I do not get tired of watching your videos, a very good animation, excellent explainings, i would wish that you don't leave of launch those educative videos. Thanks so much, Serbian Ball.
Love South Korea from Italy. I admire how it has managed to keep its culture and language intact to this day despite attempts by its neighbors to invade it almost every century. I greatly admire the resilience of this extraordinary people 🇮🇹💙🇰🇷
0:04~0:41 Ganghwa Island Incident 0:42~0:47 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 0:48~1:21 Tonghak Uprising 1:22~1:37 First Sino-Japanese War 1:38~1:46 Treaty of Shimonoseki 1:47~1:51 Founding of the Korean Empire 1:52~1:56 Russo-Japanese War 1:57~2:10 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905 • Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty 2:11~2:16 March 1st Movement 2:17~2:30 WW2 • National Liberation Day of Korea 2:31~3:02 Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence • United States Army Military Government in Korea • South-North Division 3:03~4:36 Korean War (1950. 6/25~1953. 7/27) 4:37~4:51 April Revolution • May 16 Military Coup d'etat 4:52~5:05 Miracle on the Han River 5:06~5:11 Vietnam War • ROK In Vietnam 5:12~5:23 Korea, Enters the World 5:24~5:48 When will unification be ACHIEVED? I live in Korea! 🇰🇷 Thank you Serbianball for making a useful vidio for KOREANS!! 🇷🇸
Translation of time stamps comment from below: 0:19 Ganghwa Island incident 0:41 Treaty of Ganghwa Island 1:21 First Sino-Japanese War 1:36 Treaty of Shimonoseki 1:50 Founding of Korean Empire 2:01 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910 2:18 Second Sino-Japanese War (and World War II) 2:26 Japanese surrender 2:31 People's Republic of Korea 2:39 Division of Korea 2:50 Republic of Korea (South Korea) 3:04 Korean War 3:18 Capture of Seoul by North Korea 3:39 Nakdong River Defense Line 3:45 Dispatchment of UN Troops 3:51 Incheon Landing Operation 4:10 Communist!China participation in war 4:18 Retreat of South Korea/UN from North 4:20 Second division of Korea 4:25 Armistice Treaty (NOT a peace treaty) 4:31 Truce 4:38 Revolution 4:47 Military coup 4:55 American aid 5:02 Five-Year Plan 5:07 Participation in Vietnam War 5:15 Birth of South Korean democracy 5:18 Economic growth 5:24 Inter-Korean Summit (A.K.A. hey, we should sign that peace treaty now, right?)
0:25 운요호 사건 0:42 강화도 조약 0:49 1차 동학농민운동 1:15 2차 동학농민운동 & 청일전쟁 1:49 대한제국 선포 1:55 러일전쟁 2:00 을사조약 & 일제감정기 시작 2:12 1919 3•1 운동 2:20 중일전쟁 2:28 1945 8 15 일제감정기 끝 & 2차세계대전 끝 2:37 신탁통치 2:50 1948 8 15 대한민국 정부 수립 3:04 1950 6 25 6•25전쟁 3:46 인천상륙작전 4:05 중국의 전쟁 개입 4:25 1953 7 27 휴전 4:40 5•18 민주화 운동 4:46 쿠데타 5:09 베트남 전쟁 5:20 (한국 기업 하면 이거지) 5:26 평화회담 (18년이었나?)
@@yeonwoocho7717 oh I'm ok, this is actually not the first earthquake, 5 main earthquakes took place in 14 days, they were 7.6 7.4 6.4 6.5 and 7.5 magnitudes, but rlly thanks for asked
Yeah, they're definitely not on the best of terms right now, and the South Korean president-elect Yoon has voiced his anger over Kim's resumed missile testing. Unclear what will happen next, but he has said that he is open to peace talks, should Kim and the North Koreans stop provocations.
South Korea is the one of my favorite country. I hope i want to going and travel to South Korea especially visit the beautiful city such as Seoul one day. Love South Korea from Malaysia 🇲🇾💖🇰🇷
Thanks that you like South korea. Don't come to Gangnam's several cities if you just want to visit seoul. I live in seoul every day and it's not that enjoyable
Good animation. It made me learn some history and understand another country with it's ups and down and tragedies. Hello from Romania! And I have a stupid question for Koreans. Did you see north Koreans as your brothers and sisters? (Romania and Moldova have been separated as 2 countries because of political games and tactics, but we see each others as long lost siblings, and we would like to unite in one country one day. Hope for miracles. Is that the same with you? Or not.)
Let me give you a personal opinion. South Korea has a lot of controversy over its relationship with North Korea. There are groups that insist on reunification because they are one people and economic benefits, and those that insist on strong action because of the huge gap between South and North Korea, the culture that changed after the division, and North Korea's nuclear test and military provocations. North Korea teaches South Korea to its people as a poor country and an abnormal country. For example, the latest North Korean covid - 19 trend is South Korea are maliciously insists I pass the virus. Most of the North Koreans are hostile to South Korea. Most of the people in both countries are not in favor of each other.
개인적으로 막대한 인력과 통일 비용을 지불하더라도 통일해야한다고는 생각함 말만 쉽지 이미 북한과 한국의 기술력과 문화는 달라졌고 한국인 대부분이 북한과 궅이 통일을 해야할까? 라고 생각하고 있다. 독일같은 경우 한국전쟁 같은 전쟁을 하지않았고 분단된 기간도 짧기 때문에 통일이 가능했지 않았나 싶음
They are the same people, they're using the same language and share same culture, but people of one live under hardline dictatorship while others live in liberty and prosperity, that's the sad fact
@@KuSi7800 There are some people in South Korea claiming that North Koreans are completely different nation. Wait not some, like more than half of them. Over 70% of people doesn't want Korea to be united, which is extremely selfish and braindead.
Thanks for make video about korea's history I was surprised that a foreigner made a video about the history of our country (I don't speak Engilsh wellㅠㅠ)
0:06 통상수교거부정책 Isolation policy 0:14 운요호 사건 Ganghwa Island incident 0:41 강화도 조약 Treaty of Ganghwa 0:47 동학농민운동(전쟁, 혁명) Donghak peasant revolution 1:06 톈진조약 발효, 일본군 개입 Interference of Japanese army by Convention of Tientsin 1:20 청일전쟁 Sino-Japanese War 1:37 시모노세키 조약 Shimonoseki Treaty 1:47 대한제국 선포 Proclamation of Korean Empire 1:51 러일전쟁 Russo-Japanese War 1:56 을사늑약 Eulsa treaty 2:05 한일 병합 조약 Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty 2:10 3•1운동 The March 1st Independence Movement 2:19 중일전쟁 Second Sino-Japanese War 2:24 일본패망 Japan's defeat 2:30 조선인민공화국 선포 Proclamation of People's Republic of Korea 2:33 조선인민공화국 와해 Fall of People's Republic of Korea 2:40 신탁통치 Trusteeship by US and USSR 2:47 대한민국 수립 Establish of Republic of Korea 2:56 6•25전쟁 Korean war 3:36 서울함락 Fall of Seoul 3:39 낙동강 방어선 Nakdong River defense line 3:40 유엔군 파병 Dispatch of UN army 3:51 인천상륙작전 Incheon Landing Operation 4:00 유엔군 대공세 Blitz of UN army 4:03 중공군 개입 Interference of Communist Chinese army 4:16 1•4후퇴 January-Fourth Retreat 4:21 전선 고착화 Fixation of war front 4:23 휴전협정 Armistice of Korean war 4:36 4•19 혁명 April 19 Revolution 4:52 미국의 원조, 한일기본조약 Economic assistance of US, Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea 4:58 한국 경제 발전 Economic development of South Korea 5:06 베트남 전쟁 Vietnam war 5:12 대통령 직선제 direct presidential system 5:18 대기업들 Korean maior company 5:23 남북정상회담 Inter-Korean summit
0:19 운요호 사건
0:41 강화도 조약
1:21 청일전쟁
1:36 시모노세키 조약
1:50 대한제국 건국
1:52 러일전쟁
2:01 한일합병
2:11 3.1운동
2:18 중일전쟁
2:26 제2차 세계대전, 일본의 항복
2:31 조선 인민 공화국, 건준(조선 건국 준비 위원회)
2:39 한반도 분할
2:50 대한민국 건국
3:04 6.25 전쟁
3:18 서울 실함
3:39 낙동강 방어선
3:45 유엔군 파병
3:51 인천상륙작전
4:10 중공군 참전
4:18 1.4 후퇴
4:20 전선 고착화
4:25 휴전협정(한국이 서명 안 한 디테일 ㄷㄷ)
4:31 6.25 전쟁 휴전
4:38 4.19 혁명
4:47 5.16 군사정변
4:55 미국의 원조
5:02 경제 개발 5개년 계획
5:07 베트남 전쟁 참전
5:15 민주 투표의 시작
5:18 한국 대기업의 성장
5:24 남북 정상회담
한국인 ㅎㅇ
@@lgmiddle-gy 중일전쟁이 맞습니다. 일본 제국이 지금의 대만인 중화민국을 공격한걸 중일전쟁이라 합니다. 청일전쟁은 그 이전에 일어났습니다.
헐 이거 다 정리한거임..?
???:??? 남북통일
???:??? 세계평화조약
???:??? 세계통일
@@lgmiddle-gy 청일 전쟁..중일전쟁...
청일전쟁은 19세기이고
중일전쟁은 20세기 전투입니다..
Love South Korea From Turkey 🇰🇷♥️🇹🇷
Me too
Teşekkürler! Lütfen Kore Cumhuriyetimizi desteklemeye devam edin! Kore yaşasın! Yaşasın Türkiye!
Kore'de bile Türkiye algısı iyi! Lütfen bir dahaki sefere oynamak için Kore'ye gelin!
@@user-jasonjspark Real Korea=South Korea 😎
@Mafia cobra Kai 그 욱일기를 내리고 말해
Love South Korea from Turkey 🇹🇷💖🇰🇷
Brother Country
창녀가 많은 터키를 사랑합니다 ♡
터키에 여행가면 한국돈으로 혼쭐으루내고 싶어요 >_<
형제의 나라 튀르키예!!
my brother!!!!!!!!!
well come to korea brother!!!
Love South Korea from America 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇰🇷
thank you
thank you.❤
평소에 재미있게 봤는데 한국역사올려주어 감사합니다
I enjoyed watching it. Thank you for posting the Korean history I live in Korea.
I do not get tired of watching your videos, a very good animation, excellent explainings, i would wish that you don't leave of launch those educative videos.
Thanks so much, Serbian Ball.
한국인으로서 말합니다 우리나라를 위해 도와주러 오셔서 5000/1확률을 뚫고 인천상륙 작전을 성공해주신..맥아더 장군님..정말..진심으로 감사합니다 그리고 그 인천상륙 작전을 위해 인천을 다시 되찾기위해 희생해주신 우리나라 사람들도 진심으로 감사합니다
5000/1 = 5000%인데요
1/5000이 맞다고 생각합니다
@@dx4bn .......아하!
I was really touched by how well you know about Korea's sad history!
Love South Korea from Italy. I admire how it has managed to keep its culture and language intact to this day despite attempts by its neighbors to invade it almost every century. I greatly admire the resilience of this extraordinary people 🇮🇹💙🇰🇷
thank you💗
Love italy from south korea 🇰🇷💚🤍❤🇮🇹
Grazie! Per favore, continua a sostenere la nostra Repubblica di Corea! Corea, orrore! Viva l'Italia!
@@user-jasonjspark I'm sorry for my mistake. The correct name it's Republic of Korea. Il tuo italiano è perfetto! Viva la Repubblica di Corea!
Love and support South Korea 🇰🇷 from Portugal 🇵🇹
@@Мерседес_с63 Macey
Ronaldo ruim Messi melhor
Respect south Korea from your asian brother Philippines 😁🇵🇭🤜🤛🤝❤️🇰🇷 and I wish I will go south korea soon
And thank you Serbian ball for make south Korea history
저 한국인
I’m South Korea too 나도 한국인 k
NICE!!! I am a Korean Country Ball RUclipsr! This video is historical and accurate and the video quality is very good!🇰🇷❤🇷🇸
와 밀가루 폭탄님이다
찐이다 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
======찐이다 금지선======
Здравствуй. Поздравляю тебя с 50К подписчиков. Желаю тебе удачной карьеры и всего хорошего!!!
Eso me gustaría
Love South Korea from Türkiye 🇹🇷❤🇰🇷
Congratulations to you, your video is very well animated, good success and 100 million subscribers.
0:04~0:41 Ganghwa Island Incident
0:42~0:47 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876
0:48~1:21 Tonghak Uprising
1:22~1:37 First Sino-Japanese War
1:38~1:46 Treaty of Shimonoseki
1:47~1:51 Founding of the Korean Empire
1:52~1:56 Russo-Japanese War
1:57~2:10 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905 • Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty
2:11~2:16 March 1st Movement
2:17~2:30 WW2 • National Liberation Day of Korea
2:31~3:02 Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence • United States Army Military Government in Korea • South-North Division
3:03~4:36 Korean War (1950. 6/25~1953. 7/27)
4:37~4:51 April Revolution • May 16 Military Coup d'etat
4:52~5:05 Miracle on the Han River
5:06~5:11 Vietnam War • ROK In Vietnam
5:12~5:23 Korea, Enters the World
5:24~5:48 When will unification be ACHIEVED?
I live in Korea! 🇰🇷 Thank you Serbianball for making a useful vidio for KOREANS!!
오 이건 정말 유용합니다
@@불의정령-g1k 그러게요
잘못된게 많군요 4월혁명이아이라 4.19혁명입니다
@@Kyozalal 4.19혁명을 4월 혁명이라고도 합니다
오옹!!! 잘만드셨네요!
Love south Korea from Poland 🇵🇱❤️🇰🇷
Love Poland from South Korea ❤
Thank you for making Korean history into a fun animation. I had a lot of fun, thank you!
나는 또한 당신이 한국어로 말해야 한다고 말했다. 나는 당신이 말하는 것을 이해하지 못합니다.
나는 망할 영어를 듣는 것이 너무 피곤하다. 너는 한국어를 배워야 해. 남한을 본다면 1980년대 서울. 다시는 빌어먹을 영상을 보여주지 마세요!!!
Thank you for letting us know the history of our country! And I admire your animation.
@@KebapTarihEdits3131 Oh, thank you!🇦🇿❤
America, you are my new father............
Love south korea from Italy 🇰🇷❤️🇮🇹
Thank you!
I'm korean I also Love Italy🇮🇹❤🇰🇷
Me too
Awesome history! 👍
And I support the South Korea 🇰🇷 🇵🇭
Thx love Philippines from S.Korea 🇰🇷❤🇵🇭
same pre🇵🇭❤️🇰🇷
I support South Korea Too from Philippines 😁👍
Same I hate North Korea
And love South Korea
한국팬입니다! 영상 너무 좋아요!
Love South Korea from Kazakhstan♥️🇰🇿
Translation of time stamps comment from below:
0:19 Ganghwa Island incident
0:41 Treaty of Ganghwa Island
1:21 First Sino-Japanese War
1:36 Treaty of Shimonoseki
1:50 Founding of Korean Empire
2:01 Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910
2:18 Second Sino-Japanese War (and World War II)
2:26 Japanese surrender
2:31 People's Republic of Korea
2:39 Division of Korea
2:50 Republic of Korea (South Korea)
3:04 Korean War
3:18 Capture of Seoul by North Korea
3:39 Nakdong River Defense Line
3:45 Dispatchment of UN Troops
3:51 Incheon Landing Operation
4:10 Communist!China participation in war
4:18 Retreat of South Korea/UN from North
4:20 Second division of Korea
4:25 Armistice Treaty (NOT a peace treaty)
4:31 Truce
4:38 Revolution
4:47 Military coup
4:55 American aid
5:02 Five-Year Plan
5:07 Participation in Vietnam War
5:15 Birth of South Korean democracy
5:18 Economic growth
5:24 Inter-Korean Summit (A.K.A. hey, we should sign that peace treaty now, right?)
Uh thank you
🇷🇴♥️🇰🇷 Greetings to the South Koreans in Romania
Thanks Romania!🇷🇴
fart :)
@@Lubanya1987y :D
YES! I loves it because I am from South Korea.
The most cringe s
Korea, Sorry but your nation is Yankee home, Juche gang
But don't steel our Chinese culture, because I am from china
kyokujitsuki is aint a Nazi flag because he was created before 1900
@Yugoslavia Ball glory to communism
@Yugoslavia Ball Да
Wow💖 Hearts of Iron music used✌
04:14 But I think China had no air supremacy during that war(?)
They had soviet union support which is also tank and air supremacy. They do not have tank. But soviet union support tanks to them.
@@junsoojang5618 Ooops I see. Tysm for the reply👍
일본은 김치 등 한국음식을 정말 좋아합니다.앞으로도 계속 친구로 지내주세요.🇯🇵🤝🇰🇷
韓国も日本のアニメや食べ物などの文化が好きです。 お互いに仲良くする必要があります🇰🇷❤🇯🇵
한국도 일본의 애니메이션이나 음식 등의 문화를 좋아합니다. 서로 잘 지내봅시다🇰🇷❤🇯🇵
Dokdo:uh? Are Japan-Korea relations improving again? Is it time for me to show up? lol
I love Korea and Japan from Brazil, I respect other countries!
Korea and Japan are enemies that cannot coexist.
Eu tbm gosto dos dois
I scared JAPAN
Love South Korea from Thailand 🇰🇷🤝🇹🇭
Love South Korea🇰🇷 from Bilgaria🇧🇬.
불가리아 요거트 맛있어요 굿굿
I like 🇮🇹 Italy and 🇰🇷South Korea
I like a bilgaria🇧🇬
Не билгария а Болгария
I would like to congratulate South Korea and make them happy as well 💙
I Love South Korea I from Thailand 🇹🇭❤️🇰🇷
0:25 운요호 사건
0:42 강화도 조약
0:49 1차 동학농민운동
1:15 2차 동학농민운동 & 청일전쟁
1:49 대한제국 선포
1:55 러일전쟁
2:00 을사조약 & 일제감정기 시작
2:12 1919 3•1 운동
2:20 중일전쟁
2:28 1945 8 15 일제감정기 끝 & 2차세계대전 끝
2:37 신탁통치
2:50 1948 8 15 대한민국 정부 수립
3:04 1950 6 25 6•25전쟁
3:46 인천상륙작전
4:05 중국의 전쟁 개입
4:25 1953 7 27 휴전
4:40 5•18 민주화 운동
4:46 쿠데타
5:09 베트남 전쟁
5:20 (한국 기업 하면 이거지)
5:26 평화회담 (18년이었나?)
This is amazing I was waiting for this!
Me too
This is amazing! You make best animations!❤️❤️❤️
Love South Korea from Hungary 🇭🇺❤️🇰🇷:)
한국군 나라를 지키기 위해 6.25🇰🇷💔🇰🇵
@@애니를좋아하는42.8b 잼민아공부나하러가렴
Thank you!
Wait Hungary talk english?
@@UnMivodri76 I do not speak English. easier to write than to speak:)
This is sick! keep it up.
Love South Korea from Uruguay 🇺🇾❤️🇰🇷
Yeah... are you guys ok about the world cup 😅🇰🇷 pov: im korean
@@easym8073 yeah 😅
Love Uruguay 🇺🇾 from South Korea 🇺🇾🤝🇰🇷
Imagine you seeing this love South Korea from North Korea 🇰🇵❤🇰🇷
@@Kaungkhantzin7 bruh
keep it up serbian ball
you are amazing🇪🇸❤🇷🇸
Viva España
@@gallo4404 Viva España viva el rey viva el orden y la ley
@@gallo4404 Bien dicho Gallo 👍
@@o_0867 is spanish lenguage
Good job!!! Respect from South Korea and Long live Serbia!🇷🇸🇰🇷😍
I love jugoslavija
@@DK_faker Živjela Jugoslavija!🇷🇸🇭🇷🇸🇮🇧🇦🇲🇪🇽🇰🇲🇰
Thank you! Your country is home to undeniably the best culture in the world
Like it! Love South Korea from Indonesia
Tumben banget ada orang Indo
@@guidozeza8362 iyelah
@@serbianball8799 грроооооогггшшшшшшоооггггггннннннннннннннн6ннгг7ооооооооо
Thank you !
Awesome History!
I love South Korea and North Korea.
I hope North and South became friends. (SUPPORT SOUTH KOREA FROM THE PHILIPPINES!)
0:46 을사늑약
1:21 청일전쟁
1:52 러일전쟁
2:00 한국 식민화
2:14 3.1운동
2:25 중일전쟁
2:32 조선인민공화국
2:39 미소공동위원회, 신탁통치, 38도선 기준 한반도 분할
2:51 대한민국 제1공화국(이승만 정권)
3:11 6.25전쟁
3:46 UN군 파병
3:59 인천상륙작전
4:11 중국 참전
4:19 1.4 후퇴
4:25 휴전협정
4:43 군부독재, 유신, 민주화 운동
4:52 경제 원조
5:02 한강의 기적
5:09 냉전 시대
5:22 K-기업
을사늑약은 개뿔 강화도조약이겠지;; 뭔 을사늑약이 청일전쟁이랑 러일전쟁 전에 일어남;;;
다시통일 했으면 좋겠따....
4:38 419혁명
Love South Korea from Indonesia
저도 인도네시아 좋아요
"그"한국전투기만 빼고 다좋아요
@@gsiebsgd 고맙습니다
Pls history of Romania next ( beautiful video )
Again, a great video! Keep it up, don’t get demotivated! Your videos are masterpieces, they are so amazing and do great work at educating.
Love south korea from philippines 🇵🇭❤🇰🇷
Love South Korea 🇰🇷 From Philiphines🇵🇭
South Korea have a really good History! I LOVE south Korea....THE REAL KOREA 🇪🇸❤️🇰🇷
Thank you very much.!!
@@sherbet7436 No problem
@God of yeah i watch the video....2 times
@God of in my opinión IS a good Story man
I loved this story of South Korea! Congratulations!
Waiting for Modern History of Portugal, where is it? :c
Thanks, but I didn't intend make History of Portugal.
이렇게 외국에서 이렇게 한국역사 잘 알려주는사람 처음이다
진짜 윤오호사건,강화도조약등 잘표현했다.....
존나 안망한게 이상한 나라!
Love South Korea from Malaysia 🇲🇾🤝🇰🇷
Your videos are amazing
Keep going mate ^^
Good job and hi from Turkey 🇹🇷❤🇰🇷
Our Brother linked with blood
Nani?! I hate you
Hey.. I heard there was a huge earthquake in your country. I am sorry about that. I hope you are ok.
@@yeonwoocho7717 oh I'm ok, this is actually not the first earthquake, 5 main earthquakes took place in 14 days, they were 7.6 7.4 6.4 6.5 and 7.5 magnitudes, but rlly thanks for asked
아~ 사랑해~~
Another day another great history video
Love South Korea from United States of America 🇺🇲❤️🇰🇷
Love Korea from Luxembourg because we also helped Korea in the Korean war 🇱🇺❤🇰🇷
Love South Korea from Romania
Love Romania from South Korea 🇰🇷♥️🇷🇴
루마니아 망한 나라로 알고 있습니다. 한국보다 낮은 나라지이지만, 사랑은 중요하니 받아드리지요.
@@질래야질수가없다 Chinese
@@질래야질수가없다 ㄴㄴ공산국이였을때
그리고 뭔 망한나라? 다른국가 깔보지 마세요 국가망신하지마세요
I don't think south korea and north korea are back to friendly yet... But anyway, love south korea from cambodia😊
Yeah, they're definitely not on the best of terms right now, and the South Korean president-elect Yoon has voiced his anger over Kim's resumed missile testing. Unclear what will happen next, but he has said that he is open to peace talks, should Kim and the North Koreans stop provocations.
Love 🇰🇷from🇩🇪
love south korea from thailand 🇹🇭♥️🇰🇷
저도요 태국음식 좋아요 대마초 빼고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I love knowing that Colombia helped Korea in the war
many korean know that because Columbia is the only Latin country helped South Korea at that time
Korean had been living in one nation for a thousand years. They were divided only 70 years ago. Soon there will be unification.
South Korea is the one of my favorite country. I hope i want to going and travel to South Korea especially visit the beautiful city such as Seoul one day. Love South Korea from Malaysia 🇲🇾💖🇰🇷
Hello im s.korean. i also want to go Malaysia. Malaysia is very beautiful country 😊😊
Thanks that you like South korea. Don't come to Gangnam's several cities if you just want to visit seoul. I live in seoul every day and it's not that enjoyable
@@Subscribe_Yougreat and i agree your answer. I live in incheon. 만나서 반갑습니다.
Love South Korea From Indonesia 🇮🇩🤝🇰🇷
love south korea from india🇳🇪❤️🇰🇷
So amazing i like this, love from Indonesia 🇮🇩
Hai Daffa ini Faiq saya suka banget sama 🥰🥰🥰 💖 🇮🇩🇯🇵🇵🇭🇰🇷🇹🇭🇹🇼💖
Your edit so good bro! And you know a lot of history!
Good animation. It made me learn some history and understand another country with it's ups and down and tragedies.
Hello from Romania!
And I have a stupid question for Koreans. Did you see north Koreans as your brothers and sisters?
(Romania and Moldova have been separated as 2 countries because of political games and tactics, but we see each others as long lost siblings, and we would like to unite in one country one day. Hope for miracles.
Is that the same with you? Or not.)
@@사용자1-p4l ohhh :,(
It is so sad to see what politics do to people.
Let me give you a personal opinion. South Korea has a lot of controversy over its relationship with North Korea. There are groups that insist on reunification because they are one people and economic benefits, and those that insist on strong action because of the huge gap between South and North Korea, the culture that changed after the division, and North Korea's nuclear test and military provocations.
North Korea teaches South Korea to its people as a poor country and an abnormal country. For example, the latest North Korean covid - 19 trend is South Korea are maliciously insists I pass the virus. Most of the North Koreans are hostile to South Korea.
Most of the people in both countries are not in favor of each other.
개인적으로 막대한 인력과 통일 비용을 지불하더라도 통일해야한다고는 생각함
말만 쉽지 이미 북한과 한국의 기술력과 문화는 달라졌고 한국인 대부분이 북한과 궅이 통일을 해야할까? 라고 생각하고 있다.
독일같은 경우 한국전쟁 같은 전쟁을 하지않았고 분단된 기간도 짧기 때문에 통일이 가능했지 않았나 싶음
Love South Korea 🇰🇷 💖 from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
I support South Korea from Brazil🇧🇷🤝🇰🇷 And conngratulations on your economic sucess🇰🇷💯🇰🇷💯🇰🇷💯🇰🇷💯🇰🇷😎🇰🇷😎🇰🇷
나는 망할 영어를 듣는 것이 너무 피곤하다. 너는 한국어를 배워야 해. 남한을 본다면 1980년대 서울. 다시는 빌어먹을 영상을 보여주지 마세요!!!
Привет из России(zdravo iz rossija). Отличное видео(одличан видео)
Awesome job 🇺🇸💖🇰🇷
🇺🇸 🤝 🇰🇷
It's tragic, at first they were brothers who fought together. But in the end, they parted and became enemies until now.
It is...
North Korea is ruled by some kind of pig family
Brothers always fight against each other
They are the same people, they're using the same language and share same culture, but people of one live under hardline dictatorship while others live in liberty and prosperity, that's the sad fact
@@KuSi7800 There are some people in South Korea claiming that North Koreans are completely different nation. Wait not some, like more than half of them. Over 70% of people doesn't want Korea to be united, which is extremely selfish and braindead.
Nice animation
Love for south Korea from Norway 😄 🇳🇴❤️🇰🇷
Hello Norway,
Thank you!, love from Algeria 🇰🇷🤍🇩🇿
You if you guys are from Norway how can you speak English
Ahh man that was awesome! Love form Turkey🇹🇷
Love South Korea from Australia 🇰🇷❤️🇦🇺
Thank you for explaining our history ;)
I'm enjoying the video! 🇰🇷🇺🇲🇪🇺🇺🇳
[Google Translator]
Why the EU flag tho?
Thank for Ukrainian avatar 🇺🇦❤🇰🇷
@@Alryschannel I like EU countries
@@ukrainianpatriot3733 💓🇺🇦💓
@@UnitedFreeKorea Cool! Thx
Turkey also helped in the Korean War.
Greetings from Turkey
Thanks for make video about korea's history
I was surprised that a foreigner made a video about the history of our country
(I don't speak Engilsh wellㅠㅠ)
0:06 통상수교거부정책 Isolation policy
0:14 운요호 사건 Ganghwa Island incident
0:41 강화도 조약 Treaty of Ganghwa
0:47 동학농민운동(전쟁, 혁명) Donghak peasant revolution
1:06 톈진조약 발효, 일본군 개입 Interference of Japanese army by Convention of Tientsin
1:20 청일전쟁 Sino-Japanese War
1:37 시모노세키 조약 Shimonoseki Treaty
1:47 대한제국 선포 Proclamation of Korean Empire
1:51 러일전쟁 Russo-Japanese War
1:56 을사늑약 Eulsa treaty
2:05 한일 병합 조약 Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty
2:10 3•1운동 The March 1st Independence Movement
2:19 중일전쟁 Second Sino-Japanese War
2:24 일본패망 Japan's defeat
2:30 조선인민공화국 선포 Proclamation of People's Republic of Korea
2:33 조선인민공화국 와해 Fall of People's Republic of Korea
2:40 신탁통치 Trusteeship by US and USSR
2:47 대한민국 수립 Establish of Republic of Korea
2:56 6•25전쟁 Korean war
3:36 서울함락 Fall of Seoul
3:39 낙동강 방어선 Nakdong River defense line
3:40 유엔군 파병 Dispatch of UN army
3:51 인천상륙작전 Incheon Landing Operation
4:00 유엔군 대공세 Blitz of UN army
4:03 중공군 개입 Interference of Communist Chinese army
4:16 1•4후퇴 January-Fourth Retreat
4:21 전선 고착화 Fixation of war front
4:23 휴전협정 Armistice of Korean war
4:36 4•19 혁명 April 19 Revolution
4:52 미국의 원조, 한일기본조약 Economic assistance of US, Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea
4:58 한국 경제 발전 Economic development of South Korea
5:06 베트남 전쟁 Vietnam war
5:12 대통령 직선제 direct presidential system
5:18 대기업들 Korean maior company
5:23 남북정상회담 Inter-Korean summit
와 👍잘만드셨다🇰🇷
Just pure perfection
love south Korea from mexico🇲🇽
멕시코는 한국보다 열등합니다. 한국의 문화를 소중히 하십시오.
@@질래야질수가없다 dont pretend to be a korean~ your korean is so awkward like using translator
@@질래야질수가없다 존중도 모르나 ㅋㅋ 국민꼴 봐라..
@@질래야질수가없다 너 잼민이지?아 관종인가?하지마라 관종잼민아~나라 망신이다~~
As a South Korean native, This video describes modern history of Korea (Both South and North) quite well.
Thanks so much for your description.
나는 또한 당신이 한국어로 말해야 한다고 말했다.
@@leaderofmine6293 이 분 말 대충 해석하자면 "한국어 해도 ㄱㄴ" 이란 뜻인거 같음 ㅇ
Love to South Korea 🇪🇹❤️🇰🇷❤️🇺🇸
I love Ethiopia for helping Korea
I know that the Ethiopian Imperial Guard participated in the war for Korea's freedom. We will never forget them.
Please like Korea. There are many heartbreaking incidents...
Omg... I SEE IT NOW!!! YOU REACHED 50K SUBS!! Congrats! HALF OF THE 100K
Nice! Love from South Korea 🇰🇷❤️🇷🇸
♥I love all of your countries Republic of Korea♥
I am a South Korean in Korea and I feel good that you showed me this video. Thank you very much.
Love and Support South Korea from Thailand 🇹🇭❤️🇰🇷
Love south Korea from uruguay and Brazil 🇧🇷 🇺🇾 ❤️🇰🇷
저도요 축구잘하네요
I would like to express my gratitude to those who made this video, and as a Korean, I love and respect all countries.
@@chosenjinbaka 日本人はあえて父親の国である韓国に無礼さを犯しました。 お許しください。 私たち日本人は韓国の百済人の子孫です。
@@raned860 日本人はあえて父親の国である韓国に無礼さを犯しました。 お許しください。 私たち日本人は韓国の百済人の子孫です。
@@raned860 戦犯の主題に 草w
Love South Korea from U.S.A 🇺🇸❤️🇰🇷
@@user-pe6dv7wk8j 何がそんなに面白いですか?
Thank you USA❤🇰🇷🤝🇺🇲❤️
Iove south korea. from thailand 🇹🇭❤️🇰🇷
Love South Korea from Japan 🇰🇷❤🇯🇵
Sorry for what we’d done…
주인님이 계속 우릴 지배해 주셨다면
대일본제국은 동북아에서 가장 강력했을겁니다.
@@sangnamja313 에 ㄹ ㅏ 미 치 ㄴ ㄴ아 ㅃ ㅓ ㄱ규
@@sangnamja313 일본인이군
대일본제국 천황폐하 만세
@@sangnamja313 えぇ…そんなこと言っちゃダメでしょ🙅🏻