Lightning Talk: Accelerate WebAssembly AI with Backend Graph Compliers on a Wide Vari... Tiejun Chen

  • Опубликовано: 29 апр 2024
  • Lightning Talk: Accelerate WebAssembly AI with Backend Graph Compliers on a Wide Variety of AI HW Accelerators - Tiejun Chen, VMware
    In recent years WASM has been one of the hottest topics in the world of computing due to its portability, small size, fast loading, and compatibility. And given these advantages, WebAssembly is an ideal technology based on sandbox schemes for modern applications including ML/AI. But beyond the browser, currently WebAssembly mostly leverages CPU to accelerate ML/AI and with low poerformance. Here we offer a flexible way to make running ML/AI on WebAssembly over a variety of AI Accelerators by empowering WASM with a transparent backend interposer. With this, your native ML/AI WebAssembly workloads can seamlessly enjoy the underlying AI accelerators such as CPU, GPU, FPGA and so on, with best performance offered by mainstream graph compilers. During this presentation we also would like to show our latest implementation with demos to help users get direct insight of running ML/AI with WebAssembly on AI accelerators from cloud to edge.

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