It breaks my heart to know that people have always looked down on us because the color of our skins. Wallahi it hurts to the core. They'll turn us away from marrying their daughters, looking at us like we're dirt but I've learned to love myself and my skin color because this is how ALLAH SWT created me. I'm a Black African Muslim man and Islam has liberated me from all sorts of oppression. I know Allah SWT is fair and will never let what we as BLACK people have gone through be in vain. Ameen. Bilal ibn Rabah is legendary
Uno Hinda my brother I wish this was not the case but I pray to allah that when our youngsters and their children and their children’s children will all see past these silly cultural things and see every muslim as. A human and not a different race, caste or sect inshallah and they treat eachother as brothers and sisters inshallah may Allah forgive us for our shortcomings x
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (49:13) Dear my brother Allah made us different as a test to see how we will treat each other.
@@generator1472 we love you brothers, your are my brother in the religion of God (Allah) i am fair sindhi From India, but complexion doesn't matter but matter is that may god make us die as believer
I must admit I had a lump in my throat reading these comments. This subject used to trigger me badly because I’ve been on the receiving end of this kind of discrimination within the ummah especially on the question of marriage. I could never square the round peg hole when some brothers from other communities would call me “akhi” hug me sit and eat with me BUT would never invite me into their homes let alone the talk of marriage to their daughters or sisters. I too learned to love myself and knowing that Allah created me with no mistake but as Allah decreed. Once I remembered that Allah knows all known and the unknown therefore why base my worth on the senile judgement of anyone other than Allah. It is with this belief and seeing brothers and sisters like you in here gives me peace and hope. Jazakhallar khair
Most of Suhabas went through so much trouble. Bilal was the one who endured the most punishment. Bilal was the one who stood fast for the test. I am thankful I am from the land of Habesha( Ethiopia)
I think Aamir ibn Yasir was the one who got tortured a lot worse cause both of his parent died because of the torture and some narrations say the coolest thing was his sweat even to the point where his skin still had the terrible marks. And he had to lie about denouncing cause it was too terrible for him to endure.
@@hadbetterdays8118 amar bin Yassir too was a black man. And omar bin khattab said Abou Baker is our master and freed our master Bilal. Bilal may Allah be please with him will enter paradise with prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
@@amarsahbi3007 actually his mom Sumaya was black and his father was possibly arab or could pass as one. But anyways he was mixed. But I guess he was dark in complexion?
Me too. I love all the companions (RA) of Rasulu Allah (The Messenger of Allah- SAW). They earned the grace of Allah for tiier fortitude and strength in the Religion of Islam (Submission). Racial discrimination, ethichnicity, nationalities has no place in the hearts of the Muslims. The Rahma (Mercy) of Allah is for every sincere and believing Mumin (Believers), the NiAam (pleasure) of Allah is for His servants. Allah sends down His Sakina (tranquilky) to themno matter the hardship.
Comment can't express the real condition of heart . But You are truly guiding us to right path. insha'Allah you will have a light on Judgement day "Islamic Guidance team".
This channel makes me cry a lot..the way of explaining is this channel... I want to know more and more about Islam....and May Allah s.w.t keep guidance to follow this lovely religion Islam...
Ich Bin King they weren’t being racist, they were just saying that blacks in many parts of the world suffered (eg. Apartheid South Africa, America, Pre-Islamic and it’s still like this in some modern day Arab countries (eg. Libya and how they enslave Somali Muslims (which goes against Sharia)))
Those who do it with actions are far from Islam. Islam united peoples and tribes. There is no difference between white or black or Arab or foreign except with piety. The Quran is clear on this. I am an Arab Muslim, and all Muslims of all shapes and colors are my brothers in Islam..and they are the same for me
We must always remember to send our Salam to Rasulu Allah Muhammed (SAWS) you can do it like this (SAWS), all the Sahabas Companions) of Muhammed (SAWS) we say (RA), that means they have earned the pleasure of Allah.
Alhamdulliah im black so this got to me emotionally seeing my people treated differently but I wish we could live in a society that the prophet pbuh envisioned
If anyone discredits anyone else because of the colour of their skin be it black or be it white, that is returning back to the Jahiliya times....may Allah protect us. The life of the prophet (SAW) and the life of Bilal (RA) among others destroyed racism completely. One of the first to covert to Islam was Bilal. The first to give the call to prayer was Bilal. One of the first to enter paradise will be Bilal. Even our beloved prophet Saw stated he heard Bilal’s footsteps in paradise before him. The status of Bilal is unquestionable and we all love him. The final sermon of the Prophet stated that no black man greater over white or vice verse....only superiority is in Taqwa (awareness of Allah swt). So those that have always existed in all races, religions look down upon others for no reason other than the colour of this skin are surely dwellers of hellfire. May Allah keep us all on the straight path which will bring us success in this life and the next. Ameen.
Billahi, this story moved me.everytime I hear the adhan I will think of bilal.there is another great story about the black women who cleaned the prophets mosque.such a moving story.please down load it a listen. Another abbasinian .
Ya Allah, if this doesn't move u to tears. Then I don't know what will.. The inheritance of hazrath Bilal was the Adhaan.. No wealth can be compared to this inheritance. Subhan Allah, a very great video, one I was particularly looking for from a long time. Jazakallahu khairan katheera..
I come back to this video every now and again and alhamdulillah it softens the heart every time. I remember the night I watched this and I wondered why it had such an affect on me, but I now think Bilal’s story speaks so much to the fitrah and the purity of the heart and the depth of reward a pure heart has with Allah. He (ra) accepted islam only knowing the attribute of Allah that He swt is One. What a pure and beautiful heart Bilal had to know this as truth straight away. And I can’t even imagine the rewards of Bilal when the athan is recited. I can’t enumerate this mercy from Allah, none of us can. Alhamdulillah for Bilal and his story and sacrifices. I’m so humbled by his love for our messenger s.a.w.
Alhamdullillah for these videos May allah allow the prophet(saw) to intercede for you on yawm ul qiyama May allah reunite you with the people you make videos on and become the most beloved of them and one of the most beloved of the lord of those people.
He is my Master and I am not black and that does not matter to me. I love Bilal (RA=Allah be pleased with him), because he believed in Islam and Muhammed (SAW).
If there is any Muslim that practices racism let them know that you can always come back to Allah for His mercy and go to that person you have practice racism and ask them to forgive you and tell them you were wrong and you ask Allah to forgive you.
This channel is a masterpiece of a channel,May Allah keep raising the status of jannah equivalent of eveything in the heavens and earth for each single views on the channel for everyone working for the channel,Ameen Ameen!!❤
I am an Ethiopian Christian yet the story warms my heart. In a place where Bilal called the Adan, the saga of Ethiopians, Muslim and Christian, continues from racism.
my heart melts on reflection of the trials and tribulations of Bilal RDA- may we all as Muslims and non-believers share this story of love and humanity
Salaams! May Allah reward you for this and all of your excellent videos. One correction, however, "Bilal ibn Rabah (RA) was born in Mecca in the Hejaz in the year 580 . His father Rabah was an Arab slave from the clan of Banu Jumah while his mother, Hamamah, was a former princess of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) who was captured after the event of Amul-Fill (the attempt to destroy the Ka'aba) and put into slavery." (Quoted directly from Wikipedia, but it is based on verifiable sources that I have read from elsewhere. Some, however, dispute that his father was indeed an Arab, but was not a slave.) Nevertheless, Bilal was an Arab through his father with a long line of ancestry and a descendant of Ethiopian royalty through his mother. That is to say, contrary to the statement in the video, Bilal Ibn Rabah (RA) had lineage and furthermore his skin color (which was described in Arabic as Udma, Shadeed al Udma: which translates in English as the color of Adam ("Adamu" or the feminine form when referencing skin color "Udma") meaning dark brown, but extra emphasis is added meaning very dark brown ("Shadeed al Udma")) was no different from many of the Sahabas (RA) and members of the Prophet's (SAWS) family (AS). For example, the Lion of our Deen and the Sword of Islam the Mighty Sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) was described as having the skin color Udma, Shadeed al Udma just like Bilal (RA) and many others. Even the Prophet Moses (AS) was described as being "Udma" or "Adamu" by our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) in Sahih Bukhari and elsewhere. Furthermore to call a slave the lowest of the low because he is supposedly an African or Abyssinian slave is in and of itself a racist statement. There is nothing about beloved Bilal's (RA) life or ancestry that would indicate that he was the lowest of the low among any human beings. He was a slave in the Hijaz among many slaves of all races and colors including even the people who identified themselves as Arabs. Slavery in Arabia and Africa was only a condition sometimes as a result of warfare or sometimes as a result of the condition or status of the parents (especially the mother). This was the case for him as a result of the battle of the Elephant when his mother's people under the leadership of Abraha invaded Mecca from Ethiopia and were soundly defeated with the help of Allah Subhana wa ta'Ala. (See Al Qur'an Surat Al-Fil/The Elephant). Actually, just as a statement of fact and not to say anyone is better than the other based on skin color, the Arabs of that time considered the lowest slaves to be those described as "Ahmer" or "Hamra" which literally means "red" in Arabic but means "white" in complexion by our modern understanding because red is the actual color people with pale white complexion turn in the bright Hijaz sun and desert heat. These "Ahmer"/white slaves often bought by Arabs from the Romans or Persians were primarily of Slavic, Circassian, Caucasian (literally from the Caucasus Mountains or of Turkic ancestry. The Prophet's (SAWS) blessed family and companions ranged in all skin tones represented by the sons and daughters of Adam (AS) and the majority fell into the middle range of brown skin tones as would be expected in that part of the world and as we see in the global majority of humanity today. And in all matters, Allah (SwT) knows best.
I love Bilal Ibn Rabbah. His story is very touching. The way they maltreat him just because of Islam mentioning one God with courage and by the end Allah accept Him. Just for a simple thing Allah elevate him, for accepting Allah is One and he is serious. Bilal Ibn Rabbah (R.A).
Brothers I'm 14 and I am in 8th grade. Please pray I promote in 8th grade. And brothers please do. Please like seriously. I promise on the day of judgment I will try intercede in for you as keeping the ties of kinship. It is my promise. Pleas jest pray for me.
Those who do it with actions are far from Islam. Islam united peoples and tribes. There is no difference between white or black or Arab or foreign except with piety. The Quran is clear on this. I am an Arab Muslim, and all Muslims of all shapes and colors are my brothers in Islam..and they are the same for me
ALLAH O AKBAR ALLAH O AKBAR ALLAH O AKBAR. ALHAMDULILLAH ISLAM IS MY RELIGION. 😭😭😭😭May Allah bless us the company of our Prophet pbuh and his companions on day of judgment. Ameen YA RABULALAMEEN
I love this man Bilal, I name my son Bilal and all my family are against me, they said that the name is not good because he was a former slave 😢😢😢 who’s with me on this?
My cousin's name is Bilal and I have always been jealous of his name. I always wanted to be called Bilal. Bilal RA has brought most tears in my eyes. May Allah give us a chance to see Bilal again.
Djazzakum Allah khairan! I love the video’s of imam al Bukhari, the 10 promised paradise and the 4 Imams! Maybe an idea to make video’s about the best women of Islam like Aisha RA, Khadija RA, Fatima RA? I will try to support your channel In Sha Allah cause I learned a lot from you!
Hazrat Bilal radi ALLAH anho the loved one nd special among the sahabas of our Prophet alaihisalaam. Long live. Salutation on our prophet alaihisalaaam and his family and companions .
It breaks my heart to know that people have always looked down on us because the color of our skins. Wallahi it hurts to the core. They'll turn us away from marrying their daughters, looking at us like we're dirt but I've learned to love myself and my skin color because this is how ALLAH SWT created me. I'm a Black African Muslim man and Islam has liberated me from all sorts of oppression. I know Allah SWT is fair and will never let what we as BLACK people have gone through be in vain. Ameen. Bilal ibn Rabah is legendary
Uno Hinda my brother I wish this was not the case but I pray to allah that when our youngsters and their children and their children’s children will all see past these silly cultural things and see every muslim as. A human and not a different race, caste or sect inshallah and they treat eachother as brothers and sisters inshallah may Allah forgive us for our shortcomings x
O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (49:13)
Dear my brother Allah made us different as a test to see how we will treat each other.
@@generator1472 we love you brothers, your are my brother in the religion of God (Allah) i am fair sindhi From India, but complexion doesn't matter but matter is that may god make us die as believer
I must admit I had a lump in my throat reading these comments. This subject used to trigger me badly because I’ve been on the receiving end of this kind of discrimination within the ummah especially on the question of marriage. I could never square the round peg hole when some brothers from other communities would call me “akhi” hug me sit and eat with me BUT would never invite me into their homes let alone the talk of marriage to their daughters or sisters. I too learned to love myself and knowing that Allah created me with no mistake but as Allah decreed. Once I remembered that Allah knows all known and the unknown therefore why base my worth on the senile judgement of anyone other than Allah. It is with this belief and seeing brothers and sisters like you in here gives me peace and hope. Jazakhallar khair
I am blessed to have the name Bilal
Bilal Khalid what a name what a name. The best name for a person to be called
:) i like your name aswell
This is the truth and beauty of Islam, the Muslims and what Allah (God) revealed to Muhammed (SAW).
Me too
Most of Suhabas went through so much trouble. Bilal was the one who endured the most punishment. Bilal was the one who stood fast for the test. I am thankful I am from the land of Habesha( Ethiopia)
I think Aamir ibn Yasir was the one who got tortured a lot worse cause both of his parent died because of the torture and some narrations say the coolest thing was his sweat even to the point where his skin still had the terrible marks. And he had to lie about denouncing cause it was too terrible for him to endure.
@@hadbetterdays8118 amar bin Yassir too was a black man.
And omar bin khattab said
Abou Baker is our master and freed our master Bilal.
Bilal may Allah be please with him will enter paradise with prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
@@amarsahbi3007 actually his mom Sumaya was black and his father was possibly arab or could pass as one. But anyways he was mixed. But I guess he was dark in complexion?
I love you brother. Assalamualaikum.
his mother was royalty
Every time I listen to the story of Bilal r.a. it makes me so emotional 😭☹
Amal Mubarak Sister there is animation movie named Bilal. You must watch it. It’s so awesome.
subhana Allah like me
Same this is my 50th time i am watching this video.
Me too. I love all the companions (RA) of Rasulu Allah (The Messenger of Allah- SAW). They earned the grace of Allah for tiier fortitude and strength in the Religion of Islam (Submission). Racial discrimination, ethichnicity, nationalities has no place in the hearts of the Muslims. The Rahma (Mercy) of Allah is for every sincere and believing Mumin (Believers), the NiAam (pleasure) of Allah is for His servants. Allah sends down His Sakina (tranquilky) to themno matter the hardship.
Hello sister
I’m a Malaysian muslim man. If I have a son, I will name him Bilal. Insya Allah.
@ⴰⵎⴰⵔⵉⵙ...They are talking about the name Bilal.
Ahad Ahad Ahad
Ohhhh I can fell that...
La ilaha illAllah
Muhammadur rasulullah...
You are making all muslims aware of our great Sahabas...Jazakallahu Khairan...May Allah bless you and this group..
Comment can't express the real condition of heart . But You are truly guiding us to right path. insha'Allah you will have a light on Judgement day "Islamic Guidance team".
I don't know why everytime listing to this lecture, I'll become very emotional.
Because you have Noor of eman in your heart like our master Bilal ra.
It is the message of Islam in your heart the purity of Islam, the sincerity of Islam in your heart, and the justice that Islam stands for.
Even i'm listening frequently
I felt so emotional and increasing the Eeman with Allah (SWT) may Almighty grant all of us to the rightest path Aameen!
This channel makes me cry a lot..the way of explaining is this channel...
I want to know more and more about Islam....and May Allah s.w.t keep guidance to follow this lovely religion Islam...
we all have BILAL IBN RABAH RA in our hearts, just image being black its hard out here
Jay Carter Definitely . People just don’t leave black people alone.
Ich Bin King what?
I love you brother. Assalamualaikum. May Allah bless with the eman & Patience of Hazrat Bilal RA.
Ich Bin King they weren’t being racist, they were just saying that blacks in many parts of the world suffered (eg. Apartheid South Africa, America, Pre-Islamic and it’s still like this in some modern day Arab countries (eg. Libya and how they enslave Somali Muslims (which goes against Sharia)))
Those who do it with actions are far from Islam. Islam united peoples and tribes. There is no difference between white or black or Arab or foreign except with piety. The Quran is clear on this. I am an Arab Muslim, and all Muslims of all shapes and colors are my brothers in Islam..and they are the same for me
May God have mercy on bilal😰
So emotional i can't control my tears,
I have no words to describe one of the best companions of the prophet. He is an inspiration and if i get a son im going to name him Bilal
Allah reward you and mention to him the importance of Bilal (RA)
@@DavidRodriguez-og4bm amin
@ibn al walid Abu Bakar is the top 3 best companions of prophet muhammad (pbuh)
Peace and Salam to bilal ibn raba'h R.A
Whenever i heard azaan this story comes around my eyes and brings tears
I from bilal country ethiopia. may Allah blessing all umah of muhamed amine.
My family name. Subhannallah. May Allah Bless Bilal Ibn Rabah the close companion of prophet Muhummad (saw), and all who see this video.
Amine ❤
ءامين يارب العالمين
Ameen ameen ameen u too
@bilabenaboubakar451 Satan is the lord of this world
😔😢 Our beloved prophet Muhammad & BilaL ra May Allah Peace & blessings be upon you both always Ameen....
Dead ppl like these two don't have and need blessings they are lifeless back to the earth and their spirit is in the pit now
may Allah bless the lecturer in this, this video is one of the reasons why i converted subhanAllah
চোখের পানি চলে আসলো যখন বিলাল ইবনে রাবা (রাঃ) জীবনী পড়ি।
jajak Allah khair for reminded
Story of a legend
He was not a legend Bilal was real and Islam is based on real people. May Allah bestow up Bilal the best in Paradise.
David Rodriguez A legend is real . Myth is not real . You’re confusing the two
@@DavidRodriguez-og4bm he was a more then a legend unfortunately English language can’t describe the man bilal was. Legend is to small for bilal.
@@bebo5365why didn’t the legend give allegiance to Abu Bakr?
I have listened to this so much time and i cry every time
I'm glad because bilal is from my country (ethiopia )
No he is from Sudan
Don't you are somali
@@mohamedshelare153 No he is MUSLIM
Bilal is muslim!
Bilal represents us east African from Ethiopians n Sudan
if i could be in jannah with prophet muhammed bilal ra khalid bin al walid and my mother would be amazing
May allah make it possible
incha,allah brother
pray on time and make de salat nawafiel
count me in
We must always remember to send our Salam to Rasulu Allah Muhammed (SAWS) you can do it like this (SAWS), all the Sahabas Companions) of Muhammed (SAWS) we say (RA), that means they have earned the pleasure of Allah.
Bilal he get really faithful to ALLAH and he love Muhammad so much
Alhamdulliah im black so this got to me emotionally seeing my people treated differently but I wish we could live in a society that the prophet pbuh envisioned
If anyone discredits anyone else because of the colour of their skin be it black or be it white, that is returning back to the Jahiliya times....may Allah protect us.
The life of the prophet (SAW) and the life of Bilal (RA) among others destroyed racism completely. One of the first to covert to Islam was Bilal. The first to give the call to prayer was Bilal. One of the first to enter paradise will be Bilal. Even our beloved prophet Saw stated he heard Bilal’s footsteps in paradise before him.
The status of Bilal is unquestionable and we all love him.
The final sermon of the Prophet stated that no black man greater over white or vice verse....only superiority is in Taqwa (awareness of Allah swt). So those that have always existed in all races, religions look down upon others for no reason other than the colour of this skin are surely dwellers of hellfire.
May Allah keep us all on the straight path which will bring us success in this life and the next. Ameen.
Billahi, this story moved me.everytime I hear the adhan I will think of bilal.there is another great story about the black women who cleaned the prophets mosque.such a moving story.please down load it a listen. Another abbasinian .
Ya Allah, if this doesn't move u to tears. Then I don't know what will.. The inheritance of hazrath Bilal was the Adhaan.. No wealth can be compared to this inheritance. Subhan Allah, a very great video, one I was particularly looking for from a long time. Jazakallahu khairan katheera..
It surely does 😭
No wealth can be compared to this inheritance
What a beautiful way to describe it. 💕
I come back to this video every now and again and alhamdulillah it softens the heart every time. I remember the night I watched this and I wondered why it had such an affect on me, but I now think Bilal’s story speaks so much to the fitrah and the purity of the heart and the depth of reward a pure heart has with Allah. He (ra) accepted islam only knowing the attribute of Allah that He swt is One. What a pure and beautiful heart Bilal had to know this as truth straight away. And I can’t even imagine the rewards of Bilal when the athan is recited. I can’t enumerate this mercy from Allah, none of us can. Alhamdulillah for Bilal and his story and sacrifices. I’m so humbled by his love for our messenger s.a.w.
May Allah forgive all of our past, present and future sins. Ameen.
Everyttime i listen to this, it makes me emotional. Ya Allah grant us the highest ranks of jannah near our beloveds Ameen
Alhamdullillah for these videos
May allah allow the prophet(saw) to intercede for you on yawm ul qiyama
May allah reunite you with the people you make videos on and become the most beloved of them and one of the most beloved of the lord of those people.
Our Master Bilal
He is my Master and I am not black and that does not matter to me. I love Bilal (RA=Allah be pleased with him), because he believed in Islam and Muhammed (SAW).
Out Master is Allah swt
@@mohammadsultan4155 It's a term of endearment. Not literal
Our teacher Bilal Ibn rabah r.a
Ya Rab forgive me...
If there is any Muslim that practices racism let them know that you can always come back to Allah for His mercy and go to that person you have practice racism and ask them to forgive you and tell them you were wrong and you ask Allah to forgive you.
Mohammad Sayem Ameen
I am very thankful to have Bilal as my name
This channel is a masterpiece of a channel,May Allah keep raising the status of jannah equivalent of eveything in the heavens and earth for each single views on the channel for everyone working for the channel,Ameen Ameen!!❤
I can feel that day
I am So grateful to This channel For how many Times It made me Cry and Weep In tears In Remember of Allah
I am proud to be black African Muslim .
So beautiful... The tears came immediately. MashAllah for Bilal (RA)
Walahi this is the best qisah i heard mashallah and may Allah guide us and make us meet the prophet and the companions inshallah in janah
The love he had for prophet Muhammad pbuh was priceless make us all have the love like bilal did let's never forget the sweet azan of bilal
I love this companion of the messenger of Allah swt
😭 this video is very emotional 😭
May Allahs blessing be upon bilal ibn Rabah
aziqbal amin
May Allah make us with our beloved prophet peace be with him and his companions (i.e Bilal, Abubakir and Omar ibn khattab etc..
In Jannatul firdous Al Ala
*Mashallah! Let's pray for a world filled with peace and safety. May Allah's protection encompass us all*
I am an Ethiopian Christian yet the story warms my heart. In a place where Bilal called the Adan, the saga of Ethiopians, Muslim and Christian, continues from racism.
U should watch the movie the message
my heart melts on reflection of the trials and tribulations of Bilal RDA- may we all as Muslims and non-believers share this story of love and humanity
Salaams! May Allah reward you for this and all of your excellent videos. One correction, however, "Bilal ibn Rabah (RA) was born in Mecca in the Hejaz in the year 580 . His father Rabah was an Arab slave from the clan of Banu Jumah while his mother, Hamamah, was a former princess of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) who was captured after the event of Amul-Fill (the attempt to destroy the Ka'aba) and put into slavery." (Quoted directly from Wikipedia, but it is based on verifiable sources that I have read from elsewhere. Some, however, dispute that his father was indeed an Arab, but was not a slave.) Nevertheless, Bilal was an Arab through his father with a long line of ancestry and a descendant of Ethiopian royalty through his mother. That is to say, contrary to the statement in the video, Bilal Ibn Rabah (RA) had lineage and furthermore his skin color (which was described in Arabic as Udma, Shadeed al Udma: which translates in English as the color of Adam ("Adamu" or the feminine form when referencing skin color "Udma") meaning dark brown, but extra emphasis is added meaning very dark brown ("Shadeed al Udma")) was no different from many of the Sahabas (RA) and members of the Prophet's (SAWS) family (AS). For example, the Lion of our Deen and the Sword of Islam the Mighty Sayyiduna Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) was described as having the skin color Udma, Shadeed al Udma just like Bilal (RA) and many others. Even the Prophet Moses (AS) was described as being "Udma" or "Adamu" by our Beloved Prophet (SAWS) in Sahih Bukhari and elsewhere. Furthermore to call a slave the lowest of the low because he is supposedly an African or Abyssinian slave is in and of itself a racist statement. There is nothing about beloved Bilal's (RA) life or ancestry that would indicate that he was the lowest of the low among any human beings. He was a slave in the Hijaz among many slaves of all races and colors including even the people who identified themselves as Arabs. Slavery in Arabia and Africa was only a condition sometimes as a result of warfare or sometimes as a result of the condition or status of the parents (especially the mother). This was the case for him as a result of the battle of the Elephant when his mother's people under the leadership of Abraha invaded Mecca from Ethiopia and were soundly defeated with the help of Allah Subhana wa ta'Ala. (See Al Qur'an Surat Al-Fil/The Elephant). Actually, just as a statement of fact and not to say anyone is better than the other based on skin color, the Arabs of that time considered the lowest slaves to be those described as "Ahmer" or "Hamra" which literally means "red" in Arabic but means "white" in complexion by our modern understanding because red is the actual color people with pale white complexion turn in the bright Hijaz sun and desert heat. These "Ahmer"/white slaves often bought by Arabs from the Romans or Persians were primarily of Slavic, Circassian, Caucasian (literally from the Caucasus Mountains or of Turkic ancestry. The Prophet's (SAWS) blessed family and companions ranged in all skin tones represented by the sons and daughters of Adam (AS) and the majority fell into the middle range of brown skin tones as would be expected in that part of the world and as we see in the global majority of humanity today. And in all matters, Allah (SwT) knows best.
There is no god except allah and prophet Mohammad saw peace b upon him is his last messenger
Allah with capital letter. Allah loves you agki
@Maryam P. ok mam
Full of tears right now 😭
A powerful name bilal.what a name! Am from Somalia 🇸🇴 anyway
May almighty bless us all with Jannah and we will hear and see Bilal ra giving azaan
Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar am happy to hear 👂 dis and I say Allah Akbar
Allahu akbar! Naa illaaha ilillaah wah aashahdo annah Muhammaddan rasululllah
I love Bilal Ibn Rabbah. His story is very touching. The way they maltreat him just because of Islam mentioning one God with courage and by the end Allah accept Him. Just for a simple thing Allah elevate him, for accepting Allah is One and he is serious.
Bilal Ibn Rabbah (R.A).
فداك أبي ؤامي يا رسول الله ♥️♥️♥️
I am speechless ❤
Allah huma saliy alla Muhamad waela ali Muhamad wa barik wasalim aliy hem
Brothers I'm 14 and I am in 8th grade. Please pray I promote in 8th grade. And brothers please do. Please like seriously. I promise on the day of judgment I will try intercede in for you as keeping the ties of kinship. It is my promise. Pleas jest pray for me.
Inshaallah brother 👍
Sunny's Tech Tips Thanks brother
Haris Shahmi Thank you very much.
so sweet
Sunny's Tech Tips thanks so much brother
صلى الله عليه وسلم 😓
Well said and that goes for Rasulu Allah and Bilal is (RA)
bilal was lucky to have hugged the best creation (SAW)
love your vids about the shabah in sha allah more to come pls
Series of sahabah make my eyes overflow and repentance to allah.great chanel
The story of Bilal makes me cry, Arabs never loved him only making him aslave
It's good he is in jannah.
@Tarik Hodzic like arabs love blacks now brother Tarik? Abu Dharr wasn't ignorant.
If this is the case then am proud of it.
what are you talking about Arabs loved Arabs when Islam started
@Tarik Hodzic abu dhaar was black Arab...
Those who do it with actions are far from Islam. Islam united peoples and tribes. There is no difference between white or black or Arab or foreign except with piety. The Quran is clear on this. I am an Arab Muslim, and all Muslims of all shapes and colors are my brothers in Islam..and they are the same for me
Subhanallah, soooooo 😭😭😭sady story. Bilal bin rabah may he be blessed by Allah(SWT) rabunah Arahim.
May allah forgive us all for our sins..thank you brother for the beutifull video
ALLAH O AKBAR ALLAH O AKBAR ALLAH O AKBAR. ALHAMDULILLAH ISLAM IS MY RELIGION. 😭😭😭😭May Allah bless us the company of our Prophet pbuh and his companions on day of judgment. Ameen YA RABULALAMEEN
May Allah Grant us strength and contintment In Sha Allah just as Balil
I love this man Bilal, I name my son Bilal and all my family are against me, they said that the name is not good because he was a former slave 😢😢😢 who’s with me on this?
My cousin's name is Bilal and I have always been jealous of his name. I always wanted to be called Bilal. Bilal RA has brought most tears in my eyes. May Allah give us a chance to see Bilal again.
Bilal is a beautiful name.
@@Awghan Ameen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@@alysellin686 thanks 🙏🏾
@Senpai Gamer absolutely
Djazzakum Allah khairan! I love the video’s of imam al Bukhari, the 10 promised paradise and the 4 Imams! Maybe an idea to make video’s about the best women of Islam like Aisha RA, Khadija RA, Fatima RA? I will try to support your channel In Sha Allah cause I learned a lot from you!
Such a such a man! He olwayx motivatx me... Whnevr i feel dwn.. May Allah please be upon him!, ❤
Bilal(RA) is forever remembered in my country, Malaysia because his name Bilal was adopted as the Malay word for Muadhin.
Story about Bilal teach us that God never look at our colour but our iman and taqwa.
yall need to watch : Bilal: A new breed of hero
Bs movie made from the west.
Hazrat Bilal radi ALLAH anho the loved one nd special among the sahabas of our Prophet alaihisalaam.
Long live. Salutation on our prophet alaihisalaaam and his family and companions .
this story is so beautiful
Allahuakber i cry beauty full story
May Allahs peace be upon you my prophet muhammad s.a.w
Tears in my eye's
Rabbi forgive me, please. I beg You for Your Forgiveness. Ameen.
😭😭😭 What a great man bila ya Allah blessings ya ray 💕💗
This made me cry
The only way forward physically, mentally and spiritually is through the blessed Prophet Muhammad SAW and PBUH for eternity.
Mashallah Tabarakallah
I love my African brothers very much peace be upon you
Seriously. If people were this heart broken about Prophet Muhammads(S.A.W.) death then how could *anyone* even remotely call this man evil????
Reh gayi rasm-e- azan, rooh-e- bilali na rahi...
- Allama iqbal
Subhan Allah
Bilal bin Rabah ❤ So emotinal 😢
Iam happy my name is Asiya. I was name after a amazing woman.
Iam injoying always the hostory of islam
Beautiful Human Being ❤
I profess in my heart There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his last and final messenger.
I love this channel may Allah Guide us all Ameen
Subhanallah may allah give us Izzat in islam
M blessed being a muslim being a Ummati ❤️❤️❤️❤️
My heart aches listening to this story every time 💔💔😭