delta than he wouldn't have saved her he just wanted a way out and a body to pin it on and that's the only think I stand with when debating that whole situation.
But other than that Marlon was in a no win situation with keeping the Ericson's safe just seeing how cruel and sadistic the Delta is there was no way they were going to keep their word on only taking two of their people and just stopping at that and they knew it they were just trying to fuck with Marlon and then come back to take the rest but at least they they took a while before they came back wanting more which Marlon couldn't afford, plus it didn't seem like Minerva was too broken up about the trade seeing how she was probably in on the knowledge of the deal with Marlon and Sophie was the one who didn't want to go along with it seeing how the twins might have had different ideals when the situation came up.
One More thing is no matter how much Marlon tried to keep things together it was bound to fall apart whether Clementine and aj came to the school or not, I really do not see Marlon as a coward who didn't want to risk the rest of his group to a bunch of high class skillful killers who would always never take no for an answer and plus it's not like The Delta wasn't twisting Marlon's arm so hard behind his back to the point where they would ask for more of his group plus they had no experience when it came to hardcore survival and fighting something that Marlon could have at least taught when they got big enough I mean hell look at how the new world effected children like Aj who only knew the hardships and dark side of the outside of a comfortable wall to hide behind, not to say the group was pampered its just that it was never required of them to induldge in such acts of survival.
Overall Marlon was never a Villian or the problem in the first place that made the events in the season to transpire it was Lilly and her crew who pressed down on his neck to make a choice he knew would lead down a path of his group being put in danger, to me he was just a leader who finally had the weight of the world in his eyes finally start to break him down into that scared angry little boy he once was.
Saying he did NOTHING wrong is kinda crazy but he’s definitely overhated and deserved a redemption arc
I’m not gonna say I don’t think he’s wrong, but I do think it’s unfair how he’s villainized for something that happened when he was a kid going up against adults.
He was a kid being a grown up that's it. I can't be mad at him and the situation he was in BUT if you can't do than don't be afraid to ask for help or get out of the way.
Bro I never realized how much lily and Marlon have a lot in common until u said they were similar. Anyway I think he never did anything wrong on purpose, but tried anything and everything to protect his group.
Marlon had no choice but to give up Sophie and Minerva. Those who are NOT defending his actions, although he lied about it, did he really have any other choice? It was probably that or get EVERYONE taken or possibly even killed. It was a difficult choice to make, and while I doubt anyone else in the group would have made the choice, he made the HARD choice that was most likely for the better of the group.
I don't agree that he didn't do anything wrong though. Giving up Sophie and Minerva was indeed wrong, but it was the only plausible choice to make. What he should have done was consult the rest of the group, and not lie about what happened to them.
I really wish we got some sort of redemption from him. It was one of the only deaths in the entire 4 seasons that frustrated me.
This is an atrocious take. No, Marlon did plenty of wrong. He had good intentions. Just like most nutjobs in the comic & TV universes. His actions however paint him as an objectively bad person.
they could never make hate Marlon on the behalf of minerva's whohe existence. Everything else is..cant expect much off of a kid from surprise school for troubled kids
Marlon had the coolest design and seemed like a great character, just wished he would of survived longer and wished we could one banish him or forgive him in a way and see him in later episodes, Marlon will go down with characters like Doug/carley, Pete, Mariana, Brody as characters we lost too soon and looked to be a interesting character, dame you telltale
Rage bait? Lol
I mean, i can't really blame him entirely.
Sure, he got people hurt, intentionally or not, but at the end of the day, he's still a kid. He tried his best, given the circumstances.
Ben's Also in the same boat because he's also still just a kid. I'm sure he meant well when he dealt with the bandits (after he found out they didn't have his friends) and instead just buying them off.
Personally, i think the bandits would of attacked eventually, ben just sped it up by drawing attention.
Nick is in his mid to late 20s, he's just an idiot.
I get his little sob story about his mom and also losing his uncle, but he's a grown adult with a temper acting like a kid, kind of like Kenny (sorry boat king)
Hi how are you
hello good sir, i’m doing quite fine. how are you?
almost a full bowl
These comments are actually insufferable, showing Marlon no sympathy at all. Just goes to show how people are unable to put themselves in a characters shoes when the story intentionally tries to make you dislike that specific character.
He gave up the twins but what other choice did he have? Calling him selfish or a coward is crazy and likely hypocritical because i know for a fact that if most of you were in the same situation, you'd do the same. He was a young teen, what did you expect him to do? Actually fight armed grown ups who likely have fighting experience? I know that you'd like to think that you'd act differently and you'd actually be the hero that fights back but that's very unlikely.
Killing that girl with the flashlight was wrong but not intentional and him leaving Clementine there was bad but the situation had already gotten out of control. He was a genuine dude and actually nice but the story treats him like an irredeemable scumbag instead of a young boy who made a mistake.
I could be wrong on some things because it's been a while since i played it but i don't remember Marlon being the evil selfish guy that the comments are painting him as. I know most of it has to be the audiences bias towards Clem, but still.
ngl. I understand your point. But saying he did NOTHING wrong is crazy. And just untrue
What is bible cigarete at 4:13 what he used pages of bible for tobbaco?
Yes, he would rip pieces off of bible pages and put tobbaco in them and roll them adn smoke them
yep, he made the cigs himself by tearing up pages of the bible and rolling them up around tobacco just to get his fix.
@20tigerpaw20 imagine if instead of tobacco it was weed so he can get high and tak to god
@@SerbianSpark19 that...wouldnt work... if your at the point of tearing up God's word to get high then you have already shown you dont care about what He says to begin with.
@@20tigerpaw20 no I think that it would funny like he sees god like hippies (idk anything about them) and starts a religion
yes tf he did