Kate McCune Sounds like marriage is hell for women. The Bible does not say this!!!! Men are to love and cherish their wives like Christ loved the church.
Deanna Delmar - ExceptJesus didn't love the church, he loved the temple. He was Jewish, and proud of it. So I guess you're saying that men shouldn't love and cherish their wives.
Moises Frias I’m married and my wife as well as many others use sex to their benefit, biologically men need sex and this has been proven, we naturally want to breed. I don’t agree with this guy but i do think when married the wife should be willing to have sex at least 2 times a week, a women just doesn’t understand and if you think this is wrong then don’t marry, i mean what’s the point in getting married and never having sex? your not brother and sister lol
...And a body's natural response to stimulation has nothing to do with if the person wants it or not. This is like the guy who says a woman can't get pregnant if she is raped cuz her body won't let it happen. This is soooooooo sick.
Странно Хрипы Same, like mooost of the time my body does what it’s supposed to and greases the gears when its time to go, but sometimes I’ll be wet all day for no reason and sometimes I’m ready for sex and it’s just average moisture down there. Also, the subconscious will sometimes take anything moderately sexual (look a hot dog!) and your body can react to it in a way that your mind 100% disagrees with (ex. rape victims who experience orgasms)
Big Red Sex shouldn't be "given" from woman to man. Sex is a shared act and sex should be discussed before a serious relationship/marriage. Some couples are fine with sex once a month, some men may not even want sex. Stop generalising it doesn't help anyone.
NickonAquaMagna If marriage was still a majorly religious practice in this country and not simply a contract with the state then maybe. Also if you marry a guy like this then are you really shocked when he says this shit? Doubtful
Both my parents and Church taught this. Believe me when I tell you, this is a dangerous teaching. When a wife's body does not belong to her, the ramifications of that belief do not stay isolated to the marriage bed, they are passed down to the children.
***** For example: When I'm in pain, I don't want to have sex. When my husband want to have sex, I would rather crush his skull than to have sex with him when I'm in pain. Nobody can force a woman/man to have sex. NOBODY! And because of stupid people like you who don't have enough empathy or don't think beyond their nose tip, such insane statements exists still in 2015. Imagine child marriage in other countries. Do you think the man should force himself on a little girl? Or is it something completely different because it might not be your religion? Religion is insane, and what people are doing in the name of their religion is pure madness (and in my opinion, the practice of religion should be banished because nobody has the right to force their believes on someone else.)!
***** If someone doesn't want to have sex, it is their right not to. Who are you to say they should not refuse? When you date or get married, don't make that mistake either that you let someone use you against your will. Remember your own worth, you are not a second class citizen to serve a man just because you're female. And the good thing about living in this century is that us women can get an education and support for ourselves, in certain countries anyway. We don't have to be at some tyrant's mercy. And in biblical times there were concubines and women were man's property. That's not where you should look for morals or guidance for life. Those were not happy times for women.
The guy who wrote that material decided to ignore the next line in the same verse in the same book of the bible. Put in the proper context, the bible describes the husband and wife surrendering to each other. Sadly, most every religious person will cherry-pick parts of their own holy book.
wait a minute...I thought "Sex" was supposed to only be for reproducing and not pleasure therefore, wouldn't oral sex be out of the question in relation to the bible?
I went to a Christian highschool for my freshman year and in their "sex Ed" class, the teacher literally said "oral sex was made by the devil"... Religious people make me face palm 😂
DarkenedAuras No. The Song of Solomon in the Bible is long, about husband's and wives having sex for pleasure. The Hebrews didn't let their sons read that chapter until they were 12 because of all the talk of passion, desire, etc.
What kind of a guy would force himself on a woman when she is not in the mood, how does he enjoy the sex when she is just being a vessel. Some guys who believe they can do that, have a right to do that and actually do it; are sick. They can't bring anything into a relationship but male domination. No woman should go out, socialise or have anything to do with such a man let alone marry him.
*"..Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as 'marital rape'."* I can't fucking facepalm hard enough. This is why the Bible isn't needed as a moral guide, people. Because then we have a situation such as this, where someone is advocating rape saying that a woman is a man's property.
my guy my dude that doesn't make it ok to think its alright to rape someone. you can love someone to the end of the earth but when its all said and done its still rape
Trish St Clair def not people without any UNDERSTANDING of the Bible in CONTEXT This video is disgusting propaganda bullshit from allllll perspectives.
D.Meyod This is an accurate representation of what the Bible says. Not sure which part you object to. Or is your objection that the Bible can't mean what it actually says because then it'd be immoral and you believe it so it can't be immoral? Is that it?
Anon Resistance Actually I'd be willing to bet that this guy is actually being ironic, posing immoral parts of the bible to Christians while acting as though their bible has to be right.
Anon Resistance Equality allows women to chose which religion she is going to believe in as well as if she want's to stay in this kind of a marriage. What was described here was no worse than what was done in 50 shades of Grey, but people go baserk if it's a interpretation of religious texts but if it's 2 people doing it for their own pleasure it's fun and games? How hypocritical !!
I completely agree! and your funny! lol I strongly dislike girls pulling the chick card out whenever they like and in a bar or at work I don't mind guys wanting to let me know they are interested. Even though I agree that it should probably be left out of the work place. Even so... I would be polite and if Im interested, I would make it known in some way but i would also make it known if I wasn't in a polite manner. I have found when that becomes a problem for me is when the guy doesn't take the hint. Then I have to keep it unfriendly to further give them the point. At the same time I have scene girls just brutally shoot a guy down for no reason. Sport really. but the same girls will act all butt hurt when guys react with equal rudeness in response to their brutal shoot down. Its called. don't be a bitch about it... LOL... if ya can't tell most of my friends are guys. LOL
+Bert Turbaville - I love The Atheist Experience :) -- Re:flirting - don't you wish there was some sort of gauge you can carry around that tells you if someone is flirting or not? I do. Someone should create an app.
My impression of you:"Oh yea, equality really turns me on babe!" I'm not saying I'm against equality im just saying that what you said is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard
"A wife does not have the right over her own body, but her husband does. In the same way, a husband does not have the right over his own body, but his wife does." Funny how some like to leave that last bit out so they can claim ownership. The rest goes on suggesting not depriving for too long so that "Satan" does not tempt one to stray. Then there's. .. Corinthians 7 because of verse 6 where Paul writes “I say the following as a concession, not as a command.“ Guys like that must be reading 50 Shades of Gray.
But, it does say that she "is to submit to her husband as he does the lord." Which basically means she doesn't have the right to go against he husband's will just like man does not have the right go against god's will. So really no she is his property. Because no where does it say that a man should submit to his wife. Yes the next passage is a command for a husband to love his wife but, back in the 1st century how was love defined? It was socially acceptable to beat your wife so saying that being kind and gentle and respecting he bodily integrity was a show of love is not true. It simply meant to provide for. The definition of love then was not to turn her out on the street or starve her. But you are welcome to beat her to a bloody pulp every night for the small infraction. That is biblical marriage.
Tangerine Farmer It's not just religion that teaches this, it's when guys see women that are beautiful (whatever that means) and start gawking at them. As a kid I was told that I had to be attracted to a woman in a bikini by my dad simply because she was wearing one. My dad said I had to be attracted because I was a man even though I was questioning my sexuality at the time. Now, I am free to be attracted to either sex.
1 Corinthians 7:4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. .......so biblically speaking, a husband also can NOT deny his body to his wife.
James Smith While theoretically this verse could be interpreted that way, I grew up around Christians and never heard them focus on the scenario of a woman demanding sex when her husband doesn't want it. it could have been the fact that my (ex)church believed women didn't have as much sex drive, and were more emotionally motivated. I think my ex church and this verse are egregiously wrong on all points, naturally. I think consent is essential, always.
GraphicallyAlex I don't understand how you don't see that forcing anyone is wrong, whether you're married to them or not. Consent is not something that is implied based on a ring and a vow. You'll understand once you grow up and have a relationship of your own. Then try to force it on your partner and see how that works for you.
"Modern western notions" You mean, the notion that people should have freedom of choice an in inherent right to their own body, rather than being considered property and treated like a toy or like a piece of furniture? Yeah, I'd say that the Bible does run contrary to that.
+Lone Wolf Don't assume that everything you read in relation to religion is representative of all those who are religious. Not all of us think this way. All religions are subject to abysmal interpretations by those who call themselves members of said religions.
Doesn't the bible also say that if a man rapes a woman, he is to pay her father and then marry her? Doesn't it also have a passage stating that if a woman is raped and no one comes to help her, it is because she did not scream loud enough and so shall be stoned to death? Yeah... real beacons of morality these biblical teachings.
Mason Hatcher Deuteronomy chapter 22. While there are _some_ laws in the Bible that still do make sense, there's a lot of really strange ones. And even the good parts of the Bible often get contradicted by other parts.
I will admit that yes there are some fantastic messages within the bible, some are downright immoral and disgusting. I recall one pasage where men attack and destroy a village and kill all of the men and married women, in the name of god of course. They then take all the virgin women and "take them as wives." They do not have enough wives for the men however, and so kidnap more virgins from some holy festival. What the actual fuck? I'll link it later if I can find the passage somewhere.
Mason Hatcher "I'll link it later if I can find the passage somewhere." The ones that come to my mind are Numbers 31 (where Moses orders one of his officers to kill prisoners of war, only sparing the virgin girls), Deuteronomy 13 (how to deal with other religions) and Judges 21 (the aftermath of the war against the Benjamenites). I recently read through the Bible for the first time in my life, just because I wanted to know what it really said, and while the memory of it is fading I still remember approximately where to look for some of the stranger bits. As I recall it, most of the Book of Judges is pretty messed up, even by Old Testament standards.
Oh definately! The bible has some real nasty shit in it, like in Isaiah 13:15-18, when it says that prisoners will be executed and women raped and children killed. Why does god love rape and murder so much? That guy must have daddy issues or something.. Also, the passages I listed earlier were indeed in Deuteronomy, 22:28-29 & 22:23-24. Some messed up stuff man.
Ephesians 5:25 (NIV) "husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Part of love is respect, which includes respecting someone's sexuality, if u love someone, u respect them, and if u respect them, u don't have sex with them when they don't want 2
What does it matter what race the writer is? "A website that has an anonymous, 40 year old 'white' writer"... stop stirring the pot, TYT, I like your videos usually but that type of comment is incendiary. Race should be mentioned when it's relevant, when the issue is related to race or caused by race, this is none of those.
Its not stupid. In America, the religious extremists tend to be very conservative, mysogynistic, xenophobic white men who live in rural areas. He's painting a picture of the subculture of people the subject clearly belongs to. If u felt personally offended by that then maybe you identify too much with that sort of person. "Stirring the pot" is one of TYT's best, most differentiating qualities.
Something that was glossed over and bothered me was Women naturally get wet even when they don't like or want sex....that's a natural body function and does not mean she is "in the mood" or that it was okay since she was wet....Wtf
some random anonymous troll on a website nobody's ever heard of (until tyt gave it a ton of free publicity) said something ridiculous and offensive... SO FUCKING WHAT?!
Maltfalc When its a crazy radical feminist= ALL OF TUMBLER AND ALL FEMINISTS ARE EVIL AND THEY ALL THINK THIS WAY When its a crazy radical mra= Oh that's just one guy out of millions don't pay any attention to him
Graham Mikkelson I can name one, Christina sommers. I don't really waste my time looking at gender rights blogs so I also can't name crazy ones other then sarkisian and general tumber users.
Graham Mikkelson Can you name a single one of note who was bonkers? However in answer to your question these three are in the history books, tried to make marital rape illegal for years. Voltairine de Cleyre, Victoria Woodhull and Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy
Graham Mikkelson The same to you, also there actions speak more then there words. After all banning spousal rape is a first wave feminist ideal even if they didn't specifically identify as feminist. Asking that is kinda like asking if a man who brutally stabbed someone to death in public with hundreds of witnesses said at any point that he was a murderer, specifically it's an utterly superfluous question. In fact realistically almost every civilized person on the planet is a feminist by definition if they don't think women should be treated worse then men. The people your having an issue with are likely matriarchists or in plain english people who think women should have special privilege in or rule society.
dogs might be bought or sold but they are not actual property, property doesn't have rights. There is a whole international association dedicated to animal's rights.
I am not a Christian, and I find this guy's views beyond disgusting. However, I find it a little disingenuous that the same people who always clearly draw a line between normal Islam and the pre 10th century Islam practiced by radicals do not make that same distinction when it comes to Christianity...ever. I live in Georgia and have never met a Christian that holds these views. I know they exist, in some back woods Pentecostal or southern Baptist churches but they are by far the minority.
just watched the last 2 minutes. I have never heard Cenk discuss or denigrate the Medina Suras in the Qur'an. I've heard him try and explain and rationalize them. But I've never heard him talk about the Verse of the Sword, the principle of Naskh or abrogation. Not a fucking word. I have nor problem with these videos pointing out the immorality of the bible, but how about one on the immorality of the Qur'an?
The irony of the fact that following half the statements in the bible will land you in jail, but yet it's viewed as a source for morality. I will just stick to treating people they way I would like to be treated.
Real Christians don't believe that. The bibles says, when a man and woman gets married, Two become one. The it says, Show no benevolence one to the other and don't deny each other of intimacy or it may cause they other to commit adultery. It adds that if one of the two are fasting and praying,they should not require intimacy out of respect for the time of consercration. And it speaks of not touching a woman when she have mentruation. It also says that when a woman is being taken for granted in the home. That the wife should leave for a season so that the husband would realize her importance and stop taking her for granted. It talks about forgiving the other and having patience, It says that men should love his wife as he loves himself. When a man loves his wife, he will no want to make her unhappy by forcing her to have sex. This person is a nut case.
I'm a Christian...we do believe that the wife's body belongs to her husband...BUT his body belongs to her too and only her. If she doesn't want to have sex, he should never force her to do it. His body is hers just as hers is his. We believe that two bodies become one in marriage. But there should be respect and love...sacrifice of one's needs, putting their spouse above themselves. Sadly, many sickos like this guy give all of us Christians a bad rap.
I am confused.. I thought christians followed the apostles christs word ----> Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. 3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
There's a difference between not being in the mood and saying no...sometimes you love someone enough that you are willing to do something if you aren't in the mood because making them happy outweighs you not being in the mood (a lot of men and women have sex when not in the mood to make their partner happy, and they are usually given the same courtesy by their partner). When you really just don't feel like it, and you say no, that's a completely different thing.
As a Christian woman, I can honestly say I have never heard a pastor advocate marital rape. My pastor gas never preached that wives and women have no rights and must do what their husbands tell them to do let alone be RAPED by their husbands. It's really a shame you guys don't know any real Christians. You stereotype Christians as much as you claim others stereotype Muslims. And you're rather rude, patronizing, and condescending to those with faith. I'm not sure why those with faith bother you since the majority of us are just living our lives and not bothering anyone.
Don't listen to your pastor read the Bible it is all in their your pasta just tells you how you should feel about it without figuring it out for yourself
I agree. They bible says the husband must protect his wife and its a marital vow, so marital rape is not allowed. TYT take a random article from a random anonymous troll to generalize all Christians and claim beliefes that are actually not biblical at all and has never been, not even in ancient jewish laws.
+eyeammi No, the Bible does not claim it is OK to rape your wife. It do says that the wife's body belongs to husband, but also that the husband's body belong to her. So, Sex decisions are mutual and rape actuale BREAKS the vows of marriage based on not hurting. You are just assuming false things to justify your false assumptions and therefore keep your false persoective about anyone you disagree with.
Seems like the only thing missing is the description of the person writing the post. He's arguably wearing a fedora with a neckbeard. He may have a slight addiction to Mountain Dew and COD. He may also have a tendency to strike out with ladies. Those are only a few things that describe this guy. -.-
THE MAIN RULE OF CHRISTIANITY IS LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF THIS IS NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR people like this are making an unfair, horrible name for all christians
I love how people focus on the role of the woman, but skip the part where it describes the role of a husband which is DIRECTLY after that. Also lets understand that the bible mentions those who had concubines, it never commands or condones the use of concubines.
Found the creep! He apparently vents about his own sexual frustration while on the clock at AutoZone: 1575 S Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110 Beware, there is no such thing as anonymity on the Internet anymore.
He is a divorcé with kids and is back in a new relationship. I expect he only divorced bc of sexual immorality by his wife, as that is the only acceptable reason to divorce as a godly man, as this guy clearly is...
I could be very wrong but I'm pretty sure the person who created that site is trolling. The fact that it's an anonymous creator is a dead giveaway. How many religious fundamentalists do you know of that don't go public with their craziness. They NEVER hide it because they are proud of it.
***** Ooooook, someone went too far. You cant call every stupid fuck who's opinion you dislike a rapist and a sex offender. You're heading into feminazi territory with that one. Don't misunderstand, this guy is about as smart as my toaster, but you can't just call every christian with bass ackwords views a rapist, then by your own logic half the country would be rapists, which depending on whether or not you're a tumblrite you may have believed anyway.
***** I agree, just don't go accusing someone who's probably never gonna get this dick wet a rapist. There is a difference between "Could" and "is". I'm all for calling Chuckles the ass clown over there any insults you can think of, I just think accusing someone of a crime that you have no evidence they committed is going overboard. Everyone is capable of horrible and stupid acts but that doesn't mean that everyone has committed a horribly stupid act.
There are usually signs of someone is a Poe, but these examples are what literalists believe. Also, if one truly is a literalist, then they wouldn't strut about making a name for themselves. It is also problematic for being a supervisor, to have ones name tied to marital rape apologists.
What do you do if your wife denies you sex? Well, here's two things you can do. One is go to the bathroom and pull your wire. Two is tough shit and just go to bed.
the closest thing the bible says about a husband owning his wife is " So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. " that's not even close to how disgusting this person describes it...
what is bad, is that he is wrong, the husbands body also belongs to the wife according to the new testament. And that is twisted. What of the old testament laws. not property.this guy is horrible. and definitely not Christian.
Mechell Turner If you're referring to the passage in Corinthians where it says they belong to each other, it's simply advocating that you sleep together often enough that neither of you lust for another. It's about fidelity. Not the power dynamic between the husband and wife.
Why would anyone want to have sex with someone that is not in the mood ? It's not going to be satisfying for either of you. Just take matters into your own hands and be done with it. Foreplay does not consist of 15 minutes of begging.
My mom is a retired MINISTER and she believes in evolution and believes most of the bible is filled with parables doesn't take a lot of it literally. So not every christian is the stereotype of the right-wing crazy person.
Actually, in the New Testament, there is Scripture that says that the wife's body belongs to her husband, but also, THE MAN'S BODY BELONGS TO HIS WIFE!!! And the husband is to love his wife as he loves himself and as Christ loves His church. So, it goes both ways. Another interesting thing: There is no Scripture that states that the wife must love her husband; however, people in general are to love one another and treat others as one would want to be treated.
If your husband or wife does not want to sleep with you, just get a divorce. Sex is an important a healthy aspect of any relationship. You do not have the right to sleep with someone just because you're with them. Why even stay in a relationship, where your significant other has to interest in being intimate with you, or you have no interest in being intimate with them? Being alone sucks, but being in a love less, sexless relationship, isn't a better option.
If you marry a female, sex will decrease on average to the point where you are basically having the same amount of sex before had a girlfriend, which is never.
Yeah, the man owns the womans body....but no one ever says the other part of the line.......... THE WOMAN OWNS THE MANS BODY ALSO! So, basically you trade but neither would hold BOTH bodies. Sometimes Turks you get it right, but you won't listen either.
Relative term of responsibility for what the animal might do depending on state and local laws (you can be held responsible for an attack on a person or property damage by animal) Some actually say "guardian" rather then "owner" in the laws and it is illegal to mistreat, torture, harm, or kill animals even if they are yours because of Animal cruelty laws in a lot of places
PaleVoyager nope, that's you pal. Atheists have no inherent association with these self-victimizing shitsticks, given that most atheists tend to be liberal, we don't usually support pathetic rightwing causes like "stopping the persecution of the white male". Fucking degenerates
Big T. Larrity urgh...that was satire.i was making fun of the Atheist MRAs GENIUS!!!:P. i agree with you. also for anyone who says MRA's are any better than these assholes... "The concept of marital rape is any oxymoron.Marriage is a license for sex" www.avoiceformen.com/mens-rights/marital-rape-a-feminist-tool-to-criminalize-marriage-in-india/
As a Christian woman, I have full right to deny my body to a man. My body is a temple unto the Holy Spirit. How dare a man try to vandalize it when it is not open to him.
If I’m simply “not in the mood”, I won’t deny my husband sex. That’s because I know that even if I don’t care, I’ll usually get into it pretty quickly and also because when I am denied sex it hurts my feelings and I don’t want that to happen to my husband. That being said, that is MY CHOICE. I choose to do that and if I ever withdraw my consent then my husband would honor that(and vise versa) I also recognize that I have a relatively high libido, so while that works for me it won’t for others. It’s all about choice and that is what makes all the difference. Take that away and you have rape. Period.
Monique-Gail Samuels It’s prob around the same part of the bible that tells you how to punish your wife and your slaves, i’m serious about this too , it’s all in there. As a former Christian now Agnostic due to the conflicting crap i read in the Bible
I told myself never to comment unless it has something to do with the topic of discussion in the video but Anna, you might want to either a) tan yourself from the neck down or b) use a body foundation on your neck and chest because the foundation you use on your face is a completely different color than your neck and chest.
Definition of rape: having sex with someone when they don't want to have sex with you. Wife not being in the mood = not wanting to have sex with you You having sex regardless = rape. Simple logic here, but clearly there is more nuance to the issue. But clearly if someone says no to sex and you make them do it anyways then there's a huge issue
According the the Bible, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is three. I want to see holy rollers trying to skate on those wheels.
Why don't you talk about how Muslims subjocate their women TYT? You know, something that is an actual problem instead of covering some loon Christian who wrote a blog. Oh i know. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with shmuslim shmapologist.
Your body belongs to one person - yourself. Teaching people that their bodies are the property of their spouse is very very dangerous.
Why is dangerous? because avoid the blackmailing of denying sex?
Welcome to the Abrahamic religions, the epitome of evil. :-(
Kate McCune Sounds like marriage is hell for women. The Bible does not say this!!!! Men are to love and cherish their wives like Christ loved the church.
Deanna Delmar - ExceptJesus didn't love the church, he loved the temple. He was Jewish, and proud of it. So I guess you're saying that men shouldn't love and cherish their wives.
Moises Frias I’m married and my wife as well as many others use sex to their benefit, biologically men need sex and this has been proven, we naturally want to breed. I don’t agree with this guy but i do think when married the wife should be willing to have sex at least 2 times a week, a women just doesn’t understand and if you think this is wrong then don’t marry, i mean what’s the point in getting married and never having sex? your not brother and sister lol
this sounds more like slavery than a relationship,.
That's "traditional" marriage, at least, according to the Bible!
Or just straight up abolished.
puffy1333, yeah
Exactly wtf
Nobody should ever be considered anybody else's property. End of.
Carl Taylor
We need this on a shirt or at random places. Since people for some reason don't get that.
This guy should be in jail & become someone's property. if he's not in the mood they can use foreplay.
Sky Rose
You're beautiful. I love you.
If my husband starts repeating stuff from that website, that's the day he becomes my ex.
you go, girl! or better say you go, strong woman!
I'd suggest getting a restraining order at the same time
all of you say that till you sit in a corner beg and cry xD pathetic internet hero
@@NoOne-yv3wj abusive relationships aren't funny.
Lady V Amazing
...And a body's natural response to stimulation has nothing to do with if the person wants it or not. This is like the guy who says a woman can't get pregnant if she is raped cuz her body won't let it happen. This is soooooooo sick.
z a myers Shit Republican senators say. Lol.
Странно Хрипы Same, like mooost of the time my body does what it’s supposed to and greases the gears when its time to go, but sometimes I’ll be wet all day for no reason and sometimes I’m ready for sex and it’s just average moisture down there.
Also, the subconscious will sometimes take anything moderately sexual (look a hot dog!) and your body can react to it in a way that your mind 100% disagrees with (ex. rape victims who experience orgasms)
EchoBean 52
Our body is so sensitive .We can get aroused without wanting to .lt happens to me a lot .
Wow, is this some strange way to encourage NEVER getting married?
Yah if you’re a women and don’t want to give your man sex twice a week then don’t get married, sorry but i don’t want another sister
Big Red Sex shouldn't be "given" from woman to man. Sex is a shared act and sex should be discussed before a serious relationship/marriage. Some couples are fine with sex once a month, some men may not even want sex. Stop generalising it doesn't help anyone.
relationship = sex? uhM???? yo what...
Jun Koyaki Marriage normally equals sex due to religion stating it's a sin to have sex before it.
....okay, maybe the feminists saying the institution of marriage is designed to be oppressive to women have a point.
NickonAquaMagna This is why feminism is around at all- because of this religious bullshit. Luckily, things have changed- at least for most anyway.
NickonAquaMagna But really- this system is oppressive for everyone
NickonAquaMagna If marriage was still a majorly religious practice in this country and not simply a contract with the state then maybe. Also if you marry a guy like this then are you really shocked when he says this shit? Doubtful
mra women are good enough to fuck, not good enough to have a relationship with. Mra, a healthy fear of commitment since 2010.
No. The fact this site is wrong does not make feminism any less valid.
I cringed the whole video and I'm a Christian..
+bvfdgthrthuwa asrtujkuhgtffds I didn't cringe at the Bible I cringed at the guy
Gnollrunner there are different versions of the bible. So some are a little f@$& up
Sweater It isn't just the stories. There are morals and laws which address women.
Same, dude
I cringed at Cenk Uygur.
What happened to respecting your wife?
@gendalfff no idiot, can't you read?
Can't respect someone who doesn't give a shit about you needs in a relationship
Both my parents and Church taught this. Believe me when I tell you, this is a dangerous teaching. When a wife's body does not belong to her, the ramifications of that belief do not stay isolated to the marriage bed, they are passed down to the children.
It is rape!
They dont know right from wrong they think they do but they dont, there religion has corrupted there mind's!
This guy is a fucking creep!
***** Are you available for marriage :)
***** For example: When I'm in pain, I don't want to have sex. When my husband want to have sex, I would rather crush his skull than to have sex with him when I'm in pain. Nobody can force a woman/man to have sex. NOBODY! And because of stupid people like you who don't have enough empathy or don't think beyond their nose tip, such insane statements exists still in 2015.
Imagine child marriage in other countries. Do you think the man should force himself on a little girl? Or is it something completely different because it might not be your religion?
Religion is insane, and what people are doing in the name of their religion is pure madness (and in my opinion, the practice of religion should be banished because nobody has the right to force their believes on someone else.)!
***** That's BS
***** If someone doesn't want to have sex, it is their right not to. Who are you to say they should not refuse? When you date or get married, don't make that mistake either that you let someone use you against your will. Remember your own worth, you are not a second class citizen to serve a man just because you're female. And the good thing about living in this century is that us women can get an education and support for ourselves, in certain countries anyway. We don't have to be at some tyrant's mercy. And in biblical times there were concubines and women were man's property. That's not where you should look for morals or guidance for life. Those were not happy times for women.
The guy who wrote that material decided to ignore the next line in the same verse in the same book of the bible. Put in the proper context, the bible describes the husband and wife surrendering to each other.
Sadly, most every religious person will cherry-pick parts of their own holy book.
+Robert Black yep
+Robert Black And they do it because religion is a means of control, manipulation and dominance.
I surrendered to my wife. Bank card and dignity gone. 😔
+Yusuf Ali Harry Potter could be turned round to fit someone beliefs if people want to. Bloody fools.
Robert Black he belongs in a mental hospital 😑😑😑😑😾😾😾🖕🏽🖕🏽🏥🏥🏥🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
guaranteed this guy is not married
We hope so
They said he is though, I think
Some people do believe that you can’t rape someone if you’re married to them. For whoever he’s supposedly married to, I truly hope he isn’t.
I hope not
Not anymore
wait a minute...I thought "Sex" was supposed to only be for reproducing and not pleasure therefore, wouldn't oral sex be out of the question in relation to the bible?
Do it on the couch! Yeah, loopholes! (Guest room, or standing up, kitchen table...)
Let us not forget, Bible followers have always been known to pick and choose what they want to follow and ignore anything that's inconvenient to them.
I went to a Christian highschool for my freshman year and in their "sex Ed" class, the teacher literally said "oral sex was made by the devil"...
Religious people make me face palm 😂
DarkenedAuras No. The Song of Solomon in the Bible is long, about husband's and wives having sex for pleasure. The Hebrews didn't let their sons read that chapter until they were 12 because of all the talk of passion, desire, etc.
What kind of a guy would force himself on a woman when she is not in the mood, how does he enjoy the sex when she is just being a vessel. Some guys who believe they can do that, have a right to do that and actually do it; are sick. They can't bring anything into a relationship but male domination. No woman should go out, socialise or have anything to do with such a man let alone marry him.
I think it's a bait n switch thing. The woman only sees this side AFTER they marry,
+Stacey Kersting Spot on analysis.
seriously can you imagine it if your OWN WIFE denies you wow and they wonder why men go to hookers
Kevin, you really need to work on your trolling skills because you sound like a 14-year-old broken record.
*"..Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as 'marital rape'."*
I can't fucking facepalm hard enough. This is why the Bible isn't needed as a moral guide, people. Because then we have a situation such as this, where someone is advocating rape saying that a woman is a man's property.
You're joking, right?
No, no, no, you have to be joking. Kindly watch the video.
The bible says the husband must protect his wife, therefore it condemns marital rape.
Joseph Ang
And where does it say that?
So as far as the Bible is concerned, a wife is nothing more than property. The wonderful word of God, amirite?
I read the Bible once. I got about halfway through and became an atheist.
Heather Countryman that’s the same situation with my dad lol I’ve never read it
same but for quran
and you probably started from the first page, right? read the NEW testament first.
He must have forgot the part that said to love his wife more than he loves himself.
my guy my dude that doesn't make it ok to think its alright to rape someone. you can love someone to the end of the earth but when its all said and done its still rape
Using gods to legitimize perversion. What's new?
Trish St Clair def not people without any UNDERSTANDING of the Bible in CONTEXT This video is disgusting propaganda bullshit from allllll perspectives.
D.Meyod This is an accurate representation of what the Bible says. Not sure which part you object to. Or is your objection that the Bible can't mean what it actually says because then it'd be immoral and you believe it so it can't be immoral? Is that it?
Nah I think this guy and the bible are both stupid.
Rape 101
oh my fucking god.
Lmaoo Ikr
This dude is fuccn trolling.
Anon Resistance Actually I'd be willing to bet that this guy is actually being ironic, posing immoral parts of the bible to Christians while acting as though their bible has to be right.
Anon Resistance Equality allows women to chose which religion she is going to believe in as well as if she want's to stay in this kind of a marriage.
What was described here was no worse than what was done in 50 shades of
Grey, but people go baserk if it's a interpretation of religious texts
but if it's 2 people doing it for their own pleasure it's fun and games?
How hypocritical !!
hey guys, ya know what gets us lubricated? treating us as equal and with respect.... lol
Taking notes...
I completely agree! and your funny! lol I strongly dislike girls pulling the chick card out whenever they like and in a bar or at work I don't mind guys wanting to let me know they are interested. Even though I agree that it should probably be left out of the work place. Even so... I would be polite and if Im interested, I would make it known in some way but i would also make it known if I wasn't in a polite manner. I have found when that becomes a problem for me is when the guy doesn't take the hint. Then I have to keep it unfriendly to further give them the point. At the same time I have scene girls just brutally shoot a guy down for no reason. Sport really. but the same girls will act all butt hurt when guys react with equal rudeness in response to their brutal shoot down. Its called. don't be a bitch about it... LOL... if ya can't tell most of my friends are guys. LOL
+Bert Turbaville - I love The Atheist Experience :) -- Re:flirting - don't you wish there was some sort of gauge you can carry around that tells you if someone is flirting or not? I do. Someone should create an app.
My impression of you:"Oh yea, equality really turns me on babe!"
I'm not saying I'm against equality im just saying that what you said is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard
"A wife does not have the right over her own body, but her husband does. In the same way, a husband does not have the right over his own body, but his wife does."
Funny how some like to leave that last bit out so they can claim ownership. The rest goes on suggesting not depriving for too long so that "Satan" does not tempt one to stray.
Then there's. ..
Corinthians 7 because of verse 6 where Paul writes “I say the following as a concession, not as a command.“
Guys like that must be reading 50 Shades of Gray.
Meg C thank you, I wad looking for a comment that was saying this.
Meg C Thank you for posting these biblical verses. They are so important to be read as a whole!
But, it does say that she "is to submit to her husband as he does the lord." Which basically means she doesn't have the right to go against he husband's will just like man does not have the right go against god's will. So really no she is his property. Because no where does it say that a man should submit to his wife. Yes the next passage is a command for a husband to love his wife but, back in the 1st century how was love defined? It was socially acceptable to beat your wife so saying that being kind and gentle and respecting he bodily integrity was a show of love is not true. It simply meant to provide for. The definition of love then was not to turn her out on the street or starve her. But you are welcome to beat her to a bloody pulp every night for the small infraction. That is biblical marriage.
Nah, I don't think women should force her husband into sex either.
I like this guy. He reminds me why I am an atheist.
can I have your daughter
thelordmemnoch same
thelordmemnoch saaaame
can iiiii have your daughter?
As an asexual and a human being with free thought, this type of mind set makes me physically ill.
Me too!!!
If you see a woman solely as a sex object maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship.
You're exactly right just pump and dump them if you see them as such
datone9 Or better yet, just be alone forever and as Pink once sang "it'll be you and your hand tonight."
Edgardo Peregrino Both my parents and Church taught this. Believe me when I tell you, this is a dangerous teaching.
Tangerine Farmer It's not just religion that teaches this, it's when guys see women that are beautiful (whatever that means) and start gawking at them. As a kid I was told that I had to be attracted to a woman in a bikini by my dad simply because she was wearing one. My dad said I had to be attracted because I was a man even though I was questioning my sexuality at the time. Now, I am free to be attracted to either sex.
Edgardo Peregrino That is true, I am glad that you broke free from your father's shadow.
me wanting an asexual marriage would blow this guys mind
Christian kathryn Grimes 😂
I'm sure your husband would happily respect your wishes.
I want an Asexual Marriage too.
I'm aro.
1 Corinthians 7:4
The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.
.......so biblically speaking, a husband also can NOT deny his body to his wife.
This isn't talking literally this is figurative. That is why this preacher looks like an idiot. Btw I'm a Christian.
TYT won't acknowledge it.
James Smith While theoretically this verse could be interpreted that way, I grew up around Christians and never heard them focus on the scenario of a woman demanding sex when her husband doesn't want it. it could have been the fact that my (ex)church believed women didn't have as much sex drive, and were more emotionally motivated.
I think my ex church and this verse are egregiously wrong on all points, naturally. I think consent is essential, always.
GraphicallyAlex You don't belong to your spouse. If you say no, EVEN TO YOUR SPOUSE, they don't then have the right to force you.
GraphicallyAlex I don't understand how you don't see that forcing anyone is wrong, whether you're married to them or not. Consent is not something that is implied based on a ring and a vow. You'll understand once you grow up and have a relationship of your own. Then try to force it on your partner and see how that works for you.
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the bible." -Mark Twain
"Modern western notions"
You mean, the notion that people should have freedom of choice an in inherent right to their own body, rather than being considered property and treated like a toy or like a piece of furniture? Yeah, I'd say that the Bible does run contrary to that.
has there ever been a better expressed reason to remain single?
It's at this point that I'm glad I'm single. I don't ever want to force someone to do something because RELIGION demands it!
nor be forced. amen
+Lone Wolf Don't assume that everything you read in relation to religion is representative of all those who are religious. Not all of us think this way. All religions are subject to abysmal interpretations by those who call themselves members of said religions.
Doesn't the bible also say that if a man rapes a woman, he is to pay her father and then marry her? Doesn't it also have a passage stating that if a woman is raped and no one comes to help her, it is because she did not scream loud enough and so shall be stoned to death? Yeah... real beacons of morality these biblical teachings.
Mason Hatcher Deuteronomy chapter 22. While there are _some_ laws in the Bible that still do make sense, there's a lot of really strange ones. And even the good parts of the Bible often get contradicted by other parts.
I will admit that yes there are some fantastic messages within the bible, some are downright immoral and disgusting. I recall one pasage where men attack and destroy a village and kill all of the men and married women, in the name of god of course. They then take all the virgin women and "take them as wives." They do not have enough wives for the men however, and so kidnap more virgins from some holy festival. What the actual fuck?
I'll link it later if I can find the passage somewhere.
Mason Hatcher "I'll link it later if I can find the passage somewhere."
The ones that come to my mind are Numbers 31 (where Moses orders one of his officers to kill prisoners of war, only sparing the virgin girls), Deuteronomy 13 (how to deal with other religions) and Judges 21 (the aftermath of the war against the Benjamenites). I recently read through the Bible for the first time in my life, just because I wanted to know what it really said, and while the memory of it is fading I still remember approximately where to look for some of the stranger bits.
As I recall it, most of the Book of Judges is pretty messed up, even by Old Testament standards.
Oh definately! The bible has some real nasty shit in it, like in Isaiah 13:15-18, when it says that prisoners will be executed and women raped and children killed. Why does god love rape and murder so much? That guy must have daddy issues or something..
Also, the passages I listed earlier were indeed in Deuteronomy, 22:28-29 & 22:23-24. Some messed up stuff man.
Not the bible, but ancient jewish laws.
Ephesians 5:25 (NIV) "husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her"
Part of love is respect, which includes respecting someone's sexuality, if u love someone, u respect them, and if u respect them, u don't have sex with them when they don't want 2
Absolute truth...Amen
What does it matter what race the writer is? "A website that has an anonymous, 40 year old 'white' writer"... stop stirring the pot, TYT, I like your videos usually but that type of comment is incendiary. Race should be mentioned when it's relevant, when the issue is related to race or caused by race, this is none of those.
Jeffrey Osborn Unlike the comments made on the site?
TraumaQueen65 How is that relevant to what I said?
Yeah that was random and not relevant to the story at all..
Jeffrey Osborn Pretty relevant :)
Its not stupid. In America, the religious extremists tend to be very conservative, mysogynistic, xenophobic white men who live in rural areas. He's painting a picture of the subculture of people the subject clearly belongs to. If u felt personally offended by that then maybe you identify too much with that sort of person. "Stirring the pot" is one of TYT's best, most differentiating qualities.
This is easily the creepiest thing I've ever seen. It's the manifesto of a rapist.
Something that was glossed over and bothered me was
Women naturally get wet even when they don't like or want sex....that's a natural body function and does not mean she is "in the mood" or that it was okay since she was wet....Wtf
some random anonymous troll on a website nobody's ever heard of (until tyt gave it a ton of free publicity) said something ridiculous and offensive... SO FUCKING WHAT?!
Ikr.Its not even clear if he was being serious.
When its a crazy radical mra= Oh that's just one guy out of millions don't pay any attention to him
Graham Mikkelson
I can name one, Christina sommers. I don't really waste my time looking at gender rights blogs so I also can't name crazy ones other then sarkisian and general tumber users.
Graham Mikkelson Can you name a single one of note who was bonkers?
However in answer to your question these three are in the history books, tried to make marital rape illegal for years. Voltairine de Cleyre, Victoria Woodhull and Elizabeth Clarke Wolstenholme Elmy
Graham Mikkelson
The same to you, also there actions speak more then there words. After all banning spousal rape is a first wave feminist ideal even if they didn't specifically identify as feminist. Asking that is kinda like asking if a man who brutally stabbed someone to death in public with hundreds of witnesses said at any point that he was a murderer, specifically it's an utterly superfluous question.
In fact realistically almost every civilized person on the planet is a feminist by definition if they don't think women should be treated worse then men. The people your having an issue with are likely matriarchists or in plain english people who think women should have special privilege in or rule society.
Furthermore, this crap is justifying total abusive behavior.
dogs might be bought or sold but they are not actual property, property doesn't have rights. There is a whole international association dedicated to animal's rights.
+tommysil THOUGH normally you aren't supposed to abuse your dog
I am not a Christian, and I find this guy's views beyond disgusting. However, I find it a little disingenuous that the same people who always clearly draw a line between normal Islam and the pre 10th century Islam practiced by radicals do not make that same distinction when it comes to Christianity...ever. I live in Georgia and have never met a Christian that holds these views. I know they exist, in some back woods Pentecostal or southern Baptist churches but they are by far the minority.
just watched the last 2 minutes. I have never heard Cenk discuss or denigrate the Medina Suras in the Qur'an. I've heard him try and explain and rationalize them. But I've never heard him talk about the Verse of the Sword, the principle of Naskh or abrogation. Not a fucking word. I have nor problem with these videos pointing out the immorality of the bible, but how about one on the immorality of the Qur'an?
Miko Rebz cenk doesn't fear Christians killing him
And people say marital rape is a myth, smh.
What To Do When Your Wife Denies You Sex take a cold shower
The irony of the fact that following half the statements in the bible will land you in jail, but yet it's viewed as a source for morality. I will just stick to treating people they way I would like to be treated.
Real Christians don't believe that. The bibles says, when a man and woman gets married, Two become one. The it says, Show no benevolence one to the other and don't deny each other of intimacy or it may cause they other to commit adultery. It adds that if one of the two are fasting and praying,they should not require intimacy out of respect for the time of consercration. And it speaks of not touching a woman when she have mentruation. It also says that when a woman is being taken for granted in the home. That the wife should leave for a season so that the husband would realize her importance and stop taking her for granted. It talks about forgiving the other and having patience, It says that men should love his wife as he loves himself. When a man loves his wife, he will no want to make her unhappy by forcing her to have sex. This person is a nut case.
L Crom I love the way you perceive the teachings...
L Crom Some women like to have sex on their period, it helps with cramps 😅
L Crom mostly Catholics beleive this. I know because my father's family is very Catholic
I'm a Christian...we do believe that the wife's body belongs to her husband...BUT his body belongs to her too and only her. If she doesn't want to have sex, he should never force her to do it. His body is hers just as hers is his. We believe that two bodies become one in marriage. But there should be respect and love...sacrifice of one's needs, putting their spouse above themselves. Sadly, many sickos like this guy give all of us Christians a bad rap.
I am confused.. I thought christians followed the apostles christs word ---->
Now for the matters you wrote about: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. 3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Clearly he skipped all that. Just wrote down what he liked and put the bible/god's word so he can get away with it.
There's a difference between not being in the mood and saying no...sometimes you love someone enough that you are willing to do something if you aren't in the mood because making them happy outweighs you not being in the mood (a lot of men and women have sex when not in the mood to make their partner happy, and they are usually given the same courtesy by their partner).
When you really just don't feel like it, and you say no, that's a completely different thing.
And if the woman wants sex when the man isn't in the mood?
she cant do nothing she have no right but this shit is bull it's all a lie
She cheats.
Still rape
Palty Shields II A man isn't supposed to refuse, either... It isn't the husband or wife's place to force it though.
This is a belief that almost all religious groups hold
As a Christian woman, I can honestly say I have never heard a pastor advocate marital rape. My pastor gas never preached that wives and women have no rights and must do what their husbands tell them to do let alone be RAPED by their husbands. It's really a shame you guys don't know any real Christians. You stereotype Christians as much as you claim others stereotype Muslims. And you're rather rude, patronizing, and condescending to those with faith. I'm not sure why those with faith bother you since the majority of us are just living our lives and not bothering anyone.
Don't listen to your pastor read the Bible it is all in their your pasta just tells you how you should feel about it without figuring it out for yourself
I agree. They bible says the husband must protect his wife and its a marital vow, so marital rape is not allowed.
TYT take a random article from a random anonymous troll to generalize all Christians and claim beliefes that are actually not biblical at all and has never been, not even in ancient jewish laws.
+eyeammi No, the Bible does not claim it is OK to rape your wife.
It do says that the wife's body belongs to husband, but also that the husband's body belong to her. So, Sex decisions are mutual and rape actuale BREAKS the vows of marriage based on not hurting.
You are just assuming false things to justify your false assumptions and therefore keep your false persoective about anyone you disagree with.
And this is a fraction of why Christian "theory" is every bit as evil as Islamic "theory".
WT absolute F.
Islam does not say horrible things like these...
Seems like the only thing missing is the description of the person writing the post. He's arguably wearing a fedora with a neckbeard. He may have a slight addiction to Mountain Dew and COD. He may also have a tendency to strike out with ladies. Those are only a few things that describe this guy. -.-
Dick Bütt what
THE MAIN RULE OF CHRISTIANITY IS LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF THIS IS NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR people like this are making an unfair, horrible name for all christians
It is sad that in many nations marital rape is not recognized as a crime and where it is recognized, it is very difficult to prove the same in court.
I love how people focus on the role of the woman, but skip the part where it describes the role of a husband which is DIRECTLY after that. Also lets understand that the bible mentions those who had concubines, it never commands or condones the use of concubines.
Esperanza Martinez Exactly. I feel that more Christian women should study the bible so men can't try to use it against them...
Islam and Christianity sounds similar.
filonin2 There were prophets after Moses.
Well Christians and Muslims and Jews weirdo the same God so?
AAAND yet they're fighting. Great job.
The Abrahamic religions are all pretty immoral.
Let me explain this,
Even if you are married, and the other partner doesn't want sex, and you force it on them, it's still rape.
Found the creep! He apparently vents about his own sexual frustration while on the clock at AutoZone:
1575 S Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110
Beware, there is no such thing as anonymity on the Internet anymore.
He is a divorcé with kids and is back in a new relationship. I expect he only divorced bc of sexual immorality by his wife, as that is the only acceptable reason to divorce as a godly man, as this guy clearly is...
I just don't understand how atheists can be moral without such a perfect moral guide like the bible....
lukus black Sure hope this is sarcasm?
If your husband is referring to this website to support his argument. Get a divorce.
I'm a Christian but this guy is not a Christian he is a creep. We are not like this
I could be very wrong but I'm pretty sure the person who created that site is trolling. The fact that it's an anonymous creator is a dead giveaway. How many religious fundamentalists do you know of that don't go public with their craziness. They NEVER hide it because they are proud of it.
***** I can't tell what would be a more painful experience, going to a christian community website or going to a tumblr feminist page.
***** Ooooook, someone went too far. You cant call every stupid fuck who's opinion you dislike a rapist and a sex offender. You're heading into feminazi territory with that one. Don't misunderstand, this guy is about as smart as my toaster, but you can't just call every christian with bass ackwords views a rapist, then by your own logic half the country would be rapists, which depending on whether or not you're a tumblrite you may have believed anyway.
***** I agree, just don't go accusing someone who's probably never gonna get this dick wet a rapist. There is a difference between "Could" and "is". I'm all for calling Chuckles the ass clown over there any insults you can think of, I just think accusing someone of a crime that you have no evidence they committed is going overboard. Everyone is capable of horrible and stupid acts but that doesn't mean that everyone has committed a horribly stupid act.
Ellie M. oooh ya just choose the bits you want to believe, ignore the rest and tell people- 'the bible is the best moral guide' ha ha
There are usually signs of someone is a Poe, but these examples are what literalists believe. Also, if one truly is a literalist, then they wouldn't strut about making a name for themselves. It is also problematic for being a supervisor, to have ones name tied to marital rape apologists.
its incomplete. the wife's body is owned by her husband, same as the husband's body is owned by his wife...
What do you do if your wife denies you sex? Well, here's two things you can do. One is go to the bathroom and pull your wire. Two is tough shit and just go to bed.
lmao! thats why his ass is anonymous! lol
And they wonder why some women chose not to marry.
the closest thing the bible says about a husband owning his wife is " So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. "
that's not even close to how disgusting this person describes it...
what is bad, is that he is wrong, the husbands body also belongs to the wife according to the new testament. And that is twisted. What of the old testament laws. not property.this guy is horrible. and definitely not Christian.
Mechell Turner If you're referring to the passage in Corinthians where it says they belong to each other, it's simply advocating that you sleep together often enough that neither of you lust for another. It's about fidelity. Not the power dynamic between the husband and wife.
Why would anyone want to have sex with someone that is not in the mood ? It's not going to be satisfying for either of you. Just take matters into your own hands and be done with it. Foreplay does not consist of 15 minutes of begging.
This guy is so delusional that I can't take him seriously.
My mom is a retired MINISTER and she believes in evolution and believes most of the bible is filled with parables doesn't take a lot of it literally. So not every christian is the stereotype of the right-wing crazy person.
beilmandulin Yeah, no shit. Nobody thinks they are.
ellensarah So are you. Take your own advice.
Name Display
lol, no I'm not 😅
Maybe so but the thing is this stuff is in the Bible so technically whoever wrote this is being more true to the teachings and your mum
Ellie M. Well it's not me but my mom so I would have to ask her to be more specific.
"And women can have sex slaves too. Oh wait, no they can't."=gold. I love Ana Kasparian
Actually, in the New Testament, there is Scripture that says that the wife's body belongs to her husband, but also, THE MAN'S BODY BELONGS TO HIS WIFE!!! And the husband is to love his wife as he loves himself and as Christ loves His church. So, it goes both ways. Another interesting thing: There is no Scripture that states that the wife must love her husband; however, people in general are to love one another and treat others as one would want to be treated.
Here’s a Biblical response; “Let my people go!”
On behalf of the sane Christians, I’m sorry.
lpscupkam As a sane Christian, you don't need to apologize. We don't claim this guy.
Kimberly King 😂😂
If your husband or wife does not want to sleep with you, just get a divorce. Sex is an important a healthy aspect of any relationship. You do not have the right to sleep with someone just because you're with them. Why even stay in a relationship, where your significant other has to interest in being intimate with you, or you have no interest in being intimate with them? Being alone sucks, but being in a love less, sexless relationship, isn't a better option.
oh yes sign me up for this Stone Age stuff, says no sane modern woman
If you marry a female, sex will decrease on average to the point where you are basically having the same amount of sex before had a girlfriend, which is never.
Marriage is more than sex.
marry a man then
Yeah, the man owns the womans body....but no one ever says the other part of the line.......... THE WOMAN OWNS THE MANS BODY ALSO!
So, basically you trade but neither would hold BOTH bodies.
Sometimes Turks you get it right, but you won't listen either.
jamie Allen1977 The person that wrote this left it out, not them.
My late husband should have joined that congregation, he'd have fit right in.
oo the shade
No means no! No matter of gender, partnershio, marriage or religion. End of story, nothing to discuss
my body belongs to my waifu
***** Mama June detected.
RandomU5erName you mean your crusty pillow?
the bible is the thing of the past, people need to move on and look towards the future, with science.
Please don’t think this is all Christians 🤦🏽♀️ just because someone that is ‘christian’ says something is Christian doesn’t mean it is.
Actually animals are not "property", they are adopted children at best and chosen friends/companions at worse
I call my cat "My 4 legged daughter"
Ah, the fur kids.
You may feel like that, but legally, they are your property. Sadly.
Relative term of responsibility for what the animal might do depending on state and local laws (you can be held responsible for an attack on a person or property damage by animal)
Some actually say "guardian" rather then "owner" in the laws and it is illegal to mistreat, torture, harm, or kill animals even if they are yours because of Animal cruelty laws in a lot of places
so does the husband's body belong to the wife?
Yes, it does read 1 Corinthians chapter 7!!!
This is not what I believe as a Christian.
Atheist MRAs confused right now
Well i don't know about atheists, but those sad babydicked MRA cunts are always hopelessly confused.
Big T. Larrity Doesn't sound like you know much about either.
Pythagoras211 Pro-women and anti-theism?... CAN NOT COMPUTE....
PaleVoyager nope, that's you pal. Atheists have no inherent association with these self-victimizing shitsticks, given that most atheists tend to be liberal, we don't usually support pathetic rightwing causes like "stopping the persecution of the white male". Fucking degenerates
Big T. Larrity urgh...that was satire.i was making fun of the Atheist MRAs GENIUS!!!:P. i agree with you.
also for anyone who says MRA's are any better than these assholes...
"The concept of marital rape is any oxymoron.Marriage is a license for sex"
people belong to themselves, always
As a Christian woman, I have full right to deny my body to a man. My body is a temple unto the Holy Spirit. How dare a man try to vandalize it when it is not open to him.
haha send this video to your wife. that will make for some interesting conversations tonight
Where is Lorena Bobbit when you need her?
If I’m simply “not in the mood”, I won’t deny my husband sex. That’s because I know that even if I don’t care, I’ll usually get into it pretty quickly and also because when I am denied sex it hurts my feelings and I don’t want that to happen to my husband. That being said, that is MY CHOICE. I choose to do that and if I ever withdraw my consent then my husband would honor that(and vise versa) I also recognize that I have a relatively high libido, so while that works for me it won’t for others. It’s all about choice and that is what makes all the difference. Take that away and you have rape. Period.
Where in the Bible it say that the wife mustnt deny her body to her husband?
Monique-Gail Samuels It’s prob around the same part of the bible that tells you how to punish your wife and your slaves, i’m serious about this too , it’s all in there. As a former Christian now Agnostic due to the conflicting crap i read in the Bible
Monique-Gail Samuels I think in Leviticus, maybe? That's one of the more screwed up books in the bible.
The book of timothy
I told myself never to comment unless it has something to do with the topic of discussion in the video but Anna, you might want to either a) tan yourself from the neck down or b) use a body foundation on your neck and chest because the foundation you use on your face is a completely different color than your neck and chest.
ily ana but heed this advice
***** stop harassing Ana you god damn misogynist
***** I am not even a woman and this was driving my crazy for the past 2 days.
You could always be an atheist. Works well for me. 👍
Trying to remember which book of the bible spoke about oral and lubricants.
Scott Forman 😂😅😅😅
Definition of rape: having sex with someone when they don't want to have sex with you.
Wife not being in the mood = not wanting to have sex with you
You having sex regardless = rape.
Simple logic here, but clearly there is more nuance to the issue. But clearly if someone says no to sex and you make them do it anyways then there's a huge issue
According the the Bible, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is three.
I want to see holy rollers trying to skate on those wheels.
Why don't you talk about how Muslims subjocate their women TYT? You know, something that is an actual problem instead of covering some loon Christian who wrote a blog. Oh i know. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with shmuslim shmapologist.
they have many times why do you even watch this channel if you dislike them. Are you on here everyday or something?
You are correct...
The Moral Crusader They have, moron.
The Moral Crusader LOL secular talk did covered the same story....
The Moral Crusader Dude, your whining is hurting my ears.