Real tawk, If you ever find yourself constantly having arguments with your partner about financial issues then maybe having a baby shouldn't fall that high on your list of priorities at that time.
It’s so strange to watch the murderer talking here casually about his plans for the future… It’s like, dude, don’t you get, that your future is already ruined? Are you aware of your surroundings?
@@polinatalmeltzer450 I always think the same thing! Sorry but not gonna make it to the wedding, bud. Need to let your buddy know he needs to find a better man to be his best man, cuz it ain’t gonna be you.
Are detectives caught off guard about having to record people? "Hey guys we have to interrogate someone...go get a $5 recorder and put it in a bucket in the closet. "
I honestly think they do this on purpose. A little ambiguity in exactly what the specific dialogue is can be useful for prosecutors in court. Keep the sound quality low so you have some wiggle room in what or how someone is saying something. That's just my theory though
They were sneaking and spending lots of time together and telling each other "I love you" but things never went past kissing? I do not believe that. If she was pregnant with his child, that would be a motive for him to get rid of her. That molestation accusation was BS. None of it sounds right.
I subscribed for the narrator. One of the best voices on RUclips. As for this lying pos, not only did he kill a young woman, he defamed her in death by saying she was interested in his young daughter. Being a military spouse isn’t always easy and getting married at 18, moving across the country to an unfamiliar state while your new spouse is deployed is hard. At 18 your brain isn’t even fully developed, that happens in your mid twenties . She was likely in her early 20’s when this happened. My mom married my dad when she was 19 and he was a in the Navy. He was a couple years older than her but they’d grown up together and dated throughout high school. My mom was born in 1938 for context. They were immediately stationed in Longview, Washington for several years and then Naples, Italy for 4 years. While that was a pretty cushy job at the time, my mom was lonely. All of their family was in Seattle. She was a stay at home mom with no family around to support her in a country where she didn’t know the language at first. I have a lot of respect for military spouses and families. This story is just so disturbing. This guy isn’t even a good liar. I don’t know how he thought he was going to get away with this.
They don't wanna waste money on good audio/video equipment, they'd rather spend that money on cool war toys. They don't want to be underequipped in their War on Civilians.
Yes. There are annoying resonances and phasing effects. I think a low bit rate codec was used at some time. It's not really worth it to try to listen to this crap. I can't understand what the suspect is saying.
From what I understand, because there’s so much footage they have to record and store, using lower video and sound quality helps keep storage down. Although they have millions in budget so who knows what they really spend it on
Please ignore the two psycho comments above me yeah: when killa folks can just (apparently) lie like that? About THEIR victim? Ya see it a lot. Not surprising I guess since that same type ain't got much compunction about much of anything
😂😂😂, sorry I didn’t mean to laugh considering this video content but your comment cracked me up. I thought that voice was familiar but couldn’t place it till I read your comment.
There's good people and bad people. When a good person becomes a marine, they're a good marine; when a bad person becomes a marines, they'll be a bad marine. I, personally, can't find a more complex psychology to explain that.
We had a homosexual who groped another soldier in my barracks and he got 10 years in Leavenworth/hard labor, during the Vietnam War. Things have changed a lot.
You sound like the type of person who has no compassion or empathy, and above others. I honestly feel sorry for people like you and everyone else who gave your comment a like, because what goes around, always comes back around. When you put out negativity and ignorance, that's all you get back. If you're over the age of 30 you should have learned that by now.
@@Milleeoonn They are in the Marines however they do not have commissions from the President of the United States. They are subordinate to Marine officers.
The law enforcement agency interviewing Chris needs to invest in a much better audio recording system! Knowing that these interviews are often submitted in court as evidence and how important it is to accurately record every word and sound, it seems almost irresponsible to have anything but the best equipment. Leaving no question as to what was said. Just my opinion.
The Entire RUclips True Crime Community to OP: First time? This is par for the course in interrogation rooms. You could make them 100% better with $75 and a trip to Staples.
And he got his analogies mixed up. "You're in a hole and I'm giving you this shovel". No you're suppose to get him to give you the shovel and tell the truth. Not to dig himself deeper.
What an insane defense. "Hey, did you molest my daughter?" *yup* "Time to die" She may have been a homewrecker but, my goodness man, is that the worst fn defense I have ever heard.
This is why you should never cheat. I get it, relationships have rocky roads, but there's NOTHING Good that comes from it. You may have a partner that retaliates, you end up ruining the relationship later down the road, or you can lose good social standing with your peers
It's extremely common in the military. People get married to move out of the barracks and then end up cheating cause they married the first person that would say yes.
@@FantabulousFail really sad. I wish that people didn't have to go through that but at the end of the day, life is full of choices and we must lay in the bed that we make. I wish you a great life full of happiness, prosperity, and one that is capable of making a great impact on this amazing planet. You or anyone else should not have to go through this. But we should also remain respectful to those around us and the people we say that we love
Funny thing. I find when girls are happy and satisfied...they don't cheat. And , lets just say 9 times out of 10 the guys don't make it exactly EASY for the women to leave. ...rock on girls...
Yea, there are just some careers out there that fatphobia is ok. SHOULD BE law enforcement (literal fitness training and testing every 6months or a year) and the Army of every label! I've seen some really big heffers for Cops and it doesn't hold confidence in catching the bad guy!
Right. It's not like it was her husband who did it... it was her AP! There's no 'revenge' there! It's like this guy cheats AND murders her but he gets a pass because SHE cheated..
1:25:19 @TheVillians I just got the chills, just after the detective finishes his sentence you can hear the faint voice of a woman saying "say it". Does anyone else hear her?
Men and women express emotions differently. Women tend to be overly dramatic and will jump to conclusions more quickly over pretty specific situations. Men tend to be more grouchy and mean whenever they believe someone around them isn't acting right.
When I was a single soldier, I would walk around with 10k or 20k in the bank any given day. Once I was married with children, it evaporated so fast and then after that even with double the income it becomes just a struggle to even get by. Children are terribly expensive and then you end up with credit cards and double vehicles and medical bills and all kinds of stuff. It's odd how much cheaper it is for a single person to live than a family with children. I really never saw it coming, I thought I would be different and would always have lots of extra money. Kids especially are so incredibly expensive. They were married, so even with the additional allowance for family members they'd have doubler triple the expenses of soldier living in the barracks would have.
Enlisted personnel are not known for their financial prowess. Many of them blow their paychecks like there’s no tomorrow. They can actually do well if they actually want to.
yeah, for real, this so-called detective needs to just shut up with all the honesty crap. whatever he thinks he needs, he is not going to get because he will not shut up
No that’s way too high tech and would sound way better. They forgot to remove the tape over the microphone to protect it while shipping and in the box.
As a career scientist, not in criminology or forensics but physiology and biochemistry, I can't describe how ridiculous polygraphy is. And I'm a pro LE guy.
This is painful for me. I want to know if this Marine ever served in combat, in the all too Real World in Iraq/ Afghanistan. Soo freaking tragic he crossed the line, fooling around with his Brother’s In Arms wife, Big Bad Screw Up. Just ugly and Wrong, max disrespectful and beyond any ‘ mistake’. Too far Beyond any acceptable behavior that he lost any right to be called a Marine, no way he qualifies for the Honor.
All is fair in love and war..and the sad thing is ...cheating is fun. It just is ..marriage is an UN natural condition. I know I know..alot of incels out there. Lmao 🤣
This is why I'd never get married young. Both parties have to live life a little. Sounds like this guy got bored in his marriage & decided to confide & be in another woman's company rather than work on his marriage. Majority of young ppl these days don't know how to keep or work on their marriages, instead they snuff them out or cheat. Eventually ppl always find out. Be honest & just ask for a divorce if you don't want to fix things.
@@God-Love-FreedomBro really said deleter. You and people that unironically use the term unalive are what's wrong with serious types of media like this on RUclips needing to avoid saying basic things like killer or murderer
@@justagamethrower it's not 'murder' it's, redrum... 😂 Don't blame us. Blame the system that deletes comments or throws us in SM jail for going against community rules. 🙄 Calm down buds. It'll be ok. You won't be but it will be.
He is desperate for the light sentencing! He carry on the affair up until she told him she's pregnant so the child touching being bought to defend... such a coward.
Well she was a cheater the ultimate in selfish amd she was friends with his wife and baby and in my book that makes her a snake. Did she deserve what happened to her? No but if you play with fire expect to get burned.
The one criticism I have for these types of videos is I don’t like it when there’s so much footage of when they build rapport and make small talk. Small talk with sick criminals is not fun to watch lol
this interrigator got lucky, all he had was tire marks over erins tire marks, and he shot for the moon with "those were your tire marks, you were there" and that "i have to go out to my sgt and explain this" it was REEEALLY desperate, he said they have cadaver dogs out there, when earlier he ssaid "we know something happened" he baiscally told chris they knew sshe was dead without a body, and thats the opposite of how searches are supposed to go, youre never suppsoed to assume the person is deceased until you find the person, im often reminded of the norfolk 4 when i see interrogations like this and i dont like it
Psychopathy is overrepresented in military and law enforcement personnel compared to the general population. The antisocial types are drawn to positions that command respect and admiration from others, as well as the possibility of encountering violence.
If your in thr army, your meat for the grinder, don't get a relationship, your gonna come home with the skills and tramau to do something about it, she gonna cheat, just because your locked into a job doesn't mean she is at home.
It will never cease to amaze me that people are read their rights that include to stay silent AND to legal counsel, yet they always ignore them. GET. A. LAWYER. BEFORE. SPEAKING. TO. POLICE. EVEN. IF. YOU’RE. INNOCENT. They NEVER have your best interests at heart and they can tell you ANYTHING.
It’s kind of amazing how, in the midst of this Thin Blue Line police cultism that has been growing the United States, plus the most overtly right-wing Supreme Court since the Lochner Era, no law enforcement agency or officer has even tried to get Miranda v Arizona overturned. And I think it’s because they’ve been able to get suspects to waive them so easily in the decades since that ruling. It’s just so easy to get people to think detectives are their friends, and they can just talk their way out of trouble. Even after being told that anything they say can AND WILL be used against them in court.
Real tawk, If you ever find yourself constantly having arguments with your partner about financial issues then maybe having a baby shouldn't fall that high on your list of priorities at that time.
Sometimes having a baby makes people refocus on what their spending money on and give them a light at the end of dark tunnel
@@Kalvin_dDno. That’s too much responsibility for a child to bear and too big a risk. Get yourself together before you visit problems on a child
@@Kalvin_dD Somtimes junkies do that, and SOMETIMES it works. But mostly it doesn't.
Real tawk…cheating on your spouse invites unexpected evil into your life. You make a promise before God, don’t violate it.
The case had nothing to do with money but I guess this is a good tip
It's amazing they conducted that whole interview in a 3lbs Folgers coffee can.
This comment should have way more likes!
@anonymouspeople4896 thank you!
In a hailstorm
@@kellismith4329 100%
It’s so strange to watch the murderer talking here casually about his plans for the future… It’s like, dude, don’t you get, that your future is already ruined? Are you aware of your surroundings?
Right! Like read the room guy 😅
I always think the same thing!! When they talk about their plans for the future … ya that ain’t happening now buddy!
its also strange to expect common sense and conventional reasoning from a deranged psychopath
Yeah that does throw me off also
@@polinatalmeltzer450 I always think the same thing! Sorry but not gonna make it to the wedding, bud. Need to let your buddy know he needs to find a better man to be his best man, cuz it ain’t gonna be you.
"She made dinner the wrong way" and he blew up at her. Like what a psycho.
That's why the bear is winning.
About an hour and 14 minutes is when we get to the meat and potatoes just in case anybody wants to know
Thanks, that was a real help. I was about to give up! (I still might...)
Thank you@
I’m sure the channel owner loves this coming. Hour and 14 minutes of lost add revenue 😂
Thank you!
Are detectives caught off guard about having to record people?
"Hey guys we have to interrogate someone...go get a $5 recorder and put it in a bucket in the closet. "
@@MJ-awp You sure you meant to reply to me? Not too sure what you're trying to say.
@@MJ-awp You down with the Syndrome friend?
@@MJ-awp ok friend. 🤨
I honestly think they do this on purpose. A little ambiguity in exactly what the specific dialogue is can be useful for prosecutors in court. Keep the sound quality low so you have some wiggle room in what or how someone is saying something.
That's just my theory though
Feel free to build them a recording studio.
They were sneaking and spending lots of time together and telling each other "I love you" but things never went past kissing? I do not believe that. If she was pregnant with his child, that would be a motive for him to get rid of her. That molestation accusation was BS. None of it sounds right.
Yeah, but, Marines never lie. Right? Semper Fi
He was a commissioned officer. The majority of them are so Mitch bade. I don’t they really count as what the typical person thinks of as a “marine”
By majority I literally mean 95% or more of them.
@@Americal-v6r They are taught to lie under extreme conditions like POW. So they are professional liars! 😊
@@codranine6054Can you rewrite your comment so we can understand what you're saying. Not trying to be rude, I just want to understand what you said.
I subscribed for the narrator. One of the best voices on RUclips.
As for this lying pos, not only did he kill a young woman, he defamed her in death by saying she was interested in his young daughter. Being a military spouse isn’t always easy and getting married at 18, moving across the country to an unfamiliar state while your new spouse is deployed is hard. At 18 your brain isn’t even fully developed, that happens in your mid twenties . She was likely in her early 20’s when this happened.
My mom married my dad when she was 19 and he was a in the Navy. He was a couple years older than her but they’d grown up together and dated throughout high school. My mom was born in 1938 for context. They were immediately stationed in Longview, Washington for several years and then Naples, Italy for 4 years. While that was a pretty cushy job at the time, my mom was lonely. All of their family was in Seattle. She was a stay at home mom with no family around to support her in a country where she didn’t know the language at first. I have a lot of respect for military spouses and families.
This story is just so disturbing. This guy isn’t even a good liar. I don’t know how he thought he was going to get away with this.
His excuse is BS! She wanted YOU, not your daughter.
The *sound quality* in the interrogation room is terrible.
They don't wanna waste money on good audio/video equipment, they'd rather spend that money on cool war toys.
They don't want to be underequipped in their War on Civilians.
Yeah but their non-court admissible polygraph is state of the art.
Yes. There are annoying resonances and phasing effects. I think a low bit rate codec was used at some time. It's not really worth it to try to listen to this crap. I can't understand what the suspect is saying.
From what I understand, because there’s so much footage they have to record and store, using lower video and sound quality helps keep storage down. Although they have millions in budget so who knows what they really spend it on
Too right!@@ericalexander5890
Imagine lying about a murder you committed while wearing flip flops.
Peak a-hole behavior 😅
You're really funny. 🤣
At least he doesn't have socks on with them😂
@@blde_grypr there's always a silver lining. 😆
Can we all just acknowledge the amount of effort put into this ridiculously long video for us to enjoy completely free of charge. Thank you 🙏🙏
They’re the best
Ridiculously long is it
She hoped he would propose to her but they both are married? He says his memory is not good and he wants to go study more?
This is only done to make money
So he has to ruin her name after killing her by calling her a pedophile. That is disgusting
damn, if she had only remained faithful : (
She ruined her own name by cheating on her husband
Please ignore the two psycho comments above me yeah: when killa folks can just (apparently) lie like that? About THEIR victim?
Ya see it a lot. Not surprising I guess since that same type ain't got much compunction about much of anything
@sinatra222 oh how pithy. You just ruined yours worse-ly
@@randalthor6872 You are devoid of a human soul.
You can never really trust a man that wears flip-flops...
ahem. *thongs*.
come spend a few weeks on a beach in australia and see what you think.
Advise you not to come to Australia then. Lol
@@usèr1234-x1o - I know, that's where England sent all our flip-floppers.
I trust people in slides but def not guys who wear these types of flip flops
Lol don’t come to Australia in summer lol
She looks sad in every photo
Imagine if she was a black African girl 😳🚬
And she was very beautiful too, it’s a shame she ended up making the wrong choices with the wrong person.
probably feeling guilty from cheating
@@brose.03 yea; getting ran through behind someone's back that trusts you can end with bad consequences; who would have thought?
@@jimsworthow531 yeah that’s kinda what I was saying… but far more respectfully
Very immature man.
Their poor daughter.
Sounds like a bathtub draining. Quite annoying.
A guy wearing Mandels can’t be trusted in any scenario
Man. That hand is on his bare knee/thigh for way too long. Thats gotta be so uncomfortable
That’s because he’s so overweight he has prop up that blubber
And the constant itchy scratchy was giving me a rash
@@SnowBunz999 haha respect.
Enlisted, not officer.
Exactly, thank you
Non commissioned officer 😀
@aocsimp4928 which is enlisted, and not an officer.
@@aocsimp4928NCOs are enlisted
I hear the narrator's voice and I expect at the end he'll say, "We give this officer an F!"
Audit the Audit! I have noticed him narrating across multiple RUclips accounts.
@@louisburdge7505 LOL, you got i!
I was wondering. I was like, is this Audit the Audit?
😂😂😂, sorry I didn’t mean to laugh considering this video content but your comment cracked me up. I thought that voice was familiar but couldn’t place it till I read your comment.
This is Lackluster. Close though.
That pathetic defense at the end smh
Right?? Ugh 😑
What a lying sack of garbage “I can’t keep the truth in anymore” or whatever nonsense he said before lying his ass off
Can we all acknowledge the misquito in the room biting the crap out of both of them😂😂😂😂
I thought marines were supposed to be honorable?
That's because you believe the propaganda. The military is the bottom feeders of society who join to get welfare for life.
Some of the biggest dirt bags I've ever met in my life lol
There are bad apples in every bunch.
There's good people and bad people. When a good person becomes a marine, they're a good marine; when a bad person becomes a marines, they'll be a bad marine. I, personally, can't find a more complex psychology to explain that.
Every soldier in World War II would have been kicked out of the military for sleeping around on their spouse. Under article 134
We had a homosexual who groped another soldier in my barracks and he got 10 years in Leavenworth/hard labor, during the Vietnam War. Things have changed a lot.
Yeah I'm pretty sure what the military was doing in WW II was much more important than policing adultery but I understand your point
@@aday1637 you weren't in the service
see kids, this is a great example on why not to cheat.
A better example of why not to marry a Marine.
yep. Cheaters are gross. It only invites despair and ruination into one's life.
@@daniellerudolph5573 True, but some mistakes are not made by good people
Cheating is not a "mistake".
He’s soft for a Marine. When I was in the Marine Corps, we called these kind of guys “shit birds.”
Thank you for your service ❤️ 🇺🇲.
That's funny 😂😂😂.
Edit: **JUST to be clear,
The name used for softies is funny.
Nobody cares.
@@Tiredhike your mom does
@@33roses I do love a 'your mum'!
You sound like the type of person who has no compassion or empathy, and above others. I honestly feel sorry for people like you and everyone else who gave your comment a like, because what goes around, always comes back around. When you put out negativity and ignorance, that's all you get back. If you're over the age of 30 you should have learned that by now.
Neither the boyfriend nor husband are Marine Officers. Both are enlisted.
@@AlphadogFJBYeah, when I saw the title, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard the story of a cannibal Marine Officer.
But they have jobs in the military is he not in the marines at all?
If a CO was involved this would have “never” happened..
He’s pretty chubby for a Marine. Gee whiz.
@@Milleeoonn They are in the Marines however they do not have commissions from the President of the United States. They are subordinate to Marine officers.
The law enforcement agency interviewing Chris needs to invest in a much better audio recording system! Knowing that these interviews are often submitted in court as evidence and how important it is to accurately record every word and sound, it seems almost irresponsible to have anything but the best equipment. Leaving no question as to what was said. Just my opinion.
The interview audio is TERRIBLE. They’d be better off just using a cell phone
@@cruisinguy6024A cell phones being generous bud... more like 2 cans connected by string. Or just shout into a potato lol
@@lindseyscammell9347 lmao not the potato 😂😂
The Entire RUclips True Crime Community to OP: First time?
This is par for the course in interrogation rooms. You could make them 100% better with $75 and a trip to Staples.
The room has echo witch makes sound bad
Note to self "if the cops start asking for an entire life story that means they like you for somethin'"
It’s kind of obvious. They aren’t wasting taxpayer dollars just interviewing people they find charming and engaging.
Thank u for your channel. ❤
Shouldn't sleep around, especially if your married.
Don’t murder your wife,either.
@cruisinguy6024 Noone cares this isn't an English course
Jesu Christ, You’re pathetic.
Just don’t get a wife to start and you’ll avoid all the problems that come along with one
first to speak, LOSES! this detective needs to shut up and let the guy do the talking. Even if he is silent, the detective needs to just shut up.
Talk about a guy who likes listening to the sound of his own voice, right? Geez!
And he got his analogies mixed up. "You're in a hole and I'm giving you this shovel". No you're suppose to get him to give you the shovel and tell the truth. Not to dig himself deeper.
I couldn't stand it-i fast forwarded AND took a nap in the middle!!!!
Ya he did a couple of times but he could only hold the silence for like 5 seconds and that killed the moment. If he just held out a little longer
These police departments need to work on their terrible audio in these interrogations; especially when they’re used in court.
Typical military relationship lol
So true 😂
Yep yep
Jody strikes again!
He didn't want his daughter in a broken home but played Russian roulette every morning makes sense
What an insane defense.
"Hey, did you molest my daughter?"
"Time to die"
She may have been a homewrecker but, my goodness man, is that the worst fn defense I have ever heard.
"Broken pieces fix each other" 16:25 🙄
Yes never heard that before. How so.
This is why you should never cheat. I get it, relationships have rocky roads, but there's NOTHING Good that comes from it. You may have a partner that retaliates, you end up ruining the relationship later down the road, or you can lose good social standing with your peers
It's extremely common in the military. People get married to move out of the barracks and then end up cheating cause they married the first person that would say yes.
@@FantabulousFail really sad. I wish that people didn't have to go through that but at the end of the day, life is full of choices and we must lay in the bed that we make. I wish you a great life full of happiness, prosperity, and one that is capable of making a great impact on this amazing planet. You or anyone else should not have to go through this. But we should also remain respectful to those around us and the people we say that we love
People get married in the military to get more benefits. Women get pregnant to get honorable discharge. It’s crazy.
not true its tons of fun in cheating
Funny thing. I find when girls are happy and satisfied...they don't cheat. And , lets just say 9 times out of 10 the guys don't make it exactly EASY for the women to leave. ...rock on girls...
He is speaking like it’s a normal day at Starbucks
He's really out of shape for a marine.
Came here to say this, he doesn’t look like much to me.
He really does. My father is a retired Master Guns and he would lose his shyt watching this video 😂
Was thinking the same thing
to be fair, they've been lowering the standards each and every year in order to be more "inclusive" lmao
They don't want to be "fat-phobic"!~
Yea, there are just some careers out there that fatphobia is ok. SHOULD BE law enforcement (literal fitness training and testing every 6months or a year) and the Army of every label! I've seen some really big heffers for Cops and it doesn't hold confidence in catching the bad guy!
Cheating is a horrible thing, but the amount of people who think that she had it coming because of that is horrible. Victim blaming at its finest.
Right. It's not like it was her husband who did it... it was her AP! There's no 'revenge' there! It's like this guy cheats AND murders her but he gets a pass because SHE cheated..
Typical ignorance is bliss.
The holier than though !
@Liverpoolboy01 I don't understand this comment. I'm not being rude, just confused.
@@zephyr2023 What's hard to understand? People are ignorant and act like their shite don't stink, victim blaming in the comment section.
@@9babybluVictimology is not victim blaming, pointing why something happend isn't an automatic support for said things happening
1:25:19 @TheVillians I just got the chills, just after the detective finishes his sentence you can hear the faint voice of a woman saying "say it". Does anyone else hear her?
It does sound like it lol
That's what I heard also.
👀 whoa heard it
Holy crap 😱
I Google a lot of stupid stuff but never have I thought to Google how to dispose of a body!!
I'm guessing you don't write a lot of death metal lyrics then?
Well when ya know, ya know… 😳 I call my phone ‘The Oracle’ 😂
Unless you are a crime writer you shouldn't anyway.
I gotta say, men say women don't have control of their emotions, but it seems to be the opposite.
It is not the opposite if both do not have control of their emotions.
Prison are evidence that more men don’t have control of their emotions.
Men are way more emotional. Men just seem to think anger is not an emotion.
Men and women express emotions differently. Women tend to be overly dramatic and will jump to conclusions more quickly over pretty specific situations. Men tend to be more grouchy and mean whenever they believe someone around them isn't acting right.
Judging by the prison population, men are more overly dramatic than women.
I'm shocked and a little upset that a police interrogator has never seen silence of the lambs, that's like interrogation 101
Anyone else think the defense lawyer deserves a few months in jail for that defense. Accusing the victim like that.
You live in a military base and your struggling with finances? Shouldn't even be a thing
Consequences of being married
When I was a single soldier, I would walk around with 10k or 20k in the bank any given day. Once I was married with children, it evaporated so fast and then after that even with double the income it becomes just a struggle to even get by. Children are terribly expensive and then you end up with credit cards and double vehicles and medical bills and all kinds of stuff. It's odd how much cheaper it is for a single person to live than a family with children. I really never saw it coming, I thought I would be different and would always have lots of extra money. Kids especially are so incredibly expensive. They were married, so even with the additional allowance for family members they'd have doubler triple the expenses of soldier living in the barracks would have.
Dodge Chargers are expensive
@@slickstufneatstuf bro ☠️
Enlisted personnel are not known for their financial prowess. Many of them blow their paychecks like there’s no tomorrow. They can actually do well if they actually want to.
Affairs are always destructive..
Chris: "Like, like like-like, like, like-Like-like. Like. Like! Like?" What a POG.
yeah, for real, this so-called detective needs to just shut up with all the honesty crap. whatever he thinks he needs, he is not going to get because he will not shut up
Reminds me of the male detective that did the Grant Amato interrogation. The honesty guy. 🤦🏼♀️
"Not long... half-hour tops... there's a mosquito on you..." 😄
Got her and her baby murdered smh
So where’s the marine officer and how does he play into this?
@@AlphadogFJB that’s the point OP was making. 🤦🏽♀️
Still marines.
Could this guy find a tighter T-shirt to hold in his gut?
He is asking questions to see how he answers questions truthfully to help understand when he is lying
Glad to be so early to your videos :)
Did the sound engineer use two tin cans connected with string to record the audio in this?
No that’s way too high tech and would sound way better. They forgot to remove the tape over the microphone to protect it while shipping and in the box.
As a career scientist, not in criminology or forensics but physiology and biochemistry, I can't describe how ridiculous polygraphy is. And I'm a pro LE guy.
Was this recorded underwater? Or next to an aquarium? The constant running water sound is wild.
This is painful for me. I want to know if this Marine ever served in combat, in the all too Real World in Iraq/ Afghanistan. Soo freaking tragic he crossed the line, fooling around with his Brother’s In Arms wife, Big Bad Screw Up. Just ugly and Wrong, max disrespectful and beyond any ‘ mistake’. Too far Beyond any acceptable behavior that he lost any right to be called a Marine, no way he qualifies for the Honor.
are you a marine? or just one of those wives that likes to pretend they are
All is fair in love and war..and the sad thing is ...cheating is fun. It just is ..marriage is an UN natural condition. I know I know..alot of incels out there. Lmao 🤣
I'm scottish and that is the worst ring tone ever
Wanted to watch this but the audio quality is abysmal. Unwatchable.
Worst I've heard in a long time. Simply can't watch
Have you ever seen that episode of Friends where Joey learns a new word by reading the bad review Monica got in the paper and the word is “abysmal”? 🤭
The security guards face in the background as Lee tells his ridiculous story on the stand is GOLD.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable with the detective putting his hand on my bare knee .. that’s creepy
This is why I'd never get married young. Both parties have to live life a little. Sounds like this guy got bored in his marriage & decided to confide & be in another woman's company rather than work on his marriage. Majority of young ppl these days don't know how to keep or work on their marriages, instead they snuff them out or cheat. Eventually ppl always find out. Be honest & just ask for a divorce if you don't want to fix things.
‘I have a bad memory’ …..proceeds to word-vomit non-stop for an hour to the point the cop can barely interrupt him.
I don't understand why these perps talk to the cops. Shut up. You don't owe him anything.
Why do you care if a deleter talks to the police?
@@God-Love-FreedomBro really said deleter. You and people that unironically use the term unalive are what's wrong with serious types of media like this on RUclips needing to avoid saying basic things like killer or murderer
k 😂
@@justagamethrower it's not 'murder' it's, redrum... 😂
Don't blame us. Blame the system that deletes comments or throws us in SM jail for going against community rules. 🙄
Calm down buds. It'll be ok. You won't be but it will be.
Wonder if Mrs Lee realize just how close the other woman was to her husband
One dollar street walker who cheated with a red blooded psychopath. What a shocker. All 🗑️.
He is desperate for the light sentencing! He carry on the affair up until she told him she's pregnant so the child touching being bought to defend... such a coward.
She wanted a married man to leave his wife for her and jeopardize his job. Thats selfish
Well she was a cheater the ultimate in selfish amd she was friends with his wife and baby and in my book that makes her a snake. Did she deserve what happened to her? No but if you play with fire expect to get burned.
What a monster
Open mineshafts just scattered about don't seem very safe.
The one criticism I have for these types of videos is I don’t like it when there’s so much footage of when they build rapport and make small talk. Small talk with sick criminals is not fun to watch lol
It’s a very important thing to establish rapport so a confession
@@heatheral-hammadi3046 it’s not necessary for *us* to see it, is the point.
You aren’t speaking for everyone, I like seeing it
You get to see their responses ehn you know they're guilty but they don't know yet 😂
Erin was doing a "HOOK UP" with ANOTHER Marine when she came up missing!
This channel is quickly becoming my favorite!
Hats off to those of you who actually made it through this video - yawned, fell asleep and didn't miss a thing! Bye
"Training took over." Dude, no. The Marine Corps does not train you on how to take people out with a garrote.
Pork chop platoon
I was stationed in 29 palms when this happened. Shit was wild
Its always these small town dependants who go buck wild with everyone else husband
I’ve seen it many of times
@@hectoriglesia2516I've had to treat their STDs....sadly there was always one person who had no idea and caught something
$100 bucks there were never any bullets in the revolver when playing Russian roulette.
If it even happened at all. He strikes me as the guy that lies about everything to make himself look “better”.
@@NickNack610 yes he sure does. Immature.
Lies when the truth sounds better
Awesome channel 👏
Jodie. Just don’t do it Marine.
this interrigator got lucky, all he had was tire marks over erins tire marks, and he shot for the moon with "those were your tire marks, you were there" and that "i have to go out to my sgt and explain this" it was REEEALLY desperate, he said they have cadaver dogs out there, when earlier he ssaid "we know something happened" he baiscally told chris they knew sshe was dead without a body, and thats the opposite of how searches are supposed to go, youre never suppsoed to assume the person is deceased until you find the person, im often reminded of the norfolk 4 when i see interrogations like this and i dont like it
He most certainly was NOT an officer. He was enlisted
This man this absolutely nuts. Scary stuff. Imagine what he would have done in a warzone.
Enjoyed himself,probably.
Psychopathy is overrepresented in military and law enforcement personnel compared to the general population. The antisocial types are drawn to positions that command respect and admiration from others, as well as the possibility of encountering violence.
@@dewilew2137 The link between serial killers & military background has long since been established.
I don't think Tubby Lumpkins here would survive a war zone.
Prime example for why you shouldn’t cheat on someone
Great content!!!!!
The shovel analogy, man. Deep stuff.
57:20 interesting that he says she “believed” him and not that she “trusted” him. Like saying she believed his lies, not that he was being honest.
I didn’t know marines could have bellies like that 😱
Nor would they go hiking in a national park on a 100 degree day and not bring water
The audio from the interrogation room kinda ruins the video for me.
If your in thr army, your meat for the grinder, don't get a relationship, your gonna come home with the skills and tramau to do something about it, she gonna cheat, just because your locked into a job doesn't mean she is at home.
The truth is going to be worse than they would have ever thought..
Wait is this a computer voice? Or does audit the audit have 2 channels?
It will never cease to amaze me that people are read their rights that include to stay silent AND to legal counsel, yet they always ignore them.
They NEVER have your best interests at heart and they can tell you ANYTHING.
As soon as he mentioned cannibalism, that detective jumped at the chance to ask how to dispose of bones! 😮
It’s kind of amazing how, in the midst of this Thin Blue Line police cultism that has been growing the United States, plus the most overtly right-wing Supreme Court since the Lochner Era, no law enforcement agency or officer has even tried to get Miranda v Arizona overturned.
And I think it’s because they’ve been able to get suspects to waive them so easily in the decades since that ruling. It’s just so easy to get people to think detectives are their friends, and they can just talk their way out of trouble. Even after being told that anything they say can AND WILL be used against them in court.
It's a good thing these "people" don't though
"my memory is really, really bad" ( that should really, really help him with getting an engineering degree)!