Total War: Warhammer 3 Immortal Empires - Chevaliers de Lyonesse, Repanse de Lyonesse #7

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @kimarous
    @kimarous 11 месяцев назад +8

    To quote Phoebus in Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame: "Gone for a couple of decades and they change everything."

  • @dobledore
    @dobledore 11 месяцев назад +4

    Loving this campaign, and spoiled with so many episodes coming out. Not to mention the 'quiet' humor

  • @alharron2145
    @alharron2145 11 месяцев назад +4

    9:30 I mean, geologically speaking, deserts *used* to be seas, millions & millions of years ago? Like Texas? And bits of Africa? Or, OR, maybe they mean it figuratively, like the Dune Sea, or the Sea of Sands!
    34:34 Knightmare was class, like the Crystal Maze with children. I loved the actors putting all their RADA-edeucated hearts & souls into being weird witchy ladies or grumpy guardsmen.

  • @antonycharalampous5454
    @antonycharalampous5454 11 месяцев назад +4

    We NEED more brettonian accent in these

  • @franzferdinand2
    @franzferdinand2 11 месяцев назад

    Before you specified the spelling, I was thinking of the VHS board game series Nightmare (which I think was only called Nightmare in America, it was Atmosfear in the UK and Australia)

  • @TheImpureOne
    @TheImpureOne 11 месяцев назад +2

    Build more Landmarks!
    Also, it’s funny that the Bretonnian faction that survived is the one headed by a former peasant sheep herder.

  • @f1ntreck318
    @f1ntreck318 11 месяцев назад +5

    Terrific campaign per usual. Have you heard of the Lost Calm: Jurassic mod for the Lizardmen? I would definitely watch a campaign that you do featuring this mod.
    The mod adds 37 new dinosaur units for the Lizardmen faction. It also introduces a new campaign mechanic, where you can send expeditions to hidden sites across the map and encounter ancient creatures, warmblooded trespassers, and powerful adversaries. You will see how the mod changes the gameplay and the visuals of the Lizardmen, and how you can use the new units to dominate the battlefield. Here is a link showcasing the mod:видео.htmlsi=m4Jjr52Qd0dU9D1h

    • @JaraKex
      @JaraKex 11 месяцев назад +4

      I second that! ...was trying to pitch "Lost Calm: Jurassic" too MA a week ago, but I couldn't remember the name ;)
      Btw, I'm trying that mod myself at the moment and I'm freaking loving it! 🤩

  • @sumolps9084
    @sumolps9084 11 месяцев назад +1

    @monstersabound ... i am not sure. but the buffs to farming and industry in the bretonian tech tree... what consequences will it have for the "end design"? Like a fully developed region with farming vs a fully developed region with industry. AFTER full tech research?

  • @LordGadwin
    @LordGadwin 11 месяцев назад +1

    Repanse was added in the end half of TW Warhammer 2. But most of Britonia is from Warhammer 1 and a bit dated.

  • @MrKsholden
    @MrKsholden 11 месяцев назад +2

    Amber spear is best spell in game, just like scarecrow banner is best banner in game >.>

  • @kamataros5172
    @kamataros5172 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow they fucked over bretonnia with their RoRs. A unit of questing knights? At level 30? (To be fair, they don't have anything MUCH more impressive).
    But that implies that these questing knights are on the same, or similar level as, idk, THE SHREDDER OF LUSTRIA??? Or maybe khornes bloody fist, uncle furuncle and so on.
    Or look at beastmen, butchers of Khalkengard at lvl 25?
    Damn poor bretonnia...

  • @barbariansrus580
    @barbariansrus580 11 месяцев назад

    Cheese cheese? Sniff Sniff hmm retro hair lady give offer brie or chedder or warpstone will fight for you yes yess!

  • @robertcartwright1071
    @robertcartwright1071 11 месяцев назад +3

    We white people do have an unnatural obsession with cheese

  • @bradleyhamilton2459
    @bradleyhamilton2459 11 месяцев назад

    In my TWWII Lyonesse Campaign it was was easier to get those Dwarfs on my side, maybe in the new game they're more dickish.