USHUAIA | a couple days in a town surrounded by mountains

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @loriannswanton1643
    @loriannswanton1643 14 дней назад

    What gorgeous mountains! The landscape on your flight in looked so Beautiful too!! That chocolate penguin was way too cute to eat. I want a penguin!! 😂 Cool catwalk!! Looks so calm and peaceful! Love you both so much!!! Seeing your videos out of order!! 😅

  • @loriannswanton1643
    @loriannswanton1643 14 дней назад

    Can't imagine smoked provolone potato chips. Very interesting!

  • @dougdjcarroll4705
    @dougdjcarroll4705 Месяц назад

    The scenery here is just magnificent, love all those snow-capped mountains with that beautiful ocean. Not to mention all those cool military ships and some kind of party going on in front of those ships that we don't know what it was? The Milanese food that you ate look like chicken schnitzel. I have to ask was there any kind of sauce that went with that? And the buildings there look more European than South American. This place is super cool, love the video!❤❤

    • @claudenaxl8483
      @claudenaxl8483 Месяц назад

      around 70-75% of Argentina's territory has an European appearance, it can be seen in major metropolises such as Buenos Aires (Argentina's capital):видео.htmlвидео.html
      Rosario (second most important city):видео.htmlвидео.html
      hese major metropolises r in the central area of ​​Argentina, and heading towards south, architecture is still European, but with a central European alpine character, such as San Martin de los Andes:видео.html
      and at the end of the world, they r "Viking" European, such as Ushuaia