  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

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  • @mariserobillard601
    @mariserobillard601 2 месяца назад


  • @mariserobillard601
    @mariserobillard601 2 месяца назад


  • @LhingneoTouthang-f8l
    @LhingneoTouthang-f8l 2 месяца назад

    God almighty always be with US, Trump

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    A Prayer for America:
    Dear Heavenly Jesus our Messiah God;
    We thank you for the years of prosperity that you have granted to the world by the gift of Your Spirit, for all are endowed with conscience to understand Your ways of truth and life. May the Lord bless those who have suffered under the yoke of tyranny, and who have lost their family in strife, may they find forgiveness of sin, and may the light of the Gospel message of hope flood their minds with Godly wisdom, for You are a Lord of righteous who will not lead the people astray.
    May the just acts of the men and women in service be remembered this day and hour where we have joined together under one hope that America will not fail in their faith, nor in shame, for the love of the Father is with them who have been persecuted day and night for defending the Lord's faith, and His name. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, because the men and women fought for righteousness sake against a powerful enemy that sought to rule the world by force. Let all the world bare witness of the salvation of the Lamb who has blessed the United States with a declaration of liberty, and of humility, for it is the will of God that all should acknowledge one another as equals for the sake of liberty, and human freedom thereby.
    May the people who have gathered together under one hope know with assurance from above that God is a deliverer of the meek, and He alone will make a way for those who search diligently the word of God who has paved the way for life and salvation by the proclamation of the Gospel message of hope, which He has prepared for those who lean unto the law of love for their neighbor's sake, for the Lord is not a kinsman unto hatred, but unto love instead. God in Heaven has set apart the weak from the strong in order that their glory should be seen from their suffering for others, for the strength of the Spirit is not according to the flesh, but according to love. So may faith in love abound for those who search diligently the word of the Lamb for the Lord alone is their peace, and their restitution of Spirit. May God bless America as they venture into a future based on human rights and equality, that all may know that God in Heaven has set apart the United States as a symbol of hope, and of glory. Amen

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    The Final Proof of Creation:
    A digitally orientated electrical matrix, is any system with two or more electrical interactions in place that are reliant on a typical sequence, simply because a typical sequence is in a numerical order. In electrical engineering, any numerical or digital sequence that is specific in relation to other sequences, whether two or more, will be defined as an integrated network with a designated function on the basis that the system is integrated. Thus, atoms were created on the basis of a digital or electrical matrix whereby an atomic sequence is governed by a procedure, or numerical sequence, that has been numerically ordered in order for all of the interactions to specific in relation to one another, which is in accordance with the law of relativity whereby everything is relative.
    Atomic sequencing, in nuclear physics, is the rhythm at which an atom will vibrate most, which is governed by the electrons that surround an atom's core. Atoms are also in tune with them self due to an electromagnetic polarity that not only allows for the electrons to orbit the core of an atom, but also, the magnetic polarity of an atom allows for the atom's rhythm to be tune, as well as perpetual. Thus, atoms were created on the basis of an algorithm, which is any sequence that forms a numerical procedure, such as a rhythm in tune, because a rhythm is governed by a sequence, while tuning allows for calibration in order to achieve a desired effect. And atoms are indeed tuned or they would not bond, while a rhythm, or atomic sequence, is also required, otherwise, the atom's electrons would annihilate with each other whilst orbiting the atom's core.
    This means that any system which relies on a typical sequence in order to perform a primary function will be defined as specific, and therefore, designed or designated. The ordered complexity of a typical system is relative to a method at all times, whereby rules have been taken into account in order to generate the specifics needed, which then forms the parameters that sets limitations upon the system in terms of random fluctuations. Thus, a random event cannot occur unless there is a system in place first that is operating according to plan, otherwise, there would be nothing to define that which is orderly in terms of a procedure.
    A natural, or normal, process, is simply the normal workings of a system in place whereby a set of specifics have been generated in order for a procedure to occur by the application of a method. A natural, or normal process, can only occur when the process is working according to plan, because unless a process is governed by a procedure then the process is entirely random. While it is a principle in physics that anything random will decline into randomness perpetually unless a method is applied, which then defines the process as a procedure due to the application of a method. This means that the universe was created, because the process of thermodynamic entropy occurs as a countdown, or numerical procedure, as from a state of decline from ordered complexity into disordered complexity, which is in accordance with the law of probability where all things tend toward disorder from a maximum state of order.
    Definition of (system) by Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
    A system is a group of interacting or interrelated elements that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and is expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of study of systems theory and other systems sciences.
    Definitions from Oxford Languages
    a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
    a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    *Christianity and the Common Law:
    The history of the English common law, from which, the American, Australian and other common law jurisdictions originated, owes much to the influence of Christianity in its origins and development. It is indeed not possible to grasp the full development of the common law without first exploring its profound religious dimensions, and its motivating faith. Until at least the early 19th century, the common law was heavily influenced by Christian theology. This theology holds that there is a natural or divine reason for the existence of basic laws, and that these laws stand above human legislation, thus reflecting universal and unchangeable principles according, too which, everyone ought to live. - Source: The American Law Registry - Christianity and the Common Law. (Documented May, 1890).

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    “They (the founding fathers) were intent upon establishing a Christian Commonwealth in accordance with the principles of self-government. They were an inspired body of men. It has been said that God sifted the nations that He might send choice grain into the wilderness. Who can fail to see it in the hand of destiny? Who can doubt that it has been guided by a divine providence?” - Calvin Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge was an American attorney and politician who served as the 30th President of the United States from 1923 - 1929. Source: Presidential Speech titled - The Destiny of America. (Documented on Memorial Day, May 26, 1923).
    *What is Commonwealth Theology?
    Commonwealth Theology describes itself as a consolidation of mainstream Christian theologies that better conforms the relationship between the Christian Church and today’s Israel to the relationship prophesied in the Old Testament and confirmed by the writings of the Apostolic Age Church. - Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia (Commonwealth Theology).

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    A Testament to the Faith:
    Dear Father Jesus our Messiah God;
    Thou art gracious Father unto all the world. For You Father God did create the Heavens and the Earth, and have set the stars in their place by their names in accordance with the word of Your Lord. Let us praise you Father God in the name You have given us by which all may be saved and come to You for deliverance from darkness and oppression. For by Your word You have established the promise given to all. For by Your word everything has been established by Thy faith.
    Lord, Almighty God;
    We have our minds in fear, but our hearts have been opened by Thy grace, for Thy work is finished. In the arms of Your word Lord Jesus we are safe and eternal in You, for Your word has filled all the world, from the Heavens You have declared in faith, and have set the pathways of the Heavens that none! may reproach Thy throne, and have taken the oppressed as Thy servants and children alike. For Thou art mighty to deliver and ready to receive unto Thee that which is Thee for Thy words sake, and by the merit You have put on faith that we can receive You Lord Father God by faith alone in Your Word. We praise You Heavenly Father for Thy Word. In You alone we are forever safe. We thank You Lord Jesus. Amen

  • @user-249-u1m
    @user-249-u1m 2 месяца назад

    What are three creation principles, and why are they irrefutable?
    Firstly, according to the creation principle under a common law system, a living person is defined as distinct from the animals on the basis that each human being has been endowed with conscience from birth by their Creator for the purpose of human rights and equality, and the correct interpretation of inalienable; meaning a birthright or natural right. If inalienable rights have derived from nature, then man is thereby the property of the State, because both nature, and the animals, are legally defined as property, which forms the basis for human slavery. But if inalienable rights derive from the Creator, then man is thereby independent of the State in terms of ownership, and is therefore, sovereign. Thus, the inalienability of human rights and equality is entirely dependent upon the Creator, who is both spirit and conscience. The evidence that mankind has been endowed with spirit and with conscience, is entirely due to the nature of morality, which also pertains to judgement on the basis that morality distinguishes between what is good, and what is evil. And it is a fundamental principle in law that morality must exist, because a moral obligation implies that you are bound by your word or oath before the law, which is the instrument of investigation within the courts of justice. And morality is also universal, rather than personal, otherwise, there would be no universal definition for corruption or unethical conduct.
    Secondly, according to the creation principle in linguistics, anything which exists must have a purpose in order to have any meaning or designated function within the system. The word, purpose, also shares its definition with the word, motive, so that anyone who wishes to argue that life and the universe has no purpose or meaning, is thereby applying an ulterior motive in order to try and refute creation and the Creator, when the Creator cannot be refuted by applying a creation principle in turn, because that would be self-refuting by definition of the words, purpose and defeated. So, for this reason, I have selected the world's foremost dictionary on the English language, such as the Oxford English dictionary, in order to define the creation principle of purpose. If life and the universe were without purpose, then life would be without meaning, which cannot be justified by human logic without defining your own life, and your argument, as meaningless in turn, which forms the philosophical premise for nihilism or radical atheism.
    And thirdly, according to the creation principle in physics and systems theory, a natural process is simply the normal workings of a system in place. So, in order for a normal process to occur, then there needs to be a system in place first that is operating according to plan, only then can something abnormal occur by reason of the fact that something normal was occurring to begin with, which is self-explanatory. Thus, the ordered complexity of the universe could not have derived at random over time from disordered complexity, otherwise, there would be nothing to define that which is orderly in terms of a system or cycle, because ordered complexity derives from taking rules into account, which in turn, gives rise to a procedure. So, in order for a procedure to occur that is orderly, and therefore, predictable, then a method is required first, which is why a system is defined as a method due to the presence of a procedure.
    What is freedom of conscience clause in law?
    All persons have the right to think freely, and to entertain ideas and hold positions based on conscientious or religious or other beliefs. Subject to certain limitations, persons also have the right to demonstrate or manifest religious or other beliefs, by way of worship, observance, practice and teaching. - United States Attorney General's Department.
    Definitions from Oxford Languages
    a person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.
    Similar: moral sense
    Definitions from Oxford Languages
    the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
    Similar: motive
    *Definition of Nihilism:
    Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. - Source: The Online Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Definitions from Oxford Languages
    a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
    Similar: order
    a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.
    Similar: method