Good question. I’m not sure. I think basically, yes, it would be the same ( other than inverting the values). But each process has curves that are calibrated to that process. Check out Anna Ostanina’s website for gumoil info. But for a basic transparency I think this would get you in the ballpark. Good luck!
Excellent tutorial. Thanks for keeping it simple!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. I hope it's useful.
howdy, I know the title says negative, but would this method be the same if one is trying to achieve a positive transparency for gumoil printing?
Good question. I’m not sure. I think basically, yes, it would be the same ( other than inverting the values). But each process has curves that are calibrated to that process. Check out Anna Ostanina’s website for gumoil info. But for a basic transparency I think this would get you in the ballpark. Good luck!