COMPLETE Takeoff & Landing Dark Flight Ambience beginning at ORD T3 airport | Attendant | Call Dings

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @snekjuce
    @snekjuce 2 года назад +44

    You LOYAL. Thanks babes for yet anotha fresh chill production.

  • @UD503J
    @UD503J 9 месяцев назад +13

    I grew up near Chicago and my father used to fly in and out of ORD all the time on business. It was always a really cool day when I got to ride with my mother to go and pick him up or drop him off. 40 years later, I still love airports and aviation because of this nostalgia!

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  9 месяцев назад +4

      We love scratching that itch for you!

  • @thecat-alyst2716
    @thecat-alyst2716 Год назад +14

    Have been to CHicago ORD, the staff there were all really kind and helpful to me, I'm 100% blind, and they were so eager and quick to help me get to my flight, I just couldn't believe it. Lots of love from Manitoba, Canada.

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  Год назад +2

      Thanks for sharing! I'm glad they made you feel cared for.

  • @walterkocher
    @walterkocher Год назад +13

    Excellent video. MUCH better than "white" noise. It gives you a sense of being part of the flight experience.

  • @ReesesPeanutDogger
    @ReesesPeanutDogger Год назад +44

    I am thankful for you as a human being. I haven’t been on an airplane since I was under 5 years old and the vibes, sounds, night ambience, and just going through the jetway was bringing breathtaking memories that are extremely nostalgic. Thank you so much. 🙏

    • @LydiaStarz
      @LydiaStarz Год назад +8

      My last flight was in my 40s and I'm in my 60s now! I love that this recaptured the feeling of boarding a big airliner and taking off ...and knowing people who loved me were waiting at the terminal after landing.

  • @eldbudd
    @eldbudd 2 года назад +27

    your channel is a dream come true

  • @Theyeahyeahwhatevs
    @Theyeahyeahwhatevs 5 месяцев назад +2

    i grew up in chicago, and every year for winter vacation we’d leave in the early morning of my birthday because it’s on a holiday and less people fly on it. so i have spent many of my birthdays at o’hare, and i genuinely have so much love for it. thanks for making this video!

  • @sameraljallad1
    @sameraljallad1 9 месяцев назад +5

    This video is perfect. Makes me feel like I'm actually there about to travel. Love it

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for the wonderful feedback.

    • @sameraljallad1
      @sameraljallad1 8 месяцев назад

      @@FlightAmbience Btw I just noticed "phenomenal ass whoopin" in the description 😂😂 That's wild

  • @chrisboylen1807
    @chrisboylen1807 Год назад +7

    For the past couple weeks i have been going to sleep w your vids. Thank you for your time in making them. I especially like the ones like this one where you hear the airport background noise. Then I wake up to pee four hours later to the darkness and the plane sound. I will send you some money on this thing later. Thanks again

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  Год назад

      Glad you enjoy our channel. We appreciate your support!

  • @amirah8896
    @amirah8896 Год назад +12

    Your videos help me with my anxiety. Thank you so much for this channel. 🙏🌟

  • @vicsaul5459
    @vicsaul5459 11 месяцев назад +3

    This is THE go to airport air flight asmr channel, 👌
    Thank-you ✈️❤ 🕊
    💤😴 tight, night flight ✈️

  • @Dodge57-sm4ii
    @Dodge57-sm4ii 8 месяцев назад +1

    New Sub!✈️

  • @djprodigy96
    @djprodigy96 6 месяцев назад

    So peaceful. Thank you for this

  • @lucasdbranco1233
    @lucasdbranco1233 3 дня назад


  • @ArmaniStudio
    @ArmaniStudio 6 месяцев назад

    Great video my friend!!💚

  • @khuchvijibon2670
    @khuchvijibon2670 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you soooooo soooooo much 🥰.

  • @NotHaunted...
    @NotHaunted... Месяц назад

    Good job

  • @julianacarla6035
    @julianacarla6035 8 месяцев назад

    This flight is good. 😊❤

  • @iprohoodini7889
    @iprohoodini7889 9 месяцев назад

    21:18 entering jetway to aeroplane

  • @Turkey258
    @Turkey258 2 года назад +2

    Try O’Hare airport terminal five security checkpoint line for three hours ambience

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  2 года назад +1

      Will do!!! Thank you for the heads up!

    • @Turkey258
      @Turkey258 2 года назад

      When are you gonna make the video the three hour ambience

    • @Turkey258
      @Turkey258 2 года назад

      At the terminal five security checkpoint Or you could do outside of the pick up area whatever you decide

    • @nelsonpapucci5615
      @nelsonpapucci5615 Год назад

      Jeeeez remember that mask crap?

    @NIGERONTHELINE Год назад +1

    Хорошо вам отдохнуть

  • @daveminion6209
    @daveminion6209 4 месяца назад +1

    i always forget how LOUD those engines are on takeoff. brrrrrrrup.

    @NIGERONTHELINE Год назад +1

    Хорошего вам отдыха

  • @nelsonpapucci5615
    @nelsonpapucci5615 6 месяцев назад


  • @rhodesia1980
    @rhodesia1980 2 года назад

    I just went through O'Hare no one was wearing a mask when was this video taken? by the way great videos keep up the great work love seeing you travel even when you don't feed us or watch the flight tracker screen in front of your seat LOL

  • @bread1154
    @bread1154 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wheres the gunplay?

  • @favoritos8151
    @favoritos8151 2 года назад +1

    OMGGGGG is pewdiepie, on 1:12:01

    • @snekjuce
      @snekjuce 2 года назад

      who gives a $h1t?

    • @FlightAmbience
      @FlightAmbience  10 месяцев назад

      Hopefully not at the airport!

  • @JeffBarnes-tw8iq
    @JeffBarnes-tw8iq 6 месяцев назад

    I didn't see anyone with a mask when I went through O"Hare.

  • @Turkey258
    @Turkey258 2 года назад

    There is a lot more announcements they’re people passing through security

  • @lr2ldn
    @lr2ldn Год назад

    I saw this in the description box and fell out! "All rights reserved. Any reproduction and/or republication of either the audio or video is prohibited and subject to a phenomenal ass whoopin', on God." 😂😂😂

  • @nelsonpapucci5615
    @nelsonpapucci5615 Год назад +5

    The mask mandate alone ruins it

    • @BluepineYT
      @BluepineYT 9 месяцев назад

      i still wear masks lol and it sucks

    • @nelsonpapucci5615
      @nelsonpapucci5615 6 месяцев назад

      Why do you still wear masks, seriously? You know they make you sicker, don’t you? Yes, it’s actually true, the masks make you sicker.

  • @nelsonpapucci5615
    @nelsonpapucci5615 Год назад +4

    Wish they didn’t talk about masks and the Covid crap. Kinda takes you out of the moment

  • @nelsonpapucci5615
    @nelsonpapucci5615 Год назад +2

    Please remove all announcements about Covid and masks. I never want to hear that again

  • @lucasdbranco1233
    @lucasdbranco1233 3 дня назад
