Maybe @DaidohYuzan should think that word perse is not finnish language. It might be english word.If it is english word, perse is one hue of the palette. With this option perse means deep blue. Do they mean arse or colour, i have no hunch.
Well, you can't comment or listen to this band without taking notice of their name. It makes one think they are jazz musicians, or full of Sibelius lukio, who feel any one who actually likes this is an idiot. It might have sounded cool when guys were young and drunk, but no it wasn't. As a joke, Heavy Perse (Heavy Arse) would have been much better. Well then to the music, they are great players no doubt. 14 minutes song is too long no doubt. How many times has any one actually listened the mother of the "genre" Rime of the ancient mariner all the way through? Putting it as the first track, again makes listener think that they feel you're and idiot, if you actually get to the rest of the album. Feeling like musicians take you as an idiot, doesn't suit me well, nor does thinking they are idiots who don't realize it. But with that being said, as it shows up again on all their recordings, that they actually have listened their Running Wild and 80's action flick rock, they must not be all evil. After skipping the 1st track, it's a nice listen. Like on all their albums the weak point are the vocals. With strong vocalist it could actually be good. Now all songs are well played and nice. To pick one of them to the "best of 2022" album is difficult though. (Which I am actually doing 😁as for every year for last 25 or so, sad to say they got to position 74th with Velhojen Vesuri so not even close. One song allowed per band that is.)
Dude, what the heck are you even talking about. Chill. You clearly don't know the genre, Moonsorrow and such, with much longer songs. And that's not even the point, it's the feeling and the attitude they have had since their first song 20 years ago and the road until this, and the awesome awesome awesome lyrics they have, there's nothing like HMP with their lyrical dance they are having, and on fantasy genre nonetheless.
Ellei tää kommentti oo ihan läppä ja miuta viiään ku pässiä narussa. At least @DaiohYuzan doesn't follow anything, doesn't have any favourites and such visible, so I think this is a joke.
Très probablement le meilleur album de heavy/power que j'ai jamais écouté 🤘🤘
Mainiota että tämä pumppu on edelleen voimissaan...laatua, laatua!
I'm always happy to listen to people singing in their mother tongue!! Great album!!
Tongue in cheek hero metal, that's what boys are made of in Finland. Girls too.
Aivan mahtavuutta, heavy metal perse ei ole ikinä unohtunut ! Legendat eivät kuole
Pitääpi selvitellä asiaa, että miten tämä mestariteos on mahdollista...🤘
Tilaukseen lähti
Upea, eeppinen ja hienosti toteutettu albumikokonaisuus! Hell Yeah' HMP!🤘🤘
On kovaa settiä🤘
Velhojen vesuri, ihan uskomatonta timanttia!! Kovaa settiä koko albumi \m/ Ei turhaan Infernossa kehuttu :)
Perfect 💗🤘
6/5 !
Maybe @DaidohYuzan should think that word perse is not finnish language. It might be english word.If it is english word, perse is one hue of the palette. With this option perse means deep blue. Do they mean arse or colour, i have no hunch.
edelleen toimii
Hello its possible demongrinder 2022
Well, you can't comment or listen to this band without taking notice of their name. It makes one think they are jazz musicians, or full of Sibelius lukio, who feel any one who actually likes this is an idiot. It might have sounded cool when guys were young and drunk, but no it wasn't. As a joke, Heavy Perse (Heavy Arse) would have been much better. Well then to the music, they are great players no doubt. 14 minutes song is too long no doubt. How many times has any one actually listened the mother of the "genre" Rime of the ancient mariner all the way through? Putting it as the first track, again makes listener think that they feel you're and idiot, if you actually get to the rest of the album. Feeling like musicians take you as an idiot, doesn't suit me well, nor does thinking they are idiots who don't realize it. But with that being said, as it shows up again on all their recordings, that they actually have listened their Running Wild and 80's action flick rock, they must not be all evil. After skipping the 1st track, it's a nice listen. Like on all their albums the weak point are the vocals. With strong vocalist it could actually be good. Now all songs are well played and nice. To pick one of them to the "best of 2022" album is difficult though. (Which I am actually doing 😁as for every year for last 25 or so, sad to say they got to position 74th with Velhojen Vesuri so not even close. One song allowed per band that is.)
Dude, what the heck are you even talking about. Chill. You clearly don't know the genre, Moonsorrow and such, with much longer songs. And that's not even the point, it's the feeling and the attitude they have had since their first song 20 years ago and the road until this, and the awesome awesome awesome lyrics they have, there's nothing like HMP with their lyrical dance they are having, and on fantasy genre nonetheless.
Ellei tää kommentti oo ihan läppä ja miuta viiään ku pässiä narussa. At least @DaiohYuzan doesn't follow anything, doesn't have any favourites and such visible, so I think this is a joke.
DaidohYuzan, go home you are drunk
Heavy Metal Per se = Heavy Metal in itself.