Refer Yasin ayah 14 already done with 1st ie Isa alias Jesus, 2nd Rasulullah saw and will be strongly incoming Al-Mahdi when his time needs him to emerges. The arrival of Al-Mahdi must be real/authentic, he came alone and continue to claim and play his role as the beginning of the world's universal brotherhood towards the eternal afterlife. World history and the Malay language with him. The same long time will turn around the resurrection life until the ancient man before Adam. say emerges Al-Mahdi 2025/2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 next 1 after century (AC) directly to before century (BC) At the same time, explore outer space to other planets according to the capabilities and technology allowed by the eternal ruler of nature, which has no beginning and no end. Everyone will witness in every event happened, there is an outbreak of self-incrimination, there are no lies, everyone witnesses together, there are no great nations... the only great thing is the creator of the world 🙋♂️
AllahummasholiAllah sayidina Muhamad
Ya Alloh semoga d terima amal ibadah nya Aamiin ya Robbal Aalamiin ❤😅
Shollah ala Muhammad
Allahuma Soli ala sayyidina Muhammad ya Robi soli alaihi wasalam
Allah humma solliala Sayyidina Muhammad wa'ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad
Allahumma syaliallah syadina muhamad waalasyidinamuhamad
Allah Huma Soli ala Sayidina Muhamad wa ala Alihi Muhammad
Allohuma soli Allah Muhammad Amin
Allahumma sholli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad
Allahhumma solialamukhammat yarobbisolialai wasalim
Aminallah Huma soliala saidina muhamad
Allohums sali alah muhamad
Refer Yasin ayah 14 already done with 1st ie Isa alias Jesus, 2nd Rasulullah saw and will be strongly incoming Al-Mahdi when his time needs him to emerges.
The arrival of Al-Mahdi must be real/authentic, he came alone and continue to claim and play his role as the beginning of the world's universal brotherhood towards the eternal afterlife. World history and the Malay language with him.
The same long time will turn around the resurrection life until the ancient man before Adam. say emerges Al-Mahdi 2025/2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 next 1 after century (AC) directly to before century (BC)
At the same time, explore outer space to other planets according to the capabilities and technology allowed by the eternal ruler of nature, which has no beginning and no end.
Everyone will witness in every event happened, there is an outbreak of self-incrimination, there are no lies, everyone witnesses together, there are no great nations... the only great thing is the creator of the world 🙋♂️
Allah huma solli ala mokhamad wa alla ali sayyidina mokhanad
Allahumma sholli ala sayyidina muhammad