28 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources - Sacrifice

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • 28 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources - Sacrifice

Комментарии • 191

  • @jbs.1283
    @jbs.1283 2 года назад +75

    Shaykh Uthman I always make Dua for you because I am so proud that there is very good Islamic Scholars like you Shaykh. May Allah swt reward you in this life and hereafter. May Allah swt reward you and the ummah with Jannatul Firdous

    • @loneknight4291
      @loneknight4291 2 года назад +1

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 oh yeah stop spreading fitnah it's an khotbah he doesn't have to give sources if you really want them he can give them after it and above that u picked the wrong guy Hadith is the Shaik's specialty if he lie he knows that every schooler would condemn him and ur saying that us Muslims don't ask for evidence that's a lie we always do and we are convinced about our religion we don't need ur likes to tell us we are on a blind faith

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +3

      As for the contradictions in your different bibles no need to mention it as it is obvious; I have though a statement from your bibles I want you to explain, if you dare to....
      *=====> Jesus (pbuh) following the Bible could NEVER enter the paradise while the Christian and the...bible says he'll go to paradise ! How can the Followers of the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver and the Antichrist be saved by someone they absolutely do know nothing about and who following different bibles CAN NEVER ENTER THE PARADISE !!??*
      *Matthew 1: 3*
      _And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; As we all know Phares and Zara of Thamar were _*_BASTARDS_*_ because they were the seed of Thamar and her father in Law!_
      *Deuteronomy 23: 2*
      _A BASTARD shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation _*_(MEANS ==== NEVER ====)_*_ shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD._

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +2

      ​@@rodofdiscipline1887 It's quiet amazing, that you still don't answer a simple statement which can bring you into Hell fire ! This point I've giving it for the last 7/8 years to all Followers of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver, the Antichrist and the very son of Satan !
      As about your silly question, I've already answered a few weeks ago, I'll copy/paste my answer then !
      @Rod of Discipline
      Show us in the Holy Quran, (watch out ! I want the name of the Surat and the right verses) where it says that Jesus pbuh is not the Messiah of God ?!!! And once again stop running away Forrest Gump you've been hooked that's what happened when you pull the line !
      You do not even give us the *CONTEXT* in which, Paul the Liar, the Antichrist, creator of this Satanic Sect and legitimate son of Satan wrote these verses (he wrote 14 of the 27 books of the New Testament! Which makes it his *OWN DOCTRINE AND NOT THAT OF JESUS PBSL*!!
      He pretended to be an apostle of Jesus pbuh, which was *ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE* but that wasn't yet the biggest issue...
      *What the Disciples of Jesus pbuh, in particular, James the Just, (brother of Jesus pbuh, and hierarchical head of the Apostles), could absolutely not admit, is that Paul the Liar, the Antichrist was preaching another teaching than the one of their master Jesus pbuh.*
      After an investigation which confirmed their fear, they invited him to Jerusalem during the Council of Jerusalem to *EXCOMMUNICATE* him! Knowing this, he begins by writing this kind of turnips like Galatians, where his jitters sweat through all his pores, because thanks to the preaching he was giving to the Gentiles. While Jesus pbuh came *ONLY for the lost sheep of Israel* he was already trying to create the schism that leads you to Hell right now! By creating a Satanic sect where the teaching of Jesus pbuh and Moses pbuh were simply thrown in the trash, in favor of a teaching *MADE BY HIS LIES* and especially by his father *SATAN* !!!
      Read the book by Eisenman and Wise, the former holds the chair of the Department of Religious Studies at California State University, Professor Robert H. Eisenman teaches the history of Middle Eastern religions.
      With Galatians 1:8, Paul the Liar, the Antichrist and legitimate son of the Devil, attacks the *TRUE APOSTLES OF JESUS pbuh WHO WERE going to declare him HERETIC to the teaching of Jesus pbuh and his disciples and excommunicate him!*
      PS: Chronologically, the Epistles of Paul the Liar, the Antichrist and legitimate son of the Devil, are *PRIOR* to the other gospels, which means that ... *ALL THE GOSPELS WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS ARE ANATHEMAS!!!*
      (They don't count at all, they are invalided !)* !!! Shit this means *THERE IS NO CHRISTIANITY AT ALL !* You've been terminated by your own lies you professional deceiver !
      _"So you Muslims are following the “Accursed one” What is the result of following a person cursed by God? Death"_
      Shlomo, maybe for you Paul the Liar, the Deceiver, the Antichrist and the very son of Satan, is your God but he was never to be mine !
      *That's it my brave lost pagan, how your house of cards falls before you can even go further than the first level ! Renounce to the Devil and his son the Antichrist, Paul the Liar, the very one who completely changed the original message of Jesus pbuh. This son of a dog even cursed Jesus pbuh, may he roast in Hell for Eternity!*
      *Galatians 3 : 13*
      _Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”_

    • @Sallysmith123
      @Sallysmith123 2 года назад +3

      Whoever u are JazakAllah Khair for such lovely thought about sh sheikh Uthman he works very hard to bring this to us.May Allah zawjal give u a very happy pious life and bring joy in ur here and in the here after. Ameen

    • @Islamis4all
      @Islamis4all 2 года назад +1


  • @AllegationHunter
    @AllegationHunter 2 года назад +29

    Thank you for everything you've done Sheikh Uthman. May Allah bless you

  • @abeerarehan6503
    @abeerarehan6503 2 года назад +11

    I'm seeing him breaking in tears for the first time..may Allah give him more power and help him from ghaib Aameen summa Aameen..

  • @Nadia-gu4uy
    @Nadia-gu4uy 2 года назад +19

    Hamdulillah for another Halaqa.Walahi I cried a lot because we always see our hardships that are nothing to what our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW)went through to spread The word of Islam.Jazakum Allah Alf khayr as the Seerahs series are all life lessons for us to learn and remember and pass it on to our kids.

  • @zkay6127
    @zkay6127 2 года назад +25

    Man I love Islam, my prophet SAW, and my merciful perfect Allah SWT

    • @zkay6127
      @zkay6127 2 года назад +2

      @@faizalforu83 LOL WHAT! That makes absolutely zero sense, and from it I can tell you got your information from an anti-Islamic source. I shouldn’t even be helping you out, but I honestly feel bad for you, go do any research, you’ll instantly find numerous of your arguments to be false. Lemme give you an example, look up from authentic sources about how the prophet Muhammad SAW lived his life, and lemme give you a hint as well (cause you seem oblivious to facts, you seem rather inclined towards opinions and falsehoods) it wasn’t a lavish lifestyle. You realize he was a statesman, as well as a ruler correct? He had to have numerous wives partly to create harmonious ties to other tribes. Tell me where in the Quran the prophet SAW says “ I AM GOD”. I’ll be waiting 😂, thanks for making my day with such blasphemous statements Reju

    • @zkay6127
      @zkay6127 2 года назад +4

      @@faizalforu83 also my friend Reju, instead of trying to stray others from the truth, why not open yourself up to it? Cause I see you’ve posted hate comments about Islam and the prophet SAW on multiple videos, but what you’re really doing through these comments is strengthening our beliefs and faith. So in a sense thank you, but I also want you to see the truth. So, go and do some research with an open mind, inshallah if Allah SWT wills you’ll find it. You know I would have liked to insult you because you were bashing my religion and my prophet SAW, but he SAW was always kind and forgiving, even with those who were rude or disrespectful, and I am going to try and follow his example to the best my abilities, good day buddy.

    • @zkay6127
      @zkay6127 2 года назад +2

      @@christis4ujesus680 Give me specific examples of the Quran and Sahih Hadith telling us about forgotten chapters, lost chapters, and changed verses from the Quran. Only then can I answer your question because I'm not a scholar, I don't know the Hadith or the Quran off the top of my head, I would need to see examples and where you got them from to be able to answer. Anyway, can you answer some simple questions for me, or well they're not that simple apparently since no Christian I've come across has been able to answer them. First of all, why are there multiple versions of the Bible, which one is God's word, how do we know which one is the original Bible, if any of them are original at all. Why did I say that last phrase, because there are clear contradictions in the Bible. Let me give you an example from the King James version, I'm using this because most Christians I know and even online consider and say this is the most accurate, or the best one. "and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ." Matthew 1:16, compare that with this, "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli..." Luke 3:23. Now explain to me this, who is the father of Joseph, is it Jacob as mentioned in Matthew, or is it Heli as mentioned in Luke, and don't give me any of that maybe it's different person, or talking about Mary, because nowhere in the genealogies is Mary mentioned, and while we're on the subject of genealogies, let me also ask you this question, why are the two accounts of the genealogies of Jesus EXTREMELY different? Let me give you another example, "Then Joab gave the sum of the number of the people to David. All Israel had one million one hundred thousand men who drew the word, and Judah had four hundred and seventy thousand men who drew the sword." 1 Chronicles 21:5, now compare that with this, "And Joab gave up the sum of the number of the people unto the king: and there were in Israel eight hundred thousand valiant men that drew the sword; and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand men." 2 Samuel 24:9. Now, some Christians say these aren't contradictions, some say they have to do more research on the matter, some say that they are copyist errors, while others say they aren't copyist errors, but since the main idea of the Bible is true everything else must be true as well. Please explain using historical texts, and reliable sources to explain how the bible is God's word when there are contradictions in it, doesn't matter if the contradiction is small, or big. I've had many logical Christians, or past Christians tell me that in the Bible studies, or in Church, the Bible itself isn't held as the manner of truth as much as the word of the priest is, that people don't really study the bible in its entirety, but only study phrases, verses, chapters which are picked and chosen. Another question which I haven't gotten a clear answer about from any Christian I've asked, what is the trinity and how do we know it's the truth? Some people say that it's true simply because the Bible says it's true, some say it's a mystery (to which I would say, how can you believe in a religion in which the god is a mystery???? God gave you logic to use your brain, if he wanted you to blindly believe in him, he would've replaced that logic with more faith...), some just mumble off or begin diverting the topic, or in some weird cases start cursing at me and leave (wonder why?). Last question, do you believe Jesus died for our sins, and if so, will every Christian go to heaven? To get back to your first paragraph, you wrote "we have thousands and thousands our fragments of text what we have to today", yet you're calling Muslims out for not having a full book. the oldest known full manuscript of the New Testament was HUNDREDS of years after Jesus (pbuh) came. Since you want to talk about fragments of text, there are numerous fragments of text carbon dated to the life of the prophet SAW which are in tune with what the Quran is today. Literally even the authors of the gospels are in question, there isn't a definite answer as to who wrote them, or even when they were written, and you're basing your arguments off that? Let me bring it back to the multiple versions of the Bible, how do you know which one is the correct bible? Are they all correct, even though some are different from others, or is one correct and the rest are wrong?

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад

      @@christis4ujesus680 _" What makes me laugh is when muslims ask us christians about an original injeel ?? First, there's not a single shred of evidence of an injeel of Jesus."_
      This due to the fact that you don't know anything about your own belief and it's sources (???) ... As the brother Z Kay told you we're still waiting that you can back up your silly lies and other Anti-Islamic propaganda, but once again we can wait forever as you won't be able to change your silly lies into anything like the Truth !...

    • @Ahmari7860
      @Ahmari7860 2 года назад +1

      @@christis4ujesus680 you have a text that has been manipulated and forged for the benefits of men. The orginal text that was given to Jesus pbuh isn't there anymore . The essence of some might be there but not all. . The author's are unanimous. There are contradiction in the current Bible you have . Holy books don't have contridictions if it has its not the true word of God.

  • @tehmoorshah6193
    @tehmoorshah6193 2 года назад +5

    May Allah swt bless you sheikh 🤲🏼 May Allah increase our love for prophet saw and help us appreciate the sacrifices.🤲🏼

  • @pathwaytojannah1
    @pathwaytojannah1 2 года назад +8

    Ahamdulillah i've been waiting for this for a couple of weeks now, this series is the best thing i started watching, my heart and soul yearn for it, i close my eyes and there i am back in the time of our beloved prophet Muhammed (Pbuh), many details from authentic hadiths i never heard before help with that, truly an amazing work by Sheikh Uthman may Allah preserve and reward him for all his research & love for the Sunnah & the Da'wah that comes with it
    اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه أجمعين
    May Almighty Allah gather us all in Jannah, and make us among the believers who will be with the one they loved the most among all the creation, prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه و سلم

  • @unitedafrica5844
    @unitedafrica5844 2 года назад +5

    بارك الله في علمك و عملك

  • @Mohammed-924.m
    @Mohammed-924.m 2 года назад +7

    Alhamdulelah Finally !
    Jazak Allah Khairan 💜

  • @AbdullahYA-
    @AbdullahYA- 2 года назад +1

    دموعك غالية ياشيخ
    الله يجزاك الف خير

  • @afiqzul-star8768
    @afiqzul-star8768 2 года назад +11

    Alhamdulillah, it's been a long wait but it is worth it

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад


    • @aak7467
      @aak7467 2 года назад +1

      @@fidelcatsro6948 🐱👍

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +3

      As for the contradictions in your different bibles no need to mention it as it is obvious; I have though a statement from your bibles I want you to explain, if you dare to....
      *=====> Jesus (pbuh) following the Bible could NEVER enter the paradise while the Christian and the...bible says he'll go to paradise ! How can the Followers of the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver and the Antichrist be saved by someone they absolutely do know nothing about and who following different bibles CAN NEVER ENTER THE PARADISE !!??*
      *Matthew 1: 3*
      _And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; As we all know Phares and Zara of Thamar were _*_BASTARDS_*_ because they were the seed of Thamar and her father in Law!_
      *Deuteronomy 23: 2*
      _A BASTARD shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation _*_(MEANS ==== NEVER ====)_*_ shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD._

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +3

      ​ @Rod of Discipline _"Wow, the indoctrination is strong with you. Your replies are deteriorating as water swirling down the toilet. Bye bye"_
      Shlomo, don't delete your comment, you have no place to hide and even if you go with the flushing water into your native septic tank, you won't be able to avoid my questions about your corrupted bibles which are giving you bloody hemorrhoids...🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
      *RUN FORREST GUMP ! RUN !...*

    • @afiqzul-star8768
      @afiqzul-star8768 2 года назад

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 same old shaitan, same old tricks.
      Pray to the one that Jesus PBUH pray to and see for yourself. It is about your hereafter, not mine. Whether you believe it or not, the day of revenge, the day of judgement will come and this video and the Quran can be used for you or against you.

  • @ssalyarafah6858
    @ssalyarafah6858 2 года назад +1

    Thanks so much sheikh Uthman. May Allah give you the best in this world and hereafter,Aameen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @siakagibba5708
    @siakagibba5708 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful masha Allah

  • @YaaAm0001
    @YaaAm0001 2 года назад +3

    Peace be upon prophet MUHAMMED

  • @LovelyQuran
    @LovelyQuran 2 года назад

    Subhan Allah. May Allah swt protect you sheikh and your family. Every time I listen to your videos, I can feel the love to Rasulillah saw and Allah swt. Imagine the love from the sahabas... May Allah swt give hidaya to our muslim ummah.

  • @mirzakrndic7951
    @mirzakrndic7951 2 года назад +1

    More eager for new episodes of this dars more than anything on Netflix. May Allah give us the love of the Prophet ﷺ how he deserves to be loved and admired.

  • @HonestLady
    @HonestLady 2 года назад

    BarakAllah feek Shykh , can’t wait the next episode

  • @sulaiman233
    @sulaiman233 2 года назад

    JazakAllah khair to Shaykh and team

  • @riefaatibnharoon6393
    @riefaatibnharoon6393 2 года назад

    Aslm again while listening here at work getting so emotional about the Sera hearing the hardships the prophet alay salaam and the early companions what they went thru and the tests Allah put them through . How can me and u in the 21centuary still wanna complain when we never went through those trying times we have no right to complain ... sheikh uthmaan may Allah bring peace to ur heart and the team ameen ... for the believers are patient by Allah's will we will overcome all hardships

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 2 года назад +5

    [00:01] Best examples for mankind to follow
    [01:02] Giving da'wah is an order from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
    [03:17] Hypocrisy of the kuffar towards people of Tawheed
    [04:38] Abu Lahab's various ways of hatred towards Rasulullah ﷺ
    [07:11] Abu Lahab's has his sons divorce the daughters of Rasulullah ﷺ
    [09:07 ] Hikmah of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى in their divorce, lessons we can learn from it
    [11:06] Hadith about rewards of patience
    [12:03] The amazing response of Prophet ﷺ to Abu Lahab's wife insulting him
    [16:49] Prophetic way of dealing with the ones insulting Prophet ﷺ today
    [18:16] Prophetic way of dealing with the terms used against Muslims today
    [22:02] Mushrikeen throw filth at Rasulullah ﷺ
    [23:51] What is Kibar?
    [25:22] A powerful prophecy made by Rasulullah ﷺ: Islam will enter every household
    [28:17] Abu Jahal's arrogance
    [30:04] Abu Lahab mocks Rasulullah ﷺ upon his son passing away
    [32:45] Mushrikeen have double standards for Muslims, and how should Muslims respond
    [35:20] Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى reveals Surah Al-Kawthar
    [36:28] Whose lineage lives on?
    [38:02] Abu Jahal continues to be violent towards Prophet ﷺ
    [39:33 ] Hikmah of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى in how Abu Jahal died

  • @ukki7113
    @ukki7113 2 года назад +8

    اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلٰۤى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلٰى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلٰۤى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ،
    اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكَ عَلٰى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلٰۤى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلٰى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلٰۤى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ

  • @Pondering-Queen
    @Pondering-Queen 2 года назад +1

    Allahu Akbar ☝️ BarakAllahufeek

  • @MuslimMedia2022
    @MuslimMedia2022 2 года назад +27

    “Once prayer becomes a habit, success becomes a lifestyle.”

  • @abudujana13
    @abudujana13 2 года назад +1


  • @geogreandraws1053
    @geogreandraws1053 2 года назад +1

    Allah akbar, Subhan Allah, Al hamdullilah, use this as a like button

  • @zalaluddin7911
    @zalaluddin7911 2 года назад +1

    Good to see the series back

  • @Sallysmith123
    @Sallysmith123 2 года назад

    Well said the truth. May Allah keep u safe. In sha Allah

  • @moathsa2096
    @moathsa2096 2 года назад

    جزاك الله خيرا

  • @elakurniati9703
    @elakurniati9703 2 года назад +1

    Sholu 'ala Sayidina Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam ❤️❤️❤️

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 2 года назад +3

    28. SACRIFICE PART I [See Masjid Ribat for PART II]
    [00:01] Best examples for mankind to follow
    After the most beautiful, the most perfect example of a role model to follow in Prophet ﷺ and after all the anbiya (Prophets) is the example of sahaba RA. Most of the ummah underestimate the value of sahaba today. They speak of them very lightly and some who consider themselves from the ummah (even though they are not, may Allah protect us) speak ill of the sahaba RA. You've to understand the sacrifices of the sahaba in order to appreciate them.
    [01:02] Giving da'wah is an order from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى
    In the timeline of the seerah, we are now past the point where the mushrikeen of Makkah have tried many different tactics to influence the da'wah of Prophet ﷺ, by offering him money, women, leadership, by going to his uncle Abu Talib to put pressure on him. We see the same tricks used by the Quraysh are whispered by Shaytaan today. For example, a scholar who is who is standing on the Haqq (truth), in order to try and stop him people will go to the government and try to put pressure on the Shaykh so that he can't do certain things, can't give khutbas (sermons) anymore etc. Similarly, Abu Talib requested the Prophet ﷺ to stop his da'wah but this was simply not an option. When Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى orders the Prophet ﷺ in 12:108 قُلْ هَـٰذِهِۦ سَبِيلِىٓ أَدْعُوٓا۟ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ ۚ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا۠ وَمَنِ ٱتَّبَعَنِى: Say O Prophet to them, this is My way, I give da'wah towards Allah upon knowledge/evidences, I and whoever is follower of mine" he has to do it. So calling the mushrikeen away from their shirk and towards Allah is an order and Rasulullah ﷺ could not leave the da'wah.
    [03:17] Hypocrisy of the kuffar towards people of Tawheed
    When the da'wah is strong, Kuffar will always have nifaq (hypocrisy), they will always have double standards. They will have one set of standards that they talk about in general but they will have a different standard with the people of tawheed. Even if you are a mushrik but claim to be a Muslim, people will like you, but it is when you're on tawheed, then the standard they use for themselves is not applicable to you. When your da'wah is strong and when they can't intellectually meet your level, they take it to a very low and indecent level, which is attacking the family of Rasulullah ﷺ.
    [04:38] Abu Lahab's various ways of hatred towards Rasulullah ﷺ
    SubhanAllah look at the hardship Rasulullah ﷺ went through. Abu Lahab who was the leader of this campaign against the Prophet ﷺ who was also the uncle of Prophet ﷺ. Look at this the jealousy sometimes you get from your own is worse than what you get from others. Abu Lahab is the father in law to the daughters of Rasulullah ﷺ, he's the neighbor of Rasulullah ﷺ, and the Arab had certain rules, certain rules about how you deal with your neighbors, certain protection they would give to each others as neighbors. And obviously the tribal bonds of Arabs are very strong. And when you had somebody married into your family it would create another bond. Abu Lahab is walking behind the Prophet ﷺ with his media campaign, smear campaign, cancel culture, tricks that we see today as well. As Rasulullah ﷺ is giving da'wah to the mushrikeen who come for Hajj and he is explaining Islam to them, Abu Lahab is throwing rocks hitting the Prophet ﷺ, speaking ill saying this is my nephew I know him, don't listen to him, he's crazy, he's a magician, he's this, he's that. What a low level, but this is not it.
    [07:11] Abu Lahab's has his sons divorce the daughters of Rasulullah ﷺ
    Abu Lahab couldn't stand that the da'wah was growing. So he went to his sons, Utbah and Utaybah. There's some discrepancies in the books of history but what is authentic with the chains that are checked is that Utbah was married to Ruqayyah RA and Utaybah was married to Umm Khulthum RA. These two daughters of Prophet ﷺ were given in marriage to these two sons of Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab went to his sons and told him to divorce his daughters and to do so in a very disrespectful manner. One of them even spat towards (not on) the Prophet ﷺ. There were at that time people who had pretended to be Muslims, meaning they had openly accepted Islam but when Surah Najm was revealed, they made kuffar. So here they very disrespectfully in a way which was very harsh, divorced the daughters of Rasulullah ﷺ. Imagine what was their mistake, were they not good wives? Of course they were the best of the wives. Was their something wrong with their character? No but they had the best of character. Were they not happy in the house? No, they were happy in the house. Everything was good but just because of tawheed.
    [09:07 ] Hikmah of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى in their divorce, lessons we can learn from it
    Today if something like that happens imagine how you would take it. We are ready to give up even if a little hardship hits us. We complain so much but look at the patience of Rasulullah ﷺ. As you listen to the lecture, really think about it deeply, feel the sadness in your heart. But reading this should also make you smile, why? Because Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى in his hikmah had something better in store for them. How could it be that Utbah and Utaybah who had become murtad (apostate), who had disrespected the Prophet ﷺ and who would have horrible deaths, how could they be married to the beautiful, pure, the purified daughters of Prophet ﷺ? Rather Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى had something better for them, to be married with the one who was the closest to the Prophet ﷺ in his akhlaq, Uthman Ibn Affan RA. Sometimes we don't see the hikmah behind it. A hardship comes and we are like why me, why us, why when we are doing good things bad things happen to us? But we don't see what's ahead. When you are patient, that benefit comes forward. Both of these daughters at different times ended up being married to a great sahabi, a man of Jannah, Uthman Ibn Affan RA.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 2 года назад +3

      [11:06] Hadith about rewards of patience
      Ibn Hajar mentions a hadith narrated by the son of Zayd Ibn Harith RA Usama Ibn Zayd, who at this time was very young, "When I saw Uthman RA and Ruqqayah RA, they were sitting together and looking at each other and I swear by Allah I never saw a more beautiful couple." How Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى brought them together, made them happy, made them from the people of Jannah and from the people of tawheed, this is the hikmah of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى even if we wouldn't have known that at the time. At that time, Prophet ﷺ just told them to be patient.
      [12:03] The amazing response of Prophet ﷺ to Abu Lahab's wife insulting him
      When Surah Al-Masad (111) was revealed, Abu Lahab and his wife took it as an insult. Their insults continued towards the Prophet ﷺ. Abu Lahab carried on with his campaign and his wife Umm Jamil, Arwa would throw filthy things over the wall into the household of Prophet ﷺ. They would put filth out so when Rasulullah ﷺ would walk by, it would touch his clothes, touch his feet. These things are just petty. Rasulullah ﷺ would tell them at least if nothing else, keep to the rules of neighborhood. But they continued. Per a Sahih Hadith, once when Umm Jamil heard about the curse for herself in Surah Al-Masad that they will be in the fire, she was enraged. She came to the Kaba where Prophet ﷺ was sitting with Abu Bakr RA. Abu Bakr RA knew that this woman took things down to a very low level. Prophet ﷺ was very decent but when it was time to fight, he fought, he was a man, he was a leader, he didn't just send armies out like the leaders of the world do today for example Biden and Putin, sending children of the poor people to fight for them. Rasulullah ﷺ would put the armor himself and go. Sahaba would go themselves. But Rasulullah ﷺ was never indecent. This woman was somebody who would get very insulting. When Abu Bakr RA saw her, he told Rasulullah ﷺ that this might get very indecent. Rasulullah ﷺ told him that insha'Allah by the will of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى she won't see him. She came and asked Abu Bakr RA, "Where is your companion?" Abu Bakr RA looked at Rasulullah ﷺ, but he doesn't say anything. She says to Abu Bakr RA, "Tell him if he's a poet, then I am a poet." Abu Bakr RA said, "He is no a poet." She made some verses against the Prophet ﷺ and called him Muzammum. Muhammad means someone that is the most praised, Muzammum is someone who is dispraised. Abu Bakr RA asked the Prophet ﷺ if he was going to respond. Prophet ﷺ said, "Look, she was insulting someone named Muzammum, my name is Muhammad (ﷺ), so whoever she was talking about, let him deal with it." Allah hu Akbar, Masha'Allah. This happens to da'ees today as well. We should always follow the example of Rasulullah ﷺ. He didn't let it get to him. He didn't get frustrated. He didn't break the bounds of shariah and started cussing and using filth.
      [16:49] Prophetic way of dealing with the ones insulting Prophet ﷺ today
      Ibn Qayyim RA, the student of Ibn Taymiyyah, says that this is the honor that Allah gave to the Prophet ﷺ that when the people insulted him, they didn't use his name, and they didn't use the word Muslim. He said that this woman was trying to insult him but in reality Allah protected the honor of Prophet ﷺ. These people today claim to make drawings of the Prophet ﷺ but the funny thing and the reality is that none of them are like the Prophet ﷺ because they don't know what he looks like as we have no pictures. If they could actually read and were intelligent, they could've picked up Shamai'il Tirmidhi or one of the other books that describes the appearance of Rasulullah ﷺ, but because they're not intelligent enough, they just make random drawings which if you know the characteristics that are described in the Hadith, they look never like the Prophet ﷺ. So they could never disrespect the Prophet ﷺ. Whoever they are drawing, that's not the Prophet ﷺ.
      [18:16] Prophetic way of dealing with the terms used against Muslims today
      At the time, mushrikeen would insult the Muslims by calling them Sabees, or sabeeh, or sabiyaah. These terms would mean that these are the people who have rejected the religion of their forefathers. So they used these made up terms to insult Muslims but didn't actually use the word Muslim. Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى actually protected the term Muslim this way. We see the same things even today. Today when a lot of people that want to insult Muslims call them terrorists. Well, I am not a terrorists so I don't know who these people are talking about. I am not offended because they are not talking about me. Similarly, they call us extremists, but again, I am not an extremist, I am having a hard time even to keep myself just moderate. Some people call us wahabis. Well I don't know what a wahabi is because I have never attributed myself to any scholar such as Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab or I don't believe in any aqeeda that started during his time. But Alhamdulillah I believe in the Islam that is in the Quran, the Islam that is in the Sahih ahadith, the Islam that was the Islam of the sahaba, the aqeeda of the Imma al-araba (Imma= pleural for Imam, Araba means 4 in Arabic, so the 4 Imams). None of them were ashari, maturudi etc. If you talk about the sifaat of Allah not using ilmul Kalam then these Imma al-araba were Salafis as well. The interesting thing is that it's not the Muslims that come up with these ideas. This idea of labeling wahabists, salafists etc comes from the Rand Institute report but it's the foolish Muslims that go with this idea. When somebody sticks to the Quran, the Shahih Ahadith then they call them wahabis.
      They had a team assigned just to insult the Muslims, just to stop the da'wah. Abu Lahab, Ibn Umayyah, Hakam, Ubayd, Abu al-As, these are some of the names of the people which Ad Dhahabi and others have mentioned that were assigned just to try to stop the da'wah of the Prophet ﷺ.

  • @aliahmed-rg8dr
    @aliahmed-rg8dr 2 года назад

    JazakumuAllah Khayr

  • @mohamedbetersh4193
    @mohamedbetersh4193 2 года назад

    May Allah grant you a righteous daughter shaykhi

  • @iamShahinMalek
    @iamShahinMalek 2 года назад

    Light 💡 too bright! Jazakallah

  • @hafsa2326
    @hafsa2326 2 года назад

    بارك الله فيك

  • @mohammadsalim6014
    @mohammadsalim6014 2 года назад

    May Allah bless you

  • @GuideUsAllah401
    @GuideUsAllah401 2 года назад +1

    Yay 😃 episode 28 is here!!! Hooray 😄

  • @abdussamad1659
    @abdussamad1659 2 года назад +2

    The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If anyone loves for Allah's sake, hates for Allah's sake, gives for Allah's sake and withholds for Allah's sake, he will have perfect faith.

  • @islamtube2672
    @islamtube2672 2 года назад +3

    1 - Whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi (Glory be to Allah and Praise Him) a hundred times during the day, his sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:168, Sahih Muslim; #4:2071]
    2 - whoever says SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi, Subhan-Allahi 'l-`adheem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)
    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Two words are light on the tongue, weigh heavily in the balance, they are loved by the Most Merciful One " [Sahih al-Bukhari; #7:67, Sahih Muslim, #4:2071]

  • @auntdotcom5239
    @auntdotcom5239 2 года назад

    Jazzakallah khair

  • @duaz9043
    @duaz9043 2 года назад


  • @zulfiqarashraf5619
    @zulfiqarashraf5619 2 года назад

    MashAllah shaikh saheb

  • @abdullasaqer5122
    @abdullasaqer5122 2 года назад

    thank u akhi

  • @TamilQuranNetwork
    @TamilQuranNetwork 2 года назад +1


  • @Fatubah_lil_ghuraba
    @Fatubah_lil_ghuraba 2 года назад

    ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • @adamfitbellaadam4790
    @adamfitbellaadam4790 2 года назад


  • @taazeemff8101
    @taazeemff8101 2 года назад

    Alhamdulillaah! Saheeh! If you belittle the Sahaabah karaam RadiyAllaahu 'anhum then you drift away from Allaah's Deen! This amounts to arrogance and this attitude is fatal! May Allaah 'Az-Zawajall protect & guide us on As-Seeraat-ul-Mustaqeem! Aameen ya Rabb-ul-'aalameen! Great work Shaykh Uthmaan Hafidhahullaah!

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +1

      ​ @Rod of Discipline _"Wow, the indoctrination is strong with you. Your replies are deteriorating as water swirling down the toilet. Bye bye"_
      Shlomo, don't delete your comment, you have no place to hide and even if you go with the flushing water into your native septic tank, you won't be able to avoid my questions about your corrupted bibles which are giving you bloody hemorrhoids...🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
      *RUN FORREST GUMP ! RUN !...*

  • @catcotton2022
    @catcotton2022 2 года назад +1


  • @freeman7983
    @freeman7983 2 года назад

    masha ALLAH

  • @um9532
    @um9532 2 года назад

    الله أكبر

  • @user-zt7om4ri4p
    @user-zt7om4ri4p 2 года назад +2


  • @Shiplu2022
    @Shiplu2022 2 года назад +4

    😍😍😍😍😍😍 !!!

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад

      my cat loves u too,🐱♥️♥️♥️

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +3

      As for the contradictions in your different bibles no need to mention it as it is obvious; I have though a statement from your bibles I want you to explain, if you dare to....
      *=====> Jesus (pbuh) following the Bible could NEVER enter the paradise while the Christian and the...bible says he'll go to paradise ! How can the Followers of the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver and the Antichrist be saved by someone they absolutely do know nothing about and who following different bibles CAN NEVER ENTER THE PARADISE !!??*
      *Matthew 1: 3*
      _And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; As we all know Phares and Zara of Thamar were _*_BASTARDS_*_ because they were the seed of Thamar and her father in Law!_
      *Deuteronomy 23: 2*
      _A BASTARD shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation _*_(MEANS ==== NEVER ====)_*_ shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD._

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +1

      ​ @Rod of Discipline _"Wow, the indoctrination is strong with you. Your replies are deteriorating as water swirling down the toilet. Bye bye"_
      Shlomo, don't delete your comment, you have no place to hide and even if you go with the flushing water into your native septic tank, you won't be able to avoid my questions about your corrupted bibles which are giving you bloody hemorrhoids...🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
      *RUN FORREST GUMP ! RUN !...*

  • @saj5608
    @saj5608 2 года назад

    "And when they mount upon the ships they pray to Allah, making their faith pure for Him only, but when He bringeth them safe to land, behold! they ascribe partners (unto Him)"
    (29:65) Pickthall

  • @thunderbolt4796
    @thunderbolt4796 2 года назад

    Specially maulanas
    My SAW ❤
    My Rasul❤
    My Nabi ❤
    If this much obsession was shown to God, things could have been different!

  • @Bigbro123r5
    @Bigbro123r5 2 года назад

    Shaykh uthman , can you make a video on the bid’ah of shab e barat but in Urdu so my parents can understand
    Thank you

  • @muzosh
    @muzosh 2 года назад

    Can you please lower the Light to the low setting. The video is overly bright and overexposed and it also starts to hurt the eye when watching in the evening. it would also be easier on the Sheikh. Jazakallahu Khairan.

  • @sajjadmehmood2943
    @sajjadmehmood2943 2 года назад

    The Prophet (ﷺ)said :" He who conceals (the faults) of a Muslim, Allah would conceal his faults in the world and in the Hereafter. Allah is at the back of a servant so long as the servant is at the back of his brother." [ Sahih Muslim ] He (ﷺ) also said :" The believer will be brought close to his Lord until He conceals him and makes him confess hin sin. Allah will say, 'Do you remember such and such a sin?' The man will say, 'Yes, I admit it.' The Lord will say, 'I concealed it for you in the world and I forgave you for it today." [ Bukhari ]

  • @anasaslah7939
    @anasaslah7939 2 года назад

    "Everybody would expect their children will outlive them"
    Hold on shaykh you don't have to hurt the boys this way 🤕

  • @AU-yw2kq
    @AU-yw2kq 2 года назад +1

    The court in India said that hijab is not an essential part of Islam.
    Pls Sheikh make a video educating us that hijab is mandatory in Islam.Pls Sheikh.

  • @mehmoodhassan2600
    @mehmoodhassan2600 2 года назад

    Asalamalkum ustad sanga yay

  • @55batmanandjoker
    @55batmanandjoker 2 года назад

  • @redouanghosts6770
    @redouanghosts6770 2 года назад

    Salam alaikoum Sheikh Uthman, I have got a question that im trying to discuss with a lot of different people and i hear 2 different things about it. My question is as followed: What is the difference between Fajr and Subuh. My parents always told me to pray Subuh 2 raka'at and Fajr, but i dont know why i should pray subuh or what this praying is actually is. i also dont find arguments to pray it based on hadiths.
    Can you profide me provide me from an answer?
    I love your videos Btw, May allah bless you.

    • @AdamAliAden
      @AdamAliAden 2 года назад

      The whole prayer is 5 prayers: fajr, dhuhr, asr, magrib, Isha. Maybe subah means the sunnah prayer before fajr?

  • @user-zt7om4ri4p
    @user-zt7om4ri4p 2 года назад +1


  • @ألسناعلىالحقيارسولالله


  • @Muslim-df6kr
    @Muslim-df6kr 2 года назад

    Please Sheikh the brightness is too much

  • @user-zt7om4ri4p
    @user-zt7om4ri4p 2 года назад +1


  • @user-zt7om4ri4p
    @user-zt7om4ri4p 2 года назад +1


  • @ouaiouai8705
    @ouaiouai8705 2 года назад

    As salam aleykoum. Does the cheikh use a specific book?

  • @etihaadresponds
    @etihaadresponds 2 года назад

    if you give answers to my questions? i will do my shahadah.

  • @sartaj1699
    @sartaj1699 2 года назад

    Assalamualim shayk.i want to talk to you,please can you reply.......

  • @F_ah_ad
    @F_ah_ad 2 года назад

    السلام عليكم اخي عثمان بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا شاهدت لك فيديوهات كثيره ووجدتك تضرب امثلة من الحياة للناس وهي مؤثرة عليهم لان البشر سبحان الله يريدون امورا محسوسة في الحياة واحب ان اشارك معك في مثال عن رسالة عيسى عليه السلام عندما ارسله الله عز وجل الى قومه
    وهي ان صاحب مصنع يتكلم اللغة الفرنسية ويعيش في فرنسا ولديه مصنع في واشنطن وبه الف عامل وهذا المصنع جديد وبه مكائن ولا يوجد من العمال من يعرف تشغيل هذه المكائن وجميعهم جدد في امريكا لا يعرفون سوى اللغة الفرنسية وصاحب المصنع يريد ان يرسل لهم مدرب هل يرسل مدرب يتكلم اللغة الانجليزية ام الاوردية ام العربية ام الفرنسية ؟؟؟
    المنطق اللغة الفرنسية
    كذلك اله سبحانه وتعالى عندما اراد ان يوصل رسالته للناس اختار ان يكون انسان مثلهم يتكلم لغتهم
    الامر الاخر المصنع هذا بعد اربعين سنه قرر صاحبه الذي لم يحضر لامريكا مطلقا ان يقدمه لجمعيه خيريه وهذه الجمعيه اهملت اسم من انشأ هذا المصنع وتسجيله في سجلاتها فقط عندما يسالونهم الناس من قدم هذا المصنع يقولون لهم لا نعلم من هو وبعد مائة عام اخذ العمال الجدد يبحثون عن اسم صاحب المصنع ليكتبوا اسمه على مدخل المصنع ويدعون له بالبركة وبعد البحث وجدوا اسم ذلك المدرب الذي ارسله صاحب المصنع من باريس وقاموا بتسجيل اسمه ويدعون له بالبركة ويذكرون ان الفضل له وسبب نسبهم انه صاحب المصنع وجدوا رسائل مكتوب عليها من رب العمال الى رب المصنع وكلمة رب تطلق على كل ولي امر او مسؤول رب البيت رب المعدات رب المدينة كما هو المثال العربي اذا كان رب البيت في الدف قارع فشيمة اهل البيت الرقص هذا مثل اذا كان رب الاسرة تاجر مخدرات تجد ابناءه من الطبيعي يقومون بالسرقة او الذهاب للنوادي الليلية ولديهم سمعه سيئة بسبب البيئة التي عاشوا فيها
    كذلك المسيحين عندما ذكروا ان عيسى عليه السلام هو الرب وهو كان مثل ذلك المدرب الفرنسي والذي ارسله صاحب المصنع
    وعندما حضر رجل معه جميع الاوراق التي تثبت ملكية جد والده لهذا المصنع وانه قدمه لجمعية خيرية وهو يعرف المدرب الذي ارسله جد والده ونسبه وقد عرض هذه الوثيقة على جهه مختصه علمية في امريكا واثبتت ان هذه الوثيقة صحيحه وغير مزورة لان هناك امور فيها تثبت صحتها
    كذلك هو القران الكريم فيه ايات بعد ١٤٠٠ سنه ثبتت صحتها الكواكب ودورانها والحمل و تكوين الجنين وانشقاق القمر والماء المالح والعذب وعدم اختلاطهم
    هل المنطق ان تصدق هذا الرجل الذي جاء من فرنسا ومعه الوثائق ام تصدق العمال الجدد الذين نسبوا ان المصنع للمدرب
    الوثائق والاثباتات وهو مثل القران الكريم
    اما العمال هم مثل الذين كتبوا الأناجيل
    وجزاك الله خير

  • @ShortVideoBD1.2M
    @ShortVideoBD1.2M 2 года назад


  • @aunthaumv3711
    @aunthaumv3711 2 года назад

    13:54 maybe this is cus of my ignorance. Someone with knowledge please explain and correct me. But isnt it unfair to say this when even the Rashidun Khalifas also stayed behind when some of the battles were fought. They appointed commanders like Khalid bin Walid to lead the armies, and they themselves didnt go to battle. And i see wisdom in it, cus it would leaves the community or the nation in a state of distress everytime the leader goes to the battle and gets hurt very badly or just die in battle. In the sake of the Prophet Alaihisalaathu Wasalaam he had full guarantee that Allah will protect him until the religion is complete.

  • @jsamiullah5905
    @jsamiullah5905 2 года назад

    I want to know is shyakh Usman a Sunni Muslim

  • @MuslimMedia2022
    @MuslimMedia2022 2 года назад +2

    “If you want to focus more on Allah in your prayers, focus more on Him outside your prayers.”

  • @oliveoil4259
    @oliveoil4259 2 года назад

    Anyone know how I can contact the sheikh?

    • @randomized1010
      @randomized1010 2 года назад

      Hi, I hope you're doing well.
      It's difficult but contact the guys in EFDawah (Hamza...) and request them to contact Sheikh Uthman.

  • @MK414
    @MK414 2 года назад

    At 41:00 whom is he referring to can someone tell me?

  • @hyderabadiurdu
    @hyderabadiurdu 2 года назад

    I think the shaikh(may Allah reward him in dunya and akhira) may have confused Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl couple of times during this viseo. Especially the one incident where Abu Jahl wanted to choke our prophet(pbuh) while he was praying.

  • @zakariamathari6889
    @zakariamathari6889 2 года назад

    The way u opened this video... what does it mean brother?

    • @letmetalk2240
      @letmetalk2240 2 года назад +1

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 >>>He has waffled on but hasn’t given one single “Authentic Source” to back up his assertions
      It is a general knowledge for Muslims.

    • @letmetalk2240
      @letmetalk2240 2 года назад +1

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 First of all, the scholar is not engaging himself in a debate.
      He is educating people. If you need evidence for his claim meaning you are lacking the knowledge.
      If you have enough knowledge, refute his claim to be baseless; not supported by the Islamic scriptures.
      Do not whine.

    • @letmetalk2240
      @letmetalk2240 2 года назад +1

      Good. I see that you have nothing to refute here.

    • @letmetalk2240
      @letmetalk2240 2 года назад +1

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 Can you refute Shaikh Uthman? Yes? No?

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад

      @Rod of Discipline _"Have you ever thought of researching what these scholars tell you to understand them better, or do you simply"_
      *Since you're an expert and a famous scholar about the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar and the Antichrist, it will be then very easy to you to explain why (FOLLOWING YOUR DIFFERENT BIBLES) Jesus pbuh will NEVER ENTER THE PARADISE ????*
      As for the contradictions in your different bibles no need to mention it as it is obvious; I have though a statement from your bibles I want you to explain, if you dare to....
      *=====> Jesus (pbuh) following the Bible could NEVER enter the paradise while the Christian and the...bible says he'll go to paradise ! How can the Followers of the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver and the Antichrist be saved by someone they absolutely do know nothing about and who following different bibles CAN NEVER ENTER THE PARADISE !!??*
      *Matthew 1: 3*
      _And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; As we all know Phares and Zara of Thamar were _*_BASTARDS_*_ because they were the seed of Thamar and her father in Law!_
      *Deuteronomy 23: 2*
      _A BASTARD shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation _*_(MEANS ==== NEVER ====)_*_ shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD._

  • @monotheism1
    @monotheism1 2 года назад

    We must address the European parliament as well as the Swedish people in their own languages so they can understand what is going on and how their government is brutally unjust. So, they understand the level of tyranny and prejudice the Swedish government practices against foreigners. It is inhumane how they treat refugees as if they are sub-human, and even if they get citizenship, they also treat them as second-class citizen.
    It is difficult to comprehend that the Swedish government can be indifferent to children and parents. Up-rooting families are unheard of and un-precedent in the manner being practiced by Sweden. The state is literally kidnapping/abducting children. This is the state, not a pedophile or a mafia organization that is doing business with human trafficking; it is the Swedish government! The only word to describe it is SHOCKING!! The refugee children, especially from Arab origins, are being placed with Swedish families and are being forced to smoke, drink alcohol,
    and eat pork against their belief systems and up-bringing. In addition to this tyranny, a greater tyranny is in the fact that the Swedish government is changing their names and eventually religion. This Ethnic Cleansing at its worst. The families can never re-united! The government and social workers are working together to destroy all the ethical rules and laws practiced internationally.
    The Swedish government’s aim is to destroy the social fabric of the family unit and society to become unethical; it is like they want a people of anarchy.
    This is a CRY to the world to stop this injustice against the children first and their parents!!!
    Sweden government gives social services full authority to kidnapped any persons under age 15 Especially the last 5 years, they're taking refugees children away from their parents mostly are from Syria, Iraq and other countries.
    This beautiful Arab girl, Donia Hassan, the social services, kidnapped her,
    and placed her with Swedish families some of
    The foster family are either friends or relatives of social services so they can share the benefits from Sweden government for every child they kidnapped the government pays them 4 to 6 thousand dollars per month to the foster family to take care of the children instead of giving this mony to the original family so they can support the refugees and their children because they are unjust barbaric regime and so prejudice they don't like foreigners at all so they prefer to give the mony to their own people even if they have history of child abuse or Pedophilia this beautiful girl she was sexual abused continuously raped.
    According to the government, claiming she committed suicide and they ruled out murder although after biopsie, they found out she was pregnant and without organs.

  • @nightshift6023
    @nightshift6023 2 года назад

    Why do tabligh goes da'wah for 4 months, 40 days, 10 days n 3 days? Is it compulsary?

  • @harissirajbham5796
    @harissirajbham5796 2 года назад

    Ya Shaikh please remove the triangle behind you please

  • @عبدالله-ن6ه2ص
    @عبدالله-ن6ه2ص 2 года назад +1

    Write the cities of your country for the algorithms:
    Madina El Monawara
    Rijal Alma' Village
    Al Ula City
    Madain Saleh
    Asir region
    Tanomah city
    Red Sea Islands
    Amala Islands
    downtown Jeddah
    Oases of AlUla
    Al-Ahsa Oasis
    Souda Company
    Saudi Investment Fund

  • @brickaxe6010
    @brickaxe6010 2 года назад


    • @abdullahalamrikani678
      @abdullahalamrikani678 2 года назад +2

      That is a sign requesting that the people wear masks.

    • @letmetalk2240
      @letmetalk2240 2 года назад +1

      @@abdullahalamrikani678 🤣🤣🤣🤣👍

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +2

      @Liz Nonabiz Last time he forgot to yield to circulating traffic on his left that was already in the intersection, since then he hate triangles ! ...

    • @brickaxe6010
      @brickaxe6010 2 года назад


  • @fidelcatsro6948
    @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад


    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад +3

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 why dont you ask for the sources then?

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад +1

      @@rodofdiscipline1887 what happened with the camel intestine?

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 2 года назад +3

      Bukari 3185
      Narrated `Abdullah:
      While the Prophet (ﷺ) was in the state of prostration, surrounded by a group of people from Quraish pagans. `Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait came and brought the intestines of a camel and threw them on the back of the Prophet (ﷺ) . The Prophet (ﷺ) did not raise his head from prostration till Fatima (i.e. his daughter) came and removed those intestines from his back, and invoked evil on whoever had done (the evil deed). The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraish, O Allah! Destroy Abu Jahl bin Hisham, `Utba bin Rabi`a, Shaiba bin Rabi`a, `Uqba bin Abi Mu'ait, Umaiya bin Khalaf (or Ubai bin Kalaf)." Later on I saw all of them killed during the battle of Badr and their bodies were thrown into a well except the body of Umaiya or Ubai, because he was a fat person, and when he was pulled, the parts of his body got separated before he was thrown into the well.
      so whats bothering you about this hadith???

  • @someguy-pb9rz
    @someguy-pb9rz 2 года назад


  • @yusufrawat51
    @yusufrawat51 2 года назад


  • @vrindian7140
    @vrindian7140 2 года назад

    You are telling the one who are against Quran aren't opening the chapter or verses but please watch the video of Christian prince n don't lie coz You're only fabricating n sharing a fairy tale. Learn from Christian prince please because your teaching is quite boring.Are you preaching Islam or declaring that Islam is cult religious because what you are doing is not making sense n please share at least one chapter or verses abdool

    • @stylishspaces0
      @stylishspaces0 2 года назад +4

      Now you started worshipping another man but this time a hypocrite liar man

    • @Abou_Salahedine
      @Abou_Salahedine 2 года назад +3

      @@stylishspaces0 He's even a professional liar and deceiver like all the apologists of the Satanic Cult of Paul the Liar, the Deceiver and the Antichrist !...

    • @ZiIIous
      @ZiIIous 8 месяцев назад +1

      "christian prince don't lie"
      That's a lie. Watch Farid Respond's playlist exposing +107 lies of Christian Prince.
      Also, these Islamic lectures are not for entertainment. We're here to learn and get closer to Allah, not to mock and laugh like your CP does.

  • @user-zt7om4ri4p
    @user-zt7om4ri4p 2 года назад +1


  • @someguy-pb9rz
    @someguy-pb9rz 2 года назад


  • @faizan9010
    @faizan9010 2 года назад
