So I bought the program in May, received a one time training via phone, and then became stuck in an analysis paralysis. Life continues to keep me busy and I haven’t touched the product since. I’m assuming I’m still able to use the product. Is that correct?after all, I did spend nearly $3500 for it.
@ yes you lifetime access you just have to set the time in your schedule on a daily weekly basis to receive the full value of the product. I am seeing a lot of people purchase this product with high expectations but forget the manual work involved in it especially in the beginning.
First of all, THANK YOU! What an honest and amazing review? I come in contact with you while, searching about Money Max account, and found your videos, I'm wondering if money max might help me with my 6.75% interest rate Mortgage, I don't have other depts just monthly mortgage which is 2/3 of my income. will money max be good for me or are there other options in the market? Thanks.
@fekeryimer5785 have you done a demo with them running your own numbers first? If not I would start there here is a link to do that Think of the money max like a financial gps. It is going to give you instructions where to go, time arrival, detours if need be, nice layout, etc. You need to be committed to the product for it to work, you need to learn how to use it for it to work, you need to manage it for it work. It comes with all the support you need but at the end of the day it is up to you and your dedication to manage and use the product for it to produce the results you want
More Info about the Money max Account here -
So I bought the program in May, received a one time training via phone, and then became stuck in an analysis paralysis. Life continues to keep me busy and I haven’t touched the product since. I’m assuming I’m still able to use the product. Is that correct?after all, I did spend nearly $3500 for it.
@ yes you lifetime access you just have to set the time in your schedule on a daily weekly basis to receive the full value of the product. I am seeing a lot of people purchase this product with high expectations but forget the manual work involved in it especially in the beginning.
@ they have plenty of training you can tap into you just have to make the time
I definitely nominate you.
Yes, negative experiences with MLM and other financial groups…
First of all, THANK YOU! What an honest and amazing review? I come in contact with you while, searching about Money Max account, and found your videos, I'm wondering if money max might help me with my 6.75% interest rate Mortgage, I don't have other depts just monthly mortgage which is 2/3 of my income. will money max be good for me or are there other options in the market? Thanks.
@fekeryimer5785 have you done a demo with them running your own numbers first? If not I would start there here is a link to do that
Think of the money max like a financial gps. It is going to give you instructions where to go, time arrival, detours if need be, nice layout, etc.
You need to be committed to the product for it to work, you need to learn how to use it for it to work, you need to manage it for it work.
It comes with all the support you need but at the end of the day it is up to you and your dedication to manage and use the product for it to produce the results you want
Thanks I didn’t start yet I will check the link.
Cómo puedo vender el programa con ustedes
5 k ? Wow
@@all4Dorian the value is there. You have the product for life and you can always speak with a human to discuss your plan.