魁北克舊城美食之旅 2023年 3月 第一集| Food tour in Quebec City March 2023 | 陳太帶你輕鬆遊 | Mrs. Chan's Travel Vlog

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
  • 2023年3月我哋上咗 Quebec City 玩咗4日3夜, 今次主要留在魁北克下城行下同食下嘢, 成個旅程非常輕鬆, 又影好多靚相。今次呢條片主要係有關我哋第一天嘅行程, 之後仲會陸續有片出, 大家留意一下啦! 另外, 以下係呢條片我哋到訪過嘅餐廳資料, 俾大家參考。希望大家喜歡我們的影片和分享!
    We went to Quebec City in early March 2023 for 4 days and 3 nights. This time, we mainly explored the lower city of Old Quebec and we had a very relaxing time. This is the first episode which shows the itinerary of our first day of the trip. More episodes would be published later. I am also listing the restaurants that we visited below for your reference. Hope you enjoy our video and sharing!
    Q-De-Sac Resto Pub
    Bar Artefact
    聲明: 本頻道影片中的言論純屬個人意見及感受, 以提供一般資訊給大眾參考。 Disclaimer: The information and comments provided in the videos of this channel is for general informational purpose only.
    #多倫多生活 #多倫多vlog #多倫多 #quebeccity

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