Ken Ham - Noah Ark Encounter

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 154

  • @AgnosticProle
    @AgnosticProle 9 лет назад +9

    I know there are people who believe noah's ark was real but eventually they leave kindergarten and start learning something.

  • @jose6point2
    @jose6point2 10 лет назад +7

    Can't wait to visit it!

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад +1

      Go to Busch Gardens instead. At least the beer is cold there.

  • @bruce1gre
    @bruce1gre 8 лет назад +5

    Put Ray on the Ark, watch it sink.Let God save him and Ken Ham.Who would be playing Noah!!!

  • @luciusuri9415
    @luciusuri9415 10 лет назад +3

    Unless Ken plans on building this ark in the exact way the Noah myth (Gilgamesh to be exact) describes it, then it proves him wrong. Ken, his wife, two sons and their wives, with gopher wood and pitch. No modern construction equipment should be allowed.

  • @truethinker221
    @truethinker221 8 лет назад +2

    They said there will be a question and answer secession at the beginning of the tour. My question is why would God who spoke and it is need a man and boat to save the living things, that he could recreate in a day ?

  • @lostallmymirth
    @lostallmymirth 9 лет назад +8

    When compared to 318 million of my US contemporaries, I never thought that I was particularly intelligent
    But when I found out that nearly 65 % of this population actually believed everyone on earth had originated from two newborns, who, after conversing with a talking snake, would invariably pass all onto all future mankind- every sin imaginable.
    Then I realized that than nearly 200 million people were WAY dumber than me.
    Now I feel a whole lot better thanks to most evangelicals.

  • @SpongeBQT
    @SpongeBQT 10 лет назад +2

    man, this guy's got a vision. hope to take a road trip to see it. #bucketlist

    • @Invading-Specious
      @Invading-Specious 11 месяцев назад

      I'm seriously doubt the psyche of the average gringo. is it for free?🤣😂

  • @101limestone
    @101limestone 10 лет назад +4

    If the door was just a little larger on the Arch them darn dinosaurs could have gotten on board. What type of refrigeration system did Noah develop to keep the polar bears nice and cool? How long before the flood came did the snails from Canada start heading out for the arch?

    • @Cantreachthestars
      @Cantreachthestars 9 лет назад

      answer 1: dinosaur eggs
      answer 2: it was raining, could have been cold enough
      answer 3: two of the snails from the local areas came

    • @Cantreachthestars
      @Cantreachthestars 9 лет назад

      how are you presumptuous to see magic in any of my answers?

    • @Cantreachthestars
      @Cantreachthestars 9 лет назад

      Well, the thing is, it has been shown you don't need millions of years to create fossils. Ever heard of the 'clock in the rock'? Sedimentary rock AND metamorphic rock have been found within decades. Petrified wood from the fenceposts of the prairies have been found. Bottom line, you don't need millions of years for fossils. And you may not take me seriously since I believe in this, and that science proves such, I can barely take you seriously with that picture.

    • @Cantreachthestars
      @Cantreachthestars 9 лет назад

      First off, a few fallacies in your line of argument. First, most Christians are not ignorant. That is a personal generalization of yours, which are obviously rooted in your clear deep hate of religion and/or theology. In argument classes, I learned that to be a common fallacy, (and no, I went to secular public schools and am currently attending a private yet secular university) If I may have the liberty of asking whether you were religious inn former years, and whether you had a positive childhood in your very early years especially in relation to your parents. Secondly, the hasty generalization is that the ark was in a desert. I'm assuming you think Sahara like situation, which would definitely not be the case. The Bible records Noah having spent a few years to build the ark, meaning he had resources which were not plentiful, likely a semi-fertile oasis of sorts, which are common in the Middle East. Secondly, there could have been one bear ancestor, existing in near the area, acclimated to the weather, from which the current gene pool of all current bears, ie the genus ursidae. which, by genetic drift, mutations, and other such factors could have resulted in speciation and differentiation into current species including but not limited to the polar bear.

    • @Cantreachthestars
      @Cantreachthestars 9 лет назад +1

      @Jack'could' does not equal impossible. Evolution in the randomized uncontrolled entropic scale is impossible, that is the issue

  • @macrussell78
    @macrussell78 8 лет назад +3

    Didn't Ken Ham waste 73 million dollars on a vanity project to build a replica? Pretty sure that money could have helped the poor. You know, what Jesus commanded. But that's fine. Build a giant replica that probably isn't sea worthy, that's cool. Pretty sure the ark was built by a drunk and his family also. Not a whole construction crew. Dude debunks himself is all I'm saying.

    • @Dearestandme
      @Dearestandme 8 лет назад +1

      Do you really care what Jesus commanded? Then you would know about His teachings on repentance and hell and judgment.

  • @LHswe
    @LHswe 10 лет назад +3

    Why do they ignore the real reaction to their 'film' which was largely negative, it reflects their mass denial to such and amazing degree.

  • @yagotoo7999
    @yagotoo7999 8 лет назад +1

    Oh mighty Tim, u r correct Sir!

  • @KJFilmProductions
    @KJFilmProductions 10 лет назад +2

    Ken Ham is legit!!!!

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад +3

      he's a putz who is fleecing his followers.

  • @fellowservant34
    @fellowservant34 10 лет назад +2

    I've got my peg and I'm looking forward to the road trip and great experience with my family.

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад +1

      enjoy it. Your tax dollars are being paid to make it after all.

    • @lindaphilippi507
      @lindaphilippi507 2 года назад

      @@sudburylawyer that is not true. Private donations.

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 2 года назад +1

      @@lindaphilippi507 Tax relief is a subsidy. nice try.

    • @lindaphilippi507
      @lindaphilippi507 2 года назад

      @@sudburylawyer Have you been there before? I have. But I would guess that you would never visit there in the first place because your real issue is not about taxes is it?

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 2 года назад +1

      @@lindaphilippi507 Step 1: if the other person scores a point, deflect!. So you admit that tax relief are subsidies? Or do you just want to collapse now into a hysteria of how Christians are so persecuted in the world?

  • @Invading-Specious
    @Invading-Specious 11 месяцев назад

    My God says; Love your neighbor as yourself and above all love Him! notthing else. Lucas 10:27

  • @MsAjsmiles
    @MsAjsmiles 10 лет назад +1

    When Hollywood makes a movie from a "book", they generally have to pay royalties. I would like to see the people who took a story from God's Word, tithe 10% to the church to be used in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Regardless of how much or how little this is true to the Bible. But I don't always get what I want ;)

  • @bretlynn
    @bretlynn 10 лет назад +3

    HOLY SOUND BOMB! why does the volume skyrocket around the 27:28 mark?!

    • @Invading-Specious
      @Invading-Specious 11 месяцев назад

      because the d!ck who uploaded this unholy propaganda wants you to be deaf forever?

  • @pacers2015
    @pacers2015 10 лет назад +1

    I have heard several Christian groups calling the new movie "Noah" unbiblical. I completely disagree. One thing people seem to have trouble with is the fact that one of the scenes show that one of mans sins was eating meat. That is biblical. In the Bible, God gave Adam plants to eat. Meat was off limits. Man was not allowed to eat meat until after the flood. That was Biblical. People are also upset that Methuselah is shown as being killed in the flood. If you do the math in Genesis 5, you will see that he died the year the flood came. Once again, the movie is Biblical. People are upset with the representation of the Nephilim. In the movie, they are shown as angels trapped in stone. This is a stretch, but the Bible does describe the Nephilim as giants and sons of God. We must allow the film a bit of artistic license. No one seems angry with The Ten Commandments showing Moses parting the Sea in a few seconds, when the Scripture says it was overnight. Now the real issue. If you want to avoid a major spoiler, do not read further. When Noah is on the ark, he comes to believe that God wants all humanity to die out, as man will just continue to sin, and the flood will be for nothing. So Noah forbids his sons from reproducing. However, Shems wife gets pregnant. Noah decides he will kill the baby if it is a girl. Lo and behold, Shem has twin girls. Obviously, God wants the human race to continue. However, Noah is obsessed with sin, and goes to kill the children. Something in his heart stops him though. He feels he has disappointed God by allowing humanity to continue. However, he comes to realize that God was showing him that, even though humanity is corrupt, they are not beyond saving. This is THE message of the Bible, and this movie. So, to those who say the message of this movie is against God, I say you re-read the Bible. One final note. People accuse this movie of being a Save the Earth movie. I think what people forget is that one of the first commandments God gives to man is to guard the earth and protect the animals. If you take offense that somebody is bringing this up on a Bible movie, you need to look around and ask: Is humanity doing a good job protecting the earth? Living Waters, I love you guys. You led me to salvation. I loved your Noah film. But I loved this Noah film as well. It really opened the door for a sequel: How will the problem of sin and separation be resolved? I think we know the answer to that :)

    • @NecessaryConclusions
      @NecessaryConclusions 10 лет назад +1

      Off the top of my head i can say which is and isn't accurate.
      The Ark took 120 years to build by Noah and his sons, not Ten years
      Noahs family weren't sinners but were righteous
      The Angles in the movie were thought to be helping Humans but God disagreed. That makes God look bad. Nephilim weren't stone giants, thats a story within itself. There is a lot of interesting things you can learn about them.
      The Noah movie used Evolution (or the gap theory, if i have it correct.) to show the creation and correct me if i'm wrong, he was stating "A first day", "A second day" rather than "On the first day." God made the world in 6 days, not a long period of time. My God (And i'm pretty sure your's too.) is able to want something and do it. If my God was able to be understood in my 3 pound brain, he isn't worthy of praise. We are only limited to what we know.
      God closed the doors of the Ark a week before the flood, in the Noah movie the Angles were defending Noah while Noah tried to shut the gate. It's just not true and not accurate. There is a lot more things which i can probably cover but it's been a while since i've watched the movie.
      Cheers, have a great day :).

    • @pacers2015
      @pacers2015 10 лет назад

      Hey brother :). If you worship the God who died on a Cross for our sins, then we worship the same God. I look at the message of the movie. The message of sin and separation is there. I look at this movie as a parable that takes license with the story of Noah, which is an historical event, and they use it to teach a biblical message. If people want the real story of Noah, they need to get their Bible off the shelf. God bless you brother! :)

    • @NecessaryConclusions
      @NecessaryConclusions 10 лет назад

      So true! Now that i think about it really all comes down to that. I just hope people don't think of Noah as some mad man, haha.
      Take care! :)

    • @pacers2015
      @pacers2015 10 лет назад

      You to! Keep the faith. He might show up any day! :)

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад

      pacers2015 2000 years, you guys have been saying the same thing....brain dead idiots. All of you.

  • @Warriorking1963
    @Warriorking1963 9 лет назад +2

    Instead of producing another fund raising exhibition, why not build a replica of the real ark? Prove your point that the thing would float? PROVE 14,000 animals could be housed on it... in short produce the science to back up the hocus pocus.

  • @loveovercomeshate
    @loveovercomeshate 10 лет назад +2

    I love love love this. I,m bringing all my family and friends to visit. God bless you all.

    • @Invading-Specious
      @Invading-Specious 11 месяцев назад

      okidoki then! then I also will bring my sect and master, 😋so we can laugh.

  • @StephanKellermann-one
    @StephanKellermann-one 10 лет назад +4

    Ken Ham and Ray Comfort together in one vid?? Does this result in negative intelligence???

    • @101limestone
      @101limestone 10 лет назад +1

      Wiping tears from eyes and stomach sore from laughing!!!

  • @yagotoo7999
    @yagotoo7999 8 лет назад +1

    ps: Oh, I forgot, silly me:
    "Thou shall not kill".

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  8 лет назад

      +Yago Too

    • @Invading-Specious
      @Invading-Specious 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@LivingWatersMy God is the creator. Not a gringo psychopath.

  • @2100lode
    @2100lode 5 лет назад

    I just wonder, what happened to the millions of insects and all the freshwater fish?

  • @yagotoo7999
    @yagotoo7999 8 лет назад +1

    Living waters, if I have to answer that for you, then you are radicalized and beyond understanding that babies, puppies and bunnies too-are incapable of crimes which warrant death.

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  8 лет назад

      +Yago Too Wow, you sound like you are very pro-life. I take it you must spend a good deal of time picketing abortion clinics, believing that it's morally reprehensible for women to have any kind of abortion, right?

  • @togborne
    @togborne 2 года назад

    Ham and eggs, ham and eggs, flippin floppin, flippin floppin ham and eggs.
    What I gigantic waste of money - the boat shaped box.

  • @Serquss
    @Serquss 10 лет назад +6

    Question for Comfort Zone: Doesn't Genesis 2:21, which describes God placing Adam in a deep sleep before removing his rib, reveal advanced medical foreknowledge that was likely far beyond the scope of its author(s)? If anesthesia wasn't known as a medical technique to ancient people, where would the author get the idea from if it wasn't revealed to him from a transcendent source, namely God?

    • @bogartoutlawclan9592
      @bogartoutlawclan9592 10 лет назад +5

      didn't you answer your own question?

    • @mrtadreamer
      @mrtadreamer 10 лет назад +2

      The Bible is always ahead of science.

    • @mrtadreamer
      @mrtadreamer 10 лет назад

      john burks I agree in this case. I think God simply put Adam in a deep sleep as the text itself states.

    • @Serquss
      @Serquss 10 лет назад

      To test the trustworthiness of the Bible, I do think it's important to put this within the context of science and the available knowledge that its authors would have had. If the Bible is allegedly mythology constructed by ancient people because they suppossedly needed to create a god to understand their world, then in a story that says the universe was created in 6 days, and includes a talking snake, why mention that God placed Adam into a deep sleep? It's a peculiar detail that's so easy to overlook in part because to a 21st century audience it's the most realistic. We understand that it makes perfect sense to place someone into a deep sleep if you intend to do surgery on them. But would this knowledge have been apparent to Genesis' author(s) who were likely ancient farmers or herders? Even if they were making up a story, for the sake of realism, how would they know that placing someone in a deep sleep would be appropriate medical protocol? This doesn't seem likely unless you consider that they acquired this information from a source that told it to them.

    • @mrtadreamer
      @mrtadreamer 10 лет назад

      Serquss How would they know? The Bible itself states in various places that the writer of a portion of text didn't have a full understanding of what they were writing and asked God to explain it to them. Sometimes He did explain it, sometimes not. But their task was to simply record what the Spirit of God told them to, which they did. They didn't have to be geniuses or all knowing, just obedient.

  • @user-cr9zo5yo9k
    @user-cr9zo5yo9k 9 лет назад +2

    I hope living waters does a tour video of the ark when it comes out :)

    • @user-cr9zo5yo9k
      @user-cr9zo5yo9k 8 лет назад

      ***** Wait how???

    • @user-cr9zo5yo9k
      @user-cr9zo5yo9k 8 лет назад

      ***** i don't know about any of that.... never really seen ray do any of that at all.... and i'm sure they do a lot for the starving kids and such... this is a side project i guess (Have you heard of compassion? its a christian group all about helping the poor kids in all those unprivileged countries)

  • @Greenguitaryev
    @Greenguitaryev 10 лет назад +1

    Ray. I dont know if youve heard of Ron wyatt but he found Noahs ark in turkey in the 80s there are plenty of videos of it. Here on youtube its life changing.

  • @billaitken2989
    @billaitken2989 2 года назад +1

    The Russell Crowe 'Noah' movie is ridiculous, but so what? It only takes liberties with the equally ridiculous Genesis account.

  • @jenlnicholson
    @jenlnicholson 10 лет назад

    I think this Noah's Ark representation at the Creation Museum is going to be fantastic. But as I wondered aloud to my husband last night, after seeing someone say this Ark is going to be built as a boat that actually floats, why doesn't someone make an Ark that does actually float...on the sea? A traveling Noah's Ark model that actually sails on the open water? I think that might speak far more loudly to people than the models that simply sit on land or sit on water but don't demonstrate their sea worthiness.

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад

      I think that such an ark would need lots of liability insurance.

    • @jenlnicholson
      @jenlnicholson 9 лет назад

      Sure, but no more than any other sea going passenger vessel with positive buoyancy.

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад

      Maybe the taxpayers can pay for that too, or in a pinch the white supremacist groups Ham has been speaking too recently

    • @jenlnicholson
      @jenlnicholson 9 лет назад

      Tee hee! You're so funny! :-). The state is certain that they will recoup and profit for any tax privileges or subsidies in tourism dollars and job growth. That's how states stay solvent, silly. I'd expect a lawyer to understand that. If Ham truly is speaking to any white supremacist groups, which of course would need more than just your word to be proved, I'm sure it's just to evangelize since he and I and all those who truly love The Lord know that those people don't have a true heart understanding of the Gospel.

  • @trinta999
    @trinta999 10 лет назад +4

    Is this for real... ? Adults talking about Noahs Ark as if it was a real historical event.

    • @101limestone
      @101limestone 10 лет назад

      I couldn't agree more!!

    • @policarp9436
      @policarp9436 8 лет назад

      Yes it is real. You and your millions of imagined years must be so dissonant right now.

  • @knezivan1
    @knezivan1 8 лет назад +2

    when you need 500 people with heavy machinery to make it in 5 years.... and you will show how noa made it....

  • @Mcfly88
    @Mcfly88 8 лет назад +1

    will the ark have an open bar? I mean if you're going to have the experience you ought to do it as Noah did right!?

  • @wildflower789
    @wildflower789 10 лет назад

    I don't trust Ken Ham. I say that based on some things I've read on his website. Whether he is sincere but simply wrong about certain topics, or someone who is knowingly misleading people, I don't know. I hope it's the former, and I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
    I think that one can't tell the story of Noah if they have a wrong understanding of who the 'sons of God' are in Genesis 6. I believe in the traditional view, that they were angels (who became fallen angels), not the view that Ham holds. If anyone is wondering why this is important, I think it's very important because Jesus said, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man'. So we need to be aware of what was actually going on at that time. Also, I think how one interprets 'sons of God' in Genesis 6 determines how they will interpret numerous other parts of the bible, and the correct interpretation clarifies one's view of the overall story, from day one until now.
    There were a few other things too, on the Answers in Genesis site that I believe are misleading... And now I'm beginning to see why the mainstream media made such a huge deal of that recent televised debate, between Ham and Nye. I don't want to be too much of a cynic, but just the fact that the mainstream media promoted it so much causes me to further wonder about Ken Ham's legitimacy. :/

  • @stevenwoods3020
    @stevenwoods3020 10 лет назад

    Will the ark float?

  • @bobt2005
    @bobt2005 8 лет назад +3

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ....adults with imaginary friends are sooo funny

  • @derstreber2
    @derstreber2 10 лет назад

    Look right above the Skype logo. Is that a robotic dog? K-9?
    Is Ken Ham a Dr. Who fan?

  • @arturszakss9053
    @arturszakss9053 4 года назад

    :D it's something when one christian tells other that your work sucks :D :D but i guess it's fair, because there is no truth, every christian have their own faith, yes, they all believe in one God, but everybody imagine his own things about him and how is he, etc.

  • @TheSicariuss
    @TheSicariuss 10 лет назад

    Wow Ken looks so thin

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад

      and yet, he still is full of the same BS. It's a miracle!!

  • @speedyy231
    @speedyy231 10 лет назад +3

    Free kent hovind

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 9 лет назад +3

      And put him in the padded cell so he can get the therapy he needs.

  • @Templetonq
    @Templetonq 10 лет назад

    The biblical story of the flood is so far from the "truth" of the Gilgamesh epic that it is almost as far as the east is from the west. Because we all know the Bible says the world is flat. The movie is just another in a long line of versions of the flood myth that includes the Bible's story. It has a gnostic slant. It is not just mindless character assassination as the Bible does it.

      @BRIANHUGHGRIFFITHBHG 10 лет назад

      the bible doesn't teach the world is flat, it is mainstream scientists that use to teach the world is flat and the roman catholics went right along with what the mainstream scientists were saying back then just as they do today . Scientists change the bible has said the same thing for 3,000 years

    • @Templetonq
      @Templetonq 10 лет назад

      On the contrary, mainstream science believed as the Greeks did that the earth was round and had a roughly accurate estimate of its radius. While the Bible describes the earth as having edges, four corners, pillars and foundations.

      @BRIANHUGHGRIFFITHBHG 10 лет назад

      The bible describes the earth as being a circle and being hung on nothing ... if you go out in space the earth is seen as round sphere and appears hung on nothing just like the bible has always said man
      using terms like four corners, edges is no different than us saying sunrise and sunset

    • @Templetonq
      @Templetonq 10 лет назад

      A flat circle? What does the very next verse say? What does Job say about the origin of rain and hail? When are we to take the Bible "literally"? When a literal reading disagrees with established scientific fact?

      @BRIANHUGHGRIFFITHBHG 10 лет назад

      I say Sunrise and Sunset should I switch to saying earth rotation? People will believe anything as long as it is not written in the bible.

  • @sagarpanchal6108
    @sagarpanchal6108 8 лет назад +1

    Fairy tales from a theist, what a surprise.

  • @judetambolero998
    @judetambolero998 9 лет назад

    Dislike magnet

  • @SpongeBQT
    @SpongeBQT 10 лет назад

    man, this guy's got a vision. hope to take a road trip to see it. #bucketlist

    • @sudburylawyer
      @sudburylawyer 2 года назад +1

      that's a pretty pathetic addition to your bucket list.