13 Unwritten Rules of Flying (that you're probably breaking)

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 928

  • @thetravelcoaches
    @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +33

    Let me know if there are any unwritten rules that should be added to this list?? I am always looking for ways to be a better traveler. ❤

    • @seltexmx
      @seltexmx Год назад +2

      How do you handle being seated between or next too a very large person who spills over into your seat; do you speak to them or the flight attendant? Same question for being next to a person who truly smells foul. What are the PC rules here?

    • @sjones2370
      @sjones2370 Год назад +12

      Rule No. 14.....Don't hose yourself down with perfume while you're on the plane!!! This goes back to the "smelly hot food" rule. Many people are extremely sensitive to strong smells - you might think your perfume is nice, but it may make a fellow passenger very unwell!!

    • @DuncanMaddux
      @DuncanMaddux Год назад +2

      No farting on the plane because the air is thin up there?

    • @sambrown7706
      @sambrown7706 Год назад

      Gotta say you spoke a little about overhead space for bags. You forgot to tell people to keep there bag close! I don't know why I see this all the time. But you have an assigned seat/cargo area. Do not put your bag in another overhead compartment that is not above your head.

    • @morrisyarnell6083
      @morrisyarnell6083 Год назад +9

      I have been on European flights where the attendants control exiting. Row 1 through 7 on the left stand and exit row 1through 7 on the right side stand and exit and so on. Extremely simple and organized. Why is this not done on US flights? 9:58

  • @joaniebutler2792
    @joaniebutler2792 Год назад +253

    No hair over your seat into the person behind you space.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +8

      oh yeah that is really good one! Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @trishaeverton9592
      @trishaeverton9592 Год назад +29

      @@thetravelcoachesif I’m behind you you will find your hair closed up in my tray table.

    • @joe3eagles
      @joe3eagles Год назад +5

      Fully with you on exiting etiquette. Where it gets complicated is when the only space in the overhead bins is 3 or more seats behind you. In that situation, unless you parkour over the seats, you have to wait for the entire plane to exit before you can get back there.

    • @constitutionalrepublic1966
      @constitutionalrepublic1966 Год назад +11

      Bring small scissors

    • @nsofwawalklog
      @nsofwawalklog Год назад +1


  • @SunnySad1
    @SunnySad1 Год назад +212

    “You are not the priority.” This applies to every aspect of our lives. Could you imagine how polite our society would become?

    • @darthrubik8384
      @darthrubik8384 5 месяцев назад

      Philippians 2
      ³ Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
      ⁴ Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

  • @heidii.4024
    @heidii.4024 Год назад +245

    I’ve been on a few flights where the passengers with short connections deplaned first. This is announced before landing and people actually remained seated until those passengers were through the aisle. I was impressed!

    • @gcchair7634
      @gcchair7634 Год назад +8

      Yes most of the flights that I’ve had with connectors, before we land, as we land and when we’ve landed they announced it. Last summer our plane out of Philly was delayed because of weather. When we arrived in Germany we had a connecting flight to France they allowed our group off first. Luckily since there were 55 of us the plane waited for us because we were the majority of the passengers, but we had to board from the back. Nowadays with more Karens/Kevins I find it easier to ask them what makes the more important than anyone else, usually they back down. One thing you didn’t talk about was relaxing the seat back….Some people are so rude (I’m tall and people reclining always seems to be a point of contention.

    • @Prev_C
      @Prev_C Год назад

      I have gotten off with them bc I had to use the restroom

  • @abigailgerlach5443
    @abigailgerlach5443 Год назад +186

    Not bringing a meal from home is NOT an unwritten rule. The rule is don't bring stinky food from home. No sardines, no stinky vegetables, no potent cheeses.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +26

      That is a good point, no stinky food! It is better for everyone that way. Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @heidivanroekel5518
      @heidivanroekel5518 Год назад +36

      I agree, no stinky food. However some of us have no choice but to bring our own food. My daughter is celiac and planes and airports are really unpredictable with wether or not there will be anything she can eat.

    • @enibeni2071
      @enibeni2071 Год назад +18

      Exactly. Some people don't buy the menu because of economical, religious, medical...reasons.

    • @enibeni2071
      @enibeni2071 Год назад +7

      ​@@heidivanroekel5518 Also, even if they have a celiac menu, it may be risky when the travel is long. In the atlantic people are farer from everything

    • @ptaber7588
      @ptaber7588 Год назад +5

      Yes, I was surprised by this one. Why wouldn't plane food stink if pizza did? You must mean strong-scented food. And a 6 plus hour flight with no meal service would be boring. I love the videos where people bring really creative home prepared meals on the plane!

  • @frankieki
    @frankieki Год назад +95

    Deplaning is my biggest pet peeve!!! 100% without fail I feel like every flight I’ve been on there’s those people that are behind and try to beat others off the plane. They cut off other passengers who are sitting ahead of them. I think the solution to the problem stands with the flight crew! Deplanning etiquette is something that needs to be announce/instructed by the flight crew as part of their “flight instructions” before take -off and then again as we are landing!!!

    • @VyNguyen-qm5hm
      @VyNguyen-qm5hm Год назад +6

      Sometimes they have a tight layover and need to get off sooner, just saying.

    • @charisma-hornum-fries
      @charisma-hornum-fries Год назад +7

      ​@Vy Nguyen a sticker by the seat number would make it possible for the crew to get them off first. Everyone else should be seated until their row is called.

    • @frankieki
      @frankieki Год назад +10

      @@VyNguyen-qm5hm Again, instructions/direction need and should be presented and explained by the flight crew as everyone is waiting to depart, and again before landing (explaining with a list of people that need to be deplaning first and everyone remain sitting). In fact, if I was somebody that needed to be deplaning prior to everyone else because of a tight connecting flight, I would want it to be known, so that other people understand what’s going on and wouldn’t feel offended or upset that I am cutting other people (out of respect), it’s rude! just saying!

    • @jamused4502
      @jamused4502 Год назад +3

      I have done this once, but only because my bladder was about to burst and the on plane facility was no longer available :(

    • @keabu
      @keabu Год назад +1

      I stand up immediately when in an aisle seat because I'm 6'2" and need to stretch my legs. But i never move forward until it's my turn. Most times i can stand and stay in front of my seat, not the aisle.

  • @michelegibbs6398
    @michelegibbs6398 Год назад +77

    Last November, our first trip to London from Vancouver, my husband payed extra to choice the seats for both us . When we got in the airplane, there were 3 people sitting on our seats . We asked to see the boarding pass, and we showed ours , they just won’t even move !
    Then I got run to find someone to help when the aisle was full of people to get on plane.
    They just kept saying no English, and sitting there not moving .
    Finally , somehow 2 people move to somewhere , one still sit on my seat !
    The whole over 10 hours international flight, it was my biggest nightmare ever . Because they were there before us , they took all our overhead space, I was in the middle seat , my husband ‘s computer bag was under my feet , I put my feet on top of the bag . The guy sit in the aisle he lay on 1/2 my seat , with very strong body odor .
    Sitting there like in jail over 10 hours , only got up to use bathroom for 2 times . The worst experience I ever had !
    I am from Taiwan , have been on airplane so many times between Taiwan , Canada and US , never had so bad experience before.
    How come people can use no English to sit whatever they like on the airplane?
    My English is not good , either ,but I know that there are rules on the airplane need to obey .

    • @roamnrv
      @roamnrv Год назад +30

      If someone is in your ticketed seat, immediately find a flight attendant and show them your boarding pass with seat assignment while explaining the situation. They hold authority over you, and will make sure you get your assigned seats and have room for your belongings overhead. I’ve watch people being forced to remove their overhead luggage when they are relocated to own seat assignment.

    • @michelegibbs6398
      @michelegibbs6398 Год назад +2

      @@roamnrv I did , but this person won’t do anything 😂just keep saying no English .

    • @RobUKTH
      @RobUKTH Год назад +11

      @@michelegibbs6398 Frustrating situation. I would have been tempted to resort to good old Google Translate 😉

    • @koenven7012
      @koenven7012 Год назад +31

      @@michelegibbs6398 If the flight attendant can't solve it, ask to get the captain involved. They have the right to kick people off the plane. I'm sure that Mr. No English will move then.

    • @michelegibbs6398
      @michelegibbs6398 Год назад +8

      @@koenven7012 thank you for the tips, next time I will get the captain .😂

  • @nicetea4153
    @nicetea4153 Год назад +85

    This video should be played at the top of every flight. That you speak to the shared experience of the community of people on the flight, encouraging us all to let go of the self centering tendencies of airplane travelers, is exactly what needs to be said. Your tone was spot on, too. This is serious business. Great job.

  • @slove2646
    @slove2646 Год назад +127

    During the pandemic I flew with United and they required us to deplane from the front of the plane to the back, one row at a time. Surprisingly everyone cooperated and it was the fastest I’d ever seen a plane empty out.
    Personally I think a flight attendant should dismiss each row one at time like the Ushers do at church for communion 😊

    • @wendynielsen9991
      @wendynielsen9991 Год назад +10

      I wish there was more deplaning enforcement on every flight by the crew.

    • @KiKiQuiQuiKiKi
      @KiKiQuiQuiKiKi Год назад +4

      @jkirk1626I don’t know what you’re implying. Want to have a Day with a Teamster?

    • @patriciamartin6756
      @patriciamartin6756 Год назад +1

      Dear Slove. Yes , I think so too

    • @Chris-lc4bo
      @Chris-lc4bo Год назад +1

      @jkirk1626 has nothing to do with a Union worker and everything to do with people being in a rush. Not sure what your problem is with Union workers.

    • @salguodrolyat2594
      @salguodrolyat2594 9 месяцев назад

      THAT is the best idea.👍

  • @annc7550
    @annc7550 Год назад +63

    YES, YES!! We were on our way to China to adopt and our first flight was delayed so we were not sure we would make our connection. We spoke to the flight attendants. They asked everyone else to remain seated until we were able to deplane....We made sure we had all of our things gathered so we could quickly deplane and get out of everyone else's way!! We also profusely thanked the flight attendants and our fellow passengers. Everyone was super kind and considerate because we let them know up front!!

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +5

      I am glad you were able to get off the plane smoothly! Hope everything went well and thanks for sharing your experience!❤️

    • @nancykoo4156
      @nancykoo4156 Год назад +4

      congrats for your newly adopted child, such a long fly to China, especially often delayed, even United Airline, from Florida needs 24 hours on the airport . good luck !

  • @susanmeredith4957
    @susanmeredith4957 Год назад +34

    I think deplaning etiquette needs to be announced on flights!

    • @nvan78
      @nvan78 Год назад

      Absolutely boggles my mind how long it take folks to board planes and then deplane at their destination. lol

  • @instantkarmalr
    @instantkarmalr Год назад +93

    Thank you for mentioning not to wear heavy perfumes. As someone with fragrance allergies, I have experienced pretty uncomfortable allergic reactions in planes and airports because people doused themselves in perfume. My throat shouldn’t have to be raw for days because I got stuck next to someone wearing half a cologne bottle for seven hours.

    • @MomtoMrOreo
      @MomtoMrOreo Год назад +6

      I can actually gag as I'm allergic too. That's in addition to sneezing up to 15 times. Still carry a COVID mask now for that reason.

    • @isking1715
      @isking1715 Год назад +2

      If your allergy is severe just wear a face mask. Not pleasant but quite effective. I've seen people shower themselves in samples at duty free. This problem isn't going away.

    • @515aleon
      @515aleon Год назад +4

      YES! Same as not bringing smelly foods aboard but actually worse than that.

    • @jstephens2758
      @jstephens2758 Год назад +3

      Even worse are the people who feel the need to douse themselves with perfume or cologne or to use hair spray just before landing. I once had someone in front of me spraying her hair, totally unaware that she was also spritzing the entire row behind her with the stuff. When I told her about this, she became angry. And worse than that are those who feel their time on the plane is perfect for painting their nails. I haven't this lately, but it used to be a fairly frequent occurrence. The nail polish is particularly bad because the solvent, acetone, can disrupt the heart rhythm of susceptible individuals and is an extreme fire hazard.

    • @instantkarmalr
      @instantkarmalr Год назад +2

      @@jstephens2758 Oh, that’s so inconsiderate of her! And she had the audacity to get angry when you pointed it out!
      I’ve heard of people painting their nails on planes, too, and it boggles my mind. The fumes! The flammability! A flight is not the time for that

  • @monikaunterwegs7960
    @monikaunterwegs7960 Год назад +60

    Rule 14: be friendly to the staff. Well, it should be common sense, but a lot of time I saw people saying unfriendly things to the staff because they are forcing a rule (like measuring the luggage size).
    On my last flight from Amsterdam to Zürich I was really surprised: everyone waited his turn for the disembarkation!

    • @peteryvesclement364
      @peteryvesclement364 Год назад +5

      When flying with US carriers, you quickly realize that ‘being friendly’ doesn’t always go your way… Once in a while you do have to rattle some cages. Imagine paying premium for Business and still getting booted off… and you’re just on a first connection flight!

    • @snmr1318
      @snmr1318 6 месяцев назад

      was it polite Dutch or polite Swiss? :)

  • @terri.918
    @terri.918 Год назад +40

    Thank you so much for giving a shout out to the people sitting in the middle of 3 seats on an airplane! I was in the middle seat on a flight from London to Miami, my husband had the window seat and an extra large lady had the aisle seat. Her left arm was over the divider and on top of me during the whole trip. Plus she smelled bad so I wore a mask to cover it up. There was no solution to this problem so I watched 3 movies to try to take my mind off of it. I have nothing against large people, but as a middle seater I did feel squished. First world problems! The flight was fine so I am very thankful for that. Thanks for letting me vent!

    • @suejames3208
      @suejames3208 Год назад +4

      Nothing worse than being sat next to bad body odour!

    • @Mhel2023
      @Mhel2023 Год назад +2

      ​....and the source of the odor spilling over into your space makes it even worse

    • @glorgau
      @glorgau Год назад +2

      If people stink tell them. They might not know it.

  • @thedavidguy01
    @thedavidguy01 Год назад +153

    My biggest pet peeve is the overhead baggage problem that you explained. On every flight I see some people putting 2 or 3 things in the overhead while others can’t find room for their large bag. On my last flight (Delta Airlines), for the first time in my life, the flight attendants were enforcing the rules and making people remove smaller items from the overhead space. I was ecstatic!

    • @gina9171
      @gina9171 Год назад +13

      I paid for my seat, I am entitled to a spot in the overhead above my seat. If I want my coat or a briefcase or a simple backpack, that's my choice. Again I paid for it.

    • @robertzoufood
      @robertzoufood Год назад +16

      @@gina9171 You can, but that doesn't mean you should take away other people's rights to put their carry on in.

    • @sandybruce9092
      @sandybruce9092 Год назад +12

      I do not fly regularly (really very little) but the last time I did fly the flight attendants said not to put coats, etc. in the overhead bins but under your seat! Are people really getting more stupid by the day? Or just entitled?

    • @thedavidguy01
      @thedavidguy01 Год назад +10

      @@sandybruce9092 They are not getting more stupid. I take about 6 flights per year. On a recent flight I saw someone put up his carryon bag, backpack and coat immediately after the flight attendant announced that the flight was full and to make sure to leave space in the overhead bins. It’s always a minority of passengers but it seems to be growing.

    • @cecetrinh4825
      @cecetrinh4825 Год назад +7

      You’re right. I was actually on the plane yesterday and it was a completely full 5 hours flight. I saw this woman put her carry on and purse up there where it could easily fit another luggage and same goes for the man with his flat backpack in another overhead bin. Regardless of how many times the flight attendant addresses the issue that lead to late departure but none of them cares at all. Luckily this awesome attendant came and took the man backpack and shoved it in on top of the woman purse to make room for others. The man happened to sit right next to my left then said it was his and he looks embarrassed for refusing to comply. As for the woman all she said was “don’t put that nasty backpack on top of my purse”. The attendant responded with “do you want to remove your purse or should I?”then left it as that. The funny thing was that they both were on the aisle seats and side by side. 😂 Anyone in their right mind would want to keep their precious belongings with them at all times, right?!!!

  • @ginay4878
    @ginay4878 Год назад +28

    No personal hygiene in your seat. No nail cutting, especially toes! No brushing out your hair out right next to me! And keep your feet off the armrests of the people in front of you.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      I agree with this 100% doing that stuff in your seat is gross and should never be done haha. Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @lannifincoris6482
      @lannifincoris6482 Год назад +4

      And your hair in your seat, not behind you while covering the table/monitor of the person behind you.

    • @stacistein702
      @stacistein702 Год назад


  • @YouTuberMe68
    @YouTuberMe68 Год назад +8

    Be a decent parent, don't let your child kick the seat ahead of you

  • @carolynrichardson6446
    @carolynrichardson6446 Год назад +10

    When a man sits next to you and places his left leg under the seat in front of you when you are in the middle seat. Men sitting with legs open so wide they are in your space.

  • @ABirdWoman
    @ABirdWoman Год назад +55

    i always have a discussion with my row partners before we start the flight and ask permission to keep the window shade up or down, getting up to the bathroom, needing help with getting bags down. Amazingly this conversation gives all three of us a chance to express our preferences. And I will add that I’ve met some wonderful people on my many flights.

    • @mitchelllorens
      @mitchelllorens Год назад +2

      Fantastic respectful human interaction, I am a relatively new traveler and will adopt your strategy for a pleasant flight. Thank you for posting this 👍

  • @alfiegrace
    @alfiegrace Год назад +22

    I was on a Flight where deplaning was handled perfectly. The flight attendants announced which rows were to stand and exit. It was wonderful

  • @tanzanite8908
    @tanzanite8908 Год назад +27

    Unwritten rule: please do not apply perfume or cologne while on the plane.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      This is a great one! Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @americafirst6628
      @americafirst6628 Год назад


    • @miavos3610
      @miavos3610 Год назад

      ​@americafirst6628 that's what I did when some women in the seat in front of me started letting go of their unbelievably stinky gases. But when I got on the connecting flight the girl next to me was extremely allergic to perfume. So I had to go to the toilet to try and wash off most of the perfume. Poor girl suffered immensely. I just had to get rid of the perfume on my neck and wrists.

  • @mstallion98
    @mstallion98 Год назад +19

    During the pandemic I flew to and from Colombia on Avianca. They had a great deplaning system. First they announced how deplaning would go. Then they just called a few rows at a time starting with the front of the plane. The deplaning process was so organized and went so well it was amazing. Hats off to Avianca on this.

  • @DuncanMaddux
    @DuncanMaddux Год назад +25

    I found this interesting. I particularly liked the part about not cutting the queue and disrupting everyone's departure from the plane. Personally, I prefer to wait and be dead last rather than have people shove me and crawl all over me.

  • @cherylwellham3786
    @cherylwellham3786 Год назад +26

    This is something I can't understand and frustrates me ( not while on the plane), is waiting at the carousel for luggage. Everyone crowds close to the belt, making it so hard when you see your bag to access it. If people stood make a metre it would be so orderly.

    • @marcellef8302
      @marcellef8302 Год назад +3

      Yes! Then, you have to wedge yourself through the standing crowd to grab your luggage 🧳 before it moves out of reach. So frustrating 😒

    • @elizabethwarick3042
      @elizabethwarick3042 10 месяцев назад

      This drives me crazy. My husband does it too.

  • @carolwilson2713
    @carolwilson2713 Год назад +65

    I have to disagree with keeping the window shade down at night when others are trying to sleep. If light is a problem for someone an eye mask is always an option. Some people have claustrophobia issues and being able to look out the window might help.

    • @glorgau
      @glorgau Год назад +15

      That's why I always get a window seat - I like to examine the geography.

    • @vieiraft
      @vieiraft Год назад +3

      @@glorgau So as I. But I always look to the other people in the row and sometimes ask them if the light is annoying them. If yes, I close the shade with no problems.

    • @keabu
      @keabu Год назад +8

      I disagree on the window shade too. I'm not a frequently flyer and I chose a window seat to specifically for the window experience. I take pix and videos.

    • @mitchelllorens
      @mitchelllorens Год назад +2

      That’s a good point I hadn’t thought of. I think just touching base with your seat mates at the get-go is a nice touch and appreciated. Nice ice breaker 👍

    • @snikkerr1949
      @snikkerr1949 Год назад +3

      I do to…eye masks are a necessity if you want total darkness. But if I can’t sleep, I enjoy looking at the city lights below.

  • @lhirsch1
    @lhirsch1 Год назад +18

    I think it is fine to bring food on the plane. Meals are already served or sold on the plane.
    The issue is overly smelly food or drinks.

    • @Damianoutlaw
      @Damianoutlaw Год назад +4

      I fly Southwest. Because of their cattle car boarding process you have to be prepared to board the plane 30 minutes ahead of departure time if you are
      If it takes a long time to get your food this can make it to where you do not have time to eat in the food court, and have to eat on the plane.
      This is very true on the 6 am flights.

  • @loveslv6456
    @loveslv6456 Год назад +74

    Wonderful video! I agree with all of your rules and would like to add 3 more:
    1) Overhead bins - Use the overhead bin by your seat. I see people board the plane, put their baggage in the first overhead bin and then walk to their seat in the back of the plane. I also see people use the overhead bin across the aisle from their seat when the bin by their seat is empty.
    2) Backpacks - Big pet peeve. When boarding or deplaning, carry your backpack in front of you or hand carry it. So many times people carry their backpacks on their back and when they turn around to talk to their friends, they hit people sitting with the backpacks.
    3) Carry on luggage - If you can’t lift your own carry on luggage to put it in the overhead bin, check it in. So many times I see people asking for help to lift their bags into the overhead bin. It’s no one’s responsibility but your own to carry your luggage.

    • @stevedavis3527
      @stevedavis3527 Год назад +3

      I totally agree with all these points. I always carry my backpack by hand. I see people all the time trying to get their backpack off when they get to their seat. In addition, they almost always have to remove the backpack while standing in the isle. This causes additional delays. I know I'm going to hell, but I will not assist anyone who can not lift their carryon into a bin.

    • @jstephens2758
      @jstephens2758 Год назад +12

      I think it would be kind to give some consideration to older individuals or those with disabilities and help them lift bags into the overhead bin. I had injured my arm and numerous people offered to help me and it was most appreciated. My experiences with checking bags is that they are often delayed, lost or damaged.

    • @patric5076
      @patric5076 Год назад +7

      How about short people that have difficulty reaching the overhead bin? I'm strong but I can't reach the freaking overhead bin😅

    • @patric5076
      @patric5076 Год назад +8

      I hope you would help me. I'm a petite female and although I'm strong I can't reach the freaking overhead bin😅. If you help someone, maybe one day someone will help your mom😊

    • @MsCara99
      @MsCara99 Год назад +4

      ​@@jstephens2758Exactly. My mom travels with medical equipment that is supposed to go with her as a carry-on. If the airlines lost it, it would be a significant expense to replace it, plus she wouldn't have it to use that day. I'd like to think that someone would be kind enough to help her with her bag if she needed it.

  • @kingcrab750
    @kingcrab750 Год назад +7

    What irriates me more than anything is people not taking control of their small kids when they constantly kick the back of my seat.

  • @annebodee
    @annebodee Год назад +49

    I agree with hating how everyone jumps out of their seats as soon as the plane stops. I just sit there and wait till the free-for-all ends and things are calmer.

    • @sandybruce9092
      @sandybruce9092 Год назад +1

      Yes! I do the same thing! It’s like a herd of buffalos waiting to get to the waterhole first (with pardons to Buffalo!)

    • @vgvlogs4182
      @vgvlogs4182 Год назад +4

      Same I just sit still and relax while everyone is standing waiting to get off the plane and crowded and chaos. Then when most people are gone I stand up and get my things and walk calmly off the plane without anyone in my way. Then stand with the very same people that were in so much hurry at the baggage claim 😂 they gained NOTHING!

    • @koenven7012
      @koenven7012 Год назад +1

      I sometimes stand but that's more to get my blood flowing than to stand in the way (I often just stand leaning on my seat), especially after a 14 hour flight with lots of turbulence (and seatbelt signs on).

    • @jenniferenjaian4029
      @jenniferenjaian4029 Год назад +4

      As someone who always sits on the aisle and always gets up when first possible, I would like to point out that there are reasons for this. One, my body needs to elongate and stretch after flights, even short ones, after sitting in the fairly cramped position. Two, getting up into the aisle helps me retrieve my bag and the bag of my travel companion so that others behind us do not have to wait for us when it's time for our row to go. This helps significantly when it comes to making connecting flights.

    • @annebodee
      @annebodee Год назад +1

      @@jenniferenjaian4029 As long as people take turns. There's no reason for everyone to jump up and get their bags when you know full well you're not really going to be moving. I flew on Southwest recently and it was much more orderly. I also don't bring a carryon except for my bag I put under the seat in front of me . With Southwest you can check two bags for free so I checked my bag and just brought my tote on board.

  • @nicolasdupont6663
    @nicolasdupont6663 Год назад +15

    Hello, you’re so right! Selfishness is the cancer of our world. Me, my wellbeing, no matter how the people around me feel… Those rules are so obvious, but seldom told. Especially on long flights when you have to spend hours with people we don’t choose. Everybody who’s about to fly, should view this video. Thanks a lot!

  • @lindaodd9681
    @lindaodd9681 Год назад +31

    Thank you for reassuring me about the middle seat having both arm rests! I recently flew Edinburgh to Barcelona & was in the middle both ways. I mentioned to a fellow traveller the etiquette re armrests and they were not impressed 🥶 now I can say it firmly with confidence! Cheers 👏🏼🇬🇧

    • @JLN_SNE
      @JLN_SNE Год назад +3

      He's just a bloke with a youtube chanel providing his opinions. Sorry you'll have to share those armrests 😏

  • @anitarichmond8930
    @anitarichmond8930 Год назад +6

    When exiting the plane I like to say a word of thanks & farewell to the pilot as well as the flight staff, for a job well done. 👍

  • @christinapennell5073
    @christinapennell5073 Год назад +8

    totally agree with not wearing fragrances, as an RN forth over 36 years we were not allowed to wear fragrances (that means highly fragrant hair products as well. Could either bother our co-workers or our patients and family members:)

  • @craftingwithjean5599
    @craftingwithjean5599 Год назад +11

    We live in a “Me First” society that’s why everyone wants to stand to get off as soon as the plane lands. I usually stay in my seat until the aisles are less congested, unless having a quick connecting flight.

    • @tuleshshah1565
      @tuleshshah1565 Год назад

      I do the same. No point in getting stressed waiting in the blocked Isles with dozens of passengers in front trying to get off. They will still have to wait at the baggage carousel waiting for their luggage to arrive ! They have NO choice except feel frustrated.

  • @bradfordpatterson8770
    @bradfordpatterson8770 Год назад +4

    You sir are living in a dream world. The middle seat gets both armrests? Maybe in some cases. I've shared armrests; one person tucked and the other using the outer section. Trading back and forth sometimes happens as well. And no one stands before the row in front of them deplanes? I usually take a isle seat. Its part of the isle seat benefits to stand after a long flight. I stand beside my seat and remove any stowed bags from overhead bins. I've never heard a discouraging word or gotten an evil glance. It also creates room in your row for your seatmates to spread out a bit. It also stop the leapers from rows behind you going up the isle ahead of their row.

  • @WhereIsDustin
    @WhereIsDustin Год назад +3

    Nice video. I just came back from Spain and Germany. A British family sitting behind me, the mother with teenage kids talked loud, ate their McDonalds, and thought they were the entertainment on the plane, had no idea how rude they were.

  • @michellelucas6209
    @michellelucas6209 Год назад +8

    "You are not the priorty" is a great unwritten rule that many people need to learn in general along with "It's not about you"

  • @beachlvr5812
    @beachlvr5812 Год назад +12

    Totally agree that #12 is the most important and most frustrating! Flying when covid was predominant. it was really great when the attendants on many flights were having us stay seated and they would deplane us by rows. It was so perfectly quick and organized. No more backpacks and purses slamming into my head for 20 minutes while I remain seated in my isle seat…But….that was short lived. Not sure why they didn’t keep that because it was clearly the best!

  • @TheGrumpyAngelPR
    @TheGrumpyAngelPR Год назад +7

    I was on a plane where the flight attendants controlled everyone super efficiently by informing us before landing to remain seated and not get up and clog the aisle. It was beautiful and made me want to cry 😢

  • @stacistein702
    @stacistein702 Год назад +34

    Preach!! OMG, the disembarking process needs to be announced on the loud speaker. For some reason, I've noticed budget airlines and international flights have the worst unloading issues. Maybe it's a cultural thing, or people aren't used to flying very often. I disagree about the window being closed, though. I have severe flight anxiety, and I must be able to see outside in case our plane is about to crash. Crazy, but it helps to calm me down.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +7

      Thanks for sharing your experience about the window, that is something I have never thought about before and will give me something to think about going forward❤️

    • @marcellef8302
      @marcellef8302 Год назад

      I agree with all your points.

  • @andreaelizabeth5494
    @andreaelizabeth5494 Год назад +11

    I don’t mind the standing upon landing but should still exit row by row

  • @markjlewis
    @markjlewis Год назад +20

    I remember a KLM flight that I did over night from Amman (Jordan) to Amsterdam in business class. There was a guy in a mid isle seat that seemed to spend the entire flight reading a newspaper using the overhead light. The noise of him turning the pages plus the fact that he angled the newspaper in such a way that the light was reflected straight at me. I hate overnight flights as it is but by the time we landed I could have quite easily given the guy a knuckle sandwich. So I would add newspapers to your list.

    • @labtechsuperstar
      @labtechsuperstar Год назад +7

      Did you not get an amenity kit in biz class? Those kits usually come with an eye/sleep mask. Whenever I fly J, I always use that mask because even if people don't use their overhead light, there is light from the IFE screens.

    • @markjlewis
      @markjlewis Год назад +3

      @@labtechsuperstar yes I did but even using the supplied earplugs and eysmask it still kept me awake.

    • @labtechsuperstar
      @labtechsuperstar Год назад +1

      @@markjlewis I'm sorry that happened to you.

    • @glorgau
      @glorgau Год назад +1

      Did you teach him how to do the "commuter fold". It was de rigueur back in the day on trains or subways.

    • @markjlewis
      @markjlewis 11 месяцев назад

      @@ildar5184 did I say that he did? It was very annoying but I did the typical British thing by tutting to myself!

  • @petercraw8188
    @petercraw8188 Год назад +13


  • @hmubtakir
    @hmubtakir Год назад +12

    I have been blessed to travel frequently over the years. These points you have raised are so true. If we can also get a bit of grip on our ego and be considerate to others

  • @conniekershaw4412
    @conniekershaw4412 Год назад +37

    I also stand up as soon as the plane stops. I have restless leg syndrome and bad knees. I need to move in a way not possible sitting. I don't move from my row and will get others bags down. Sometimes we are too quick to judge. We don't know with what issues others are struggling.

    • @Damianoutlaw
      @Damianoutlaw Год назад +10

      One of the reasons I like to sit aisle is so that I can stand up immediately when the plane lands.
      I typically have to stretch and move my limbs.
      I never move ahead of the row in front of me when exiting the plane.

    • @barbarahansen5353
      @barbarahansen5353 Год назад +3


    • @Mhel2023
      @Mhel2023 Год назад +2

      Thus the log jams will never end. Everyone seems to have special circumstances, which means no one does. If you've sat for 3 hours, what's 10 minutes more?

    • @Damianoutlaw
      @Damianoutlaw Год назад +3

      @@Mhel2023 who cares? Are you the airline police?

    • @YouTuberMe68
      @YouTuberMe68 Год назад +1

      Move a lot an hr before landing and stop getting in people's way.

  • @alishak4061
    @alishak4061 Год назад +4

    As a flight attendant I approve of this message!

  • @lindah.1104
    @lindah.1104 Год назад +4

    I flew from Texas to Colorado in a middle seat between two strangers. The men on either side used both arm rest. I had none the whole flight! I am over 70 now, and will speak up if this happens again!

    • @snmr1318
      @snmr1318 6 месяцев назад

      how long was that, like 15 minutes?

  • @Sihle173
    @Sihle173 Год назад +47

    Here's another rule, be patient with babies; they're not being intentionally obnoxious & if you're being equally obnoxious, you might even make their situation worse.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +5

      Yes, I can imagine being a parent while traveling is already hard enough, you don't need other people making it harder. Thanks for sharing.❤️

    • @abouahmedfamilyadventures
      @abouahmedfamilyadventures Год назад +5

      This is really true we had a very long flight and with us is our 4 and 6 years old children. The person front of our seat asked if those are our children and he sarcastically said “ make sure your children will not make noise , because Iam really tired “. Duhh we are tired too … so our children slept the entire flight … When it’s time to get out … me and my husband asked him in sarcastic way too “Happy ? Well rested ?” With rolling eyes 😂

    • @Sihle173
      @Sihle173 Год назад +2

      @@abouahmedfamilyadventures If you can't afford a private jet, you just ought to deal with the problems of traveling with the masses 😂😂😂

    • @isking1715
      @isking1715 Год назад +3

      I've spent many a flight playing peek boo with a toddler in the row in front. I don't understand people with no patience. Eye mask, quality ear plugs and block everyone else out if you're that bothered.

    • @koenven7012
      @koenven7012 Год назад +2

      @@isking1715 normally you are right. But I've had a flight where two kids were running up and down the aisle yelling at each other (which I could hear very well through the earplugs) while the parents were sleeping (or at least pretending to). I do understand that flying with children is difficult, but as a parent you're still responsible for your children and it's parents like that that make that everybody rolls their eyes as soon as a child comes onto the plane.

  • @Mr.DJones
    @Mr.DJones 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for your time and posting. I have 40 years in customer service/hospitality. You can throw almost all these unwritten rules out the window for 30% to 50% of the customers. 40/50 years ago, it was 5% - 10%. That percentage now could care less about you, me, the flight attendant. It is all about them! I see it daily in how people drive, shop, walk in a mall, etc. The days are over for people being courteous to others, especially Americans. But yes, there are literally the few who are courteous still. Here's an example. In those 40 years of CS, only three customers said, "May I please have" and "Thank you very much". Two of them were kids.

  • @AlicePhillips-jc7hr
    @AlicePhillips-jc7hr Год назад +10

    Loved this list! You have listed so eloquently the things that frustrates me so much about air travel. Thank you.

  • @ganymedes62
    @ganymedes62 Год назад +13

    These aren't rules, they're common sense, at least to me 🙂 Too many people don't consider delays when they plan their connecting flights. Don't be stupid and think you can get to a connecting flight within 30 minutes after landing! I always make sure I have plenty of time, so I don't care if I'm the last person to get off the plane.
    I love my aisle seats, but I do know it comes with the responsibility of getting up for the person(s) sitting next to me, that's common courtesy.
    I'll give you rule #14: If the flight attendant can't reach far enough to give a fellow passenger his / her drink or food, be helpfull and pass it along! They're just as thirsty / hungry as you are and it'll only cost you a couple of seconds of your time.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +1

      Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @Star-Boarder
      @Star-Boarder Год назад +3

      I agree on allowing time between connections. I have a minimum 2 hour rule if possible and I get an aisle seat closer to the front. I start prepping for we land so that when we get to the gate, I can deboard faster without holding up those behind me.

    • @Reed-2big
      @Reed-2big Год назад +1

      I recent had a almost 4 hour connection which required passport control etc. The airport didn’t have enough wheelchair assistance and carts, and some weren’t allowed in certain areas, like passport control anyway. It took me 3 hours to change gates! And yes, we also landed late but made up some of the late take off. Then that flight was delayed first by late luggage delivery and then trying to find my wheelchair they had taken off even though it was check through. They had the same 3 hours I had to get it to the plane! Fortunately the pilot held the flight to get the priority “luggage”! I didn’t like that the plane had to be held but they weren’t going to be able to assist me ith mobility without waiting!

  • @patriciasinclair3210
    @patriciasinclair3210 Год назад +3

    I love your video, it has great unwritten rules. A few extra i can think of is the crew talking loudly when taking a break. One time on the plane we were seated at the back and the crew behind us in the galley never shut up! They talked and laughed so loudly i could hear them over my earphones. Another peeve is the seat recliner. On one longhaul flight i had a man behind me kicking the seat and pushing it because i had reclined it to take a nap. The flight attendant refused to do anything and i had to spend the whole flight sat up., and don't get me started on ladies with long hair who like to flick it behind them over the seat, or play around with it to put up in a ponytail, or whatever. And what about the couples who like to let their children stand on the seat in front of you , facing you looking over the seat, and try and make you play with them. Sigh , I guess we all have to be extra considerate of others, all the time , not just when flying.

  • @lauraday3163
    @lauraday3163 Год назад +1

    Deplaning! That drives me nuts too! But after a long flight, I just really want to stand up and stretch.

  • @ronalddobis6782
    @ronalddobis6782 Год назад +8

    Sorry dude. I bought a window seat to look out the window. I am not closing the shade because someone else thought they were booking a hotel room.

    • @cazgreene3055
      @cazgreene3055 Год назад +1

      I agree - people who want full dark can wear eyemasks.

  • @missosmommy
    @missosmommy Год назад +9

    Don't paint your nails or remove your nail polish on the plane. Don't watch porn on your device. Don't apply perfume or cologne on the plane.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      I feel like these should go without saying haha

    • @missosmommy
      @missosmommy Год назад

      @@thetravelcoaches - You would think, right? I've had 3 incidences of sitting next to guys watching porn on their phones during a flight. 😳

    • @tinybrownin
      @tinybrownin Год назад

      @@missosmommy OMG 😳 😮 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @missosmommy
      @missosmommy Год назад

      @@tinybrownin - EXACTLY! And I had my daughter with my in the row on one occasion. She was 8!

  • @tvnursechick6951
    @tvnursechick6951 Год назад +5

    As someone who flies 2-4 times a week, this covered ALL of my pet peeves. I've had the misfortune of experiencing every one of these broken unwritten rules, and it seems to be getting worse lately with people not using headphones and people jumping up and blocking the people in front of them upon landing trying to exit. I wonder why the FAs don't include that in the instructions. 🤔It seems easy to incorporate right after they tell us to keep our seat belts on until the captain turns off the sign. I've witnessed 2 loud arguments and a physical altercation over this issue.

  • @PatriciaAccattato
    @PatriciaAccattato Год назад +2

    Some people (more than likely in the older range) that may have problems moving may need to stand to get their muscles working BEFORE they move down the aisle to get off.

  • @SeaNicStudios
    @SeaNicStudios 11 месяцев назад +2

    Amen to #4!!! I just had two flights and told the people in the middle they get both armrests. Both people were surprised at this news so I asked them to pass it on.

  • @susana.2631
    @susana.2631 Год назад +21

    Please please please put your seat forward when they serve meals so the person behind you has enough room to actually reach their food. Unless you’re in first class, there’s very little room even when the seat is up. Thank you!! Also, if you’re sitting forward reading a book, put your seat up so the person behind you can have a little more stretching room. 😁👍
    And if you want to be super polite, maybe ask the person behind you or at least let them know that you’re putting your seat back. 😊

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +2

      Those are great things to think about, and thanks for sharing❤️

    • @ksw8415
      @ksw8415 Год назад +1

      Why the airlines’ seats to recline more than two inches is beyond me. Very irritating!

    • @susana.2631
      @susana.2631 Год назад +2

      @@ksw8415 well, it seems to me they can’t recline more than 2 inches because you’ll be sitting in the persons lap behind you.😆😆

    • @MARCOZG3B
      @MARCOZG3B Год назад +2

      Thank you! This is what irritates me the most when flying.

  • @Star-Boarder
    @Star-Boarder Год назад +4

    Talking to people, oversharing,
    Pushing back your seat during food service or so hard that the persons drink splashes, performing hygiene that should be done prior, after or in the bathroom, kissing your lover, letting your kids misbehave, trashing your area, whining when there is a problem at the gate or on the tarmac (everyone is suffering too, so hush), talking to your friends, family who are in another row, trying to get someone else into the tantrum that you are throwing to agree with you, not using headphones or earbuds, using your inflight touch screen as a punching bag, taking your sweet time in the small bathroom, not being prepared to deboard or onboard -organize before so that you can get seated or grab your carryon faster, not cleaning your hands before you touch something- sticky bathroom doors

  • @c80lan
    @c80lan Год назад +8

    We’ve also had problems when boarding a plane. One time we flew and happened to have priority boarding. There were so many people waiting in the space/aisle where you walked up to give the agent your boarding pass that we had to push and shove people out of our way to get there to board at what was rightfully our time to board.

    • @HaruMommi
      @HaruMommi Год назад +1

      Yes! I always think twice about paying for priority boarding. Honestly, this shouldn't even be a perk if they won't hold people to it!

    • @robindelp1135
      @robindelp1135 Год назад

      I have flown first class, business, and occasionally economy. Always curious why it is so important to board first, Not trying to be rude, but we all are leaving at the same time right?

  • @athletixbc
    @athletixbc Год назад +22

    I have broken the bringing hot food on the plane "rule" once, with the flight attendant's permission. I was a bit pressed for time for a connecting flight because my inbound flight was delayed by almost 6 hours. My family was hungry and we stopped at a McDonalds in the terminal, thinking we would have our food in 5-10 minutes and have 10-15 minutes to eat it before boarding. Well, the McDonalds took almost 25-30 minutes to get us our food, and just as they handed it to me, the boarding call for our flight came over the loudspeaker. We ran to our gate and aked the flight attendant if we could eat this on board the plane since the resto was very slow giving it to us and we hadn't had a chance to eat it yet. She said yes, no problem, and thank you for asking before doing because most people just try to sneak it.

    • @sandybruce9092
      @sandybruce9092 Год назад +6

      Hot food is not a problem - it’s the pungent food that is. You are just fine with taking McD’s onboard!

    • @NanaGram
      @NanaGram Год назад +3

      Sorry, but I disagree. I do not see this as a problem or dis-courtesy in any manner. There were flights at meal times, where I would have liked to been able to provide for my family with a bag of burgers too.

  • @sineadsmyth846
    @sineadsmyth846 Год назад +14

    Honestly if you are not on the window seat and want darkness, bring an eye mask. If I’ve chosen and paid for a window seat, I should get to look out it if I want 🤷‍♀️

    • @bourgeoise2
      @bourgeoise2 Год назад +3

      💯 That’s what I said!!! I agree!

  • @clairej370
    @clairej370 Год назад +2

    As someone with a physical handicap, I try to purchase the row with extra leg room. That row isn't for you to stand in while boarding or deboarding the plane. Also, be considerate of everyone as you board the plane. Don't swing your luggage around, especially backpacks when wearing them. On a flight last year about 6 weeks after a leg surgery, I was in the front seat for the extra leg room. Unfortunately, my leg was kicked or knocked into by kids and luggae 5x before the flight was completely boarded. I was in tears. Thankfully, I had filled my water bottle after TSA and had pain pills at the ready. And the flight attendant waited for me to take my pills before stowing my bag for take-off. We all just need to be more mindful of ourselves (and family) so the flight is enjoyable for everyone.

  • @joseph-ge5om
    @joseph-ge5om Год назад +1

    Loved your rules, especially the feet i have seen people put naked feet in the slot of the seat in front actually touching the person sitting in that seat I prefer
    an Isl seat because I am old and Go more often but Knowing how to raise the armrest does help
    Another thing people forget is they want to get out faster But if they have baggage in the Hold it will take a while to get to the carousel and if you got there early and deposited your bags early they are the last to be Unloaded I was last of a Jumbo from Hong kong to London arrived at baggage collection and the Carousel went around twice before my bag arrived

  • @alicer5660
    @alicer5660 Год назад +5

    I would add: When you are not feeling well (and especially when you are coughing), wear a mask. Like you would expect, that covid teached people something, but obviously it is not the case :(

  • @1smallasian
    @1smallasian 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for bringing solutions!

  • @MaryRLB
    @MaryRLB Год назад +6

    You missed the unwritten rule of not clipping your toenails on a flight. In over 40 years of flying I've encountered this about 20 times. The last time was on a flight to Amsterdam and the guy was sitting right behind me. It was disgusting.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад +1

      wow i have never seen this! but thanks for sharing❤️

  • @taturpin
    @taturpin Год назад +1

    I disagree about not bringing hot food on flights. Airlines no longer serve hot meals to the main cabin and snack foods don’t cut it. I do agree that refraining from bringing stinky foods is a common courtesy.

  • @roxannefindlay8742
    @roxannefindlay8742 Год назад +3

    I appreciate the flight crew and how hard they work . Be KIND. I do have the privilege of flying business class for most of my flights. But I am here to tell ignorance is everywhere.

  • @jamescarpenter4322
    @jamescarpenter4322 10 месяцев назад

    Great info like the way you broke down the unwritten rules 😊

  • @janeyfarber764
    @janeyfarber764 Год назад +21

    I admit that, when I have an aisle seat, I stand up right away. But totally agree on the waiting for people in front to go first

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      Haha we have all done it!!❤️❤️ thanks for watching

    • @Star-Boarder
      @Star-Boarder Год назад +5

      When the seat belt light goes off, I think the aisle seat is fair game. As long as there is some respect for the aisle seat across from you. Usually I pack up everything before decending so all I need to do is grab my carryon.

    • @SUSANREYNOLDS-dn3ob
      @SUSANREYNOLDS-dn3ob Год назад

      @@thetravelcoaches Yep!

  • @Dgiaco1991
    @Dgiaco1991 Год назад +2

    All of the traveltubers say the same thing about overhead bin space and I disagree. I could bring my carry-on sized roller on board, but I often check it and put my small backpack overhead so I have more space for my feet. Everyone gets to put one item up there.

  • @ReachTim
    @ReachTim Год назад +2

    Nice vid. I agree with all your rules with the exception of bringing food on the plane. When flights now serve you a 2 oz mini package of peanuts during mealtime, yes, it's okay to bring a sandwich with you....

  • @Undrave
    @Undrave Год назад +2

    A lot of modern plane have liquid crystal shades now that can be centrally controlled to simulate night. Last time I flew back from Japan I thought it was total dark night all along until I saw the sun through the shade and realized they had put us in night mode.

  • @saracollins2377
    @saracollins2377 7 месяцев назад

    I was recently on a flight with Vueling from London Gatwick to Rome and the deboarding procedure was very efficient. They allowed 5 rows off at a time, then the next 5 rows and so on. Nobody complained or moaned and it was a very pleasant experience

  • @ahsad1
    @ahsad1 Год назад +3

    i haven't had long flights yet but im curious why should we keep the windows shut in the night if there are no lights in the night, just black sky?

  • @joseph-ge5om
    @joseph-ge5om Год назад +1

    I am one of these Travelers who arrives early and Goes desk deposits my hold baggage and goes Directly to the security check-in and goes directly to my gate i Get a coffee snack and watch the TV no Rush and No Panic

  • @jimray2281
    @jimray2281 Год назад +6

    I had a large gentleman sitting behind me on the aisle and he would grab my seat back to assist himself in getting up (which was often) - pretty annoying

  • @belle_lover
    @belle_lover Год назад +1

    Whenever I fly, if people in the row before me haven't gotten a chance to deplane but I'm ready to go, I offer to let them go first. Most of the time they are thankful I'm not rushing out and willing to follow that etiquette, and they will let us know if they are willing to wait or in even less a hurry. My mom also does this and I learned it from her. It all comes down to basic respect for others, which I always try to be aware of anytime I'm traveling.

  • @SandraHof
    @SandraHof Год назад +1

    I have flown a lot in my 68 years. I make transatlantic flights at least once a year and shorter flights in between, especially since my move to Poland 10 years ago. On the transatlantic flights, I never put my seat back back. I feel it is common courtesy in economy class not to put it back. Invariably though, I always seem to get the person in front of me who puts their seat back all the way back. I have to get up often during long flights. I make sure they are very aware when I am getting up.

    • @CaliforniaSunshineGirl
      @CaliforniaSunshineGirl Год назад +1

      Sandra, please do not be ungracious to your fellow passengers. The space into which the seat in front of you reclines is not your space but rather the space of the passenger ahead of you. Similarly, the space into which you might recline is yours. Reclining is allowed by the airline for a reason. So do not feel entitled to exact revenge by pulling on the seat in front of you when you need to “get up often”. Be an adult. Use your own seat back to support yourself when exiting your row. Thank you.

  • @bernabadenhorst
    @bernabadenhorst Год назад +8

    Ask before reclining or reclining SLOWLY! Have had my knees busted up more than once by people slamming their seats back. Agree on no. 12! I always remain seated

  • @jamespopp6324
    @jamespopp6324 Год назад +2

    all planes should load rear seats first then forward seats and unload forward to aft. why this is not done is very annoying. Also, please use the bathroom in the terminal before boarding.

  • @BruceG2009
    @BruceG2009 Год назад +3

    A point of courtesy towards your flight attendants, when they come around collecting trash, give it up. I’ve had occasion to fly internationally three times in the last month. As I exited the plane I just couldn’t believe the trash at the seats. In some cases the flight attendants themselves are tasked with cleaning the plane. My most recent flight was delayed because the cleaners needed extra time to clean the Airbus A-340.

    • @robertahardy2295
      @robertahardy2295 Год назад

      I find it takes sharp attention to catch the attendants as they streak by with the garbage bag. I often have to call out to them as they pass. That could be one reason you see so much trash in the seats. I’m short, and I can’t see far ahead of me as they’re coming down the aisle. They’re just suddenly there and whizzing past.

  • @melissamcconnell5002
    @melissamcconnell5002 5 месяцев назад

    I love your Half Dome shot in the back! My home away from home!

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  5 месяцев назад +1

      We love Yosemite! Glad to noticed. For Meg and I we did your first every backpacking trip together in Yosemite National Park.

    @SUSANREYNOLDS-dn3ob Год назад +4

    I buy first class because I am very tall and have long legs. It is not that I feel so elite but I did pay a lot more than economy so don't sit back there and come up to the front bathroom. Don't put your bags in first class overhead bins so I have to check my carry on. Flight attendants could be a bit more helpful managing this.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      Thanks for sharing❤️

    • @thekirksiffs5285
      @thekirksiffs5285 Год назад

      First class boards early on, so there should still be plenty of space in the overheads. We always fly with Alaska and in first the FA keep watch to be sure that the overhead bis are kept for first class travelers.

  • @lynnebattaglia-triggs1042
    @lynnebattaglia-triggs1042 Год назад +1

    People stand in place after landing because their legs are cramping.I see them still wait their turn to get off the plane after the people in front of them have “deplaned”.

  • @DillyDahlia
    @DillyDahlia Год назад +13

    I disagree about the window shades. If someone has trouble sleeping because the shade is open, they should use an eye mask. Besides, a lot of planes now don’t even have the window shades anymore.

  • @tavo_gus10
    @tavo_gus10 8 месяцев назад

    All sound like obvious and yet people break this unwritten rules all the time, thank you for the video!

  • @andykeith1
    @andykeith1 Год назад +2

    On Vueling, they disembark people in groups of 5 rows at a time starting from the front. The air steward/stewardess manages it, and (usually) people stay seated until their rows are called

  • @tonyduguid6645
    @tonyduguid6645 Год назад +9

    Baggage reclaim etiquette. Please stand back from the belt so everyone can see the bags approaching, step in, collect bag and move back.

    • @susana.2631
      @susana.2631 Год назад

      Oh my gosh yes! I forgot about this one because I don’t check my luggage very much anymore. But when I do, definitely stand back so everyone can actually see their luggage coming around.

    • @thetravelcoaches
      @thetravelcoaches  Год назад

      Yes Please, great advice!

    • @marcellef8302
      @marcellef8302 Год назад

      This is very common and so very annoying 🙄

    • @floridasingularity3700
      @floridasingularity3700 Год назад +1

      I’ve been guilty of this in years past. I am now reformed. LOL

  • @sydnidowney3598
    @sydnidowney3598 Год назад +2


  • @joancupec7794
    @joancupec7794 Год назад +2

    Business traveler...
    Making those connecting flights...every second counts

  • @rajinderparmar
    @rajinderparmar 9 месяцев назад


  • @PatrickWagz
    @PatrickWagz Год назад +2

    Great video. Many people are so clueless to some things.
    What happens to the middle armrest in the wide-body planes that put 4 seats together?!!? *BATTLE TO THE DEATH* for the 2 passengers and that very middle armrest!! 😆😆😆

  • @MichelleF1320
    @MichelleF1320 10 месяцев назад

    If you want to see exiting the plane working, come to South Africa. Everyone sits, we get up 3 - sometimes 5 rows - depends on the airline, at a time and disembarking is super smooth.

  • @brendawynkoop1735
    @brendawynkoop1735 Год назад +5

    Heavy duty perfume or cologne or aftershave is a no no. Many people have asthma or other breathing issues.

  • @kaiduponte4091
    @kaiduponte4091 8 месяцев назад

    Excellent advice, though my husband and I often do bring food on the plane, because food on planes is often too salty or they run out of the only decent meal. No smelly or messy food, for sure! And my husband does stand up to get our bags out of the overhead bins so we can be ready to leave, although the idea of exiting in sections (read in the comments) does sound better.

  • @timothy4545
    @timothy4545 Год назад +11

    You are absolutely right about rule #12, it is the truth. Great information about this and American passengers are the worst when it comes to this.

    • @timothy4545
      @timothy4545 Год назад +4

      Sorry American flying public, however it is the truth.

  • @mollyowens4174
    @mollyowens4174 Год назад

    Yes #12 drives me crazy as well!!!