Kripp, after Blizzard ripping off your odd/even gimmick the least they could do is honor you with a card: Salt Elemental, 5 mana 7/4, Battlecry: Your opponent draws an answer.
"Thank you for watching the video, there's a lot more content, a lot more content in this Thursday specifically, expansion is being released don't know exactly when but i will be streaming on twitch, links below starting at 11:00 a.m. est that's 12 hours earlier than my regular stream. Be streaming all day we're not gonna miss the launch of the new expansion and i'm gonna keep you guys busy with some really cool stuff until that happens so come in and check it out." P.S. I usually post previous Kripp's outros from his videos, but since this outro is temporary, i will post it untill he will change it to another one.
patch note: hidden hunter buff: Deathstalker Rexxar’s Hero Power has been updated to include Beasts from Kobolds & Catacombs and The Witchwood. Minions now only break Stealth when attacking. Damage dealt by card abilities, such as Knife Juggler’s knife throw, no longer breaks Stealth.
But warlock has more removal and a better agro game so that's pointless prince Liam though will make you give up call to arms why summon them when you can turn them into random legendaries
One aspect people are missing from all these cheap lifesteal/rush beasts is that they make Deathstalker Rexxar much better, it gives a Frostlich Janna aspect to spell hunter, and that's pretty important because Hunter really doesn't have heal at all, so being able to trade and heal at the same time is pretty premium.
I wonder who else is gonna misunderstand that Shudderwock can't target itself with effects that target "a friendly minion", unless you duplicate him with chain gang.
You can have both zola and "put into deck". Put in deck helps with fatigue. If you play it right you gonna fill the board with buffed ones, they always play battlecries in specific order, so if you it buffs itself and then gangs itself you gonna get like 3-4-5-whateverinfinity of 10/10s. Way stronger than jades tbh, but more clunky.
Evro Wave random*, it was Made clear on stream, reason being there would be too many combos making the card way beyond op (grumble + lifedrinker + chaingang alone for infinite dmg combo). Randomness will ensure combos like these won't be consistent enough to be played seriously
Oops! Playful Sprites have disrupted Rania as she was syncing the audio for this video. Please wait a few minutes for them to disperse and try re-syncing the audio.
All of the new beasts with lifesteal greatly increase the stabilization potential of the Death Knight. Originally, there was only bloodworm which had a high mana cost just to gain the effect. Now, the effect exists on low cost minions that could be combined with taunt minions. Just a cool benefit for having those cards in the card pool.
25:20 Thank god we get this card. While mage won't have Ice Block, I swear I've almost never seen a netdeck secret mage have Ice Block, and since we are losing Eater of Secrets, this is Blizzard's way of letting us once again stop secret mage (and hunter in general)
Something of note for quite a few of the new beasts introduced, particularly vicious scalehide: Deathstalker Rexxar is getting his discover pool updated. Cards like that are going to be INSANE beast combine cards for him.
hey kripp for shudderwock, the battle cry of chain gang is to produce a copy of itself so when you play shudderwock, you get more shudderwocks, not chain gang. This was also in the reveal and gameplay livestream the other day.
The thing with Hidden Wisdom and the "play 3 cards" trigger is that your opponent cant really play around it and stay in the game. Like what if they need to play 3 cards, they know you'll draw 2 but it doesn't matter, their turn requires them to play the cards they need to play. They cant just end their turn half-way through to deny your secret. Or they might try but if they're slowed down too many times, you'll win anyway.
We really need to get eggs as a type of cards (similar to pirate, beast etc), and then have hatch mechanics, but cannot have attack stats. Have a legendary minion, which hatches all eggs (not just friendly) on the board, and then add a copy of each egg (which was hatched) to the owners hand. Another card should give all eggs an ability, where they take one damage each turn (a count down to hatching. Cards that give eggs taunt and buff health (anti-aggro). Cards that give hatched minions bonus stats. There should a super strong legendary dragon, which as a negative lays an eggs each turn, and killing that egg deals significant damage to the legendary minion and the face of the owner, but also spawns a small dragon. And we need a hero card, which turns your hero into a dragon, and then your heropower become "lay an egg" (summon a random eggs, which hatches at the end of your opponents turn - so you can attack with the hatched minion). There could be so much amazing synergy between eggs and dragons as well. And then Rogue of course need an "egg snatcher" card, where they can steal the opponents eggs. Hunter and Druid could also have beast based eggs. Think about having a Hunter eggs with an angry chicken, but for each round the egg is on the board, the chicken gets +1/+1... Then when the egg is hatched you can use the "enrage" mechanic (let us just call it that although the name changes) to get a massive attack minion on the board. But you opponent can target down the egg immediately, when it is played. Eggs as a type of cards could be really amazing if they went with it imo.
Sandbinder could be used in Priest for Lyra Sunshard or the Elementals that make spells cheaper for to reliably get big Lyra turns. It could also see play in Shudderwock Shaman because it can get you Grumble Worldshaker - which is an insane Battlecry if you had Saronite Chain Gang's Battlecry trigger because you get a 1 mana Shudderwock back into your hand. Do this over and over again with a Battlecry like Lifedrinker's 3 face damage + heal and you can easily kill your opponent in the turn after you play Shudderwock. I'd say that card is gonna see play, even if only in janky combo decks.
I'm really looking forward to the expansion. There's going to be some cool new decks to try - especially looking forward to playing Rogue (and maybe minion mage). Need to run silence in decks now, not looking forward to Lady Priest
Could see some hilariouscombo involving shudderwock grumble and lifedrinker for super damage/heal turns especially if you can get multiple shudderwocks back into your hand from the grumble. Obviously not good but sounds super fun.
Dragon egg - "pretty good! " Shudderwock -" I thought it was crap before someone showed me a broken combo." Thats all you need to know about the level of Kripp analysis.
you can combo that curse of weakness with the epic card the switches the attack and health of the minions so is a 6 mana AOE and you gain tempo quick sort of.
I think you're underestimating the keysmith. For basically the cost of 2 mana you get to pick a solution. If you need freezing trap or vape nation and you get it, feelsgoodman
Everyone get's Shudderwock wrong even though it was seen on stream. You need Shudderwock to double itself with the saronite chaingang battlecry, than it can shuffle copies of itself. It casts the battlecries as if used it so whem a battlevry says "another minion" Shudderwock can't target itself with it.
The Shudderwock has to be duplicated before it can be shuffled back into the deck, the battlecry is triggering from itself so it cant target the original body. And since the battlecrys happen in random order regardless of order of play throughout the game it is never guaranteed to get infinite value from Shudderwock.
No, that doesn't guarantee it because if the grumble battlecry goes off before Shudderwock is multiplied by Chain gang battlecry it will just return whatever else is on your board and not Shudderwock due to how Grumble works. But I was incorrect because I forgot about murmuring elemental, and if you've played Chain Gang and Grumble or Zola during the game and reduced the mana cost of Murmuring elemental through either Grumble or the small elemental that reduces elementals in hand by 1, you can play Murmuring elemental first and then Shudderwock on the same turn and guarantee at least 1 Shudderwock back in your hand (this is guaranteed with zola only if your board was empty the turn you played this).
Did Ben misspeak on the reveal stream then? At roughly 31 mins in he says the battlecries happen in the same order that they were played. I didn't spend the time to go back and watch what order the original cards were played in vs the Shudderwocks effect later on.
Yes a minute or two after they said they were told that the battlecrys happen randomly. If you keep track during the game you can see the orders aren't the same when Realz re-plays Shudderwock. It's still an OTK combo or infinite value if you don't run the Blooddrinker, however the Infinite value play will always bounce back your board except 1 or 2 Shudderwocks.
Shudderwock can't target itself with the baleful banker effect, it can target copies of itself spawned with saronite chain gangs effect but since it's been confirmed that shudderwocks battlecries are triggered in a random order it's going to be unreliable at best.
Very suprised Kripp doesn't think much of Arcane Keysmith. Honestly think it's one of the strongest cards in the set, been waiting for a card with a similar effect but the powerlevel of Keysmith genuinely suprised me and if it's not played in most mage decks for the next 2 years I'd be suprised.
It's very bad in my opinion for a lot of reasons. Maybe it would have been played in a combo/freeze mage to get more Ice Block but that won't be possible. So I guess you want to play this in a tempo mage or some kind of only-minion mage ? But when has tempo mage been playing secrets without having the ability to cheat them out or with synergy cards (valet and Crystal runner) ? Well never. Because paying 3-mana for a secret is bad tempo-wise and too low impact. It's only good when you have those synergies or discount effect. So a 1 mana 2/2 + 3 mana secret that is not even guaranteed to be Explosive or CS ? That's not "very bad" as I statted earlier but that defenitly doesn't make the cut in constructed.
I think this card is exactly why ice block had to be hall of famed, I am glad that we won't be seeing this used as a psuedo iceblock, but why I think this card is so strong is exactly because it's not a guaranteed explosive rune. Right now if a mage plays a secret against you in standard you can be pretty confident it's probably explosive rune, maybe counterspell, so you play around that outcome, the secret that this pulls out could be anything, secrets that aren't good enough to run in your deck for every game can be situationally amazing, you get to pick the best of three options for you and your opponent has no idea what to play around. Random secrets can be game swinging and the fact the player has some control over which secret it is and gets a 2/2 body all for 4 mana seems a really strong card in my book.
wolfernater no secret other than ice block or counter spell(which is already being played as you said) on your board clear turn is going to swing the game, also the body sucks, the tempo you lose isn't worth it Edit: maybe for control
It's very easy to play around every secret anyway. It's not like the fact that it's random will be insanly good. At best if your opponent only has one big minion, he might hesitate to go face into a potential Vapo. But otherwise, it's just very easy to play around them. Play a little minion and a little spell and you played around every secret.µ 4-mana slot is way too crowded in mage to put a random bad secret + a 2/2 on this slot.
Hey Kripp fans! - Does anyone know how the pity timer for legendaries works, if its "opened packs" or "obtained packs" because this event has given me a bunch of random packs and i seem short a legendary for the longest time with the packs i've been opening before i switch to another! Thanks!
Surpised to see kripp not mention deathstalker rexxar. all of the new beasts will work with its hero power, like the 1 mana 2/1 lifesteal.... that's pretty good with build-a-beast
"Then shall the trees of the forest sing for salt before the Brode, for he comes to judge the meta"
- Kripponicles 16;33
HolyWaterino Kripperino
Holy water? More like holy Acid... y’know... cause you deal damage, you’d expect holy water to heal.
Holy Clorox.
Maybe all minions in Hearthstone are hidden vampires.
Holy Botox.
1:24 see cards
32:28 skip cards
Fasterino Skipperino
32:38 skip the kripp
skipperino is loosing their edge.
Skipperino Kripperino i
9:25 imagine this with Void ripper
Kripp, after Blizzard ripping off your odd/even gimmick the least they could do is honor you with a card:
Salt Elemental, 5 mana 7/4, Battlecry: Your opponent draws an answer.
Saltmancer, 4 mana 1/1, Battlecry: Gain +6/+6. Give your opponent a 'Silence' spell.
90% of review
"Could be good, idk, well have to see"
"Thank you for watching the video, there's a lot more content, a lot more content in this Thursday specifically, expansion is being released don't know exactly when but i will be streaming on twitch, links below starting at 11:00 a.m. est that's 12 hours earlier than my regular stream. Be streaming all day we're not gonna miss the launch of the new expansion and i'm gonna keep you guys busy with some really cool stuff until that happens so come in and check it out."
P.S. I usually post previous Kripp's outros from his videos, but since this outro is temporary, i will post it untill he will change it to another one.
rename to outrorino kripperino
patch note: hidden hunter buff: Deathstalker Rexxar’s Hero Power has been updated to include Beasts from Kobolds & Catacombs and The Witchwood.
Minions now only break Stealth when attacking. Damage dealt by card abilities, such as Knife Juggler’s knife throw, no longer breaks Stealth.
Lots of ok cards, relatively weak since it's the first expansion of the year
TL;DRino Kripperino skipthevideokripperino
My favorite new cards in this video: Baleful Banker, Vicious Scalehide, and Swamp Dragon Egg. CAUSE THEY CAN ALL BE CALLED TO ARMS!
Call to Armserino Kripperino noicd
But warlock has more removal and a better agro game so that's pointless prince Liam though will make you give up call to arms why summon them when you can turn them into random legendaries
Echo lock will make call to arms look fair
Have you ever considered calling three arms? You'd be 50% more armed
3 mana, 3/3, "50% chance that Kripp thinks it's good in Arena"
1:24 Druid of the Always Huffer.
Weed Striker seen this joke before HA!......
Cant go face so its useless
No smorc no huffer
Druid of the shit huffer
Jenkem Druid :D
On the face of Mossy Horror
Europe - The Final Countdown
If you keep tapping at 25:45 if looks like Kripp is a hamster drinking from a bottle of water...
One aspect people are missing from all these cheap lifesteal/rush beasts is that they make Deathstalker Rexxar much better, it gives a Frostlich Janna aspect to spell hunter, and that's pretty important because Hunter really doesn't have heal at all, so being able to trade and heal at the same time is pretty premium.
I wonder who else is gonna misunderstand that Shudderwock can't target itself with effects that target "a friendly minion", unless you duplicate him with chain gang.
17:50 not copies of gang, copies of itself.
:O you're right. Hot damn!!! This is gonna be lit!!
Also why playing the clunky "put into deck" thing if you have zola the gorgon? Also in wild shaman new jade druid with this - oh god
You can have both zola and "put into deck". Put in deck helps with fatigue. If you play it right you gonna fill the board with buffed ones, they always play battlecries in specific order, so if you it buffs itself and then gangs itself you gonna get like 3-4-5-whateverinfinity of 10/10s. Way stronger than jades tbh, but more clunky.
Evro Wave random*, it was Made clear on stream, reason being there would be too many combos making the card way beyond op (grumble + lifedrinker + chaingang alone for infinite dmg combo). Randomness will ensure combos like these won't be consistent enough to be played seriously
Evro Wave yeah heard that too, although he explained the card correctly before that mistake
Feels like the rest of the expansions will build on Witchwood. A lot of the cards have potential and varied, but need support.
I feel like thats the point of the expansion, and I like it tbh
Lottom I'd like it more if it was say the second expansion and not the first.
main downside is that paladin and warlock will still be everywhere for a few months
JTSents89 Low Rank life and Arena XD
Oops! Playful Sprites have disrupted Rania as she was syncing the audio for this video. Please wait a few minutes for them to disperse and try re-syncing the audio.
A Hint: put the video in 1.25 velocity
Tito Tosta my hero
Sorry, but I watch all Kripp vids on 1.5 baseline. I guess you know what that means for this video.
That's not a hint, it's a tip.
Celestial Morning Light Thanks for the Hint!
Tito Tosta No problem 😄
29:40 Leyline Exodia Mage, it will pull a Leyline Manipulator from your deck. Thats also a pretty good combo.
All of the new beasts with lifesteal greatly increase the stabilization potential of the Death Knight. Originally, there was only bloodworm which had a high mana cost just to gain the effect. Now, the effect exists on low cost minions that could be combined with taunt minions. Just a cool benefit for having those cards in the card pool.
17:55 it actually fills the board with copies of Shudderwock not saronite chain gangs
Next week please do a "How Vegan Logic Lead me Astray" video.
25:20 Thank god we get this card. While mage won't have Ice Block, I swear I've almost never seen a netdeck secret mage have Ice Block, and since we are losing Eater of Secrets, this is Blizzard's way of letting us once again stop secret mage (and hunter in general)
Something of note for quite a few of the new beasts introduced, particularly vicious scalehide: Deathstalker Rexxar is getting his discover pool updated. Cards like that are going to be INSANE beast combine cards for him.
i love them sneaking in the artifact weapons into the art! very nice!
15:25 a lot of minions will be damaged the turn they come out with RUSH being the new thing, krip
Just sitting here tapping on my preorder packs...hoping they open
Can't wait to see someone mill himself with hidden wisdom.
Hey kripp I watch your videos everyday. You're a awesome hearthstone player!
hey kripp for shudderwock, the battle cry of chain gang is to produce a copy of itself so when you play shudderwock, you get more shudderwocks, not chain gang. This was also in the reveal and gameplay livestream the other day.
also poisonous drakeslayer works well with betrayal
5 mana kill 2 things next to the poisonous
The thing with Hidden Wisdom and the "play 3 cards" trigger is that your opponent cant really play around it and stay in the game. Like what if they need to play 3 cards, they know you'll draw 2 but it doesn't matter, their turn requires them to play the cards they need to play. They cant just end their turn half-way through to deny your secret. Or they might try but if they're slowed down too many times, you'll win anyway.
We really need to get eggs as a type of cards (similar to pirate, beast etc), and then have hatch mechanics, but cannot have attack stats. Have a legendary minion, which hatches all eggs (not just friendly) on the board, and then add a copy of each egg (which was hatched) to the owners hand. Another card should give all eggs an ability, where they take one damage each turn (a count down to hatching. Cards that give eggs taunt and buff health (anti-aggro). Cards that give hatched minions bonus stats.
There should a super strong legendary dragon, which as a negative lays an eggs each turn, and killing that egg deals significant damage to the legendary minion and the face of the owner, but also spawns a small dragon.
And we need a hero card, which turns your hero into a dragon, and then your heropower become "lay an egg" (summon a random eggs, which hatches at the end of your opponents turn - so you can attack with the hatched minion).
There could be so much amazing synergy between eggs and dragons as well.
And then Rogue of course need an "egg snatcher" card, where they can steal the opponents eggs. Hunter and Druid could also have beast based eggs. Think about having a Hunter eggs with an angry chicken, but for each round the egg is on the board, the chicken gets +1/+1... Then when the egg is hatched you can use the "enrage" mechanic (let us just call it that although the name changes) to get a massive attack minion on the board. But you opponent can target down the egg immediately, when it is played.
Eggs as a type of cards could be really amazing if they went with it imo.
Sandbinder could be used in Priest for Lyra Sunshard or the Elementals that make spells cheaper for to reliably get big Lyra turns.
It could also see play in Shudderwock Shaman because it can get you Grumble Worldshaker - which is an insane Battlecry if you had Saronite Chain Gang's Battlecry trigger because you get a 1 mana Shudderwock back into your hand. Do this over and over again with a Battlecry like Lifedrinker's 3 face damage + heal and you can easily kill your opponent in the turn after you play Shudderwock.
I'd say that card is gonna see play, even if only in janky combo decks.
Imagine chameleon transforming into unstable evolution while having a Light Elemental in hand ,0
Sleeping on swamp leech really good with rex build a beast. Needed more than just that 4/4 lifesteal at 5 mana
in wild shudderwock is a second yogg for when your first one kills itself on the first spell
Witchwood Piper could work with exodia mage maybe
LordofSalt precisely what I was thinking. A lot easier to draw the girls.
Some of the Beast cards look like very interesting options for Hunter DK. Like the one mana 2/1 Lifesteal
Kripparian here, but this time "You guys how's it go on" instead of "Hey guys how's it going"
I'm really looking forward to the expansion. There's going to be some cool new decks to try - especially looking forward to playing Rogue (and maybe minion mage). Need to run silence in decks now, not looking forward to Lady Priest
Oh man, that Swamp Leech is gonna be awesome to discover for Deathstalker Rexxar.
The discover a secret of Arcane keysmith will be very strong in minion mage i feel
0:50 Bullshit the Witchwood has some insanely powerful cards!
Combine Sandbinder with that card that summons 1/1 copies of elementals that you draw. Then stack your deck with elementals that have passive effects.
You are wrong on ratcatcher, it is insane. It will be used in pretty much every warlock deck.
5:03 Looking forward to the day Rania will Krippefy that card. huehuehue
22:29 that card art
Could see some hilariouscombo involving shudderwock grumble and lifedrinker for super damage/heal turns especially if you can get multiple shudderwocks back into your hand from the grumble. Obviously not good but sounds super fun.
apparently is pretty good lmao
Dragon egg - "pretty good! "
Shudderwock -" I thought it was crap before someone showed me a broken combo."
Thats all you need to know about the level of Kripp analysis.
Ghost Light is Coldlight orcale's soul :( RIP
Prince Liam is the answer to YES paladin we needed...
I love your short reviews
Swamp Leech is my favorite Krip card review ever lmao
Lifedrinker + Shudderwock sounds quite awesome, though !
you can combo that curse of weakness with the epic card the switches the attack and health of the minions
so is a 6 mana AOE and you gain tempo quick sort of.
Yeah and void ripper is demon too
I think you're underestimating the keysmith. For basically the cost of 2 mana you get to pick a solution. If you need freezing trap or vape nation and you get it, feelsgoodman
"We're gunna be rich!"
Bring on the Dustwood baby!!
The enter emote for mad hatter better be:
“Did someone say hat!?”
Prince Liam + Discover an explore ungoro = very weird interaction
Baleful banker works in a combo Woecleaver Warrior with Grom.
29:55 when it turns out the best card of the set
Everyone get's Shudderwock wrong even though it was seen on stream. You need Shudderwock to double itself with the saronite chaingang battlecry, than it can shuffle copies of itself. It casts the battlecries as if used it so whem a battlevry says "another minion" Shudderwock can't target itself with it.
So confusing dat card Well we gotta see how it’s doing first week and mechanics work
Happy new year kripp!
16:00 I see you...ZAP!
2 of Witchwood Piper will slow down combo draw only by 1 turn, so It's should be not too bad.
22:45 those cards got weapon rogue written all over them... bring out your weapon draw, put it back into your deck.
How is Silence good against Control Warlock? None of his powerful plays require waiting a turn, except sometimes Possesed Lackey.
lost spirit has amazing potential in a sacrificial Warlock deck, especially with the new ratcatcher card
26:17 Bloodqueen Lanathel got a buff
Hmm with all those rushy beasts, would "bestial wrath" be any good? I really think it could haha
The Shudderwock has to be duplicated before it can be shuffled back into the deck, the battlecry is triggering from itself so it cant target the original body. And since the battlecrys happen in random order regardless of order of play throughout the game it is never guaranteed to get infinite value from Shudderwock.
Just play grumble, infinite value guaranteed.
No, that doesn't guarantee it because if the grumble battlecry goes off before Shudderwock is multiplied by Chain gang battlecry it will just return whatever else is on your board and not Shudderwock due to how Grumble works. But I was incorrect because I forgot about murmuring elemental, and if you've played Chain Gang and Grumble or Zola during the game and reduced the mana cost of Murmuring elemental through either Grumble or the small elemental that reduces elementals in hand by 1, you can play Murmuring elemental first and then Shudderwock on the same turn and guarantee at least 1 Shudderwock back in your hand (this is guaranteed with zola only if your board was empty the turn you played this).
Did Ben misspeak on the reveal stream then? At roughly 31 mins in he says the battlecries happen in the same order that they were played. I didn't spend the time to go back and watch what order the original cards were played in vs the Shudderwocks effect later on.
Yes a minute or two after they said they were told that the battlecrys happen randomly. If you keep track during the game you can see the orders aren't the same when Realz re-plays Shudderwock. It's still an OTK combo or infinite value if you don't run the Blooddrinker, however the Infinite value play will always bounce back your board except 1 or 2 Shudderwocks.
dirtaylulu and what’s a Blooddrinker?.....
Kripp's face matches the Mossy Horror perfectly.
Christian Changer king crimson pretty good
Only 2 days to go oh boy
Baleful banker in valeera death knight decks is I never fatigue.That seems interesting.
Shudderwock can't target itself with the baleful banker effect, it can target copies of itself spawned with saronite chain gangs effect but since it's been confirmed that shudderwocks battlecries are triggered in a random order it's going to be unreliable at best.
Night Prowler good in big decks or satellite no?
8:07 I thought it said all characters not friendly 'holy' shit
Silence is golden.
(break it for dust!)
walnut sprite is quite strong to rebuild an empty board late game imo
Sandbinder can be used in Quest Rogue.
Very suprised Kripp doesn't think much of Arcane Keysmith. Honestly think it's one of the strongest cards in the set, been waiting for a card with a similar effect but the powerlevel of Keysmith genuinely suprised me and if it's not played in most mage decks for the next 2 years I'd be suprised.
I mean, what do you even want to get? Ice block? D:
It's very bad in my opinion for a lot of reasons. Maybe it would have been played in a combo/freeze mage to get more Ice Block but that won't be possible. So I guess you want to play this in a tempo mage or some kind of only-minion mage ?
But when has tempo mage been playing secrets without having the ability to cheat them out or with synergy cards (valet and Crystal runner) ? Well never. Because paying 3-mana for a secret is bad tempo-wise and too low impact. It's only good when you have those synergies or discount effect.
So a 1 mana 2/2 + 3 mana secret that is not even guaranteed to be Explosive or CS ? That's not "very bad" as I statted earlier but that defenitly doesn't make the cut in constructed.
I think this card is exactly why ice block had to be hall of famed, I am glad that we won't be seeing this used as a psuedo iceblock, but why I think this card is so strong is exactly because it's not a guaranteed explosive rune. Right now if a mage plays a secret against you in standard you can be pretty confident it's probably explosive rune, maybe counterspell, so you play around that outcome, the secret that this pulls out could be anything, secrets that aren't good enough to run in your deck for every game can be situationally amazing, you get to pick the best of three options for you and your opponent has no idea what to play around. Random secrets can be game swinging and the fact the player has some control over which secret it is and gets a 2/2 body all for 4 mana seems a really strong card in my book.
wolfernater no secret other than ice block or counter spell(which is already being played as you said) on your board clear turn is going to swing the game, also the body sucks, the tempo you lose isn't worth it
Edit: maybe for control
It's very easy to play around every secret anyway. It's not like the fact that it's random will be insanly good. At best if your opponent only has one big minion, he might hesitate to go face into a potential Vapo. But otherwise, it's just very easy to play around them. Play a little minion and a little spell and you played around every secret.µ
4-mana slot is way too crowded in mage to put a random bad secret + a 2/2 on this slot.
Kibler's going to have a field day in wild with Yogg into Shudderwock.
Memearino kripparino. Today we had a fun meme swamp leech.
Is Deranged Doctor a battlecry or a deathrattle!? I have seen both!
There are some reviews and sites that say Deranged Doctors' effect is battlecry and not deathrattle...which one is it?
Elmo Kaartinen Deathrattle
19:09 if you listen closely, he says Stalin
Hey Kripp fans! - Does anyone know how the pity timer for legendaries works, if its "opened packs" or "obtained packs" because this event has given me a bunch of random packs and i seem short a legendary for the longest time with the packs i've been opening before i switch to another!
9:30 doomguard still laughing
Feeling a quartz elemental + equality lethal highlight coming
Shudderwock / chain gang / grumble infinite value?
Surpised to see kripp not mention deathstalker rexxar. all of the new beasts will work with its hero power, like the 1 mana 2/1 lifesteal.... that's pretty good with build-a-beast
Deranged Doctor goes in Illusionist Rogue and Big Priest aswell...
Do they have an odd/even filter for collection search? It would make these odd/even decks easier to design.
Yes. Even/odd search filters are being added with Witchwood.
so shudderwock doesn't summon a copy of itself with saronite chaingang battlecry?
Curio collector is really good with book of specter
30:25 The Iron Giant feels...
Good Luck: None
Bad Luck: None
Net Luckiness: 0 Luckarinos
Lifeyime Luckiness: +9 Luckarinos