The Lord Jesus Christ... Who is He?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • The Lord Jesus Christ… Who is He?
    Today we live in a world where atheism, heresies, satanism and personal animosity against our Lord Jesus Christ,
    runs rampant.
    We His followers are constantly pushed by social media, movies and even in schools etc. to doubt and to even question that He existed or at the very least, as it is suggested by some, that He was just a mere man or (from some other beliefs) He was some minor prophet or other various worldly suggestions…
    ~But who is He really?
    (Orthodox Christian Theology)
    The Lord Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Holy Trin­ity, eternally born of the Father. He became a Man, and thus He is at once fully (perfect) God and fully (perfect) Man, united in one Person hypostatically (substance or essence).
    Thus it is in the Orthodox Christian faith that Jesus is fully human and fully divine; the Son of God and the Son of Man, one and the same Son. His coming to earth was foretold thousands of years ago in the Old Testament by the Prophets.
    We further believe that He is the eternally divine and perfect Son of God who was born as a Man from the Virgin Mary (Theotokos) and lived on the earth as Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah (Christ) of Israel and is the Saviour of the world.
    Eternally divine means that from all eternity, before the creation of everything that exists, God Himself existed without beginning, in a manner incomprehensible to men, completely outside the bounds of time and space.
    In this perfection of divine existence, God the Father always had with Himself His divine Son and His Holy Spirit. Both the Son and the Spirit are exactly what God the Father is, namely perfect, unchanging, ever-existing, timeless, spaceless, beyond human comprehension, etc.
    In a word, whatever can be said or understood about God the Father can be said and understood about the Son (also called the Word, Logos, Wisdom, and Image of God) and the Holy Spirit.
    Thus there are Three who are divine, each being what the other is and each being in perfect union and unity with the other. These are: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit: the Holy Trinity.
    Therefore this unique divine-human person, Jesus saves man by teaching the absolute truth of God (the Father); by forgiving the evils of all men in the whole world; by Him suffering and dying in innocence, voluntarily and unjustly on the cross in order to be with all who suffer and die; by rising from the dead in a new and glorified form; by taking our humanity to God in order to make it divine forever; and by sending the Holy Spirit of God to men who believe so that they could teach and do the very things which Jesus Himself both taught and did… that they could, in a word, be sons of God in Him.
    ~How do we know that He is true?
    Thousands of ancient, hand-copied documents-referred to as “manuscripts”- provide proof of the New Testament and Old Testament’s historical consistency.
    In fact, there is significantly more documentation for the books of the Holy Bible than there are for other historically recognized authors and literature, i.e., such as Plato and “The Iliad.”
    (Archeological findings)
    Excavation sites and artifacts have also provided evidence that many of the events, people and places mentioned in the Holy Bible really existed: i.e. such as the city of Jericho and its famous walls or the Hittites, a group of people once thought by skeptics to be a myth.
    Historian Flavius Josephus wrote one of the earliest non-biblical accounts of Jesus. Also, a Roman historian, Tacitus made historical accounts of Jesus as well. Why are they important?
    Because these were from non-Christian sources and Jesus was known by these historians and they didn’t think He was made up. So in other words, historically speaking, even from non-Christians, there are very large amount of documents that He really did exist.
    (Fulfilled prophecies])
    The Old Testament from the Holy Bible, contains hundreds of prophecies that have been fulfilled, including detailed descriptions of events that would later happen to the Israelites and surrounding nations, as well as prophecies about the life and death of Christ.
    (Life Changes)
    The Lord Jesus Christ speaks to the condition of the human heart and soul in a way that has life-changing impact on individuals from all cultures, nations and walks of life.
    ~Just to name a few:
    Apostle Paul was originally against Christ and fought anyone who followed Him (Acts 8:3), and later he became the Apostle to the Gentiles. (Romans 11:13)
    St. Cyprian, a former renowned sorcerer, who tried to perform magic & spells on a Christian (St. Justina) but couldn’t, renounced the evil one and became a Christian and later was even made a Bishop.
    St. Mary of Egypt, fulfilled her carnal desires from the very young age of 12, and later on went to the desert and stayed 47 years, fasting and praying and fighting her passions changing her life completely.
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