$RLUSD is Live!🎉Tokenized Gold & Diamonds Next?🚀XRP

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 245

  • @edgaruknow
    @edgaruknow День назад +26

    RLUSD will revolutionize crypto to the next level world wide.

  • @peterh2459
    @peterh2459 День назад +23

    RLUSD gets introduced as USDT tether gets delisted in the EU and soon to be Delisted in the USA, coincidence, i think not.

    • @corsomagenta
      @corsomagenta День назад

      yes, smells like bankster collusion to knock out a private enterprise (USDT). When ripple was born many thought it was "bankstercoin". I suppose this is a confirmation.

  • @Jimmy-ew2xe
    @Jimmy-ew2xe День назад +20

    Why do we need banks at all with personal ledger technology? It’s about time banks went away!

    • @lionolee5480
      @lionolee5480 День назад +1

      Bank is still important as of now but not for long.

    • @stevejones6257
      @stevejones6257 День назад +1

      Banks will be getting their video to streaming moment very soon.

  • @MyChannel-ml3ft
    @MyChannel-ml3ft День назад +28

    XRP and FLR 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  • @azulawrence5244
    @azulawrence5244 21 час назад +3

    Being in the discord and starting trading is literally changing my life. I'm starting with a small a $8000 account but I got it up to $60,600 in one week! Not a lot of money but that's a big growth for me.🎉🎉

  • @bamidbar2
    @bamidbar2 День назад +34


    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад +2


    • @ZeroCool1point6
      @ZeroCool1point6 День назад +2

      The moon? Mate.... Think beyond that

    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад +1

      @ whats beyond the moon?

    • @ZeroCool1point6
      @ZeroCool1point6 День назад +1

      @@CGJ7755 well there is the astroid belt then mars. You know...

    • @ashar51412
      @ashar51412 День назад

      he is 100% a mad guy who told u about xrp

  • @ptrtng6307
    @ptrtng6307 День назад +71

    RLUSD is the "real" US Dollar...

    • @xrpkidotec520
      @xrpkidotec520 День назад +6

      Right on, brother. Start tha trend my friend

    • @LyndellWashington-r1w
      @LyndellWashington-r1w День назад +1

      You might be on to something my guy 👌🏽

    • @richdreamzbeats998
      @richdreamzbeats998 День назад +2

      It actually stands for ripple labs usd

    • @777dwbrown
      @777dwbrown День назад +6

      Can someone please help me understand RLUSD... please tell me if I'm correct.... Basically, instead of taking my gains in putting them back in my bank, I would take my gains and put them in ro USD so that I can earn interest on it is that kind of Right
      Basically, any money you put in there. It's like your savings instead of putting it in you're bank, where you're only earning two %

    • @richdreamzbeats998
      @richdreamzbeats998 День назад +1

      @ you got me thinking. Possible if you have a certain amount of crypto then swap it to Rlusd? Idk but if it fiat then do be it

  • @The_right_stuff
    @The_right_stuff День назад +11

    I feel like they would be able to get some people to put their gold on chain but majority of people have gold as the ultimate hedge against the whole system. Be it fiat, or crypto. I don't think it would be smart to hand over custody of your gold and silver to any 3rd party.

  • @AlirezaFereydoonkia
    @AlirezaFereydoonkia День назад +34

    XRP = 10000$$$$

    • @sharethelove9316
      @sharethelove9316 День назад +1

      It can't...because of Mc

    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад

      @@sharethelove9316what’s MC?

    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад +7

      Let’s try for $5 first, guy.

    • @davidlove21
      @davidlove21 День назад +2

      It can as it’s deflationary

    • @mytake1465
      @mytake1465 День назад

      @@CGJ7755 Market Cap which has nothing to do with XRP price . But ask him to explain why he think it do ha

  • @user-dixk2rx5gz8f
    @user-dixk2rx5gz8f День назад +9

    Appreciate your XRP focused coverage, Paul! Interesting times!

  • @ijoffroad7738
    @ijoffroad7738 День назад +6

    RLUSD to $1.00

  • @julianvelez5959
    @julianvelez5959 День назад +8

    XRP is just great 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • @ΠαύλοςΚατσιμπας
    @ΠαύλοςΚατσιμπας День назад +5

    LCX ❤❤ let's go Monty

  • @twinturbo3461
    @twinturbo3461 День назад +2

    Paul Barron, one of the best crypto analysts out here in the space.

  • @AgentSmith2K
    @AgentSmith2K День назад +22

    2:56 I have no idea why you have this video. A guy writes RLUSD on an envelope and scans it at McDonalds. Nothing on the screen says paid with RLUSD and you never see what card he used which was probably a standard card paying with fiat. Wasted my time watching this video

    • @mrfluffybro
      @mrfluffybro День назад

      Yes very weird things here sometimes. Also that time when they shared fake screenshot of Katy Perry promoting Ripple.

    • @julianvelez5959
      @julianvelez5959 День назад +2

      XRP is amazing, just buy more before it rockets 🚀

    • @richardhaman1766
      @richardhaman1766 День назад +1

      Xrp is flat lining and will crash soon just do 2 sec of real research

    • @julianvelez5959
      @julianvelez5959 День назад +2

      Really, thanks for the advice I will buy more XRP 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    • @jamesmalvitz2149
      @jamesmalvitz2149 День назад

      Yeah I'm not believing all these hyped up numbers for 2 months ..phantom card what else they going to come up ....why did he hide it ....scam to get us to buy ...one would think if that fat bozo has it why we haven't seen or heard of it

  • @Troy-p4e
    @Troy-p4e День назад +3

    Great show Paul ,WOW I’m 57 ,this whole new Finacial system is changing big time ,and I remember black and white TV ,incredible 👍🇦🇺🚀

  • @mellowman911
    @mellowman911 День назад +13

    LCX! 🚀

  • @pissedoffpuppy
    @pissedoffpuppy День назад +13


  • @williamelliott6556
    @williamelliott6556 День назад +9

    Shit is about to get real out here please 50.00 before end of 2025.

  • @vittorianesse
    @vittorianesse День назад +5

    This is fascinating. Banks could be obsolete within years as people self custody. 🤩

    • @frankammirati3385
      @frankammirati3385 День назад

      It’s not could be , they will be gone and it won’t take years .

  • @darkNovaskar
    @darkNovaskar День назад +2

    Why wlll this coin affect XRP price?

    • @MatthewDavies-ph3sp
      @MatthewDavies-ph3sp День назад +1

      The transactions will burn xrp ,meaning ripple will have to release more xrp onto the market. This will attract more investors to xrp which will pump up the price. Also could create a fomo.

  • @julianvelez5959
    @julianvelez5959 День назад

    Hey Paul, thanks for all your videos about XRP, the simplicity makes a big difference 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • @WealthyChronicle
    @WealthyChronicle День назад

    Anyone else feel like the Ripple USD launch is the start of a financial revolution? If they pull this off, crypto could totally go mainstream. 🚀🔥

  • @elchapo2586
    @elchapo2586 День назад +3

    $RPLS 🌊🚀

  • @Gaming_random-q7x
    @Gaming_random-q7x День назад +4

    Long term xrp

    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад

      Girl, same

  • @Mybrothafromanothamotha
    @Mybrothafromanothamotha День назад +5

    Cheap and fast is good 😂👍🏾

  • @Invest4Cashflow
    @Invest4Cashflow День назад +2

    XRP will bring liquidity and Cardano will bring utility
    I think they teamed up very nicely, this is like you have a Big genitile but you don’t have where to use it 😂

  • @Nanoinco
    @Nanoinco День назад +2

    Debit. That’s my buddy and he went viral. 😂congrats

  • @Danny-ov4hi
    @Danny-ov4hi 23 часа назад

    LCX, XRP and SOL are my 3 biggest bags

  • @georgewalker1508
    @georgewalker1508 День назад +1

    It’s a stable coin..However I’m excited about it also!

  • @jeremybrooks2976
    @jeremybrooks2976 День назад

    This is the point of No return ladies and gentleman, let's not miss this crypto train, thank you for uploading these details Barron.

  • @kresnark
    @kresnark День назад

    Is coin paxg tokenize of gold ?

  • @Youtuberoparaelpueblo
    @Youtuberoparaelpueblo День назад +6

    LCX will be huge 🎉

  • @widmo1818
    @widmo1818 День назад +2

    You'll be all surprised about LCX

  • @fitnessascension4175
    @fitnessascension4175 День назад

    How did u get sponsored by uphold

  • @Stefano10ace-e9l
    @Stefano10ace-e9l День назад +5

    LOL ~ When do we begin *Tokenizing our own AZZes???*

  • @mickme8914
    @mickme8914 День назад

    Was tough to invest at the begining of the bear market. My only experience in crypto has been heart wrenching losses. But to hold all the way through, and to see XRP becoming more of an issue in the space, it is exciting for me.

  • @Bucklescrypt
    @Bucklescrypt День назад +2

    If uphold adds Xrp yield i might move some there. Ty for listening

  • @sr20det6789
    @sr20det6789 30 минут назад

    What happens to the price of gold once it gets tokenized?

  • @redspecial4102
    @redspecial4102 День назад +1

    Use XRP to earn a return with zero tax on government bonds.
    Never have to sell your XRP thus never be taxed on the sale.

  • @nevadadan4113
    @nevadadan4113 День назад

    I'm confused- is there a benefit in us purchasing the RLUSD?

    • @CGJ7755
      @CGJ7755 День назад +2

      It has 5% interest apy, so its way more than the average checking or savings account

    • @nevadadan4113
      @nevadadan4113 День назад

      @@CGJ7755 so people are going to put all of their savings account in RLUSD because it earns more??

    • @ralphwebb1254
      @ralphwebb1254 День назад

      ​@CGJ7755 capone is 4.3% but yes it's more then most

  • @JTXRP
    @JTXRP День назад +1

    Paul you need to look into ASC which gives you tokenized gold and silver on the XRPL now as passive income

  • @JesusIsLord1976
    @JesusIsLord1976 День назад +3

    Unfortunately, no RLUSD is available on any exchanges or wallets I use. Hope they have plans to expand.

    • @bobbyrees1914
      @bobbyrees1914 День назад

      Coin shows on Uphold but says - currently unavailable to purchase

  • @-Ivan-
    @-Ivan- День назад

    Please mention that the one who tokenized gold and diamonds is $LCX and no XRP Ty

  • @campeon
    @campeon День назад

    Thanks for the update Paul

  • @DevonNRG
    @DevonNRG 20 часов назад

    What do you think about XBF on Xrpl? It's been moving.

  • @user-jm9ep3zp5g
    @user-jm9ep3zp5g 13 часов назад

    some great info. thanks

  • @Manfromwhere
    @Manfromwhere День назад

    Always good information updates thank you 👍

  • @2112Crypto
    @2112Crypto День назад +1

    I've got my Moon bag ready XRP.

  • @organnick
    @organnick День назад

    The diamond conversation is interesting actually because to be fair they only have been discussing silver and gold.

  • @iamwinnierabong
    @iamwinnierabong День назад

    How can I buy tokenism assets? I love to get involved.

  • @bobbyrees1914
    @bobbyrees1914 День назад

    I see the coin here on Uphold but it says currently not available for trade

  • @Sneakycat1971
    @Sneakycat1971 День назад

    Is XRP only going as high as Triple digits unless it's used in the derivative markets?

  • @HammersnBlades
    @HammersnBlades 7 часов назад

    Don’t overlook XLM, I believe it’s planned to be the backbone of the EU’s economic platform. 😜🤫

  • @Mohnstrudel
    @Mohnstrudel День назад

    Ripple will rip

  • @noah4087
    @noah4087 День назад

    finally focusing on xrp. thank you

  • @song2001september
    @song2001september День назад +2

    The launch was an embarrasment. Mostly unknown exchanges.

    • @splocal
      @splocal День назад

      I thought it was odd too, but you know Ripple does everything calculated. Maybe because USA is going to be a larger market and the SEC issues they decided to launch outside USA first. Uphold, MoonPay and Bitso are not small or unknown.

    • @song2001september
      @song2001september 23 часа назад

      @@splocal I don't know... while I have heard of Uphold they're more like a defi platform it seems. I've heard of Bitso but only recently and MoonPay -never heard of that until a couple days ago. Regardless, your thinking makes sense and I truly appreciate your opinion on it. I guess we'll see how it looks in a week or two. At least now CMC only shows it listed at Bitso but that's it for now though they are on the other two as well. Cheers

  • @richdreamzbeats998
    @richdreamzbeats998 День назад +1

    In my mind if this is going to be the greatest wealth transfer as they say then they should make it happen overnight no need in waiting 10 years. I have ten years to wait but I think if xrp can get to 4 or 5 digits it’ll be 10 years out

  • @Bws098
    @Bws098 День назад

    I would be more than happy to use RLUSD like this for shopping. looking forward.

  • @rldays9179
    @rldays9179 День назад +1

    How is it I watch a video about the birth of RLUSD and how it is supposed to change the world and that the guy uses it at mcdonalds like a debt card and all I can think is $2.48 for 1 hash brown? Are you insane?

  • @martysmetal
    @martysmetal День назад

    Paul cheers brother

  • @Kaizen--_--
    @Kaizen--_-- День назад +1

    Can’t buy it yet on Uphold.

    • @akufu1
      @akufu1 День назад

      I bought it 3 hours ago on Uphold.

    • @bobbyrees1914
      @bobbyrees1914 День назад

      I have been with Uphold since 2020. Site shows RLUSD but states- not available for purchase
      So I'm call BS

  • @natisangel
    @natisangel День назад

    Awesome 🎉

  • @dhiyauldeenmahmood1534
    @dhiyauldeenmahmood1534 День назад

    I think this is very well played game by the cbi and how to shift the world to a new financial system and the crypto in total the fireworks in the show hit or miss but how long would last that's the question

  • @thomyoung17
    @thomyoung17 День назад +1

    Hold physical silver and gold the rest is not in your hands

  • @bigbeatdown5919
    @bigbeatdown5919 День назад

    Im excited 🎉🎉

  • @jopadjr
    @jopadjr День назад

    1.6k+...Thanks Paul

  • @my-ai5
    @my-ai5 14 часов назад

    Wait, a hash brown is $2.48?? Most shocking part of the video.

  • @raymerritt788
    @raymerritt788 День назад

    So...let me get this straight. If I am up(in profits) in my crypto account and I use that tangem card...or any cart, isn't every purchase you do considered spending your capital gains??? Which is also subject to high federal taxes????

    • @Hughjanus09
      @Hughjanus09 День назад

      Yeah federal tax is federal tax if you spend your money it’s inevitable

  • @cdp8748
    @cdp8748 День назад

    Where can I find a simple/easy to understand overview of how tokenized assets (gold/diamonds..) work? having a hard time wrapping my mind around this...

    @VERYVANITA День назад

    Meld is DOA

  • @chillaxation
    @chillaxation День назад +3

    Diamonds have lost value in the past years.

    • @ATLAS0330.
      @ATLAS0330. День назад

      Thats because most are made in a lab and not natural. Flooding the market with semi precious gravel.

    • @splocal
      @splocal День назад

      Diamonds are forever, every asset fluctuates. Women will always love diamonds, they are rare and will always hold value.

  • @Metacognition88
    @Metacognition88 День назад

    MemeCoins are ultra sound money

  • @travelcationtales1547
    @travelcationtales1547 День назад +2

    Another nail in the banks coffin ⚰️

  • @markrahman1381
    @markrahman1381 День назад

    RLAu and RLAg Token coming

  • @charlottethomas1618
    @charlottethomas1618 День назад


  • @robertdagga
    @robertdagga День назад

    Thank you for featuring JENNIFER LORELLE ROBERTS in one of your videos. I took your advice and contacted her for investment opportunities, and the results have been incredible. Started with slightly less than $40k, and now I’ve paid off my $529k loan in 8 months. Now totally debt free with 2 paid off rentals. having no debt for the last 2 months. Thank you JENNIFER LORELLE ROBERTS!

    • @robertdagga
      @robertdagga День назад

      @jenniferlorellerobert ✨

    • @James6025-f7v
      @James6025-f7v День назад

      Trading used. to be a difficult for me, but with Jennifer Lorelle Roberts guidance, it's now a walk in the park. Highly recommend his courses!

    • @JackieJohnson-t3m
      @JackieJohnson-t3m День назад

      The clarity and precision in Jennifer market predictions are astounding. I'm so grateful to have found her reviews here on RUclips as well

  • @carltonmcgee8878
    @carltonmcgee8878 День назад

    Thanks Paul. Peace.

  • @MondoProducer
    @MondoProducer День назад

    Love the European Style! It's like the movies but for real lol.

  • @exceptionallyskeptical587
    @exceptionallyskeptical587 День назад

    But shouldn't it be decoupled from bitcoin? Bitcoin Is tied to the market through ETFs, and if the market crashes then Bitcoin crashes and if Bitcoin crashes ripple crashes

    • @r.k.867
      @r.k.867 5 часов назад

      Not anymore. If Bitcoin crashes XRP takes #1 Spot.

    • @exceptionallyskeptical587
      @exceptionallyskeptical587 2 часа назад

      @r.k.867 Bitcoin crashes it takes everything down with it. Xrp needs to be decoupled from Bitcoin...

  • @circuitdesign
    @circuitdesign День назад

    I didn't know Fred Armisen was into crypto.

  • @Ricefarmland204
    @Ricefarmland204 День назад

    It is here on Uphold but it says unavailable to purchase.
    I have 8k exp and have been with uphold since 2020
    Anyone else having this issue?

  • @RossiArano
    @RossiArano День назад

    DMND DAO $4.80 USD is not diamond's equivalent

  • @user-ox9pn4uh2k
    @user-ox9pn4uh2k День назад

    I always assumed that the RL stood for ripple labs USD

  • @KingsDaughter.
    @KingsDaughter. День назад

    Tangem doesnt look very intereted on supporting RLUSD

  • @CaptainCurt07
    @CaptainCurt07 День назад +2

    *Yeah baby* 😂

  • @ForProfit-x100
    @ForProfit-x100 День назад

    They're gonna use defi to refi then run deficits on all the tokenizations 💀

  • @lisajo-annmawdsley3322
    @lisajo-annmawdsley3322 День назад +1

    XRP to the moon what rubbish today up 5.6 .

  • @doj9370
    @doj9370 День назад

    I am not born, yet I can tell time,
    I can make you dance to my rhythm and rhyme,
    When adorned with gold, silver or precious stones,
    I become a symbol of status and homes,
    From Europe, they claim me as their own,
    Yet the truth is, I've never left this zone,
    A tool of communication, not meant for jest,
    In your hands, I can provide you with the best.
    Can you guess who I am? A watch, a speaker or an amplifier?
    The answer is all of them!
    It seems the world often believes that certain items originate from specific regions when in reality, many inventions are universal.

  • @doomslayerforever2858
    @doomslayerforever2858 День назад

    15k xrp they rug themselves its worth over 50k now

    • @SilvianaGrant
      @SilvianaGrant День назад

      If you hold XRP, claiming the FLR airdrop is essential; it's a fantastic method to increase your holdings.

    • @Jeffbajan
      @Jeffbajan День назад

      @@SilvianaGrantI had flair with Binance and never got it in Canada because they left

  • @bigjohn1717
    @bigjohn1717 День назад

    GBP EUR then watch USDT crumble BTC 😮😮😮😮

  • @TheSwissTinkerMan
    @TheSwissTinkerMan День назад

    I didn’t even know people still went to McD’s 🤢

  • @scottmartinetti4875
    @scottmartinetti4875 23 часа назад

    That's a sexy commercial

  • @nhamvannguyen01
    @nhamvannguyen01 День назад


  • @MrDometheo79
    @MrDometheo79 День назад

    Hehe good choice of letters😂 Definitly not calling it: RIPUSD😂😂

  • @randallbishop6680
    @randallbishop6680 День назад

    toooo funny...Love to give my wife a digital diamond ....I can see that just going swell

  • @JamesFilao
    @JamesFilao День назад

    Will governments allow people to get their power back so easily ? self custody instead of gvt custody.

  • @KarlB791
    @KarlB791 День назад +2

    RL stands for Ripple Ledger.

    • @jeffpeterson5045
      @jeffpeterson5045 День назад

      Nope, it stands for Ripple Liquidity

    • @jeffpeterson5045
      @jeffpeterson5045 День назад

      According to Mickle

    • @KarlB791
      @KarlB791 День назад

      @jeffpeterson5045 I believe you are wrong... straight from Ripple website....Ripple USD (RLUSD) is designed to maintain a constant value of one US dollar. Natively issued on XRP Ledger and Ethereum blockchains, Ripple USD is fully backed by a segregated reserve of cash and cash equivalents and redeemable 1:1 for US dollars. (XRP Ledger)

    • @KarlB791
      @KarlB791 День назад

      Many sites like Kucoin and such are saying it like this...Ripple USD (RLUSD)

    • @Jedmerk2023
      @Jedmerk2023 День назад

      Ripple labs usd

  • @MoonshotTed
    @MoonshotTed 21 час назад

    So cool
    May we live in interesting times...

  • @bill6002
    @bill6002 День назад

    Veri needed