Given how some of these groups are also actively working to keep child marriages on the books, I wouldn't be surprised. It's still legal in many states.
@@swimminginthoughts But what about sleeping like an aborted fetus? Oh that’s right, an aborted fetus was never alive, so you could never sleep like sleep that never existed!
If a woman cannot have access to an abortion, then the father should not only be financially responsibly, he should have his rights circumcised. Heads up to all these men who sign these laws.
They're proving they don't care about her autonomy! They've previously discussed banning birth control so it's not about reducing abortions. It's ALL ABOUT CONTROL!
Abortion is out the door. Contraceptives are next. Then women's right to vote. Then women wearing pants. After that, it will be poc. Dey not happy til da women be barefoot n pregnant in da kitchen and alla da colored folk be wearing chains in da fields.
@@simonbelmont1 Opportunity to make more slaves in the forms of convicts and believers I guess. Brain wash them with verses like; Ephesians 6: 5 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ." despicable.
This Is Not Christian Value!! … God Allows People To Make Their Own Choices!! … They May Face Consequence Or Repent… But God Says We Have A Choice!! … So These Bible Religious Excuse Is Not Even Valid!!
I remember that republicans cut food stamps and meals on wheels for elderly and disabled people and tried to eliminate healthcare for MILLIONS of Americans during a global pandemic with no replacement! They hate the poor!
@Shell m I'm sorry 😔 After serving people with disabilities for almost twenty years, it's consistently been republicans who've cut funding for the social safety nets that save lives! And they're not done!
Also, their argument is “adoption”... I’m sorry we still have hundreds of kids in the system who have not been adopted yet, and most people can’t adopt even if they wanted to.
Hundreds of thousands of kids waiting adoption, but they are "too old" to be adopted because most adoptive, wealthy, religious families want only infants that they can easily raise to be like them. Is it really any wonder the GOP wants adoption to be the go-to option for unwanted pregnancies? Make all the heathens give up their babies and raise them to have your own conservative beliefs so you can out-vote all those pesky "libs"
Also the worst mortality rate in the wealthy world.. they are handing out death sentences to women (especially black women who have a 400% higher risk of dying giving birth)
I've actually heard someone who was wanting to adopt say that they only want a baby who is blonde and blue-eyed. Oh, and no disabilities. Someone I knew, who happens to have that coloring, but I was so shocked. Never thought of them the same way ever again.
As someone who was abused as a child I would love to have that lady in front of me. Sxual abuse on vulnerable victims especially minors, is a barbaric act that will mark a person forever. Imagine having a baby as a result of it and having to keep it and be traumatized by having to care for a literal unwanted child every day. Then having the child experience a life of unfit parenting. People are choosing to not have kids at all. Why are some people being forced to be parents by politicians?
"Why are some people being forced to be parents by politicians?" Because those politicians either think having a kid "Thanos snaps" away all your problems away permanently or they're control freaks that can't/won't see the grey areas of life. Maybe both
@@daisyadele967 It is heartbreaking to me how true this is. It happens in El Salvador where abortion is heavily restricted and sexual violence against women and girls is a huge problem. 3 out of 8 maternal deaths there are suicides, and suicide is a leading cause of death for adolescent girls.
I got pregnant when I was 18. I was on the pill, but my doctor put me on a lower dose and I got pregnant. I considered abortion but in the end decided against it. I had a rough pregnancy, nearly miscarried 3 times mostly from lack of food since the government wouldn't help me with food stamps because the father lived with me and wouldn't work. I still worked up to my 5th month when I almost miscarried again, then had to quit. Then my son was born two months early weighing only 4lbs 6 oz. He was in the hospital for 5 weeks to gain weight. I only weighed 108 the day he was born from lack of food. I don't regret having my son who is 43 now and I have 4 grandchildren. My son's father never paid child support, and hasn't saw my son since he was 4 months old when he hit him in the head and caused a concussion and he was put in jail for 6 months. I struggled on food stamps which I got when I left him and did without a lot throughout my son's childhood. I eventually went back to school and got a college degree. Long story I know ,but all these legislators outlawing or restricting abortion should walk in the shoes of woman who's lives are forever changed if they are forced to have children they know they can't care for. It gave me comfort to know had I ever got pregnant again I would have the choice for an abortion.
I am there with you. My son will be 34 this year and his father has NEVER seen him, never asked if it was a boy or girl and has never paid a penny in child support because my state failed at finding him. A few years ago I got a call from Child Support saying they were closing his case because I was not cooperating with them, but I told them who he was I told them where he lived and I stood up in court and told the court that his mother and stepfather lied to them. They said they could not find him and it took me all of five minutes on Facebook to find him even though I have not seen him since I got pregnant. All the officials involved in my case were, no surprise MALE.
@@vitalsigns2679 You get free massages at physical therapy, sometimes. You might get the same with a child, if you're lucky, once you've paid the financial, emotional, and physical toll to raise them to an appropriate size.
@@vitalsigns2679 if you suffer a trauma you then have an “opportunity” to try and heal from that trauma. If you get pushed into a ditch you have an “opportunity” to climb out of a ditch.
Why does US go about accusing and advising other countries about human rights while US does not allow women to have rights which are also human rights.
@@k333rl when do you propose that the woman loses her rights if you're going to give an embryo the same rights? In real life biology, things go wrong and women deserve to make decisions about THEIR BODIES!
A person has more say over what happens to their corpse after they die than women in some states have over what happens to their body while they're alive. Organs cannot legally be harvested from a corpse, even though they could be used to save lives, yet a living, breathing girl/woman can be forced, in some states, to allow a fetus to use her entire body as life support, causing permanent changes, and even exposing her to the possibility of pregnancy-related cancer.
My mom lost her teeth during her pregnancy with my brother because she was anorexic and couldn't afford to eat enough. He literally sucked the nutrients out of her bones. She'd tried many times to get on food stamps before she was finally accepted at the end of her pregnancy. How they let an 18 year old anorexic pregnant woman knowingly starve is beyond me. But hey, thats Texas.
@@chloerene7858 my friend lost her teeth after her baby too. She was 27 with full dentures. And of course she paid 100% bc after the baby was born she no longer needed medical care in the state's eyes.
the men responsible for these pregnancies should have to get a Vasectomy for irresponsible impregnations, especially those guys who think it's awesome to have multiple baby-mammas. MEN need to be held MORE accountable.
Better yet, castration A vasectomy would just allow the guy to get away with more rapes. There needs to be consequences that make men really pay attention.
@@amywalker7515 Although I oppose castration, it's been suggested that abortion works to the advantage of the abuser. I have no idea if this is true or not but groups like LiveAction cite cases in which abusers took pregnant minors to abortion clinics.
I made the choice to become "fixed" when I was 20, after a medically-threatening (albeit accidental) pregnancy and subsequent abortion. The procedures were all performed separately, scheduled at the discretion of myself and my doctor. I was not pressured, nor stigmatized either fact, insurance footed most of the costs for all of it. Hard to believe now, but this was in Florida, too. I love kids, but I am happy being the favorite "choice" I've ever made.
Watch out now.. you’re going to draw the ire of the evangelical holy than thou saint that will tell you a “woman needs to keep her legs closed.” Oh unless a man you have no interest in forces himself on you physically, well honey that’s just GOD giving you a child whether you’re ready or not… asinine and insane isn’t it??.. Now mind you all these decisions are made by mostly white males!!!
Almost none of these anti-abortionists have adopted a needy child and it ends up in foster care, on drugs, on the streets. It just creates more and more poverty and homeless and junkies.
@@audreymuzingo933 while I am a man and have no first hand experience on the subject... the topic has been studied for quite some time. There's plenty of literature on the subject.
Nobody tells me what to do with my body, even Dr's ask for approval to do surgery on gallbladder, since when the government should have a say so in abortion?
Yeah,DeWine took a lot of heat for helping save the lives of Ohioans,but his party is still run by crackpots and Nazis. He's still one of them,and it is sad.
Ditto, I respected dewine a long time ago when he was AG but I'm voting all blue until the gop sobers up. Just kidding, I'll never vote republican again.
@@woodstream6137 The GOP will do what they always do - they tell their constituency what they want to hear, then do a 180 degree as soon as they have won the election by denying they made such promises. (Mark Meadows on tape 4/22) He was on tape with Liz Cheney then denied it) This is the way of the new GOP
Who do she think she is making a statement like that to say that person should rise that baby you are going start seeing a lot of dead baby's what's the matter is that what's happen to you when you was young is your baby your uncle or cousin just thinking
Abortion is a woman's right. That is settled law even according to Kavanaugh and Barrett. All the other talk about abortion is appeasing the contributors of the GOP. Protect a woman's right to choose for herself and VOTE BLUE.
THank you Tony. We need more male allies like you because it's mostly men who want to control us (especially old ones who don't even get laid anymore).
@Not Sure if conception is the beginning of life, then shouldn't child support begin there as well? if the republicans were serious about this, they would pass a law, requiring males to have vasectomies. after all republicans LOVE telling people what they can and can't do with their bodies.
And they're usually whispering things about "that tramp mother." Lived in Texas as a high school teacher and heard it whispered among those with privilege all the time. Mind you, didn't ever hear them say anything about their "amazing, football playing, hard partying, manly, gun-toting sons" though.
i LOVE how Republicans like this crotchety old lady like to decide they know advanced trauma psychology. "The scars will never go away." Give me a BREAK. She basically is saying "Having a baby that you resent or hate and possible abuse or can't afford is better than no baby at all." What a monstrous attitude.
@@pjaypender1009 You do not know what you are talking about - why did you have an abortion you didn't regret? Stop speaking for women when you don't even understand why a woman would choose abortion and if she regrets it ?
@@alexandriayannotti1592 Reread the comment. And read your own comment while you're at it. 'Why did you have an abortion you didn't regret?' What does that even mean?
Of course, they are not going to take care of these kids. Look at how they let the child tax care credit lapse. Now they are denying them a decent education. Naw, they are not going to take care of any of them.
As a man I can say that IF men were held responsible for the unwanted creation of a life, these laws would die on the vine. These abortion laws were created, in general, by OLD, WHITE men. If any of these GOP Governors have daughters, I would bet they would not want them to carry a rapists child to term.
I was having a discussion about this and proposed the concept that a DNA test should be done and the biological father should then be responsible for all costs. Not just child support but every single cost incurred due to the woman's pregnancy. If they are going to force women to bear the child then the responsible man should be forced to cover the financial responsibility with no option to decline. Lets see how long it would take them to rethink their game plan.
Family court in every state is full of women trying to get men to pay child support. Most women have to fight for every penny even after there is a court-ordered agreement, payment plan and garnishing of wages. It isn’t easy.
Right? Don't these people also preach about "traditional" families where the men are supposed to be financial providers? The GOP uses to be a joke but now they're monsters.
The rest of the "game plan" in these circumstances should be: snip and sew, snip and sew. "You break it, you own it and since you have proven that you are not a responsible male, we are not going to give you an opportunity to break anything else." Hair on fire males across the entire nation in less then five seconds.
You have to remember, the people making these laws are wealthy, white conservatives. They don't care if the average man has to pay for a bunch of kids they can't support. They believe that "promiscuous" women deserve to be single mothers and that the parents are a bunch of lazy, irresponsible dead-beats anyway so who cares what happens to them?
Could you imagine a man, forced against his will, to care for infant he didn’t want, 24/7, through to maturity?😂😂 In a country that boasts freedom above all, how are these self righteous sob’s able to pass such draconian laws?
@@j.c.5749 As someone who has worked with abused children for years, I can tell you there is not a long line to adopt (especially disabled children). Why aren’t all of these pro-lifers adopting children? Why are they not adopting the 12 year old who needs to have his diaper changed or the 8 year old who is not mobile and on a g-tube? Pro-life doesn’t mean pro-child.
Right? Also, most kids age out of the system before they're even adopted. Let alone being bounced from foster home to foster home on an already stressed out system.
Then there is also the fact that a woman who knows she didn't want the baby may have difficulty making the choice to give the baby up for adoption. And they will say, "the beauty of a mother's love". But all the reasons she thought she shouldn't have a child are still there. The fact that she didn't want children may not go away. Her financial situation hasn't changed. Her support system hasn't changed. If she is not very responsible, she may or may not remain so. We all know of people sho should never have been parents.
That child had nothing to do with it. I would be more concerned that the father would want anything to do with his child. I would also be concerned how to explain this to the child when it grows up.
@@verisww8104 Many women won't be able to totally separate their negative feelings or memories from their child. How awful will be the impact upon the child no matter that mother's best effort at parenting?
I guess that every female should have a funeral every time that she has a menstrual period. It makes as much sense as what these legislators are proposing.
This sanctimonious, condescending lawmaker who is so dismissive of something that could upend a woman's (and man's) life turns my stomach. How DARE she call an unwanted baby probably conceived in terror and anguish something it will never be? To force a woman to carry the product of that horror to term is criminal. If the pregnancy threatens a woman's life, who cares about her? These anti-choice people are unutterably cruel, and couch their words in fake compassion. Sickening.
@@lmnopgr Thank you. I was 20 when Roe was ruled, and 50 years later, we're STILL fighting for our right to be considered autonomous beings. This makes me cry. Back to square one...
I wonder if this woman was attacked, sustained crippling harm that permanently altered her future so she can no longer live her life as planned, I wonder if she would regard that as an "opportunity"
I predict there would be some r$ped 13 yr old's who would rather commit suicide, so they don't have to be forced to carry their rapist's child inside them for 9 months, then have to go through hours of Labor and sustaining birth-tearing, from pushing it out.
Yeah, her self-righteousness is pretty awful. "Yes, it's a terrible thing that happened to you, but here's how you need to be as a person." Said in her little, soft, male-pacifying voice.
Get out of women choice about their own body. It is not your choice u don’t carry those babies in ur body. Didn’t u have a mother too. All of u men came from a mother. Be gratiful.
How do u know how a woman feels just because you’re a woman you don’t know what it was like before Rowe way if you don’t know what it was like to have to go to Harlem by yourself being a white girl being very young so shut your mouth and you really don’t know what you’re talking about keep your opinions to yourself we’re tired of it
Too many babies will suffer these ridiculous rules. I hope they sue the extremists causing this. Imagine all the fathers paying out all their income for their many kids. This is beyond stupidity. Religious nut-jobs for sure.
One would believe, the implications on society as a whole would be considered, prior to the enforcements of such restrictive laws. This makes it abundantly clear, they have no concern for children.
NO - THEY JUST DON'T PAY !! The courts THREATEN to jail them but NEVER DO. I lived this nightmare with 5 children and now these children being 50+ old adults think the sun rises and sets in the man. My struggles, putting them in private schools, keeping a roof over their heads, healing them through serious illnesses, etc. None of that counts for Chit now that Im in my 70's
@@anthonyhulse1248 Don't see any mention of money in Blaire705's post, it's about love and care. If these politicians really feel the love and care they say these foetuses are entitled to, they should give some, not just compel others to do it against their will.
I can always spot a selfish Republican: Always in other people’s business that are irrelevant to them. Always exclusionary, never inclusionary. Always complaining about somebody else while never actually solving problems. Always protecting the wealthy.
Someone in Congress needs to write a bill putting men's reproductive organ under control of the government. Males should be required by Federally Law to wear a chastity device from age 10 until married after the age of 30.
@@judys5767 they made one a few years ago and then never brought it to market.. they know men are not going to pick up their own responsibility when they dumped it on women hundreds of years ago, also according to Pharma the side effects were more then men would bear... remember that when men complain that they should get a legal out of child support when they don’t want the kid but the mother does.
Sure it’s an opportunity for All voters to pay higher taxes, fund more prisons, more convicts, more social services costs, higher crime rates, more homeless people, more children raised by adopting parents. This will cost society big time.
No one takes that into account. We will also need more social workers, judges/magistrates, clerks, and therapists. And how about all of the medical workers for all of the women who do not receive prenatal care, the list goes on....
@@tbooth7201 So true. Many poor women don’t have health insurance and therefore don’t always get prenatal care for the first trimester of pregnancy. So, they’re at an increased risk of infant health problems that they won’t be able to help with.
@@CantHandleThisCanYa _ yup, use the gun fetishists obsession to advantage & save the legacy the Founding Fathers left us instead of surrendering to the g0p idol that wannabe czar 💀vlad💀putin ❗❓❗
I don't agree with "banning" abortions AT ALL as it's the government asserting control over womens' bodies, but if states are gonna "go there" then the states' taxpayers should be forced to cover the FULL cost of living for both that child and its mother until the child turns 18! In other words, sue the state for child support!
Adoption Agencies should camp out at these events with applications ready for each of these people to sign up for. Ask them how many will THEY adopt and What ailments of the child is their disqualified limits or will they open their hearts and homes to any and all. Will they foster a child? This is their go to solution but will they be willing to fund the solution or just kick it the curb for others to HANDLE?
I like your idea, but whether or not these loons would adopt should have no bearing on women's reproductive choices. I'm sick of all this medical fraud where politicians think they're doctors!
Okay, this is a dark topic and of course the pregnancies would still take a massive toll, but just imagine seeing a dingbat like Ted Cruz give an interview in front of his home, while 655 kids he had to adopt from unwanted pregnancies just rampage on the lawn behind him xDD
Why are men deciding on laws regarding women's bodies? They don't become pregnant, give birth; they drop a load and keep on moving. Women in those states should invest in a or a couple of really good vibritors and remember to " JUST SAY NO" to their spouses until this bill is overturned.
Well thought out and great delivery. I hope women take it to heart. I lost my spouse to cancer a year ago and she battled cancer for almost 3 years before endometrial cancer metastasized into her lungs. She didn’t marry me until she was 49.99 years old and I never had any children with my first wife but she was smart enough to know that we shouldn’t have children that late stage in life because of their medical complications mostly for the child that would probably have arisen. She was a teacher of the deaf very beautiful soul I love children so she didn’t need to have to bear any children of her own. I don’t think she ever had an abortion but she definitely believed in women’s right to choose and so do I.
@@fallingiguanas6015 I'm pretty sure that no one has been held down and vaccinated. Some have had hard decisions about the vaccine, but they were given choices. No vaccination, no job. But they had choices.
20 years from now we will have more men and women in the prison system. Poverty creates desperation, desperation creates criminals. A product of the system.
It's funny how they all want you to believe that an unborn child is a sacred thing...but then won't offer assist those same children and their mother they oh so cared about prior to their birth. Make, it make sense 🤷♂️??
I made the choice to become "fixed" when I was 20, after a medically-threatening (albeit accidental) pregnancy and subsequent abortion. The procedures were all performed separately, scheduled at the discretion of myself and my doctor. I was not pressured, nor stigmatized either fact, insurance footed most of the costs for all of it. Hard to believe now, but this was in Florida, too. I love kids, but I am happy being the favorite "choice" I've ever made.
Your situation is different than most women. I don't know where you live but in the USA, it's almost impossible for a young healthy female to get her tubes tied and forget about total hysterectomy. A woman has to be at least 25 and had at least three children and she has to have permission from her husband. I tried for years and my doctors all said nope.....real quick. My older sister had to fly to PR to get hers tubes tied. I had to have permission from my father, because I was not married, to have breast reduction. If not for my father I'd be carrying around 36 GGG's. We women need help in getting this problem solved.
@@shelbyonehalf yes, you are precisely correct. Truth be told, it was because he was a doctor who was about to retire from practice and had worked with my mother in surgery for many, many years.. that, and my newly diagnosed mental disorders (of which I knew I would be taking lifelong psychotropic medications, not conducive with full-term pregnancies), AND the great insurance through mom's work...these we're the only reasons I was able to have the procedure.. especially considering my young age, single status, and having no children of my own thus far. This was most assuredly a case of privileged access of care...but I promise you this, not a single day goes by in which I'm not fully appreciative. I just hope the more we talk about the shadowed nuances of a seemingly black and white topic (at least for the conservatives), then the more comprehensive our approach will become as a community to fully actuate and extend the services every woman has a right to receive...and deserves 🥰
Heartbeat is irrelevant. The very beginnings of our higher brain structures only start to appear between weeks 12 and 16. Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.
What you say is modern medical science. The life of the living woman outweighs the non-living. If you want to be technical in legal terms, a woman who has been alive for the years she has been living, outweighs any life that's still inside the womb.
Plus you can take a very small group of heart muscle cells and they will spontaneously start to pulse.......but there is no real 'heart-function' going on, no blood being pumped etc not even a single heart chamber formed.
But are these anti-abortion people really talking about physical viability or about the existence of a "soul"? I suspect the latter. And there is no proof of its existence, just wishful thinking and fairytales and countless speculative theories.
@@sharcon3891 I like your comment and would like to add a physical element to it. These anti-abortion people talk about abortion and birth, but do they advocate natural child-birth, when you can say babies born on pain-killers grow up with an affinity for drugs? If you want to talk about abortion in terms of modern medicine, talk about it as "god" intended it, a big part of their rationale.
@@judys5767 You seem to know a lot about one woman and her four children. Even if everything you say is true, at least it looks like they might stand a chance to have a healthy as life as possible. Do you drive a car? Everyone is paying for the roads you use. Do you use electricity? Everyone is paying for your hydro system. If I had your attitude I'd be angry about the water coming out of the taps.
"It is a shame that it happens but there is an opportunity for that woman no matter how *young* or old she is" Define "young" 20? 16? 11? How young are we talking? Anyone who believes a CHILD should be forced to go through the very dangerous state of pregnany and childbirth is sick in the head!!
the "no matter how young" line made me sick to my stomach... does she have ANY clue how young someone can be and still get pregnant? Ovulation can start as young as 8, and on average does so at about 11 or 12 years old in the United States.
What the shame is Schmidt is all the unwanted children already in the system that’s broken! How about you do something about them, before more unwanted children are added! Why not do something about the children getting shot in you’re broken school system? How about what happens between a doctor and patient has stuff all to do with anyone else, it’s none of your business.
@pittarak1 i walked to my car the other night in the cold dark rain, and it hit me. my country has sunk to a low i had never believed possible. as a US citizen, i’m ashamed. appalled. and terrified.
I was in jail in 2019. The TV was on; this dangerous debate over women's right to abortion was yet again airing. I was sitting with a pro-Trump 24-year-old drug addict. I turned to her and said, "Make it a priority in your life to assure this right to bodily autonomy is upheld for your fellow citizens; it is about to be destroyed and removed". She said, "Can't 'they' just use a coat hanger, or something?? Nuff said. I love her as a person, but because of her cluelessness I am more than ever grateful to have had two legal abortions because of birth control failure, 42 years ago. No children, no regrets. I worry for the future of women in this country, and virtually all of our rights that we have supposed were immutable.
Here's the thing, I see every single anti-abortion argument as being based in Christianity. Coming from a Christian point of view. Most of the time is openly argued against using Christianity outright. Now I know this is gonna make some of y'all freak out but I thought we had a Constitutional Right to a freedom FROM religion. 1st. Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting or prohibiting any religion. So why are they allowed to argue thusly? Try and be respectful when you answer please. It's an honest question. From a lapsed Midwest Methodist.
Exactly. I myself would not chose abortion….BUT that is my choice. I do NOT have the right to make that decision for anyone else. I believe in God, but do not have the right to tell others they have to believe like I do or that they have to believe at all. It’s all fun and games when it’s going the way one believes, but what happens in 5 years when someone else comes into power and says you have to believe like they do.
Give birth in order to "...Give to someone else?..." So this women is making American women into a sweat shop factory? She is giving everyone a bright business export idea 🥵
Did you see that dried up husk??? Nothing is coming out of that but dust. I seriously doubt anything wants to go in that for procreation. The best option is to get her and like minded idiots out of any political office. Since Regan, Republicans have systematically tried to destroy human and civil rights gained by citizen from the New Deal until the 90's. They began stacking the courts with politicians instead of jurist and electing greedy, corporate influenced zealots.
I support abortion,but you need men to make babies and is also his baby,I really didn't want to comment in this video,but seeing your ignorance I had too
@@LeoDas688 If we're talking about laws, then I agree with Sue. If you're talking about two people and their baby, then I agree, if possible, they should work together to decide what's best. I do not think you should call Sue's comment ignorance because you can't be sure which point she is making. You have made an assumption and you could be wrong.
Happens that it is men who seem to be legislating the rules!! Heard this on one of news reports, one state may be tracking your periods...far fetched, but at the rate they are making these laws ... wouldn't put it past them.....
Also adding here: there have been cases of girls as young as 6 or 7 becoming pregnant. Giving birth is not risk-free. In states who didn't expand Medicaid, maternal and infant mortality rates are higher than many developing countries. Horrible that anyone thinks this is OK. It's not.
These are the same people who don't want to pay to help take care of these children. Don't want food stamps and welfare. Also, there will be an increase in children going into the foster system, which is horrible.
I don't agree w abortion but I agree with an individual's right to choose. However, the Supreme Court granted this right to women and now , coming back to take it away ...... Allowing laws now to pass , that violates women rights even before taking the same rights granted away from women.
I suppose it would be too much to ask for that legislator from Ohio to actually read unbiased research into the consequences of making pregnant people carry to term when they are unable or unwilling to do so. While it's true that a significant number of people do bear some psychological or emotional scars from having to make the choice, most seem pretty satisfied that they did the right thing once they've made the choice.
Yet still no stricter laws on the men that cause pregnancy. No tougher punishments for rapists. And no new programs or benefits to help raise or support mom or child.
People with money will always be able to get around abortion laws , they always have. This law is to penalize poor and working class women. Misogyny pure and simple.
If abortions become illegal, than those fathers should pay for food, shelter, housing of the child and mother with mandatory child support. The fathers are forcing women to carry, but then don't want to take care of their own kids when they come out the womb!! 😑
At 6 weeks most women who don’t regularly perform pregnancy tests won’t know they’re pregnant. Being 2 weeks late on your period is not too unusual. The 6 week mark is pointless and the ‘heartbeat’ rule is arbitrary. Protect humans that have already been born and are living now.
It's not arbitrary. They purposely chose it because it was a convenient early thing to test for so that they could make the window of legal abortion options as narrow as possible.
If you don’t believe in abortion, then you should not get one.
However, YOU don’t get to decide for everyone else!
Right where have we heard that before?😂
Well said. Men, keep your big fat noses out of womens affairs.
@@fallingiguanas6015 Seems those that don't have a uterus find this funny. FY.
Right on👍
An opportunity for sexual predators to force a child marriage.
Given how some of these groups are also actively working to keep child marriages on the books, I wouldn't be surprised. It's still legal in many states.
This is actually a true statement. 😭
Missouri is still the Child Bride Capital of the US.
They go on and on with accusing people or being pedophiles but they have rarely ever bring that up or try to put laws in place to prevent it.
THAT part!!!!
This is the type of person that people vote for in the GOP. How do you people sleep at night?
They sleep like a baby.
Because FreeDUMB.
With a buybull under their empty heads.
Apparently with a freezer full of old foetuses.
Because that's ok.
@@talkingbutt3150 Correction Mr. Butt, we sleep like not murdered babies.
But what about sleeping like an aborted fetus? Oh that’s right, an aborted fetus was never alive, so you could never sleep like sleep that never existed!
Someone said that if men could get pregnant, there would be a drive-thru abortion clinic on every corner.
How dumb. Get a life!
Definitely major truth to that!
And there would be millions of one child families!
They'd be in strip clubs too
Why are the fathers not FORCED to be held accountable!? Wth!!
Yes yes
Because it's all about control.
This isn't about protecting the unborn, it's about controlling women. If men could get pregnant abortion would be enshrined in the Constitution!
Often because they are unknown.
If a woman cannot have access to an abortion, then the father should not only be financially responsibly, he should have his rights circumcised. Heads up to all these men who sign these laws.
You can’t violate her autonomy and then say it’s her fault
The problem is, republicans are under the deluded impression that they can control virtually ANYTHING and ANYONE...
They're proving they don't care about her autonomy! They've previously discussed banning birth control so it's not about reducing abortions. It's ALL ABOUT CONTROL!
That what the right do all the time.
Abortion is out the door. Contraceptives are next. Then women's right to vote. Then women wearing pants. After that, it will be poc. Dey not happy til da women be barefoot n pregnant in da kitchen and alla da colored folk be wearing chains in da fields.
@Rick Roth expect the GOP to start pushing christian sharia law after they're done taking away people's right and getting rid of the civil Rights act.
The cruelty of "Christian values" holds no bounds.
There's no hate like christian love.
@@simonbelmont1 Opportunity to make more slaves in the forms of convicts and believers I guess. Brain wash them with verses like; Ephesians 6: 5 "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ." despicable.
They have been torturing people since the beginning
Dont really know where you are coming from!
This Is Not Christian Value!! … God Allows People To Make Their Own Choices!! … They May Face Consequence Or Repent… But God Says We Have A Choice!! … So These Bible Religious Excuse Is Not Even Valid!!
Now....ask them if they can give FOOD STAMPS, MEDICAL, HEALTH CARE or Housing to the mothers and kids. I bet they say NOOOOOOO.....!
That would be socialism. They want to cut all of those programs so they can give more tax breaks to the top 1%.
I remember that republicans cut food stamps and meals on wheels for elderly and disabled people and tried to eliminate healthcare for MILLIONS of Americans during a global pandemic with no replacement! They hate the poor!
@@kellycook3914 they only love the poor when is time to vote 🗳
@Shell m I'm sorry 😔
After serving people with disabilities for almost twenty years, it's consistently been republicans who've cut funding for the social safety nets that save lives! And they're not done!
She can close her legs
Also, their argument is “adoption”... I’m sorry we still have hundreds of kids in the system who have not been adopted yet, and most people can’t adopt even if they wanted to.
Hundreds of thousands of kids waiting adoption, but they are "too old" to be adopted because most adoptive, wealthy, religious families want only infants that they can easily raise to be like them. Is it really any wonder the GOP wants adoption to be the go-to option for unwanted pregnancies? Make all the heathens give up their babies and raise them to have your own conservative beliefs so you can out-vote all those pesky "libs"
Not to mention giving birth costs thousands of dollars!!!
More like hundreds of thousands of un adopted children in the system that nobody cares about
Also the worst mortality rate in the wealthy world.. they are handing out death sentences to women (especially black women who have a 400% higher risk of dying giving birth)
I've actually heard someone who was wanting to adopt say that they only want a baby who is blonde and blue-eyed. Oh, and no disabilities. Someone I knew, who happens to have that coloring, but I was so shocked. Never thought of them the same way ever again.
As someone who was abused as a child I would love to have that lady in front of me. Sxual abuse on vulnerable victims especially minors, is a barbaric act that will mark a person forever. Imagine having a baby as a result of it and having to keep it and be traumatized by having to care for a literal unwanted child every day. Then having the child experience a life of unfit parenting. People are choosing to not have kids at all. Why are some people being forced to be parents by politicians?
"Why are some people being forced to be parents by politicians?"
Because those politicians either think having a kid "Thanos snaps" away all your problems away permanently or they're control freaks that can't/won't see the grey areas of life. Maybe both
You literally said everything I'm thinking about. I hope Women will still have the choice to abort . 🙏🏼
These people don't understand what trauma does to a victim. There will be way more suicides now because of this.
@@daisyadele967 It is heartbreaking to me how true this is. It happens in El Salvador where abortion is heavily restricted and sexual violence against women and girls is a huge problem. 3 out of 8 maternal deaths there are suicides, and suicide is a leading cause of death for adolescent girls.
@@eleventhousandfour that is so sad to hear. I fear that's what our fate will be here soon.
I got pregnant when I was 18. I was on the pill, but my doctor put me on a lower dose and I got pregnant. I considered abortion but in the end decided against it. I had a rough pregnancy, nearly miscarried 3 times mostly from lack of food since the government wouldn't help me with food stamps because the father lived with me and wouldn't work. I still worked up to my 5th month when I almost miscarried again, then had to quit. Then my son was born two months early weighing only 4lbs 6 oz. He was in the hospital for 5 weeks to gain weight. I only weighed 108 the day he was born from lack of food. I don't regret having my son who is 43 now and I have 4 grandchildren. My son's father never paid child support, and hasn't saw my son since he was 4 months old when he hit him in the head and caused a concussion and he was put in jail for 6 months. I struggled on food stamps which I got when I left him and did without a lot throughout my son's childhood. I eventually went back to school and got a college degree. Long story I know ,but all these legislators outlawing or restricting abortion should walk in the shoes of woman who's lives are forever changed if they are forced to have children they know they can't care for. It gave me comfort to know had I ever got pregnant again I would have the choice for an abortion.
@@jetta2134 Wow, you missed the whole point of that post.
I am there with you. My son will be 34 this year and his father has NEVER seen him, never asked if it was a boy or girl and has never paid a penny in child support because my state failed at finding him. A few years ago I got a call from Child Support saying they were closing his case because I was not cooperating with them, but I told them who he was I told them where he lived and I stood up in court and told the court that his mother and stepfather lied to them. They said they could not find him and it took me all of five minutes on Facebook to find him even though I have not seen him since I got pregnant. All the officials involved in my case were, no surprise MALE.
@@jetta2134 whooooooosh 🤦🏽
@@jetta2134 are you really a woman? We know you were privileged.
A man is too weak to ever experience giving birth. But it would be kind of funny to see a baby come out of their man parts!
I mean I guess in the same way getting hit by a bus is an opportunity to attend physical therapy
@@vitalsigns2679 You get free massages at physical therapy, sometimes. You might get the same with a child, if you're lucky, once you've paid the financial, emotional, and physical toll to raise them to an appropriate size.
That was hilarious!!!!!
@@vitalsigns2679 if you suffer a trauma you then have an “opportunity” to try and heal from that trauma. If you get pushed into a ditch you have an “opportunity” to climb out of a ditch.
Fantastic sarcasm!
Why does US go about accusing and advising other countries about human rights while US does not allow women to have rights which are also human rights.
b/c the USA is run by a majority of Misoginists....they hate women, use them, belitlte them, insult them, fk them, use them and toss them
is a baby not a human? do they not have rights?
@@k333rl when do you propose that the woman loses her rights if you're going to give an embryo the same rights? In real life biology, things go wrong and women deserve to make decisions about THEIR BODIES!
@@k333rl do the rights of something dependent on the life of its host outweigh the rights of that host entity? I don’t believe they do.
@@k333rl only rights a kid has, is what the parents allows. Fetuses have no rights.
A person has more say over what happens to their corpse after they die than women in some states have over what happens to their body while they're alive. Organs cannot legally be harvested from a corpse, even though they could be used to save lives, yet a living, breathing girl/woman can be forced, in some states, to allow a fetus to use her entire body as life support, causing permanent changes, and even exposing her to the possibility of pregnancy-related cancer.
My mom lost her teeth during her pregnancy with my brother because she was anorexic and couldn't afford to eat enough. He literally sucked the nutrients out of her bones. She'd tried many times to get on food stamps before she was finally accepted at the end of her pregnancy. How they let an 18 year old anorexic pregnant woman knowingly starve is beyond me. But hey, thats Texas.
@@chloerene7858 I hope your mother is okay now. And also you and your brother. I wish you all to have happiness now.
@@spacecat6022 The state needs to pay for her dentures at least.
@@chloerene7858 my friend lost her teeth after her baby too. She was 27 with full dentures. And of course she paid 100% bc after the baby was born she no longer needed medical care in the state's eyes.
@@chloerene7858this is why I say that baby’s are basically the same as a parasite
the men responsible for these pregnancies should have to get a Vasectomy for irresponsible impregnations, especially those guys who think it's awesome to have multiple baby-mammas. MEN need to be held MORE accountable.
It is good for more men to get vasectomies.
Better yet, castration A vasectomy would just allow the guy to get away with more rapes. There needs to be consequences that make men really pay attention.
@@amywalker7515 Although I oppose castration, it's been suggested that abortion works to the advantage of the abuser. I have no idea if this is true or not but groups like LiveAction cite cases in which abusers took pregnant minors to abortion clinics.
Sounds good to me! But they can go out and get insurance covered little blue pills, so they have the ability to impregnate more women.
You don't think it's awesome to scatter babies hither & yon?
I'm so glad I'm post menopausal. What a freaking country!
I made the choice to become "fixed" when I was 20, after a medically-threatening (albeit accidental) pregnancy and subsequent abortion. The procedures were all performed separately, scheduled at the discretion of myself and my doctor. I was not pressured, nor stigmatized either fact, insurance footed most of the costs for all of it. Hard to believe now, but this was in Florida, too. I love kids, but I am happy being the favorite "choice" I've ever made.
So am I but that doesn't give me a pass. We should still be fighting so younger women can have the same rights we had!
Me too. I was thinking the same thing. This new world is nuts.
It's becoming a third world nightmare
Young women should have the same freedoms we have enjoyed our whole adult lives.
Pro rights till a baby is born, than they tell you why you having a baby you can't take care of. Make it make sense?
Watch out now.. you’re going to draw the ire of the evangelical holy than thou saint that will tell you a “woman needs to keep her legs closed.” Oh unless a man you have no interest in forces himself on you physically, well honey that’s just GOD giving you a child whether you’re ready or not… asinine and insane isn’t it??.. Now mind you all these decisions are made by mostly white males!!!
You cannot make Republicans make sense, they are hypocritical and evil
Almost none of these anti-abortionists have adopted a needy child and it ends up in foster care, on drugs, on the streets. It just creates more and more poverty and homeless and junkies.
Can even be a medical mistake too. Mom was told she could never have more kids and had 2 more a few years apart.
There is no consideration for the toll pregnancy takes on the woman.
True and I agree. Keep in mind that there's also a very heavy toll, both physical and psychological, with abortions.
They don't care about women.
@@joemen9042 How do you know that?
@@vitalsigns2679 Stay classy, troll.
@@audreymuzingo933 while I am a man and have no first hand experience on the subject... the topic has been studied for quite some time. There's plenty of literature on the subject.
That's one of the most horrifying things I have heard a woman say. That was straight out of the HandMaiden"s tale.
i’m absolutely sickened hearing her words. i can hardly believe this is reality we’re experiencing.
She’s Aunt Lydia
I was thinking the exact same thing!
I said the exact same thing too!!! This country is turning into a horrible society that I no longer want to live in!!!
What's sad is aborting a child after some time spand will send you to prison for longer than most rapists are in prison. It's sickening.
In South Carolina (glad I don't live there), abortion may carry the death penalty. Let that sink in
A woman’s body is none of your business.
@@vitalsigns2679 you misspelled business but whatever the ish is still funny af. Also you're not wrong lol
Right 🔛 ✅
Nobody tells me what to do with my body, even Dr's ask for approval to do surgery on gallbladder, since when the government should have a say so in abortion?
@@ARZU10837 Good point. GOP was against the government making them get vaxxed, but now insist everybody have babies?????
@@vitalsigns2679 Emasculated Man with little junk 🤠
70 yo. 1st time I'm sad to be an Ohioan. Was pleased with DeWine vote, til now. voting, lbgt, etc .Vote blue for a future free life, for democracy.
Yeah,DeWine took a lot of heat for helping save the lives of Ohioans,but his party is still run by crackpots and Nazis. He's still one of them,and it is sad.
Ditto, I respected dewine a long time ago when he was AG but I'm voting all blue until the gop sobers up. Just kidding, I'll never vote republican again.
@@woodstream6137 The GOP will do what they always do - they tell their constituency what they want to hear, then do a 180 degree as soon as they have won the election by denying they made such promises. (Mark Meadows on tape 4/22) He was on tape with Liz Cheney then denied it) This is the way of the new GOP
Who do she think she is making a statement like that to say that person should rise that baby you are going start seeing a lot of dead baby's what's the matter is that what's happen to you when you was young is your baby your uncle or cousin just thinking
I'm from NEOH... You hear some of the craziest ishh in history I swear... WTH is going on 😞
Abortion is a woman's right. That is settled law even according to Kavanaugh and Barrett. All the other talk about abortion is appeasing the contributors of the GOP. Protect a woman's right to choose for herself and VOTE BLUE.
THank you Tony. We need more male allies like you because it's mostly men who want to control us (especially old ones who don't even get laid anymore).
@Not Sure if conception is the beginning of life, then shouldn't child support begin there as well? if the republicans were serious about this, they would pass a law, requiring males to have vasectomies. after all republicans LOVE telling people what they can and can't do with their bodies.
@Not Sure LOL except no one makes that claim.
@@gsuitter To be fair that's not an entirely uncommon debate among American college students
@Not Sure how many children have you adopted ? Do you supply health care to those children? Can i decide whats right or rong for you ??
They’re never there once the baby is born. Notice that?
And they're usually whispering things about "that tramp mother." Lived in Texas as a high school teacher and heard it whispered among those with privilege all the time. Mind you, didn't ever hear them say anything about their "amazing, football playing, hard partying, manly, gun-toting sons" though.
i LOVE how Republicans like this crotchety old lady like to decide they know advanced trauma psychology. "The scars will never go away." Give me a BREAK. She basically is saying "Having a baby that you resent or hate and possible abuse or can't afford is better than no baby at all." What a monstrous attitude.
Well said.
Not to mention, she's wrong.
Most people who have abortions do not regret them. More people regret having knee surgery than having an abortion.
@@pjaypender1009 You do not know what you are talking about - why did you have an abortion you didn't regret?
Stop speaking for women when you don't even understand why a woman would choose abortion and if she regrets it ?
When that unwanted, neglected, abused kid grows up into am angry adult and rapes her family member she'll wonder why didn't the parents do something.
@@alexandriayannotti1592 Reread the comment. And read your own comment while you're at it. 'Why did you have an abortion you didn't regret?' What does that even mean?
This is just appalling! THIS is the type of people that are representing the GOP. No wonder people of good conciousness are sickened!
That is because poor suffering people 7 children is fertile ground for recruiting and grifting money. "Love the uneducated".
So i guess that his state will take care of these children financially until at least 20?
Good point! How about adding the cost of feeding them....etc., etc., etc.......
Of course, they are not going to take care of these kids. Look at how they let the child tax care credit lapse. Now they are denying them a decent education. Naw, they are not going to take care of any of them.
kinda funny how men are NEVER oppressed, isn't it? wonder why that is.
More kids equals more incarcerated adults. It's all about the coin.
Plus all the medical costs for the women forced to carry and give birth to them.
I still don't understand how men are not held accountable to the same standard!!!
Thank you!!!
As a man I can say that IF men were held responsible for the unwanted creation of a life, these laws would die on the vine. These abortion laws were created, in general, by OLD, WHITE men. If any of these GOP Governors have daughters, I would bet they would not want them to carry a rapists child to term.
Us men should be
I think it's cause the woman carries the baby... it's really hard to get pregnant as a guy... like impossible.
@@shutupimstilltalking Men can still get a vasectomy. It's easier managed and is reversible.
I was having a discussion about this and proposed the concept that a DNA test should be done and the biological father should then be responsible for all costs. Not just child support but every single cost incurred due to the woman's pregnancy. If they are going to force women to bear the child then the responsible man should be forced to cover the financial responsibility with no option to decline. Lets see how long it would take them to rethink their game plan.
Could you imagine the outrcy from the men?
Family court in every state is full of women trying to get men to pay child support. Most women have to fight for every penny even after there is a court-ordered agreement, payment plan and garnishing of wages. It isn’t easy.
Right? Don't these people also preach about "traditional" families where the men are supposed to be financial providers? The GOP uses to be a joke but now they're monsters.
The rest of the "game plan" in these circumstances should be: snip and sew, snip and sew.
"You break it, you own it and since you have proven that you are not a responsible male, we are not going to give you an opportunity to break anything else."
Hair on fire males across the entire nation in less then five seconds.
You have to remember, the people making these laws are wealthy, white conservatives. They don't care if the average man has to pay for a bunch of kids they can't support. They believe that "promiscuous" women deserve to be single mothers and that the parents are a bunch of lazy, irresponsible dead-beats anyway so who cares what happens to them?
Could you imagine a man, forced against his will, to care for infant he didn’t want, 24/7, through to maturity?😂😂
In a country that boasts freedom above all, how are these self righteous sob’s able to pass such draconian laws?
Doesn’t that happen with child support? You gotta know who it is tho, its too embarrassing for some people.
@@banquetoftheleviathan1404 no it doesn't. don't you understand it?
@@banquetoftheleviathan1404 Paying money is NOT THE SAME AS RASISNG the child.
@@havsumora ok settle down now, it's just facebook
Because they are religious freaks.
Adoption is not an alternative to abortion! Adoption trauma is very real for both the child and mother! These people have no good sense!
Is there a line of people waiting and ready to adopt unwanted pregnancy children?
The shame of an unwanted pregnancy is real.
@@j.c.5749 As someone who has worked with
abused children for years, I can tell you there is not a long line to adopt (especially disabled children). Why aren’t all of these pro-lifers adopting children? Why are they not adopting the 12 year old who needs to have his diaper changed or the 8 year old who is not mobile and on a g-tube? Pro-life doesn’t mean pro-child.
Right? Also, most kids age out of the system before they're even adopted. Let alone being bounced from foster home to foster home on an already stressed out system.
Then there is also the fact that a woman who knows she didn't want the baby may have difficulty making the choice to give the baby up for adoption. And they will say, "the beauty of a mother's love". But all the reasons she thought she shouldn't have a child are still there. The fact that she didn't want children may not go away. Her financial situation hasn't changed. Her support system hasn't changed. If she is not very responsible, she may or may not remain so. We all know of people sho should never have been parents.
Out of sight, out of mind for these guys. Since it doesn't affect them they don't care.
True, the scars don't go away but they can fade. Now imagine every time you see the face of your child you're reminded of that trauma.
That child had nothing to do with it. I would be more concerned that the father would want anything to do with his child. I would also be concerned how to explain this to the child when it grows up.
@@verisww8104 Many women won't be able to totally separate their negative feelings or memories from their child. How awful will be the impact upon the child no matter that mother's best effort at parenting?
Mental health services for both mother and child! Mental health providers can only do so much!
Exactly. And how can you be a healthy nurturing mother under the weight of that trauma? It's not right to force a mother or a child to go through that
pregnancy is already extremely traumatic. Forced to birth your rapists child is a whole new level
I guess that every female should have a funeral every time that she has a menstrual period. It makes as much sense as what these legislators are proposing.
Don't give them any ideas! 😩
Indiana did when pence was governor. All miscarriage's must have a funeral.
Personally, I celebrate.
This has already been addressed by state legislation
This sanctimonious, condescending lawmaker who is so dismissive of something that could upend a woman's (and man's) life turns my stomach. How DARE she call an unwanted baby probably conceived in terror and anguish something it will never be? To force a woman to carry the product of that horror to term is criminal. If the pregnancy threatens a woman's life, who cares about her? These anti-choice people are unutterably cruel, and couch their words in fake compassion. Sickening.
@Meridien absolutely agree. excellent choice of words. she couldn’t be more sanctimonious and condescending if she tried.
@@lmnopgr Thank you. I was 20 when Roe was ruled, and 50 years later, we're STILL fighting for our right to be considered autonomous beings. This makes me cry. Back to square one...
I'd venture that she is a sadistic psychopath, not merely sanctimonious...
Meridien..they should be called pro forced birthers
I wonder if this woman was attacked, sustained crippling harm that permanently altered her future so she can no longer live her life as planned, I wonder if she would regard that as an "opportunity"
I predict there would be some r$ped 13 yr old's who would rather commit suicide, so they don't have to be forced to carry their rapist's child inside them for 9 months, then have to go through hours of Labor and sustaining birth-tearing, from pushing it out.
Yeah, her self-righteousness is pretty awful. "Yes, it's a terrible thing that happened to you, but here's how you need to be as a person." Said in her little, soft, male-pacifying voice.
"When cardiac activity can be detected". Given that an embryo at 6 weeks hasn't yet developed a heart, that's quite a trick.
Get out of women choice about their own body. It is not your choice u don’t carry those babies in ur body. Didn’t u have a mother too. All of u men came from a mother. Be gratiful.
Heart starts beating at 4 weeks.
How do u know how a woman feels just because you’re a woman you don’t know what it was like before Rowe way if you don’t know what it was like to have to go to Harlem by yourself being a white girl being very young so shut your mouth and you really don’t know what you’re talking about keep your opinions to yourself we’re tired of it
Thank god we have u.
@John Smith Search engines are free. Try using one.
Too many babies will suffer these ridiculous rules. I hope they sue the extremists causing this. Imagine all the fathers paying out all their income for their many kids. This is beyond stupidity. Religious nut-jobs for sure.
Difficult persuading rapists to pay child maintenance.
One would believe, the implications on society as a whole would be considered, prior to the enforcements of such restrictive laws. This makes it abundantly clear, they have no concern for children.
NO - THEY JUST DON'T PAY !! The courts THREATEN to jail them but NEVER DO. I lived this nightmare with 5 children and now these children being 50+ old adults think the sun rises and sets in the man. My struggles, putting them in private schools, keeping a roof over their heads, healing them through serious illnesses, etc. None of that counts for Chit now that Im in my 70's
Is she willing to take in these children in her home and take care of them. Love them and care for them when other people can't!
So it’s all about money to you us it?
@@anthonyhulse1248 the babykiller would rather buy a Gucci bag than care for her child
@@anthonyhulse1248 Don't see any mention of money in Blaire705's post, it's about love and care. If these politicians really feel the love and care they say these foetuses are entitled to, they should give some, not just compel others to do it against their will.
@@anthonyhulse1248 No, just one of many, many things.
@@Badgersj why do you use dehumanizing language to justify infanticide?
I can always spot a selfish Republican:
Always in other people’s business that are irrelevant to them.
Always exclusionary, never inclusionary.
Always complaining about somebody else while never actually solving problems.
Always protecting the wealthy.
At this point, I think you could probably leave out the word 'selfish,' since it's pretty much implied by default for Repugnicans now.
Someone in Congress needs to write a bill putting men's reproductive organ under control of the government. Males should be required by Federally Law to wear a chastity device from age 10 until married after the age of 30.
Vasectomy at puberty. Voluntary. Or admit that you are not pro life
@@judys5767 they made one a few years ago and then never brought it to market.. they know men are not going to pick up their own responsibility when they dumped it on women hundreds of years ago, also according to Pharma the side effects were more then men would bear... remember that when men complain that they should get a legal out of child support when they don’t want the kid but the mother does.
@@ys-kv3ug hey, your a fell off
Just chop off their Ds!! Pro lifers can be happy and women don't have to bear the consequences of these men.
Sure it’s an opportunity for All voters to pay higher taxes, fund more prisons, more convicts, more social services costs, higher crime rates, more homeless people, more children raised by adopting parents. This will cost society big time.
Precisely 👌🏽
There will be more serial killers, rapists, and other miscreants born that will be unleashed upon society!
No one takes that into account. We will also need more social workers, judges/magistrates, clerks, and therapists. And how about all of the medical workers for all of the women who do not receive prenatal care, the list goes on....
Nah, their care of life stops at anti abortion. After the child is born, good luck with child development.
@@tbooth7201 So true. Many poor women don’t have health insurance and therefore don’t always get prenatal care for the first trimester of pregnancy. So, they’re at an increased risk of infant health problems that they won’t be able to help with.
these are the people fighting to rule this country
That’s why they need to face a firing squad
@@CantHandleThisCanYa _ yup, use the gun fetishists obsession to advantage & save the legacy the Founding Fathers left us instead of surrendering to the g0p idol that wannabe czar 💀vlad💀putin ❗❓❗
and soon will. I suggest getting prepared for a civil war
It’s scary. But true
That's what my hubby keeps saying....."we're heading to civil war".
Hope the state doesn’t mind feeding all these unwanted babies once they make abortions illegal
Yes, if they're gonna force a woman to have a baby then they need to take financial responsibility.
Don't forget health, vision and dental care.
It won't stop abortion anyway go back to back Allie abortions again before roe!!!
State want do anything they say the women are lazy don't want to work. Most of the men want even pay child support.
Heck no. They want to force the children into poverty. They just want to CONTROL us.
I don't agree with "banning" abortions AT ALL as it's the government asserting control over womens' bodies, but if states are gonna "go there" then the states' taxpayers should be forced to cover the FULL cost of living for both that child and its mother until the child turns 18! In other words, sue the state for child support!
"no matter how YOUNG she is" this is scary stuff. Don't any of these people have daughters? Monsters!!!
They do but they'll always make an exception for their own kids by taking them out of state if they need an abortion
EW even if that poor girl is 10 or 11, no victim should have to suffer, this is deranged
Shades of 1980's Romania, this has long term consequences for the state and the people. History does repeat itself.
Exactly! I have used this argument myself!
@@j.c.5749 These law makers are the blind leading the deaf.
Adoption Agencies should camp out at these events with applications ready for each of these people to sign up for. Ask them how many will THEY adopt and What ailments of the child is their disqualified limits or will they open their hearts and homes to any and all. Will they foster a child? This is their go to solution but will they be willing to fund the solution or just kick it the curb for others to HANDLE?
You can't adopt if you're crazy.
I like your idea, but whether or not these loons would adopt should have no bearing on women's reproductive choices. I'm sick of all this medical fraud where politicians think they're doctors!
Good idea, but I would never give that woman a child..
Okay, this is a dark topic and of course the pregnancies would still take a massive toll, but just imagine seeing a dingbat like Ted Cruz give an interview in front of his home, while 655 kids he had to adopt from unwanted pregnancies just rampage on the lawn behind him xDD
@@icebergrose8955 You can't adopt if you are not religious. Most adoption agencies are managed by religious nuts.
Wonder if she would feel the same way if it were her daughter or granddaughter? Bet not.
Well off women and families will be able to go out-of -country to have an unwanted pregnancy "taken care of."
She could probably afford to have the problem taken care of by her doctor. Poor women don't have that luxury. Disgusting.
@@vitalsigns2679 maybe people should teach men morals and self-control.
For everyone against abortion; don't get one. See how easy that was?!!! Stop divorcing if you're that worried about your book, hypocrites!
Life is a human right until you are born. Then it’s all about gun rights.
Why are men deciding on laws regarding women's bodies? They don't become pregnant, give birth; they drop a load and keep on moving.
Women in those states should invest in a or a couple of really good vibritors and remember to " JUST SAY NO" to their spouses until this bill is overturned.
Well thought out and great delivery. I hope women take it to heart. I lost my spouse to cancer a year ago and she battled cancer for almost 3 years before endometrial cancer metastasized into her lungs. She didn’t marry me until she was 49.99 years old and I never had any children with my first wife but she was smart enough to know that we shouldn’t have children that late stage in life because of their medical complications mostly for the child that would probably have arisen. She was a teacher of the deaf very beautiful soul I love children so she didn’t need to have to bear any children of her own. I don’t think she ever had an abortion but she definitely believed in women’s right to choose and so do I.
It's not your body your choice anymore covid vaccines squashed all of that sorry 🤭
Yes, drop a load, like taking a dump.
@@fallingiguanas6015 you need a new line.
@@fallingiguanas6015 I'm pretty sure that no one has been held down and vaccinated. Some have had hard decisions about the vaccine, but they were given choices. No vaccination, no job. But they had choices.
Opportunity???? WTF???? This woman is a horror show.🤦♀️
Yeah, more unwanted kids! What could go wrong?
20 years from now we will have more men and women in the prison system. Poverty creates desperation, desperation creates criminals. A product of the system.
@@fuhgetabatit1051 my god when I turn 18 I’m out of this poor excuse of a country
We have a history of retraumatizing people after a traumatic event and calling it an opportunity. No it is not.
It's funny how they all want you to believe that an unborn child is a sacred thing...but then won't offer assist those same children and their mother they oh so cared about prior to their birth. Make, it make sense 🤷♂️??
I made the choice to become "fixed" when I was 20, after a medically-threatening (albeit accidental) pregnancy and subsequent abortion. The procedures were all performed separately, scheduled at the discretion of myself and my doctor. I was not pressured, nor stigmatized either fact, insurance footed most of the costs for all of it. Hard to believe now, but this was in Florida, too. I love kids, but I am happy being the favorite "choice" I've ever made.
Great story. you have a loving heart and it shows.
nice cope
Being the favorite aunt is the best! ❤️
Your situation is different than most women. I don't know where you live but in the USA, it's almost impossible for a young healthy female to get her tubes tied and forget about total hysterectomy. A woman has to be at least 25 and had at least three children and she has to have permission from her husband. I tried for years and my doctors all said nope.....real quick. My older sister had to fly to PR to get hers tubes tied. I had to have permission from my father, because I was not married, to have breast reduction. If not for my father I'd be carrying around 36 GGG's. We women need help in getting this problem solved.
@@shelbyonehalf yes, you are precisely correct. Truth be told, it was because he was a doctor who was about to retire from practice and had worked with my mother in surgery for many, many years.. that, and my newly diagnosed mental disorders (of which I knew I would be taking lifelong psychotropic medications, not conducive with full-term pregnancies), AND the great insurance through mom's work...these we're the only reasons I was able to have the procedure.. especially considering my young age, single status, and having no children of my own thus far. This was most assuredly a case of privileged access of care...but I promise you this, not a single day goes by in which I'm not fully appreciative. I just hope the more we talk about the shadowed nuances of a seemingly black and white topic (at least for the conservatives), then the more comprehensive our approach will become as a community to fully actuate and extend the services every woman has a right to receive...and deserves 🥰
Heartbeat is irrelevant. The very beginnings of our higher brain structures only start to appear between weeks 12 and 16. Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.
What you say is modern medical science. The life of the living woman outweighs the non-living.
If you want to be technical in legal terms, a woman who has been alive for the years she has been living,
outweighs any life that's still inside the womb.
Plus you can take a very small group of heart muscle cells and they will spontaneously start to pulse.......but there is no real 'heart-function' going on, no blood being pumped etc not even a single heart chamber formed.
But are these anti-abortion people really talking about physical viability or about the existence of a "soul"? I suspect the latter. And there is no proof of its existence, just wishful thinking and fairytales and countless speculative theories.
@@sharcon3891 I like your comment and would like to add a physical element to it. These anti-abortion people talk about abortion and birth, but do they advocate natural child-birth, when you can say babies born on pain-killers grow up with an affinity for drugs? If you want to talk about abortion in terms of modern medicine, talk about it as "god" intended it, a big part of their rationale.
@@judys5767 You seem to know a lot about one woman and her four children. Even if everything you say is true, at least it looks like they might stand a chance to have a healthy as life as possible. Do you drive a car? Everyone is paying for the roads you use. Do you use electricity? Everyone is paying for your hydro system. If I had your attitude I'd be angry about the water coming out of the taps.
I am not for abortion but USA attitude to lack of empathy for violated women and girls is frightening to me .
No abortion in southern states. But marrying a 12yr old, and incest are still legal.
"It is a shame that it happens but there is an opportunity for that woman no matter how *young* or old she is" Define "young" 20? 16? 11? How young are we talking? Anyone who believes a CHILD should be forced to go through the very dangerous state of pregnany and childbirth is sick in the head!!
Texas is so sick and mean. i don't know how people can live there.
well to start with they don't get killed by PP
@@jaylockwood5030 what is PP
@@veeli626 planned parenthood
Cuz it’s cheap but comes with a cost of ur a woman.
most women i know refuse to live there
For the GOP the point of the government is to force people to be like them. Nothing else matters.
Actually all these peoples making laws Can buy an abortion. Whenever they need it
Not really like them,controlled by them
That’s super sick! Maybe she should have an “opportunity” before she opens her big freaking mouth! Makes me 🤢 🤮
Yep .... let her experience the opportunity and see what she says after that.
@Tessmage Tessera Yeah she looks like a real winner w/ that Nazi ask look like the nurse that would help you into the gas chamber
@Tessmage Tessera A horrific nightmare to foist off on that poor child.
@@judys5767 They are pro-birthers, not pro-lifers. Once a child is born, they couild care less about that child or the mother.
@Tessmage Tessera good thing she’s like 100 years old
the "no matter how young" line made me sick to my stomach... does she have ANY clue how young someone can be and still get pregnant? Ovulation can start as young as 8, and on average does so at about 11 or 12 years old in the United States.
How is this woman from Ohio a elected official 🤔 she said she pro life how about the life of the 13 year girl.
What the shame is Schmidt is all the unwanted children already in the system that’s broken! How about you do something about them, before more unwanted children are added! Why not do something about the children getting shot in you’re broken school system? How about what happens between a doctor and patient has stuff all to do with anyone else, it’s none of your business.
I agree. I’ve worked with abused kids for decades and people aren’t exactly lining up to adopt them…..especially ones with disabilities.
Why is the system broken? Because they don't want to pay for it. It's broken because of them!
My God and you guys over there in the the states bang on about your so-called personal freedoms? Unbelievable!
@pittarak1 i walked to my car the other night in the cold dark rain, and it hit me. my country has sunk to a low i had never believed possible. as a US citizen, i’m ashamed. appalled. and terrified.
I was in jail in 2019. The TV was on; this dangerous debate over women's right to abortion was yet again airing. I was sitting with a pro-Trump 24-year-old drug addict. I turned to her and said, "Make it a priority in your life to assure this right to bodily autonomy is upheld for your fellow citizens; it is about to be destroyed and removed". She said, "Can't 'they' just use a coat hanger, or something?? Nuff said. I love her as a person, but because of her cluelessness I am more than ever grateful to have had two legal abortions because of birth control failure, 42 years ago. No children, no regrets. I worry for the future of women in this country, and virtually all of our rights that we have supposed were immutable.
Well said.
Wow, her level of ignorance of how painful and life-threatening using a coat hanger actually is, is mindboggling. Was she actually that dumb?
How about contraception
@@jerrybrown9544 for men? Great idea
I hope you were able to paint a picture of a coat hanger abortion for her. This is why we legalized abortion in the first place.
Here's the thing, I see every single anti-abortion argument as being based in Christianity. Coming from a Christian point of view. Most of the time is openly argued against using Christianity outright. Now I know this is gonna make some of y'all freak out but I thought we had a Constitutional Right to a freedom FROM religion. 1st. Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting or prohibiting any religion.
So why are they allowed to argue thusly?
Try and be respectful when you answer please. It's an honest question. From a lapsed Midwest Methodist.
Exactly. I myself would not chose abortion….BUT that is my choice. I do NOT have the right to make that decision for anyone else. I believe in God, but do not have the right to tell others they have to believe like I do or that they have to believe at all. It’s all fun and games when it’s going the way one believes, but what happens in 5 years when someone else comes into power and says you have to believe like they do.
It's pretty much the PERFECT question. Thank you for it!
@@shywhispers1 Yes, this is truly a "slippery slope" we're headed down.
They claim to be literal constitutionalists but ignore the freedom from religion is as important as freedom of religion.
I'm just here because you asked this question two months ago and there isn't a single response.
I’m very conservative and here is my thought: It’s none of my darn business what a woman does. This is between them and god.
Thank you so much for that ❤
We WILL Leave Them On Her/His Door Step, And He/She Can Have "The Pleasure AND Opportunity" To Raise Them, AND Provide Them With HEALTH CARE.
Health care. Love, sufficient food, shelter, clothing,books. Education. All those things the unwanted don't get.
Give birth in order to "...Give to someone else?..." So this women is making American women into a sweat shop factory? She is giving everyone a bright business export idea 🥵
Women need to stand up now, men too. We're in the majority here and have to make Roe v Wade permanent.
Perhaps Emilie Schmidt should be given that OPPORTUNITY.
Exactly 🤔
Did you see that dried up husk??? Nothing is coming out of that but dust. I seriously doubt anything wants to go in that for procreation.
The best option is to get her and like minded idiots out of any political office. Since Regan, Republicans have systematically tried to destroy human and civil rights gained by citizen from the New Deal until the 90's. They began stacking the courts with politicians instead of jurist and electing greedy, corporate influenced zealots.
This is why we should always check the stance of the candidates that would affect you and your community.
There are so many that run unopposed because of the retribution of neighbors and employers in Texass.
How out of touch with reality can some people be?
What gives men the right over our bodies!!!!
I support abortion,but you need men to make babies and is also his baby,I really didn't want to comment in this video,but seeing your ignorance I had too
@@LeoDas688 If we're talking about laws, then I agree with Sue. If you're talking about two people and their baby, then I agree, if possible, they should work together to decide what's best. I do not think you should call Sue's comment ignorance because you can't be sure which point she is making. You have made an assumption and you could be wrong.
Happens that it is men who seem to be legislating the rules!! Heard this on one of news reports, one state may be tracking your periods...far fetched, but at the rate they are making these laws ... wouldn't put it past them.....
Correction, What gives the government the right over our bodies!!!
Abortion is legal in Canada nation wide without restriction since 1982. The U.S. is number one crazy culture.
Yes, and it is getting worse by the day. Many of us used to be proud to be American. Now many of us are ashamed to be one.
Crazy religious politicians
Also adding here: there have been cases of girls as young as 6 or 7 becoming pregnant. Giving birth is not risk-free. In states who didn't expand Medicaid, maternal and infant mortality rates are higher than many developing countries. Horrible that anyone thinks this is OK. It's not.
even places that have banned abortion still have a clause that allows it due to medical complications and risks.
@@k333rl Well, maybe those babies should be transferred to YOUR uterus.
@@k333rl Some Republican proposed and recently passed state laws do NOT have such exceptions.
@@judithnelson1581 which ones?
@@k333rl Why don't you watch the friggin news and find out like we did brainiac?
These are the same people who don't want to pay to help take care of these children. Don't want food stamps and welfare. Also, there will be an increase in children going into the foster system, which is horrible.
Not an opportunity it's a unwanted responsibility. It is an assault.
I move that only four gun stores can be opened in all fifty states if they are going limit abortion clinics..
I don't agree w abortion but I agree with an individual's right to choose. However, the Supreme Court granted this right to women and now , coming back to take it away ...... Allowing laws now to pass , that violates women rights even before taking the same rights granted away from women.
@@judys5767 it's coming, Republicans are greedy
I suppose it would be too much to ask for that legislator from Ohio to actually read unbiased research into the consequences of making pregnant people carry to term when they are unable or unwilling to do so. While it's true that a significant number of people do bear some psychological or emotional scars from having to make the choice, most seem pretty satisfied that they did the right thing once they've made the choice.
I made the choice. And am glad I was able to decide for myself when I was just 20 yrs old and not really any longer with the father...
key word is choice- these laws take choice away
@@lauramcdowell8438 so you're saying you made successive bad choices...
Pregnant *women.
@@jaylockwood5030 . . . so . . . you're saying you've never made bad choices?
Why is it I have a hard time believing that?
How is this even legal? How is this even happening???
It isn't. Federal law is being ignored. When last I checked, federal law supersedes state laws.
If you are forced to have childern, should just drop off your unwanted kid at the governers office.
Despicable psychopaths. . .
EXCUSE ME but when Men start having Babies THen they can make the law but Not Until
@@vitalsigns2679 with you, zero.
That holy roller is sick.
Perhaps this woman should be required to try this 'opportunity' before pushing her bigotry onto others.
Yet still no stricter laws on the men that cause pregnancy. No tougher punishments for rapists. And no new programs or benefits to help raise or support mom or child.
she's talking about babies like it's fruit
just give it to someone that wants it
That's got to be one of the mist disgusting things I've ever heard
"An opportunity"? Yeah. An opportunity to decide to not contribute to overpopulation. That woman's a f*cking freak.
She’s a demon
People with money will always be able to get around abortion laws , they always have. This law is to penalize poor and working class women. Misogyny pure and simple.
EXACTLY. Well said!!
Guess the woman who has to carry has no right to the opportunities that were stolen from her when she was attacked.
This is so disgusting!!! 🤬
Trolls are out early on this on folks. I wonder who is paying these creeps?
@@vitalsigns2679 counting yours?
@@vitalsigns2679 wow an honest troll!
@Not Sure Are you looking for a better more pay?
I hear trump will pay if you get arrested.
If abortions become illegal, than those fathers should pay for food, shelter, housing of the child and mother with mandatory child support. The fathers are forcing women to carry, but then don't want to take care of their own kids when they come out the womb!! 😑
When your government says they represent you…but actually represents him.
At 6 weeks most women who don’t regularly perform pregnancy tests won’t know they’re pregnant. Being 2 weeks late on your period is not too unusual. The 6 week mark is pointless and the ‘heartbeat’ rule is arbitrary. Protect humans that have already been born and are living now.
It's not arbitrary. They purposely chose it because it was a convenient early thing to test for so that they could make the window of legal abortion options as narrow as possible.
Heartbeat doesn’t matter, fetuses are consius at 24-25 weeks old
Not to mention, how the heck is an 11 year old supposed to even know to take a pregnancy test???