😂haha!!! Oh wow goodness!!! God sure knows how to test us!!! Wow!! But what a blessing and what a story to tell the baby on his bday!!! Congratulations to you and your family on the beautiful grand child!!! God bless you!!! 😊⭐️
Congratulations 🎈. Praying that mommy, baby and grand baby are all doing well. Also praying you are still able to find the cup you want most of all. I drink a lot of hot drinks so always looking for a new hot cup.. last week I dropped a fav ceramic one while washing it at work 😢😩
Girl ikr lol. They’re not playing up here lol. They will not let me leave at all. They said If I leave I can’t come back in. My daughters boyfriend was able to grab me a few.
Congratulations on having a healthy grand baby🤰🏾🤱🏾💝👼🏾🍼
Thank you hun❤️
😂haha!!! Oh wow goodness!!! God sure knows how to test us!!! Wow!! But what a blessing and what a story to tell the baby on his bday!!! Congratulations to you and your family on the beautiful grand child!!! God bless you!!! 😊⭐️
Thanks hun😘💕
Congratulations 🎈. Praying that mommy, baby and grand baby are all doing well. Also praying you are still able to find the cup you want most of all. I drink a lot of hot drinks so always looking for a new hot cup.. last week I dropped a fav ceramic one while washing it at work 😢😩
Aww your awesome thank you love. Still no baby she’s still in labor🙏🏽🤞🏽
Oh my gosh, being there with your daughter is SOO MUCH MORE important than any silly SB cups 🤣🤣🤣
Do you know when is the next release date, and BTW congratulations!
Thank you hun. I’ll be posting an update this week with the next release details💕
Congratulstions new grande ma-ma
Aww Thank you! That’s a cute name 💕
Now one of them nurses know they could be kind and go get your cups for you because nurses like Starbucks cups too.
Girl ikr lol. They’re not playing up here lol. They will not let me leave at all. They said If I leave I can’t come back in. My daughters boyfriend was able to grab me a few.