BINGO! The reporter should have asked the deputy of NYC/NJ port authority what was in all those containers stacked up behind them @01:50 Were they empty? Leaving no space for fully loaded containers to be off loaded? Why? I feel like we're being sold only a half filled story.
The main problem in the trucking industry is the Hour's of Service law's they mandated year's ago. I sold every semi I owned way back when they first implemented the new regulations. A truck driver can't make a living anymore because of all the regulations. It's just not worth it to spend your life behind the wheel of a truck for little pay.
Very true indeed..👍💐..Often times we ignore and take things 4 granted..These trucker drivers laboring themselves so that we ALL can have things conveniently @ our on finger's tips as needed..They R driving thru the night in harsh weathers without resting so the merchandises can get to the destinations on times without being ruined as in cases of fruits and vegetables..Just wondering do we ever APPRECIATED THEM and moreover Do They get paid Fairly with the Benefits included?🤔?..Well..Because of pandemic we appreciate good healthcare systems in placed, now with shortages of goods &/ or fresh foods on store shelves, perhaps WE ALL NOW APPRECIATE TRUCK DRIVERS MUCH MORE and THOSE WHO R MANUFACTURERS FROM OVER P.O. 🌊..🌹💐👍 to all truck drivers and those manufacturers from faraway bringing NECESSARY GOODS CONVENIENTLY TO HUMANITIES GLOBALLY..🗽😊..
If truckers are so appreciated why is every other commercial hurt in a wreck ? Need a check? = Go cause a collision we can do business. I came under attack about 3X a month from crews causing collisions.
This segment completely glossed over the fact that truck drivers have been taken advantage of for years... being away from home for days or even weeks at a time, living in a truck full time, while only getting paid when the truck is rolling... essentially being used as storage through being required to sit at docks for days at a time waiting to be loaded or unloaded. It's going to get harder and harder to find people who want to do this for a living because it just isn't worth the hassles. It's time for the industry to take a hard look at how freight is handled and how drivers are treated.
If a person drives a truck it's their choice they knew they would work long hours and be away from home and they still chose to do that job nothing has changed I know several truck drivers and they knew this when they got into the job
@@goywonder7341 , That's their choice to work the job they work they could always find a different job if they're that unsatisfied with their job working conditions and pay
That's another story. Job choice as a trucker or how they are treated does not play into the explanation of the supply chain. As far as jobs go, there are help wanted signs in every field. People getting more money on unemployment right now than working. Wait until it stops.
I work for the Ports Authority of Los Angeles as a truck driver, and the reason for the backup is due to lack of drivers due to poor pay and working conditions. Old timers like me are leaving the industry at an alarming rate but the ports won't hire new drivers unless they have at least 2 years experience. These companies need to relax their requirements and so does the FMCSA/DOT. If not, it's going to get a whole lot worse for all of us, probably critical.
CBS sure wasn't crying when port drivers couldn't get enough loads to make it during the bogus Covid scare or when the evergreen ship was blocking the Suez canal.
@@_Wai_Wai_ Who said I was new. I've been at the ports for almost 6 years and been driving for longer than that. I said "old timers like me", please re-read my post.
Son drove semi for a while, company calls it a lifestyle to take the burden of abuse from them. Plenty of drivers would come back if companies were humane, maintained equipment to DOT specs, started pressuring shippers and receivers to be prepared to turn and burn ( some places make driver wait 8 hrs without food or access to bathrooms which then means dispatcher gets pissy, some loads such as raw meat means inside of trailer has to be washed before next refrigerated pick up and drivers have to wait in line there) Truckers may not get home for 3-6 mos!!! Shipping hubs don't allow truckers to get personal mail so they can't even vote!! Trucking is a very abusive business.
Everything u said is spot on!! And they chose to interview Schneider of all trucking companies... they're the worst at treating their drivers with dignity
@@tommysimmons3258 son drove for Swift,got home time 3 times in over a year, was stranded several times and they tried to say being stranded in WV was as good. Drove for US Express and got 48hr home living 4hrs away. Was given service failures for refusing to run defective equipment
@Kelvin Urena We can not even transport products by car? In some countries, they load up their bicycles with cargo. Stacking it up high. Pay me enough, and maybe I would do it.
Working at a restaurant while I finish my Masters and I can tell you every day we are running out of stuff because of supply issues, but the customers don't care it's like when half out staff doesn't show up, because of covid or some other reason the customer doesn't care. All they care about is getting what they want now, and if they don't, they throw a huge fit. It is sickening because you get workers who care like me who end up working 60 to 70 hours a week only to be treated horribly by these self-entitled people. No wonder the industry is in such bad shape.
@@kc-qu2vh , It's not the Shoppers that have changed their attitude it's the workers I just recently quit a job after 21 and 1/2 years working retail in a hardware store the only reason I quit because I had decided years earlier when I turn 65 I was retiring
@@debbieframpton3857 Actually it's a little bit of both. I've worked in retail for over 20 years and the way people treat each other in general from when I started to now has changed dramatically. It's literally one department pitting against another over the frustrations at each other. I've seen people like you debbie, get upset over the lack of "respect" and work ethic they see the "other shift" have for them and their efforts and at the same time, that "other shift" get mad about "your people" over their attitude towards them and their efforts. In the end??? I think there's just a lack of "willingness to understand" the other sides struggles and just a lack of empathy from all areas that people are reacting on. Maybe if we all can just take a step back from whatever you or I are feeling, and open ourselves to other ideas we all have, then maybe we'll start getting a little of that "unity" that everyone wants to achieve.
We should all appreciate our truck drivers. So you guys who complain that what you get isn't what you ordered, remember who worked their butts off to deliver it.
One thing the pandemic has proven to me is many Americans aren't willing to sacrifice their expectations of personal gratification for the good of our country, even the slightest bit. We've traveled a long way from the true patriotic mindset of the 1940s and 50s...
You're the first comment I've come across that references that patriotic mindset of back then. My dad has said it a few times -- imagine if the pandemic would've happened back then. Anyone who didn't get the vaccine or wear a mask would have been considered un-American. Everybody stood up and did their part to aid the war effort in the 40s, it was what you did for your country... I can't believe how the American mindset has been warped. It's shameful. Too many people are so disgustingly full of themselves and don't care about anyone else, not even the country that gives them everything and more.
I agree that it's frustrating not to get "the goods", but it's a different world today. People need to be more flexible and adapt in their purchasing. The professor from MIT said it perfectly. Choose from what's available and deal with it.
Wanna talk about unpatriotic? Let's talk about freedoms! Let's talk about the steady march towards full federal control? Let's talk about mandates! Don't ever confuse patriotism as taking the knee. The U.S. was founded on freedom.
Truck drivers don't need a damn pay raise. I work at a veterinary clinic as an assistant, and I make 15 dollars an hour. Supermarket workers, healthcare workers, farmers. these people need raises. Give me a break.
So what happened to all those “self-driving trucks” that everyone was going on and on about a couple years ago when truckers were asking for better working conditions?
Perhaps the self-driving software is waiting upon better computer programming and OSes that do not go obsolete in just a few years? A computer should be like a toaster by now. Just plug it in and expect it to work. Wouldn't that be so nice?
@Steve N. And so the robots can not do their jobs and the robots need to be fired? I am somewhat for automation, however it needs to better prove itself. I still prefer human cashiers, because my sister does not like self-checkouts, she says they are trying to eliminate jobs. Well yeah. I largely agree with her. I would rather patiently wait in line and buck the greedy trend. I once asked a cashier at a store when they were going to get self-checkouts. He said "never". I said, "Right answer" and said something about why I prefer human cashiers (at least for now until robots can better prove themselves). Why don't I get a discount for having to do somebody else's work, as a customer? When the robots can unload my shopping cart and bag my groceries, maybe then they are ready to be given the job of cashier. Cashiers have to know a lot to do their jobs, and deserve a lot more respect. When I once worked in a store, I could take credit car payments, do credit card applications, sell out of another store location or the website, etc. It is not so easy like people think. I asked the customer if he or she knew where the other store was located. If any doubt, I would print out directions how to get there. Of course there is a place for automation, and I am for people having better tools in which to do their work easier. And even robots may need supervision. And good companies take care of their workers, and probably could find other better assignments for them to do, and provide training, if whatever change really is inevitable? Maybe we need some plausible sci-fi movies in which even the automation "goes on strike" when stupid educated-idiot politicians impose impossible demands that "DOES NOT COMPUTE". Error, Error.
@@michaelcap9550 Apparently, _pretend-elect ByeDone_ can turn most anything that was sort of working, into a disaster. And that is what the CCP pays him to do. Why can't we hear the truth, and terms like *HIGH TREASON* a lot more?
I'm from Europe and we don't have shortages over here , on the other hand we are not ruled YET by an emperor without clothes. The Globalist establishment is enslaving the entire world and old Joey is their primary tool. If the land of the free and home of the brave falls than its game over for the whole freedom loving world.
Mark is not telling the whole story. Trucks are running. But then we sit for hours at warehouses waiting to be loaded or unloaded. There is the bottleneck. No one wants to work.
What I wonder is. If not working how are they eating or living. The government are not helping anymore. And when you quit your job you don’t get unemployment.
No one wants to work when they are getting free money from the government and mandatory vax is destroying our country. Americans are leaving their jobs by the thousands because their right to chose their own health options were taken away. Our poor country.
Another factor too that they didn't account for. First. For context. I've been an over-the- road trucker for thirty two years this month. Now. In December 2019 all trucks, built after 1999, have to be equipped with an ELD. This is the electric logging device that takes the place of paper log books we used to use. They're attached directly to the motor of the truck and there is no getting around it. We can only drive 11hrs with a mandatory 30 min break before 8 hrs of driving before we have to take 10 hrs off. Most of the larger fleets, schreidner, swift, jb hunt, their trucks are governor to 65mph. And. In states like California the speed limit for trucks is 55mph. So on a average day trying to get from the Ports in, let's say Long Beach to say a distribution center in, let's say, Phoenix Arizona takes two days. The truck can only go about 450 +/- miles before having to stop. That's not even factoring in allowance for traffic problems. You can see how getting from point A to B can get very time consuming. No one really wants to be truckers anymore. It's not a job. It's more a way of life. I always tell new drivers I meet this: There are no gray areas in trucking. You will either love it or hate it. If you love it it'll get in your blood and you'll eat, drink and poop trucking. If you hate it you'll get out at the first red light and walk home! It's not for everyone. Getting good drivers is hard. No one has the work ethic like my generation and one's before it had.
Everything you've laid out is so true. I used to be a logistics manager for a large company(it's begins with U & ends with PS) & there's so much in the trucking "game" that the average person never thinks about. The DC(distribution cntr) I managed had 30 dock doors for the receiving side & 72 for the shipping side of the building. We always had angry truckers, rightfully so, waiting in lines to unload & there was nothing we could do about it. The trucking game in this country is long overdue for a group of engineers to rework it for everyone's benefit
@@leahvogel5527 absolutely spot on. If anything good will come out of this, it will be that some of these issues that are long overdue will get fixed. The supply chain can no longer take advantage of truckers, essentially using them as free storage when they are no longer there. And the days of expecting people to live on the road full time at current pay levels are over as well.
Look at my "stage" name. I have been a long hauler for many years, and I agree with all of y'all. I do love my job (my truck's name is Ruby, a bright red 2021 Kenworth), but you are correct in all respects. I do wish many of our HOS (hours of service) details would be changed, but, GOD has been very good to me in this business. I, and many, many others, are still trying to keep everything rolling....each of you please be safe, happy, enjoy loved ones this holiday season, and try to make it through.
@@adamsarrazin2391 I did not like nor trust Bill Clinton at all. The Clintons have a trail of scandal going back for decades. And why should some bill or "law" need to have 100s or 1000s of pages? That alone tells you that something is dreadfully wrong with it.
I can remember the early part of the Pandemic, when I counted resourcefulness as one of the gifts I was most grateful for. I was so thankful when I could buy a spray bottle of Lysol again! But in the interim, stores found other brands to sell. Gratefulness, thankfulness, and appreciation were the most valued qualities. As for the holidays...why not donate to nonprofits this year or make a gift or just spend real time with family and friends? After a year in Zoomland, we might really find some joy in returning to human, inperson and simple giving.
I love every part of your comment. I wish my large family would follow your suggestion and just forego gift-giving. I would much prefer donating to a charity and spending time together.
I heartily agree! The older I get, the more frustrated I am with the senselessness of the holiday gifting. It feels pointless. Imho, my best gift to my family is the big Italian feast, spending the day eating, drinking wine, playing games… who needs gifts, for crying out loud?
@@Hennacrone1 The fact that you are using the term "For Crying Out Loud", tells we are contemporaries. Our friends and family are the much to be grateful for. Peace. 🕊
You can bet that when goods are available again, those prices sure won't be coming down. They've been going up steadily the beginning of this crisis, and for seniors on low income, we are completely priced out of many needs.
We need the SSI Restoration Act of 2021 which would reform SSI. And raise SSI amounts. Tell your electeds on all levels you want the SSI Restoration Act of 2021, tell your friends & neighbors... literally social media suppresses anything affecting the millions of elderly & disabled people, including the SSI Restoration Act of 2021 which needs to be passed Now! Spread this information and demand more! SSI is NOT enough to live & pay rent on!
@@Clownbaby2 Do you genuinely believe that the higher ups in companies that are benefitting from price gouging are predominantly Democratic? You must be incredibly dense...
Maybe we should start wanting less. Growing what we can and using resources wisely are 2 things we can all try. Yes, it's more work than using a few keystrokes, but it's more rewarding.
@Bubba Schwartz why are you using Fat Albert for your pic?? This character should not be admired. He was morbidly obese and most likely had diabetes, a terrible role model! Here we are talking about buying less, conserving, and you’re Fat Albert! Smh!
Ummm , yes please!!? Especially if you are depending on tomorrow’s paycheck to pay for that thing you just clicked to order today. Live a couple of notches below your means.
I’ve had no problems finding exactly what I need in multiple places, then shop for best price and free shipping to my house. But then, I don’t need $1,300 sneakers or giant TV sets or bling and other such nonessential crap.
Omg. Imagine not having access to everything all the time! Maybe it's not the right way to live. Let's go back to eating seasonal and local food, using less toys/stuff, and living a life that actually matters
@@ronaldlindeman6136 Now toys are plastic crap made in China. There is even some awful doll with an ineffective face diaper and a syringe to inject poison. Does the evil ControlYaVirus propaganda know no limits?
Yes American States needs our trucking companies, truck drivers are the keys to our lives, they need to be respected more and paid more, look what happens when you don't take care if the hands that feeds you, we need our trucker's they work extremely hard for us people honestly and American States
Like the suicide swīft steerīng wheel holdeřs? A qūarter of these drįvers canț even speak english. How in gods name did they get a cdl. Had mįne for 30 years bout done.
Most roads have universal road symbols that are also found in many other countries. Thus to drive said truck you just need skills. I know because I tried driving one and ran over my mail box and said this is not for me.
@@urlandyvargas5952 so sick of hearing Truckers talk like they are the only and most important people in the world. there are other people and jobs that move items.
Hey Joe that might sound great but asking a parent what they would think if their daughter or son came into the room and said hey I want to be a truck driver and forget about college! What Do you think those parents are going to say, what do you think your job counselor is going to say! Are you going to say no way!!! Along with, “ I didn’t raise you to become a truck driver! “ Making it sound like an “Icky” dirty factor . Here in Southern California by the shipping docks, they allowed illegal immigrants to take over the truck driving jobs of union truck drivers and now years later it is the illegal immigrants that have the jobs and are complaining of low wages and the hiring of new of illegal immigrants that are working for much less driving trucks! That they don’t talk about.
@@Beachbumbob the industry has to rebrand itself thats clear. I hear your argument and respect it. People need to start seeing the potential in jobs with potential good money, benefits, a chance to travel, etc. My uncle is a smart, clean person and he is a truck driver. He knows tech and computers but a lack of college education only got him so far and he had to change coarse. At the end of the day he can provide for his family. Its sad that we ve sold our work dignity, but we cqn get it back if people got sticks out of theyre butts lol.
Last yr when supplies were low, I started to think "do I really need that?" So. I made a list or added things I wanted to my cart and made a rule to not buy until day 30. I ended up deleting most of the items when I realized I didn't need them anymore
Part of it is force of habit. if they are use to spending it wont stop till they cant get no more funds to buy more. then they find out they have too much then gotta declutter so then stops the shopping lol.
with the democrats in power things are only to get worse, in the soviet communist model citizens preferred things over cash as things were always in short suppy......if you seriously think sleepy creepy joe will make things better, ask those he stranded to be murdered and tortured by biden's taliban "partners" he armed up
@@alroth6308 I know right, because if Dump Trump was in office he'd be shitting out truck driver's. He'd have those ports cleared with a snap of a finger. Oh, but wait he is the one that allowed this mess to start. He lied to everyone about how bad things were going to get. People like you will have Dump Trump back in office so he can blame everything on Biden and then say he's fixed everything when actually it was Biden fixing things. When are people going to learn it doesn't matter who the president is they are all out to scam the American Citizen stop being a sucker and falling for the biggest idiot in the room
@Clayton's Riot Nope, they'll just import more "qualified drivers" from foreign countries and keep the wages down for the existing drivers. Worked for Bush, worked for Obama. They both used that strategy to keep rates down for their corporate buddies.
“Live with it”, I agree totally. There’s too many choices for every product anyways. 90% of it I never purchase. Do we really need 100 different flavors of chips, cereal and granola bars?
I’ve been in logistics for over 20 yrs and the first problem is a shortage of container chassis. The second is that the ports need to extend their hours, and the last point is that they need to wave demurrage charges. If they don’t have a chassis and the driver has a port pick up date, the importer is only going to pass those charges to the customer which is us.
its companys like schneider that are part of the problem with driver shortages the wages below minium wage they pay for the hours the truck driver works if they would pay a descent wage they would not have any shortage
If you have ever driven on an interstate highway you will have dealt with semi trucks barreling down the road. Have you noticed any difference in how many of them are out there?
I dated truck driver and one thing about those trucks is that they have to hit certain businesses at a specific time to get unloaded/pick up goods. They miss the window & they're in trouble.
@@hsoderberg9929 When it comes down to it, people who make deliveries don't have much of a say in the distribution schedule. I've noticed the Amazon and FedEx trucks in my neighborhood. Those guys are shaving off seconds at every step of the way.
Took a 12 Hour Road trip yesterday. I had almost 3 of them run me off the road and seen thousands. There’s plenty honestly we need to find a different way to get our goods. They are dangerous and bad for the environment 🌎
How much do we really need? Spend and buy less. Buy used. Decide that you don’t need a new tree every year. For Pete’s sake it’s all our fault for overconsumption. Your kids don’t need thousands of dollars worth of gifts. Hundreds is too much. Christmas is about Christ. One or two well thought out gifts are enough. Let’s remember what Christmas really means.
I agree 100%...we buy too much stuff!!!!! spend less...and buy used...fix it up...and be calm...Christmas should be about family being together...loving and sharing memories...keep your money if your pocket.....
Let's just remove SANTA from our kids mentality it actually causes entitlement. I buy as I need, I live in the country, my kids are safe, I buy locally and use thrift stores etc. And my kids appreciate me and I appreciate them. "Christmas" every single day around here! You don't have to have everything just love and respect
@@nerdlovah9476 Some parents do not do the Santa lie, because they do not want for their children to think that God and Jesus are as imaginary as Santa. Also, I recall long ago, the "church lady" on SNL rearranging the magnetic letters of "SANTA" to spell Satan. Hmm. What is up with that? Not like SNL is a reliable source of info, but still? Now I hardly even watch the liar TV. Yeah, you can find some good stuff in thrift stores sometimes. Back when things were made more to last a long time.
It is all about money. The U.S. over time became more of a service industry and less a manufacturer. So now we Americans rely on shipments of goods from outside the U.S., so that creates one layer. However, within the U.S. we have another issue, especially in the trucking industry. When I went through trucking school earlier this year, many of my co-trainees were from foreign countries. In my part of the country, nearly half were from Haiti. On the road you realize many are from India, the middle east and countries to our south. While I understand why foreigners want to migrate to the U.S., and that to become a trucker driver you do not need education, the bottom line is that these individuals are willing to work for less because to them it is more. Then you also have the U.S. born truckers that simply don't have the aptitude or money for higher learning. For me, I learned quickly that trucking for a company just is not worth the money. You live 24/7 in a truck. This requires you to pay upwards of $15 per day for a shower, the cost of eating out on each meal, eating unhealthy and dealing with many stressful situations. Stresses caused primarily by the reckless drivers on our roads these days (lack of enforcement), trying to find safe parking for the night (which can also add to personal costs), inefficient management issues with the trucking company staff and just earning bottom of the barrel wages. The only other option is to start your own trucking company which has its own extreme financial risks, but with much better rewards if successful. As long as you have foreign or domestic workers that are willing to work in these conditions for low wages the industry will go on, but as wages continue to lag behind the massive amounts of money the trucking company's rake in and hoard, workers that know better will seek other solutions for their own financial survival.
This is not entirely accurate according to other news sources. Droughts have really been affecting American produce including California, then there was really bad weather and early freezes in the midwest that killed crops. Some of the ships have been waiting off the coast for months not weeks. If people are wanting to have more fruits and vegetables etcetera they need to try to start growing some of their own, or buying what they can find fresh and preserving them. Natural Gas prices are also predicted to go way up. It would be great for more people to start learning to cook from scratch too if grocery supplies become much more limited. Beans and rice are good combo as well as any kind of fruits and vegetables
Fruit trees got nipped in the bud this year but vegetables grew great. Peppers, onions, tomatoes, chicken all home grown. Only things needed from the store for lunch today are tortilla chips, olive oil and salt. Fire up the skillet ma it's almost time for brunch.
Now add the extra cost of ELD's and DPF systems. People have left the industry because of the stupidity of the same people blaming the "crisis" on a driver shortage. They have no clue that they're the ones who caused this to happen. 2 simple rules. 1: Less profit, less drivers. 2: More regulations, less drivers.
We as a society should appreciate everyone more than what we do. Every job profession deserves more respect as people are pouring hours and hours into their work. Let’s treat the worker better, then see what happens.
I love thrift stores! Can't afford security guards, very few security cams watching ya, cheap enough stuff that no one cares if you steal it and it comes up missing. Thrift stores are awesome!! 😀
I've noticed prices going up at my local Walmart for some food items but not only that some items have new package but also less quantity for higher prices. They size down few ounces so it wouldn't be noticeable I guess but when you buy a product frequently you can tell right away.
Good question! Turns out that the beverage makers charge a lot more for Gatorade in retail stores--grocery stores. Restaurants get it in bulk, at a discount. So when there's a shortage, they stop selling to the restaurants, and sell what they've got to the grocery stores...because they make more money that way!
@@DavidPogue wait, I just thought of something. The “restaurants and diners get it at a discount because they order in bulk” claim doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The Wegman’s chain of grocery stores has to be buying Gatorade in bulk in a much larger quantity than some restaurant or diner would. So why wouldn’t the grocery store chain be getting a bigger discount? More bulk, bigger discount. It seems more likely that PepsiCo keeps shipping to grocery stores during a shortage because those are the customers they can’t risk upsetting. They can let the diner fend for themselves. If they lose the diner’s business, no big deal to a Fortune 500 Company. And in all my life I’ve never been to a restaurant or diner that had Gatorade on the drink menu. “The lady will have your best white wine, I’ll have the Gatorade.” A deli, yes, will have it, in that “Go over to that glass door refrigerator over there and pick out your drink” situation. But never in a sit down diner or restaurant. Did you film that segment at the IBS Cafe or something?
According to many truckers, it's the crane operators purposely slowing unloading and loading of containers. Stories of truckers waiting hours for crane operators to end their hours long lunches they take all at once instead of rotating breaks.
This is a huge part of the problem, but there is also difficulty getting the shipping containers. I read an article where a shipper was paying $3000 for containers and now they are $10,000. They only go one way across the ocean, and with covid, having them built has been a problem. They don't get shipped back empty and unfortunately, the countries shipping to us, do not import enough to take them back. They are having problems getting raw materials to even build them. Our shelves have been half empty for two years now. If I want a can of beans, I get what they have, if I am lucky, forget name brand-organic-low sodium. A pint of maple syrup was $27.99 the other day. I don't know how young families are managing. During covid we stopped ALL unnecessary spending. We don't hoard either. We grew a garden, have a freezer of game, so I am shocked when I do have to grocery shop. And our spending is still squelched. We learned we don't need a thing. We use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
Not really. It’s just easier to ship in containers. The only consumer goods not shipped by containers are usually imported automobiles. But other imports that aren’t consumer products don’t ship using containers, such as aggregates, grains, bulk liquids.. you get the idea.
Went looking for winter boots because I literally wore holes in my last pair. I asked which month they usually start getting winter boots in & was told they have no clue when it will be in.
Got 3 pairs in the closet from a clearance sale rack a few years ago. You can't get them anymore as Kmart is gone. Texas steer work boots. Usually good for a year or more when worn daily.
did the truckers strike in the 1970's not teach the American consumer/the American public just how important the American truck driver is to this country.
This is why I buy most things second hand. Helping the waste problem and no waiting!! Plus stuff just isn't built the way it used to be. Quality items at antique & thrift stores.
Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, the media is the one hyping it up. Even joey Biden has not made a mandate because he knows its unconstitutional.
They wonder why there’s a shortage in trucking just look at how truckers are treated and paid to some it seems like a lot of money but it’s really not most truckers stay on their jobs 24 hours a day
It's a complicated yet simple reason...China's ports operate 24/7 and ours don't. But all the entities in the US tied to moving containers blame each other for not being able to work 24/7.
They better not try to make truckers get the "poison jab". That could cause serious trouble. What part of "NO" does the corrupt illegitimate government and greedy controlling corporations not understand? Most everybody has the natural immunity to ControlYaVirus by now, and natural immunity handles whatever imaginary endless "variants" so much better than endless booster shots.
@@agentorange2554 Well I sure do not see myself as an experiment lab rat for their mad-science "poison jab" concoctions. They have already let us know that their boosters likely have no end, so whatever is the point? And I believe that God wants me unv. Year 2 of being without the v. Still healthy. Why would I roll the dice now?
Legally you can’t strike, most truckers are not union. You can just quit but would have no protection that union workers in a strike would have. Yes, quit before the holidays. Most Americans are scared of truckers on the highway, I’m sure alienating the public before the holidays would improve our position. It would only serve up more investment for automation!
Another price hiking ploy. The cry from some was raising minimum wage would cause higher prices. Well, minimum wage WAS NOT RAISED, and still prices are higher. So, miss me with that don't raise minimum wage BS!!!
How do you create a shortage to increase the price of goods? Block a canal and shut everything down due to somebody testing positive for Covid. This is going to be very profitable for a select group of people.
He didn't mention the main thing - the lack of coordination at the ports. There is little communication, so it's chaos here but not as much in countries where the information is transparent and coordinated. Thus no lines waiting to get to your container...
Good thing I never buy gifts and ask people to never buy them for me. It's been that way for years. If I DO want something, I buy it for myself, but I don't often want anything (beyond groceries). If there is something I want that is out of stock, I just buy something muss, no fuss.
Your MIT expert said that without government intervention, the supply chain might not get straightened out until sometime next year. I would like to know what he thinks the government might be able to do to speed that up. Right now, nobody is calling on the government to take any action at all! What could the administration do to help?
Student loan reduction for graduates going to trucking, loan payment for truck driving school, tax rebates for drivers,.....only limited by imagination.
Several ways I can think of (not that I agree with them)... subsidies & govt backed loans for drivers and trucking companies. prioritizing loads for key commodities, relaxing hours of service and other regulations, even calling in the military to haul loads (the UK just did this to ensure fuel was getting delivered).
You don’t want to blame the truck drivers in the port operations but no one‘s blaming them unnecessary mass production of these big corporations. The monopolies are draining the resources.
There isn't a supply shortage, there's unnecessary over consumption. People can eat less, purchase fewer goods, and go without non-essential items. This is an opportunity to realize how much we buy that we don't really need.
It's an artificial way to raise prices. Supply and demand. We are about to see inflation like we have never seen before. Take a hard look at what's happening in Venezuela.
segments omits asking; "why logistics companies can't find drivers", "what is the mileage and hourly rate a driver is reimbursed", "are drivers required to load and unload their own rigs", "are drivers financially penalized for missed quotas or deadlines", ^ you guys let the CEO off with the old "I love my drivers" line. smh
Why is there such a driver shortage? Because most over-the-road drivers are treated like s**t. Out on the road for weeks at a time. Paid by the mile, rather than the hour, so the cost of delays comes out of their pockets. Many new drivers coerced into “lease to own” scams that bind them to virtual indentured servitude. The kind of trucking practiced by Schneider, Swift, CR England and others is deeply exploitative.
Why is this happening? Because of stupid government for the last sixty years -- beginning with Nixon going to China in 1973 which began the Rust Belt in the USA.
2019 & up trucks are having a parts supply issue. The DEF sensors are failing and in high demand and trucks are parked till available. This is not helping an already short truck supply.
Just finished a 30 day rv vacation spanning 7 western states. There were so many trucks on the road back and forth and every commercial train loaded with containers! Every truck stop we passed or stopped in was full of trucks on the move!!!
@@mrbear1302 ahhhh…no…I buy it often at my farm and it’s less expensive.Plus you can also make butter yourself. You don’t pay for shipping or delivery. My god get a brain.
@@mrbear1302 again. You still can't grasp CBA which is a business term you probably don't know or would know because you are settled in your mediocre life. Ignorance like yours is what has brought my country to a shambles. You're a joke.
Dock workers, the old time dock workers to move goods by hand has been gone for years. They use cranes and trucks to move containers. Sorting and storage of containers are done by computers.
The director of MIT's Center for Transportation and logistics says " people did not spend during the pandemic". Really there were shortages of cars and trucks, boats, hot tubs, Lowes and Home Depot ran out of of supplies, grocery stores ran low of stock, and houses were bought like crazy. He is living in a world that I did not live in during the pandemic.
Hmm. We’re losing truckers because of the vaccine mandate. Truckers are quitting because they do not want the jab. Didn’t Biden say that the mandate was the best way to get the economy back? Did I miss something?
I want to be a driver and I am at point where I can operate a rig. Only thing that is holding me back is experience. They all want experience. I got through the training and now I am calling on every trucking firms to get a job. There two firms that will hire me but both are notorious for mistreating their drivers and have very high accident rates because they don't do much support or training. So the Snyders of the world should hire guys like me and do further training until they are confident in someone's ability.
Unfortunately you'll likely have to work for one of these companies until you get some experience under your belt, after a couple of years you'll be able to work for just about anyone. Funny thing is Schnieder used to be on of those training companies back in the day, along with JB Hunt. Guess they've passed the torch to Swift and Western Express.
Well, the sugar and snack products seem to the CVS's, in the stores.....the crap. Perhaps we should rethink our "distribution" centers in times of crises. Staples we need, crap we don't, and the crap is there.
The government needs to work on a stimulus package to help the trucking industry expand and get more people in it that's what I think the best solution would be this is a tricky situation
That's not all of the problem. In the Port of Los Angeles, they are only working 5 days a week 20 hours a day while hundreds of ship are off shore and unable to unload because of Union contracts. Truckers here are waiting 8-12 hours to get loaded. So it's not just a trucking shortage.
The Schneider guy totally avoided saying that his company ships a lot of its containers on railroads. The railroads move 99% of the containers from the ports inland, dependent on the length of haul
I heard the other day you couldn't get a shipment on a train if you wanted to. It's backed up, too. Obviously someone is shipping, but it's the large customers who may have booked the shipments well in advance.
I work at a grocery store and some aisles have constantly transforming due to these issues. People get annoyed at the fact that we don’t have product and even more when we can’t give them an estimated time arrival. The stores are kept to make the illusion that it’s full, but I would say 10% of things don’t come in
yes because a global trade collapse is not the fault of a global pandemic its the president of the United States fault even though the crisis began before he was even elected? sure dude
Countries we buy ingredients &/or finished goods from are also experiencing rebound catching up on inventory, often prioritizing their own domestic needs (& their own import shortages) including fuel!
why do I get the feeling a “trucking driving shortage” is only half the story
BINGO! The reporter should have asked the deputy of NYC/NJ port authority what was in all those containers stacked up behind them @01:50 Were they empty? Leaving no space for fully loaded containers to be off loaded? Why?
I feel like we're being sold only a half filled story.
Hi Kevin how are you feeling today. Thanks for connecting with your actor Keanu Reeves.
The main problem in the trucking industry is the Hour's of Service law's they mandated year's ago. I sold every semi I owned way back when they first implemented the new regulations. A truck driver can't make a living anymore because of all the regulations. It's just not worth it to spend your life behind the wheel of a truck for little pay.
It's the factories
Liberals in California banned trucks built before 2011.
Truckers, if you are reading this.... Thank you. Your work is appreciated.
Funny how people think it’s a supply chain problem. It’s a money printing problem.
Very true indeed..👍💐..Often times we ignore and take things 4 granted..These trucker drivers laboring themselves so that we ALL can have things conveniently @ our on finger's tips as needed..They R driving thru the night in harsh weathers without resting so the merchandises can get to the destinations on times without being ruined as in cases of fruits and vegetables..Just wondering do we ever APPRECIATED THEM and moreover Do They get paid Fairly with the Benefits included?🤔?..Well..Because of pandemic we appreciate good healthcare systems in placed, now with shortages of goods &/ or fresh foods on store shelves, perhaps WE ALL NOW APPRECIATE TRUCK DRIVERS MUCH MORE and THOSE WHO R MANUFACTURERS FROM OVER P.O. 🌊..🌹💐👍 to all truck drivers and those manufacturers from faraway bringing NECESSARY GOODS CONVENIENTLY TO HUMANITIES GLOBALLY..🗽😊..
Robots 🤖 are coming
Hardest work there is
If truckers are so appreciated why is every other commercial hurt in a wreck ? Need a check? = Go cause a collision we can do business. I came under attack about 3X a month from crews causing collisions.
This segment completely glossed over the fact that truck drivers have been taken advantage of for years... being away from home for days or even weeks at a time, living in a truck full time, while only getting paid when the truck is rolling... essentially being used as storage through being required to sit at docks for days at a time waiting to be loaded or unloaded. It's going to get harder and harder to find people who want to do this for a living because it just isn't worth the hassles. It's time for the industry to take a hard look at how freight is handled and how drivers are treated.
I got my CDL A and left the industry after less than a year. I made more money, with less abuse, in the service industry.
If a person drives a truck it's their choice they knew they would work long hours and be away from home and they still chose to do that job nothing has changed I know several truck drivers and they knew this when they got into the job
And they pay the first 25 hrs of work every week to the IRS.
@@goywonder7341 ,
That's their choice to work the job they work they could always find a different job if they're that unsatisfied with their job working conditions and pay
That's another story. Job choice as a trucker or how they are treated does not play into the explanation of the supply chain. As far as jobs go, there are help wanted signs in every field. People getting more money on unemployment right now than working. Wait until it stops.
I work for the Ports Authority of Los Angeles as a truck driver, and the reason for the backup is due to lack of drivers due to poor pay and working conditions. Old timers like me are leaving the industry at an alarming rate but the ports won't hire new drivers unless they have at least 2 years experience. These companies need to relax their requirements and so does the FMCSA/DOT. If not, it's going to get a whole lot worse for all of us, probably critical.
CBS sure wasn't crying when port drivers couldn't get enough loads to make it during the bogus Covid scare or when the evergreen ship was blocking the Suez canal.
Agenda 21
I hear that the CA restrictions on older trucks not being allowed in port has played a role, too.
how are you new, if you have 2 years experience?
@@_Wai_Wai_ Who said I was new. I've been at the ports for almost 6 years and been driving for longer than that. I said "old timers like me", please re-read my post.
Son drove semi for a while, company calls it a lifestyle to take the burden of abuse from them. Plenty of drivers would come back if companies were humane, maintained equipment to DOT specs, started pressuring shippers and receivers to be prepared to turn and burn ( some places make driver wait 8 hrs without food or access to bathrooms which then means dispatcher gets pissy, some loads such as raw meat means inside of trailer has to be washed before next refrigerated pick up and drivers have to wait in line there) Truckers may not get home for 3-6 mos!!! Shipping hubs don't allow truckers to get personal mail so they can't even vote!! Trucking is a very abusive business.
Everything u said is spot on!! And they chose to interview Schneider of all trucking companies... they're the worst at treating their drivers with dignity
My 27 years of Trucking, only people I know that been out 3 to 6 months at a time were married to the job.
@@tommysimmons3258 son drove for Swift,got home time 3 times in over a year, was stranded several times and they tried to say being stranded in WV was as good. Drove for US Express and got 48hr home living 4hrs away. Was given service failures for refusing to run defective equipment
@@cherylcarlson3315 those companies are nothing more than the senior class for driving schools.
Made/Grown in the USA doesn’t need to be brought by ships that can’t dock at ports …
SUPPORT OUR Manufacturing/Farmers !!
@Kelvin Urena
We can not even transport products by car? In some countries, they load up their bicycles with cargo. Stacking it up high. Pay me enough, and maybe I would do it.
I get your point but it's beyond that
That’s why I ONLY go to HEB
It would reduce the profit margins of the top 1%. That is the problem. Wage stagnation can be summed up in that one statement.
Buy from red states.
Working at a restaurant while I finish my Masters and I can tell you every day we are running out of stuff because of supply issues, but the customers don't care it's like when half out staff doesn't show up, because of covid or some other reason the customer doesn't care. All they care about is getting what they want now, and if they don't, they throw a huge fit. It is sickening because you get workers who care like me who end up working 60 to 70 hours a week only to be treated horribly by these self-entitled people. No wonder the industry is in such bad shape.
It's the same working retail. And they wonder why people don't want to work.
It IS sickening - and it shows how spoiled, selfish and childish our society has become.
Sounds like you need to find another job or be more grateful for the one you have
@@kc-qu2vh ,
It's not the Shoppers that have changed their attitude it's the workers I just recently quit a job after 21 and 1/2 years working retail in a hardware store the only reason I quit because I had decided years earlier when I turn 65 I was retiring
@@debbieframpton3857 Actually it's a little bit of both. I've worked in retail for over 20 years and the way people treat each other in general from when I started to now has changed dramatically. It's literally one department pitting against another over the frustrations at each other. I've seen people like you debbie, get upset over the lack of "respect" and work ethic they see the "other shift" have for them and their efforts and at the same time, that "other shift" get mad about "your people" over their attitude towards them and their efforts. In the end??? I think there's just a lack of "willingness to understand" the other sides struggles and just a lack of empathy from all areas that people are reacting on. Maybe if we all can just take a step back from whatever you or I are feeling, and open ourselves to other ideas we all have, then maybe we'll start getting a little of that "unity" that everyone wants to achieve.
We should all appreciate our truck drivers. So you guys who complain that what you get isn't what you ordered, remember who worked their butts off to deliver it.
Thank you! I am an otr truck driver and we try our best to deliver on time.
Truck drivers are not the only wheel in the cog of the machine.
Respect and support truck drivers everything you have it was delivered by a truck driver!!!
But this mandate would crush it more
And freight Trains!
Trains yes but even then they take it to a depo and it was the truk that took it to the Trains
No it wasn't
One thing the pandemic has proven to me is many Americans aren't willing to sacrifice their expectations of personal gratification for the good of our country, even the slightest bit. We've traveled a long way from the true patriotic mindset of the 1940s and 50s...
You're the first comment I've come across that references that patriotic mindset of back then. My dad has said it a few times -- imagine if the pandemic would've happened back then. Anyone who didn't get the vaccine or wear a mask would have been considered un-American. Everybody stood up and did their part to aid the war effort in the 40s, it was what you did for your country... I can't believe how the American mindset has been warped. It's shameful. Too many people are so disgustingly full of themselves and don't care about anyone else, not even the country that gives them everything and more.
I agree that it's frustrating not to get "the goods", but it's a different world today. People need to be more flexible and adapt in their purchasing. The professor from MIT said it perfectly. Choose from what's available and deal with it.
Wanna talk about unpatriotic? Let's talk about freedoms! Let's talk about the steady march towards full federal control? Let's talk about mandates!
Don't ever confuse patriotism as taking the knee. The U.S. was founded on freedom.
@@midnari you need to study history bad
People are just greedy and selfish nowadays.
company:we need truck drivers
drivers:we need a pay raise
Remember the supermarket strike???
They are paying truckers $36.00/hr to start in my area.
Truck drivers don't need a damn pay raise. I work at a veterinary clinic as an assistant, and I make 15 dollars an hour. Supermarket workers, healthcare workers, farmers. these people need raises. Give me a break.
@@hbsama the whole country needs a raise! CEOs are just robbing the futures of Americans! Fact!
36 more like 15 $ start
So what happened to all those “self-driving trucks” that everyone was going on and on about a couple years ago when truckers were asking for better working conditions?
Perhaps the self-driving software is waiting upon better computer programming and OSes that do not go obsolete in just a few years?
A computer should be like a toaster by now. Just plug it in and expect it to work. Wouldn't that be so nice?
I'd love to have a TV that's bigger than a queen sized mattress.
@Steve N. okay xenocuck
The trucks use computer chips, there's a shortage on those too. He said it in this video.
@Steve N.
And so the robots can not do their jobs and the robots need to be fired?
I am somewhat for automation, however it needs to better prove itself. I still prefer human cashiers, because my sister does not like self-checkouts, she says they are trying to eliminate jobs. Well yeah. I largely agree with her. I would rather patiently wait in line and buck the greedy trend. I once asked a cashier at a store when they were going to get self-checkouts. He said "never". I said, "Right answer" and said something about why I prefer human cashiers (at least for now until robots can better prove themselves). Why don't I get a discount for having to do somebody else's work, as a customer? When the robots can unload my shopping cart and bag my groceries, maybe then they are ready to be given the job of cashier. Cashiers have to know a lot to do their jobs, and deserve a lot more respect. When I once worked in a store, I could take credit car payments, do credit card applications, sell out of another store location or the website, etc. It is not so easy like people think. I asked the customer if he or she knew where the other store was located. If any doubt, I would print out directions how to get there.
Of course there is a place for automation, and I am for people having better tools in which to do their work easier. And even robots may need supervision. And good companies take care of their workers, and probably could find other better assignments for them to do, and provide training, if whatever change really is inevitable?
Maybe we need some plausible sci-fi movies in which even the automation "goes on strike" when stupid educated-idiot politicians impose impossible demands that "DOES NOT COMPUTE". Error, Error.
Stop blaming trucking industry, blame the port's operation.
Blame Biden. Everyone else does.
It’s on purpose.
Apparently, _pretend-elect ByeDone_ can turn most anything that was sort of working, into a disaster. And that is what the CCP pays him to do. Why can't we hear the truth, and terms like *HIGH TREASON* a lot more?
yes some one should make then over paid union workers work
I'm from Europe and we don't have shortages over here , on the other hand we are not ruled YET by an emperor without clothes.
The Globalist establishment is enslaving the entire world and old Joey is their primary tool.
If the land of the free and home of the brave falls than its game over for the whole freedom loving world.
Mark is not telling the whole story. Trucks are running. But then we sit for hours at warehouses waiting to be loaded or unloaded. There is the bottleneck. No one wants to work.
No one wants to work and everyone wants a lot of money is the reality of new generation..
What I wonder is. If not working how are they eating or living. The government are not helping anymore. And when you quit your job you don’t get unemployment.
No one wants to work for LOW WAGES.
Stop buying things you don’t need, with money you don’t have, to impress people you don’t really like……Dave Ramsey
Living with in our means ✌
you're right about the i don t like them part
Says rich people to poor people
You people have no idea how bad things are about to get under this Administration. This is a disaster.
Our Walmart has lots of containers behind their store, full of goods. There aren’t enough employees to unload and stock them.
No one wants to work when they are getting free money from the government and mandatory vax is destroying our country. Americans are leaving their jobs by the thousands because their right to chose their own health options were taken away. Our poor country.
This year may be different, but usually containers behind Walmart at this time of year are full of all the holiday sale items for Black Friday.
@@billfitzpatrick209 that's right. That's is what the containers are there for every year.
Another factor too that they didn't account for.
First. For context. I've been an over-the- road trucker for thirty two years this month.
Now. In December 2019 all trucks, built after 1999, have to be equipped with an ELD. This is the electric logging device that takes the place of paper log books we used to use. They're attached directly to the motor of the truck and there is no getting around it.
We can only drive 11hrs with a mandatory 30 min break before 8 hrs of driving before we have to take 10 hrs off.
Most of the larger fleets, schreidner, swift, jb hunt, their trucks are governor to 65mph.
And. In states like California the speed limit for trucks is 55mph.
So on a average day trying to get from the Ports in, let's say Long Beach to say a distribution center in, let's say, Phoenix Arizona takes two days. The truck can only go about 450 +/- miles before having to stop.
That's not even factoring in allowance for traffic problems.
You can see how getting from point A to B can get very time consuming.
No one really wants to be truckers anymore. It's not a job. It's more a way of life.
I always tell new drivers I meet this:
There are no gray areas in trucking. You will either love it or hate it.
If you love it it'll get in your blood and you'll eat, drink and poop trucking.
If you hate it you'll get out at the first red light and walk home! It's not for everyone.
Getting good drivers is hard. No one has the work ethic like my generation and one's before it had.
Thanks for sharing this; really insghtful
Everything you've laid out is so true. I used to be a logistics manager for a large company(it's begins with U & ends with PS) & there's so much in the trucking "game" that the average person never thinks about. The DC(distribution cntr) I managed had 30 dock doors for the receiving side & 72 for the shipping side of the building. We always had angry truckers, rightfully so, waiting in lines to unload & there was nothing we could do about it. The trucking game in this country is long overdue for a group of engineers to rework it for everyone's benefit
@@leahvogel5527 absolutely spot on. If anything good will come out of this, it will be that some of these issues that are long overdue will get fixed. The supply chain can no longer take advantage of truckers, essentially using them as free storage when they are no longer there. And the days of expecting people to live on the road full time at current pay levels are over as well.
Look at my "stage" name. I have been a long hauler for many years, and I agree with all of y'all. I do love my job (my truck's name is Ruby, a bright red 2021 Kenworth), but you are correct in all respects. I do wish many of our HOS (hours of service) details would be changed, but, GOD has been very good to me in this business. I, and many, many others, are still trying to keep everything rolling....each of you please be safe, happy, enjoy loved ones this holiday season, and try to make it through.
When a country loses its manufacturing capabilities, we are at the mercy of other countries.
And Big American Corps found it more profitable to either replace American workers with robots or find cheaper labor overseas.
The criminal Clintons exported our manufacturing to China. Thanks traitor Demonrats for nothing.
@@yosefmacgruber1920 true story, this plan started with Nafta yrs ago
I did not like nor trust Bill Clinton at all. The Clintons have a trail of scandal going back for decades.
And why should some bill or "law" need to have 100s or 1000s of pages? That alone tells you that something is dreadfully wrong with it.
@@yosefmacgruber1920 At least you don’t blame China as most stupid out there.
I can remember the early part of the Pandemic, when I counted resourcefulness as one of the gifts I was most grateful for. I was so thankful when I could buy a spray bottle of Lysol again! But in the interim, stores found other brands to sell. Gratefulness, thankfulness, and appreciation were the most valued qualities.
As for the holidays...why not donate to nonprofits this year or make a gift or just spend real time with family and friends? After a year in Zoomland, we might really find some joy in returning to human, inperson and simple giving.
I love every part of your comment. I wish my large family would follow your suggestion and just forego gift-giving. I would much prefer donating to a charity and spending time together.
I heartily agree! The older I get, the more frustrated I am with the senselessness of the holiday gifting. It feels pointless. Imho, my best gift to my family is the big Italian feast, spending the day eating, drinking wine, playing games… who needs gifts, for crying out loud?
@@Hennacrone1 The fact that you are using the term "For Crying Out Loud", tells we are contemporaries. Our friends and family are the much to be grateful for. Peace. 🕊
This right here! Be happy with what you have and cherish love ones! That’s all.
I'm not doing Christmas shopping I can afford to but nobody in my family needs more stuff
You can bet that when goods are available again, those prices sure won't be coming down. They've been going up steadily the beginning of this crisis, and for seniors on low income, we are completely priced out of many needs.
We need the SSI Restoration Act of 2021 which would reform SSI. And raise SSI amounts. Tell your electeds on all levels you want the SSI Restoration Act of 2021, tell your friends & neighbors... literally social media suppresses anything affecting the millions of elderly & disabled people, including the SSI Restoration Act of 2021 which needs to be passed Now! Spread this information and demand more! SSI is NOT enough to live & pay rent on!
Keep voting Democrat 🤣
@@Clownbaby2 Do you genuinely believe that the higher ups in companies that are benefitting from price gouging are predominantly Democratic? You must be incredibly dense...
@@kanthony1446 100
Ugh goods won’t be available again this madness is just beginning
Maybe we should start wanting less. Growing what we can and using resources wisely are 2 things we can all try. Yes, it's more work than using a few keystrokes, but it's more rewarding.
@Becky Monte move to Cuba they have less
@Bubba Schwartz why are you using Fat Albert for your pic?? This character should not be admired. He was morbidly obese and most likely had diabetes, a terrible role model! Here we are talking about buying less, conserving, and you’re Fat Albert! Smh!
Ummm , yes please!!?
Especially if you are depending on tomorrow’s paycheck to pay for that thing you just clicked to order today.
Live a couple of notches below your means.
I’ve had no problems finding exactly what I need in multiple places, then shop for best price and free shipping to my house. But then, I don’t need $1,300 sneakers or giant TV sets or bling and other such nonessential crap.
Omg. Imagine not having access to everything all the time! Maybe it's not the right way to live. Let's go back to eating seasonal and local food, using less toys/stuff, and living a life that actually matters
My mom said that she had one doll when she was growing up (1930's.) Her grandchildren had 5 dozen dolls.
lot of people are waking up to practicing some form of minimalism
Now toys are plastic crap made in China. There is even some awful doll with an ineffective face diaper and a syringe to inject poison. Does the evil ControlYaVirus propaganda know no limits?
You idiot, people will starve
Yes American States needs our trucking companies, truck drivers are the keys to our lives, they need to be respected more and paid more, look what happens when you don't take care if the hands that feeds you, we need our trucker's they work extremely hard for us people honestly and American States
We move America , we move🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛 the 🌎
Like the suicide swīft steerīng wheel holdeřs? A qūarter of these drįvers canț even speak english. How in gods name did they get a cdl. Had mįne for 30 years bout done.
Most roads have universal road symbols that are also found in many other countries. Thus to drive said truck you just need skills. I know because I tried driving one and ran over my mail box and said this is not for me.
@@urlandyvargas5952 so sick of hearing Truckers talk like they are the only and most important people in the world. there are other people and jobs that move items.
Truck drivers always have bern the backbone of this country
Hey Joe that might sound great but asking a parent what they would think if their daughter or son came into the room and said hey I want to be a truck driver and forget about college! What Do you think those parents are going to say, what do you think your job counselor is going to say! Are you going to say no way!!! Along with, “ I didn’t raise you to become a truck driver! “ Making it sound like an “Icky” dirty factor . Here in Southern California by the shipping docks, they allowed illegal immigrants to take over the truck driving jobs of union truck drivers and now years later it is the illegal immigrants that have the jobs and are complaining of low wages and the hiring of new of illegal immigrants that are working for much less driving trucks! That they don’t talk about.
@@Beachbumbob the industry has to rebrand itself thats clear. I hear your argument and respect it. People need to start seeing the potential in jobs with potential good money, benefits, a chance to travel, etc. My uncle is a smart, clean person and he is a truck driver. He knows tech and computers but a lack of college education only got him so far and he had to change coarse. At the end of the day he can provide for his family. Its sad that we ve sold our work dignity, but we cqn get it back if people got sticks out of theyre butts lol.
truck drivers aren't that special. plenty of other important jobs.
Last yr when supplies were low, I started to think "do I really need that?"
So. I made a list or added things I wanted to my cart and made a rule to not buy until day 30.
I ended up deleting most of the items when I realized I didn't need them anymore
This is a trick that I have heard a lot of people say works.
@@bigpicturethinking5620 ccc cuz
Ppl shouldn’t be spendin so much money on things they dont really need. Instead save money bc we dont know how nxt yr things will be
Part of it is force of habit. if they are use to spending it wont stop till they cant get no more funds to buy more. then they find out they have too much then gotta declutter so then stops the shopping lol.
with the democrats in power things are only to get worse, in the soviet communist model citizens preferred things over cash as things were always in short suppy......if you seriously think sleepy creepy joe will make things better, ask those he stranded to be murdered and tortured by biden's taliban "partners" he armed up
@@alroth6308 I know right, because if Dump Trump was in office he'd be shitting out truck driver's. He'd have those ports cleared with a snap of a finger. Oh, but wait he is the one that allowed this mess to start. He lied to everyone about how bad things were going to get. People like you will have Dump Trump back in office so he can blame everything on Biden and then say he's fixed everything when actually it was Biden fixing things. When are people going to learn it doesn't matter who the president is they are all out to scam the American Citizen stop being a sucker and falling for the biggest idiot in the room
You're right. It's sobering to realize that
@@alroth6308 Better yet ask the 500k Trump killd.
Truckers have not had a raise in 30 years when you factor in inflation.
@Clayton's Riot Nope, they'll just import more "qualified drivers" from foreign countries and keep the wages down for the existing drivers. Worked for Bush, worked for Obama. They both used that strategy to keep rates down for their corporate buddies.
The only people who've gotten raises are the wealthy CEOs of all these corporations.
@@angelachanelhuang1651 I've been hearing this word for 23 years. Never happens. People just wind up leaving or going bankrupt.
Nobody has
“Live with it”, I agree totally. There’s too many choices for every product anyways. 90% of it I never purchase. Do we really need 100 different flavors of chips, cereal and granola bars?
No chips, no cereals, no granola bars... no diabetis, no high blood pressure, no obesity... 😉
yes we do
Great Reset goal: "You'll own nothing and be happy."
everyone will be plugged into the matrix... in fact they already are
So Communism.
UN agenda 2030
I’ve been in logistics for over 20 yrs and the first problem is a shortage of container chassis. The second is that the ports need to extend their hours, and the last point is that they need to wave demurrage charges. If they don’t have a chassis and the driver has a port pick up date, the importer is only going to pass those charges to the customer which is us.
Hopefully things will change
@@Irene94044 🙏🏽
This is the first comment here with interesting and valuable information! Thanks Mike C.!
Appreciate each and every truck driver!!! We rely on y’all so much.
its companys like schneider that are part of the problem with driver shortages the wages below minium wage they pay for the hours the truck driver works if they would pay a descent wage they would not have any shortage
Perhaps it's time to treat truck drivers better...yes?
If you have ever driven on an interstate highway you will have dealt with semi trucks barreling down the road.
Have you noticed any difference in how many of them are out there?
I just took a trip on I-5 and there's plenty of semi's out there. Go truckers!
I dated truck driver and one thing about those trucks is that they have to hit certain businesses at a specific time to get unloaded/pick up goods. They miss the window & they're in trouble.
@@hsoderberg9929 When it comes down to it, people who make deliveries don't have much of a say in the distribution schedule. I've noticed the Amazon and FedEx trucks in my neighborhood. Those guys are shaving off seconds at every step of the way.
No I’ve seen plenty of truckers
Took a 12 Hour Road trip yesterday. I had almost 3 of them run me off the road and seen thousands. There’s plenty honestly we need to find a different way to get our goods. They are dangerous and bad for the environment 🌎
How much do we really need? Spend and buy less. Buy used. Decide that you don’t need a new tree every year. For Pete’s sake it’s all our fault for overconsumption. Your kids don’t need thousands of dollars worth of gifts. Hundreds is too much. Christmas is about Christ. One or two well thought out gifts are enough. Let’s remember what Christmas really means.
I agree 100%...we buy too much stuff!!!!! spend less...and buy used...fix it up...and be calm...Christmas should be about family being together...loving and sharing memories...keep your money if your pocket.....
Better yet, use your brain and figure out that religion is all BS and forget about christmas.
When I moved out on my own, my Dad gave me a toolbox, filled with his old tools. What a thoughtful gift. Women like a guy who can fix things.
Let's just remove SANTA from our kids mentality it actually causes entitlement. I buy as I need, I live in the country, my kids are safe, I buy locally and use thrift stores etc. And my kids appreciate me and I appreciate them. "Christmas" every single day around here! You don't have to have everything just love and respect
Some parents do not do the Santa lie, because they do not want for their children to think that God and Jesus are as imaginary as Santa. Also, I recall long ago, the "church lady" on SNL rearranging the magnetic letters of "SANTA" to spell Satan. Hmm. What is up with that? Not like SNL is a reliable source of info, but still? Now I hardly even watch the liar TV.
Yeah, you can find some good stuff in thrift stores sometimes. Back when things were made more to last a long time.
It is all about money. The U.S. over time became more of a service industry and less a manufacturer. So now we Americans rely on shipments of goods from outside the U.S., so that creates one layer. However, within the U.S. we have another issue, especially in the trucking industry. When I went through trucking school earlier this year, many of my co-trainees were from foreign countries. In my part of the country, nearly half were from Haiti. On the road you realize many are from India, the middle east and countries to our south. While I understand why foreigners want to migrate to the U.S., and that to become a trucker driver you do not need education, the bottom line is that these individuals are willing to work for less because to them it is more. Then you also have the U.S. born truckers that simply don't have the aptitude or money for higher learning. For me, I learned quickly that trucking for a company just is not worth the money. You live 24/7 in a truck. This requires you to pay upwards of $15 per day for a shower, the cost of eating out on each meal, eating unhealthy and dealing with many stressful situations. Stresses caused primarily by the reckless drivers on our roads these days (lack of enforcement), trying to find safe parking for the night (which can also add to personal costs), inefficient management issues with the trucking company staff and just earning bottom of the barrel wages. The only other option is to start your own trucking company which has its own extreme financial risks, but with much better rewards if successful. As long as you have foreign or domestic workers that are willing to work in these conditions for low wages the industry will go on, but as wages continue to lag behind the massive amounts of money the trucking company's rake in and hoard, workers that know better will seek other solutions for their own financial survival.
As a CDL instructor I can say with confidence CDL holders are in HIGH demand right now. Our students have jobs before they even graduate.
I stopped doing intermodal in may. Rates got pushed down too far. How are there shortages while rates stay stagnant? I'm not buying it.
This is not entirely accurate according to other news sources. Droughts have really been affecting American produce including California, then there was really bad weather and early freezes in the midwest that killed crops. Some of the ships have been waiting off the coast for months not weeks. If people are wanting to have more fruits and vegetables etcetera they need to try to start growing some of their own, or buying what they can find fresh and preserving them. Natural Gas prices are also predicted to go way up. It would be great for more people to start learning to cook from scratch too if grocery supplies become much more limited. Beans and rice are good combo as well as any kind of fruits and vegetables
we have been controlling the weather for decades so its all planned.
Fruit trees got nipped in the bud this year but vegetables grew great. Peppers, onions, tomatoes, chicken all home grown. Only things needed from the store for lunch today are tortilla chips, olive oil and salt. Fire up the skillet ma it's almost time for brunch.
or build more advanced transportation infrastructure in America, heaven forbid
I quit the trucking industry 10 years ago because the rates were low, and I'm not the only one
Now add the extra cost of ELD's and DPF systems. People have left the industry because of the stupidity of the same people blaming the "crisis" on a driver shortage. They have no clue that they're the ones who caused this to happen. 2 simple rules. 1: Less profit, less drivers. 2: More regulations, less drivers.
We as a society should appreciate everyone more than what we do. Every job profession deserves more respect as people are pouring hours and hours into their work. Let’s treat the worker better, then see what happens.
What’s sad is most of that stuff will end up in LANDFILLS
I go to thrift stores for gifts when possible, win/win in my opinion!
Watch out for bedbugs
There will be no more thrift stores when this is all over.
You will not be able to have anything anymore.
I love thrift stores! Can't afford security guards, very few security cams watching ya, cheap enough stuff that no one cares if you steal it and it comes up missing.
Thrift stores are awesome!! 😀
Those stores charge more than what the goods are worth. Their inventory is free.
I've noticed prices going up at my local Walmart for some food items but not only that some items have new package but also less quantity for higher prices. They size down few ounces so it wouldn't be noticeable I guess but when you buy a product frequently you can tell right away.
It's called "shrinkflation", and it's not new. Just more prevalent
Just checked. My local grocery store is loaded with Gatorade. And what diner serves Gatorade?
@@brucelee4996, right…I fixed it…thanks. Isn’t it there to aid gators, though?
Good question! Turns out that the beverage makers charge a lot more for Gatorade in retail stores--grocery stores. Restaurants get it in bulk, at a discount. So when there's a shortage, they stop selling to the restaurants, and sell what they've got to the grocery stores...because they make more money that way!
@@DavidPogue oh gosh! David Pogue answered me back! This is the greatest day ever!
@@DavidPogue wait, I just thought of something. The “restaurants and diners get it at a discount because they order in bulk” claim doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The Wegman’s chain of grocery stores has to be buying Gatorade in bulk in a much larger quantity than some restaurant or diner would. So why wouldn’t the grocery store chain be getting a bigger discount? More bulk, bigger discount. It seems more likely that PepsiCo keeps shipping to grocery stores during a shortage because those are the customers they can’t risk upsetting. They can let the diner fend for themselves. If they lose the diner’s business, no big deal to a Fortune 500 Company. And in all my life I’ve never been to a restaurant or diner that had Gatorade on the drink menu. “The lady will have your best white wine, I’ll have the Gatorade.” A deli, yes, will have it, in that “Go over to that glass door refrigerator over there and pick out your drink” situation. But never in a sit down diner or restaurant. Did you film that segment at the IBS Cafe or something?
According to many truckers, it's the crane operators purposely slowing unloading and loading of containers. Stories of truckers waiting hours for crane operators to end their hours long lunches they take all at once instead of rotating breaks.
@Hal Leanard GOOD ONE. It’s the blame game in full force.
Namaskar Dear One :)) :)) :))
They union, double time
This is a huge part of the problem, but there is also difficulty getting the shipping containers. I read an article where a shipper was paying $3000 for containers and now they are $10,000. They only go one way across the ocean, and with covid, having them built has been a problem. They don't get shipped back empty and unfortunately, the countries shipping to us, do not import enough to take them back. They are having problems getting raw materials to even build them. Our shelves have been half empty for two years now. If I want a can of beans, I get what they have, if I am lucky, forget name brand-organic-low sodium. A pint of maple syrup was $27.99 the other day. I don't know how young families are managing. During covid we stopped ALL unnecessary spending. We don't hoard either. We grew a garden, have a freezer of game, so I am shocked when I do have to grocery shop. And our spending is still squelched. We learned we don't need a thing. We use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
I read where these ships have to pay $1 million a day demurrage for not offloading------
Did she say 95% of consumer goods come to the US In containers?
That’s alarming.
Not really. It’s just easier to ship in containers. The only consumer goods not shipped by containers are usually imported automobiles. But other imports that aren’t consumer products don’t ship using containers, such as aggregates, grains, bulk liquids.. you get the idea.
Went looking for winter boots because I literally wore holes in my last pair.
I asked which month they usually start getting winter boots in & was told they have no clue when it will be in.
Got 3 pairs in the closet from a clearance sale rack a few years ago. You can't get them anymore as Kmart is gone. Texas steer work boots. Usually good for a year or more when worn daily.
cobbler services are almost extinct.
Just imagine when refinery workers can't make fuel, definitely not related to vaccine mandates. Let's go Brandon
Can't make fuel because they are obstinate babies scared of taking Trumps vaccine? Yeah, whatever 🙄
@@Jessica-gy6kr Let's go Brandon
@@ahartmann1023 bitting pillows is your job not mine 😉
@@ahartmann1023 stop being a wuss
did the truckers strike in the 1970's not teach the American consumer/the American public just how important the American truck driver is to this country.
Your talking about something that happened over 50 years ago…
Doctor Newman please think about what I am saying here without the trucks and the trailers plus a driver to drive them the American economy STOPS!
Is there really a book shortage? Cause Costco has all the books dated for release over the next few weeks in boxes under the tables.
Use bark people!
Use a bidet if you can attach one to your toilet. Otherwise there are portable hand-held bidets that work as well.
Use 2 sheets at a time. Learn to conserve
This is why I buy most things second hand. Helping the waste problem and no waiting!! Plus stuff just isn't built the way it used to be. Quality items at antique & thrift stores.
What happens with trucking when there are less drivers and higher gas prices? And what about vaccine mandates for dock workers?
Exactly. Leave it to the mainstream media to grossly under report what's really going on.
Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, the media is the one hyping it up. Even joey Biden has not made a mandate because he knows its unconstitutional.
@@timknepper1041 Also, a "Mandate" isn't LAW- just a "Strong Suggestion"!!
Sounds like we need to start bringing factory back to the 🇺🇸
I agree however the environmental pollution comes with it.
I bet if folks started emptying out closets and selling it there would be no shortage of goods.
lol that true too
They wonder why there’s a shortage in trucking just look at how truckers are treated and paid to some it seems like a lot of money but it’s really not most truckers stay on their jobs 24 hours a day
It's a complicated yet simple reason...China's ports operate 24/7 and ours don't. But all the entities in the US tied to moving containers blame each other for not being able to work 24/7.
It's funny how they need CDL drivers and yet they don't want to up the pay for it could you imagine if CDL drivers on strike before the holidays
They better not try to make truckers get the "poison jab". That could cause serious trouble. What part of "NO" does the corrupt illegitimate government and greedy controlling corporations not understand? Most everybody has the natural immunity to ControlYaVirus by now, and natural immunity handles whatever imaginary endless "variants" so much better than endless booster shots.
@@yosefmacgruber1920 When that time comes, and it will, I take my truck off the road. We'll see how long that mandate lasts.
Workers strike
Well I sure do not see myself as an experiment lab rat for their mad-science "poison jab" concoctions. They have already let us know that their boosters likely have no end, so whatever is the point? And I believe that God wants me unv.
Year 2 of being without the v. Still healthy. Why would I roll the dice now?
Legally you can’t strike, most truckers are not union. You can just quit but would have no protection that union workers in a strike would have.
Yes, quit before the holidays. Most Americans are scared of truckers on the highway, I’m sure alienating the public before the holidays would improve our position. It would only serve up more investment for automation!
Another price hiking ploy. The cry from some was raising minimum wage would cause higher prices. Well, minimum wage WAS NOT RAISED, and still prices are higher. So, miss me with that don't raise minimum wage BS!!!
It's always about corporate investors making profit, plain and simple.
How do you create a shortage to increase the price of goods? Block a canal and shut everything down due to somebody testing positive for Covid. This is going to be very profitable for a select group of people.
He didn't mention the main thing - the lack of coordination at the ports. There is little communication, so it's chaos here but not as much in countries where the information is transparent and coordinated. Thus no lines waiting to get to your container...
The supply breakdown and "worker shortage" is because of wages and inflation. It's really not that hard.
Thanks to all the truck drivers we appreciate everything you are doing and my prayers are with you
Good thing I never buy gifts and ask people to never buy them for me. It's been that way for years. If I DO want something, I buy it for myself, but I don't often want anything (beyond groceries). If there is something I want that is out of stock, I just buy something muss, no fuss.
So you're saying that guy's bacon is coming on a ship? If that's the case we got bigger problems
@@LA-wv7gf THIS!!!!! If 2020 didn't show us anything in the US...we depend way too much on other countries.
Thanks for the clarification on this issue- Well done!
I knew it was trucking. It's been all over the news.
Margo you didn’t know sht.
Not quite well done. This is so much more than just a lack of truck drivers.
Should of never relied on imports because of cheap labor.
Your MIT expert said that without government intervention, the supply chain might not get straightened out until sometime next year. I would like to know what he thinks the government might be able to do to speed that up. Right now, nobody is calling on the government to take any action at all! What could the administration do to help?
Student loan reduction for graduates going to trucking, loan payment for truck driving school, tax rebates for drivers,.....only limited by imagination.
Several ways I can think of (not that I agree with them)... subsidies & govt backed loans for drivers and trucking companies. prioritizing loads for key commodities, relaxing hours of service and other regulations, even calling in the military to haul loads (the UK just did this to ensure fuel was getting delivered).
You don’t want to blame the truck drivers in the port operations but no one‘s blaming them unnecessary mass production of these big corporations. The monopolies are draining the resources.
We need more Made in USA and less import from other countries, this is all a self made problem
I agree but the American business mentality is money is good, profit is king.
You can't even find people to unload products, how could you find people to work in the factory
We’re already buried in crap we don’t need. Befriend a hoarder.
Been stocking up for Christmas. Gift cards are my backup plan.
Smart. I thought about it. Ill definitely have to start
Do strip clubs sell gift cards?
And btw, Picard was better.
Lol what a joke
I just give cash, let everyone buy what they want.
The problem is they don't want to pay anyone a living wage. They want an endless supply of desperate, cheap labor.
The problem is the dollar has been purposely destroyed we used to make everything till Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Get it before you need it and be patient.
Did you not see the comment posted before yours? “Stop hoarding TP!”
Hoard all you want. You bought it - it's yours - enjoy.
p.s. don't worry about some crybabys' opinion.
Quilted Northern baby!! Extra plush!
There isn't a supply shortage, there's unnecessary over consumption. People can eat less, purchase fewer goods, and go without non-essential items. This is an opportunity to realize how much we buy that we don't really need.
Jaime Torres - I think George Carlin said it best: "Americans buy things they don't need, with money they don't have."
It's an artificial way to raise prices. Supply and demand. We are about to see inflation like we have never seen before. Take a hard look at what's happening in Venezuela.
It's regulations keeping truck drivers away from ports. You need to have different insurance and clearence. Fuel prices killing companies as well.
segments omits asking;
"why logistics companies can't find drivers",
"what is the mileage and hourly rate a driver is reimbursed",
"are drivers required to load and unload their own rigs",
"are drivers financially penalized for missed quotas or deadlines",
^ you guys let the CEO off with the old "I love my drivers" line. smh
Time to bring some manufacturing back to the US!
The struggle is real….. and it’s good for you… our grandparents know all to well….
Why is there such a driver shortage? Because most over-the-road drivers are treated like s**t. Out on the road for weeks at a time. Paid by the mile, rather than the hour, so the cost of delays comes out of their pockets. Many new drivers coerced into “lease to own” scams that bind them to virtual indentured servitude. The kind of trucking practiced by Schneider, Swift, CR England and others is deeply exploitative.
Our economy was built on the backs of underpaid immigrants, and now since the pandemic stopped that flow of labor, everything is falling apart.
That is certainly true for the farming industry.
nice lie and bull crap
Why is this happening? Because of stupid government for the last sixty years -- beginning with Nixon going to China in 1973 which began the Rust Belt in the USA.
2019 & up trucks are having a parts supply issue. The DEF sensors are failing and in high demand and trucks are parked till available. This is not helping an already short truck supply.
dumb EPS made that mess
Just finished a 30 day rv vacation spanning 7 western states. There were so many trucks on the road back and forth and every commercial train loaded with containers! Every truck stop we passed or stopped in was full of trucks on the move!!!
Buy butter and milk from local farmers!!! I live in Connecticut and they have plenty!
at 3 to 5 times the price!
@@mrbear1302 ahhhh…no…I buy it often at my farm and it’s less expensive.Plus you can also make butter yourself. You don’t pay for shipping or delivery. My god get a brain.
@@MJ-wrty you buy stuff at your farm? Well that makes sense! I have made butter. the cream is so expensive! I don't have cows out back.
@@mrbear1302 again. You still can't grasp CBA which is a business term you probably don't know or would know because you are settled in your mediocre life. Ignorance like yours is what has brought my country to a shambles. You're a joke.
We were talking about just this at lunch and, someone said it was lack of dock workers. This makes it all clear. Thank you.
Dock workers, the old time dock workers to move goods by hand has been gone for years. They use cranes and trucks to move containers. Sorting and storage of containers are done by computers.
Maybe the National Guard could drive the trucks needed to deliver the goods until things get back to normal.
A special license ( with lots of practice ) is needed to drive those trucks.
@@ccubito Good point. Some National Guard members are truck drivers. It would be great if they could start training the more soldiers now.
The director of MIT's Center for Transportation and logistics says " people did not spend during the pandemic". Really there were shortages of cars and trucks, boats, hot tubs, Lowes and Home Depot ran out of of supplies, grocery stores ran low of stock, and houses were bought like crazy. He is living in a world that I did not live in during the pandemic.
You mean there's a downside to interdependent globalism? That's not what my politicians told me.
Hmm. We’re losing truckers because of the vaccine mandate. Truckers are quitting because they do not want the jab. Didn’t Biden say that the mandate was the best way to get the economy back? Did I miss something?
That what he said Goldman Sach told him and if you cant trust Goldman Sach who can you trust.
I want to be a driver and I am at point where I can operate a rig. Only thing that is holding me back is experience. They all want experience. I got through the training and now I am calling on every trucking firms to get a job. There two firms that will hire me but both are notorious for mistreating their drivers and have very high accident rates because they don't do much support or training.
So the Snyders of the world should hire guys like me and do further training until they are confident in someone's ability.
Unfortunately you'll likely have to work for one of these companies until you get some experience under your belt, after a couple of years you'll be able to work for just about anyone. Funny thing is Schnieder used to be on of those training companies back in the day, along with JB Hunt. Guess they've passed the torch to Swift and Western Express.
send me a messag.e i may be able to get you a job doing CDL work with no raw exp.
Well, the sugar and snack products seem to the CVS's, in the stores.....the crap. Perhaps we should rethink our "distribution" centers in times of crises. Staples we need, crap we don't, and the crap is there.
The government needs to work on a stimulus package to help the trucking industry expand and get more people in it that's what I think the best solution would be this is a tricky situation
That's not all of the problem. In the Port of Los Angeles, they are only working 5 days a week 20 hours a day while hundreds of ship are off shore and unable to unload because of Union contracts. Truckers here are waiting 8-12 hours to get loaded. So it's not just a trucking shortage.
The Schneider guy totally avoided saying that his company ships a lot of its containers on railroads. The railroads move 99% of the containers from the ports inland, dependent on the length of haul
I heard the other day you couldn't get a shipment on a train if you wanted to. It's backed up, too. Obviously someone is shipping, but it's the large customers who may have booked the shipments well in advance.
I work at a grocery store and some aisles have constantly transforming due to these issues. People get annoyed at the fact that we don’t have product and even more when we can’t give them an estimated time arrival. The stores are kept to make the illusion that it’s full, but I would say 10% of things don’t come in
This seems like a problem in Brandon’s world of influence. So Let’s go Brandon!!🔥
yes because a global trade collapse is not the fault of a global pandemic its the president of the United States fault even though the crisis began before he was even elected? sure dude
it's trumps fault.
Funny how people think it’s a supply chain problem. It’s a money printing problem.
So if a president has that much influence on a global scale than I guess the global pandemic really was Trump's fault. Good to know!
Countries we buy ingredients &/or finished goods from are also experiencing rebound catching up on inventory, often prioritizing their own domestic needs (& their own import shortages) including fuel!