Korean self study tips & Sogang KLEC Review 2020

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 26

  • @Chazawhite
    @Chazawhite 3 года назад +1

    Great video Leila. You're a star! Beautifully presented and insightful. Gomawayo! :)

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  3 года назад

      Omg, you! Hahahahaha. Thanks Charlie, you're awesome!

  • @offickdkdkkdkdkdkek
    @offickdkdkkdkdkdkek 3 года назад +1

    Did you sign up for winter classes yet? Did they say it was online again bc of level 4

  • @ellie5753
    @ellie5753 3 года назад

    Thank you for the video, it was very informative! Did you take the KGP200 or KAP200?

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  3 года назад

      Thank you. KGP200

  • @apriljulyyy
    @apriljulyyy 4 года назад

    Hiii, thank you so much for this video, so helpful. Did you have to pay for student insurance for the programme? Also, apart from the 1790,000 and 60,000KRW and textbook fee, did the programme charge you any other big fee after admission?

    • @apriljulyyy
      @apriljulyyy 4 года назад

      Also where did you live and how did you find the place during your stay in Korea?

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  4 года назад

      Hi. The insurance is included in the tuition. No other big fees after admission. For accommodation, I have another video about it on my channel

    • @apriljulyyy
      @apriljulyyy 4 года назад

      @@Missklei thanks so much for replying to me! I also wanted to ask whether you had to quarantine for 2 weeks at the government facilities before your programme. If so, how was this organised and how did you go about it, which hotel did they make you stay in? Also for the 90day tourist visa, the quarantine period + programme length lasts longer than 90days so how can I stay for the whole duration of the programme without having to get the D4 visa (if you also only got the tourist visa)?

    • @apriljulyyy
      @apriljulyyy 4 года назад

      @@Missklei Also, I know to quarantine at the government hotel, you need to know someone there with a Korea phone number they can contact. What would someone who doesn't know anyone in Korea do in this case? Thank you in advance 😊

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  4 года назад

      You will have to contact the local Korean embassy/consulate and your school to find out and get up to date and accurate information. I came in August 2020. I have a D4 visa. I was not allowed to stay in a gov facility. I quarantined at a private residence and I knew people prior to coming to the country. They needed the phone number of the owner of my accommodation to verify things and use him to relay information to me. And I also communicated with the health officers through Kakaotalk because I didn't have a local number when I left the airport.

  • @itsmissalina222
    @itsmissalina222 2 года назад

    Hello! Why did you choose sogang?

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  2 года назад +1

      Hello. I wanted to learn practical Korean I could use daily, and Sogang's program emphasized speaking.

  • @OoDragonTearsoO
    @OoDragonTearsoO 3 года назад

    hi ✨
    i was wondering how long after the end of the lessons is the evaluation test?

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  3 года назад +1

      Hello. In level 1 to 3, there are 16 lessons divided in A and B. 4 lessons, then a quiz then 4 more lessons and it is the mid term. 4 more lessons, another quiz then the final 4 lessons and the final exam. Each lesson lasts 2 days

    • @OoDragonTearsoO
      @OoDragonTearsoO 3 года назад +1

      So if I’m on a 90 day visa will i have enough time to take the test at the end of the 10 week term?

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  3 года назад

      Go on the school website, look at the schedule of the semester (beginning and end date) you are interested in and time your arrival and departure based on that

    • @itsyoonique7617
      @itsyoonique7617 3 года назад

      @@OoDragonTearsoO Omg that’s what I’m also trying to figure out! If I’ll be able to have time to take the test before having to leave before the 90 days or if I can extend the 90 day C-3 visa. If you find out any information would you be able to let me know too!

  • @laminetoure4280
    @laminetoure4280 2 года назад


  • @100pomme
    @100pomme 3 года назад

    Complete a master's study in Japan or kourean , no age requirement

  • @sabrina-hl5gm
    @sabrina-hl5gm 3 года назад

    Is there such thing as a scholarship offered to study at sogang in their language program? its so expensive😭

    • @Missklei
      @Missklei  3 года назад

      From Sogang directly, the only one I know of is a scholarship given to the best student each trimester. It is a discount on the next trimester. With that being said, there are some entities out there that can pay your tuition at Sogang as part of a broader study in Korea scholarship program

  • @rjgacang5140
    @rjgacang5140 3 года назад

    Very informative, I used to have Korean business partner back then and Few korean friends. I also have few friends woking in there and few filipina married to a koreans and live there too, Been in Korea last 2019 and that was shocked me I could not to picture it out the reality from which i saw in Korean dramas for a decade. I tried to learn Hangul but damn it ended me up a mess since I'm living in the Philippines lol.. but anyway thanks for your tips. Might try to consider this..